Bøger af William Shakespeare

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  • af William Shakespeare
    67,99 kr.

    We all know what it’s like to be in love, but when love is placed within the context of anxieties, desires and beliefs, will it survive?The sisters Bianca and Katherine might be as opposite as chalk and cheese, yet marriage finds its way into both their lives. Prompted by the notion of a love free of idealism, Petruchio is ready to marry Katherine with or without her will. Can she learn to love him? Or will marriage without love always be filled with terror and deception?Although believed to be written in the late 1500s, this classic romance is still very relevant today. Whether you will perceive Katherina and Petruchio’s relationship as romantic and energetic or violent and oppressive, this play unmistakably offers us a perpetual take on the major theme: the battle of the sexes. But unlike most modern day romances emotional desires are put second in this play’s exploration of love, marriage and courtship.If you saw and loved director Gil Junger’s "10 Things I Hate About You", this is the best-seller behind the film.William Shakespeare (1564-1616) is widely considered the world's greatest dramatist and is often referred to as England's national poet or the Bard. Most famous for his timeless plays, he also wrote a multitude of poems and sonnets. Shakespeare was the blockbuster writer of his day, his many works concerning universal themes of life, love, death, revenge, grief, jealousy, murder, magic and mystery. Among some of his most famous are "Macbeth", "Romeo and Juliet", and "Hamlet", but the list is long, and many continue to be studied and performed, both their original form and modern adaptations.

  • af William Shakespeare
    15,99 kr.

    Baptista Minola, majętny mieszczanin z Padwy ma dwie córki na wydaniu. O ile z młodszą – Bianką – nie ma żadnych problemów, ponieważ dziewczyna jest piękna i dobrze ułożona, o tyle ze starszą – Katarzyną sprawa wygląda zupełnie inaczej. Choć Bianka ma wielu adoratorów gotowych z miejsca powziąć ją za żonę, Minola stanowczo odmawia. Najpierw za mąż musi wyjść Katarzyna. A niełatwo znaleźć kandydata chętnego do małżeństwa z humorzastą złośnicą. Gdy w końcu zjawia się ktoś gotowy na ten krok – bynajmniej nie z miłości – do szczęśliwego zakończenia brakuje jeszcze jednego elementu. Zgody przyszłej panny młodej.„Poskromienie złośnicy" to jedna z najpopularniejszych komedii Shakespeare’a, napisana we wczesnym okresie jego twórczości – ok. 1592 roku.William Shakespeare (1564–1616) - angielski poeta i dramatopisarz, a w późniejszym okresie życia również aktor. Uznawany za jednego z najwybitniejszych twórców zachodniej literatury. Jego dzieła przyczyniły się do rozwoju teatru elżbietańskiego. Miały także duży wpływ na słownictwo języka angielskiego. Twórca 38 sztuk, 154 sonetów i wielu innych utworów różnych gatunków. Jego najpopularniejsze dzieła, takie jak „Romeo i Julia", „Hamlet", „Makbet", „Poskromienie złośnicy", „Sen nocy letniej" czy „Król Lear", przetłumaczono na wiele języków nowożytnych, a ich inscenizacje do dziś królują w teatrach na całym świecie.

  • af William Shakespeare
    16,99 kr.

    Lear, król Brytanii, zmęczony wieloletnim panowaniem, postanawia oddać władzę swoim trzem córkom: Goneril, Regan i Kordelii. Ma zamiar rozdzielić królestwo, a następnie korzystać z gościny u każdej z córek. Podziału poszczególnych części dokona na podstawie oceny miłości, jaką darzy go każda z nich. Dwie najstarsze potomkini z wielką wylewnością opowiadają o swoim uczuciu do ojca. Obie w zamian otrzymują pokaźną część majątku. Gdy dochodzi do najmłodszej – Kordelii – ta nie znajduje słów, które wyraziłyby jej stosunek do króla. Lear wpada w szał i ze złości wydziedzicza najmłodszą z córek. Szybko okazuje się, że popełnia wielki błąd.„Krol Lear" to jedna z najbardziej znanych tragedii Shakespeare’a. Autor oparł fabułę dramatu na legendzie o mitycznym królu Brytanii – Llyrze.William Shakespeare (1564–1616) - angielski poeta i dramatopisarz, a w późniejszym okresie życia również aktor. Uznawany za jednego z najwybitniejszych twórców zachodniej literatury. Jego dzieła przyczyniły się do rozwoju teatru elżbietańskiego. Miały także duży wpływ na słownictwo języka angielskiego. Twórca 38 sztuk, 154 sonetów i wielu innych utworów różnych gatunków. Jego najpopularniejsze dzieła, takie jak „Romeo i Julia", „Hamlet", „Makbet", „Poskromienie złośnicy", „Sen nocy letniej" czy „Król Lear", przetłumaczono na wiele języków nowożytnych, a ich inscenizacje do dziś królują w teatrach na całym świecie.

  • af William Shakespeare
    16,99 kr.

    Na duńskim zamku w Elsynor umiera król Hamlet. Wkrótce potem władzę w państwie obejmuje brat zmarłego – Klaudiusz, który za żonę bierze owdowiałą bratową. Tymczasem do zamku przyjeżdża syn króla Hamleta, o tym samym imieniu. Księciu ukazuje się duch zmarłego ojca, który wyjawia mu prawdziwe okoliczności swojej śmierci. Młody Hamlet postanawia pomścić zamordowanego króla. Jednak zaczynają targać nim emocje i wątpliwości... Będzie musiał dokonać wyboru, który na zawsze odbije się na jego życiu."Hamlet" to jedna z najsłynniejszych tragedii wszechczasów. Jest także jednym z najchętniej wystawianych dramatów na scenie światowych teatrów, a zagranie tytułowej roli jest dla aktora największym wyróżnieniem i zarazem największym wyzwaniem.William Shakespeare (1564–1616) - angielski poeta i dramatopisarz, a w późniejszym okresie życia również aktor. Uznawany za jednego z najwybitniejszych twórców zachodniej literatury. Jego dzieła przyczyniły się do rozwoju teatru elżbietańskiego. Miały także duży wpływ na słownictwo języka angielskiego. Twórca 38 sztuk, 154 sonetów i wielu innych utworów różnych gatunków. Jego najpopularniejsze dzieła, takie jak „Romeo i Julia", „Hamlet", „Makbet", „Poskromienie złośnicy", „Sen nocy letniej" czy „Król Lear", przetłumaczono na wiele języków nowożytnych, a ich inscenizacje do dziś królują w teatrach na całym świecie.

  • af William Shakespeare
    Fra 42,99 kr.

    Rómeó er í öngum sínum yfir stúlku sem vill ekkert með hann hafa, svo vinur hans tekur hann með sér í veislu í von um að aðrar fallegar stúlkur muni leiða hugann frá henni. Það tekst svo sannarlega. Þegar Rómeó læsir augunum við unga Júlíu er ást við fyrstu sýn. Til allrar óhamingju uppgötva Rómeó og Júlía brátt að þau tilheyra fjölskyldum sem eiga í ættardeilum og verða þau að halda rómantík sinni leyndri.Frægasta ástarsaga sem skrifuð hefur verið, Rómeó og Júlía, er vísun í bæði hreina sanna ást og harmleik. Óskarsverðlaunamyndin West Side Story um gengi New York-borgar sem berjast (og syngja) á götum úti er ein frægasta aðlögunin, sem og kvikmynd Baz Luhrmann frá árinu 1996, Romeo + Juliet með Leonardo DiCaprio og Claire Danes í aðalhlutverkum.William Shakespeare (1564-1616) var breskt leikskáld, ritskáld og leikari. Hann er talinn eitt besta leikskáld í heimi sem og tungumálasmiður, sem skrifaði ljóð og sónettur og einnig gamanleik, hörmuleg og söguleg leikrit eins og „Hamlet", „Óþelló" og Makbeð ". Shakespeare er ótrúlega áhrifamikill og vinsæll og hefur einnig fundið upp mörg orð og orðasambönd.

  • af William Shakespeare
    Fra 42,99 kr.

    "Að vera, eða ekki vera, þarna er efinn."Hamlet segir söguna af hinum unga krónprins Danmerkur. Faðir hans heimsækir hann sem draugur, til þess að segja honum að það var frændi Hamlets, Kládíus, sem varð honum að bana. Hamlet virðist láta undan brjálæðinu og hyggur á hefndir frænda síns, sem hefur nýlega kvænst móður hans. Verandi hugulsamur í eðli sínu, ákveður hann að setja upp leikrit sem er byggt á kringumstæðunum sjálfum í þeirri von að frændi hans muni í kjölfarið gefa sig fram.Hamlet er eitt af frægustu verkum Shakespeare og er víða talið með fremstu bókmenntum skrifuðum á ensku. Það er ekki nema von að hlutverk Hamlets hafi verið eftirsótt af stórleikurum eins og Ethan Hawke, Jude Law og Jonathan Pryce. Lesið verkið bæði fyrir fallega textann sem og tilfinningaríku samræðurnar.William Shakespeare (1564-1616) var breskt leikskáld, ritskáld og leikari. Hann er talinn eitt besta leikskáld í heimi sem og tungumálasmiður, sem skrifaði ljóð og sónettur og einnig gamanleik, hörmuleg og söguleg leikrit eins og "Rómeó og Júlía", „Hamlet", „Óþelló" og Makbeð ". Shakespeare er ótrúlega áhrifamikill og vinsæll og hefur einnig fundið upp á mörgum orðum og orðasamböndum.

  • af William Shakespeare
    16,99 kr.

    Otello, dowódca weneckiej armii, poślubia Desdemonę. Krótko potem, podjudzany przez Jagona, wpada w spiralę podejrzeń wobec wierności swojej żony. Zazdrość przeradza się w obłęd, który doprowadza tytułowego bohatera do tragicznego finału. To jedna z najbardziej cenionych i popularnych tragedii autorstwa Williama Szekspira.Obok „Hamleta" i „Makbeta" jest najchętniej wystawianą na scenie sztuką szekspirowską. Pierwszy raz na deskach teatru ukazała się w 1604 roku. Sam tekst dramatu został opublikowany dopiero kilkanaście lat później – w 1622.William Shakespeare (1564–1616) - angielski poeta i dramatopisarz, a w późniejszym okresie życia również aktor. Uznawany za jednego z najwybitniejszych twórców zachodniej literatury. Jego dzieła przyczyniły się do rozwoju teatru elżbietańskiego. Miały także duży wpływ na słownictwo języka angielskiego. Twórca 38 sztuk, 154 sonetów i wielu innych utworów różnych gatunków. Jego najpopularniejsze dzieła, takie jak „Romeo i Julia", „Hamlet", „Makbet", „Poskromienie złośnicy", „Sen nocy letniej" czy „Król Lear", przetłumaczono na wiele języków nowożytnych, a ich inscenizacje do dziś królują w teatrach na całym świecie.

  • af William Shakespeare
    12,99 kr.

    Antonio z pomocą króla Neapolu – Alonso, pozbawia swojego brata Prospera tronu. Na skutek wydarzeń obalony władca, wraz ze swoją córką Mirandą, zostaje wygnany z Mediolanu i wyprawiony na morze. Wygnańcy docierają na wyspę, gdzie spędzają długich dwanaście lat. Dzięki magicznym umiejętnościom Prospero uwalnia ducha Ariela, który staje się jego sługą i niewolnikiem. Kiedy w pobliżu wyspy przepływa statek, Prospero kolejny raz używa magii. Wywołuje burzę, przez którą statek ulega zniszczeniu, a jego pasażerowie trafiają na wyspę. Wśród nich jest Antonio i Alonso. Dochodzi do ponownej konfrontacji braci i walki o władzę.„Burza" to jedno z ostatnich dzieł Shakespeare’a, które stosunkowo niedawno zyskało uznanie wśród badaczy literatury. Jest zarazem jedynym dramatem, w którym autor zachował zasadę trzech jedności: czasu, miejsca i akcji.William Shakespeare (1564–1616) - angielski poeta i dramatopisarz, a w późniejszym okresie życia również aktor. Uznawany za jednego z najwybitniejszych twórców zachodniej literatury. Jego dzieła przyczyniły się do rozwoju teatru elżbietańskiego. Miały także duży wpływ na słownictwo języka angielskiego. Twórca 38 sztuk, 154 sonetów i wielu innych utworów różnych gatunków. Jego najpopularniejsze dzieła, takie jak „Romeo i Julia", „Hamlet", „Makbet", „Poskromienie złośnicy", „Sen nocy letniej" czy „Król Lear", przetłumaczono na wiele języków nowożytnych, a ich inscenizacje do dziś królują w teatrach na całym świecie.

  • af William Shakespeare
    67,99 kr.

    Beginning in the streets of Venice, Roderigo and Iago are introduced in the heart of an argument.Iago is frantic as he has been disregarded for promotion and plots to take revenge against his General, Othello. Thus, the manipulation commends as Iago makes Othello believe his wife, Desdemona is disloyal.Othello is a courageous fighter, but he is presented as an idealist when it comes to both his love of Desdemona and his friendship with Iago. This ultimately blinds him to Iago's betrayal, stirring the themes of jealousy, justice and appearances vs reality.From this excellent play, there have been many differing views on the character of Othello over the years but this is your chance to pick up the book and decide for yourself, is Othello the greatest hero or the most egotistical?Othello is still widely performed and has inspired numerous adaptations. It has been reimagined in the film 'O' and the book 'New Boy' by Tracy Chevalier amongst others. -

  • af William Shakespeare
    67,99 kr.

    This historical fiction is set in ancient Britain when it belonged to the Roman Empire. Cymbeline, a Celtic king who has lost both his sons, opposes his only child, princess Imogen's marriage to the lowborn gentleman, Posthumus. In anger Cymbeline sends Posthumus to exile in Italy, where he falls into the company of the sleek Iachimo.Imogen's stepmother and Iachimo forge sinister plans against the poor king's daughter. She soon decides to flee from her father's court keen to find her beloved Posthumus.This bestseller contains plenty of surprising twists and turns, bloody confrontations and fatal encounters. But can the drama come to an end?'Cymbeline' is one of William Shakespeare's strongest plays, intertwined with themes of envy and forgiveness. As one of Shakespeare's lesser-known romances, this historical romance mixes some of his most stunning verse with an interesting blend of history, legend and fairy tale. For fans of Meg Mason, Jennifer Weiner and Sally Thorne.-

  • af William Shakespeare
    67,99 kr.

    John, King of England's rule is challenged by an ambassador for King Phillip of France.Claiming that Arthur, the nephew of John should be crowned king instead, John declares war against France. Although John orders his nephew's death and turns the nobles against himself, the questions remain... who is the rightful heir to the throne of England?'King John' is a brilliant historical fiction with its underlying theme of sources of power and authority it is both tragically poetic and satiric in equal measure. Perfect for fans of The Dr Ruth Galloway Mysteries by Elly Griffiths. -

  • af William Shakespeare
    67,99 kr.

    Based on the mythological Leir of Britain, the main character of King Lear decides to retire from the throne and hands over the kingdom his daughters.The premonition of the division of the kingdom will solely be based on the girls' strength of flattery. His two oldest daughters flatter him greatly, but the youngest one, Cordelia, refuses to play this game. King Lear is furious and chooses to banish her despite her love for him.Soon, however, the old king finds himself overruled by his oldest daughters and is driven to madness. Who will now fix the kingdom and resolve the civil wars to come?King Lear is a classic book for adults, one of Shakespeare's most tragic and heart-breaking plays as it searches the depths of human suffering and despair. Great for fans of Gayle Forman and John Green. -

  • af William Shakespeare
    67,99 kr.

    The death of their father leaves Oliver and Orlando at odds. Oliver inherits everything and out of spite forces his younger brother to live in poverty by denying him his inheritance.Left with little choice, Orlando heads to Duke Frederick's court to fight the court's champion wrestler. There, Orlando wins the match, gets the prize and falls in love with the Duke's niece Rosalind.Orlando's win infuriates Frederick because of the friendship between the boy's father and his own brother Duke Senior, who he has banished to the forest. Frederick accuses Rosalind of conspiring against him and banishes her from the court despite his daughter Celia's pleas.Rosalind disguises herself as a boy called Ganymede and heads for the forest with her cousin Celia, who pretends to be a young country girl named Aliena. In the forest, Orlando runs into Duke Senior and his men. Then the girls in disguise arrive, and chaos ensues.-

  • af William Shakespeare
    42,99 kr.

    A shipwreck 25 years ago separated Egeon from his wife and one of his identical twin sons. Both boys are named Antipholus and both have servants names Dromio, who also happen to be identical twins.As Egeon arrives in Ephesus from Syracuse, hoping to find his wife and son, he is unaware that the other twin has also made his way there. Egeon is arrested and condemned to death for violating the travel ban between Syracuse and Ephesus. After stating his case to the Ephesian Duke, Solinus, Egeon is granted a day to raise ransom funds to save his life.Meanwhile, Adriana, the wife of Antipholus of Ephesus, mistakes Antipholus of Syracuse for her husband and drags him home. He then falls in love with Adriana’s sister Luciana. What could possibly go wrong?As with many Shakespearean plays, mistaken identities wreck confusion for everyone and lead to many comical encounters. "The Comedy of Errors" is the shortest of Shakespeare’s plays. It has been adapted for opera, stage, screen and musical theatre worldwide.William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was an English playwright, poet and actor. Considered the greatest dramatist of all time, he is widely regarded as the most influential English language writer. Shakespeare’s plays focus on the range of human emotion and conflict, and have been translated into more than 100 languages. Many including "Hamlet," "Macbeth," and "Romeo and Juliet" have been adapted for stage and screen.

  • af William Shakespeare
    67,99 kr.

    Like any true ladies man, Sir John Falstaff, the fat king, attempts to seduce two wealthy women at the same time. To make things easy he decides to send ends Mistress Page and Mistress Ford identical love letters.But little does Falstaff know that women tend to talk to one another, only causing him a great deal of trouble..As Frank Ford hears of Falstaff's plan, he decides to test his wife’s loyalty. By dressing up, Frank pretends to be someone else and pays Falstaff off to seduce his wife on his behalf. The men in Windsor desperately try to control the situation, however, it is the women of Windsor who pull the strings in this play.This hilarious comedy by Shakespeare is a classic worth reading! First published in 1602, this play presents themes of marriage, wealth, jealousy and lies. Complete with clumsy men and strong women, this appeals to all ages.For fans of Clare McHugh, Thomas Middleton and Julia Quinn.William Shakespeare (1564-1616) is widely considered the world's greatest dramatist and is often referred to as England's national poet or the Bard. Most famous for his timeless plays, he also wrote a multitude of poems and sonnets. Shakespeare was the blockbuster writer of his day, his many works concerning universal themes of life, love, death, revenge, grief, jealousy, murder, magic, and mystery. Among some of his most famous are "Macbeth", "Romeo and Juliet", and "Hamlet", but the list is long, and many continue to be studied and performed, both their original form and modern adaptations.

  • af William Shakespeare
    67,99 kr.

    Suspicious King Leontes of Sicily accuses his pregnant wife Hermione of having an affair with his best friend, Polixenes, the King of Bohemia. Enraged at the alleged betrayal, he orders Polixenes poisoned, Hermione imprisoned, and her newborn daughter banished, leaving him a broken man.Sixteen years later, Perdita, the adopted daughter of a shepherd, falls in love with young Prince Florizel, much to the dismay of the boy’s father, Polixenes. He disapproves of the girl and her lowly status and orders his son to forget her. Instead, the young lovers escape in disguise and head for Sicily. There, the storylines of Leontes, Hermione, Polixenes, Perdita and Florizel finally come together.William Shakespeare’s "The Winter’s Tale" is filled with improbabilities, telling a story of obsession and redemption. Fans of "Mamma Mia" will enjoy the humorous misunderstandings and mistaken identities that take the characters on a journey of self-discovery.William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was an English playwright, poet and actor. Considered the greatest dramatist of all time, he is widely regarded as the most influential English language writer. Shakespeare’s plays focus on the range of human emotion and conflict, and have been translated into more than 100 languages. Many including "Hamlet" "Macbeth" and "Romeo and Juliet" have been adapted for stage and screen.

  • af William Shakespeare
    36,99 kr.

    In dieser lyrischen Sammlung dreht sich alles um die Liebe und ihre Tücken. Zwanzig gefühlvolle Gedichte erzählen von den schönen und den schmerzhaften Seiten des Verliebtseins. Zwar wurde die Autorenschaft der Sammlung zunächst William Shakespeare zugeschrieben, doch nur fünf Gedichte stammen nachweislich aus seiner Feder. Auch Werke von Richard Barnfield, Bartholomew Griffin, Christopher Marlowe und Sir Walter Raleigh sind in „Der verliebte Pilger" enthalten. Der Großteil der Gedichte hat jedoch einen unbekannten Verfasser.William Shakespeare (1564 – 1616) ist einer der bedeutendsten Dramatiker und Dichter aller Zeiten. Zunächst machte er sich als Schauspieler in London einen Namen, verfasste dann jedoch auch selbst zahlreiche Dramen und legte so den Grundstein für seinen Erfolg. Shakespeares Theaterstücke, wie etwa „Romeo und Julia", „Macbeth" oder „Ein Sommernachtstraum" werden bis heute auf der ganzen Welt begeistert gelesen, aufgeführt und neu adaptiert. Er ist jedoch nicht alleiniger Autor der Gedichte in „Der verliebte Pilger": auch Richard Barnfield, Sir Walter Raleigh sowie unbekannte andere Poeten werden Gedichte dieser Sammlung zugeschrieben.

  • af William Shakespeare
    58,99 kr.

    In diesem Drama erzahlt William Shakespeare die Geschichte eines tragischen Liebespaars inmitten der Wirren des trojanischen Krieges: Troilus, Prinz von Troja, verliebt sich in die junge Cressida. Sie erwidert seine Gefuhle, doch ihre Beziehung steht unter keinem guten Stern. Schon seit Jahren herrscht Krieg zwischen den Trojanern und Griechen, und ein Ende des Konflikts ist nicht in Sicht. Als Teil eines Handels zwischen beiden Seiten wird Cressida gegen einen Gefangenen ausgetauscht und muss die Stadt verlassen. Kann es ein gluckliches Wiedersehen mit Troilus geben oder ist ihre Liebe zum Scheitern verurteilt?-

  • af William Shakespeare
    58,99 kr.

    Commedia dalle atmosfere leggere che segue la vicenda dell'eroina Rosalinda mentre cerca di fuggire dalle persecuzioni della corte di suo zio Federico, salito al trono da usurpatore. Insieme all'amica Celia e al giullare Pietraccia, Rosalinda intraprende un viaggio che la portera a trovare rifugio nell'idilliaca Foresta di Arden, dove il Duca esiliato vive insieme ad un manipolo di fedeli seguaci. Sara proprio la foresta il luogo onirico in cui amori, intrighi e bugie romantiche intrecceranno le vite dei protagonisti con quelle di tanti altri personaggi - il servo Adamo, la pastorella Febe, il malinconico Jaques. Ognuno con il proprio passato alle spalle, riusciranno Rosalinda e i suoi compagni a trovare la felicita? -

  • af William Shakespeare
    58,99 kr.

    Venezia, 1500. Il giovane Bassanio vorrebbe chiedere la mano di Porzia, ricca ereditiera di Belmonte. Per corteggiarla degnamente, Bassanio chiede un prestito al suo carissimo amico Antonio, mercante di Venezia, che tuttavia ha appena investito tutti i suoi risparmi nel commercio marittimo. Antonio decide allora di offrirsi come garante del prestito presso Shylock, ricco usuraio ebreo. Shylock, che a differenza di Antonio presta denaro a tassi altissimi, stabilisce che, in caso di mancato pagamento, Antonio dovra pagare con una libbra di carne dal proprio corpo: nonostante l'orrida condizione e la conseguente reticenza di Bassanio, il mercante di Venezia accetta. -

  • af William Shakespeare
    58,99 kr.

    Valentino e Proteo sono due gentiluomini originari di Verona. La vicenda ha inizio quando Valentino lascia la citta per trasferirsi a Milano, dove ben presto di innamora della bella Silvia, dama aristocratica che ricambia con ardore i suoi sentimenti. Giunto a Milano per trovare l'amico, anche Proteo si innamora di Silvia, dando inizio al piu tradizionale dei triangoli amorosi. Le cose sono destinate inevitabilmente a complicarsi quando Giulia, fidanzata veronese di Proteo, stanca di aspettarlo decide di recarsi in citta sotto falso nome, travestendosi da uomo.-

  • af William Shakespeare
    58,99 kr.

    Commedia sull'amore e sulla conquista dei sentimenti, racconta le vicende del re di Navarra, che invita i suoi tre piu cari amici a sostenere un giuramento molto duro: per tre anni non dovranno pensare ad altro che allo studio, senza frequentare donne, con un solo giorno libero a settimana e non piu di tre ore di sonno a notte. Intanto arriva a corte la principessa di Francia, accompagnata da tre avvenenti damigelle. Il re e i suoi amici sono subito colpiti dalla bellezza delle fanciulle: dovendo trascorrere tutto il loro tempo in compagnia delle quattro donne, riusciranno a tenere fede al giuramento appena fatto, o dovranno accettare il fatto che e impossibile per un uomo negare i propri sentimenti? -

  • af William Shakespeare
    58,99 kr.

    Dramma storico basato sulla vita del re Riccardo II d'Inghilterra, ultimo del ramo principale della sua casata. Con quest'opera ha inizio la tetralogia dell'Enrieide, a cui seguono tre parti, dedicate ai successori di Riccardo: "e;Enrico IV, parte 1"e;, "e;Enrico IV, parte 2"e;, "e;Enrico V"e;. Snodo comune di tutte le opere e la spasmodica rincorsa al potere, vissuto come ombra e maledizione, come lotta nel sangue e continua solitudine, ma anche come unica via per stabilire il controllo sulla propria vita e su quella degli altri. Sullo sfondo di un'Inghilterra segnata dalle piccole e grandi lotte del periodo, il regime monarchico si prepara ad affrontare una crisi politica ed economica senza precedenti. -

  • af William Shakespeare
    58,99 kr.

    Egeo si presenta al cospetto del re di Atene con i due pretendenti della figlia Ermia, che rifiuta di sposare Demetrio perche innamorata di Lisandro: il padre pero preferisce di gran lunga Demetrio ed e giunto al cospetto del re affinche obblighi Ermia a sposarlo. I due innamorati decidono quindi di scappare attraverso il bosco per sposarsi in segreto. Ermia confida il piano soltanto all'amica Elena, che sceglie di tradirla perche innamorata di Demetrio: in un gioco di inseguimenti, equivoci e pozioni magiche, i quattro ragazzi si ritroveranno protagonisti di una fuga contro il tempo che li portera a trascorrere la notte nel bosco, un luogo onirico e misterioso, popolato di fate e creature magiche che sapranno intrecciare le fila del destino come nessun uomo e mai riuscito a fare. -

  • af William Shakespeare
    58,99 kr.

    Dramma storico che racconta la tragedia delle Idi di Marzo, in cui il generale romano Giulio Cesare venne assassinato ad opera di una congiura del Senato. Mentre Bruto, figlio adottivo di Cesare, si lascia coinvolgere dalla cospirazione ordita da Cassio per impedire che la Repubblica romana diventi una monarchia, Cesare ritorna a Roma dopo la campagna d'Egitto e decide di presentarsi davanti al senato, ignorando l'avvertimento di un indovino che gli preannuncia gravi sciagure. Allo stesso tempo, Marco Antonio inizia a muovere le sue fila e si prepara a stringere un'alleanza con Ottaviano, dando vita ad uno scontro politico che definira per sempre le sorti dell'Antica Roma. -

  • af William Shakespeare
    58,99 kr.

    Arrivato in visita a Messina, nella Sicilia spagnola del tardo 1500, il principe d'Aragona si innamora della figlia del governatore, la bella e gentile Ero.Tuttavia Ero e cugina di Beatrice, che da sempre ha un rapporto fatto di battibecchi e schermaglie con Benedetto di Padova, accompagnatore del principe. Brillante e misogino lui, spigliata e intelligente lei, sin dal loro primo incontro non rinunciano a prese in giro e scontri verbali, fatti di scambi arguti e taglienti. L'atmosfera certamente non e romantica, ed e proprio per questo che i loro amici organizzano un astuto stratagemma e decidono di scommettere sul loro amore: riusciranno Beatrice e Benedetto a mantenere intatto l'orgoglio o finiranno con l'arrendersi al sentimento?-

  • af William Shakespeare
    58,99 kr.

    Il signor Vincenzo, duca di Vienna, e molto preoccupato per la degenerazione dei costumi e la dilagante immoralita dei propri sudditi, che negli ultimi tempi rifuggono persino l'istituzione del matrimonio. Preso dallo sconforto, decide di affidare il governo a un vicario, Angelo, per vedere se sara o meno in grado di far rispettare le leggi e restituire i giusti costumi alla comunita; quindi finge di partire e si traveste da frate per spiarne l'operato. Prevedibilmente, il vicario si rivelera da subito incapace di governare con equita e giustizia, troppo attaccato ai cavilli legali e travolto dalle stesse passioni che dovrebbe eradicare; e a pagarne le amare conseguenze saranno proprio i giusti e i virtuosi della citta. -

  • af William Shakespeare
    73,99 kr.

    Tragedia storica di William Shakespeare fedelmente ispirata alle vicende del re Enrico V d'Inghilterra, che si distinse per aver vinto la battaglia di Azincourt ed essere riuscito a conquistare la Francia.Il protagonista di questo dramma era già apparso nell’Enrico IV, dove era un giovanotto di belle speranze assiduo frequentatore di taverne insieme a John Falstaff e ai suoi compagni di goliardia. Ormai diventato re, Enrico ha superato la spensieratezza di quei giorni, pur conservando la familiarità con le classi popolari, e la sua missione adesso è soltanto una: condurre l'esercito inglese oltre la Manica e conquistare finalmente il suolo francese.William Shakespeare (1564 – 1616) è considerato il più importante scrittore e drammaturgo inglese.Molto prolifico nei suoi 25 anni di attività poetica, scrisse 37 testi teatrali, 154 sonetti e una serie di altri poemi. Sia nelle tragedie che nelle commedie riuscì a coniugare il gusto popolare dell'epoca con una caratterizzazione ampia dei personaggi e una poetica raffinata che incontrava il favore delle classi più alte.Tra i titoli più celebri e ampiamente trasposti ricordiamo "Romeo e Giulietta" (1597), "Il mercante di Venezia" e "Sogno di una notte di mezza estate" (1600), "Amleto" (1603), "Macbeth" (1606).

  • af William Shakespeare
    67,99 kr.

    The young Trojan prince Troilus falls in love with Cressida, daughter of a Trojan priest. With the Trojan War raging around them, the young couple professes their undying love for each other.But soon after Cressida is exchanged for a Trojan prisoner and is sent to the Greeks.Dealing with their fates the young lovers bond is tested as the war between the two sides continues. Both Greeks and Trojans face challenges, personality clashes and pride as they navigate the year-long conflict.Shakespeare’s inspiration for "Troilus and Cressida" is Homer’s "The Iliad." The play focuses on human nature, conflict, love and honor. Fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe or films like "Allied" and "In the Land of Blood and Honey" will recognize many similar themes and characters.William Shakespeare (1564-1616) is widely considered the world's greatest dramatist and is often referred to as England's national poet or the Bard. Most famous for his timeless plays, he also wrote a multitude of poems and sonnets. Shakespeare was the blockbuster writer of his day, his many works concerning universal themes of life, love, death, revenge, grief, jealousy, murder, magic, and mystery. Among some of his most famous are "Macbeth", "Romeo and Juliet", and "Hamlet", but the list is long, and many continue to be studied and performed, both their original form and modern adaptations.

  • af William Shakespeare
    67,99 kr.

    The great Roman general, Titus Andronicus, returns home after fighting Rome’s enemies for the last 10 years. He brings along his captives, Tamora, Queen of the Goths, her three sons and Aaron the Moor.Having lost 21 of his 25 sons in the conflict, Titus decides to sacrifice one of Tamora’s sons, following Roman customs. He then offers Tamora as a slave to the new Roman emperor, Saturninus.Meanwhile, Saturninus promises Titus to make his daughter Lavinia his empress. After his brother Bassianus takes off with her, Saturninus marries Tamora instead. Tamora, angry at Titus, makes it her mission to get back at Titus. After becoming the emperor’s wife, she uses her position to exact revenge on Titus and his family. Driven by his own sense of honor and duty, Titus and his family retaliate with dire consequences for all involved."Titus Andronicus" is a drama about honor, loyalty, death and revenge. In this play, Shakespeare takes on cannibalism, rape, murder, mutilation and punishment. These themes might be familiar to the fans of dramas like "Pulp Fiction", "Spartacus" or "Gladiator".William Shakespeare (1564-1616) is widely considered the world's greatest dramatist and is often referred to as England's national poet or the Bard. Most famous for his timeless plays, he also wrote a multitude of poems and sonnets. Shakespeare was the blockbuster writer of his day, his many works concerning universal themes of life, love, death, revenge, grief, jealousy, murder, magic, and mystery. Among some of his most famous are "Macbeth", "Romeo and Juliet", and "Hamlet", but the list is long, and many continue to be studied and performed, both their original form and modern adaptations.