Bøger af Peter Gotthardt
Fra 13,99 kr. Na Dworze Króla Artura ma miejsce przedziwnych rzeczy. Dziewczyny spotykają tam młodego rycerza i damę dworu, którzy się nie znoszą. Czy przyjaciółkom uda się skruszyć ich zatwardziałe serca?Nowa seria książek, opowiadająca o trzech przyjaciółkach, które trafiają do Zaczarowanego Zamku - miejsca, gdzie wszystko może się wydarzyć. Za każdym razem, otwierając kolejne drzwi, dziewczyny przenoszą się do innego świata. Podczas swoich podróży spotykają między innymi zakochanych, którzy potrzebują ich pomocy, elfy, w których krainie panuje susza, złego czarownika czy smoka, który nienawidzi deszczu. Petter Gotthardt urodził się w 1946 roku w Kopenhadze. Od dziecka czytał wiele książek, przede wszystkim powieści przygodowe ale i literaturę fachową, związaną z historią, geografią, naturą i wynalazkami. Swoje książki bazuje na szerokiej wiedzy, zgłębianej przez lata. Po ukończeniu szkoły średniej w 1965 roku, Gotthardt podjął studia bibliotekarskie. W latach 1971-2006 pracował w bibliotece dla dzieci. Podczas swojej pracy, organizując zajęcia dla dzieci, sam nauczył się opowiadać historie. Debiutował w 1984 roku książką "Fionn, jego wojownicy i czerwona czarownica". Jest to zbiór opowiadań z Cyklu Feniańskiego o słynnym irlandzkim wodzu, Fionnie i jego wojownikach. Jego druga książka, "Czarna Włócznia", również bazuje na irlandzkich legendach. Po przerwie w pisaniu, związanej między innymi z objęciem stanowiska redaktora w wydawnictwie, Gotthardt ponownie powrócił do pisania książek w 1999 roku. Praca w wydawnictwie nauczyła go pisania historii dla dzieci. Stara się, aby jego książki były interesujące, łatwo zrozumiałe dla najmłodszych i przystosowane do czytania zarówno przez dzieci, jak i na głos, przez rodziców. Autor lubi, gdy jego pomysły stają się rzeczywistością, gotowądo czytania historią, która cieszy innych.
Fra 13,99 kr. Gdy Patyk, Nutka i Grzywa trafiają do starego, opuszczonego domu, który nazywają Zamkiem, okazuje się, że przenoszą się do innego, baśniowego świata. Tam spotykają zwierzęta, więzione przez złego czarownika. Czy przyjaciółkom uda się je uratować zanim czarnoksiężnik użyje wobec nich czarnej magii?Nowa seria książek, opowiadająca o trzech przyjaciółkach, które trafiają do Zaczarowanego Zamku - miejsca, gdzie wszystko może się wydarzyć. Za każdym razem, otwierając kolejne drzwi, dziewczyny przenoszą się do innego świata. Podczas swoich podróży spotykają między innymi zakochanych, którzy potrzebują ich pomocy, elfy, w których krainie panuje susza, złego czarownika czy smoka, który nienawidzi deszczu. Petter Gotthardt urodził się w 1946 roku w Kopenhadze. Od dziecka czytał wiele książek, przede wszystkim powieści przygodowe ale i literaturę fachową, związaną z historią, geografią, naturą i wynalazkami. Swoje książki bazuje na szerokiej wiedzy, zgłębianej przez lata. Po ukończeniu szkoły średniej w 1965 roku, Gotthardt podjął studia bibliotekarskie. W latach 1971-2006 pracował w bibliotece dla dzieci. Podczas swojej pracy, organizując zajęcia dla dzieci, sam nauczył się opowiadać historie. Debiutował w 1984 roku książką "Fionn, jego wojownicy i czerwona czarownica". Jest to zbiór opowiadań z Cyklu Feniańskiego o słynnym irlandzkim wodzu, Fionnie i jego wojownikach. Jego druga książka, "Czarna Włócznia", również bazuje na irlandzkich legendach. Po przerwie w pisaniu, związanej między innymi z objęciem stanowiska redaktora w wydawnictwie, Gotthardt ponownie powrócił do pisania książek w 1999 roku. Praca w wydawnictwie nauczyła go pisania historii dla dzieci. Stara się, aby jego książki były interesujące, łatwo zrozumiałe dla najmłodszych i przystosowane do czytania zarówno przez dzieci, jak i na głos, przez rodziców. Autor lubi, gdy jego pomysły stają się rzeczywistością, gotowądo czytania historią, która cieszy innych.
Fra 13,99 kr. W krainie Elfów panuje susza. Elfy są bliskie śmierci z powodu braku wody do picia. Otaczający ich, zielony świat, zamienił się w pustynny krajobraz. Przyjaciółki chcą pomóc elfom w sprowadzeniu deszczu do ich krainy, ale żeby tego dokonać, muszą przechytrzyć złego smoka. Czy dadzą radę?Nowa seria książek, opowiadająca o trzech przyjaciółkach, które trafiają do Zaczarowanego Zamku - miejsca, gdzie wszystko może się wydarzyć. Za każdym razem, otwierając kolejne drzwi, dziewczyny przenoszą się do innego świata. Podczas swoich podróży spotykają między innymi zakochanych, którzy potrzebują ich pomocy, elfy, w których krainie panuje susza, złego czarownika czy smoka, który nienawidzi deszczu.Petter Gotthardt urodził się w 1946 roku w Kopenhadze. Od dziecka czytał wiele książek, przede wszystkim powieści przygodowe ale i literaturę fachową, związaną z historią, geografią, naturą i wynalazkami. Swoje książki bazuje na szerokiej wiedzy, zgłębianej przez lata. Po ukończeniu szkoły średniej w 1965 roku, Gotthardt podjął studia bibliotekarskie. W latach 1971-2006 pracował w bibliotece dla dzieci. Podczas swojej pracy, organizując zajęcia dla dzieci, sam nauczył się opowiadać historie. Debiutował w 1984 roku książką "Fionn, jego wojownicy i czerwona czarownica". Jest to zbiór opowiadań z Cyklu Feniańskiego o słynnym irlandzkim wodzu, Fionnie i jego wojownikach. Jego druga książka, "Czarna Włócznia", również bazuje na irlandzkich legendach. Po przerwie w pisaniu, związanej między innymi z objęciem stanowiska redaktora w wydawnictwie, Gotthardt ponownie powrócił do pisania książek w 1999 roku. Praca w wydawnictwie nauczyła go pisania historii dla dzieci. Stara się, aby jego książki były interesujące, łatwo zrozumiałe dla najmłodszych i przystosowane do czytania zarówno przez dzieci, jak i na głos, przez rodziców. Autor lubi, gdy jego pomysły stają się rzeczywistością, gotowądo czytania historią, która cieszy innych.
68,99 kr. A group of elves find themselves in a foreign world. On their long journey home, the elves have to get through a big forest without roads. There is magic in the air, and not everything is what it looks like. On the way, Blackberry is transformed. But when his friends are lured into a trap, he is the only one who can save them. This is the second book in a series of eight books about the elves: The Elf Queen‘s ChildrenThe elf queen's children find themselves in a foreign world. They have a long, dangerous journey ahead of them.Peter Gotthardt was born in Denmark close to Copenhagen in 1946. As a child he loved to read, and spent much of his time reading his was through his local library's collections of history and adventure books.Gotthardt has written more than 60 books for children of which many are set within the realm of the Elves.
- E-bog
- 68,99 kr.
68,99 kr. A sad unicorn is longing for its home in the valley of the mountains. The girls help it find its way. It is a journey full of dangers and surprises. Will the girls succeed in helping the poor unicorn?The Enchanted Castle is a series about three girls, who find an enchanted castle, where the most incredible things can happen. Every time the girls Stick, Pop and Mane visit it, they end up in a new exciting world.Peter Gotthardt was born in Denmark close to Copenhagen in 1946. As a child he loved to read, and spent much of his time reading his way through his local library's collections of history and adventure books.Gotthardt has written more than 60 books for children of which many are set within the realm of the Elves.
- E-bog
- 68,99 kr.
Fra 42,99 kr. The girl Ala and the hunters from her tribe save the three girls from a pack of vicious cave lions. But maybe the girls can also help Ala with something?The Enchanted Castle is a series about three girls, who find an enchanted castle, where the most incredible things can happen. Every time the girls Stick, Pop and Mane visit it, they end up in a new exciting world.Peter Gotthardt was born in Denmark close to Copenhagen in 1946. As a child he loved to read, and spent much of his time reading his way through his local library's collections of history and adventure books. Gotthardt has written more than 60 books for children of which many are set within the realm of the Elves.
68,99 kr. A small group of elves have ended up in a strange, foreign world. Their biggest wish is to get home. But they have a long and dangerous journey ahead of them.The elves have come to the kingdom of sorrow. The king of the land has been cursed and is sleeping a deathlike sleep. Anemone tries to free him and break the curse of the bloody sword. But she cannot do it without the help of her friends.This is the fourth book in a series of eight books about the elf queen‘s children.This is the story about a small group of elves, who suddenly end up far, far away from their home. They have come to a distant and foreign place, where no one has ever heard of the land of elves. Tall mountains and mighty waters block their way home. And they make enemies, who hunt them without mercy. But nothing makes the elves give up. They will defy all dangers and obstacles to get home to the land of elves, where the woods are green and the springs flow with refreshing water.Peter Gotthardt was born in Denmark close to Copenhagen in 1946. As a child he loved to read, and spent much of his time reading his was through his local library's collections of history and adventure books.Gotthardt has written more than 60 books for children of which many are set within the realm of the Elves.
- E-bog
- 68,99 kr.
68,99 kr. In a valley full of dragons, the three girls see a brightly shining ruby. When they try to take it, something amazing happens. Can the girls manage in a world full of dragons?The Enchanted Castle is a series about three girls, who find an enchanted castle, where the most incredible things can happen. Every time the girls Stick, Pop and Mane visit it, they end up in a new exciting world.Peter Gotthardt was born in Denmark close to Copenhagen in 1946. As a child he loved to read, and spent much of his time reading his way through his local library's collections of history and adventure books.Gotthardt has written more than 60 books for children of which many are set within the realm of the Elves.
- E-bog
- 68,99 kr.
Fra 42,99 kr. The fairies are dying of thirst, and their green world is withering. The three girls want to bring back the rain, but how will they manage to fool the evil dragon, who has brought drought to the world of the fairies?The Enchanted Castle is a series about three girls, who find an enchanted castle, where the most incredible things can happen. Every time the girls Stick, Pop and Mane visit it, they end up in a new exciting world.Peter Gotthardt was born in Denmark close to Copenhagen in 1946. As a child he loved to read, and spent much of his time reading his way through his local library's collections of history and adventure books. Gotthardt has written more than 60 books for children of which many are set within the realm of the Elves.
68,99 kr. A small group of elves have ended up in a strange, foreign world. Their biggest wish is to get home. But they have a long and dangerous journey ahead of them...A mysterious stranger gives Coltsfoot a sword, which is forged from the fire of the sun. Now she is ready for the battle, she cannot avoid. But who is the enemy she will meet?This is the seventh book in a series of eight books about the elves: The Elf Queen‘s ChildrenThis is the story about a small group of elves, who suddenly end up far, far away from their home. They have come to a distant and foreign place, where no one has ever heard of the land of elves. Day after day, they walk towards the east to get to the land of elves, where the woods are green and the springs flow with refreshing water.Peter Gotthardt was born in Denmark close to Copenhagen in 1946. As a child he loved to read, and spent much of his time reading his was through his local library's collections of history and adventure books.Gotthardt has written more than 60 books for children of which many are set within the realm of the Elves.
- E-bog
- 68,99 kr.
Fra 42,99 kr. The three girls have come to the mountains to find healing plants for a small, sick boy. Here, they see a strange creature. They think it is a bear cub. But they are wrong! Can they save the sick boy?The Enchanted Castle is a series about three girls, who find an enchanted castle, where the most incredible things can happen. Every time the girls Stick, Pop and Mane visit it, they end up in a new exciting world.Peter Gotthardt was born in Denmark close to Copenhagen in 1946. As a child he loved to read, and spent much of his time reading his way through his local library's collections of history and adventure books. Gotthardt has written more than 60 books for children of which many are set within the realm of the Elves.
68,99 kr. A small group of elves have ended up in a strange, foreign world. Their biggest wish is to get home. But they have a long and dangerous journey ahead of them.Coltsfoot is captured by a group of huntsmen, and her friends are on their way to save her. But even though she is surrounded by enemies, she meets someone who wants to help her.This is the fifth book of eight books in the series about the elves: The Elf Queen‘s Children.This is the story about a small group of elves, who suddenly end up far, far away from their home. They have come to a distant and foreign place, where no one has ever heard of the land of elves. Tall mountains and mighty waters block their way home. And they make enemies, who hunt them without mercy. But nothing makes the elves give up. They will defy all dangers and obstacles to get home to the land of elves, where the woods are green and the springs flow with refreshing water.Peter Gotthardt was born in Denmark close to Copenhagen in 1946. As a child he loved to read, and spent much of his time reading his was through his local library's collections of history and adventure books.Gotthardt has written more than 60 books for children of which many are set within the realm of the Elves.
- E-bog
- 68,99 kr.
Fra 42,99 kr. A group of Vikings want to attack the farm where Ragnhild and her family live. Can the three girls and Ragnhild chase away an entire group of armed men?The Enchanted Castle is a series about three girls, who find an enchanted castle, where the most incredible things can happen. Every time the girls Stick, Pop and Mane visit it, they end up in a new exciting world.Peter Gotthardt was born in Denmark close to Copenhagen in 1946. As a child he loved to read, and spent much of his time reading his way through his local library's collections of history and adventure books. Gotthardt has written more than 60 books for children of which many are set within the realm of the Elves.
68,99 kr. A small group of elves have ended up in a strange, foreign world. Their biggest wish is to get home. But they have a long and dangerous journey ahead of them.Coltsfoot and her friends have come to a land, where everything is withering. Their search for water takes them into a cave under an old temple. This is a dangerous place, and the elves and Morel are going to need all the courage they can muster!This is the sixth book of eight books in the series about the elves: The Elf Queen‘s Children.This is the story about a small group of elves, who suddenly end up far, far away from their home. They have come to a distant and foreign place, where no one has ever heard of the land of elves. Tall mountains and mighty waters block their way home. And they make enemies, who hunt them without mercy. But nothing makes the elves give up. They will defy all dangers and obstacles to get home to the land of elves, where the woods are green and the springs flow with refreshing water.Peter Gotthardt was born in Denmark close to Copenhagen in 1946. As a child he loved to read, and spent much of his time reading his was through his local library's collections of history and adventure books.Gotthardt has written more than 60 books for children of which many are set within the realm of the Elves.
- E-bog
- 68,99 kr.
Fra 42,99 kr. When Stick, Pop and Mane explore the old house called the Castle, they find a lot of animals. There is also an evil wizard. Can the girls stop him, before he uses the animals for his black magic? This is the first book in a series on 12 about The Enchanted Castle.The Enchanted Castle is a series about three girls, who find an enchanted castle, where the most incredible things can happen. Every time the girls Stick, Pop and Mane visit it, they end up in a new exciting world.Peter Gotthardt was born in Denmark close to Copenhagen in 1946. As a child he loved to read, and spent much of his time reading his way through his local library's collections of history and adventure books. Gotthardt has written more than 60 books for children of which many are set within the realm of the Elves.
68,99 kr. In the middle of the night, while everyone else is asleep, a sad girl walks from the fisherman‘s house to the ocean. Stick, Pop and Mane follow her. What is going on?The Enchanted Castle is a series about three girls, who find an enchanted castle, where the most incredible things can happen. Every time the girls Stick, Pop and Mane visit it, they end up in a new exciting world.Peter Gotthardt was born in Denmark close to Copenhagen in 1946. As a child he loved to read, and spent much of his time reading his way through his local library's collections of history and adventure books.Gotthardt has written more than 60 books for children of which many are set within the realm of the Elves.
- E-bog
- 68,99 kr.
Fra 42,99 kr. Everyone in the small town is afraid of witches and devils. One day, old Dorothy is accused of witchcraft and dragged to court. Can the three girls save her from a cruel death on the stake?The Enchanted Castle is a series about three girls, who find an enchanted castle, where the most incredible things can happen. Every time the girls Stick, Pop and Mane visit it, they end up in a new exciting world.Peter Gotthardt was born in Denmark close to Copenhagen in 1946. As a child he loved to read, and spent much of his time reading his way through his local library's collections of history and adventure books. Gotthardt has written more than 60 books for children of which many are set within the realm of the Elves.
68,99 kr. When the elf queen‘s children take a ride with their friends, they meet an evil wizard. He hits them with his magic, and everything turns black. When the children wake up, they find themselves in an unknown world, where many dangers await them. This is the first in a series of eight books about the elves: The Elf Queen‘s ChildrenThe elf queen's children find themselves in a foreign world. They have a long, dangerous journey ahead of them.Peter Gotthardt was born in Denmark close to Copenhagen in 1946. As a child he loved to read, and spent much of his time reading his way through his local library's collections of history and adventure books.Gotthardt has written more than 60 books for children of which many are set within the realm of the Elves.
- E-bog
- 68,99 kr.
68,99 kr. A small group of elves have ended up in a strange, foreign world. Their biggest wish is to get home. But they have a long and dangerous journey ahead of them. On their long journey, the elves meet a group of hunters, roaming around in the forest without roads. To the hunters, all living creatures are prey, to be hunted and shot down. The elves have to run for their lives. During their flight, they meet a wolf pack, who tries to help them get to safety in the mountains. This is the third book in a series of eight books about the elves: The Elf Queen‘s ChildrenThe elf queen's children find themselves in a foreign world. A long, dangerous journey awaits them.Peter Gotthardt was born in Denmark close to Copenhagen in 1946. As a child he loved to read, and spent much of his time reading his was through his local library's collections of history and adventure books.Gotthardt has written more than 60 books for children of which many are set within the realm of the Elves.
- E-bog
- 68,99 kr.
68,99 kr. A small group of elves have ended up in a strange, foreign world. Their biggest wish is to get home. But they have a ong and dangerous journey ahead of them...The elves are on their way home, when their ship strands on an island far out into the great ocean. It is a lovely little island, and the lord of the island greets them with open arms. But there is something strange about him and the island. And he does not want the elves to continue their journey towards the land of elves. This is the last of eight books in the series about the elves: The Elf Queen‘s ChildrenThis is the story about a small group of elves, who suddenly end up far, far away from their home. They have come to a distant and foreign place, where no one has ever heard of the land of elves. Day after day, they walk towards the east to get to the land of elves, where the woods are green and the springs flow with refreshing water.Peter Gotthardt was born in Denmark close to Copenhagen in 1946. As a child he loved to read, and spent much of his time reading his was through his local library's collections of history and adventure books.Gotthardt has written more than 60 books for children of which many are set within the realm of the Elves.
- E-bog
- 68,99 kr.
Fra 42,99 kr. There is a party in the great hall in King Arthur‘s court. Among the participants, there is a young damsel and a young knight who hate each other. Can the three girls make their hearts melt? This is the second book in a series of 12 about The Enchanted Castle.The Enchanted Castle is a series about three girls, who find an enchanted castle, where the most incredible things can happen. Every time the girls Stick, Pop and Mane visit it, they end up in a new exciting world.Peter Gotthardt was born in Denmark close to Copenhagen in 1946. As a child he loved to read, and spent much of his time reading his way through his local library's collections of history and adventure books. Gotthardt has written more than 60 books for children of which many are set within the realm of the Elves.
Fra 42,99 kr. In the caliph‘s palace, the vizier is making crooked plans. The caliph‘s life is in danger. The three girls try to stay out of it. But can they manage that?The Enchanted Castle is a series about three girls, who find an enchanted castle, where the most incredible things can happen. Every time the girls Stick, Pop and Mane visit it, they end up in a new exciting world.Peter Gotthardt was born in Denmark close to Copenhagen in 1946. As a child he loved to read, and spent much of his time reading his way through his local library's collections of history and adventure books. Gotthardt has written more than 60 books for children of which many are set within the realm of the Elves.
68,99 kr. Ett gäng vikingar vill attackera gården där flickan Ragnhild bor. Kommer de tre flickorna lyckas hjälpa Ragnhild och hennes familj att jaga en hel flock beväpnade män på flykten?Följ med på äventyr i det förtrollade slottet! Det märkliga gamla ödehuset är förtrollat. Varje gång flickorna Pinn, Pop och Manke besöker det hamnar de i en ny, spännande värld.Peter Gotthardt (f. 1946) växte upp i Köpenhamn i ett läsande hem. Intresset för böcker fortsatte under uppväxten och han läste allt han kom över. Senare studerade han språk och blev bibliotekarie på ett barnbibliotek. Numera ägnar han all sin tid åt att skriva egna böcker.
- E-bog
- 68,99 kr.
68,99 kr. Alla i den lilla staden är rädda för häxor och djävlar. En dag blir gamla Dorthe anklagad för trolldom och släpad inför rätta. Kan de tre flickorna rädda henne undan en fruktansvärd död på bålet?Följ med på äventyr i det förtrollade slottet! Det märkliga gamla ödehuset är förtrollat. Varje gång flickorna Pinn, Pop och Manke besöker det hamnar de i en ny, spännande värld.Peter Gotthardt (f. 1946) växte upp i Köpenhamn i ett läsande hem. Intresset för böcker fortsatte under uppväxten och han läste allt han kom över. Senare studerade han språk och blev bibliotekarie på ett barnbibliotek. Numera ägnar han all sin tid åt att skriva egna böcker.
- E-bog
- 68,99 kr.
68,99 kr. Flickorna hamnar i drakarnas dal. Där hittar de en lysande rubin, Drakens hjärta. När de rör vid den händer något förbluffande. Kommer Pinn, Pop och Manke att klara sig i en värld full av drakar?Följ med på äventyr i det förtrollade slottet! Det märkliga gamla ödehuset är förtrollat. Varje gång flickorna Pinn, Pop och Manke besöker det hamnar de i en ny, spännande värld.Peter Gotthardt (f. 1946) växte upp i Köpenhamn i ett läsande hem. Intresset för böcker fortsatte under uppväxten och han läste allt han kom över. Senare studerade han språk och blev bibliotekarie på ett barnbibliotek. Numera ägnar han all sin tid åt att skriva egna böcker.
- E-bog
- 68,99 kr.
68,99 kr. Mitt i natten går den underliga flickan från fiskarens hus ner till havet. Pinn, Pop och Manke smyger efter för att se vad hon vill. Varför dras hon ständigt till havet och varför är hon så olycklig?Följ med på äventyr i det förtrollade slottet! Det märkliga gamla ödehuset är förtrollat. Varje gång flickorna Pinn, Pop och Manke besöker det hamnar de i en ny, spännande värld.Peter Gotthardt (f. 1946) växte upp i Köpenhamn i ett läsande hem. Intresset för böcker fortsatte under uppväxten och han läste allt han kom över. Senare studerade han språk och blev bibliotekarie på ett barnbibliotek. Numera ägnar han all sin tid åt att skriva egna böcker.
- E-bog
- 68,99 kr.
68,99 kr. Flickorna beger sig upp i fjällvärlden för att leta efter en läkande ört åt en sjuk pojke. Där träffar de på en lurvig liten varelse. Först tror de att det är en björnunge. Men de tar fel!Följ med på äventyr i det förtrollade slottet! Det märkliga gamla ödehuset är förtrollat. Varje gång flickorna Pinn, Pop och Manke besöker det hamnar de i en ny, spännande värld.Peter Gotthardt (f. 1946) växte upp i Köpenhamn i ett läsande hem. Intresset för böcker fortsatte under uppväxten och han läste allt han kom över. Senare studerade han språk och blev bibliotekarie på ett barnbibliotek. Numera ägnar han all sin tid åt att skriva egna böcker.
- E-bog
- 68,99 kr.
68,99 kr. Flickorna träffar världens sista enhörning och lovar att följa med honom till den magiska dalen högt uppe i bergen. Det blir en lång resa full av faror och stora överraskningar.Följ med på äventyr i det förtrollade slottet! Det märkliga gamla ödehuset är förtrollat. Varje gång flickorna Pinn, Pop och Manke besöker det hamnar de i en ny, spännande värld.Peter Gotthardt (f. 1946) växte upp i Köpenhamn i ett läsande hem. Intresset för böcker fortsatte under uppväxten och han läste allt han kom över. Senare studerade han språk och blev bibliotekarie på ett barnbibliotek. Numera ägnar han all sin tid åt att skriva egna böcker.
- E-bog
- 68,99 kr.
48,99 kr. GODE HISTORIER DU KAN LESE SELVEn mektig fiende har kommet til alvelandet. Han vil gjøre alle til sine slaver. Hvis alvene ikke skal bukke under, får de bruk for både mot og håp.Et sted i fjellets dyp finnes den magiske kvisten som kan overvinne kong Stolt, alvenes verste fiende. Men ingen vet hvor den er gjemt. Kan Bjørnebær og vennene hans finne frem til stedet før det er for sent?Dette er det tredje av i alt fire bind i serien om alvene:Alvefolkets skjebnePeter Gotthardt (f. 1946) er en dansk barnebokforfatter som opprinnelig er utdannet bibliotekar. Gotthardt sluttet imidlertid som bibliotekar på et barnebibliotek i 2006 for utelukkende å konsentrere seg om forfattergjerningen. En del av arbeidet som bibliotekar besto i å holde arrangementer for barn, og her fant Gotthardt ut at gode historier er noe som kan få barn til å engasjere seg. Inspirert av de historiene hanfortalte barna, utga han i 1984 sin skjønnlitterære debut i form av et utvalg eventyr kalt "Finn og hans menn og den røde heksa".
- E-bog
- 48,99 kr.
48,99 kr. GODE HISTORIER DU KAN LESE SELVEn mektig fiende har kommet til alvelandet. Han vil gjøre alle til sine slaver. Hvis alvene ikke skal bukke under, får de bruk for både mot og håp.Bjørnebær vil hjelpe til i kampen mot alvefolkets fiender. Men han er ikke gammel nok, synes Hestehov. Det stopper ikke Bjørnebær. Sammen med trollgutten Rappkjeft lister han seg ut til fiendens leir. De har en plan. Men kan de unngå stålnevene og kongens monstre?Dette er det andre av i alt fire bind i serien om alvene:Alvefolkets skjebnePeter Gotthardt (f. 1946) er en dansk barnebokforfatter som opprinnelig er utdannet bibliotekar. Gotthardt sluttet imidlertid som bibliotekar på et barnebibliotek i 2006 for utelukkende å konsentrere seg om forfattergjerningen. En del av arbeidet som bibliotekar besto i å holde arrangementer for barn, og her fant Gotthardt ut at gode historier er noe som kan få barn til å engasjere seg. Inspirert av de historiene hanfortalte barna, utga han i 1984 sin skjønnlitterære debut i form av et utvalg eventyr kalt "Finn og hans menn og den røde heksa".
- E-bog
- 48,99 kr.