Bøger af Olive Schreiner

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  • af Olive Schreiner
    77,99 kr.

    ‘The Story of an African Farm’ (1883) was written by South African writer and intellectual, Olive Schreiner. Originally published under the pseudonym Ralph Iron, the book was a best-seller and caused controversy with its views on marriage, sex, and religion.The story follows the lives of two cousins, Em and Lyndall, who live on an ostrich farm in South Africa's Karoo region in the 1860s.Whereas Em is an obedient child, happy to be a housewife, Lyndall is the opposite. An idealistic rebel, she aspires to something more than this life. But can Lyndall ever escape the strict conventions of Boer life?The novel draws on Schreiner’s own experiences of growing up in South Africa and is now recognized as one of the first feminist novels.Olive Schreiner (1855 –1920) was a South African author, anti-war campaigner, intellectual and feminist, best known for her highly acclaimed novel ‘The Story of an African Farm’ (1883).An advocate for Afrikaners and other minority South African groups, Schreiner’s work reflected her interest in socialism, pacifism, feminism and other issues.Her posthumously published novel ‘From Man to Man or Perhaps Only’ (1926) was said to be her favourite. It dealt with the life of white women in South Africa and their confinement to domestic life. The novel also covers the racism and sexism the author grew up with on the colonial frontier.Schreiner’s other works include ‘Dreams’ (1890), ‘Dream Life and Real Life’ (1893), ‘Trooper Peter Halket of Mashonaland’ (1897), ‘Woman and Labour’ (1911), ‘Thoughts on South Africa’ (1923), and ‘Undine’ (1929).

  • af Olive Schreiner
    59,99 kr.

    ‘Woman and Labour’ (1911) was written by South African writer and intellectual, Olive Schreiner, best known for her novels ‘From Man to Man or Perhaps Only’ (1926) and ‘Undine’ (1929).This collection of letters represents Schreiner’s call for changes to the gender inequalities of early 20th-century labour practices. In it, she explains how women’s domestic labour destroys their intellectual life and the importance of a woman having full economic independence from men.The collection includes letters written while Schreiner lived in England as well as on her return to South Africa, and it is regarded as a feminist classic.Fans of Schreiner's novel ‘The Story of an African Farm’ (1883) or people interested in feminism, will be delighted by this collection.Olive Schreiner (1855 –1920) was a South African author, anti-war campaigner, intellectual and feminist, best known for her highly acclaimed novel ‘The Story of an African Farm’ (1883).An advocate for Afrikaners and other minority South African groups, Schreiner’s work reflected her interest in socialism, pacifism, feminism and other issues.Her posthumously published novel ‘From Man to Man or Perhaps Only’ (1926) was said to be her favourite. It dealt with the life of white women in South Africa and their confinement to domestic life. The novel also covers the racism and sexism the author grew up with on the colonial frontier.Schreiner’s other works include ‘Dreams’ (1890), ‘Dream Life and Real Life’ (1893), ‘Trooper Peter Halket of Mashonaland’ (1897), ‘Thoughts on South Africa’ (1923), and ‘Undine’ (1929).

  • af Olive Schreiner
    40,99 kr.

    Zehn Traume beantworten die groen Fragen der Menschheit!Die zehn zu dem Band "e;Traume"e; zusammengefassten Erzahlungen basieren auf die Traume und das Leben der Autorin in Sudafrika. Eindringlich und faszinierende beschaftigen sich die Geschichten mit dem Wesen von Gluck, Weisheit und Wahrheit. -

  • af Olive Schreiner
    79,00 kr.

    De to forældreløse kusiner Em og Lyndall vokser op på en sydafrikansk farm i 1860'erne. Pigerne er vidt forskellige og romanen følger dem i deres opvækst og voksne liv. Det er en fortælling om at blive voksen og foretage valg, som har betydning for resten af livet – om kærlighed, venskab, familie og frihed.Olive Schreiner (1855-1920) blev født i Sydafrika som datter af et missionærpar. Allerede som 20-årig begyndte hun at skrive sin første roman "Historien om en afrikansk farm". En årrække senere tog Schreiner til London, hvor hun i 1883 fik udgivet ovennævnte roman til stor skandale – alene af den årsag, at hovedpersonen var en ugift mor. Da stormen havde lagt sig, begyndte bogen dog at blive rost, og flere samtidige forfattere (heriblandt Oscar Wilde) så op til hende. Efterfølgende vendte Schreiner tilbage til Sydafrika, hvor hun engagerede sig i politik og kampen for afrikanernes rettigheder og frihed. I 1911 udgav hun bogen "Woman and Labour", der blev suffragetternes bibel i kvindernes kamp for ligestilling.