Bøger udgivet af Cupido

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  • af Cupido And Others
    39,00 kr.

    Et frækt krydderi til de faste partnere hjemme i hverdagen og under pauserne fra job, hus og børn."Han prøvede at koncentrere sig om budgettet. Hun havde været ude med veninderne og var i drillehumør." - You've got mail af Ham og Hende"De var ude i regnen - og pludselig kom lysten over dem. Det blev dejligt og varmt." - Våd og dejlig af Glemm Illing"Da hun har fået tømrerbukserne på igen, tager de opvasken sammen. Så godt, at de ikke har opvaskemaskine!" - Ved opvasken af Ona Nita, Oslo"Han slikkede hende mindre nu end tidligere. Var det fordi hendes dusk var vokset ganske tæt på det sidste?" - Klipning af Kaj GornizkCUPIDO, magasinet for intimitet og nydelse, har siden 1984 udgivet erotiske noveller baseret på hverdagsfantasier og glæde.

  • af Cupido And Others
    39,00 kr.

    Det unge par. Den første gang. Fræk flirt. Det hemmelige og forbudte møde. Den unge student og læreren. Den ældre gentleman og den uskyldige jomfru. Du, jeg og min ven."De mødte ham på et traditionelt værtshus. Han var klædt i sort - 18 år og med en smule feminint over sig." - Tre stjerneskud af Trollelg"Der var ingen tvivl om, at den unge mand kom fra et godt hjem." - Mandagslektionerne af Geirr Eid"Hun mærker, hvordan begæret efter en ung krop vokser i hende, og lægger armen omkring hans skulder, og leder ham op til soveværelset." - Morgendæmring af Fanchette, BuskerudCUPIDO, magasinet for liderlighed og glæde, intimitet og nydelse, har siden 1984 udgivet erotiske noveller baseret på læsernes hverdagsfantasier og seksuelle oplevelser.

  • af Cupido And Others
    39,00 kr.

    Historier om den dominerende kvinde eller mand, par eller fremmede, som udforsker grænserne for seksualitet med rollespil, BDSM, partnerbytte eller orgier indhyllet i seksuel mystik."Stillingen var ledig, og hun havde de ønskede kvalifikationer: Hun var underdanig og glatbarberet." – Ledig stilling af Lulu M."Han forlod festen uden hende. Hun måtte selv håndtere de fire unge bøller på stationen." – Stenløse station af OKS"I spejlet så han alt – en påklædt og en afklædt kvinde. Den nøgne hylede." – Trio for hersker og slaver af Sakse SaunaCUPIDO, magasinet for liderlighed og glæde, intimitet og nydelse, har siden 1984 udgivet erotiske noveller baseret på læsernes hverdagsfantasier og seksuelle oplevelser.

  • af Cupido And Others
    39,00 kr.

    Et frækt krydderi til de faste partnere hjemme i hverdagen og under pauserne fra job, hus og børn."Hun kendte godt virkningen, når der var andre smarte kroppe rundt om ham. Så kan hun være skamløs og fyrig allerede i bilen hjem." - Sommerligt hvil af Solveig Dal"Hans kone hostede. Hvis hun ikke så ham berøre det forbudte, så hun i hvert fald hans begyndende erektion." - Tabu af DanteCUPIDO, magasinet for intimitet og nydelse, har siden 1984 udgivet erotiske noveller baseret på hverdagsfantasier og glæde.

  • af Cupido And Others
    39,00 kr.

    Kvinde – kvinde. Mand – mand. Biseksualitet. Fleksibel. Queer. Nogen har aldrig sat spørgsmålstegn ved deres egen homoseksualitet. Andre er heteroseksuelle og er gift og har børn, før tanken om ens bedste veninde pludselig gør brystvorterne hårde, eller en berøring fra ens bedste ven gør pikken stiv.Dette er en erotisk novellesamling fra Cupido. Novellesamlingen indeholder følgende noveller:"Svensk ung mand rejser til USA for at besøge sin kammerat, som han er lun på. Men kammeraten er meget optaget til anden side." – Pool af Manu Seppänen"De vågner sammen og elsker sammen, og når alt kommer til alt, er de begge mere optaget af bagsiden end af forsiden." – Fantasi af Ensom blandt mangeCUPIDO, magasinet for liderlighed og glæde, intimitet og nydelse, har siden 1984 udgivet erotiske noveller baseret på læsernes hverdagsfantasier og seksuelle oplevelser.

  • af Cupido And Others
    39,00 kr.

    Kvinde - kvinde. Mand - mand. Biseksualitet. Fleksibel. Queer. Nogle personer har aldrig sat spørgsmålstegn ved deres homoseksualitet. Andre er heteroseksuelle med ægteskab og børn, når tanken om ens bedste veninde pludselig gør brystvorterne hårde, eller når ens bedste vens berøring gør pikken stiv."Ud af det blå dukkede de to eunukker med de lyseblå posebukser op igen. Denne gang var det ikke æblejuice, de ville byde på. På fadet, som den ene bar, lå to genstande i blankpoleret ibenholt: En handy dildo – og et sæt kærlighedskugler. I min ophedede sindstilstand studsede jeg knapt over den usædvanlige »menu«, valgte blot de to kugler og vaklede videre." – Ibenholtnatten af Naia BangCUPIDO, magasinet for liderlighed og glæde, intimitet og nydelse, har siden 1984 udgivet erotiske noveller baseret på læsernes hverdagsfantasier og seksuelle oplevelser.

  • af Cupido And Others
    42,99 kr.

    Long-term couples can spice up their sex life with this hot little number whether bored at home or on a weekend away from work, home, and the kids.This is an erotic short story collection from Cupido. The collection includes the following short stories:"Yes, blessed be the Church that provided such wife material." David and Bathsheba by Geirr Eid"She imagined her boyfriend on hands and knees before her. To begin with, she just walked round, looking at him." Daydreams by Kari, Buskerud"He couldn’t understand that other people could have so many erotic fantasies. She picked up Cupido from her bedside table." Cupido by Titti, Stavanger"He’d ordered ’The Beast’ from Cupido mail order. But everything turned out quite differently from what he’d imagined!" When ‘The Beast’ Arrived by Fred and Janne"She was desperate and didn’t have time to wait until he came home. Luckily, he had hands-free in the car." Hands-free by Torsten MenkerCUPIDO – the magazine for intimate, horny pleasure – has been publishing erotic fiction based on readers’ everyday fantasies and sexual experiences since 1984.

  • af Cupido And Others
    42,99 kr.

    There’s nothing like the fresh air in the mountains, waves lapping against the shore, the wind caressing your breast, the water touching your sex...This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains the following stories:"They came along the coastal path in the pouring rain, asking if they were far from Nevlunghamn. She was fit and gorgeous. He was tired." - Along The Coastal Path by Odin S. Gade"The sailboat is up for sale. The potential buyer performs a thorough examination." - The Trial Voyage by Madonna, OsloCUPIDO – the magazine for intimate, horny pleasure – has been publishing erotic fiction based on readers’ everyday fantasies and sexual experiences since 1984.

  • af Cupido And Others
    42,99 kr.

    Long-term couples can spice up their sex life with this hot little number whether bored at home or on a weekend away from work, home, and the kids.This is an erotic short story collection from Cupido. The collection includes the following short stories:"They started one of those stop-start who-what-where conversations, but their eyes were flirting intensely. Anna had never been unfaithful to Jørgen." – When She Met Him by Anna & Jørgen, Oslo"She tried to think of her husband when she dried her hair, but it was the image of her lover that she saw." – Double Talk by Bella DonnaCUPIDO – the magazine for intimate, horny pleasure – has been publishing erotic fiction based on readers’ everyday fantasies and sexual experiences since 1984.

  • af Cupido And Others
    42,99 kr.

    Long-term couples can spice up their sex life with this hot little number whether bored at home or on a weekend away from work, home, and the kids.This is an erotic short story collection from Cupido. The collection includes the following short stories:"Her boyfriend was sitting there with his hard-on. But she wanted to wait. A big surprise was waiting for him." - Alternative Yahtzee with a climax by Bohemen"He liked her to be accessible when they went out together. For that reason, she never wore any panties." - The beginning of something that will become bigger by Have an Au Pair"She’s standing there, kneading bread dough and wearing an old dress. It’s a bit tight here and there, but her husband loves it."- The bread by Virgo"The wedding party is in full swing, but the bridal pair doesn’t have time to wait." - The wedding by Cherry, Bergen"They ran naked towards the beach. Was that the only thought in their minds?" - Obsession by Marie, FåborgCUPIDO – the magazine for intimate, horny pleasure – has been publishing erotic fiction based on readers’ everyday fantasies and sexual experiences since 1984.

  • af Cupido And Others
    42,99 kr.

    Long-term couples can spice up their sex life with this hot little number whether bored at home or on a weekend away from work, home, and the kids.This is an erotic short story collection from Cupido. The collection includes the following short stories:"The doctor had a helper with him when he came to disinfect her graze. He made a thorough job of it, and her husband was impressed." A Graze in Cairo by A.K. Oslo"It was a strange feeling for him to feel the bed rock and to know it was because another man was getting in, right beside his wife." Cup Final by Denis DanteCUPIDO – the magazine for intimate, horny pleasure – has been publishing erotic fiction based on readers’ everyday fantasies and sexual experiences since 1984.

  • af Cupido And Others
    42,99 kr.

    Long-term couples can spice up their sex life with this hot little number whether bored at home or on a weekend away from work, home, and the kids.This is an erotic short story collection from Cupido. The collection includes the following short stories:"They didn’t leave the hotel room for days. They were naked, in love and fascinated with their own image in the mirror." - It’s all about giving and taking by Ingrid, Trondheim"- Hey, he said in a low voice. - I just broke my pencil. You don’t happen to have a pencil sharpener?" - Matinee by H, Trondheim"She has showered and shaved. She is going to take on the fight against Rosenborg." - The home win by Trsi"She blinked, her eyelids expertly painted in brown, black and green. And she parted her blood-red lips." - Just take me! by Manga"He can tell that she wants it. But she’s not going to get it. Not yet..." - All’s well that ends well by Perikles, ÅlesundCUPIDO – the magazine for intimate, horny pleasure – has been publishing erotic fiction based on readers’ everyday fantasies and sexual experiences since 1984.

  • af Cupido And Others
    42,99 kr.

    Long-term couples can spice up their sex life with this hot little number whether bored at home or on a weekend away from work, home, and the kids.This is an erotic short story collection from Cupido. The collection includes the following short stories:"He is the reincarnation of a Hellenic God, the symbol of southern manhood. He was the restauranteur’s son." The Minotaur by Denis Dante"All the same, it wasn’t before she rested a hand on her thigh underneath the table that she understood. They had chosen her. She’d wanted to do this for years." When He and She met Her by Kim, BergenCUPIDO – the magazine for intimate, horny pleasure – has been publishing erotic fiction based on readers’ everyday fantasies and sexual experiences since 1984.

  • af Cupido And Others
    42,99 kr.

    Couples can spice up their sex life with this hot little number. Whether you’re bored at home or enjoying a weekend away from work, home or the kids, there’s something here for everyone.This is an erotic short story collection from Cupido. The collection includes the following short stories:"This is the story of Linda learning how to tie knots. She’s sitting with the instruction book in her lap, practising with a piece of rope. Only, there’s a man in the room." - Reading Aloud by Minni Mus"You’re completely naked and exposed for the first time as a stranger’s eyes caress your skin. Do you run and hide or do you seize the moment?" - Through the Camera Lens by Roy ReboCUPIDO – the magazine for intimate, horny pleasure – has been publishing erotic fiction based on readers’ everyday fantasies and sexual experiences since 1984.

  • af Cupido And Others
    42,99 kr.

    Sexy spice for established partners at home, in day-to-day life and escaping from work, house and kids.This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains the following stories:"There was one customer who often called her husband in the evenings, and she knew he was getting pretty fed up with these interruptions." The Telephone Call by Sissel"She had got to the point where she didn’t care whether he saw her or not. She could feel her own juices building up as his hard-on became more obvious." The Man on the Sunbed by Smooth"Men usually want a little more than just words. It struck her when her beloved was off on his travels and they made the best of it with horny emails." Nice to Have Something to Look at by Him and Her"She was so sexy, so alluring and irresistible..." Foreplay by Thord"The evening I accidentally discovered my wife’s infidelity was an otherwise quite normal Thursday." A Naughty Discovery by A Happy Cuckold, HumlebækCUPIDO – the magazine for intimate, horny pleasure – has been publishing erotic fiction based on readers’ everyday fantasies and sexual experiences since 1984

  • af Cupido And Others
    42,99 kr.

    Long-term couples can spice up their sex life with this hot little number whether bored at home or on a weekend away from work, home, and the kids.This is an erotic short story collection from Cupido. The collection includes the following short stories:"Can women really stay horny all day? Horny when they wake, horny when they’re awake, and horny when they sleep?" – Sappho’s Girls by Baby Li"She managed to add a bit of extra taste to her baking before there was an unexpected visit." – Baking Love by Juli Sand CUPIDO – the magazine for intimate, horny pleasure – has been publishing erotic fiction based on readers’ everyday fantasies and sexual experiences since 1984.CUPIDO – the magazine for intimate, horny pleasure – has been publishing erotic fiction based on readers’ everyday fantasies and sexual experiences since 1984.

  • af Cupido And Others
    59,99 kr.

    Tarinoita dominoivista naisista ja miehistä, pareista ja ventovieraista, jotka tutkivat seksuaalisuutensa rajoja roolileikkien, BDSM, parinvaihdon, orgioiden ja muiden seksikkääseen mystiikkaan kietoutuvien kokemusten kautta. Kokoelma sisältää seuraavat novellit: Hävytön, Lomailoa, Christinen uudet kujeet, Tästä alkaa todellinen leikki!, Käteni ovat sidotut, Kultaista sadetta, Pokerinaama, Salainen sopimus, Elisabethin syntymäpäivä, Sokea rakkaus.CUPIDO on elämänilon, himon ja nautinnon aikakauslehti, joka on julkaissut lukijoidensa fantasioihin ja seksikokemuksiin perustuvia novelleja jo vuodesta 1984. Uudelleenjulkaistu tuoreina, seksikkäinä kokoelmina yhteistyössä Sagan kanssa.

  • af Cupido And Others
    59,99 kr.

    Seksikäs piristysruiske pariskunnan arkeen ja kahdenkeskisiin hetkiin. Kokoelma sisältää seuraavat novellit:tHeinäkuinen vuononselkä, Makea yllätys, Tasapaino, Vasta-ajeltu, Aamiaispöydässä, Kosto on suloinen, Blue Velvet, Fantasiat voivat toteutuaCUPIDO on elämänilon, himon ja nautinnon aikakauslehti, joka on julkaissut lukijoidensa fantasioihin ja seksikokemuksiin perustuvia novelleja jo vuodesta 1984. Uudelleenjulkaistu tuoreina, seksikkäinä kokoelmina yhteistyössä Sagan kanssa.

  • af Cupido And Others
    26,99 kr.

    Kvinna – kvinna. Man – man. Bisexualitet. Flexibel. Queer. Vissa har aldrig funderat över sin homosexualitet. Andra är heterosexuella med äktenskap och barn när tanken på ens bästa tjejkompis plötsligt gör bröstvårtorna styva, eller bästa killkompisens beröring gör kuken hård. Detta är en erotisk novellsamling från Cupido. Novellsamlingen innehåller följande noveller: Tjej-blinddate, Erövring, Krokimodell, Snabb leverans, Svensk ungdom i Kalifornien, Långtransport i Europa, Flygturen, Hantverkaren, Min väns bror..., Hisskillen i Lissabon.CUPIDO, tidskriften för kåthet, glädje, intimitet och njutning, har sedan 1984 gett ut erotiska noveller baserade på sina läsares vardagsfantasier och sexuella upplevelser. Publicerade i fräscha sexiga samlingar i samarbete mellan Hverdag AS/Cupido och Saga.

  • af Cupido And Others
    26,99 kr.

    Det finns inget som slår den friska luften på fjället, vågorna som slår mot stranden, vinden som svalkar bröstet, vattnet som rör vid könet... Novellsamlingen innehåller följande noveller: Nudistminnen, Singelsemester, Sommarfjället, Gubbar på stugtur, Make love, Jonsvatnet, Luren, Husmornytt, En resa för två.CUPIDO, tidskriften för kåthet, glädje, intimitet och njutning, har sedan 1984 gett ut erotiska noveller baserade på sina läsares vardagsfantasier och sexuella upplevelser. Publicerade i fräscha sexiga samlingar i samarbete mellan Hverdag AS/Cupido och Saga.

  • af Cupido
    Fra 26,99 kr.

    En sexig kryddning for par som har fastnat i vardagen och soker sin tillflykt fran hemmet, jobbet och barnen. Novellsamlingen innehaller foljande noveller: Tabu, You've got mail, Sex fran scratch, Pa Mariott-baren, Larobok i sex, Min fru och hennes elev, Fonstertittning, Overraskningen, Ny krydda, En vecka utan dig.-

  • af Cupido
    Fra 26,99 kr.

    Berattelser om den dominerande kvinnan eller mannen, paret eller framlingarna som utforskar sexualitetens granser med rollspel, BDSM, partnerbyte eller orgier inholjda i sexig mystik. Novellsamlingen innehaller foljande noveller: Juristen, Smartande begar, Atte vackra unge, Trostjuven, Snoaventyret, Studentlivets gladjeamnen, Tjansteflickan, Olydia, Lader och gummi.-

  • af Cupido And Others
    Fra 24,99 kr.

    Historier om den dominerande kvinnan eller mannen, paret eller främlingar som utforskar gränser för sexualitet med rollspel, BDSM, partnerbyte eller orgier insvepta i sexig mystik. Detta är en erotisk novellsamling från Cupido. Novellsamlingen innehåller följande noveller: "I tunneln togs hon med våld av främmande krafter. I badkaret doftade det av ylang ylang." - Födelsedag av Aino Cara "Hon stannar precis innanför dörren och tittar på honom medan han långsamt klär av sig. Varför springer hon inte? Varför skriker hon inte så att grannarna kan höra henne?" Ensam hemma av Miriam Marcussen "Han gjorde precis samma sak med den andra foten. Masserade varje millimeter tills det glödde." - Passiv av Hu CUPIDO, tidskriften för kåthet, glädje, intimitet och njutning, har sedan 1984 gett ut erotiska noveller baserade på sina läsares vardagsfantasier och sexuella upplevelser. CUPIDO, tidskriften för kåthet, glädje, intimitet och njutning, har sedan 1984 gett ut erotiska noveller baserade på sina läsares vardagsfantasier och sexuella upplevelser.

  • af Cupido And Others
    Fra 24,99 kr.

    Historier om den dominerande kvinnan eller mannen, paret eller främlingar som utforskar gränser för sexualitet med rollspel, BDSM, partnerbyte eller orgier insvepta i sexig mystik. Detta är en erotisk novellsamling från Cupido. Novellsamlingen innehåller följande noveller: "Killarna fann varandra – djupt inne i henne. De lät fingrarna gå långsamt i takt. Karl in, medan John drog sig ur. Själv tryckte hon rumpan långsamt mot dem." – Gurksalladen av Silvana Myrnes "En kvinna drömmer att hon ligger i skeppskojen och tar hand om matroserna – alla på en rad." – Dröm och verkligen av Åse "Den ena vakten visslade tyst mellan tänderna och bad henne vända sig om." – Säkerhetskontroll av Fruen, Bodø CUPIDO, tidskriften för kåthet och glädje, intimitet och njutning, har sedan 1984 gett ut erotiska noveller baserade på sina läsares vardagsfantasier och sexuella upplevelser. CUPIDO, tidskriften för kåthet, glädje, intimitet och njutning, har sedan 1984 gett ut erotiska noveller baserade på sina läsares vardagsfantasier och sexuella upplevelser.

  • af Cupido And Others
    Fra 24,99 kr.

    Historier om den dominerande kvinnan eller mannen, paret eller främlingar som utforskar gränser för sexualitet med rollspel, BDSM, partnerbyte eller orgier insvepta i sexig mystik. Detta är en erotisk novellsamling från Cupido. Novellsamlingen innehåller följande noveller: "Även som han med alla sinnen fullkomligt slukade det allt häftigare knullande paret framför sig, flimrade upplevelserna för länge, länge sen ändå förbi i hans huvud." – Minnet av Nicole av Sam "Det var hennes man som blev mittpunkten när de två paren träffades. Han blev förödmjukad och utnyttjad av dem alla." – En fantastisk föreställning av Linda CUPIDO, tidskriften för kåthet, glädje, intimitet och njutning, har sedan 1984 gett ut erotiska noveller baserade på sina läsares vardagsfantasier och sexuella upplevelser. CUPIDO, tidskriften för kåthet, glädje, intimitet och njutning, har sedan 1984 gett ut erotiska noveller baserade på sina läsares vardagsfantasier och sexuella upplevelser.

  • af Cupido And Others
    42,99 kr.

    The young couple. The first time. Naughty flirting. The secret, forbidden meeting. The young student and his teacher. The older gentleman and the innocent virgin. You, me and a friend.This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains following short stories:"He and she met him at a bar. He was dressed in black – 18 years-old, a bit feminine in his mannerisms." Three Shooting Stars "There was no doubt that the youngster came from a good home." – Extra Lessons by Geirr Eid"She senses her desire for a young body growing in her, puts her arms around his shoulders and leads him up to the bedroom." – Daybreak by Fanchette, BuskerudCUPIDO – the magazine for intimate, horny pleasure – has been publishing erotic fiction based on readers’ everyday fantasies and sexual experiences since 1984.

  • af Cupido And Others
    42,99 kr.

    The young couple. The first time. Naughty flirting. The secret, forbidden meeting. The young student and his teacher. The older gentleman and the innocent virgin. You, me and a friend.This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains following short stories:"He likes to watch her – even from a distance. She’s not to be mistaken." – Supervision by Paradox"Search & Rescue had found the teacher and high school student in a hut where they had sought shelter." – The Storm by BEG, Eastern Norway"The boy had fallen asleep with the newspaper on his lap and his head resting against the window. He’s sweet." – Train 1969 by Blondie Gulbrandsen"There was a knock at the door and a skinny, soaking, sobbing girl was on the doorstep." A Spontaneous Visit by Cupido reader from DenmarkCUPIDO – the magazine for intimate, horny pleasure – has been publishing erotic fiction based on readers’ everyday fantasies and sexual experiences since 1984.

  • af Cupido And Others
    42,99 kr.

    The young couple. The first time. Naughty flirting. The secret, forbidden meeting. The young student and his teacher. The older gentleman and the innocent virgin. You, me and a friend.This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains following short stories:"The idea that Nico had stood there and watched us was an odd but at the same time exciting one." - Perfect Strangers by Mia Sol"He was working a summer job at a newsagent’s, and discovered that the owner smuggled in Cupido through the back room." - The Smuggler by Elliot Watson "She generally only showed herself off to lonely men. But this fine and peaceful afternoon, she decided to make an exception." - Commando Time, Odin S. GadeCUPIDO – the magazine for intimate, horny pleasure – has been publishing erotic fiction based on readers’ everyday fantasies and sexual experiences since 1984.

  • af Cupido And Others
    42,99 kr.

    The young couple. The first time. Naughty flirting. The secret, forbidden meeting. The young student and his teacher. The older gentleman and the innocent virgin. You, me and a friend.This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains following short stories:"She couldn’t help but notice the large, full scrotum creeping into view. She hadn’t meant to lift the sheet that high. Or maybe he had pulled it up himself?" - 1 Hour Massage by Areni Hall"He lay on her back and drifted off to dreamland under her therapist’s skilful hands. She could guess what had happened and was enjoying it - and asked him to turn around." - Aromatherapy with Principles by Hannah, Vestlandet"She didn’t know him. She had got his phone number off a friend of hers who had told her he had wonderful hands and didn’t charge a thing." - Oil by Mariline BonnetCUPIDO – the magazine for intimate, horny pleasure – has been publishing erotic fiction based on readers’ everyday fantasies and sexual experiences since 1984.

  • af Cupido And Others
    42,99 kr.

    The young couple. The first time. Naughty flirting. The secret, forbidden meeting. The young student and his teacher. The older gentleman and the innocent virgin. You, me and a friend.This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains following short stories:"The girls were 20 years old and he was sure that they thought he was rather uninteresting." – The Witness by Kjetil, Bergen"They’re not much older than 18-20 years old. Just a few years younger than me. Not that I’ve thought about trying it on with them. How do you score with someone who thinks you’re a perverse pig?" – Interrailing by Andrea B"It was well planned. He had bought condoms and they had agreed that they would lose their virginity together." – Two Virgins by Henriette, OsloCUPIDO – the magazine for intimate, horny pleasure – has been publishing erotic fiction based on readers’ everyday fantasies and sexual experiences since 1984.