Bøger af Marcus Aurelius

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  • af Anne Frank, Jane Austen, Marcel Proust, mfl.
    102,99 kr.

    ‘2000 Final Quotations’ is an insightful and humorous collection of quotes from some of the world’s greatest thinkers, writers, artists, and statesmen.It contains contributions from Shakespeare, Gandhi and Carl Jung to Friedrich Nietzsche, Confucius and Leonardo da Vinci - and lots more!Stretching from Ancient Greece to 20th-century Germany, this wonderful compilation is guaranteed to inspire and entertain those who want a bit of extra philosophical guidance throughout their day.Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Jane Austen, William Shakespeare, Marcel Proust, Anton Chekhov, Arthur Schopenhauer, Friedrich Nietzsche, Laozi, Immanuel Kant, Mahatma Gandhi, Buddha, Albert Einstein, Anne Frank, Leonardo da Vinci, Confucius, Baruch Spinoza, Marcus Aurelius, Carl Jung, Cicero, Emil Cioran.

  • af Charles de Gaulle, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, mfl.
    68,99 kr.

    Dive into the wits and wisdom of famous world statesmen in this intriguing collection of quotes!From World War giants and Ancient Roman Emperors to French Generals and American Presidents, this carefully crafted collection of quotes is guaranteed to entertain, amuse, and inspire.‘600 Quotes from Major Leaders’ is ideal for those needing a bit of extra philosophical guidance and inspiration throughout their day.Winston Churchill (1874-1965) was the leader of Britain, and Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970) was the leader of France during the Second World War.Marcus Aurelius (121–180) was a famous Emperor of Ancient Rome, while French General Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 -1821) conquered vast swathes of Europe.Inspirational American President Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865) abolished slavery and won the American Civil War, while Indian pacifist and civil rights activist Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) famously led India to independence from the British.

  • af Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Marcus Aurelius, mfl.
    68,99 kr.

    While wisdom is something to be accrued through experience and knowledge, ‘500 Quotes of Great Wisdom’ offers a shortcut.Dipping into the minds of some of the most revered thinkers of all time, this book is packed with insights, reflections, and observations sure to inspire and stimulate thought.A superb gift for anyone with an inquiring mind.Mahatma Gandhi (1931 – 1948) was an Indian lawyer, who became a pioneer of non-violent resistance to civil oppression. Gautama Buddha (480 BCE – 400 BCE) was an aristocrat who eschewed materialism in favour of spiritual reflection. He is the founder of Buddhism.Martin Luther King (1929 – 1969) was a Baptist minister who became the most important figure in the American Civil Rights movement. Mother Teresa (1910 – 1997) was an Albanian-Indian Catholic nun who was canonised for her missionary work. One of the pioneers of Stoicism, Marcus Aurelius (121 – 180) was a Roman emperor and a revered philosopher.

  • af Beaumarchais, Nicolas de Chamfort, Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, mfl.
    163,99 kr.

    Ready yourself for this carefully crafted collection of quotes from some of the greatest minds the world has ever seen!Featuring world-famous playwrights, philosophers, activists, Presidents and physicists, from Churchill and Shakespeare to Gandhi and Einstein, this is an entertaining and inspiring compilation covering everything from Ancient Rome to modern-day Britain.‘3500 Final Quotes’ is ideal for those wanting a bit of extra philosophical guidance and inspiration throughout their day.Denis Diderot, Søren Kierkegaard, Jane Austen, William Shakespeare, Marcel Proust, Arthur Schopenhauer, Friedrich Nietzsche, Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Plato, Lao Zi, Immanuel Kant, Mahatma Gandhi, Buddha, Albert Einstein, Anne Frank, Winston Churchill, Charles de Gaulle, Leonardo da Vinci, Confucius, Baruch Spinoza, Antoine de Saint Exupéry, Marcus Aurelius, Socrates, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Cicero, Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, Napoleon Bonaparte, Fyodor Dostoevski, Oscar Wilde, Voltaire, Ontesquieu, Nicolas de Chamfort, Beaumarchais.

  • af Carl Jung, Marcus Aurelius, Leonardo Da Vinci, mfl.
    60,99 kr.

    ‘500 Quotes: an Original Selection’ is a cherry-picked collection of quotes from some of the most important figures in history.Covering topics such as freedom, politics, art, science, and personal development, this is an inspiring read.Whether you dip in and out of it or devour it from cover to cover, this book has something for everyone.Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955) was a theoretical physicist, who is best remembered for developing the Theory of Relativity. Anne Frank (1929 – 1945) was a Jewish girl who, with her family, hid in an annexe for two years, hoping to avoid capture by the Nazis. Her diaries document their daily lives in this period.Born in Italy, Leonardo da Vinci (1452 – 1519) was an artist, inventor, scientist, and sculptor, who is best known for painting the ‘Mona Lisa.’ One of the pioneers of Stoicism, Marcus Aurelius (121 – 180) was a Roman emperor and a revered philosopher. One of the founders of analytical psychology, Carl Jung (1875 – 1961) was a Swiss psychoanalyst and psychologist, who had a huge impact on psychology as a science.

  • af Heraclitus, Seneca the Younger, Cicero, mfl.
    68,99 kr.

    Plato, Aristotle, Marcus Aurelius, and Cicero are some of the famous names whose wit and wisdom are included in this audiobook, ‘700 Quotations from Ancient Philosophy’.This group of Greek philosophers, Roman Statesmen and Emperors is responsible for some of the world's best-known quotes, including "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." and "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle."Their wit and wisdom continue to inspire, educate, and entertain to this day thus making this collection ideal for those needing some philosophical guidance.Plato, Aristotle, Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, Cicero, Seneca the Younger, and Heraclitus are among histories most famous soldiers, politicians, poets, writers and philosophers.The Ancient Greek philosopher, Plato (c.428-347 B.C.) is one of the most influential figures in the entire history of Western thought.Aristotle (384–322 BC) was a Greek philosopher whose works shaped centuries of philosophy. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest philosophers of all time.Seneca the Younger (c. 4 BC – 65 AD), usually known as Seneca, was a philosopher, statesman, and dramatist from Ancient Rome.Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (121 – 180) was a philosopher and Emperor of the Roman empire.

  • af Marcus Aurelius
    77,99 kr.

    Although never intended for publication, ‘Meditations’ has gone on to become one of the most important collections of philosophical thought, of all time.During his reign as Roman Emperor, devout Stoic, Marcus Aurelius, recorded his feelings and beliefs on what it is to be a well-rounded human being. While Stoicism has its roots in the ‘expect the worst and you won’t be disappointed’ school of thought, Aurelius’ experiences as Emperor also lead him to try and find the best of himself and eschew the opinions of others.A moving and motivational read for philosophy fans.Marcus Aurelius (121 – 180) was a Roman Emperor, ruling for almost 20 years. His rule was founded on his beliefs in the philosophy of Stoicism, which espoused the qualities of virtue, wisdom, and resisting temptation. For many, he embodies the Roman Empire at the peak of its powers.

  • af Marcus Aurelius
    40,99 kr.

    Marc-Aurèle est le dernier des "Cinq bons empereurs" de Rome ; son règne marque l'apogée de l'empire romain, qui ne sera jamais plus riche et pacifié qu'alors. Il partage avec l'esclave Epictète une place majeure dans la philosophie stoïcienne, et ses enseignements n'ont rien perdu de leur utilité aujourd'hui. Ses Méditations sont une série de notes écrites pour son propre usage, pendant une campagne militaire, et témoignent de sa quête de sagesse et de perfectionnement. Le stoïcisme vise à nous libérer des souffrances inutiles liées à l'inquiétude au sujet des choses qui ne dépendent pas de nous ; par conséquent, c'est une philosophie pratique, dont les effets quotidiens peuvent transformer notre vie. Ces 100 citations de Marc-Aurèle sont une sélection de ses pensées les plus profondes et les plus utiles ; elles inspireront votre vie quotidienne tout en vous familiariseront avec l'oeuvre de cette figure incontournable de la philosophie occidentale.

  • af – Plato, Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus & mfl.
    68,99 kr.

    Become familiar with the most important ancient philosophers, those who shaped Western philosophy. Delve deep into their works and thoughts with a selection of the essential quotes introducing their major ideas and delineating the structure of their work with clarity.

  • af Marcus Aurelius
    42,99 kr.

    While serving as Emperor, Aurelius wrote a series of notes and observations, following his quest for self-improvement.‘100 Quotes by Marcus Aurelius: Great Philosophers & Their Inspiring Thoughts’ cherry-picks the most insightful musings from this inspiring leader.While many of his thoughts are rooted in Stoicism, readers may find themselves surprised at how many of his ideas are as relevant today as they were at the height of the Roman Empire.A thought-provoking book, ‘100 Quotes by Marcus Aurelius: Great Philosophers & Their Inspiring Thoughts’ is perfect for dipping in and out of.Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus (121 – 180) was born in Rome, and eventually went on to become its emperor. Raised by his paternal grandfather and his mother, Aurelius succeeded his uncle, Antoninus Pius, to rule over the Roman Empire.While at school, he was introduced to the philosophical practice of Stoicism, which promotes logic, perception, true knowledge, and self-control as the key factors to a fulfilled life. Aurelius embraced Stoicism to the full, even going as far as refusing to sleep in a bed.Whilst ruling as Emperor, Aurelius penned his thoughts and observations on the use and abuse of power. The resulting ‘Meditations’ is considered to be one of the most important books of all time, giving an insight into the challenges faced by even the mightiest of rulers.

  • af Cicero, Epictetus, Seneca the Younger & mfl.
    60,99 kr.

    ‘400 Quotations from Ancient Roman Philosophers’ is a collection of quotes from Ancient Rome’s greatest philosophers, whose unparalleled wit and wisdom still resonate today.This carefully crafted compilation includes the great minds of Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, Cicero, and Seneca the Younger, and is guaranteed to educate and entertain.‘400 Quotations from Ancient Roman Philosophers’ is ideal for those needing a bit of extra philosophical guidance.Marcus Aurelius (121–180) was a Roman emperor and philosopher. He was the last emperor of the Pax Romana. Epictetus (50-135 AD) was a Greek philosopher who was renowned for his teachings about determinism and moral responsibility.Cicero (106-43 BC) was a Roman statesman, scholar and philosopher and he is considered one of Rome's greatest orators. Seneca the Younger (4 BC–65 AD) was a Roman philosopher, statesman and dramatist. As a writer, he is best known for plays such as ‘Medea’, ‘Thyestes’, and ‘Phaedra’.

  • af Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus & Seneca the Younger
    60,99 kr.

    ‘300 Quotations from the Stoic Philosophers’ is a collection of insightful, educational, and inspiring quotes from some of the greatest ever Stoic philosophers, such as Epictetus, Seneca the Younger, and Marcus Aurelius.Founded in Athens in the 3rd century BC, Stoicism is a school of philosophy which centres around the belief that the practice of virtue is both necessary and sufficient to achieve happiness.Stoicism remains an important and influential school of thought, thus making this collection highly relevant for people who need some extra philosophical guidance.Marcus Aurelius (121–180) was a Roman philosopher and the last emperor of the Pax Romana, the golden age of Roman peace and imperialism.Epictetus (50-135 AD), was an Ancient Greek philosopher born into slavery.Seneca the Younger (4 BC – 65 AD) was a Roman philosopher, statesman, and dramatist. As a writer, he is best known for plays such as ‘Medea’, ‘Thyestes’, and ‘Phaedra’.

  • af Marcus Aurelius & K.G. Brøndsted
    Fra 69,00 kr.

    Marcus Aurelius var kejser af Rom og dermed en af den tids mest magtfulde mennesker. Men han var også en flittig studerende, der uddannede sig inden for filosofi. "Tanker til sig selv" er et udvalg af Aurelius' skrifter, der giver et indblik i kejserens liv såvel som hans stoiske filosofi. Stoicismen, der både er et verdenssyn og en filosofisk skole, er baseret på at leve efter fornuften. I denne bog leverer oversætter K. G. Brøndsted en længere indledning om netop stoicismen samt oplysende noter, så at kejserens skrifter sættes i kontekst. Og disse skrifter, som spænder fra "taknemmelighedsstykker" til korte læresætninger, er vedkommende selv efter næsten to tusind år.