Bøger af Oliver Goldsmith

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  • af Oliver Goldsmith
    42,99 kr.

    If enduring popularity is a mark of quality, then 'She Stoops to Conquer' is among the greatest plays ever written; for the 1773 comedy has been performed almost without a break for 250 years.It centres on the efforts of Mr Hardcastle to marry his daughter Kate to his friend's son, Marlow. When Marlow arrives at their house, he is brusque with Mr Hardcastle because he has been tricked into believing it is a hotel.Mayhem and misunderstanding ensue as Marlow's companion Hastings plots with Hardcastle's niece to steal the family jewels. Then Marlow mistakes Kate for a serving maid and flirts with her. Is he a rude, licentious man? Or will Kate discover hidden depths to redeem him?A groundbreaking and sharp satire about the clash between town and country, ´She Stoops to Conquer´ gently mocks the sentimental plays of its era and is ideal reading for fans of Oscar Wilde and George Bernard Shaw.Oliver Goldsmith (1730-1774) was an Irish essayist, novelist, poet, and playwright.His work includes the essay collection 'The Citizen of the World' (1762), the novel 'The Vicar of Wakefield' (1766), the plays 'The Good Natur'd Man' (1768) and 'She Stoops to Conquer' (1773), and the poetry collections 'Traveller, or, a Prospect of Society' (1764), 'An Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog' (1766), and 'The Deserted Village: A Poem' (1770).

  • af Oliver Goldsmith
    44,99 kr.

    Hinn ástsæli og saklausi Dr. Primrose, sem lifað hefur velsæmdarlífi, missir allan sinn auð á einni örlagaríkri nóttu. Fjölskylda hans þarf þar af leiðandi að sætta sig við skert lífsgæði og ákveður Primrose því að þau skuli flytjast í nýtt prestakall í fjarlægri sveit. Þar geta þau lifað áfram eins og þeim einum er lagið, án þess að vera uppá aðra komin. Ekki líður á löngu þar til allir fjölskyldumeðlimirnir finna sig í hringiðu ásta og svika, gleði og sorgar.Einstakur stíll Oliver Goldsmith, sem lýsa má sem bæði kómískum og einlægum, nær að birta bæði fall og ris Primrose fjölskyldunnar í ljósi klassísksra hefða heimilslífs um 17. öld. Sagan var lengi ein af vinsælustu skáldsögum Englands, með beinar skírskotanir í verk Austin, Dickens, Eliot, Bronte, Goethe, Schopenhauer og margra annarra.Oliver Goldsmith (1728-1774) var írskur skáldsagnahöfundur, leik- og ljóðskáld. Hann er einna frægastur fyrir skáldsögu sína Presturinn á Vökuvöllum (1766) sem varð gríðarlega vinsæl og er það enn í dag.

  • af Oliver Goldsmith
    Fra 38,99 kr.

    First published in 1766, the loveable and innocent Dr Primrose and his family have given pleasure to all that have read it. The story opens with the vicar losing his fortune and moving to another parish. What follows is a tale of love, deceit, betrayal, humour and a hidden hero... It was one of Charles Dickens favourite books and a source of inspiration to him. No further recommendation is needed. Enjoy.