Humoristiske romaner

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  • af Luigi Pirandello
    148,99 kr.

    "I vecchi e i giovani" rappresenta, per Pirandello, la ricostruzione storica delle grandi convulsioni sociali della sua epoca, lette attraverso il prisma dei vari punti di vista individuali e, soprattutto, dell’eterna dialettica vecchi-giovani. Ciascun personaggio – sia esso il reazionario principe don Ippolito di Colimbetra, o il garibaldino Roberto Auriti, o ancora un esponente della moderna borghesia imprenditoriale, come Flaminio Salvo – si lega a filo doppio alla potente dinastia dei Laurentano di Girgenti, sullo sfondo della tragica esperienza dei fasci siciliani e della loro dura repressione nel 1893. Un romanzo essenziale, che racconta tre grandi temi della modernità: il Risorgimento, l’Unità e il Socialismo.Luigi Pirandello (1867-1936) è stato uno dei maggiori scrittori e drammaturghi del XX secolo. Nativo di Agrigento, resterà sempre molto legato alla sua Sicilia, di cui descriverà virtù e contraddizioni con un piglio umoristico straordinario. Autore di molti capolavori della letteratura e del teatro italiani, fra cui "Il fu Mattia Pascal"e "Sei personaggi in cerca d’autore", sarà insignito del Premio Nobel nel 1934.

  • af Carlo Linati
    73,99 kr.

    Ritiratosi in un lungo ozio creativo, assorbito dai suoi amati studi di anglistica e dalla collaborazione col Touring Club Italiano (rinominato, sotto la spinta ultranazionalista del regime, "Consociazione Turistica Italiana"), Carlo Linati ha vissuto i suoi ultimi anni tenendosi ben lontano dalla società, ai suoi occhi ormai precipitata nella follia. È in questa fase della sua opera – coeva al disincanto espresso in "Decadenza del vizio e altri pretesti" – che si colloca dunque "Arrivi" (1944): una preziosa raccolta di racconti, impressioni e lucide considerazioni che Linati fa sfoggiando un umorismo irresistibile, che a tratti ricorda quella stessa letteratura inglese di cui egli fu un sensibilissimo traduttore e critico.Carlo Linati (1878-1949) nasce a Como da una famiglia originaria di Gravedona. Laureatosi in legge all’Università di Parma (1906), esercita brevemente la professione di avvocato a Milano. In quegli stessi anni inizia ad ottenere un certo successo anche come scrittore, dapprima con la stesura di racconti e romanzi allegorici, poi, soprattutto, con i suoi celebri resoconti di viaggio: collaborando col Touring Club Italiano, Linati girerà infatti l’Europa con i più svariati mezzi, pubblicando vari reportage sulle principali testate italiane. Estremamente legato alla sua terra – celebrata in romanzi come, ad esempio, "Cantalupa" – Linati si distingue anche come brillante traduttore di James Joyce, con cui intrattenne un lungo rapporto di amicizia.

  • af Keris Stainton
    102,99 kr.

    ‘I absolutely loved this book! I was laughing out loud at certain scenes and when I tried to go to bed I ended up giggling myself into a fit thinking about them. Absolutely amazing... A delightful, HILARIOUS book.’ Goodreads Reviewer, 5 starsCat’s life has hit a brick wall. Since her ex ditched her without ceremony five years ago she’s quit stand-up comedy, landed in a steady but dull job, and lives in a tiny flat with roommates she knows only as The One Who Eats All My Food and The One Who Has Really Loud Sex.So when she bumps into old friend Harvey and sparks fly, Cat is surprised – and horrified, because Harvey is her ex’s brother, and so absolutely, 100% off-limits romantically. Even if his dimples do make her insides fizz...When she’s offered a new job abroad, Cat is tempted to accept – and leave her depressing flat and mess of a love life behind her. But will running away from her problems really solve them?A hilarious rom com about falling in love, falling out of love, and finding out who you really are. Fans of Jenny Colgan, Marian Keyes and Mhairi McFarlane will love Keris Stainton!Read what everyone is saying about The One Who's Not the One:‘A fabulous feel-good read... This book had me in tears, both happy and sad ones in equal doses! It had me hooked from the first page and it certainly had me laughing out loud unashamedly!’ Stardust Book Reviews‘I absolutely adored this book from start to finish. All the characters were so lovable and the story was lovely and totally laugh-out-loud funny... I love funny and heartwarming love stories so this ticked all my boxes.’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars‘I couldn’t put it down. It’s funny, engaging and thoroughly relatable. I really enjoyed it. It’s got some genuinely laugh-out-loud moments while being full of real heart as well. Loved it!’ Bibliophile Book Club.Over 34,000 copies soldKeris lives in Lancashire with her husband and two sons. She’s written a bunch of books for young adults and children, and is obsessed with Twitter, tea, and 1D.

  • af Frances Mensah Williams
    129,99 kr.

    Faye Bonsu seems to have it all: a drop-dead gorgeous and successful boyfriend, a bourgeoning career as an interior designer and a rent-free mansion in leafy Hampstead to call home. But with all her friends shifting into yummy-mummy mode, a man who seems to have no desire to put a ring on it, tricky clients, and a very attractive and single boss, things are not quite as simple as they might appear.Hoping to escape from her suddenly complicated life and revive her wilting romance, Faye returns to sunny Ghana for what she hopes will be the time of her life. But life doesn't always offer second chances and when disaster strikes, she is forced to confront the biggest question of her life and to make a choice that comes with consequences she will have to live with forever.Perfect for fans of Talia Hibbert, Joya Goffney and Farrah Rochon.Frances Mensah Williams was born in Ghana, but spent her early childhood in the USA, Austria and Ghana before settling in the UK. Her first novel 'From Pasta to Pigfoot' was published in 2015 and was selected by WH Smith Travel as one of the top 25 best summer reads. Williams has also written extensively about the benefits of harnessing the talents of the African diaspora to accelerate Africa’s development. In 2020, she was awarded a CBE by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II for her services to the African community in the UK and in Africa.

  • af Lisa Hobman
    102,99 kr.

    Meet Zara Bailey, a travel writer paid to cover some of the globe's most luxurious locations. Jetting from wooden huts on stilts in turquoise seas to boutique hotels with roaring fires to 7* penthouse suites with panoramic views of the world's most glamorous cities... Zara knows hers is the definition of a dream job!So she is seriously shocked to receive her next assignment; Scotland's Northcoast 500 route. By bicycle. Sleeping in a tent so basic it can't remotely be dressed up glamping!But this could be just the distraction the recently heartbroken Zara needs. No men, no romance, just the breathtakingly rugged Highland scenery. Until she meets croft owner Lachlan Grant, and his black and white Border Collie Bess, that is...Praise for Lisa Hobman:'Lisa Hobman has written a sparkling, enchanting romantic comedy, all in the bonniest of settings – I loved it' Lulu Taylor, "Sunday Times" bestselling author. The stunning new story from the bestselling author of "What Becomes of the Broken Hearted". Perfect for fans of Lucy Diamond, Sarah Morgan and Holly Martin.'Heartwarming and uplifting' Heidi Swain.'This is a story to fall in love with, a triumph of love over loss, hope over heartache and ultimately a tale that will lift your spirits and leave you smiling at the end!' Faith Hogan.

  • af Raija-Sinikka Rantala
    58,99 kr.

    Miltä mennyt elämä näyttää vanhuuteen ehtineen silmin? Entä miten lapsi katsoo samaa maailmaa? Ihmisten tiet ovat täynnä omituisia mutkia, sotia ja sattumuksia, ja viulut on maksettava ennemmin tai myöhemmin. Tuskin kukaan selviää elämästä hengissä.Hirtehinen huumori sävyttää menneiden muistelua Raija-Sinikka Rantalan novellikokoelmassa, jonka vaihtuvat näkökulmahenkilöt valottavat ihmiselämän vaiheita koko katkeransuloisessa kirjossaan.Raija-Sinikka Rantala on kirjailija ja teatteriohjaaja, joka on toiminut teatterialan johtajana ja kouluttajana niin Suomessa kuin maailmallakin. Rantalalta on julkaistu useita kirjoja sekä näytelmiä, ja hän on myös dramatisoinut lukuisia teoksia näyttämölle.

  • af William Makepeace Thackeray
    163,99 kr.

    For fans of Bridgerton, this classical gossip novel follows the lives of Becky Sharp and Amelia Sedley as they deal with relationships with both friends and family.Set during the Napoleonic Wars, 'Vanity Fair' satires British society and how the upper classes worship money and social standing. Thackeray also explores illusion versus reality - are the affluent lives these people live really a normal reality for everyone?Known worldwide and sure to captivate you with its representation of 19th century high society in England, this classic will leave you questioning your own opinions of yourself and how you rank others' opinions of you.William Makepeace Thackeray was a British novelist, author and illustrator, best known for his satirical works, particularly his 1848 novel Vanity Fair which gave a panoramic portrait of British society.Born in British India in 1811, Thackeray was sent to England in 1815. He went to Cambridge University before leaving early to go travelling in Europe. When he turned 21, he got his inheritance from his father who died when he was only four but lost most of it due to gambling and the collapse of two Indian banks.In order to support himself, he turned to art, which he studied in Paris, but did not pursue fully; only using it in later years as the illustrator of some of his own novels and other writings. He died of a stroke in 1863.

  • af Moliere
    59,99 kr.

    In this witty and charming French play, the audience follows Madame Pernelle, whose self-importance leads her to leave her son Orgon's house because no one pays any attention to her. The only person who happens to meet her high expectations is Tartuffe.While Tartuffe's true character of being 'the Hypocrite' is slowly revealed to the audience, Madame Pernelle remains blissfully unaware of the fraud who exploits his victims by pretending to be pious.Madame Pernelle is on the point of leaving many times, but can't leave without having the last word and finds herself coming back to admonish or criticize one more person.Molière's ´Tartuffe, or The Hypocrite´ puts a satirical spin on religious hypocrisy and will delight fans of Shakespeare's ´The Taming of the Shrew´.Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, known by his stage name Molière, was a French playwright, actor, and poet. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest writers in the French language and world literature.Molière wrote comedies, farces, tragicomedies, and comédie-ballets. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed at the Comédie-Française more often than those of any other playwright today.He was born into a prosperous family and studied at the Collège de Clermont which made him well-suited for a life in the theatre. Molière spent thirteen years as an itinerant actor, which helped him polish his comedic abilities. While acting, he began writing, combining Commedia dell'arte elements with the more refined French comedy.

  • af Augusto M. Torres
    58,99 kr.

    Con un estilo ágil y ameno influenciado sin duda por su labor cinematográfica, Augusto M. Torres nos presenta una colección de quince cuentos que reflejan su mundo y su visión de la vida. Con un humor fino y vitriólico compuesto únicamente de diálogos, asistiremos a absurdas conversaciones amorosas, absurdas peleas en torno a tiendas de animales que esconden un anhelante deseo, padres que repasan la vida de sus hijos aún por nacer... una obra única que nadie debería perderse.Augusto M. Torres es un escritor y guionista español. Ha colaborado con profesionales como Rafael Azcona, Ricardo Franco o Iván Zulueta. Director de varias películas, también cultiva el ensayo y la narrativa, con una de las voces más peculiares de su generación.

  • af Tina Keller
    88,99 kr.

    Ein Bad Boss, eine schrille Familie und ein chaotischer Urlaub Maja braucht dringend Urlaub. Sie hat einen zwar unverschämt attraktiven, aber auch anstrengenden Chef, der ihr das Leben schwer macht. Maja hofft, dass sie sich eine Woche lang mit ihrer schrillen Familie bei einer Kreuzfahrt erholen kann. Ihr Entsetzen kennt keine Grenzen, als es an Bord einen Passagier gibt, mit dem sie nicht einmal in ihren schlimmsten Albträumen gerechnet hätte: ihren Bad Boss. Und es kommt noch schlimmer: Ihr Boss taucht überall dort auf, wo Maja auch ist. Er residiert in der Suite neben ihr und sitzt im Restaurant an ihrem Tisch. Es scheint kein Entkommen vor ihm zu geben. Das kann doch kein Zufall sein! Wer hat das eingefädelt? Er selbst etwa? Und warum? Maja kann jedoch nicht leugnen, dass sie sich von ihrem Chef immer stärker angezogen fühlt. Und bald entdeckt sie Seiten an ihm, die so "bad" gar nicht sind ...Die Autorin lebt mit ihrem leicht chaotischen Mann und zwei verliebten Kaninchen in Berlin und an der Ostsee. Nach der Zusammenarbeit mit einigen Verlagen startete sie 2015 als Self Publisherin und hat seitdem mehr als 50 Romane veröffentlicht. Ihre Bücher sind humorvoll, erotisch, tiefgründig und haben immer ein Happy End. Schreiben ist für sie ihr liebstes Hobby, bei dem sie sich von der anstrengenden Hausarbeit erholt, die sie nie so ganz in den Griff bekommt.

  • af Jennifer Schreiner
    36,99 kr.

    Auf der Verlobungsfeier ihrer Schwester läuft das Fass für die 28-jährige Studentin Anna endgültig über. Deutlicher kann man der liebenswerten Chaotin das makellose Leben ihrer perfekten Schwester kaum unter die Nase reiben – und dann ist da auch noch ihre kuppelwütige Mutter. Es reicht! Ein neues Leben muss her, oder nein, besser gleich drei! So kreiert die Fettnäpfchen-Queen Anna kurzerhand drei Alter Ego: eine Brünette, eine Blondine und eine Rothaarige. Eine für die Familie, eine für die Karriere und eine für sich selbst. Und als ob dies nicht schon verwirrend genug wäre, begegnet sie ausgerechnet jetzt Max – dem Mann ihrer Träume ...Im Ruhrgebiet geboren, lebt Jennifer Schreiner heute in Leipzig. Die studierte Literaturwissenschaftlerin hat bereits eine Vielzahl an Titeln in unterschiedlichen Genres veröffentlicht. 2010 machte sie sich mit ihrem Verlag „Elysion-Books" selbstständig.

  • af Ann Camones
    51,99 kr.

    Nadine Heidenreich liest diese herrlich durchgeknallte Geschichte über ein mutiges kleines Mädchen, die kein Auge trocken lässt.Erzi ist erst sieben Jahre alt und braucht dringend Geld. Mithilfe ihres Bruders steigt sie in das Erpressergeschäft ein und beginnt zunächst Gartenzwerge zu entführen. Als ihr Großvater seine Enkelin zu sich nach Berlin holt, muss sich Erzi in dortigen mafiaähnlichen Jugendgangs behaupten und plant den ultimativen Coup.Ann Camones wurde in Aachen geboren und ist eine deutsche Autorin. Sie studierte Politologie, Soziologie und Medienpädagogik. 1995 veröffentlichte sie den außergewöhnlichen Roman „Verbrechen lohnt sich doch!". Camones lebt und arbeitet in Berlin.

  • af Louis Couperus
    58,99 kr.

    We zijn in de 1ste eeuw na Christus. De schatrijke Romein Lucius lijdt aan liefdesverdriet, sinds de verdwijning van zijn geliefde slavin Ilia. Om zijn zinnen te verzetten reist hij naar Egypte, in het gezelschap van zijn oom Catullus (gek op lekker eten), de geleerde Thrasyllus (gek op reisgidsen), twee slaven en de gids Kaleb. Eerst logeren de toeristen een tijdje in Alexandrië, een bruisende metropool. Maar als ze daarna de Nijl afzakken, blijkt het hele land in verval. Memfis, Thebe, de piramiden, sfinxen, het Orakel van Ammon: alles staat op het punt in te storten en wordt alleen nog in leven gehouden voor het plezier van de toerist. "Antiek toerisme" is een lichtvoetige avonturenroman met veel knipoogjes naar het hedendaagse toerisme.Louis Couperus (1863-1923) was een Nederlands romanschrijver, columnist en dichter. Hij is de auteur van verschillende onverwoestbare klassiekers: "Eline Vere" (een bestseller bij verschijnen), "Van oude menschen, de dingen, die voorbij gaan..." (verfilmd), "De stille kracht"... Hij woonde o.m. in Frankrijk en Italië en reisde de wereld rond. Of zijn romans zich nu afspelen in Den Haag of Djakarta, het heden of het oude Rome, het noodlot speelt altijd een grote rol. Couperus schreef in een meeslepende, emotionele stijl. Zijn verzameld werk bestrijkt vijftig boekdelen.

  • af Carlo Righetti
    40,99 kr.

    A lungo ritenuta una semplice parodia de "I Promessi sposi", "Gli sposi non promessi. Parafrasi a contrapposti dei Promessi sposi" di Cletto Arrighi si presenta come strumento di una polemica avente come oggetto aspetti culturali, politici, religiosi e ideologici del suo tempo. All'interno dell'opera, l'autore opera un vero e proprio ribaltamento dei personaggi manzoniani, facendo di Renzo un contrabbandiere alcolizzato e di Lucia una 'cocotte' campagnola. Ai personaggi della tradizione manzoniana, si aggiunge inoltre una galleria di ritratti richiamanti il panorama sociale e culturale dello stesso Arrighi.Carlo Righetti, vero nome dell’autore divenuto famoso come Cletto Arrighi (1828 – 1906) è stato uno scrittore, giornalista e politico italiano, tra i massimi esponenti della Scapigliatura. Fu anche autore di romanzi improntati a un verismo audace, ma grossolano. I migliori risultati li ottenne nelle commedie dialettali che si inseriscono in un programma di rinnovamento del teatro milanese.

  • af Pieter Langendijk
    44,99 kr.

    In 'Het wederzijds huwelijksbedrog' voert Pieter Langendijk personages op die zich zowel rijker als beter voordoen dan ze in werkelijkheid echt zijn. De aristocratische Lodewijk doet zich voor als een rijke Poolse graaf in de hoop om een goede levenspartner aan de haak te slaan. Zo ook is Charlotte afkomstig uit de verarmde aristocratie en pretendeert zij uit een rijkere stand te komen. Beide denken door met elkaar in het huwelijk te treden hun financiële problemen op te kunnen lossen, maar hun 'wederzijdse huwelijksbedrog' laat beide voor een onaangename verassing staan.Pieter Langendijk (1683-1756) was de bekendste Nederlandse blijspeldichter uit de achtiende eeuw, een eeuw die verder weinig schrijvers heeft voortgebracht die tot op vandaag bekend zijn. Langendijk had veel aandacht voor de vorm van zijn teksten waarin symmetrie, eenheden van tijd, plaats en handeling nauwgezet werden gerespecteerd. Hij wendde deze classicistische schrijfstijl aan om de sociale milieus uit zijn tijd en omgeving beslist te kijk te zetten: van de verarmde adel die de schijn van rijkdom hoog probeerde te houden, tot geld beluste kooplieden en slecht gemanierde boeren.

  • af Giovannino Guareschi
    96,99 kr.

    La prima folgorante apparizione letteraria di don Camillo e Peppone, la coppia di amici/nemici più famosi della narrativa italiana, immortalati al cinema da Fernandel e Gino Cervi. Da una parte c'è don Camillo, un prete di un paesino emiliano. Alto e ben piazzato, appassionato di caccia, don Camillo tende a risolvere pragmaticamente e fisicamente questioni ingarbugliate. Dall’altra c’è Peppone, il sindaco comunista del paese, amico d’infanzia di don Camillo e compagno di scorribande giovanili ma ideologicamente l'opposto di don Camillo.Questa raccolta di racconti immerge nelle rocambolesche interazioni tra i due, filosoficamente distanti eppure così mondanamente vicini.Giovannino Guareschi (1908-1968) è stato uno scrittore e giornalista italiano, noto principalmente per essere l’ideatore di don Camillo e Peppone, la coppia di amici/nemici più famosi della narrativa italiana. Raggiunta la fama nazionale grazie alle avventure dei due personaggi, pubblicate a puntate sulla rivista "Candido" e in seguito raccolte in libri e trasformate in film di successo, Guareschi rimane uno degli autori italiani più venduti di sempre.

  • af Alys Murray
    102,99 kr.

    Annie Martin is thrilled to have moved from the hectic buzz of L.A. to the small town of Hillsboro, Northern California, where the most happening bar only plays honky-tonk and nowhere does a good matcha latte. But the best thing about Hillsboro? The Anderson sisters. At their noisy family dinners, Annie can almost forget the mistakes she made back in the city, trying to fit in.Annie has repaid the sisters’ friendship with some obvious-but-effective matchmaking and now there’s only one Anderson still looking for love. But Rose is surprisingly prickly about an enforced happy-ever-after, and when a meticulously planned meet-cute ends drenched in the town fountain, Annie realizes this project calls for someone with a deeper knowledge of the Hillsboro bachelors.Local reporter and all-around grouch George Barnett has been a thorn in Annie’s side since she came to town. He knows all too well that everyone has secrets and he thinks the story of why social media darling Annie Martin swapped stilettos for sneakers might be the scoop that makes his career. Annie is sure her skeletons are under triple lock and key, so she offers him an exclusive, if he’ll help her find a match for Rose.But the more George and Annie try to control the love lives around them, the less they’re able to sway their own hearts. As Annie’s infectious laugh begins to bring down George’s barrier of surliness, can he open his heart and let her in for real? And can Annie be brave enough to trust the man who could be her future, with the secrets of her past?A heart-warming story of friendship and finding love in the most unlikely of places, fans of Robyn Carr, Debbie Macomber and Carolyn Brown will adore The Perfect Hideaway.Readers love The Perfect Hideaway:"I love this series... heartwarming and uplifting, it made me laugh and root for the characters but it also moved me to tears because it’s the story of two hurt and lonely people who meet and change their life." Scrapping and Playing, 5 stars"A wonderfully heartfelt and charming novel. If you enjoy the lovey, butterflies in your stomach and heart melting moments Hallmark movies deliver, then you’re going to absolutely love this... wonderful romance novel that shouldn’t be missed." Tamsterdam Reads, 5 stars"Feel-good romance that genuinely had me laughing out loud!... The perfect book to read whilst you’re chilling with your feet up and a glass of wine/cup of tea!" Curled Up With a Good Book, 5 starsThe first book featuring the Anderson family, The Magnolia Sisters reached #40 in the US top 100. Alys' previous title, The Christmas Company, was turned into a Hallmark movieAlys Murray writes novels for the romantic in all of us. Born and raised in New Orleans, she received her BFA from NYU's Tisch School of the Arts and her Master's in Film Studies from King's College London. Though she's moved away from home, she'll always be a Southern girl at heart.

  • af George Bernard Shaw
    42,99 kr.

    Do you like 'Pretty Woman', with Julia Roberts and Richard Gere? Do you love 'Maid in Manhattan', starring Jennifer Lopez and Ralph Fiennes? And how about little orphan 'Annie'? Well, 'Pygmalion' is the play that paved the ways for these - and countless other - rags-to-riches films, plays, and books.In it, phonetics scientist professor Henry Higgins and linguist Colonel Pickering make a bet. The scientist wagers that he can turn Cockney flower girl Eliza Doolittle into a woman with the poise and diction of a duchess.She is given new clothes, speech lessons - and subjected to merciless ridicule. Becoming Shaw's most famous play, ´Pygmalion´ throws blinding light on the invidious habits and traditions at both levels of society.George Bernard Shaw (1856–1950) was a giant of the literary and political world at the end of the 19th century and deep into the 20th century. Best known as a playwright, he was also a famous critic, political activist and polemicist, stoking controversy to provoke debate.His first successful play was 'Arms and the Man', which was followed by classics including 'Man and Superman' and 'Pygmalion', which was turned into the musical 'My Fair Lady'.In 1925, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. His opinions still divide critics, but he is widely acknowledged as second only to William Shakespeare as a playwright.

  • af Louisa May Alcott
    59,99 kr.

    In a preface to this collection, Louisa May Alcott calls these eight stories her "various waifs and strays" and they all beautifully demonstrate her wry sense of humour, sharp observational skills, and straightforward style of storytelling.From the light-hearted romance of 'Kitty's Class Day' to the transformational tale of 'Aunt Kipp', who is a female version of Ebenezer Scrooge in Charles Dickens' 'A Christmas Carol', each story has the charm to keep you gripped.Fans of her other work, including the bestseller 'Little Women', will be pleased that she herded these stories together.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) was an American writer who is best known for her novel 'Little Women'. She grew up among some heavyweight 19th-century intellectuals, including Henry David Thoreau and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.With her parents struggling financially, Alcott worked to support them. At the same time, she began writing, initially under pseudonyms because her work was largely short stories and sensation novels for adults.'Little Women', published in 1868, was a success when it was released. Alcott also penned the follow-ups 'Little Men' and 'Jo's Boys'. She was a staunch abolitionist and a campaigning feminist who was heavily involved in temperance and women's suffrage movements.

  • af Oscar Wilde
    42,99 kr.

    A searing satire on the British class system, social hypocrisy, and keeping up appearances, ‘Lady Windemere’s Fan’ is one of Wilde’s best-loved plays. Such is its popularity that it has been adapted for the silver screen a number of times, most recently in 2018, with Samantha Spiro and ‘Absolutely Fabulous’ star, Jennifer Saunders.The play focuses on 21 year-old Lady Windemere, who has become convinced that her husband is embarking on an affair with the mysterious Mrs Erlynne. However, Mrs Erlynne hides a scandalous secret that sets some unexpected wheels in motion. Witty, satirical, and packed with acute social observations, ‘Lady Windemere’s Fan’ continues to grace stages around the world. A superb read for those who want to see Wilde at the height of his powers.Oscar Wilde (1854 – 1900) was an Irish novelist, poet, playwright, and wit. He was an advocate of the Aesthetic movement, which extolled the virtues of art for the sake of art. During his career, Wilde wrote nine plays, including ‘The Importance of Being Earnest,’ ‘Lady Windermere’s Fan,’ and ‘A Woman of No Importance,’ many of which are still performed today. His only novel, ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ was adapted for the silver screen, in the film, ‘Dorian Gray,’ starring Ben Barnes and Colin Firth. In addition, Wilde wrote 43 poems, and seven essays. His life was the subject of a film, starring Stephen Fry.

  • af Louisa May Alcott
    42,99 kr.

    Louisa May Alcott has penned a sparkling collection of novels, short stories and poems. In this collection of short stories, you get four little gems, written with Alcott's unmistakable gentle humour and keen observation of family life.Featuring a "prince charming" and a very important piece of footwear, despite both not being what you would expect, 'A Modern Cinderella', or 'The Little Old Shoe', is an amusing and irreverent version of The Brothers Grimm's 'Cinderella'.The other three stories are 'Debby's Debut', 'The Brothers', and 'Nelly's Hospital', and they collectively display Alcott's skills as well as covers important subjects such as racism, PTSD, and the barriers between social classes.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) was an American writer who is best known for her novel 'Little Women'. She also grew up among some heavyweight 19th-century intellectuals, including Henry David Thoreau and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.With her parents struggling financially, Alcott worked to support them. At the same time, she began writing, initially under pseudonyms because her work was largely short stories and sensation novels for adults.'Little Women', published in 1868, was a success when it was released. Alcott also penned the follow-ups 'Little Men' and 'Jo's Boys'.

  • af Louisa May Alcott
    38,99 kr.

    Friendship can transcend class and background.Take the movie 'Napoleon Dynamite', Dory's friendship with Nemo in 'Finding Nemo' or chalk-and-cheese buddies Barbara Hershey and Bette Midler in 'Beaches'. In 'Mountain-Laurel and Maidenhair', it is city girl Emily and country girl Becky.Emily is fragile, but her family's wealth makes her complacent. Becky, on the other hand, works as a teacher to support and care for her three younger siblings. So when Emily stays at Becky's family farm in the mountains, they seem unlikely to hit it off.But Louisa May Alcott's moving, charming story sees them connect through poetry - and grow to understand and care for each other.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) was an American writer of numerous beloved novels, short stories and poems. She was a feminist, and many of her stories are loosely based on her own life experiences. She is primarily known for her young adult fiction but also wrote gothic thrillers, albeit anonymously, and sensational stories under the pen name A.M. Barnard. One of her best-known works is "Little Women", a novel that has been turned into numerous film and television adaptations, such as the 2019 film, starring Saorise Ronan, Florence Pugh and Timothée Chalamet.

  • af Louisa May Alcott
    59,99 kr.

    Louisa May Alcott's most popular novel, ´Little Women´, featured the March sisters, who were based on her own family.In this collection of short plays, originally written by Alcott and her real sisters, Alcott adds to the world of ´Little Women´, as the plays are made to seem like they were penned by Jo and Meg from ´Little Women´ and acted out by them and other characters in the book.The plays are not as complicated as the background, thankfully. They are short, pithy, melodramatic and feature witches, magic, murder, ghosts and farcical situations.If you are a fan of ´Little Women´, which was recently adapted for the silver screen for the seventh time, starring Emma Watson and Timothée Chalamet, you will love this additional glimpse into the lives of the March sisters.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) was an American writer who is best known for her novel ´Little Women´. She also grew up among some heavyweight 19th-century intellectuals, including Henry David Thoreau and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.With her parents struggling financially, Alcott worked to support them. At the same time, she began writing, initially under pseudonyms because her work was largely short stories and sensation novels for adults.´Little Women´, published in 1868, was an instant success upon release. Alcott also penned the follow-ups ´Little Men´ and ´Jo's Boys´.

  • af Denys Aston
    Fra 58,99 kr.

    Palvelusväki on innoissaan saadessaan tietää professori Greystonen palaavan kotiin. Tämän paluuta on odotettu jo yli kahden vuoden ajan. Kun Greystone vihdoin saapuu, palvelusväki alkaa innoissaan suunnitella nuorelle ja komealle professorille sopivaa puolisoa. Lopulta palvelijat lyövät vetoa siitä, kenet isäntä vie vihille.Hyvää tuulta ja kepeää romantiikkaa henkivä tarina tutkimuksiinsa uppoutuvasta professorista ja hänen ystävistään ilahduttaa nostalgisuudellaan.

  • af Sue Watson
    102,99 kr.

    A laugh-out-loud, uplifting comedy about finding the courage to be yourself, the importance of dreams, and learning to grab life by the glitter balls.Dance like nobody’s watching. Love like you’ll never get hurt...Laura Watkin’s heart isn’t broken, she’s just forgotten how to use it.After years on her own, the highlight of single mum Laura’s week is watching Strictly Come Dancing with a glass of Pinot Grigio and a large helping of imagination.With her daughter Sophie going travelling, Laura knows the time is right to do something for herself for a change. One disastrous Zumba class later and Laura ends up at the feet (literally) of gorgeous dance instructor Tony Hernandez.A natural dancer and inspiring teacher, Tony rekindles in Laura a passion she inherited from her ballroom dancer father – and with it comes a dream... to make him proud.But when Tony enters them to perform at the National Dance Festival, can Laura’s new-found confidence survive the test? And with a once-in-a-lifetime chance to learn Flamenco in Spain, could Laura truly learn to dance like nobody’s watching... and love like she’ll never get hurt?What readers are saying about Summer Flings and Dancing Dreams...‘Ms. Watson wouldn’t be our favourite rom-com queen without her unique writing style and laugh-out-loud moments. I was reading alone in my yard and laughed so loud that my neighbour who was cutting the grass in his yard, stopped the machine and looked at me, all puzzled... Enjoy this wonderful book!’ This Chick Reads‘I am a HUGE fan of Sue Watson and if you have a rather filthy sense of humour, and like a good giggle her books don’t fail to raise a smile... By the time I finished this book I wanted to book myself on a trip to Grenada to see all the sexy Spanish men and women dancing Flamenco.’ Best Crime Books and More‘This book really has everything - laughter, fulfilling dreams, sexy strangers in exotic gorgeous settings, friendships and pretty dresses! ... A total 5* read for me - and would love to read this sat around a pool or on a beach listening to the waves crashing on the shore!’ Bookworms and ShutterbugsOver 24,000 copies soldSue Watson was a journalist on women’s magazines and national newspapers before leaving it all behind for a career in TV. As a producer with the BBC she worked on garden makeovers, kitchen takeovers and daytime sofas – all the time making copious notes so that one day she might escape to the country and turn it all into a book. After much deliberation and copious consumption of cake, Sue eventually left her life in TV to write. After a very successful debut novel, Fat Girls and Fairy Cakes Sue signed a deal with Bookouture.

  • af Javier Memba
    58,99 kr.

    Con la garra de La conjura de los necios y la desternillante filosofía amodorrada del Gran Lebowski, Javier Memba nos presenta en esta obra a un personaje tan inolvidable como odiable: Blas Martín, director de cine misántropo que se verá obligado a ocultar su odio cerval hacia todo y hacia todos cuando un amigo periodista lo invita a una entrevista en televisión. Una reflexión sobre el arte y la creación tan ácida como inolvidable.Javier Memba es un autor y periodista español. Fuertemente vinculado con el mundo del cine, ha dirigido cortometrajes y ha trabajado de técnico de sonido y montador. Asimismo, ha publicado varios ensayos sobre el cine de terror europeo y americano del siglo XX. Desde 1990 trabaja como periodista en El Mundo.

  • af Ramón de la Cruz
    36,99 kr.

    Sainete corto e ingenioso que muestra las relaciones entre hombres y mujeres. La historia, que sucede durante el carnaval, nos presenta una comedia de enredos, amoríos y odios. Doña Inés, la esposa de don Martín, tiene una relación extramatrimonial con don Fernando. Este, a su vez, está seduciendo a Ana, la hija de Inés. Una obra de teatro de comedia costumbrista, con un diálogo fresco y en verso y música.Ramón de la Cruz (Madrid, 1731-1794) fue escritor y dramaturgo español, uno de los más prolíficos de su época. Estudió bajo la protección del duque de Alba y ya en su juventud escribió obras de teatro, sobre todo tragedias y comedias. También trabajó de traductor de algunos de sus autores franceses preferidos, como Voltaire. Sus conexiones y su capacidad para crear sainetes populares lo llevó a trabajar para la Corte y a producir, entre dramas, sainetes y zarzuelas, más de 500 obras. Fue uno de los mejores amigos de Goya.

  • af Jürgen Roth
    29,99 kr.

    Eine humorvolle Liebeserklärung an das Leben auf dem Land und ein Muss für alle, die dem Stadtleben entkommen möchten.Goethes Gedicht „Über allen Gipfeln ist Ruh‘‘ liefert die literarische Kontrastfolie für Jürgen Roths Werk. Während bei Goethe noch die Stille der Natur im Vordergrund stand, beleuchtet Roth in seiner „langen Erzählung vom Land" die Besonderheiten sowie Ecken und Kanten des Landlebens in mal poetischer, mal augenzwinkernder Weise.„Unter keinem Wipfel ist Ruh" wurde mit dem Jahreskunstpreis Literatur 2004 ausgezeichnet.Jürgen Roth wurde 1968 im nordrhein-westfälischen Berleburg geboren. Nach dem Studium der Germanistik, Philosophie und Politikwissenschaft und der darauffolgenden Promotion lebt er inzwischen als freier Schriftsteller und Journalist in Frankfurt am Main. Roth schreibt unter anderem für die FAZ, konret, taz und die deutsche Satirezeitschrift Titanic.

  • af Kajsa Arnold
    73,99 kr.

    Grayson Bisbin, Duke of Croyden, hat ein Problem. Er muss seine fünf Schwestern verheiraten, bevor er sein Erbe antreten kann. Dies stellt sich schwieriger heraus, als gedacht, denn wie findet man einen Ehemann, der es nicht nur auf Geld und Ansehen abgesehen hat. Dass Grayson den Viscount Davies in einem Spielsalon kennenlernt, trägt nicht gerade dazu bei, dass er ihm vertraut. Schon gar nicht die Hand seiner jüngsten Schwester Rosalie an. Dabei hat es Camden Davies eher auf Georgina abgesehen. Doch die möchte lieber ihre jüngste Schwester verheiratet sehen. Allerdings hat sie die Rechnung ohne den willensstarken Viscount gemacht, der nur ein Ziel vor Augen hat ... doch ist er wirklich ehrenwert? Bisher erschienen: Croyden Manor - Hochzeit mit einem Duke; Croyden Manor - Ein Ja-Wort für den Marquis.Kajsa Arnold wurde im Sternzeichen Schütze in Essen geboren. Seit 2010 widmet sich die Autorin ganz dem Schreiben von Liebesromanen aus den Bereichen Contemporary, Historical und Young Adult. Bevor sie mit dem Schreiben ihrer Geschichten beginnt, designt die Autorin ihr eigenes Cover und erweckt so ihre Protagonistin zum Leben. Und Kajsas eigenwillige Heldinnen danken es ihr, indem sie regelmäßig die Bestsellerlisten erklimmen.

  • af Karen Clarke
    102,99 kr.

    On the beautiful French coast lies the Café Belle Vie, a peaceful haven offering a warm welcome and delicious pains au chocolat – and where Natalie’s quiet life is about to be turned upside down...When thirty-one-year-old Natalie Bright’s boyfriend dumps her and immediately gets engaged to his ex-girlfriend, she escapes her heartbreak and moves to the charming village of Chamillon on the Île de Ré.She’s determined to build a new life there: writing about farmer’s markets for a local magazine, exploring the local vineyards on her bike, and taking advantage of the sunshine. And in the Café Belle Vie she finds a bustling community – including new best friend Charlie – and a near-constant supply of cakes.All in all, things are looking pretty good.So when a blast from the past – her teenage crush Jay Merino – suddenly turns up in Chamillon, Natalie’s thrown. She’s sworn off men ever since she moved to France, but she and Jay have a connection that stretches back years.But could taking a chance on an old flame complete her new life – or ruin everything she’s worked so hard for?A gorgeous rom-com full of sunshine, croissants and sparkling romance! Perfect for fans of Imogen Payne, Polly Babbington and T. A. Williams.What readers are saying about Escape to the Little French Café:‘Oh I did laugh!! I absolutely bloomin' LOVED reading this... Such an uplifting, cosy novel which will make your heart leap with joy.’ The Writing Garnet‘So many laugh-out-loud moments that I lost count of them and the story reeled me in from the very first page! I became so absorbed within the storyline that I forgot where I was... Grab yourself a little bit of romantic escapism to France... You won’t regret it!’ Stardust Book Reviews‘Perfect and laugh-out-loud funny. Brilliantly written. I enjoyed every minute of it. If you need a pick me up this is the book you need, guaranteed giggles throughout... I actually devoured this book in a day... Highly recommended. Full of fun, giggles and romance.’ Between the Pages Book ClubPrevious series has sold over 130,000 copies to date. Amazon UK top 100 authorAfter giving up her job as a library assistant, Karen now writes full-time. She’s had over 300 stories published in women’s magazines in the UK and abroad, and has written three paranormal romantic comedies, published by Little, Brown/Corsair. When she’s not writing she reads avidly, walks dogs at her local rescue centre, and is eagerly awaiting the next season of The Walking Dead. She lives in Buckinghamshire with her husband and three grown-up children.