Bøger af Saga Stigsdotter
Fra 40,99 kr. "Eräänä lämpimänä kesäpäivänä nainen päättää lähteä asianajotoimistoltaan tavalliselle juoksulenkilleen Djurgårdenin lähimetsikköön. Hän makaa hikisenä ja seksuaalisesti virittyneenä metsässä, kun muuan mies ilmestyy kuin tyhjästä. Miehellä on parransänki ja sotkuinen tukka. Tämä on päivettynyt. Nainen katsoo syvälle miehen silmiin ja ymmärtää, että mies haluaa panna häntä. Hän haluaa sitä enemmän kuin mitään muuta. Miehellä on kauniit silmät. Tämä on suunnilleen saman ikäinen kuin nainen. Nainen haluaa vain, että mies ottaa hänet. Se tuntuu niin hyvältä. Kiima on valtava."Jousimies, tuo tähtimerkkien joustaan jännittävä seikkailija, on leikkisä ja huoleton petipuuhissa. Seikkailunhaluinen jousimies etsii jatkuvasti uusia kokemuksia ja leikkikaluja. Tätä ilmamerkkiä on vaikea sitoa pysyvään suhteeseen, mutta hänestä saa oivallisen kumppanin hetkelliseen hekumaan. Koska merkki kyllästyy helposti, petikumppanilta vaaditaan kekseliäisyyttä ja halua kokeilla uutta. Nämä valikoidut novellit toimivat oivallisesti tämän tähtimerkin sytyttämiseen.Tässä kokoelmassa on seuraavat novellit:Parinvaihtoa - eroottinen novelli Rakas lankomies - eroottinen novelli Kesäseksi 1: Bussi Kulkuri - eroottinen novelli Madame 4: Roolinjako – eroottinen novelli Happy Cocks – eroottinen novelli Kuuskytneljä - eroottinen novelli Kämppikseni leikkikalu - eroottinen novelli Tirkistelyä - eroottinen novelli Pianonsoiton opettaja - eroottinen novelli Tässä kokoelmassa on eroottisia novelleja seuraavilta LUST-kirjoittajilta: Alexandra Södergran, Andrea Hansen, Nelly Blanck, Valery Jonsson, Saga Stigsdotter, Julie Jones, Sarah Skov ja Vanessa Salt.
59,99 kr. Una raccolta perfetta per tenervi compagnia nelle fredde giornate invernali. Passione, desiderio, eccitazione e lussuria vi forniranno tutto il calore di cui avrete bisogno!La raccolta contiene i seguenti racconti:Una scintilla di passione - Racconto eroticoFlirt sulla neve - Breve racconto eroticoSera di San Valentino - Breve racconto eroticoSauna, ortiche e rametti di betulla - Una storia natalizia in chiave eroticaDoppio gioco - Breve racconto eroticoCalendario del sesso - Breve racconto eroticoCena di Natale in Crociera - Una storia natalizia in chiave eroticaIl desiderio di Natale - Breve racconto eroticoCéleste - un racconto erotico di NataleLa vigilia di Capodanno - Breve racconto eroticoI racconti contenuti in questa raccolta sono stati scritti da Katja Slonawski, Malin Edholm, Vanessa Salt, Lea Lind, Sandra Norrbin, Virginie Bégaudeau, Sofia Fritzon e Saga Stigsdotter in collaborazione con Erika Lust.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
59,99 kr. "Suddenly his hands are all over her body and she lies down on the sofa with him on top of her. She moans and presses against him. He presses his hips against hers and she can feel how hard he is. He unbuttons her trousers and pulls them down together with her panties. He undresses too and then there is nothing left to keep them apart." – A Spark of Lust‘10 Ways to Raise the Temperature – A Collection of Erotica for Surviving Winter’ is an anthology of fiery hot stories that will keep you hot and horny all through winter. From sparks of lust that warm snow-filled days on the ski slopes to steamy Christmas tales. From ringing in the New Year with something sexy to Valentine’s Day (arguably the sexiest day of winter), there’s a story in this collection for everyone.This collection includes the stories: ‘Snow’, ‘The Ski-Flirt’, ‘Nettles and Sauna’, ‘The Merry Widow’, ‘A Fire of Desire’, ‘A Spark of Lust’, ‘A Polyamorous Christmas’, ‘December 25: He Came for Christmas - An Erotic Christmas Calendar’, ‘New Year’s Eve’, and ‘Valentine’s Night’.LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They’re on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow us to understand that it’s okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on.This compilation includes erotic short stories written by the following LUST authors: Shailene Craig, Vicktoria Gilles, Katja Slonawski, Malin Edholm, Lea Lind, Sofia Fritzson, Malva B., Kristiane Hauer and Saga Stigsdotter.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
43,99 kr. ”Takten ökade mer och mer samtidigt som Jörgen kom närmare det som han visste skulle bli den mest magiska orgasmen. Och just när han kom lutade sig Ina mot honom och kysste hans läppar i en lång, berusande kyss.”"Sensualitetens sirener" är en samling noveller om erotiska väsen där saga och verklighet möts i ljuva och oförglömliga sommarnätter. Noveller om sensuella älvors magiska krafter som lockar och förför. Om ett urgammalt lustfyllt väsen som hälsar på för att både ge och ta. Vad är egentligen dröm och vad är verklighet?Denna samling innehåller följande erotiska noveller:HamnskiftarenHäxdansVampyrenRåetNäckenNäckenAlvsagaRåndanNymfen och faunernaMaranSvart KattOssian Strömquist, Cupido, Saga Stigsdotter, Elena Lund, B. J. Hermansson, Olrik, Vanessa Salt, Chrystelle LeRoy.
- E-bog
- 43,99 kr.
96,99 kr. "Intimo, Intenso & Inebriante" è una raccolta di racconti perfetta per qualsiasi umore. Se siete tristi, “Intimo” vi potrà confortare come un caldo abbraccio; se vi sentite avventurosi, “Intenso” vi terrà col fiato sospeso; se felici, “Inebriante” vi aiuterà a toccare le vette più alte del piacere.La raccolta contiene i seguenti racconti:[SI-53239] I miei ricordi di te - Breve racconto erotico[SI-62086] Il sogno di Parigi - breve racconto erotico[SI-54553] La prima volta - Breve racconto erotico[SI-58201] Resta con me - Breve racconto erotico[SI-58186] Sentire la sua presenza - Breve racconto erotico[SI-64803] Sauna, ortiche e rametti di bettula - Una storia natalizia in chiave erotica[SI-62700] L’ho vista ballare a Parigi - Breve racconto erotico[SI-63273] Un caldo inverno a Montreal - Racconto erotico[SI-54560] Valentine - Breve racconto erotico[SI-134821] Incompletezza – racconto erotico[SI-54378] Questione di mani - Breve racconto erotico[SI-63316] Il debutto di Alice - Un racconto erotico[SI-67831] Club privé La Cabaña - breve racconto erotico[SI-62708] Estate di sesso 1: L’autobus - Breve racconto erotico[SI-128834] Lamponi – racconto erotico lesbico[SI-122327] La disciplina del sapere – racconto erotico[SI-54565] I tirocinanti medici - Breve racconto erotico[SI-107083] Poli opposti – diari di domina[SI-58212] Luoghi proibiti : L’ascensore – Breve racconto erotico[SI-61918] Strip poker - Breve racconto erotico[SI-55307] Sogno bagnato di una notte di Mezza estate - Breve racconto erotico[SI-62433] Il bagnino - Breve racconto erotico[SI-79692] Happy Cocks - racconto erotico[SI-58179] La stagista - Breve racconto erotico[SI-64830] Video privati - Un racconto erotico[SI-64405] Ortiche - racconto erotico[SI-61990] Il massaggio - Breve racconto erotico[SI-63291] Un viaggio nell’antico Egitto - Racconto erotico[SI-58148] Brunch e orgasmi - Breve racconto erotico[SI-53242] Il ragazzo della piscina - Letteratura eroticaI racconti contenuti in questa raccolta sono stati scritti da B. J. Hermansson, Katja Slonawski, Malin Edholm, Chrystelle LeRoy, Elena Lund, Sarah Skov, Vanessa Salt, Beatrice Nielsen, Lea Lind, Amanda Backman, Sandra Norrbin, Anita Bang, Julie Jones, Alexandra Södergran, Nicolas Lemarin, Nicole Löv, SheWolf, Victoria Październy, Black Chanterelle e Saga Stigsdotter in collaborazione con Erika Lust.
- E-bog
- 96,99 kr.
Fra 43,99 kr. "Triangulära lustar" består av en samling erotiska noveller om glödande heta möten mellan tre personer. De handlar om att våga upptäcka något nytt och att förenas alla tre i en vild natt. Om att under sällskap av en tredje part drabbas av insikten – tre är bättre än två …Denna samling innehåller följande erotiska noveller:Midsommarnatt - erotisk novellHemligt kontraktInbjudan - erotisk novellPianolärarinnan - erotisk novellChefens döttrarTrekanten - erotisk novellTrekantTreBankenMurragömmaEn dans för tre Jacuzzi och tre ChampagneglasLea Lind, Alicia Luz, Eme Johansson, Snezana Lindskog, Vanessa Salt, Alexandra Södergran, Erika Svensson, B. J. Hermansson, Saga Stigsdotter, Maria Aguero.
58,99 kr. "Scivola lentamente dentro di me, appoggiandosi con il suo peso, facendo sì che il mio corpo prema contro quello di Sofia; mi impegno perché il mio primo orgasmo duri il più a lungo possibile, lì tra i loro corpi scivolosi. Incrocio lo sguardo e le labbra di Sofia, sono incredibilmente morbide e sanno di vino fragola. La sua lingua è liscia e succosa. Fa del suo meglio per abbracciare il fidanzato con le sue lunghe braccia e le gambe. Sono circondata dai loro corpi, dal loro odore e tocco." (Tratto da "Sogno bagnato di una notte di Mezza estate" di Malin Edholm)."Inebriante: storie erotiche per quando ti senti felice" è la terza parte della serie "Intimo, Intenso & Inebriante: una raccolta di racconti erotici per stati d’animo diversi". Cosa ne diresti di fare un viaggio alla ricerca del desiderio, della passione e del sesso? Con questa raccolta di racconti erotici toccherai vette di felicità (e di piacere) ancora più elevate.La raccolta contiene i seguenti racconti:Sogno bagnato di una notte di Mezza estate - Breve racconto eroticoIl bagnino - Breve racconto eroticoHappy Cocks - racconto eroticoLa stagista - Breve racconto eroticoVideo privati - Un racconto eroticoOrtiche - racconto eroticoIl massaggio - Breve racconto eroticoUn viaggio nell’antico Egitto - Racconto eroticoBrunch e orgasmi - Breve racconto eroticoIl ragazzo della piscina - Letteratura eroticaUno di questi racconti è stato pubblicato in collaborazione con la produttrice cinematografica svedese Erika Lust. Il suo intento è quello di raffigurare la natura umana e la diversità attraverso storie di passione, intimità, lussuria e amore, in una fusione di trame forti ed erotismo.I racconti racchiusi in questa raccolta sono stati scritti da Malin Edholm, Chrystelle LeRoy, Elena Lund, Vanessa Salt, Beatrice Nielsen, Anita Bang, Nicolas Lemarin e Saga Stigsdotter; in collaborazione con Erika Lust.
- E-bog
- 58,99 kr.
59,99 kr. “He gently pushes me away and looks down on the floor. I lie down on my back, and he throws himself at me. I think he is just as close to cuming as I am. He penetrates me without difficulty and fucks me like Picasso’s woman fucked herself while he watched, but today it is not the painter who is watching.” – Don’t touch the art, touch me‘Inebriante: Erotic Stories for When You Feel Happy’ is a collection of erotica from LUST that will bring you joy in your pleasure. Be on cloud nine with orgasms that will make you drunk with happiness as you enjoy stories and fantasies of horny handymen, steamy sex tapes, and lust-fuelled lifeguards.This collection includes the stories: ‘Don’t touch the art, touch me’, ‘The Lifeguard’, ‘Handyman Wanted Part 1’, ‘Handyman Wanted Part 2’, ‘Sex Tape’, ‘Nettles’, ‘Student accommodation’, ‘A Trip to Ancient Egypt’, ‘The Publisher’, and ‘You can leave your hat on’.LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They’re on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow ourselves to understand that it’s okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on. This compilation includes erotic short stories written by the following LUST authors: Chrystelle LeRoy, Sarah Skov, Vanessa Salt, Amanda Backman, Julie Jones, Christina Tempest, Nicolas Lemarin, and Saga Stigsdotter.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
59,99 kr. "He looked at her. It was too dangerous. They could so easily get caught. People passing by, park rangers, coppers. No way." – ´Among the Trees´Part of the erotic alphabet series, ‘N is for Nature - 13 Erotic Short Stories’ is a collection of erotica that finds pleasure in the outdoors. From fantasy romps in forests and rugged summer flings on the farm, to having sex among the trees; nature and the outdoors are calling with some very sexy stories.The fourteenth instalment in the alphabet series, ‘N is for Nature’ features stories such as ‘Birthday in Norway, ‘Among the Trees’, ‘Silent Retreat’, ‘Nettles and Sauna’, ‘The Mayan Ruins’, ‘The Old Summer Farm’, and many more!LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They’re on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow ourselves to understand that it’s okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on.This compilation includes erotic short stories written by the following LUST authors: Malin Edholm, Sarah Skov, Vanessa Salt, Camille Bech, Andrea Hansen, Amanda Backman, Julie Jones, Christina Tempest, Catrina Curant, and Saga Stigsdotter.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
59,99 kr. "His hands move across her back and up over her shoulder blades before they switch direction. On their way down, his fingers brush against the side of her breasts and a wave of pleasure washes over her. She presses against him and he cups his hands around her breasts as his mouth breaks free from her mouth." – A Passionate Flame‘Dripping: A Collection of Erotica for a Rainy Autumn Day on the Couch with a Blanket’ is the perfect anthology of sexy stories to keep you occupied on rainy, horny days when the leaves are golden. Whether it's drizzling outside or there’s a full-on thunderstorm in the weather forecast, these erotic stories will get you wet in a good way so why not get down and romantic beneath the blankets?‘Dripping: A Collection of Erotica for a Rainy Autumn Day on the Couch with a Blanket’ includes the stories: ‘The Waitress’, ‘Sex and Sensibility’, ‘A passionate commute’, ‘Nettles and Sauna’, ‘The First Time’, ‘A Passionate Flame’, ‘Stay With Me’, ‘Catch Her If You Can’, ‘A Dream of Paris’, and ‘Free Will’.LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They’re on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow us to understand that it’s okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on.This compilation includes erotic short stories written by the following LUST authors: Lisa Vild, Vanessa Salt, Beatrice Nielsen, Lea Lind, Amanda Backman, Alexandra Södergran, Nicolas Lemarin, Sofia Fritzson, Nicole Löv, and Saga Stigsdotter.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
58,99 kr. "Sento il tuo calore intorno al mio cazzo. Sento il tuo clitoride bagnato e scivoloso sotto la punta delle mie dita, sento i tuoi muscoli contrarsi attorno a me, stringendomi un istante prima che tu esploda in un orgasmo." (Tratto da "I miei ricordi di te" di Sarah Skov in collaborazione con Erika Lust)."Intimo: storie erotiche per quando ti senti triste" è la prima parte della serie "Intimo, Intenso & Inebriante: una raccolta di racconti erotici per stati d’animo diversi". Questi racconti agrodolci narrano di amori perduti e amori ritrovati; quello che non manca mai tra queste coppie è l’eccitazione, la passione e la lussuria.La raccolta contiene i seguenti racconti:I miei ricordi di te - Breve racconto eroticoIl sogno di Parigi - breve racconto eroticoLa prima volta - Breve racconto eroticoResta con me - Breve racconto eroticoSentire la sua presenza - Breve racconto eroticoSauna, ortiche e rametti di betulla - Una storia natalizia in chiave eroticaL’ho vista ballare a Parigi - Breve racconto eroticoUn caldo inverno a Montreal - Racconto eroticoValentine - Breve racconto eroticoIncompletezza – racconto eroticoUno di questi racconti è stato pubblicato in collaborazione con la produttrice cinematografica svedese Erika Lust. Il suo intento è quello di raffigurare la natura umana e la diversità attraverso storie di passione, intimità, lussuria e amore, in una fusione di trame forti ed erotismo.I racconti racchiusi in questa raccolta sono stati scritti da B. J. Hermansson, Katja Slonawski, Chrystelle LeRoy, Sarah Skov, Lea Lind, Amanda Backman, Alexandra Södergran, Nicole Löv, SheWolf e Saga Stigsdotter; in collaborazione con Erika Lust.
- E-bog
- 58,99 kr.
59,99 kr. "In my memories, you're clearly present. In my dreams you're real, you're mine. Your lips find mine again. Your tongue is as playful as I remember it. Your demeanour is sensual and curious. Your laugh is so spirited. Your hands are so inquisitive. Your kisses so persistent. Your body so greedy, but also yielding. I feel the warmth of you around my cock. I sense your wet and slippery clit on my fingertips, and I feel how you tighten around me, squeezing me right before you orgasm." – Memories of You‘Intimo: Erotic Stories for When You Feel Sad’ is a collection of erotica from LUST that lets you get sensual in your sadness. Whether you’re mourning memories of the one that got away, feeling wistful of your first time or dreaming of better days like passion in Paris, this collection is the perfect pick-me-up pleasure for when you feel sad.This collection includes the stories: ‘Memories of You’, ‘Stay with Me’, ‘The First Time’, ‘Valentine’, ‘I Saw Her Dancing in Paris’, ‘Seize the Day’, ‘A Dream of Paris’, ‘Silent Retreat’, ‘Nettles and Sauna’, and ‘Snow’.LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They’re on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow ourselves to understand that it’s okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on. This compilation includes erotic short stories written by the following LUST authors: B. J. Hermansson, Sarah Skov, Lea Lind, Amanda Backman, Alexandra Södergran, Christina Tempest, Nicole Löv, Kristiane Hauer, and Saga Stigsdotter.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
59,99 kr. "No kissing, no cuddling, no licking the tip. She just engulfed him completely. She took him all the way to the hilt – impressive considering his size – then slid her lips all the way up to the head." – ´Joyride´Part of the erotic alphabet series, ‘J is for Jawfest - 10 Erotic Short Stories’ is a collection of erotica that might just give you a sore jaw with all the fellatio and blowjobs on offer. From inappropriate job interviews to oral sex in public places, there’s a story for everyone.The tenth instalment in the alphabet series, ‘J is for Jawfest’ features stories such as ‘Dangerous Games’, ‘The Job Interview’, ‘Succubus’, ‘Joyride’, ‘Tour de Chambre’, ‘Student Accommodation’ and many more!s Not Exist"],"errors":{LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They’re on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow ourselves to understand that it’s okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on.This compilation includes erotic short stories written by the following LUST authors: Vanessa Salt, Amanda Backman, Julie Jones, Alexandra Södergran, Christina Tempest, Nicolas Lemarin, Malva B., and Saga Stigsdotter.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
62,99 kr. "Bläckets begär" är en erotisk serie som skildrar erotiska möten i böckernas och ordens värld. Bland bokhyllorna på biblioteket, utan att bli störd, går det att sträckläsa om andras sexuella eskapader. Snart öppnar sig nya, såväl kulturella som sexuella, världar upp sig ...Denna samling innehåller följande erotiska noveller:LäslustKulturkvinnan 1Läs mig(S)ex LibrisSkrivlustBibliotikarienFörfattarenPoetenSch!FörfattardrömmarFörförd på biblioteketSedan 1984 har Cupido gett ut ett magasin i veckan sprängfyllt med sexhistorier och informativa artiklar om sexualitet och njutning utan moraliska pekpinnar eller skammande. Alla är välkomna i Cupidos universa, och alla finns representerade. det är läsarna själva som skriver novellerna i magasinet och de kommer garanterat få dig att rodna. Vardagens sexliv blir allt annat än ordinärt när Cupidos läsare behandlar ämnet och levererar historier fulla av glädje, lekfullhet och njutning.
- Lydbog
- 62,99 kr.
73,99 kr. „Er atmete in sie hinein, atmete in ihren süßen und verschlafenen Atem. Ihre Lippen legten sich aufeinander, während ihre kühlen Finger sich schnell über seine Arme vorarbeiteten und die Stoffstreifen hochschob."Im Dorf, wo man mit seinem geliebten Menschen nicht ins Bett steigen darf, bevor man nicht verheiratet ist, verzehren sich die Jungen nach ihren Auserwählten. Zusammen planen sie ihre Freiheit, um die Nächte mit ihrer Liebe verbringen zu können. Mithilfe einer List nutzen sie den Aberglauben der Leute aus dem Dorf und lassen den Mythos um die Strigoi auferstehen – die Toten, die sich aus dem Grab erheben. Die Jungen wechseln sich damit ab, in den Nächten draußen herumzuspuken, um im Schutz der Nacht schließlich im Bett ihrer Liebe zu landen. Diesmal ist Vasiles damit dran, die Älteren zu erschrecken. Und als er bei seinem nächtlichen Überfall sein Ziel erreicht, erwartet ihn in Violetas warmer Umarmung seine Belohnung.Sex in der Öffentlichkeit ist ein Tabu? Nicht in dieser Sammlung erotischer Kurzgeschichten. Verbotene Affären im Ausland, hemmungsloser Sex mit dem Nachbarn und ein schaurig-erotischer Mythos, der zum Leben erwacht – von diesen Geschichten können wir gar nicht genug bekommen.Diese Sammlung enthält folgende erotische Kurzgeschichten:Küssen ist MachtttVerliebt in den NachbarnttStrigoittHeiße HannattHappy CocksttEine unvergessliche NachtttNoch nichtttJetzt bist du MeinttAlles, was wir haben wollenttKomm reinttLiebe und Gefahr in den PhilippinenttMadame 1: Das VorspielttMadame 2: Dirty talkttEin heißes BewerbungsgesprächttHandwerker gesucht - Teil 1ttHandwerker gesucht - Teil 2LUST ist ein Verlag, der Sammlungen von sexy und fantasievollen Erotikgeschichten herausgibt. Sie haben es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, erotische Literatur zu veröffentlichen, die jede Art von Mensch anspricht, indem sie verschiedene Arten von Lust und Verlangen darstellen, damit wir verstehen, dass es in Ordnung ist, über unsere Sexualität, Sex und das, was uns anmacht, nachzudenken.Diese Zusammenstellung enthält erotische Kurzgeschichten der folgenden LUST-Autoren:Vicktoria Gilles, Chrystelle LeRoy, Amanda Bakcman, Bente Clod, Christina Tempest, Marie Metso, Maria Aguero, Valery Jonsson
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
42,99 kr. "Jack did as he was told, spreading his legs even further, and backed up on all four. Tony never really had to ask him twice to bottom for him. The feeling of Tony’s more than sizeable member filling him completely was something he never got tired of." – ´Friends with Benefits: Through Jack’s Eyes´Part of the erotic alphabet series, ‘H is for Hinterland - 10 Erotic Short Stories’ is a collection of erotica which delves into "the land behind" and all things anal, taking its name from the slang term "hinterland" meaning anal and ass-related.The eighth compilation in the alphabet series, ‘H is for Hinterland’ features stories such as ‘Sixty-Four’, ‘Crude Oil’, ‘Stephanie, the Voyeur without Inhibitions’, ‘At Your Service!’, ‘Friends with Benefits: Through Jack’s Eyes’, ‘Body on Fire’ and many more!LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They’re on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow ourselves to understand that it’s okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on.This compilation includes erotic short stories written by the following LUST authors: Chrystelle LeRoy, Alicia Luz, Fabien Dumaître, Camille Bech, Julie Jones, Sara Agnès L., and Saga Stigsdotter.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
36,99 kr. „Ich verschlucke mich an meinem Getränk und muss husten. ‚Drillst du deine Männer?‘, frage ich.‚Das kann man wohl so sagen ...‘"Oscar will eine reife Frau, die weiß, was sie will, und das kann man von Astrid mit Fug und Recht behaupten. Doch obwohl er sich stark zu ihr hingezogen fühlt, verunsichert sie ihn sehr. Ist er wirklich bereit, die Kontrolle abzugeben und sich von jemand anderem leiten zu lassen? Kann er überhaupt sein eigenes Verlangen kontrollieren? Er weiß nur, dass er es satt hat, immer die Initiative ergreifen zu müssen, bloß weil er ein Mann ist ...Saga Stigsdotter ist eine schwedische Schriftstellerin. Sie besuchte eine Autorenschule und schreibt über Liebe, die mit bestehenden Normen bricht. Besonders fasziniert ist sie von der Dynamik der Macht. Mit Humor und Entdeckerfreude führt sie den Leser in neue und herausfordernde Situationen, von denen eine heißer ist als die andere.
- E-bog
- 36,99 kr.
59,99 kr. "You pin me to the bed with your weight, clasping your hands around my wrists, having nothing else to use instead. You tell me to stay where I am. So I stay, feeling the excitement rise within me. I like your domination, firmness, and ferocity. I want to follow your commands. I feel warmth overwhelming me simply from surrendering to your words." – Peach DelightPart of the erotic alphabet series, ‘B is for BDSM: 13 Erotic Short Stories’ is a collection of erotica that explores the sexual and sensual pleasures of BDSM from being tied up to your master’s mercy, from lesbian liasons to your deepest fantasies, explore the depths of BDSM.The second in this alphabet series, ‘B is for BDSM’ features the stories: ‘Beneath Her’, ‘Beneath Him’, ‘Madame 1: Foreplay’, ‘Josephine: Fantasies and Sensual Evenings 2’, ‘Yukako’, ‘Crude Oil’, ‘Handyman Wanted Part 1’, ‘Nettles’, Tie Me Up’, ‘December 19: Tranquility Bay – an erotic Christmas calender’, ‘Peach Delight – Lesbian Erotica’, and ‘Freedom in Bondage’.LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They’re on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow ourselves to understand that it’s okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on.This compilation includes erotic short stories written by the following LUST authors: Reiner Larsen Wiese, Sandra Norrbin, Julie Jones, Sara Olsson, Christina Tempest, Nina Alvén, Sofia Fritzson, Valery Jonsson, Victoria Październy, Catrina Curant, and Saga Stigsdotter.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
58,99 kr. "Sie hob eine ihrer Hände, und Adam beobachtete mit einer Mischung aus Entsetzen und Erregung, wie sich die scharfen Nägel seiner empfindlichen Haut näherten. Ihre Nägel glitten in einer hauchzarten Berührung von der Wurzel seines Schwanzes bis zur Spitze hinauf."Wer ist das mysteriöse Wesen im Dickicht des einsamen Landhauses?Adam fährt in das Landhaus seiner Familie, um seinen Roman fertig zu schreiben. Zunächst will ihm nichts gelingen, aber nach ein paar fiebrigen, traumähnlichen Episoden schreibt er besser als je zuvor – und das alles, während seine Hose über seinem Ständer spannt. Draußen vor dem Fenster steht eine Beobachterin, die ihn in ihren Bann zieht und verführt. Er will zu ihr gehen und sich von ihrer erotischen Sehnsucht verschlingen lassen...Wird Adams Leben je wieder normal sein?„Heiß" ist eine Sammlung erotischer Kurzgeschichten, die uns Hitzewallungen beschert – ganz egal bei welchem Wetter. Verführungen durch ein mysteriöses Wesen im Wald, ein scharfer Poolboy oder der attraktive Nachbar, der nicht nur beim Aufbauen der Möbel schwitzt. Hier bleiben keine Wünsche offen.Diese Zusammenstellung von Geschichten wird in Zusammenarbeit mit der schwedischen Filmproduzentin Erika Lust veröffentlicht. Ihre Absicht ist es, die menschliche Natur und Vielfalt durch Geschichten von Leidenschaft, Intimität, Lust und Liebe in einer Mischung aus kraftvollen Geschichten und Erotik darzustellen.Diese Sammlung enthält folgende erotische Kurzgeschichten:WildBrennesselnDie Töchter des ChefsDie Frau und der FischerDie ReitstundeNachbarschaftshilfePoolboyEinzelgängerLagerkoller 1: In Stein gemeißeltSpanischer SommerFür alle, denen es bei einem Sonnenbad auf der Terrasse nicht heiß genug werden kann.LUST ist ein Verlag, der Sammlungen von sexy und fantasievollen Erotikgeschichten herausgibt. Sie haben es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, erotische Literatur zu veröffentlichen, die jede Art von Mensch anspricht, indem sie verschiedene Arten von Lust und Verlangen darstellen, damit wir verstehen, dass es in Ordnung ist, über unsere Sexualität, Sex und das, was uns anmacht, nachzudenken.Diese Zusammenstellung enthält erotische Kurzgeschichten der folgenden LUST-Autoren:Lisa Vild, Olrik, Beatrice Nielsen, Anita Bang, Alexandra Södergran, A. Kjeldberg Klahn, Ossian Strömquist, Saga Stigsdotter
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- 58,99 kr.
49,00 kr. Dominer eller bliv domineret."Med en hurtig bevægelse fastgør hun håndjernene om Bahrams håndled, og sætter dem fast i en krog ved sengekanten. Bahram gisper, da jeg sætter mig overskrævs på ham.""Bundet og blændet - erotiske noveller" er en novellesamling lavet af LUST, som er alt andet end vanilje. Fra bundne hænder og bind for øjnene, til prøvelser af respekt og adlydelse - denne samling har alt det gode."Bundet og blændet - erotiske noveller" er for dig, som ikke viger ved tanken om seksuel afstraffelse og finder nydelse i smerte.B. J. HermanssonElena LundAlicia LuzReiner Larsen WieseNelly BlanckBente ClodNina AlvénSaga Stigsdotter
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- 49,00 kr.
69,00 kr. "Hun slipper sit greb om tæppet og mærker, hvordan det blidt glider mod hendes krop, som det daler ned om hende. Et øjeblik står de over for hinanden og indtager synet af hinandens nøgne kroppe i det dæmpede og varme lys fra pejsen.""Solskin og sene aftener - erotiske noveller" er en novellesamling lavet af LUST, som hylder kærlighed og varme stunder. Der er skruet op for romantikken, som du bliver båret gennem følsomme fantasier og nye bekendtskaber."Solskin og sene aftener - erotiske noveller" er for dig, som gerne vil slappe af efter en lang dag, og drømme dig væk.B. J. HermanssonOlrikBeatrice NielsenAndrea HansenJulie JonesAlexandra SödergranBella NocheSaga Stigsdotter
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- 69,00 kr.
Fra 58,99 kr. Tässä kuumaakin kuumemmassa kokoelmassa leikitellään BDSM-leikkejä. Esimerkiksi tähän malliin: "Lisalla on fantasia, jossa hänet pakotetaan saamaan useita peräkkäisiä orgasmeja. Hänet on sidottu, eikä hän pysty vastustelemaan. Thomas on saanut luvan jatkaa, vaikka Lisa sanoisi ei tai lopeta. Thomas saa luvan hallita naisen kehoa, tehdä hänelle mitä tahtoo, yllättää hänet piiskalla tai kullilla halunsa mukaan. Lisa nauttii siitä, mitä Thomas hänelle antaa, ja hän kiihottuu koko ajan enemmän ja enemmän. Vain turvasanat voivat keskeyttää session."Kokoelma sisältää seuraavat 8 novellia:KostoseksiäMinä tulenSwitchMadame 1: EsileikkiMadame 2: Dirty talkMadame 3: Herkullinen ateriaMadame 4: RoolinjakoQueerlequin: Päävoitto Eri kirjoittajien avaramielisiä novelleja BDSM-henkisistä eroottisista hetkistä ja mielihaluista. Tässä muutama poiminta kokoelman kirjoittajista.Valery Jonsson on kokeilunhaluinen nainen, joka pitää uteliaisuutta ja kokeilunhalua tärkeimpinä ominaisuuksinaan. Saga Stigsdotter on ruotsalainen kirjailija, joka kirjoittaa normeja rikkovia tekstejä, joissa tarkastellaan syvimpiä halujamme ja viettejämme ripauksella huumoria. Nelly Blanck on menestyvä kolmekymmentävuotias asianajaja, jonka sisäinen rauhattomuus tekee hänet uskaliaaksi ja kokeilunhaluiseksi. Nelly kirjoittaa enimmäkseen omista seksuaalisista seikkailuistaan, jotka useimmiten rikkovat sovinnaisuuden rajat.
49,00 kr. Hvad er bedre end intimitet i det grønne?"Esben holder mig i hofterne. De små klask fra huden, der føres sammen, er høje i den stille natur. Jeg kan mærke, at han nærmer sig klimaks.""Under trækronerne - erotiske noveller" er en novellesamling lavet af LUST, som byder på romantiske stunder i naturens favn. Vind i håret og fuglefløjt danner den perfekte baggrund for uforglemmelige møder, som du straks vil få lyst til at genskabe."Under trækronerne - erotiske noveller" er for romantikkerne, vis kærlighed trives bedst under åben himmel.B. J. HermanssonAndrea HansenNelly BlanckJulie JonesSaga Stigsdotter
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- 49,00 kr.
38,99 kr. Oscar is looking for a mature lady who knows what she wants, and you can definitely say that about Astrid. However, despite being obviously attracted to her, she makes him very insecure. What does she mean when she says "maintenance work"?Is he really ready to give up control and let someone else take over? Can he even control his own desire?The one thing he knows is that he's tired of always being expected to take the initiative just because he's a man...Saga Stigsdotter is a Swedish author who writes norm-breaking stories that explores our inner desires and urges, often with some humor. She has published short stories within different genres and has appeared in several anthologies and magazines. Saga Stigsdotter attended the writers’ program in Jakobsberg in Sweden.
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- 38,99 kr.
Fra 148,99 kr. Una selzione dei racconti erotici più hot curati da LUST."Il fulcro dell'orgia sembra essere nelle file tra i due corridoi. Lì tutti ci danno dentro, gli altri devono aver cambiato di posto. In realtà, è soprattutto un groviglio di gambe e di braccia. Nude, ovviamente. Glutei che si contraggono e colli che si storcono indietro per il piacere." - "Luoghi proibiti: l'aereo", Vanessa Salt.Una Contessa rimasta vedova che non vede l'ora di divertirsi; una donna nuda dai capelli rossi che fa il bagno in un ruscello; una vacanza nel famoso Hotel di Ghiaccio dove i modi per scaldarsi sono piuttosto eccitanti. Luoghi proibiti, dove fare sesso dovrebbe essere impensabile e invece...Questo e molto altro nella seguente raccolta di racconti erotici più bollenti di sempre.In questa raccolta sono presenti racconti erotici scritti da diverse autrici: Amanda Backman, Saga Stigsdotter, Alexandra Södergran, Vanessa Salt, Marie Metso, Britta Bocker e molte altre ancora.
Fra 58,99 kr. "Anna ei välittänyt, vaikka joku olisi tullut ja nähnyt heidät. Hänen oli saatava tuntea tuo ihana patukka, joka oli hänelle tarjolla. Hän tiesi olevansa jo valmis ottamaan sen vastaan, hänen alapäänsä oli kostunut jo aikaa sitten. Annan himokkaat sormet aukoivat miehen housunnapit ja päästivät ulos miehen kalun, joka osoitti taivasta kohden, valmiina tositoimiin."Tässä monen eri kirjailijan novellikokoelmassa on koottuna kirjoittajien parhaimmistoa. Tarinoissa sukelletaan milloin homomiesten housuihin, kuumalle uimarannalle, 1800-luvulle ja milloin postineidin salaisiin fantasioihin aina yhtä takuuvarman kiihkeästi. Kokoelma sisältää seuraavat novellit:Postineidin kuumat salaisuudet Vapautettu leskikreivitär Sido minut Iloinen leskiKuuma Hanna Nokkoset PomoSkydiveSeksiklubi La CabañaTarjoilijatarRantavahtiVanessa Salt on nimimerkki, jonka takana on jossain Keski-Ruotsissa asuva kirjailijapariskunta. Vanessa hakee innoitusta tarinoihinsa monilla matkoillaan maailmalla, missä kuumat, eksoottiset paikat ruokkivat hänen eroottisia fantasioitaan. Hän kirjoittaa kevyesti ja huumorilla intohimosta, joka voi iskeä, kun sitä vähiten odottaa.Julie Jones on eroottisten tarinoiden anonyymi kirjoittaja. Hän kirjoittaa feministisestä näkökulmasta ja kyseenalaistaen yhteiskunnallisia normeja. Nimimerkin takana on nainen, jolla on taustaa monelta eri toimialalta. Hänen inspiraationsa kumpuaa sosiaalisesta mediasta ja hänen tuttujensa kanssa käymistään keskusteluista. Hänen kirjoittajanuransa alkoi blogissa, jossa hän kirjoitti fanifiktiota poikabändeistä. Joitakin näistä tarinoista julkaistaan nyt. Nimet on muutettu, mutta tarinat ovat aivan yhtä kuumia.Malva B. on pseudonyymi ruotsalaiselle eroottisten novellien kirjailijalle. Hänen tarinansa ovat erittäin suosittuja Ruotsissa, ja ne ovat ensi kertaa saatavilla myös suomeksi.Salanimen Britta Bocker takana on kirjailija, joka antaa mielihyvin novelliensa sijoittua menneisiin aikoihin. Aikana, jolloin tiukat rajat erottavat eri yhteiskuntaluokkia ja miehet ovat aina ohjaksissa, syntyy niin valtataisteluita kuin eroottisia jännitteitä.Saga Stigsdotter on ruotsalainen kirjailija, joka on käynyt Jakobsbergin kansanopiston kirjoittajakoulun. Hän kirjoittaa normeja rikkovia tekstejä, jotka käsittelevät sisimpiä halujamme ja motiivejamme ripauksella huumoria. Sagalta on aiemmin ilmestynyt novellikokoelma, ja hän on ollut mukana useissa antologioissa ja lehdissä.
77,99 kr. ‘Handyman Wanted - 20 Sexy Erotic Short Stories’ is a collection from LUST that explores many different sexual fantasies. From polyamory and sex clubs to voyeurism and visits from the handyman, your sexy fantasies will be fulfilled with this collection.Some of the stories included in this collection:Alice's AwakeningCatch Her If You CanStudent accommodationNettles and SaunaSex TapeThe Christmas CruiseHandyman Wanted Part 1Handyman Wanted Part 2The WaitressThe Sex Club La CabañaSkydiveSex on ShowRoom 241A Polyamorous ChristmasThe Liberated Dowager CountessLUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They’re on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow us to understand that it’s okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on.
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- 77,99 kr.
77,99 kr. ‘Sex on Show: 21 Hot Erotic Short Stories’ is a collection from LUST that explore the sexy and sensual side of performances and shows.From public displays of affection and peep shows to dancers and rock stars, there’s a steamy story for every reader.This collection includes:In Madrid, They Kiss in the StreetsThe MasseurRusalkiIn Line at the Haunted HouseThe Piano TeacherThe Mayan RuinsPeep ShowAmong the TreesFree WillThe Boss's DaughtersI Saw Her Dancing in ParisSex on ShowSuccubusThe Rock StarThe Neck: The Water SpiritThe SwitchThe Postwoman’s Sexy SecretsThe Graffiti PlaceThe LifeguardCrude OilThe PublisherLUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They’re on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow us to understand that it’s okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
77,99 kr. ‘Coming Out & In: A Collection of Steamy Queer Erotica’ is a collection of sexy stories for the LGBTQI+ community. From horny stable boys and getting steamy in the sauna to friends with benefits, there’s a story for every reader under the rainbow.Whether you're gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, transgender or queer, these stories will definitely put you in the right mood.This collection includes:December 13: St. Stephan and the horny stable boysDecember 23: Mr SSixty-FourHotel CaliforniaCrude OilFriends with Benefits: Through Jack's EyesFriends with Benefits: Through Tony's EyesStudent accommodationNettles and SaunaI Saw Her Dancing in ParisIn Line at the Haunted HouseNettlesMarchRusalkiTipA Polyamorous ChristmasThe Sex Club La Cabaña MetamorpherosBlack CatPatienceDesire 3: Coming outLUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They’re on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow us to understand that it’s okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
102,99 kr. ‘Bold & Beautiful: Public Sex & Kink Erotica’ from LUST is a collection of steamy stories for readers who find pleasure in kinks, public sex, exhibitionism, voyeurism, watching, and being watched.From bondage to swinging, from elicit encounters in public places to sex clubs, there’s something to excite every reader.This collection includes:Alice's AwakeningThe Job InterviewSex on ShowSwingersAll About HandsPeep ShowCrude OilTie Me UpDecember 11: The Christmas RecitalThe Sex Club La CabañaDeliriumYukakoDesire 1: HoneymoonDesire 4: Pavilion of DesireDecember 18: The Jazz ClubThe SwitchMadame 1: ForeplaySummer Sex 1: The BusSummer Sex 2: The BeachSummer Sex 3: The ParkForbidden Places: The DoctorForbidden Places: The Bus DriverForbidden Places: The WelderForbidden Places: The MechanicForbidden Places: The CinemaForbidden Places: The PoliticianForbidden Places: The AirplaneForbidden Places: The ElevatorLUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They’re on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow us to understand that it’s okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on.
- E-bog
- 102,99 kr.