Filosofi: æstetik

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  • af – Plato
    Fra 38,99 kr.

    Socrates questions Ion, an actor who just won a major prize, about his ability to interpret the epic poetry of Homer. How does an actor, a poet, or any other artist create? Is it by knowing? Is it by inspiration? As the dialogue proceeds, the nature of human creativity emerges as a mysterious process and an unsolved puzzle. Plato lived in Athens, Greece. He wrote approximately two-dozen dialogues that explore core topics that are essential to all human beings. Although the historical Socrates was a strong influence on Plato, the character by that name that appears in many of his dialogues is a product of Plato’s fertile imagination. All of Plato’s dialogues are written in a poetic form that his student Aristotle called "Socratic dialogue." In the twentieth century, the British philosopher and logician Alfred North Whitehead characterized the entire European philosophical tradition as "a series of footnotes to Plato." Philosophy for Plato was not a set of doctrines but a goal — not the possession of wisdom but the love of wisdom. Agora Publications offers these performances based on the assumption that Plato wrote these works to be performed by actors in order to stimulate additional dialogue among those who listen to them.

  • af Albert A. Anderson
    Fra 66,99 kr.

    Art is the creative manifestation of essences. In order to understand the relation between art and reality, we need a philosophical guide. The best way to comprehend how the creative act of imagining enables the mind to seek reality is to employ the kind of dialectical thinking that Plato used in his dialogues. Beginning with the shadows on the wall of the cave in which each person dwells, that process gradually enables us to grasp the essences that are manifested in individual works of art. Without a philosophical guide, we are likely to encounter only a blur of images in the visual arts, a cacophony of sounds in music, a whirl of activity in the theater, and chaos in the building of cities. It is too much to expect a set of final answers to any serious question about what is true, good, or beautiful. If we abandon the quest for reality, we settle for too little. Plato’s dialectical approach offers a path between Scylla and Charybdis.Albert A. Anderson, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Babson College in Massachusetts, where he held an endowed chair as Murata Professor of Ethics from 1995 to 2003. He has also held tenured faculty appointments in philosophy at Clark University and Albion College and full-time positions at Bates College and Rhode Island School of Design. He was a founding member of the International Society for Universal Dialogue serving as its president from 1996-2001. He joined Edward Casey in translating from French "The Phenomenology of Aesthetic Experience" by Mikel Dufrenne (Northwestern University Press). He is president of Agora Publications, Inc., which specializes in translating, adapting, and performing classical philosophical texts.

  • af – Plato
    42,99 kr.

    Hippias of Elis travels throughout the Greek world practicing and teaching the art of making beautiful speeches. On a rare visit to Athens, he meets Socrates who questions him about the nature of his art. Socrates is especially curious about how Hippias would define beauty. They agree that "beauty makes all beautiful things beautiful," but when Socrates presses him to say precisely what he means, Hippias is unable to deliver such a definition. The more Socrates probes, the more absurd the responses from Hippias become. This is one of Plato’s best comedies and one of his finest efforts at posing the philosophical problem of the difference between particular things and universal qualities.Plato lived in Athens, Greece. He wrote approximately two-dozen dialogues that explore core topics that are essential to all human beings. Although the historical Socrates was a strong influence on Plato, the character by that name that appears in many of his dialogues is a product of Plato’s fertile imagination. All of Plato’s dialogues are written in a poetic form that his student Aristotle called "Socratic dialogue." In the twentieth century, the British philosopher and logician Alfred North Whitehead characterized the entire European philosophical tradition as "a series of footnotes to Plato." Philosophy for Plato was not a set of doctrines but a goal — not the possession of wisdom but the love of wisdom. Agora Publications offers these performances based on the assumption that Plato wrote these works to be performed by actors in order to stimulate additional dialogue among those who listen to them.

  • af – Plato
    Fra 42,99 kr.

    The dramatic nature of Plato’s dialogues is delightfully evident in the "Symposium." The marriage between character and thought bursts forth as the guests gather at Agathon’s house to celebrate the success of his first tragedy. With wit and insight, they each present their ideas about love — from Erixymachus’s scientific naturalism to Aristophanes’ comic fantasy. The unexpected arrival of Alcibiades breaks the spell cast by Diotima’s ethereal climb up the staircase of love to beauty itself. Ecstasy and intoxication clash as Plato concludes with one of his most skillful displays of dialectic.Plato lived in Athens, Greece. He wrote approximately two-dozen dialogues that explore core topics that are essential to all human beings. Although the historical Socrates was a strong influence on Plato, the character by that name that appears in many of his dialogues is a product of Plato’s fertile imagination. All of Plato’s dialogues are written in a poetic form that his student Aristotle called "Socratic dialogue." In the twentieth century, the British philosopher and logician Alfred North Whitehead characterized the entire European philosophical tradition as "a series of footnotes to Plato." Philosophy for Plato was not a set of doctrines but a goal — not the possession of wisdom but the love of wisdom. Agora Publications offers these performances based on the assumption that Plato wrote these works to be performed by actors in order to stimulate additional dialogue among those who listen to them.

  • af – Plato
    Fra 42,99 kr.

    Plato’s dialogues frequently cover several topics and show their connection to each other. The "Phaedrus" is a model of that skill because of its seamless progression from examples of speeches about the nature of love to mythical visions of human nature and destiny to the essence of beauty and, finally, to a penetrating discussion of speaking and writing. It ends with an examination of the love of wisdom as a dialectical activity in the human mind.Plato lived in Athens, Greece. He wrote approximately two-dozen dialogues that explore core topics that are essential to all human beings. Although the historical Socrates was a strong influence on Plato, the character by that name that appears in many of his dialogues is a product of Plato’s fertile imagination. All of Plato’s dialogues are written in a poetic form that his student Aristotle called "Socratic dialogue." In the twentieth century, the British philosopher and logician Alfred North Whitehead characterized the entire European philosophical tradition as "a series of footnotes to Plato." Philosophy for Plato was not a set of doctrines but a goal — not the possession of wisdom but the love of wisdom. Agora Publications offers these performances based on the assumption that Plato wrote these works to be performed by actors in order to stimulate additional dialogue among those who listen to them.

  • af Georg Brandes
    79,00 kr.

    Hippolyte Adolphe Taine (1828-1893) var en af de største historikere og kritikere i 1800-tallets Frankrig, og han var hovedkraften inden for den franske naturalisme. Den store danske litteraturkritiker Georg Brandes fortæller om Hippolyte Taine og hans enorme indflydelse på kulturen og æstetikken både inden for og uden for Frankrigs grænser. Bogen giver et spændende indblik i den store mands tanker og teorier.Georg Brandes (1842-1927) er den mest indflydelsesrige litteraturkritiker og –teoretiker i dansk litteraturhistorie. Det var netop Georg Brandes, der definerede de litterære genrer realisme og naturalisme op imod senromantikken, som han så som virkelighedsfjern og præget af tom æstetik. Georg Brandes er den vigtigste teoretiker bag det moderne gennembrud.

    69,00 kr.

    Søren Kierkegaards "Forførerens dagbog" er oprindeligt en del af værket "Enten – Eller" fra 1843, hvor den indgår som afslutning på bogens første del. Den unge, narcissistiske Johannes, skriver i en romanlignende dagbogs- og brevform om mødet med den skønne Cordelia, som han ved hjælp af intellekt og intriger gør til genstand for sin forførelseskunst. "Forførerens dagbog" bliver brugt som eksempel på den æstetiske livspraksis, som ifølge Kierkegaard står i modsætning til det etiske valg, og forskellen mellem æstetik og etik bliver på et højere plan gjort til forskellen på godt og ondt.Bogen er skrevet i og med samtidens sprog og retskrivning.Den danske teolog og filosof Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) er kendt verden over som ophavsmand til eksistentialismen og regnes som en af de vigtigste figurer i den danske guldalder. Han var fra 1840-41 forlovet med den ni år yngre Regine Olsen, og hun kom til at spille en stor rolle i og for det senere forfatterskab, som påbegyndtes i 1843 med "Enten – Eller". Kierkegaard skrev adskillige af sine værker under pseudonym – ikke fordi han ønskede at være anonym, men for på den måde at kunne lade forfatterskabets teologiske, filosofiske og psykologiske temaer spille dialektisk op mod hinanden.

  • af Niels Egebak
    69,00 kr.

    "Galskabens metoder" er en undersøgelse af sprogfilosofien og psykoanalysens forhold til digtning, billede og skrift. Niels Egebak tager udgangspunkt i nogle af de største franske kulturfilosoffer og psykoanalytikere som Roland Barths, Derrida, Merleau-Ponty, Foucault, Bataille og Lacan.Den danske litteraturforsker og -kritiker Niels Egebak (1930-2009) var i en lang årrække docent ved Nordisk Institut på Aarhus Universitet. I løbet af sin karriere udgav han et væld af bøger om litteratur, kulturhistorie og -teori og psykoanalyse.

  • af Thomas Schärtl
    Fra 51,99 kr.

    Von außen betrachtet wirkt Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889–1951) wie ein Logiker auf Ab- und Umwegen – wie jemand, der das formale Instrumentarium seiner Zunft nach einiger Zeit aus der Hand gelegt hat, um über den Sinn seiner Instrumente, ja generell über den Sinn seines Tuns nachzudenken. Wittgensteins Werk ist fragmentarisch geblieben, es wirkt unübersichtlich, aber in sich doch wohl durchdacht. Es ist voller Sprünge und Brüche, aber nicht ohne einen fein gewebten Zusammenhang. Auch die großen Säulen dieses Werkes – datiert nach Entstehungszeit als Früh- und Spätwerk – werden von einem großen Grundthema zusammengehalten: der Sehnsucht nach Klarheit der Sprache, Reinheit der Argumente, Ungetrübtheit der Verständigung. Das ist die Melodie im Denken Wittgensteins. Gegenstand dieses Denkens ist die Sprache, die mit ihren „Verhexungen" für die Klarheit des Denkens Hindernis und Angriffsfläche zugleich ist. Das vorliegende Hörbuch will in die Biographie, die Themen, aber vor allem in den denkerischen Stil Wittgensteins einführen und dazu ermuntern, diesem Denkstil auch dort nachzugehen, wo Wittgenstein selbst keine Pfade mehr ausgesteckt hat.

  • af F.J. Billeskov Jansen
    69,00 kr.

    Op mod 1950 indledte F.J. Billeskov Jansen et ikke-litteraturvidenskabeligt forfatterskab, idet han i essays og kronikker ikke blot drøftede sit fag, men også emner af psykologisk og almen livsfilosofisk art. Det er bogen her et eksempel herpå.Indhold: Den rene Sorg; Dyden; Presence of mind; Tidehverv; Hørespil og Skuespil; Hvorfor lever et Digterværk videre?; Om Taknemmeligehed; Inderlighed og Klarhed.F. J. Billeskov Jansen, Frederik Julius Billeskov Jansen, 1907-2002, professor i dansk litteratur ved Københavns Universitet og prisbelønnet litteraturforsker, stærkt inspireret af strukturalismen. Hans litteraturformidling, var præget af antagelsen om, at litteratur er en æstetisk disciplin i sig selv, og derfor ikke alene skal anskues biografisk, som der havde været tradition for. Billeskov Jansens arbejder kan i denne optik ses som en forløber for den angelsaksiske nykritik. Senere åbnede han op for en mere idehistorisk tilgang til litteraturen. De fleste af Billeskov Jansens studier fokuserer på det danske 1700-tals litteratur. Billeskov Jansen stiftede tidsskriftet Orbis litterarum, og var fra 1967 medlem af Det Danske Akademi.

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    129,00 kr.

    "Om at skrive" er en samling refleksioner over skrivekunsten af en af de største amerikanske forfattere.Bogen består af Hemingways tanker om forfatterens væsen og rummer målrettede og brugbare råd til andre forfattere om det håndværk, som skrivekunsten er, om arbejdsvaner og selvdisciplin, og Hemingways personlighed gennemstråler det hele med en ophøjet visdom, en humor, en indsigt og et tindrende vid.Hemingway holdt hele livet stædigt fast ved troen på, at det betyder ulykke at tale om at skrive og at vise det, man skriver, til andre. På trods af denne overtro havde han ved slutningen af sit liv gjort netop det, som han svor, at han ikke ville gøre: I sine romaner og noveller, i sine breve til redaktører, venner, andre kunstnere og kritikere, i interviews og i diverse bestillingsarbejder omkring emnet, fik Hemingway skrevet om at skrive ret så ofte. Og han skrev lige så godt og lige så skarpsindigt om dette emne, som nogen anden forfatter, der har levet.