Bøger af Zane Grey
73,99 kr. John Hare on nuori mies, joka on saapunut villiin lanteen erikoisen syyn takia - han etsii parannuskeinoa keuhkosairauteensa. Haren matka ei kuitenkaan ala hyvin, silla han joutuu vakavaan kahakkaan karjavarkaiden kanssa. Miehet jattavat Haren autiomaahan kuolemaan.Haren pelastukseksi koituu mormonitaustainen, hyvasydaminen karjatilallinen August Naab. Naabin luona Haren huomio kiinnittyy Naabin adoptiotyttareen Mescaliin. Mescal on kaunis nuori nainen ja puoliksi intiaani. Hare ei kuitenkaan ole ainoa, joka on iskenyt silmansa Mescaliin - ja pian han on keskella jannittavaa seikkailua, josta ei puutu kaanteita.-
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
66,99 kr. The Western novel "Riders of the Purple Sage" continues in its sequel from 1915 "The Rainbow Trail". The novel depicts the difference between older Mormon community and new generation of Mormons who stand against the polygamy. John Shefford, a disillusioned preacher, hears the story of Jim Lassiter, Jane Withersteen and their foster daughter Fay Larkin, who have been stuck in the Surprise Valley for many years. Without even seeing Fay, John fells in love with her, and he decides to head out West and rescue her from the life of imprisonment.Will his mission be successful? What type of evil practice will he witness? Who will prevail in this battle between the generations?Pearl Zane Grey was an American author born in 1872. He is best known with his adventure novels which idealize the American frontier and which largely created a new genre called western. The novel "Riders of the Purple Sage", published in 1912, earned Grey wide popularity. The book turned to the author’s all-time-best seller and also one of the most successful Western novels. Zane Grey wrote more than 80 books which later inspired many Western writers who followed in Zane Grey’s footsteps.
- E-bog
- 66,99 kr.
66,99 kr. "e;Wildfire"e; tells the story of the temperamental stallion called Wildfire who many have tried to win and tame. Lin Slone has also spent many months following the wild horse with the only hope to finally catch it. Lucy Bostil is a strong-willed girl who wants to get everything she longs for. She loves the horses in the ranch her father has and it is on one of her rides that she stumbles across Slone and Wildfire. Lucy gets herself in trouble and it is up to Slone and Wildfire to save the woman they love. Zane Grey's Western novel from 1917 is full of majestic scenery and magnificent description of the area around the Colorado river and the canyons. It is a story about the love between a man and his horse, between a daughter and her father, between a young man and the girl he loves. The questions is: will Slone manage to save Lucy? -
- E-bog
- 66,99 kr.
66,99 kr. Richard Gale is a young man who wants to prove his father wrong. He decides to seek new chances in the border town Casita. However he suddenly finds himself in trouble by stepping in to help an old friend, George Thorne, who is striving to rescue his fiancee Mercedes from the local Mexican bandit Rojas. Will Gale manage to escape from the danger he finds himself in? Will he meet the real love during this rescue mission? Zane Grey's "e;Desert Gold"e; is a Western novel from 1913 which successfully combines adventures and romance, dangers and courage. -
- E-bog
- 66,99 kr.
66,99 kr. "e;Riders of the Purple Sage"e; presents the conflict between a Mormon community and non-Mormon people, Gentiles. Jane Withersteen is a born-and-raised Mormon. She however sympathizes both Mormons and Gentiles which gets her often into trouble. The gunfighter Jim Lassiter arrives in the town just in time. There is a lurking danger in Jane's life. Elder Tull, a local leader of the Mormon community and a polygamist, wants to have Jane as a third wife. Will Lassiter succeed to save Jane from the unwanted marriage or the Mormon polygamy will prevail? "e;Riders of the Purple Sage"e; is Zane Grey's most popular Western novel which is considered to have played a significant role in the shaping of the genre Western. The novel was first published in 1912.-
- E-bog
- 66,99 kr.
66,99 kr. "The Man of the Forest" is a Western classic that tells us the story of the 30-year-old Milt Dale, a valiant man who prefers the splendid isolation and solitary life of a hunter. One day, while sheltering in an abandoned hut from a storm, he overhears Snake Anson’s plan to kidnap Al Auchincloss’s, a distinguished rancher’s niece. Everything is a part of Beasley’s cruel plan of taking over Auchincloss’s ranch, but Dale does not hesitate to spring into action in order to rescue rancher’s niece.Will Dale’s bold plan succeed, or Beasley’s man will accomplish his evil plot? Zane Grey’s guns-and-glory novel is also adapted to a movie in 1933.Pearl Zane Grey was an American author born in 1872. He is best known with his adventure novels which idealize the American frontier and which largely created a new genre called western. The novel "Riders of the Purple Sage", published in 1912, earned Grey wide popularity. The book turned to the author’s all-time-best seller and also one of the most successful Western novels. Zane Grey wrote more than 80 books which later inspired many Western writers who followed in Zane Grey’s footsteps.
- E-bog
- 66,99 kr.
92,99 kr. The 18-year-old Adam Larey shoots his brother Guerd after a confrontation near a gold mining town in the southwest. After he runs away into the desert in order to save himself from being hanged, Adam meets the gold miner Dismukes who teaches him the intricacies of gold mining. While exploring the desert Adam helps many people, but none of the brave deeds and acts of justice can wash away his sin.Will Adam return to the town he ran from 14 years ago to accept his punishment or he will continue his desert life? What or who will affect his decision?"Wanderer of the Wasteland" is a Western novel about adventure and romance which was first published in 1923.Pearl Zane Grey was an American author born in 1872. He is best known with his adventure novels which idealize the American frontier and which largely created a new genre called western. The novel "Riders of the Purple Sage", published in 1912, earned Grey wide popularity. The book turned to the author’s all-time-best seller and also one of the most successful Western novels. Zane Grey wrote more than 80 books which later inspired many Western writers who followed in Zane Grey’s footsteps.
- E-bog
- 92,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Nuori cowboy Adam Larey on aina ollut kahdesta veljeksesta se rehellinen. Veli Guerd puolestaan kayttaa rahansa uhkapeleihin. Eraana paivana tilanne kuitenkin muuttuu, eika Adam nae mitaan muuta vaihtoehtoa kuin autiomaahan pakenemisen. Onhan han syyllistynyt johonkin kamalaan, mita hanen omatuntonsa ei tule ikina antamaan anteeksi..."e;Eramaan vaeltaja"e; on Zane Greyn jannittava lannenromaani vuodelta 1923.-
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Lin Sloan on ammatiltaan hevosenmetsastaja, ja han on jo pitkaan haaveillut Tuliharja-nimisen villihevosen kiinnisaamisesta. Tuliharjaa etsiessaan Sloan tutustuu Lucy Bostiliin, nuoreen ja epasovinnaiseen naiseen - naiseen, joka vie Sloanin sydamen aivan samalla tavalla kuin kesyttamaton Tuliharjakin. "e;Tuliharja"e; on Zane Greyn mukaansatempaava ja jannittava lannenromaani vuodelta 1917.-
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Eletaan vuotta 1871 Utahissa. Nuori Jane Withersteen on joutunut ongelmiin mormoniyhteison kanssa, johon han myos itse kuuluu. Yhteiso ei nimittain hyvaksy sita, etta Jane on ystavystynyt yhteison ulkopuolisen Bern Ventersin kanssa. Tilanne muuttuu entista vakavammaksi, kun kirkon johtaja Elder Tull alkaa havitella Janea vaimokseen - vaikka moniavioisella Tullilla on jo useampi vaimo.Jane saa tilanteeseensa apua yllattavalta taholta, kun Bern Ventersin ystava, revolverisankari Jim Lassiter saapuu kaupunkiin.-
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
73,99 kr. "e;Purppurarinteiden ratsastajien"e; ajoista on kulunut yli kymmenen vuotta. Nyt Bern ja Elizabeth Venters kohtaavat miehen nimelta John Shefford, jolle he kertovat uskomattoman tarinan Jane Withersteenista, Jim Lassiterista seka tytosta nimelta Fay Larkin. Kolmikko on ollut vuosia jumissa salaperaisessa laaksossa, ja mormonit ovat kidnapanneet Fayn omaan yhteisoonsa. Tarinan kuultuaan John rakastuu Fayhin tulisesti, ja han lahtee oitis pelastamaan nuorta naista. John onnistuu vapauttamaan Fayn, ja kaksikko haluaa pelastaa myos Janen ja Jimin. Kun mormonit palkkaavat lainsuojattoman miehen heidan peraansa, pelastusoperaatio alkaa kuitenkin tuntua tuhoon tuomitulta."e;Satumaan lilja"e; on jannittava jatko-osa "e;Purppurarinteiden ratsastajille"e;.-
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Columbine on nuori nainen, joka on kaikesta kiitollinen kasvatti-isalleen. Columbinen elamaan saapuu kuitenkin tummia pilvia, kun kasvatti-isa paattaa naittaa Columbinen Jack-pojalleen. Columbine ei ole ikina pitanyt ilkeasta Jackista - ja sita paitsi hanen sydamensa kuuluu nuorelle metsastajalle Wilson Moorelle. Pian paikkakunnalle ilmestyy salaperainen keski-ikainen mies, joka paattaa auttaa Columbinea. Mies tunnetaan nimella Hell Bent Wade - mutta miksi ihmeessa Wade haluaa auttaa juuri Columbinea?"e;Salaperainen ratsastaja"e; on jannittava ja romanttinen lannenromaani Zane Greylta.-
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
96,99 kr. Metsien mies Milt Dale kuulee keskustelun, jossa suunnitellaan paikallisen karjatilallisen sisarentyttaren kidnappausta. Dale tietaa, etta nyt on aika toimia - han paattaa hakea naisen suojelukseensa. Pian he vaeltavat yhdessa pitkin vaikeakulkuisia vuoristopolkuja. Perassaan heilla on pahamainen rosvojoukko - eika metsien miehen elama ole enaa entisellaan."e;Metsien mies"e; on Zane Greyn jannittava lannenromaani vuodelta 1920.-
- E-bog
- 96,99 kr.
148,99 kr. Richard Gale on nuori mies, joka on juuri saapunut Casitaan, Arizonaan, Meksikon rajalle. Han odottaa matkalta jannitysta ja seikkailuja - ja niita han totta vie tulee saamaankin. Kun paikallinen bandiitti kidnappaa kauniin nuoren naisen, Galen on aika toimia - henkensa uhalla. Kidnappaukseen sekaantuminen tempaisee Galen mukaan tapahtumarikkaaseen seikkailuun."e;Eramaan kultaa"e; on Zane Greyn vauhdikas lannenromaani, jonka tapahtumat sijoittuvat 1800-luvulle.-
- E-bog
- 148,99 kr.