Bøger af Zane Grey
43,99 kr. Wyprawa po lepszą przyszłość może oznaczać wyprawę na "tamten świat".Ameryka, czasy pionierów, którzy z narażeniem życia przemierzają niekończące się stepy - w poszukiwaniu pracy, pieniędzy i przygód. Gdy wybucha wojna secesyjna, karawany podróżnych tracą eskortę żołnierzy, którzy są kierowani na front. Wozy osadników stają się atrakcyjnym łupem na Indian. Clint Belmet i May Bell - niegdyś kompanii zabaw - tracą w takich okolicznościach rodziców i zostają brutalnie rozdzieleni. Czy uda im się odnaleźć po latach? I czy jest sens rozdrapywać zabliźnione rany?Cenisz "Krwawy południk" Cormaca McCarthy'ego? Koniecznie sięgnij po tę książkę!Zane Grey (1872-1939) - amerykański pisarz, uważany za twórcę gatunku westernu. Twórca poczytnych książek (np. "Jeźdźcy purpurowego stepu" - 1912), z których większość została zekranizowana. Łącznie napisał ponad 80 utworów, głównie o tematyce Dzikiego Zachodu, niektóre z nich przetłumaczono na język polski. W 1951 r. znalazł się na liście autorów objętych cenzurą, a jego publikacje zostały usunięte z obiegu.
- E-bog
- 43,99 kr.
43,99 kr. Zdziwisz się, jaka relacja może połączyć Cię z osobą, z którą nigdy z własnej woli byś się nie zbliżył.Ostatnią rzeczą, jakiej pragnie Milt Dale, to mieć towarzystwo w trakcie swoich wędrówek po lesie. Również Helena i jej siostra Bo wolałyby nie być skazane na kontakt z tym szorstkim mężczyzną. Dziewczęta są jednak gotowe poddać się jego surowym zasadom - byle uniknąć porwania. W drodze przez dzikie góry Arizony w tej niespodziewanej ludzkiej konfiguracji rodzi się osobliwa więź. Czy po zakończeniu wędrówki dziewczęta i samotnik będą w stanie rozejść się w swoje strony?Miłośnicy powieści "Droga" Cormaca McCarthy’ego mogą zacierać ręce!Zane Grey (1872-1939) - amerykański pisarz, uważany za twórcę gatunku westernu. Twórca poczytnych książek (np. "Jeźdźcy purpurowego stepu" - 1912), z których większość została zekranizowana. Łącznie napisał ponad 80 utworów, głównie o tematyce Dzikiego Zachodu, niektóre z nich przetłumaczono na język polski. W 1951 r. znalazł się na liście autorów objętych cenzurą, a jego publikacje zostały usunięte z obiegu.
- E-bog
- 43,99 kr.
51,99 kr. Przywilej pierwszeństwa skrywa w swoim cieniu gorzkie doświadczenia przekraczania granic, niewygodnych kompromisów i palących łez.Ameryka XIX wieku - czas pionierskich wypraw i bezwzględnej walki o panowanie nad kolejnymi obszarami wielkiego lądu. Szczególnie burzliwym terenem jest stan Utah, gdzie fanatyczni mormoni szukają schronienia przed prawnymi konsekwencjami swoich brutalnych praktyk. Swoje surowe zasady próbują narzucić lokalnej społeczności i wytrwale tępią wszystkich "innowierców". W takich okolicznościach Jane Withersteen próbuje wytrwać na swoim ranczu. Czy wyrachowane małżeństwo z przywódcą lokalnego zgromadzenia mormonów zapewni jej spokojne życie? I ileż można trzymać na wodzy własne emocje? Zwłaszcza gdy w miasteczku pojawia się samotny kowboj Lassiter...Książka uchodzi za pierwszy western w historii literatury. Była wielokrotnie ekranizowana, m.in. w 1925 r. przez Lynna Reynoldsa.Zane Grey (1872-1939) - amerykański pisarz, uważany za twórcę gatunku westernu. Twórca poczytnych książek (np. "Jeźdźcy purpurowego stepu" - 1912), z których większość została zekranizowana. Łącznie napisał ponad 80 utworów, głównie o tematyce Dzikiego Zachodu, niektóre z nich przetłumaczono na język polski. W 1951 r. znalazł się na liście autorów objętych cenzurą, a jego publikacje zostały usunięte z obiegu.
- E-bog
- 51,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Pubblicato nel 1910, "Il retaggio del deserto" è il primo romanzo a sfondo western del grande Zane Grey, anche se limitarsi a questo dato sarebbe decisamente riduttivo. In questa struggente cronaca di un amore impossibile si ritrovano, in effetti, tutti gli elementi che hanno reso l’autore americano uno fra i più importanti interpreti dello spirito della Frontiera, fatto di paesaggi infiniti, conflitti violenti e un mondo naturale che dà e toglie, sempre con la stessa, apparente, indifferenza. Una ragazza cresciuta fra i mormoni si innamora di un brav’uomo del New England – remoto sia geograficamente che culturalmente – dovendosi pertanto scontrare con l’autorità religiosa della propria comunità. Ella, infatti, è promessa sposa a un mormone locale, di cui dovrebbe diventare la seconda moglie. Una storia schiettamente americana, che saprà sicuramente conquistarsi un posto nell’immaginazione di chi la leggerà.Pearl Zane Grey (1872-1939) nasce a Zanesville (Ohio), quarto figlio di un affermato dentista. Appassionato fin dall’infanzia di letteratura, pesca e baseball, inizia a scrivere i primi racconti a soli quindici anni. Grazie a una borsa di studio, ottenuta proprio col baseball, nel 1896 si laurea e si trasferisce a New York, dove per qualche anno esercita la professione dentistica di famiglia. Annoiato dalla routine, però, Zane comincia a scrivere febbrilmente, producendo una notevole quantità di romanzi, tutti ambientati nell’amato West. Sebbene inizialmente rifiutato da vari editori, nel 1910 ottiene finalmente un insperato successo, grazie al best-seller "L’eredità del deserto". È l’inizio di una carriera che lo renderà uno fra i romanzieri più amati dal grande pubblico statunitense (e non solo). Fra i suoi moltissimi titoli – da cui, tra l’altro, sono stati tratti ben 110 film e una serie televisiva – si possono citare "L’anima della frontiera" (1906), "Il ponte dell’arcobaleno" (1915), "Il vagabondo del deserto" (1923) e "Stirpe eroica" (1925).
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Pubblicato nel 1928 come seguito del fortunatissimo "Forlorn River", "Nevada" vede nuovamente al centro della scena l’omonimo cowboy – il cui nome è in realtà Jim Lacy – che, dopo essere riuscito a salvarsi dalle peripezie del precedente romanzo, lavora adesso in incognito, fra le sanguinose bande di ladri di bestiame che infestano l’Arizona. Cresciuto in mezzo a violenze di ogni tipo, e con un’abilità notevole sia nel cavalcare che nell’usare corda e revolver, Nevada ha però un cuore puro e un senso profondissimo della giustizia. Se si somma tale sua natura benevola a un amore sincero da cui tornare, si hanno già tutte le coordinate entro cui ambientare un’avventura senza tempo, che concilia i paesaggi immensi del Far West con le tribolazioni più umane.Pearl Zane Grey (1872-1939) nasce a Zanesville (Ohio), quarto figlio di un affermato dentista. Appassionato fin dall’infanzia di letteratura, pesca e baseball, inizia a scrivere i primi racconti a soli quindici anni. Grazie a una borsa di studio, ottenuta proprio col baseball, nel 1896 si laurea e si trasferisce a New York, dove per qualche anno esercita la professione dentistica di famiglia. Annoiato dalla routine, però, Zane comincia a scrivere febbrilmente, producendo una notevole quantità di romanzi, tutti ambientati nell’amato West. Sebbene inizialmente rifiutato da vari editori, nel 1910 ottiene finalmente un insperato successo, grazie al best-seller "L’eredità del deserto". È l’inizio di una carriera che lo renderà uno fra i romanzieri più amati dal grande pubblico statunitense (e non solo). Fra i suoi moltissimi titoli – da cui, tra l’altro, sono stati tratti ben 110 film e una serie televisiva – si possono citare "L’anima della frontiera" (1906), "Il ponte dell’arcobaleno" (1915), "Il vagabondo del deserto" (1923) e "Stirpe eroica" (1925).
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Pubblicato nel 1915 col titolo "The Lone Star Ranger", il presente romanzo è senz’altro fra i titoli più rappresentativi della sensibilità lirica e dell’amore per il Far West del grande Zane Grey. Buck Duane ha tutte le carte in regola per diventare un fuorilegge qualsiasi: è un tiratore di rarissima abilità e ha una vendetta da consumare. L’omicidio che compie, tuttavia, lo lascia insoddisfatto, costringendolo a lasciare l’amata fattoria per darsi alla macchia. Incapace di vivere un’esistenza all’insegna della criminalità, ben presto Buck si distingue per il disinteressato aiuto che presta ai più deboli e agli oppressi. È proprio per questo, quindi, che gli viene offerto il posto di ranger, così da estirpare una volta per tutte il temibile Cheseldine e la sua cricca di banditi...Pearl Zane Grey (1872-1939) nasce a Zanesville (Ohio), quarto figlio di un affermato dentista. Appassionato fin dall’infanzia di letteratura, pesca e baseball, inizia a scrivere i primi racconti a soli quindici anni. Grazie a una borsa di studio, ottenuta proprio col baseball, nel 1896 si laurea e si trasferisce a New York, dove per qualche anno esercita la professione dentistica di famiglia. Annoiato dalla routine, però, Zane comincia a scrivere febbrilmente, producendo una notevole quantità di romanzi, tutti ambientati nell’amato West. Sebbene inizialmente rifiutato da vari editori, nel 1910 ottiene finalmente un insperato successo, grazie al best-seller "L’eredità del deserto". È l’inizio di una carriera che lo renderà uno fra i romanzieri più amati dal grande pubblico statunitense (e non solo). Fra i suoi moltissimi titoli – da cui, tra l’altro, sono stati tratti ben 110 film e una serie televisiva – si possono citare "L’anima della frontiera" (1906), "Il ponte dell’arcobaleno" (1915), "Il vagabondo del deserto" (1923) e "Stirpe eroica" (1925).
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
73,99 kr. In un Texas ancora incontaminato, abitato da popolazioni che vi risiedono da secoli, una carovana composta da ventotto carri sfida i pericoli in cerca di un po’ di terra (e, magari, di fortuna). I coloni, con al seguito le proprie famiglie, dovranno però scontrarsi con la fiera resistenza dei Comanche, Kiowa e Pawnee, i quali, ovviamente, vivono il loro arrivo come una serie minaccia alle proprie consuetudini ancestrali. Pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1939, "Carovane combattenti" risponde sicuramente a una sensibilità e a uno stile a volte lontano da quelli contemporanei, ma propone al contempo una lettura molto schietta del vecchio Far West, descrivendo senza alcuna remora la violenza – e, a volte, la crudeltà – con cui coloni e nativi si sono scontrati in una guerra continuativa e senza sconti. Una lettura obbligata, quindi, almeno per tutti coloro che desiderino capire qualcosa di più sulla controversa epopea della Frontiera.Pearl Zane Grey (1872-1939) nasce a Zanesville (Ohio), quarto figlio di un affermato dentista. Appassionato fin dall’infanzia di letteratura, pesca e baseball, inizia a scrivere i primi racconti a soli quindici anni. Grazie a una borsa di studio, ottenuta proprio col baseball, nel 1896 si laurea e si trasferisce a New York, dove per qualche anno esercita la professione dentistica di famiglia. Annoiato dalla routine, però, Zane comincia a scrivere febbrilmente, producendo una notevole quantità di romanzi, tutti ambientati nell’amato West. Sebbene inizialmente rifiutato da vari editori, nel 1910 ottiene finalmente un insperato successo, grazie al best-seller "L’eredità del deserto". È l’inizio di una carriera che lo renderà uno fra i romanzieri più amati dal grande pubblico statunitense (e non solo). Fra i suoi moltissimi titoli – da cui, tra l’altro, sono stati tratti ben 110 film e una serie televisiva – si possono citare "L’anima della frontiera" (1906), "Il ponte dell’arcobaleno" (1915), "Il vagabondo del deserto" (1923) e "Stirpe eroica" (1925).
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Nel 1907, dopo aver assistito a un’interessante conferenza a New York, Zane Grey si avventura in una rischiosa battuta di caccia al puma fra i ripidi declivi del Gran Canyon. Ad accompagnarlo nell’impresa c’è un manipolo di uomini in cerca di emozioni forti, fra cui il celebre Charles "Buffalo" Jones (1844-1919) che, oltre a essere stato il primo guardacaccia del parco di Yellowstone, è anche considerato fra i più grandi preservatori della fauna americana (in particolare del bisonte). In un’autentica celebrazione della natura incontaminata e della vita all’aria aperta, Zane Grey ci regala il ricordo di una spedizione memorabile, ma anche l’istantanea di un’epoca trascorsa in cui, nonostante tutto, prendono forma le prime tracce di un ambientalismo che, qualche decennio dopo, si costituirà come sempre più necessario...Pearl Zane Grey (1872-1939) nasce a Zanesville (Ohio), quarto figlio di un affermato dentista. Appassionato fin dall’infanzia di letteratura, pesca e baseball, inizia a scrivere i primi racconti a soli quindici anni. Grazie a una borsa di studio, ottenuta proprio col baseball, nel 1896 si laurea e si trasferisce a New York, dove per qualche anno esercita la professione dentistica di famiglia. Annoiato dalla routine, però, Zane comincia a scrivere febbrilmente, producendo una notevole quantità di romanzi, tutti ambientati nell’amato West. Sebbene inizialmente rifiutato da vari editori, nel 1910 ottiene finalmente un insperato successo, grazie al best-seller "L’eredità del deserto". È l’inizio di una carriera che lo renderà uno fra i romanzieri più amati dal grande pubblico statunitense (e non solo). Fra i suoi moltissimi titoli – da cui, tra l’altro, sono stati tratti ben 110 film e una serie televisiva – si possono citare "L’anima della frontiera" (1906), "Il ponte dell’arcobaleno" (1915), "Il vagabondo del deserto" (1923) e "Stirpe eroica" (1925).
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Pubblicato nel 1903, "Betty Zane" è il primo romanzo scritto da Zane Grey, incentrato sulla vera storia di una sua celebre trisavola. Ai tempi della Rivoluzione Americana, la giovane Betty Zane è protagonista indiscussa dell’ultima grande battaglia prima della vittoria americana. L’esercito britannico, affiancato da quattrocento indiani Shawnee, detiene ancora il controllo di Detroit, preparandosi ad accerchiare il fortino in legno di Ford Henry. La ferma volontà di raggiungere la tanto agognata indipendenza, però, permetterà ai coloni di avere la meglio sull’odiata madrepatria, grazie, se non altro, al carisma naturale di un’eroina senza tempo, che fa dell’abnegazione e del coraggio le sue principali armi.Pearl Zane Grey (1872-1939) nasce a Zanesville (Ohio), quarto figlio di un affermato dentista. Appassionato fin dall’infanzia di letteratura, pesca e baseball, inizia a scrivere i primi racconti a soli quindici anni. Grazie a una borsa di studio, ottenuta proprio col baseball, nel 1896 si laurea e si trasferisce a New York, dove per qualche anno esercita la professione dentistica di famiglia. Annoiato dalla routine, però, Zane comincia a scrivere febbrilmente, producendo una notevole quantità di romanzi, tutti ambientati nell’amato West. Sebbene inizialmente rifiutato da vari editori, nel 1910 ottiene finalmente un insperato successo, grazie al best-seller "L’eredità del deserto". È l’inizio di una carriera che lo renderà uno fra i romanzieri più amati dal grande pubblico statunitense (e non solo). Fra i suoi moltissimi titoli – da cui, tra l’altro, sono stati tratti ben 110 film e una serie televisiva – si possono citare "L’anima della frontiera" (1906), "Il ponte dell’arcobaleno" (1915), "Il vagabondo del deserto" (1923) e "Stirpe eroica" (1925).
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
42,99 kr. 'Forlorn River' (1927) is filled with cowboys, romance, and ranches. It follows horse-catching Ben Ide, his friend Nevada and their loyal Native American companion Modoc, as Ben attempts to better his reputation and win over his childhood sweetheart, Ina Blaine.As horse catching turns into cattle rustling, Ina Blaine is forced to defend Ben against her father, who has recently come in possession of a large amount of money. It doesn't bode well for Ben Ide.Distrust follows Ben when Mr. Blaine, Ina's father, and his companion, Les Setter, head out to steal Ben's land. And this is only the beginning of a great streak of trouble.This lesser-known prequel to 'Nevada' is filled with vivid descriptions and memorable characters. It is the perfect introduction to Western fiction.Zane Grey (1872-1939) was a popular American author, best known for his adventure novels and short stories. The topics of the American West and the Frontier were central to his writings, and Grey became engrossed within the Western genre.Many of his novels were written from the perspective and experience gained from his hunting and traveling trips all around the West. Some of Grey’s most famous novels include 'Riders of the Purple Sage', 'The Last Trail' and 'Valley of Wild Horses'.His novels and stories were adapted to more than 100 movie and television productions with the most well-known being the movie Riders of the Purple Sage (1996) starring Ed Harris, Amy Madigan, and Henry Thomas.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
59,99 kr. In this classic Western, good guy Linc Bradway sets out to seek revenge after his partner is killed in a poker game. He ends up in South Pass, Wyoming, where he encounters gamblers and gunslingers, and he finds himself in the heart of the action.On route, he meets the intriguing Kit Brandon, who hustles Maverick cattle from local range riders. He intends to avoid her but when he finds himself on a warpath against other cowboys and hustlers, it only drives him closer and closer to the Maverick Queen.'The Maverick Queen' was made into a Western movie starring Barbara Stanwyck and Scott Brady in 1956.A story filled with love, hate, adventure, and western landscapes, this action-packed story is a must for fans of Zane Grey.Zane Grey (1872-1939) was a popular American author, best known for his adventure novels and short stories. The topics of the American West and the Frontier were central to his writings, and Grey became totally engrossed within the Western genre.Many of his novels were written from the perspective and experience gained from his hunting and travelling trips all around the West. Some of Grey’s most famous novels include 'Riders of the Purple Sage', 'The Last Trail' and 'Valley of Wild Horses'.His novels and stories were adapted to more than 100 movie and television productions with the most well-known being the movie Riders of the Purple Sage (1996) starring Ed Harris, Amy Madigan and Henry Thomas.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
59,99 kr. When Rancher Ben Ide moves his family to Arizona, it initially seems to be only because of his sick mother. But the need for finding his old riding partner Nevada is too great.Ide buys a beautiful ranch for himself and his family but there is danger luring in their new area. The surrounding territory is known for cattle rustling, and Ide struggles to keep his cattle and horses from the rustlers' claws.Who can Ben Ide trust, and who is out to get him?At the same time, Nevada resumes his life as an outlaw and gets involved in the dangerous world of rustling. Nevada once again sacrifices his own reputation, and safety, in order to protect Ben Ide, in this sequel to 'Forlorn River'.With action, violence, honor and cowboys, this is the perfect novel for Western fans.Grey's novels and stories were adapted to more than 100 movie and television productions with the most well-known being the movie Riders of the Purple Sage (1996) starring Ed Harris, Amy Madigan and Henry Thomas.Zane Grey (1872-1939) was a popular American author, best known for his adventure novels and short stories. The topics of the American West and the Frontier were central to his writings, and Grey became engrossed within the Western genre.Many of his novels were written from the perspective and experience gained from his hunting and travelling trips all around the West. Some of Grey’s most famous novels include 'Riders of the Purple Sage', 'The Last Trail' and 'Valley of Wild Horses'.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
77,99 kr. ‘Tappan’s Burro, and Other Stories’ (1923) is a collection of classic western tales from the master of the genre, American author Zane Grey, best known for his romanticized stories about the old West.Tappan and his burro Jenet, is an impressive, Western duo searching for gold. Jenet is a great companion, since she knows the trails and waterholes of their upcoming journey to remote, dangerous terrain better than her prospecting owner.Trekking through the searing heat of Death Valley and the freezing blizzards of Arizona's mountains, the duo’s adventures take them to the brink of death in the search of gold.This gripping short story is a tale of loyalty, courage and friendship with a Western twist.The book features four other short stories: ‘The Great Slave’, ‘Yaqui’, ‘Tigre’ and ‘The Rubber Hunter’.Pearl Zane Grey (1872 – 1939) was an American author best known for his popular adventure novels about the American West. His stories are credited with the creation of the ‘Western’ literary genre.The novel ‘Riders of the Purple Sage’ (1912) was Grey’s best-selling work, while other popular titles include ‘The Lone Star Ranger’ (1915), ‘The U.P. Trail’ (1918), ‘Call of the Canyon’ (1924), and ‘Code of the West’ (1934). His nonfiction books include ‘Tales of Fishing’ (1925). Grey wrote more than 80 books in total, a number of which were published posthumously.Many of his works have been adapted for tv and film, including ‘Zane Grey Theatre’ (1956-1958) and ‘Riders of the Purple Sage’ (1996) starring Ed Harris.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
102,99 kr. A classic portrait of America during World War I, from American author Zane Grey, famously known for his romanticized stories about the old West.‘The Desert of Wheat’ (1919) sets the tone for a nation's anxiety at the brink of a century of change. It is a 20th century tale of romance and sabotage, describing the effect war has on a country and its people.Grey has written a classic Western with a patriotic and anti-union propaganda twist, recounting a country divided.Pearl Zane Grey (1872 – 1939) was an American author best known for his popular adventure novels about the American West. His stories are credited with the creation of the ‘Western’ literary genre.The novel ‘Riders of the Purple Sage’ (1912) was Grey’s best-selling work, while other popular titles include ‘The Lone Star Ranger’ (1915), ‘The U.P. Trail’ (1918), ‘Call of the Canyon’ (1924), and ‘Code of the West’ (1934). His nonfiction books include ‘Tales of Fishing’ (1925). Grey wrote more than 80 books in total, a number of which were published posthumously.Many of his works have been adapted for tv and film, including ‘Zane Grey Theatre’ (1956-1958) and ‘Riders of the Purple Sage’ (1996) starring Ed Harris.
- E-bog
- 102,99 kr.
59,99 kr. For Western lovers and old romantics, 'Under the Toto Rim' follows schoolteacher Lucy Watson as she integrates into a backwoods community.Following her father's death, young Lucy Watson takes on the newly founded position as a welfare officer to help an isolated society. Her job is to help them both mentally and physically.Lucy's bravery and fearless attitude towards the isolated help win over locals, as they realize the practical results of her work.A page turner about morals, love, strength of character and cultural identity.Zane Grey (1872-1939) was a popular American author, best known for his adventure novels and short stories. The topics of the American West and the Frontier were central to his writings, and Grey became totally engrossed within the Western genre.Many of his novels were written from the perspective and experience gained from his hunting and travelling trips all around the West. Some of Grey’s most famous novels include 'Riders of the Purple Sage', 'The Last Trail' and 'Valley of Wild Horses'.His novels and stories were adapted to more than 100 movie and television productions with the most well-known being the movie Riders of the Purple Sage (1996) starring Ed Harris, Amy Madigan and Henry Thomas.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
77,99 kr. In this fascinating true story, the famous American author Zane Grey, best-known for his romanticized stories about the old West, recounts his experiences with the plainsman Buffalo Jones.In ‘Roping Lions in the Grand Canyon’ (1924), Grey, along with Jones and a Navajo Indian, set off on an exciting adventure to lasso, capture, and preserve the mountain lions that prowl the depths of the Grand Canyon. Jones also famously helped save the buffalo from extinction.With its wonderful descriptions of forests and the rugged grandeur of the canyons, Grey hoped to inspire his readers to help preserve the great American outdoors for future generations.Great for fans of Zane Grey that want a little twist on the Western motifPearl Zane Grey (1872 – 1939) was an American author best known for his popular adventure novels about the American West. His stories are credited with the creation of the ‘Western’ literary genre.The novel ‘Riders of the Purple Sage’ (1912) was Grey’s best-selling work, while other popular titles include ‘The Lone Star Ranger’ (1915), ‘The U.P. Trail’ (1918), ‘Call of the Canyon’ (1924), and ‘Code of the West’ (1934). His nonfiction books include ‘Tales of Fishing’ (1925). Grey wrote more than 80 books in total, several of which were published posthumously.Many of his works have been adapted for tv and film, including ‘Zane Grey Theatre’ (1956-1958) and ‘Riders of the Purple Sage’ (1996) starring Ed Harris.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Young and impressionable Holly Ripple unexpectedly finds herself in possession of her father's vast livestock empire after his death. When thieves and desperados start to torment her, she has to forge her way as a strong, daring and brave woman and use her new-found reputation to keep the hustlers at bay.The descriptions in this book will transport you straight into the beautiful American southwest in the mid 1800s and will be a hit with western fans.Zane Grey (1872-1939) was a popular American author, best known for his adventure novels and short stories. The topics of the American West and the Frontier were central to his writings, and Grey became totally engrossed within the Western genre.Many of his novels were written from the perspective and experience gained from his hunting and travelling trips all around the West. Some of Grey’s most famous novels include 'Riders of the Purple Sage', 'The Last Trail' and 'Valley of Wild Horses'.His novels and stories were adapted to more than 100 movie and television productions with the most well-known being the movie 'Riders of the Purple Sage' (1996) starring Ed Harris, Amy Madigan and Henry Thomas.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Adolescent, il a connu la brutalite des hommes et a sombre a son tour dans le banditisme. Aujourd'hui, tout le monde le surnomme Nevada. Il est le genre d'homme a manier le lasso comme une troisieme main, et tire aussi rapidement que precisement.Mais s'il se sert desormais de ses talents pour servir son ideal de justice, de vieux ennemis viennent de faire ressurgir en lui un desir de vengeance. Tandis qu'il pensait retrouver la femme qu'il aime, un gang de voleurs de betail emporte ses reves et menace sa reputation. Pour la seconde fois de sa vie, Nevada devra choisir entre passion et danger...Dans la plus pure tradition des westerns, Nevada incarne le cowboy de l'Ouest, sauvage et aride. Duels, gangs, argent, passion, chevaux et revolvers, Zane Grey offre la suite de Forlorn River adapte au cinema.-
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
67,99 kr. Joan Randle is riding the Idaho trail when she’s taken hostage by a bandit gang. Their leader is the ruthless Jack Kells. And Joan’s situation is about to go from bad to worse. For one thing, Jack Kells fall for her. And secondly, the promise of gold is turning the gang’s camp into a ticking time bomb of tensions and resentment. Can Joan escape before it’s too late?"The Border Legion" is a winning Gold Rush adventure, set across Idaho’s majestic mountain ranges and its precarious border towns. There’s shootouts and romance a-plenty. And, more unusually for the Western genre, the story is told entirely from a woman's perspective.Zane Grey (1872–1939) helped shaped the mythos of the Old West. Born in Zanesville, Ohio (a town founded by his grandfather), Grey’s first career was as a dentist. But he gave it up to pursue writing, going on to produce nearly 100 books. These wildly popular adventures defined many of the Western’s most enduring tropes and characters, from noble lawmen to mysterious gunslingers, and made Grey a household name.His stories include "Riders of the Purple Sage", "The Rainbow Trail" and "The Lone Star Ranger". Hollywood produced dozens of Zane Grey adaptations, mostly during the 1930s and 40s, starring Western icons like Gary Cooper and Randolph Scott.
- E-bog
- 67,99 kr.
67,99 kr. The Ohio Frontier of the late 1700s. It’s where two worlds met; native Americans to the west, white settlers to the east.Into this unpredictable region come brothers Jim and Joe Downs. One of them aims to spread the word of God, the other has his heart set on violence. "The Spirit of the Border" traces their two journeys, which take in missionaries, kidnappers and militias. The story builds to one of the period’s most shameful events.Based on the experiences of his own ancestors, Zane Grey’s novel is a propulsive and stark portrait of the Western Expansion. It’s the second part of his "Ohio River Trilogy", which begins with "Betty Zane" and ends with "The Last Trail".Zane Grey (1872–1939) helped shaped the mythos of the Old West. Born in Zanesville, Ohio (a town founded by his grandfather), Grey’s first career was as a dentist. But he gave it up to pursue writing, going on to produce nearly 100 books. These wildly popular adventures defined many of the Western’s most enduring tropes and characters, from noble lawmen to mysterious gunslingers, and made Grey a household name.His stories include "Riders of the Purple Sage", "The Rainbow Trail" and "The Lone Star Ranger". Hollywood produced dozens of Zane Grey adaptations, mostly during the 1930s and 40s, starring Western icons like Gary Cooper and Randolph Scott.
- E-bog
- 67,99 kr.
67,99 kr. The US frontier was a lawless place. Self-appointed ‘border-men’ helped keep the peace. Battle-scarred and solitary, they tended to shoot first and ask questions later.One such man is Lewis Wetzel. He’s resigned himself to his grim lifestyle until the beautiful Helen catches his eye. For the first time, Lewis imagines himself settling down. But then Helen is kidnapped by a band of Native American warriors. So Lewis saddles up and heads out on a rescue mission, knowing the chances he’ll make it back alive are slim at best.The final book in "Ohio River Trilogy", "The Last Trail" is set in the final years of the 18th century. An exciting Western adventure with dashes of romance, it never shies away from the harsh realities of pioneer life.Zane Grey (1872–1939) helped shaped the mythos of the Old West. Born in Zanesville, Ohio (a town founded by his grandfather), Grey’s first career was as a dentist. But he gave it up to pursue writing, going on to produce nearly 100 books. These wildly popular adventures defined many of the Western’s most enduring tropes and characters, from noble lawmen to mysterious gunslingers, and made Grey a household name.His stories include "Riders of the Purple Sage", "The Rainbow Trail" and "The Lone Star Ranger". Hollywood produced dozens of Zane Grey adaptations, mostly during the 1930s and 40s, starring Western icons like Gary Cooper and Randolph Scott.
- E-bog
- 67,99 kr.
67,99 kr. When WW1 soldier Darren Lane returns home, he’s shocked by what he finds. Underage drinking, jazz music, gambling; all signs that the Roaring Twenties are just around the corner. But where some see liberation, Darren sees only a dangerous moral decline. And he want to put a stop to it. Fuelled by the pain of his war experiences, Darren’s righteous cause mutates into violent vigilantism.Zane Grey is best known for his Westerns, but with "The Day of the Beast" he creates an insightful portrait of post-war depression and illness. Reading like a precursor to "Taxi Driver", it holds a unique place in his bibliography. A novel well worth exploring for any Grey fans.Zane Grey (1872–1939) helped shaped the mythos of the Old West. Born in Zanesville, Ohio (a town founded by his grandfather), Grey’s first career was as a dentist. But he gave it up to pursue writing, going on to produce nearly 100 books. These wildly popular adventures defined many of the Western’s most enduring tropes and characters, from noble lawmen to mysterious gunslingers, and made Grey a household name.His stories include "Riders of the Purple Sage", "The Rainbow Trail" and "The Lone Star Ranger". Hollywood produced dozens of Zane Grey adaptations, mostly during the 1930s and 40s, starring Western icons like Gary Cooper and Randolph Scott.
- E-bog
- 67,99 kr.
67,99 kr. For his first novel, Zane Grey looked back at the extraordinary life of his ancestor Betty Zane-a heroine of the American Revolutionary War. Betty Zane lived her life on the frontier. Her family founded the settlement of Wheeler in West Virginia, which came under attack from British and Native American forces in 1782. With gunpowder running low, all hope looked lost. What happened next would secure Betty's place in the history books. An easy and pacy read, "e;Betty Zane"e; is a great portrait of the early pioneer days. And Betty makes for a spirited main character. If the "e;Outlander"e; books have peaked your interest in the American Revolution, give this novel a shot. -
- E-bog
- 67,99 kr.
67,99 kr. Buck Duane, a good young man, is forced into a gunfight which leads to him killing a man in self-defense. Buck goes through many internal struggles as he strives to keep himself out of trouble which he mostly succeeds. Later he becomes a Texas ranger and helps to apprehend cattle rustlers and outlaws with the only hope to clear his name in the eyes of the law.Will Buck Duane however manage to become a redeemed man and is the love the only power which is strong enough to fight the blood-lust? "The Lone Star Ranger" is a Western novel about life choices, love and redemption and it takes place in Texas, called also "The Lone Star State".Pearl Zane Grey was an American author born in 1872. He is best known with his adventure novels which idealize the American frontier and which largely created a new genre called western. The novel "Riders of the Purple Sage", published in 1912, earned Grey wide popularity. The book turned to the author’s all-time-best seller and also one of the most successful Western novels. Zane Grey wrote more than 80 books which later inspired many Western writers who followed in Zane Grey’s footsteps.
- E-bog
- 67,99 kr.
66,99 kr. Glenn Kilbourne is a sick and injured man who returns to New York to his fiancée Carley Burch, after fighting in France in World War I. He decides to move to Arizona in order to recover his health and there he meets Flo Hutter, the daughter in the family he is staying with. Glenn decides to stay in Arizona and become a hog farmer but his fiancée, who cannot lead such life, breaks the engagement. After returning to New York Carley feels empty and misses Glenn. She decides to travel back to Arizona and marry him. What she does not know is that Glenn has already proposed to Flo."The Call of the Canyon" from 1924 is a Western novel by Zane Grey. It is filled with many lengthy descriptions of the Arizona countryside which can also be seen in the silent movie "The Call of the Canyon".Zane Grey’s story is filled with many lengthy descriptions of the Arizona countryside which can also be seen in the silent movie "The Call of the Canyon" which is based on the novel.Pearl Zane Grey was an American author born in 1872. He is best known with his adventure novels which idealize the American frontier and which largely created a new genre called western. The novel "Riders of the Purple Sage", published in 1912, earned Grey wide popularity. The book turned to the author’s all-time-best seller and also one of the most successful Western novels. Zane Grey wrote more than 80 books which later inspired many Western writers who followed in Zane Grey’s footsteps.
- E-bog
- 66,99 kr.
66,99 kr. "The Mysterious Rider" is a Western novel published in 1921. The novel tells us the complex story of a girl named Columbine who grew up on Bill Bellounds’, her adoptive father’s, ranch. Columbine is forced considering marriage to Bellounds’ son Jack, a coward and a thief. The girl is however in love with the cowboy Wilson Moore. One day the mysterious rider Bent Wade comes to work in the ranch. The moment he sees Columbine for the first time is also when he realizes that she is his daughter. Bent Wade is also the one who saves Columbine’s beloved Wilson who gets attacked by the jealous Jack. Will Columbine find out the truth about her real father? Will she and Wilson get the chance to be finally together? Zane Grey’s adventurous novel about love, hate and friendship is also adapted to several movies.Pearl Zane Grey was an American author born in 1872. He is best known with his adventure novels which idealize the American frontier and which largely created a new genre called western. The novel "Riders of the Purple Sage", published in 1912, earned Grey wide popularity. The book turned to the author’s all-time-best seller and also one of the most successful Western novels. Zane Grey wrote more than 80 books which later inspired many Western writers who followed in Zane Grey’s footsteps.
- E-bog
- 66,99 kr.
66,99 kr. "e;To the Last Man"e; tells us the story of an ancient altercation between two frontier families - the Jorths, hardworking sheepherders led by Lee Jorth, and the Isbels, crooked cattle rustlers led by Jean Isbel. Despite the spiral of extermination, which the two families are plunged into after a reckless cattle theft, love begins to emerge between Ellen Jorth and Jean Isbel. Are they capable of preserving their love, despite the desperate war the two families are involved in? Do they have the strength and will to break the impassable barrier between them? Zane Grey's Western novel from 1921 is based on a factual event involving the Hashknife gang.-
- E-bog
- 66,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Kuin Romeo ja Julia villissa lannessa!Kaksi sukua ovat ajautuneet pitkaan ja katkeraan vihanpitoon. Sukujen nokkamiehet Jean Isbel seka Lee Jorth ovat molemmat vahvoja miehia. Kumpikaan ei ole valmis joustamaan eika kumpikaan pysty ymmartamaan, miten alyttomaksi vihanpito on kasvanut. Kostonkierre tuntuu olevan ikuinen. Tilannetta kuitenkin mutkistaa se, etta Jean Isbel tajuaa olevansa rakastunut Elleniin - nuoreen naiseen, joka on sukuaan Jorth."e;Viimeiseen mieheen"e; on Zane Greyn jannittava lannenromaani, joka tyydyttaa myos romantiikan nalkaa.-
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
Fra 73,99 kr. On tyypillinen varhaisen huhtikuun päivä New Yorkissa, viileä ja harmaa. Carley Burch katselee ikkunasta ulos ja miettii kihlatultaan Glenn Kilbournelta saamaansa kirjettä. Glenn on ollut poissa jo pitkään: ensin maailmansodassa Ranskassa ja sen jälkeen lännessä Arizonassa parantelemassa terveyttään.Käy ilmi, että Glenn on ihastunut vapaaseen lännen elämään ja haluaa alkaa sikafarmariksi. Carley ei kuitenkaan voi kuvitella itseään maatilan emäntänä ja purkaa kihlauksen. Kun Carley tulee katumapäälle, Glenn ei enää olekaan vapaa mies."Kanjonin kutsu" on Zane Greyn toimintaa ja rakkautta tihkuva lännenromaani vuodelta 1924. Zane Grey (1872–1939) oli yhdysvaltalainen kirjailija, joka julkaisi erityisesti lännenromaaneja. Zane oli ammatiltaan alun perin hammaslääkäri ennen kuin alkoi kirjailijaksi. Hän julkaisi uransa aikana yli viisikymmentä romaania. Hän oli Yhdysvaltojen myydyin kirjailija 1920-luvulla.
73,99 kr. Kun Buck Duane joutuu yllattaen kaksintaisteluun, hanella ei ole muuta vaihtoehtoa kuin ampua takaisin. Toisen miehen ampumisen takia Duanesta tulee kuitenkin lainsuojaton. Duane joutuu lahtemaan pakosalle, ja han paatyy elamaan muiden lainsuojattomien kanssa Teksasin ja Meksikon rajalla.Pian Duane huomaa, etta lahistolla pidetaan kaunista nuorta naista vankina. Tyton kohtaaminen muuttaa Duanen elaman suunnan, silla han paattaa yrittaa vapauttaa tyton hinnalla milla hyvansa."e;Yksinaisen tahden harhailija"e; on Zane Greyn jannittava lannenromaani vuodelta 1915.-
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.