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  • af Vittorio Alfieri
    36,99 kr.

    In quella che è universalmente riconosciuta come una delle sue tragedie più riuscite, Alfieri infonde la disperazione e il senso di impotenza che l’Uomo prova di fronte alle proprie stesse pulsioni. Se normalmente l’orizzonte tragico si esprime attraverso il conflitto fra l’eroe e un mondo esterno avverso ai suoi propositi, in "Mirra" – scritto fra il 1784 e il 1786 – la protagonista combatte contro un elemento ancora più oscuro: la propria coscienza profonda. Mirra è infatti incestuosamente attratta dal padre Ciniro, e per questo maledice il destino e la propria madre, di cui è mortalmente gelosa. Dall’unione abominevole fra i due, secondo la mitologia, sarebbe poi nato Adone.Un’opera intensa, che anticipa di un secolo le intuizioni freudiane sul subconscio.Vittorio Amedeo Alfieri (1749-1803) nasce ad Asti da una nobile casata comitale. Già bambino estroverso e volitivo, descriverà i primi noiosi anni di vita come i "nove anni di vegetazione", e quelli trascorsi all’Accademia Reale di Torino come gli "otto anni di ineducazione". Dal 1766 al 1774 serve come alfiere nell’esercito piemontese, dedicandosi poi a lunghi anni di viaggi per tutta l’Europa, fra amori contrastati e duelli sanguinosi. Nel 1777 rinuncia alla cittadinanza piemontese e conosce la contessa d’Albany Luisa, donna il cui amore lo accompagnerà per sempre. Di ideali libertari, simpatizza inizialmente per la Rivoluzione Francese, ma trascorre gli ultimi anni a Firenze in ostinato isolamento dalle vicende napoleoniche. Considerato fra i capostipiti italiani del classicismo e del romanticismo, è autore di innumerevoli opere, fra cui si devono citare almeno le tragedie più note come "Filippo", "Maria Stuarda" e "La congiura de ‘Pazzi".

  • af Jacob Cats
    58,99 kr.

    In het boek 'Zinne en minnebeelden' zijn toepasselijk 52 zinne- en minnebeelden opgenomen. Steeds gebruikt Cats dezelfde opbouw: het thema van het beeld wordt toegepast op drie verschillende levensfasen. Zo is er bijvoorbeeld de tedere uitleg van jeugdige geliefden die het beeld van liefde overbrengt. Daarentegen bevatten de zinnebeelden vaak een diepere verborgen betekenis die ligt opgesloten in de eigenschappen van aan bod komende dieren en voorwerpen.Jacob Cats (1577-1660) was een Nederlandse politicus, jurist, diplomaat en dichter. Tijdens zijn leven was hij bekend als Vader Cats, omwille van het educatieve karakter van zijn gedichten. Hij onderscheidde deugden en ondeugden, legde de huwelijksmoraal uit, net als het voor kinderen gewenste gedrag. Bekende werken zijn "Houwelick" en "Trouringh" (Huwelijk en Trouwring). Cats groeide op en woonde het grootste deel van zijn leven in Zeeland. Hij heeft zijn naam gegeven aan het Catshuis, sinds 1963 de ambtswoning van de Nederlandse minister-president.

  • af Pedro Calderón de la Barca
    59,99 kr.

    ‘Life Is a Dream’ (1635) is a play by Spanish dramatist and poet Pedro Calderón de la Barca. Considered one of the finest Spanish dramas of all time, it explores the mysteries of human destiny and examines the clash between free will and fate.Terrified by a prophecy that predicts his son will destroy the country and kill him, King Basilio imprisons his son Segismundo, Prince of Poland, in a tower. But what will happen if Basilio frees his son? Will the prophecy come true?Formerly listed as one of the most prominent plays of all time, ‘Life Is a Dream’ is an intriguing read that will surely pique the interest of those familiar with other influential plays, such as Shakespeare's ´Hamlet´ and Ibsen's ´A Doll's House´.Pedro Calderón de la Barca (1600—1681) was a Spanish soldier, priest, dramatist and poet, considered the greatest Spanish playwright of the Golden Age.Among his best-known works are ‘The Surgeon of His Honour’ (1635), ‘Life is a Dream’ (1635), ‘The Mayor of Zalamea’ (1640), and his masterpiece ‘The Daughter of the Air’ (1653).His works have been adapted for TV and film on many occasions and remain hugely important and influential to this day.

  • af Oliver Goldsmith
    42,99 kr.

    If enduring popularity is a mark of quality, then 'She Stoops to Conquer' is among the greatest plays ever written; for the 1773 comedy has been performed almost without a break for 250 years.It centres on the efforts of Mr Hardcastle to marry his daughter Kate to his friend's son, Marlow. When Marlow arrives at their house, he is brusque with Mr Hardcastle because he has been tricked into believing it is a hotel.Mayhem and misunderstanding ensue as Marlow's companion Hastings plots with Hardcastle's niece to steal the family jewels. Then Marlow mistakes Kate for a serving maid and flirts with her. Is he a rude, licentious man? Or will Kate discover hidden depths to redeem him?A groundbreaking and sharp satire about the clash between town and country, ´She Stoops to Conquer´ gently mocks the sentimental plays of its era and is ideal reading for fans of Oscar Wilde and George Bernard Shaw.Oliver Goldsmith (1730-1774) was an Irish essayist, novelist, poet, and playwright.His work includes the essay collection 'The Citizen of the World' (1762), the novel 'The Vicar of Wakefield' (1766), the plays 'The Good Natur'd Man' (1768) and 'She Stoops to Conquer' (1773), and the poetry collections 'Traveller, or, a Prospect of Society' (1764), 'An Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog' (1766), and 'The Deserted Village: A Poem' (1770).

  • af Niccolo Machiavelli
    40,99 kr.

    Pubblicata per la prima volta nel 1518, "La mandragola" è probabilmente la commedia più importante del Cinquecento, letta e amata da generazioni di letterati (fra cui Voltaire e Carlo Goldoni). Siamo a Firenze, nel 1504. Il famoso medico Callimaco è ossessionato da Lucrezia, moglie dell’ingenuo messer Nicia. Quest’ultimo, disperato per non essere ancora riuscito ad avere figli, riceve dal dottor Callimaco una strana proposta: basterebbe somministrare a Lucrezia una pozione di mandragola (pianta ritenuta da sempre afrodisiaca). L’unico intoppo, però, è che, stando a quanto dice quel furbacchione di Callimaco, così facendo, il primo che avrà un rapporto con Lucrezia morirà senz’altro. Se solo si riuscisse a trovare un volontario a questo scopo! Chissà, magari un umile garzone...Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli (1469-1527) nasce a Firenze da una famiglia di popolani abbastanza modesta. Nonostante ciò, riceve una solida formazione umanistica, tale da potersi permettere di concorrere alla segreteria della seconda cancelleria del Comune. Da qui prende le mosse la sua carriera politica attiva, che lo vedrà impegnato anche in altre cariche e missioni diplomatiche. Grande ammiratore di Cesare Borgia, a lui dedicherà la sua opera più celebre, "Il Principe", per cui è considerato il fondatore della scienza politica moderna. Dal 1512, col ritorno dei Medici al governo, Machiavelli si ritirerà a vita privata, dedicandosi alla stesura di opere letterarie, filosofiche e storiche, apprezzate per lo stile semplice, vivo, diretto, capace di rendere chiari anche i concetti più complicati. Tra queste si possono citare "Belfagor arcidiavolo" e le "Istorie Fiorentine".

  • af Benedikt Gröndal
    31,99 kr.

    Undirtitill Gandreiðarinnar er Sorgarleikr í mörgum þáttum. Í raun er það gamanleikrit, þar sem höfundur hendir gaman að fornbókmenntum og hetjudýrkun þeirra á óvæginn og skoplegan hátt. Meðal persóna eru goðin Óðinn, Þór og Freyja, en einnig koma við sögu Egill Skallagrímsson og meira að segja Lúsífer sjálfur, gjarnan kallaður "djöfsi". Leikritið er hörð ádeila á samtíma höfundar, ekki síst Dani og stjórn þeirra á landinu.Benedikt Sveinbjarnarson Gröndal (1826-1907) fæddist að Bessastöðum á Álftanesi. Þó hann hafi verið einn tíu systkina fékk hann góða menntun og fór til Kaupmannahafnar í nám þegar hann hafði aldur til. Hann lauk ekki námi og sneri aftur til Reykjavíkur, en endaði með að fara aftur í nám til Kaupmannahafnar sjö árum síðar. Þar kynntist hann skrautlegu fólki og endaði með að ferðast til Belgíu og taka kaþólska trú. Eftir það lauk hann loks prófi í norrænum fræðum við Kaupmannahafnarháskóla, en hann var fyrstur Íslendinga til þess. Benedikt hneigðist mjög að list og náttúrufræðum og var meðal annars einn af stofnendum Hins íslenska náttúrufræðifélags. Eftir hann liggja ómetanlegar teikningar af lífríki Íslands. Hann var einnig afbragðsgott skáld og orti bæði ljóð, skrifaði leikrit og sögur. Verk hans bera sterkan brag af samtímanum en eru undir miklum áhrifum af íslenskum fornbókmenntum, oft á býsna kómískan hátt.

  • af Moliere
    59,99 kr.

    In this witty and charming French play, the audience follows Madame Pernelle, whose self-importance leads her to leave her son Orgon's house because no one pays any attention to her. The only person who happens to meet her high expectations is Tartuffe.While Tartuffe's true character of being 'the Hypocrite' is slowly revealed to the audience, Madame Pernelle remains blissfully unaware of the fraud who exploits his victims by pretending to be pious.Madame Pernelle is on the point of leaving many times, but can't leave without having the last word and finds herself coming back to admonish or criticize one more person.Molière's ´Tartuffe, or The Hypocrite´ puts a satirical spin on religious hypocrisy and will delight fans of Shakespeare's ´The Taming of the Shrew´.Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, known by his stage name Molière, was a French playwright, actor, and poet. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest writers in the French language and world literature.Molière wrote comedies, farces, tragicomedies, and comédie-ballets. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed at the Comédie-Française more often than those of any other playwright today.He was born into a prosperous family and studied at the Collège de Clermont which made him well-suited for a life in the theatre. Molière spent thirteen years as an itinerant actor, which helped him polish his comedic abilities. While acting, he began writing, combining Commedia dell'arte elements with the more refined French comedy.

  • af Oscar Wilde
    42,99 kr.

    A searing satire on the British class system, social hypocrisy, and keeping up appearances, ‘Lady Windemere’s Fan’ is one of Wilde’s best-loved plays. Such is its popularity that it has been adapted for the silver screen a number of times, most recently in 2018, with Samantha Spiro and ‘Absolutely Fabulous’ star, Jennifer Saunders.The play focuses on 21 year-old Lady Windemere, who has become convinced that her husband is embarking on an affair with the mysterious Mrs Erlynne. However, Mrs Erlynne hides a scandalous secret that sets some unexpected wheels in motion. Witty, satirical, and packed with acute social observations, ‘Lady Windemere’s Fan’ continues to grace stages around the world. A superb read for those who want to see Wilde at the height of his powers.Oscar Wilde (1854 – 1900) was an Irish novelist, poet, playwright, and wit. He was an advocate of the Aesthetic movement, which extolled the virtues of art for the sake of art. During his career, Wilde wrote nine plays, including ‘The Importance of Being Earnest,’ ‘Lady Windermere’s Fan,’ and ‘A Woman of No Importance,’ many of which are still performed today. His only novel, ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ was adapted for the silver screen, in the film, ‘Dorian Gray,’ starring Ben Barnes and Colin Firth. In addition, Wilde wrote 43 poems, and seven essays. His life was the subject of a film, starring Stephen Fry.

  • af Louisa May Alcott
    59,99 kr.

    Louisa May Alcott's most popular novel, ´Little Women´, featured the March sisters, who were based on her own family.In this collection of short plays, originally written by Alcott and her real sisters, Alcott adds to the world of ´Little Women´, as the plays are made to seem like they were penned by Jo and Meg from ´Little Women´ and acted out by them and other characters in the book.The plays are not as complicated as the background, thankfully. They are short, pithy, melodramatic and feature witches, magic, murder, ghosts and farcical situations.If you are a fan of ´Little Women´, which was recently adapted for the silver screen for the seventh time, starring Emma Watson and Timothée Chalamet, you will love this additional glimpse into the lives of the March sisters.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) was an American writer who is best known for her novel ´Little Women´. She also grew up among some heavyweight 19th-century intellectuals, including Henry David Thoreau and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.With her parents struggling financially, Alcott worked to support them. At the same time, she began writing, initially under pseudonyms because her work was largely short stories and sensation novels for adults.´Little Women´, published in 1868, was an instant success upon release. Alcott also penned the follow-ups ´Little Men´ and ´Jo's Boys´.

  • af Ramón de la Cruz
    36,99 kr.

    Sainete corto e ingenioso que muestra las relaciones entre hombres y mujeres. La historia, que sucede durante el carnaval, nos presenta una comedia de enredos, amoríos y odios. Doña Inés, la esposa de don Martín, tiene una relación extramatrimonial con don Fernando. Este, a su vez, está seduciendo a Ana, la hija de Inés. Una obra de teatro de comedia costumbrista, con un diálogo fresco y en verso y música.Ramón de la Cruz (Madrid, 1731-1794) fue escritor y dramaturgo español, uno de los más prolíficos de su época. Estudió bajo la protección del duque de Alba y ya en su juventud escribió obras de teatro, sobre todo tragedias y comedias. También trabajó de traductor de algunos de sus autores franceses preferidos, como Voltaire. Sus conexiones y su capacidad para crear sainetes populares lo llevó a trabajar para la Corte y a producir, entre dramas, sainetes y zarzuelas, más de 500 obras. Fue uno de los mejores amigos de Goya.

  • af Ramón de la Cruz
    36,99 kr.

    Sainete de comedia ambientado en la España rural, cerca de Madrid. La breve obra de teatro sigue a Marta, la hija de un rico labrador. Marta ha sido comprometida con el notario del pueblo, un hombre recto y aburrido. La joven estaba entusiasmada al principio, pero después de un viaje a Madrid, sus inclinaciones hacia el futuro empiezan a cambiar, pues ahí ha conocido a Serapio, un hombre astuto que quiere convertir a la muchacha en madama.Ramón de la Cruz (Madrid, 1731-1794) fue escritor y dramaturgo español, uno de los más prolíficos de su época. Estudió bajo la protección del duque de Alba y ya en su juventud escribió obras de teatro, sobre todo tragedias y comedias. También trabajó de traductor de algunos de sus autores franceses preferidos, como Voltaire. Sus conexiones y su capacidad para crear sainetes populares lo llevó a trabajar para la Corte y a producir, entre dramas, sainetes y zarzuelas, más de 500 obras. Fue uno de los mejores amigos de Goya.

  • af Manuel Bretón de los Herreros
    36,99 kr.

    Con su ágil prosa y el ingenio al que nos tiene acostumbrados, Manuel Bretón de los Herreros nos presenta en esta comedia teatral la historia del Marqués, recién llegado a Madrid después de una temporada en París. Nuestro héroe cae perdidamente enamorado de una joven a la que ve en el Retiro acompañada de una anciana, y emprenderá la misión de conquistarla con la ayuda de su inseparable amigo, el Conde.Manuel Bretón de los Herreros fue un dramaturgo y poeta español nacido en Quel (Logroño) en 1796 y fallecido en Madrid en 1873. Periodista errante hasta afincarse por fin en Madrid, se especializó en el teatro y llegó a formar parte de la Real Academia. Sus obras teatrales le granjearon no poca fama en el Madrid de la época, llegando a escribir más de 360 títulos. Se le recuerda como uno de los dramaturgos más prolíficos y relevantes de su tiempo.

  • af William Shakespeare
    42,99 kr.

    Shakespeare is regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's best dramatist. His plays have been translated into every major language, and are the most performed ever. His work contains stunningly modern insight, witty jokes and soaring passion; it is an endless source of amazement and inspiration. We have selected for you the best quotes ever written by one of the greatest literary figures to have ever walked on earth, from Hamlet to Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet to the Tempest, and from every other play in existence: Othello, King Lear, and the historical dramas, Henry IV, Henry V, Henry VI, Julius Caesar, Henry VIII, King Lear. Enjoy the force and passion of this fondation of literature and culture; get to know the Bard more intimely as you gain food for thought and enjoyable references.

  • af Ramón de la Cruz
    36,99 kr.

    Sainete ambientado en Madrid que, siguiendo el estilo del autor, que muestra a personajes extraños, alegres y estrepitosos. Es noche de fanfarria y los personajes principales quieren bailar. Unos, dicharacheros, alegres y cómicos. Los otros, bien educados y señoriales. En ese choque entre ambos Ramón de la Cruz dibuja las costumbres y el humor, creando así un sainete popular ambientado en la calle Lavapiés.Ramón de la Cruz (Madrid, 1731-1794) fue escritor y dramaturgo español, uno de los más prolíficos de su época. Estudió bajo la protección del duque de Alba y ya en su juventud escribió obras de teatro, sobre todo tragedias y comedias. También trabajó de traductor de algunos de sus autores franceses preferidos, como Voltaire. Sus conexiones y su capacidad para crear sainetes populares lo llevó a trabajar para la Corte y a producir, entre dramas, sainetes y zarzuelas, más de 500 obras. Fue uno de los mejores amigos de Goya.

  • af Oscar Wilde
    38,99 kr.

    Based on a story from the Bible, ‘Salomé’ provoked such outrage that it was banned from the British stage for a number of years. However, fiercely defended by academics for its literary worth, that law was finally overturned.In this dark tale, the beautiful Salomé tries to seduce the imprisoned prophet, Iokanaan. When he refuses her advances, Salomé is transformed into the ultimate femme fatale. A lyrical and fascinating play that deals with the themes of love, lust, revenge, murder, and madness, ‘Salomé’ is ideal for those who want to see Wilde at his most bloodthirsty.Oscar Wilde (1854 – 1900) was an Irish novelist, poet, playwright, and wit. He was an advocate of the Aesthetic movement, which extolled the virtues of art for the sake of art. During his career, Wilde wrote nine plays, including ‘The Importance of Being Earnest,’ ‘Lady Windermere’s Fan,’ and ‘A Woman of No Importance,’ many of which are still performed today. His only novel, ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ was adapted for the silver screen, in the film, ‘Dorian Gray,’ starring Ben Barnes and Colin Firth. In addition, Wilde wrote 43 poems, and seven essays. His life was the subject of a film, starring Stephen Fry.

  • af Manuel Bretón de los Herreros
    36,99 kr.

    Curioso texto de corte humorístico en el que el autor arremete contra la escena teatral de su época, mofándose en verso de ciertos comportamientos pomposos y altivos por parte de actores y actrices del momento, endiosados en sus roles supuestamente trascendentales. Pullas, brutales ataques y finos lances se suceden en un poema que destila mala baba y sátira por los cuatro costados.Manuel Bretón de los Herreros fue un dramaturgo y poeta español nacido en Quel (Logroño) en 1796 y fallecido en Madrid en 1873. Periodista errante hasta afincarse por fin en Madrid, se especializó en el teatro y llegó a formar parte de la Real Academia. Sus obras teatrales le granjearon no poca fama en el Madrid de la época, llegando a escribir más de 360 títulos. Se le recuerda como uno de los dramaturgos más prolíficos y relevantes de su tiempo.

  • af María Rosa Gálvez de Cabrera
    44,99 kr.

    Este volumen recoge cuatro obras teatrales de María Rosa Gálvez de Cabrera, en las que apreciamos su radical feminismo adelantado a su época y su dura carga contra el patriarcado y la violencia activa o pasiva a la que sometía a las mujeres.María Rosa Gálvez de Cabrera es una autora nacida en Málaga en 1768 y fallecida en Madrid en 1806. Fue poetisa y dramaturga adscrita a los movimientos de la ilustración y el neoclasicismo, con ciertos componentes románticos. Mal considerada en su época por su flagrante feminismo, su independencia y sus nociones morales ajenas a las de su época, está reivindicada como una de las precursoras más importantes de la literatura y la poesía femenina.

  • af Luis Vélez de Guevara
    44,99 kr.

    La serrana de la vera es un texto teatral del autor Luis Vélez de Guevara. Basada en una leyenda castellana, narra la historia de una serrana que asesinaba a los hombres después de haberse encamado con ellos.Luis Vélez de Guevara es un autor nacido en Écija (Sevilla) en 1579 y fallecido en Madrid en 1664. Su obra, principalmente teatral, se recuerda como una de las cumbres del barroquismo en el marco del Siglo de Oro Español. Suya es la famosa obra El diablo cojuelo, que ha permanecido en el imaginario español hasta nuestros días.

  • af Antonio Mira de Amescua
    44,99 kr.

    La adversa fortuna de don Álvaro de Luna es un texto teatral de corte histórico del dramaturgo Antonio Mira de Amescua. Se articula en torno a la figura histórica de Álvaro de Luna, bastardo del copero mayor del rey Enrique III, y sus aventuras y desventuras a la hora de ascender en el escalafón social y ocupar el puesto que merece.Antonio Mira de Amescua es un poeta y dramaturgo español nacido en Guadix (Grandada) en 1577 y fallecido en la misma localiad en 1644. Enmarcado en el Siglo de Oro Español, su obra teatral entronca directamente con el auto sacramental, la comedia religiosa y el costumbrismo. Escribió más de sesenta obras que le valieron gran renombre, siempre desde un punto de vista cristiano y adscrito a la moral de su época.

  • af Oscar Wilde
    42,99 kr.

    ‘The Duchess of Padua’ is a five-act play, originally written for American actress, Mary Anderson (best known for her role in ‘Gone with the Wind’). With themes of murder, suicide, love, and revenge, it has drawn comparisons with Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet.’ The story follows Guido Ferranti, who is tasked to murder the Duke of Padua and avenge his dead father. However, when Guido falls in love with the Duchess of Padua, he is conflicted. Can the Duchess help or hinder him in his mission? A lyrical play, written in blank verse, this is one of Wilde’s most intricate, full of twists and turns, and trademark Wildean wit.Oscar Wilde (1854 – 1900) was an Irish novelist, poet, playwright, and wit. He was an advocate of the Aesthetic movement, which extolled the virtues of art for the sake of art. During his career, Wilde wrote nine plays, including ‘The Importance of Being Earnest,’ ‘Lady Windermere’s Fan,’ and ‘A Woman of No Importance,’ many of which are still performed today. His only novel, ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ was adapted for the silver screen, in the film, ‘Dorian Gray,’ starring Ben Barnes and Colin Firth. In addition, Wilde wrote 43 poems, and seven essays. His life was the subject of a film, starring Stephen Fry.

  • af Oscar Wilde
    42,99 kr.

    While Wilde might be better known for acidic and satirical comedies, such as ‘The Importance of being Earnest,’ and ‘Lay Windemere’s Fan,’ his first outing as a playwright was in the realms of tragedy. Set in Russia, ‘Vera; or, The Nihilists’ follows the eponymous Vera on her journey from barmaid, to joining terrorist group, ‘The Nihilists,’ and becoming their top assassin.Inspired by real-life events, Wilde’s play explores the idea that full commitment to an ideology can dehumanise almost anyone. While considered a tragedy, and with more than a whiff of Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’ about it, ‘Vera; or, The Nihilists’ is peppered with the playwright’s trademark wit and caustic cynicism. A superb read for those who enjoyed the TV-Series 'Killing Eve' starring Jodie Comer and want to see how it all began for one of the 19th Century’s most famous – and infamous - writers.Oscar Wilde (1854 – 1900) was an Irish novelist, poet, playwright, and wit. He was an advocate of the Aesthetic movement, which extolled the virtues of art for the sake of art. During his career, Wilde wrote nine plays, including ‘The Importance of Being Earnest,’ ‘Lady Windermere’s Fan,’ and ‘A Woman of No Importance,’ many of which are still performed today. His only novel, ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ was adapted for the silver screen, in the film, ‘Dorian Gray,’ starring Ben Barnes and Colin Firth. In addition, Wilde wrote 43 poems, and seven essays. His life was the subject of a film, starring Stephen Fry.

  • af Manuel Bretón de los Herreros
    36,99 kr.

    Breve e intensa comedia de amor del dramaturgo y poeta Manuel Bretón de los Herreros. En ella asistiremos a las tribulaciones de Luisa, abandonada por un novio militar al que, por azares del destino, alojan temporalmente en la pensión de su madre poco después. Carlos, el militar en cuestión, volverá a caer en las redes del amor, pero esta vez por Leonor, madre de Luisa. El enredo está servido.Manuel Bretón de los Herreros fue un dramaturgo y poeta español nacido en Quel (Logroño) en 1796 y fallecido en Madrid en 1873. Periodista errante hasta afincarse por fin en Madrid, se especializó en el teatro y llegó a formar parte de la Real Academia. Sus obras teatrales le granjearon no poca fama en el Madrid de la época, llegando a escribir más de 360 títulos. Se le recuerda como uno de los dramaturgos más prolíficos y relevantes de su tiempo.

  • af Jack London
    77,99 kr.

    A tale of literal and proverbial gold diggers.Not the incel manifesto you might expect, "Scorn of Women" is one of Jack London's rare attempts at playwriting, being a three-act adaptation of his short story of the same name. It is available in London’s 1901 collection "The God of His Fathers".Floyd Vanderlip has made it big in the Klondike Gold Rush and has, in unrelated news, caught the eye of the local womenfolk. Promiscuous dancers, married women and Floyd's actual fiancée all want the 'lip' treatment and so he becomes spolied for choice on the ladies front.A comedy of class, manners and manipulation, "Scorn of Women" takes the reader to the golden age of Yukon Territory, Canada (1896-1899) where London – ever the socialist, brings together all layers of society under one roof in the hunt for that noblest of metals. And while it has been long excavated, nobody will leave the ball with their hands clean.Jack London (1876–1916) was an American writer and social activist. He grew up in the working class, but became a worldwide celebrity and one of the highest paid authors of his time. He wrote several novels, which are considered classics today, among these 'Call of the Wild', 'Sea Wolf' and 'White Fang'.

  • af Victor Hugo
    59,99 kr.

    The play "Ruy Blas" explores the life of an ordinary poet and servant, Ruy Blas, who has secretly fallen in love with the Queen of Spain. His master plots revenge against the unfit king Charles II, and Ruy finds himself in the middle of political intrigues, murders, and sinister machinations. Hugo’s strength lies in the dramatic portrayal of the characters, as Ruy stands for the oppressed and low-standing members of society. A fast-paced and intricate, "Ruy Blas" is a tale about struggling and aspiring people, fighting for their future and against injustice.Victor Hugo (1802-1885) was a prolific French poet, playwright, novelist, essayist, and statesman. His name is often associated with the Romantic movement in France. He was also an ardent politician, supporting republicanism. His best known works include "Les Miserables", "The Hunchback of Notre-Dame", "The Man Who Laughs", witnessing countless big screen adaptations.

  • af Krzysztof Toeplitz
    Fra 31,99 kr.

    Powieść autora scenariusza do ikonicznego serialu „Czterdziestolatek"!,,Hollywood nie jest miejscem na mapie - Hollywood to stan umysłu. (...) Ta nazwa stała się symbolem, oznaczającym kłębowisko ludzkich nadziei, namiętności, osiągnięć i dramatów, stała się symbolem amerykańskiego filmu i wszystkiego, co w dobrym i złym znaczeniu przyniosło światu to zjawisko". Sprawy, których dotyczą ,,Sensacje filmowe" rozgrywają się w Hollywood czasów PRL-u i mają związek nie tylko z historią ,,fabryki snów", ale też karierą, życiem osobistym popularnych aktorów. Teoplitz z właściwym sobie wdziękiem przedstawia ważne fakty z dziejów Hollywood, okraszając je reporterskimi dygresjami na temat np. wystąpień publicznych Charliego Chaplina czy bandy Charlesa Mansona odpowiedzialnej za morderstwo w willi Polańskiego. Lektura przypadnie do gustu temu, kto interesuje się przemysłem filmowym w Hollywood i chciałby poznać ciekawe ploteczki o dawnych gwiazdach srebrnego ekranu.Krzysztof Teodor Toeplitz pseud. KAT, KTT, Krzysztof Deuter (ur. 28 stycznia 1933 r. w Otrębusach, zm. 30 marca 2010 r. w Warszawie) - pisarz, publicysta, działacz polityczny, autor scenariuszy filmowych i telewizyjnych (m.in. ,,Czterdziestolatka", ,,Sławy i chwały"). Pochodził z zasymilowanej rodziny żydowskiej. Ukończył historię sztuki na UW (1955). Zadebiutował w 1947 r. jako krytyk filmowy, był wykładowcą PWST w Warszawie i łódzkiej PWSFTviT, redagował ,,Szpilki", publikował w ,,Przeglądzie Kulturalnym", ,,Polityce, ,,Przeglądzie" i ,,Trybunie". Wydał ponad 30 książek, m.in. powieści "Gorący kartofel", "Zapiski ambasadora Nolandii" i szkice "Groch o ekran". W latach 1955-58 i 1981-87 był kierownikiem literackiego Zespołu Filmowego "Kadr", a w latach 1979-80 Zespołu Filmowego "Iluzjon". Laureat wielu nagród, m.in. Złotego Medalu "Zasłużony Kulturze Gloria Artis" (2009).

  • af Manuel Bretón de los Herreros
    36,99 kr.

    Estupenda comedia teatral en un acto del dramaturgo Manuel Bretón de los Herreros. En una casa señorial sevillana, seguimos las desventuras de Camila, enamorada de dos mozos al mismo tiempo. Los enredos se sucederán entre los celos de ambos y la maledicencia de las vecinas que asisten al desarrollo de su amor.Manuel Bretón de los Herreros fue un dramaturgo y poeta español nacido en Quel (Logroño) en 1796 y fallecido en Madrid en 1873. Periodista errante hasta afincarse por fin en Madrid, se especializó en el teatro y llegó a formar parte de la Real Academia. Sus obras teatrales le granjearon no poca fama en el Madrid de la época, llegando a escribir más de 360 títulos. Se le recuerda como uno de los dramaturgos más prolíficos y relevantes de su tiempo.

  • af Manuel Bretón de los Herreros
    36,99 kr.

    Una nueva muestra del genio absoluto de Manuel Bretón de los Herreros a la hora de componer las mejores y más divertidas comedias teatrales de enredo. En ella, asistimos a la porfía entre Inés y Pascual, un matrimonio de bajos recursos que pasa penurias económicas. Numerosas serán las oportunidades de salir de la miseria que se les presentarán, pero ya sea por mala suerte o mala fe, las terminarán perdiendo todas.Manuel Bretón de los Herreros fue un dramaturgo y poeta español nacido en Quel (Logroño) en 1796 y fallecido en Madrid en 1873. Periodista errante hasta afincarse por fin en Madrid, se especializó en el teatro y llegó a formar parte de la Real Academia. Sus obras teatrales le granjearon no poca fama en el Madrid de la época, llegando a escribir más de 360 títulos. Se le recuerda como uno de los dramaturgos más prolíficos y relevantes de su tiempo.

  • af Manuel Bretón de los Herreros
    36,99 kr.

    Interesante comedia teatral del dramaturgo Manuel Bretón de los Herreros que sigue las andanzas de don Ramón, cuyo amor se debate entre la liberal y disipada Teresa y la casta aunque mas insulsa Casilda. Sin embargo, en medio de sus cavilaciones se inmiscuye don Jorge, quien también tiene sentimientos hacia Teresa.Manuel Bretón de los Herreros fue un dramaturgo y poeta español nacido en Quel (Logroño) en 1796 y fallecido en Madrid en 1873. Periodista errante hasta afincarse por fin en Madrid, se especializó en el teatro y llegó a formar parte de la Real Academia. Sus obras teatrales le granjearon no poca fama en el Madrid de la época, llegando a escribir más de 360 títulos. Se le recuerda como uno de los dramaturgos más prolíficos y relevantes de su tiempo.

  • af Luigi Capuana
    40,99 kr.

    Ambientata nell'entroterra siciliano di inizio Ottocento, questa tragedia in tre atti racconta la drammatica parabola di Jana, una giovane segretamente innamorata del cognato Cola. Struggendosi fino a cadere in un’abulia dai risvolti esoterici, Jana verrà erroneamente creduta dalla famiglia una vittima del malocchio: un equivoco che con l'evolversi della vicenda porterà a risvolti grotteschi e a un'imprevedibile risoluzione degli eventi.Luigi Capuana (1839 - 1915) è stato uno scrittore, critico, accademico e giornalista di origini siciliane tra i massimi esponenti del verismo italiano.Visse a lungo a Mineo, dove fu eletto due volte sindaco, ma anche a Firenze, a Milano e a Roma, per poi ritornare in Sicilia come professore all’Università di Catania. Seguace dei teorici del naturalismo francese, affermò la necessità di creare un romanzo nuovo, che ritraesse il mondo contadino e la realtà regionale, approfondendo lo studio psicologico dei personaggi e quello dei sentimenti. Fra le sue opere si ricordano le fiabe di "C’era una volta" (1882) e i due romanzi "Profumo" (1891) e "Il marchese di Roccaverdina" (1901).

  • af William Shakespeare
    42,99 kr.

    Shakespeare is regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's best dramatist. His plays have been translated into every major language, and are the most performed ever. His work contains stunningly modern insight, witty jokes and soaring passion; it is an endless source of amazement and inspiration. A Midsummer Night's Dream is one of Shakespeare's most popular works for the stage, widely performed across the world. It is a comedy about the fantastic events surrounding the marriage of the Duke of Athens. The fairies inhabiting the forest in which the play is set keep playing tricks on the actors, putting every character's true nature in a crude and funny light. This lively adaptation is a convenient summary meant to bring to you Shakespeare's magic in an actual, clear and precise way; recorded by the greatest storytellers, it will bring to you the fundamentals of English culture in a most enjoyable format.