Bøger af Mark Twain

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  • af Mark Twain
    Fra 78,99 kr.

    ”Jeg sagde til mig selv, at de ville følge sporet af den sækfuld sten ned til flodbredden og så ville de trække vod i floden efter mig. Og de ville følge melsporet til søen og følge afløbet fra den for at finde røverne der slog mig ihjel og tog stenene. De ville aldrig søge i floden efter andet end mit lig. Og det ville de snart blive træt af og ikke tænke mere på mig.”Drengen Huckleberry Finn vokser op i de amerikanske sydstater hos sin fordrukne far. På et tidspunkt bliver han så træt af at få tæv af sin far og alle de andre, der ser sig sure på ham, at han beslutter sig for at få folk til at tro, han er død, så han kan stikke af uden at have nogen i hælene. Nu tager Huck os med på et virvar af sjove eventyr og roder sig ind og ud af de mærkeligste kattepiner.”Huckleberry Finn” udkom første gang i 1884 er en af de absolutte klassikere inden for amerikansk litteratur. Denne oversættelse er fra 1962.Mark Twain er pseudonym for den amerikanske forfatter Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835-1910), som blandt andet står bag klassikerne ”Tom Sawyer” og ”Huckleberry Finn”. Mark Twain debuterede med ”The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” og skrev sidenhen et væld af romaner, essays og faglitterære bøger. Kort før sin død skrev Mark Twain sin selvbiografi med instrukser om, at den først skulle udgives 100 år efter hans død, sandsynligvis på grund af hans meget åbenhjertige udtalelser i bogen.

  • af Mark Twain
    42,99 kr.

    Mark Twain's ‘Those Extraordinary Twins’ follows conjoined twins, Luigi and Angelo.While the former is something of a sensualist, often drinking to excess and constantly wreathed in cigarette smoke, the latter, Angelo, is much more conservative, loathing cigarettes and, despite being teetotal, enduring the hangovers his brother doesn’t.When they visit a small village, Twain explores the reaction of the inhabitants and the twins’ reaction towards them. A short story, ‘Those Extraordinary Twins’ is a perfect mix of humour and seriousness, and it takes an intriguing glance at how people interact with one another.This short story is a perfect read for fans of Mark Twain or for anyone who is simply looking for something quick and fun.Mark Twain is the pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, (1835-1910). He was an American humourist, lecturer, journalist, and novelist who acquired international fame for his adventure stories of boyhood, especially 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer' and 'The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn'.Twain transcended the apparent limitations of his origins to become a popular public figure and one of America’s most beloved writers.So many of Mark Twain's stories have been made into films that it is impossible to name them all. The most popular ones are "The Adventures of Huck Finn" (1993), starring Elijah Wood, "Tom Sawyer" (1973), starring Jodie Foster, and "The Prince and the Pauper" (1990), produced by Walt Disney animation.

  • af Mark Twain
    38,99 kr.

    ‘The Stolen White Elephant’ is a funny and satirical short story, following the investigations of Inspector Blunt when a pale pachyderm is stolen.Gifted from a king to a queen, the ship carrying the eponymous elephant stops at a harbour in New Jersey and goes missing.In this tale, Twain expertly parodies police investigative procedures, as forces fail to share information and a horribly expensive manhunt – or should that be ‘elephant-hunt’ – is launched.A laugh-out-loud read from the pen of one of the masters, ‘The Stolen White Elephant’ is sure to delight readers familiar with Twain's body of work.Mark Twain is the pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, (1835-1910). He was an American humourist, lecturer, journalist, and novelist who acquired international fame for his adventure stories of boyhood, especially 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer' and 'The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn'.Twain transcended the apparent limitations of his origins to become a popular public figure and one of America’s most beloved writers.So many of Mark Twain's stories have been made into films that it is impossible to name them all. The most popular ones are "The Adventures of Huck Finn" (1993), starring Elijah Wood, "Tom Sawyer" (1973), starring Jodie Foster, and "The Prince and the Pauper" (1990), produced by Walt Disney animation.

  • af Mark Twain
    42,99 kr.

    ‘Alonzo Fitz and Other Stories’ invites readers to deep dive into Twain’s wealth of knowledge and entertaining anecdotes concerning life, language, and love.With hidden gems such as ‘The Great Revolution in Pitcairn’, which imagines a society built on a deserted island, and ‘On The Decay of the Art of Lying’, which advocates for telling meaningful lies, Twain’s impressive collection offers something for every reader looking to discover the wit and charm of America’s greatest writer.Painting a captivating picture of 19th century America, this classic collection of short stories is perfect for Western lovers of Denzel Washington and Chris Pratt’s ‘The Magnificent Seven’.Mark Twain, pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835-1910), was an American humorist, lecturer, journalist, and novelist. Celebrated today as the father of American literature, his work spans epic stories of boyhood such as ‘The Adventures of Tom Sawyer’ and ‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’, as well as travel narratives, such as ‘The Innocents Abroad’, ‘Roughing It’, and ‘Life on the Mississippi’.A friend to presidents, artists, and royalty, he is remembered today as a popular public figure. Continuing his influence, Twain inspires Disney attractions, singer Tom Petty’s ‘Down South’ and was portrayed by Nathan Osgood in the 2018 comedy ‘Holmes and Watson’.

  • af Mark Twain
    47,99 kr.

    Sagan segir af hinum unga Henry Adams sem lendir í afdrifaríkum óförum í bátsferð að kvöldlagi. Blessunarlega er honum bjargað af ensku briggskipi og tekur þá við löng og ströng sigling. Þegar skipið kemur loks að landi í Lundúnarborg er Henry bæði auralaus og ráðþrota. Gerist þá hið óvænta og daginn eftir er hann kallaður á fund auðugra bræðra sem vilja lána honum peningaseðil að virði milljón dollara. Með seðilinn í vasanum tekur líf Henrys stakkaskiptum og nú reynir verulega á skynsemi hans og heiðarleika.Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835-1910), betur þekktur sem Mark Twain, var bandarískur rithöfundur. Framan af starfaði Twain við prentiðn en hóf síðar störf sem blaðamaður. Þar fann hann ástríðu sína og vakti fljótt athygli fyrir einstaka ritfærni og kímnigáfu. Ásamt því að skrifa fjölmargar skáldsögur, smásögur og blaðagreinar skapaði Twain sér einnig gott orðspor sem ferðabókahöfundur og fyrirlesari. Þekktustu skáldverk hans eru Sagan af Tuma litla og Stikilsberja-Finnur. Twain er talinn með áhrifamestu rithöfundum amerískra bókmennta.

  • af Mark Twain
    Fra 68,99 kr.

    "Kaptajnen i paradis" er en lunefuld og løssluppen satire om en gammel søulks rejse gennem himmelrummet og senere oplevelser i paradis, hvor han afgjort ikke havde ventet at komme. Om denne roman har Mark Twain selv engang erklæret, at det var den eneste bog, han virkelig var ivrig efter at få skrevet. Imidlertid blev den forsvarligt låst inde i hans skrivebord, hvor den lå i mange år.Det er en herlig og vild satire, som er fuld af barsk humor og kloge betragtninger over menneskenes dårskaber.Mark Twain er pseudonym for den amerikanske forfatter Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835-1910), som blandt andet står bag klassikerne "Tom Sawyer" og "Huckleberry Finn". Mark Twain debuterede med "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" og skrev sidenhen et væld af romaner, essays og faglitterære bøger. Kort før sin død skrev Mark Twain sin selvbiografi med instrukser om, at den først skulle udgives 100 år efter hans død, sandsynligvis på grund af hans meget åbenhjertige udtalelser i bogen.

  • af Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau & Mark Twain
    40,99 kr.

    300 citations d'écrivains américains

  • af Mark Twain
    40,99 kr.

    100 citations de Mark Twain

  • af Mark Twain
    38,99 kr.

    Swept out to sea in a boating accident, Henry Adams is penniless and in rags ashore in London. Whilst roaming the streets, his luck changes; two brothers hand him an envelope with no explanation. Inside lies a banknote worth one million pounds. But how can a penniless man prove that he legally possesses such a banknote? What urged Adams to sail away? Why did the two brothers give away their fortune?Combining wit, humour and humility, Mark Twain’s 19th century short story provides a social commentary ideal for fans of Steven Spielberg’s ‘Catch Me If You Can’. Made into a BBC Radio 4 adaptation, ‘The Million Pound Bank Note’ remains a funny and poignant tale of power and greed.Mark Twain, pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835-1910) was an American humorist, lecturer, journalist and novelist. Celebrated today as the father of American literature, his work spans epic stories of boyhood such as ‘The Adventures of Tom Sawyer’ and ‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’, as well as travel narratives, such as ‘The Innocents Abroad’, ‘Roughing It’, and ‘Life on the Mississippi’. A friend to presidents, artists and royalty, he is remembered today as a popular public figure. Continuing his influence, Twain inspires Disney attractions, singer Tom Petty’s ‘Down South’ and was portrayed by Nathan Osgood in the 2018 comedy ‘Holmes and Watson’.

  • af Mark Twain
    77,99 kr.

    Deep in the Wild West, young Mark Twain adventures through America. He's on a journey to a faraway land. With his brother by his side, Twain treks from town to town, undertaking a variety of jobs along the way. A prequel to his first novel, ‘The Innocents Abroad’, ‘Roughing It’ is a wanderlust-filled tale of personal growth and travel. Crafted with wit and humour, the memoir transports readers on a journey back to Twain’s humble beginnings as a writer. Painting a captivating picture of 19th century America, the classic is perfect for Western lovers of Denzel Washington and Chris Pratt’s ‘The Magnificent Seven’.Mark Twain, pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835-1910) was an American humorist, lecturer, journalist and novelist. Celebrated today as the father of American literature, his work spans epic stories of boyhood such as ‘The Adventures of Tom Sawyer’ and ‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’, as well as travel narratives, such as ‘The Innocents Abroad’, ‘Roughing It’, and ‘Life on the Mississippi’. A friend to presidents, artists and royalty, he is remembered today as a popular public figure. Continuing his influence, Twain inspires Disney attractions, singer Tom Petty’s ‘Down South’ and was portrayed by Nathan Osgood in the 2018 comedy ‘Holmes and Watson’.

  • af Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau & Mark Twain
    60,99 kr.

    ‘300 Quotes from American Writers’ is a carefully crafted collection of quotes from three of America’s greatest-ever writers, Mark Twain, Henry David Thoreau, and Ralph Waldo Emerson.Between them, they are responsible for some of the world’s most famous literary works, ranging from Emerson’s essay ‘The Poet’ and Mark Twain’s ‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’ to Henry Thoreau’s ‘Walden’.This carefully crafted collection is guaranteed to inspire, amuse, and entertain, and it is ideal for those needing some extra encouragement throughout their day.Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 –1882) was an American philosopher, abolitionist, essayist and poet who was a leading figure in the mid-19th century transcendentalist movement. his most famous works include the essays ‘Self-Reliance’, ‘The Poet’, ‘Nature’ and ‘Experience’.Mark Twain (1835 – 1910) was an American writer, humourist and publisher. He’s best remembered for his famous novels, ‘The Adventures of Tom Sawyer’ (1876) and its sequel, ‘Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’ (1884), often called the ‘Greatest American Novel’.Henry David Thoreau (1817–1862) was an American naturalist, poet, and philosopher. He is best known for his masterpiece ‘Walden’, and the influential essay ‘Civil Disobedience’.

  • af Mark Twain
    42,99 kr.

    Mark Twain is one of the wittiest and most prolific writers of all time. He is mostly known for The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and its sequel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which is often called the Great American Novel. He was lauded as the "greatest humorist this country has produced" and William Faulkner called him "the father of American literature". Twain began his career writing light, humorous verse, but he became a chronicler of the vanities, hypocrisies, and murderous acts of mankind. His wit and satire, in prose and in speech, earned praise from critics and peers, and he was a friend to presidents, artists, industrialists, and European royalty. These 100 quotes have been carefully selected from his huge body of work to introduce you to his character and provide you with some of his sharpest thoughts and phrasings.

  • af Mark Twain
    38,99 kr.

    Why are they taking me away from my mother? Please someone stop them!Imagine the pain of being separated from your loving mother as a young child. This is exactly what the poor puppy Aileen had to face.Aileen Mavourneen is a St. Bernard and collie cross puppy who thinks of herself as a Presbyterian because that is what her mother had told her. At first, life for Aileen seems perfect with her new family until a fire breaks out in the house of her master. Aileen risks her own life to save her owner’s infant but her actions are misunderstood. Will anyone return the favour to save Aileen's pup?This heart-breaking tale plays with the reader's feelings while depicting the life of a family seen through the eyes of a dog.Mark Twain is the pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, (1835-1910). He was an American humorist, lecturer, journalist and novelist who acquired international fame for his adventure stories of boyhood, especially 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer' and 'The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn' as well as for his travel narratives, especially 'The Innocents Abroad', 'Roughing It', and 'Life on the Mississippi'. Twain transcended the apparent limitations of his origins to become a popular public figure and one of America’s most beloved writers.So many of Mark Twain's stories have been made into films that it is impossible to name them all. The most popular are "The Adventures of Huck Finn" (1993) starring Elijah Wood, "Tom Sawyer" (1973) starring Jodie Foster, and "The Prince and the Pauper" (1990) produced by Walt Disney animation.

  • af Mark Twain
    67,99 kr.

    "All was still. All but my own heart--I could hear it beat. Presently the bedclothes began to slip away slowly toward the foot of the bed, as if some one were pulling them!" In Mark Twain’s "A Ghost Story" from 1875, the narrator rents a room in an old New York City building with upper stories long since given up to dust, cobwebs and silence. On his first night, he experiences something so dreadful that he convinces himself it must be a dream. It isn’t until he finds a giant footprint in the ashes near the hearth, that he realizes something more, perhaps sinister, is at play. Mark Twain masters the balance between horror and humor in this thrilling short story inspired by an infamous real-life nineteenth century hoax.Mark Twain, pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, (1835-1910), was an American humorist, lecturer, journalist and novelist who acquired international fame for his adventure stories of boyhood, especially "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" as well as for his travel narratives, especially "The Innocents Abroad", "Roughing It", and "Life on the Mississippi". Twain transcended the apparent limitations of his origins to become a popular public figure and one of America’s most beloved writers.

  • af Mark Twain
    102,99 kr.

    Did you ever dream of going on an adventure to discover unknown lands? Embark on a journey with Mark Twain that will take you through Europe and beyond to the Holy Land. Following Twain’s real 1867 tour alongside a troupe of American tourists, "The Innocents Abroad" winds its way through Paris, the Vatican, Odessa, Constantinople and Cairo. No city is spared from the scathing satire and insightful commentary of Twain’s pen, making it an invaluable chronicle of world history as well as a classic of American literature. Fans of Bill Bryson or Colin Thubron should not miss the timeless wit of Twain's work, which remains one of the most popular travel books ever written.Mark Twain, born Samuel Langhorne Clemens, (1835-1910) was an American humorist, lecturer, journalist and novelist who acquired international fame for his adventure stories of boyhood, especially "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" as well as for his travel narratives, "The Innocents Abroad", "Roughing It", and "Life on the Mississippi". Twain transcended the apparent limitations of his humble origins to become one of America’s most beloved writers.

  • af Mark Twain
    Fra 61,99 kr.

    Tumi er ungur drengur sem býr hjá Pollý frænku sinni og er eilíflega til vandræða. Frænkan refsar honum reglulega fyrir strákapörin, en einhvern veginn tekst Tuma alltaf að koma sér hjá refsingunum. Hann verður líka ástfangin af skólasystur sinni og tekur upp á ýmsu til að koma sér í mjúkinn hjá henni. Tumi vingast fljótlega við Stikilsberja-Finn, ungan flækingsdreng í þorpinu, og saman koma þeir sér í enn fleiri vandræði, ekki síst þegar þeir verða vitni að morði. Sagan af Tuma litla (The Adventures of Tom Sawyer) er eitt af þekktustu verkum Mark Twains, sem og eitt af þekktustu verkum bandarískra bókmennta. Sagan er uppfull af prakkarastrikum, spennu og drama og í henni er að finna eitthvað fyrir alla, bæði unga og aldna.Samuel Langhorne Clemens (fæddur 30. nóvember 1835, dáinn 21. apríl 1910) var betur þekktur undir höfundarnafninu Mark Twain. Hann reyndi fyrir sér í ýmsum starfsgreinum, áður en hann fann sig í blaðamennsku og skáldskap. Hann var heimsþekktur í lifanda lífi fyrir orðsnilld sína og mælskulist og átti vingott við alls kyns fyrirmenni, bæði í heimalandinu Bandaríkjunum og utan þess. Mark Twain fæddist fljótlega eftir að halastjarna Halleys fór framhjá jörðinni og spáði því að hann myndi fara með henni líka, sem varð eftir, enda lést hann daginn eftir næstu heimsókn halastjörnunnar.

  • af Mark Twain
    40,99 kr.

    Dies ist die anstrengendste Wanderung vor der Erstbesteigung des Mount Everest - besonders für die Lachmuskeln! Obwohl der Baedecker nur drei Stunden bis zum Erreichen des Riffelberg-Gipfels angibt, weiß Mark Twain es besser: Sieben Tage benötigen er und seine voll ausgerüstete Expedition. Klar, daß das nicht ohne Hindernisse vonstatten gegangen ist.

  • af Mark Twain
    36,99 kr.

    Un américain qui profite de son weekend pour faire du canot à voile est emporté au large. Alors qu'il se croit perdu, un bateau faisant route pour Londres le recueil. Arrivé à la capitale britannique sans sou, l'américain traine dans la rue pendant deux jours, l'estomac grondant de faim.Le troisième jour, un valet l'appelle et l'invite à le suivre. Il est introduit à deux frères, dans une somptueuse pièce. Ils remettent une enveloppe à l'américain qui, à sa grande surprise, contient un billet de cinq millions. Il s'agit là d'un pari destiné à observer la façon dont se tirerait d’affaire un étranger venu à Londres sans autre ressource qu'un billet de cinq millions. L'un a parié que l'américain mourrait de faim même en possession d'une telle somme ; l'autre soutient le contraire...Entre humour et satire, Mark Twain, auteur des « Aventures de Tom Sawyer », édifie un chef-d'œuvre de la nouvelle.Mark Twain (1835-1910) est le nom de plume de Samuel Langhorne Clemens, écrivain, essayiste et humoriste américain. Il devient imprimeur suite au décès de son père puis exerce le métier de journaliste, qui le mène à voyager en Europe en tant que correspondant de presse. Son enfance au Missouri a grandement influencé ses œuvres, des classiques de la littérature de jeunesse. Ses histoires ont été adaptées de nombreuses fois, avec par exemple le film « Les Aventures de Huckleberry Finn » (1994), avec Elijah Wood, et l’animation Disney « Le Prince et le Pauvre » (1990).

  • af Mark Twain
    12,99 kr.

    Historia opowiedziana przez młodego mężczyznę, zatrudnionego jako urzędnik w kopalni złota w San Francisco. Podczas niefortunnego rejsu wypływa na pełne morze i ostatecznie dociera do Londynu. Tam zostaje wciągnięty w historię zakładu pomiędzy dwoma braćmi. Postanawiają oni sprawdzić, jaki los spotkałby posiadacza banknotu o wartości miliona funtów, wydanego przez bank na potrzeby transakcji zagranicznej. Aby się tego dowiedzieć, szukają przypadkowego człowieka, który otrzyma pieniądze.Amerykański pisarz znany zwłaszcza z powieści „Książę i żebrak", „Przygody Tomka Sawyera" oraz „Przygody Hucka". Brał udział w wojnie secesyjnej, pracował w kopalniach srebra w Nevadzie, wreszcie zdobył zatrudnienie jako dziennikarz. Podróżował po Ameryce i Europie, czerpiąc ze swoich wypraw inspirację do kolejnych tekstów prozatorskich. W drugiej połowie lat 90. XIX wieku chętnie tworzył niedługie teksty krytykujące amerykańską rzeczywistość.

  • af Mark Twain
    Fra 55,99 kr.

    Após a morte de seus pais, Tom vive com sua tia perto do Mississippi. Garoto inteligente e sapeca, ele está sempre envolvido em diversas travessuras com seus camaradas. Venha batalhar, soltar pipa e correr com Tom e seus amigos nesse clássico infantil!Personagem icônico da literatura americana, as aventuras de Tom foram adaptadas inúmeras vezes, como no filme "Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry Finn" (2014) e na série de animação "As aventuras de Tom Sawyer" (1980).Mark Twain é o pseudônimo de Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835-1910), escritor, ensaísta e humorista americano. Ele se tornou um impressor após a morte de seu pai e trabalhou como jornalista mais tarde, o que o levou a viajar pela Europa como correspondente de imprensa. Sua infância no Missouri influenciou bastante seus trabalhos, considerados clássicos da literatura infantil. Suas histórias foram adaptadas para várias mídias, incluindo o filme "As aventuras de Huck Finn" (1993), com Elijah Wood, e a animação da Disney "O Príncipe e o Mendigo" (1990).

  • af Edgar Allan Poe, Lord Edward J. Dunsany, Bram Stoker, mfl.
    111,99 kr.

    Die Klassiker des Horror-Genres von Poe über Stevenson bis Bram Stoker kommen in dieser Sammlung zu Wort. Ihre Erzählungen sind der schauerlichen Romantik verbunden, dem Übernatürlichen, welches sich der wissenschaftlichen Erklärung widersetzt: Geheimnisvoll wirken zerstörerische Kräfte im Abgrund der menschlichen Seele. Doch kann das Schauerliche auch hinüberreichen ins Bizarre, Absurde, Groteske. Und dann entsteht ein Humor, den man getrost makaber nennen darf. Gruselgeschichten, die jeder mag.

  • af Mark Twain
    40,99 kr.

    Eine humorvolle Gruselgeschichte von Mark Twain. Gelesen von Andreas Fröhlich.Mortimer MacWilliams erwacht in einer schwülen Sommernacht von den Rufen seiner Frau Evangeline. Die hat ich im Schuhschrank versteckt, da sie sich schrecklich vor Gewittern, noch mehr vor Blitzen fürchtet. Und tatsächlich rumpelt und leuchtet es durch die Fensterläden. Anfangs genervt von der Angst seiner Frau, später davon angesteckt, unternimmt Mortimer allerlei Dinge, um sich gegen die Blitze zu wappnen. Als die vermeintlichen Schutzmaßnahmen ihren skurrilen Höhepunkt erreichen, springen die Fensterläden auf und ... hören Sie selbst.Andreas Fröhlich ist ein deutscher Schauspieler, Synchron-, Hörbuch-, Hörspiel- und Off-Sprecher sowie Rezitator. Seit 1979 verkörpert er die Rolle des Detektivs Bob in der Kult-Hörspielreihe Die drei ???. Seine Hörbuch-Lesungen sind vielfach ausgezeichnet.Mark Twain (1835-1910) ist einer der berühmtesten amerikanischen Schriftsteller. Bekannt wurde er durch "Die Abenteuer des Huckleberry Finn". Seie Texte sind oft satirisch und vor allem humorvoll. Er gilt als Meister der Pointen.

  • af Guy de Maupassant, Charles Dickens, Rudyard Kipling & mfl.
    40,99 kr.

    "Das Glück der Erde liegt auf demRücken der Pferde," sagt der Pferdefreund. Doch ob alle Reiterauch wieder heil herunterkommen, bleibt ungewiß. Nicht immer throntman "hoch zu Roß", oft genug landet der Reitkünstler auf demBoden der Tatsachen ... Aber die Welt der Pferde bietet nochvieles mehr: Spannung und Intrigen, Rennfieber und feineGesellschaft. Johannes Steck versteht es brillant, die Erzählungenvon Twain, Kipling, Dickens und Maupassant mit ironisch-heiteremUnterton vorzutragen. Ein Ohrenschmaus für alle Pferdeliebhaber!

  • af Mark Twain
    40,99 kr.

    Ein Zug bleibt im Schneesturm stecken. Tagelang sind die Passagiere ohne Nahrung. In der Not stellen sie eine Kandidatenliste auf: Der Sieger der nachfolgenden Wahl soll getötet und von den anderen verspeist werden. Doch das ist erst der Anfang.

  • af Mark Twain
    40,99 kr.

    Ein Mann bezieht ein Zimmer in einem Haus, in dem es angeblich spukt. Und tatsächlich: In der Nacht wird ihm die Bettdecke weggezogen, er hört Schritte und Kettenrasseln. Schließlich begegnet er dem Geist des Riesen von Cardiff, der seine Leiche endlich begraben wissen möchte.

  • af Mark Twain
    36,99 kr.

    Wer träumt nicht von einem eigenen Pferd? Als der Protagonist den "mexikanischen Mustang" auf der Auktion sieht, beschließt er diesen sofort zu kaufen. Aber war das wirklich eine gute Idee? Johannes Steck erzählt die Geschichte des wilden mexikanischen Mustangs von Mark Twain, aus "Durch Dick und Dünn: Leben auf dem Mississippi".

  • af Mark Twain
    36,99 kr.

    Rien n'arrête le révérend Smiley quand il s'agit de parier. Il parie sur les courses d'animaux — chiens, coqs, chats ou chevaux — et même sur la mort des à venir des uns et des autres.On dit qu'un jour, il éleva dans son arrière-cour une grenouille, lui apprit à sauter comme aucune ne sautait, puis la transporta dans une boîte dans toute la ville, décidé à parier et gagner...Il s'agit du tout premier conte de Mark Twain, celui-là même par lequel il acquit une reconnaissance nationale et un nom d'exception dans la littérature américaine. James Russell Lowell lui-même qualifia le texte de « plus beau morceau d'humour écrit en Amérique ».Mark Twain (1835-1910) est le nom de plume de Samuel Langhorne Clemens, écrivain, essayiste et humoriste américain. Il devient imprimeur suite au décès de son père puis exerce le métier de journaliste, qui le mène à voyager en Europe en tant que correspondant de presse. Son enfance au Missouri a grandement influencé ses œuvres, des classiques de la littérature de jeunesse. Ses histoires ont été adaptées de nombreuses fois, avec par exemple le film « Les Aventures de Huckleberry Finn » (1994), avec Elijah Wood, et l’animation Disney « Le Prince et le Pauvre » (1990).

  • af Mark Twain
    36,99 kr.

    Un détective amateur, Archy Stillmann, possède l'incroyable don de détecter les objets grâce à un flair hors norme. À bien des égards, il surpasse Sherlock Holmes : alors que tout deux sont impliqués dans la résolution d'un crime, Archy contredit l'enquêteur britannique sur ses démonstrations et conclusions... (« Plus fort que Sherlock Holmes »)Un train se retrouve coincé en pleine tempête de neige et au beau milieu de nulle part. Les voyageurs, glacés jusqu'aux os et peu à peu affamés, décident de goûter à la chair humaine... (« Cannibalisme en voyage »)Voici là un recueil de sept nouvelles policières dans lesquelles Mark Twain s'amuse à dépoussiérer les clichés des romans populaires, et à rendre le genre plus vivant qu'il ne l'a jamais été.Mark Twain (1835-1910) est le nom de plume de Samuel Langhorne Clemens, écrivain, essayiste et humoriste américain. Il devient imprimeur suite au décès de son père puis exerce le métier de journaliste, qui le mène à voyager en Europe en tant que correspondant de presse. Son enfance au Missouri a grandement influencé ses œuvres, des classiques de la littérature de jeunesse. Ses histoires ont été adaptées de nombreuses fois, avec par exemple le film « Les Aventures de Huckleberry Finn » (1994), avec Elijah Wood, et l’animation Disney « Le Prince et le Pauvre » (1990).

  • af Mark Twain
    Fra 69,99 kr.

    Filho de um pai alcoólatra e violento, Huck Finn logo se encontra sozinho. Quando foi acolhido por uma senhora idosa, Huck se torna gradualmente mais civilizado. Mas no dia em que seu pai reaparece e o tranca em uma cabana, Huck foge com Jim, um escravo. A viagem deles pelo Mississippi retrata a sociedade americana da época e rende muitas aventuras! Considerado um clássico da literatura americana, essa história foi fonte de inspiração para o filme "As aventuras de Huck Finn" produzido pela Disney em 1993.Mark Twain é o pseudônimo de Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835-1910), escritor, ensaísta e humorista americano. Ele se tornou um impressor após a morte de seu pai e trabalhou como jornalista mais tarde, o que o levou a viajar pela Europa como correspondente de imprensa. Sua infância no Missouri influenciou bastante seus trabalhos, considerados clássicos da literatura infantil. Suas histórias foram adaptadas para várias mídias, incluindo o filme "As aventuras de Huck Finn" (1993), com Elijah Wood, e a animação da Disney "O Príncipe e o Mendigo" (1990).

  • af Mark Twain
    9,95 kr.

    В Лондоне принц Уэльский, сын короля Генриха VIII, мечтает о свободе: как весело, должно быть, бегать по улицам и драться с другими мальчиками! В том же городе Том Кенти, мальчик из бедной семьи, мечтает только о том, чтобы вырваться из нищеты ... Когда волею случая судьбы этих двух мальчиков пересекаются, у них возникает идея поменяться одеждами. Что из этого вышло – узнаете из романа Марка Твена «Принц и нищий».Марк Твен – псевдоним Сэмюэля Лэнгхорна Клеменса (1835-1910), американского писателя, журналиста и общественного деятеля. Свою трудовую деятельность он начал наборщиком статей в газете, которую издавал его старший брат. Затем работал лоцманом на пароходе. Некоторое время был шахтёром и добывал серебро. Но всё это не приносило ему достатка. Он устроился работать в газету и стал много путешествовать. Самым большим вкладом в американскую и мировую литературу считаются его романы: «Приключения Тома Сойера», «Приключения Гекльберри Финна», «Принц и Нищий». Марк Твен был отличным оратором, превосходно играл в бильярд, увлекался наукой и был дружен с Николой Теслой.