Bøger af Louisa May Alcott
111,99 kr. Immergiti nel magico spirito del Natale, con questa raccolta di racconti scaturiti dalla penna della celebre autrice di "Piccole donne".Scritti originariamente per la nipotina Lulu, questi racconti – in cui è possibile riconoscere lo stile senza tempo e la prosa ricca di significato alla base del successo dell'autrice – furono pubblicati per la prima volta nel 1885 col titolo di “Lulu’s Library”.Riscopri il significato senza tempo del Natale in questo commovente spaccato della vita nell'America dell'Ottocento!Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888), cresciuta in un contesto famigliare progressista, si è distinta per le sue nette prese di posizione contro la schiavitù e per l’emancipazione femminile. È nota soprattutto per la fortunata tetralogia di libri per ragazzi “Piccole donne” (1868-1886).
- Lydbog
- 111,99 kr.
Fra 50,99 kr. Älskad klassiker av Louisa May Alcott!Systrarna Meg, Jo, Beth och Amy March växer upp i en liten stad i 1860-talets USA. Den äldsta systern Meg är ljuv och vacker men aningens fåfäng. Jo är en livlig flicka som inte låter sig begränsas av det som förväntas av henne. Beth har en mjuk musikalisk själ vars liv präglas av sjukdom och den yngsta systern Amy är lika bortskämd som konstnärlig. Systrarna bor med sin mor, Marmee, och har ont om pengar. Deras far tjänstgör som pastor i det amerikanska inbördeskriget och familjen får klara sig så gott de kan. Vi får följa systrarna Marchs liv i utvecklingen från den tidiga tonåren till unga kvinnor. Systerskaran utgörs av fyra mycket passionerade och självständiga flickor som var och en utmanar sin tids förväntningar och konventioner. Kanske drömmer systrarna om att bli rika och uppvaktade, kanske är det den mer trygga och bevandrade vägen de bör välja, men med sina gamla kläder och små skor till trots tycks systrarna March leva ett långt mycket roligare och tillfredställande liv än de fina damerna omkring dem ..."Unga kvinnor" har filmatiserats ett antal gånger under åren, senast 2019 i regi av den hyllade Greta Gerwig med bland annat Saoirse Ronan, Florence Pugh och Emma Watson i huvudrollerna. Louisa May Alcott var en amerikansk författarinna, abolitionist och feminist. Under sina verksamma år hann hon skriva böcker för alla åldrar inom diverse genrer, men hon nådde störst framgång med sin semibiografiska roman "Unga Kvinnor". Alcotts slående porträtt av starka, självständiga kvinnor och hjärtesorg gör hennes skildringar lika aktuella då som nu.
49,00 kr. Rose nyder livet i Boston og bruger meget tid sammen med sine fætre. Men hun er også ved at udvikle sig til en ung dame, der interesserer sig for tøj og pynt. Og så er det på tide, at hun lærer at lave mad og holde hus."Rose" udkom første gang på dansk i 1935.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) var en amerikansk feminist, abolitionist og forfatter. Hun var af en frisindet og kunstnerisk familie, som dog oplevede større økonomiske udfordringer, hvilket betød, at hun var nødt til at tage arbejde. Blandt andet som sygeplejerske under den amerikanske borgerkrig. Hun var hele sit liv en aktiv figur inden for kvinders ret til at stemme og i afholdsbevægelsen. Hun forblev ugift hele livet.
- E-bog
- 49,00 kr.
99,00 kr. Drengene fra Plumfield, Jo og Friedrich Bhaer, er ved at være voksne, og deres liv bevæger sig nu i vidt forskellige retninger.”Jo’s drenge” er tredje og afsluttende bind i trilogien, der begynder med ”Pigebørn” og ”Plumfield eller Jo’s hjem”, og byder på et gensyn med flere af de populære karakterer. Bogen udkom i 1886 og kom første gang på dansk i 1900.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) var en amerikansk feminist, abolitionist og forfatter. Hun var af en frisindet og kunstnerisk familie, som dog oplevede større økonomiske udfordringer, hvilket betød, at hun var nødt til at tage arbejde. Blandt andet som sygeplejerske under den amerikanske borgerkrig. Hun var hele sit liv en aktiv figur inden for kvinders ret til at stemme og i afholdsbevægelsen. Hun forblev ugift hele livet.
- E-bog
- 99,00 kr.
96,99 kr. Una serie di racconti tratti dalla raccolta "Lulu’s Library" scritti dall’autrice di "Piccole donne", Louisa May Alcott. Nate come favole della buonanotte per la nipotina, queste storie ebbero poi così tanto successo che l’autrice decise di farne un libro, diventato un regalo di Natale per la piccola. Ne emerge tanta genuinità e una vastità di tematiche all'avanguardia rispetto ai tempi, che fanno comprendere appieno la capacità narrativa dell’autrice e la sua abilità nel trasmettere valori all’epoca rivoluzionari. Un libro per bambini ma anche per genitori, e per tutte quelle persone che abbiano voglia di esplorare il mondo sorprendente di una scrittrice che ancora oggi ci affascina e stupisce.Questo audiolibro è stato realizzato in collaborazione con Edizioni Clichy.Louisa May Alcott (1832 – 1888) fu infermiera durante la Guerra Civile Americana.Pubblica il suo primo libro a 22 anni. È famosa in tutto il mondo per il romanzo "Piccole Donne" cui fecero seguito altri tre libri della serie: "Piccole donne crescono", "Piccoli uomini" e "I figli di Jo". Tra le sorelle March, sue protagoniste, quella che più le somiglia è Jo, giovane donna che lotta per la sua indipendenza e i suoi diritti, diversa dagli stereotipi della narrativa per ragazze dell'epoca.In totale, tra romanzi e raccolte di racconti, pubblicò più di trenta libri.Fu anche un’abolizionista e una femminista e si batté per i diritti delle donne.
- Lydbog
- 96,99 kr.
96,99 kr. Una serie di racconti tratti dalla raccolta "Lulu’s Library" scritti dall’autrice di "Piccole donne", Louisa May Alcott. Nate come favole della buonanotte per la nipotina, queste storie ebbero poi così tanto successo che l’autrice decise di farne un libro, diventato un regalo di Natale per la piccola. Ne emerge tanta genuinità e una vastità di tematiche all'avanguardia rispetto ai tempi, che fanno comprendere appieno la capacità narrativa dell’autrice e la sua abilità nel trasmettere valori all’epoca rivoluzionari. Un libro per bambini ma anche per genitori, e per tutte quelle persone che abbiano voglia di esplorare il mondo sorprendente di una scrittrice che ancora oggi ci affascina e stupisce.Questo audiolibro è stato realizzato in collaborazione con Edizioni Clichy.
- Lydbog
- 96,99 kr.
59,99 kr. In a preface to this collection, Louisa May Alcott calls these eight stories her "various waifs and strays" and they all beautifully demonstrate her wry sense of humour, sharp observational skills, and straightforward style of storytelling.From the light-hearted romance of 'Kitty's Class Day' to the transformational tale of 'Aunt Kipp', who is a female version of Ebenezer Scrooge in Charles Dickens' 'A Christmas Carol', each story has the charm to keep you gripped.Fans of her other work, including the bestseller 'Little Women', will be pleased that she herded these stories together.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) was an American writer who is best known for her novel 'Little Women'. She grew up among some heavyweight 19th-century intellectuals, including Henry David Thoreau and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.With her parents struggling financially, Alcott worked to support them. At the same time, she began writing, initially under pseudonyms because her work was largely short stories and sensation novels for adults.'Little Women', published in 1868, was a success when it was released. Alcott also penned the follow-ups 'Little Men' and 'Jo's Boys'. She was a staunch abolitionist and a campaigning feminist who was heavily involved in temperance and women's suffrage movements.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Louisa May Alcott has penned a sparkling collection of novels, short stories and poems. In this collection of short stories, you get four little gems, written with Alcott's unmistakable gentle humour and keen observation of family life.Featuring a "prince charming" and a very important piece of footwear, despite both not being what you would expect, 'A Modern Cinderella', or 'The Little Old Shoe', is an amusing and irreverent version of The Brothers Grimm's 'Cinderella'.The other three stories are 'Debby's Debut', 'The Brothers', and 'Nelly's Hospital', and they collectively display Alcott's skills as well as covers important subjects such as racism, PTSD, and the barriers between social classes.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) was an American writer who is best known for her novel 'Little Women'. She also grew up among some heavyweight 19th-century intellectuals, including Henry David Thoreau and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.With her parents struggling financially, Alcott worked to support them. At the same time, she began writing, initially under pseudonyms because her work was largely short stories and sensation novels for adults.'Little Women', published in 1868, was a success when it was released. Alcott also penned the follow-ups 'Little Men' and 'Jo's Boys'.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Friendship can transcend class and background.Take the movie 'Napoleon Dynamite', Dory's friendship with Nemo in 'Finding Nemo' or chalk-and-cheese buddies Barbara Hershey and Bette Midler in 'Beaches'. In 'Mountain-Laurel and Maidenhair', it is city girl Emily and country girl Becky.Emily is fragile, but her family's wealth makes her complacent. Becky, on the other hand, works as a teacher to support and care for her three younger siblings. So when Emily stays at Becky's family farm in the mountains, they seem unlikely to hit it off.But Louisa May Alcott's moving, charming story sees them connect through poetry - and grow to understand and care for each other.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) was an American writer of numerous beloved novels, short stories and poems. She was a feminist, and many of her stories are loosely based on her own life experiences. She is primarily known for her young adult fiction but also wrote gothic thrillers, albeit anonymously, and sensational stories under the pen name A.M. Barnard. One of her best-known works is "Little Women", a novel that has been turned into numerous film and television adaptations, such as the 2019 film, starring Saorise Ronan, Florence Pugh and Timothée Chalamet.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
59,99 kr. Louisa May Alcott's most popular novel, ´Little Women´, featured the March sisters, who were based on her own family.In this collection of short plays, originally written by Alcott and her real sisters, Alcott adds to the world of ´Little Women´, as the plays are made to seem like they were penned by Jo and Meg from ´Little Women´ and acted out by them and other characters in the book.The plays are not as complicated as the background, thankfully. They are short, pithy, melodramatic and feature witches, magic, murder, ghosts and farcical situations.If you are a fan of ´Little Women´, which was recently adapted for the silver screen for the seventh time, starring Emma Watson and Timothée Chalamet, you will love this additional glimpse into the lives of the March sisters.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) was an American writer who is best known for her novel ´Little Women´. She also grew up among some heavyweight 19th-century intellectuals, including Henry David Thoreau and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.With her parents struggling financially, Alcott worked to support them. At the same time, she began writing, initially under pseudonyms because her work was largely short stories and sensation novels for adults.´Little Women´, published in 1868, was an instant success upon release. Alcott also penned the follow-ups ´Little Men´ and ´Jo's Boys´.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
96,99 kr. ¿Hasta dónde llegarías para lograr sobrevivir? La joven Jean Muir llega a la mansión de los Coventry para trabajar como institutriz. Por su astucia y habilidad logra ganarse rápidamente el afecto de la mayor parte de la familia, excepto e Gerald y Lucia, quienes desconfían enormemente de la joven y comienzan a espiarla. Sin embargo, Jean tiene claro que hará todo lo necesario para sobrevivir y en la Inglaterra de 1866 eso pasa por lograr una buena posición social económica. Así, no dudará en usar todas sus armas femeninas y las miles de máscaras que hagan falta con tal de prosperar.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Louisa May Alcott nació en 1832 en Estados Unidos. Criada en un hogar trascendentalismo, era habitual que los Walcott recibieran a personalidades ilustres como Henry David Thoreau o Nathaniel Hawthorne. Aunque deseaba ser actriz, se vio obligada a trabajar como costurera y asistenta cuando su familia comenzó a pasar dificultades económicas. En 1868 publicó «Mujercitas», obra que la convirtió en todo un referente de la literatura universal.
- Lydbog
- 96,99 kr.
79,00 kr. Louisa May Alcott er mest kendt for at have skrevet den udødelige klassiker "Little Women" (dansk "Pigebørn"), men hun skrev også ’sensationsromaner’ eller ’Blood and Thunder tales’, som hun selv kaldte dem. Hovedværket af disse er "Bag en maske eller en kvindes magt" (1866). En psykologisk spændingsroman, der angriber tidens opfattelse af klasseforhold og kønsroller.Romanen omhandler den unge, fascinerende guvernante Jane Muir, der ansættes hos familien Coventry. Hele huset er på den anden ende over hendes yndige og smittende væsen, og alle mændene kæmper om hendes gunst. Men snart har mestermanipulatoren Jane Muir fået alle spillet ud mod hinanden, og et nervepirrende spil udfolder sig, hvor det bliver sværere og sværere at gennemskue, om Jane Muir er heltinde eller skurk.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) var en amerikansk feminist, abolitionist og forfatter. Hun var af en frisindet og kunstnerisk familie, som dog oplevede større økonomiske udfordringer, hvilket betød, hun var nødt til at tage arbejde. Blandt andet som sygeplejerske under den amerikanske borgerkrig. Hun var hele sit liv en aktiv figur inden for kvinders ret til at stemme og i afholdsbevægelsen. Hun forblev ugift hele livet.
- Lydbog
- 79,00 kr.
42,99 kr. "I'm so tired of Christmas I wish there never would be another one!"Nobody would be surprised if it were old Scrooge talking. But it's actually little Effie, a child with festive fatigue.Once you find out whether Effie dropped her impression of 'The Grinch', then you can go on a journey to 'Candy Country' or get to know 'Naughty Jocko' and find out more about 'The Piggy Girl'.A collection of 10 short children’s stories, brought to you by the iconic Louisa May Alcott. A winning compilation, perfect for youngsters from any generation.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) was an American writer of numerous beloved novels, short stories and poems. She was a feminist, and many of her stories are loosely based on her own life experiences. She is primarily known for her young adult fiction but also wrote gothic thrillers, albeit anonymously, and sensational stories under the pen name A.M. Barnard. One of her best-known works is "Little Women", a novel that has been turned into numerous film and television adaptations, such as the 2019 film, starring Saorise Ronan, Florence Pugh and Timothée Chalamet.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
59,99 kr. Today, children trapped at their grandma's house because of a storm would occupy themselves with social media and a range of streaming services.But in the 1800s, things were very different.In Louisa May Alcott's 'Spinning Wheel Stories', the storm rages while the children gather around gran as she gets the spinning wheel going. While spinning wool and yarn she starts telling the youngers a host of stories.A collection of 12 short children’s stories perfect to catch the attention of the kids, and entertain. Featuring a signature Alcott moral lesson - the benefit of listening to your elders.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) was an American writer of numerous beloved novels, short stories and poems. She was a feminist, and many of her stories are loosely based on her own life experiences. She is primarily known for her young adult fiction but also wrote gothic thrillers, albeit anonymously, and sensational stories under the pen name A.M. Barnard. One of her best-known works is "Little Women", a novel that has been turned into numerous film and television adaptations, such as the 2019 film, starring Saorise Ronan, Florence Pugh and Timothée Chalamet.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
59,99 kr. 'A Modern Mephistopheles' is an eerie tale of passion, deceit, control and greed. It is little wonder Alcott's authorship of the novel was unknown for many years, as she sheltered behind a pseudonym.Felix Canaris, an anguished writer who is about to take his own life, is saved by Jasper Helwyze offering grand promises of fame and fortune - but on the condition that he promises his complete commitment.But when Helwyze exploits the naïve and graceful Gladys as a pawn in his scheme - the race is on, will Canaris break free of him in time to save Gladys?A 150 year-old spine-chilling tale that has never been more relevant today.If you enjoyed 'The Talented Mr. Ripley' by Patricia Highsmith, starring Matt Damon and Cate Blanchett in its film adaptation, then this psychological thriller is for you. Perfect for fans of the Netflix series 'You', starring Penn Badgley and Victoria Pedretti.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) was an American writer of numerous beloved novels, short stories and poems. She was a feminist, and many of her stories are loosely based on her own life experiences. She is primarily known for her young adult fiction but also wrote gothic thrillers, albeit anonymously, and sensational stories under the pen name A.M. Barnard. One of her best-known works is "Little Women", a novel that has been turned into numerous film and television adaptations, such as the 2019 film, starring Saorise Ronan, Florence Pugh and Timothée Chalamet.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Back when Louisa May Alcott was an aspiring author she took to the art of writing short stories – much like her character Jo March in ´Little Women’.A thrilling and chilling story, 'A Whisper in the Dark' delves into the vulnerability of innocence as a young girl is sent to reside with her uncle and cousin, with the expectation that she will eventually marry the latter.The tale beautifully demonstrates the remarkable range and complexity of Alcott's work, and is often considered a gothic masterpiece.Fans of Stephen King, Gillian Flynn and Agatha Christie will find plenty to love in 'A Whisper in the Dark´.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) was an American writer of numerous beloved novels, short stories and poems. One of her best-known works is "Little Women", a novel that has been turned into numerous film and television adaptations, such as the 2019 film, starring Saorise Ronan, Florence Pugh and Timothée Chalamet.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
50,99 kr. Fjortonåriga Polly Milton har blivit bjuden till storstaden för att besöka sin vän Fanny Shaw. Under sin vistelse ska Polly bo hos Fanny och hennes välbärgade familj. Men livet i storstaden skiljer sig avsevärt från Pollys liv på landet och hon har svårt att finna sig till rätta i stadens mode och extravagans. Därtill är familjen Shaws gemensamma leverne långt ifrån den stillsamma och kärleksfulla tillvaro hon är van vid. Fannys lillebror Tom är särskilt retligt inställd till Polly.En präktig flicka följer Polly från barndomens somrar hos familjen Shaw, till vuxen ålder då hon återvänder till staden för att arbeta som lärare. Familjen Shaw har då hamnat i ekonomisk knipa och Pollys annorlunda syn på livet kommer att spela en viktig roll i familjens väg tillbaka.Louisa May Alcott föddes 1832 i Germantown i Pennsylvania och dog 1888 i Massachusetts. Under sitt relativt korta liv hann hon skriva böcker för alla åldrar, men mest känd är hon för ungdomsboken Unga Kvinnor (1868).
- E-bog
- 50,99 kr.
38,99 kr. From the author of "Little Women", this short story follows three young women who form a temperance society. Worried about their male friends’ alcohol consumption, Portia, Pauline, and Priscilla set about trying to convince the men in their town that life can still be fun, even when sober. The "Sweet P’s", as the girls are called, each wears an earring in the shape of a silver pitcher as a symbol of their society.The antithesis of the 2021 Oscar-winning film 'Another Round', 'Silver Pitchers explores the power of women to create change.Louisa May Alcott (1832 – 1888) was an American novelist, short story writer and poet. Having grown up in poverty, May Alcott was a passionate advocate for women's rights and abolitionist. She is best known as the author of the March Family Series: "Little Women", "Good Wives", "Little Men" and "Jo's Boys".
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. ‘She also grew from a sickly, fretful child into a fine, strong woman.’From the author of ‘Little Women’, this short story follows the young girl Lily, who ends up in Candy country. Having taken her mother’s big red sun umbrella on a windy day, Lily is blown into a magical land made of sweets. Reminiscent of 'The Wizard of Oz', the story includes adventures surrounded by gingerbread, cakes, and cookies. But Lily eventually discovers that Candy country is not as sweet as it first seemed.Wholesome and filled with lessons applicable in our world today, ‘The Candy Country’ is one of Louisa May Alcott’s hidden gems.Louisa May Alcott (1832 – 1888) was an American novelist, short story writer and poet. Having grown up in poverty, May Alcott was a passionate advocate for women's rights and abolitionist. She is best known as the author of the March Family Series: "Little Women", "Good Wives", "Little Men" and "Jo's Boys".
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. "It can't be summer always, dear, but we can make fair weather for ourselves if we try."From the author of ‘Little Women’, this short story follows 12-year-old Marjorie who dreams of wealth, happiness, and a handsome prince. On her birthday, all her wishes come true. She embarks on an adventure, meets new people, and soon learns to appreciate what she already has. This sweet story has a lovely moral about gratitude and can be enjoyed by both children and adults alike.Louisa May Alcott (1832 – 1888) was an American novelist, short story writer and poet. Having grown up in poverty, May Alcott was a passionate advocate for women's rights and abolitionist. She is best known as the author of the March Family Series: "Little Women", "Good Wives", "Little Men" and "Jo's Boys".
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
67,99 kr. This collection of letters and journal entries was curated by Alcott’s close friend Edna Dow Cheney, and published just a year after Alcott’s death. This collection serves to paint a full picture of the beloved author, with additional commentary from Cheney to inform on the kind of "true and frank" person Alcott was. The collection touches on her beliefs on various topics as well as the close friendships she maintained with Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson. It offers an incredible insight in to one of the world’s greatest writers, allowing the reader to see how her personal experiences informed her timeless and world renowned classics. This collection is perfect reading for any fan of Alcott or any aspiring writer looking for inspiration.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) was an author, abolitionist and proud feminist. Her family suffered financially while she was growing up and so she was forced to take on multiple jobs in her youth to help provide for her family. Her writing became her outlet, forming her ideas and beliefs in the empowerment of women and people in to literature that reverberates to this day. Her most notable works include "Little Women", which is now a movie starring Saoirse Ronan and Timothée Chalamet, its sequel ‘Little Men’ and ‘An Old Fashioned Girl’.
- E-bog
- 67,99 kr.
59,99 kr. ‘An Old Fashioned Girl’ is a tale of the country girl in the big city before it had ever been done. Polly Milton, on a visit to her wealthy city dweller friend Fanny Shaw, is completely in awe at the splendour of their home and clothes. She is treated like a bumpkin, but soon wins the hearts of the family with her sweet heart and gentle honesty. When financial troubles arise, this country girl rises to the occasion to save her friends. It is a tale packed with romance, drama and hard hitting life lessons. Perfect for anyone that loved ‘Sex and the City’ just with frocks and corsets instead of Sarah Jessica Parker and Fendi.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) was an author, abolitionist and proud feminist. Her family suffered financially while she was growing up and so she was forced to take on multiple jobs in her youth to help provide for her family. Her writing became her outlet, forming her ideas and beliefs in the empowerment of women and people into literature that reverberates to this day. Her most notable works include "Little Women", which is now a movie starring Saoirse Ronan and Timothée Chalamet, its sequel ‘Little Men’ and ‘An Old Fashioned Girl’.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
42,99 kr. From the author of ‘Little Women’, this romantic mystery follows the young Lillian Trevlyn whose father died under mysterious circumstances before she was born. Twelve years after his death, Lillian meets an orphaned boy Paul who applies to work on the estate. Though warmly welcomed by Lillian’s family, Paul is secretive about his past and his plans for the future. Does Paul know anything about the unsolved death of Lillian’s father all those years ago? The suspense reaches a climax when Paul suddenly goes missing.‘The Mysterious Key and What it Opened’ is one of Louisa May Alcott’s hidden gems, full of mysterious as well as heart-warming moments.Louise May Alcott was an American writer who is most famous for her novel Little Women (1868). Her heartwarming and heartbreaking stories follow young girls on their journeys to becoming young women. Little Women was recently adapted into film for the seventh time in 2019, starring Saorise Ronan and Timothée Chalamet.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
38,99 kr. 'On Picket Duty, and other tales' is a collection of four short stories that focus on a range of social issues that were raging in America in the nineteenth century. The tales tackle issues near and dear to Alcott's heart, mainly that of women's rights and Abolition. They are profound reading, representing a much more serious artistic creation from Alcott which is reflective and uplifting, and at times dark and gloomy with the tale of 'The Death of John'. Ultimately it a profound piece of work that charts Alcott's continuing fight to represent social issues in industrial America. Have the tissues ready for this one. Don't say we didn't warn you.-
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. This fascinating tale marks a milestone in world literature as being one of the first examples of the 'mummy's curse' narrative. It follows Paul Forsyth and the older professor Niles as they explore ancient Egyptian ruins, haplessly disturbing the ancient peace of a powerful sorceress' tomb. Upon his return home, Forsyth will present his young fiancee with an ancient souvenir from his travels, which unbeknown to him will have deathly consequences. It is a captivating and haunting tale, furthering Alcott's work with the 'femme fatale' narrative, in a story that is significant in world literature. This story is perfect for anyone who loved Brendan Fraser's 'The Mummy', just with a more serious, but equally enjoyable thrill.-
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
42,99 kr. 'Moods' follows the life of the strong willed tom-boy Sylvia Yule, who is heavily inspired by Alcott's own experiences, embodying her strong feminist and abolitionist attitudes. On a river camping trip with her brother, two of his friends will fall in love with her and compete for her heart. Sylvia will marry one of the men out of passion but will he be the right one for her? The rest of the novel follows Sylvia as she tries to find her place in the world while not losing her own identity. In many ways this tale is Alcott criticising the hasty decisions made in the throes of passion, and the loss of freedom a woman faces when she does marry. It is a timeless tale of love and loss perfect for anyone who loved 'Jane Eyre' or 'Pride and Prejudice', just with an American kick.-
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Evelyn's pride and high standards lead her to marry a man she doesn't love, while leaving the man she does love in the past as a piece of history. Her true love is one who is "e;rich in youth, comeliness, talent, and ardor"e;, but poor in "e;fortune and friends"e;. 'Doctor Dorn's Revenge' is a tragic story about a love triangle gone wrong. It also incorporates a potent social critique of the institution of marriage as it existed in the 19th century.A poignant and thought-provoking novel written by one of America's leading suffragettes, 'Doctor Dorn's Revenge' is the perfect for fans of strong female characters in 19th century literature. Recommended for fans of the 2019 movie 'Little Women' based off the famous novel by Alcott - starring Florence Pugh, Emma Watson, Saoirse Ronan and Timothee Chalamet.-
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Pauline Valery is a scorned woman, rejected by her lover Gilbert Redmond for a wealthy heiress, she will stop at nothing to exact revenge. She will don a metaphorical mask, shielding her true emotions to the world only allowing people to see what she allows them to see. Using her understanding of human nature, she manipulates those around her to carry out her will, in this fast paced, chilling thriller. The consequences will be severe, but Pauline is a woman possessed and she will stop at nothing till Gilbert has felt her pain. It is a story perfect for lovers of revenge stories and thrillers, or anyone who loved Cameron Diaz's 'The Other Woman'.-
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. In 'Perilous Play' we are thrust amongst a group of wealthy Southern Belles and boys on a particularly boring day, until a young doctor among them produces treats infused with cannabis. Taking them eagerly, the group soon finds themselves falling through a raucous, cannabis fuelled thrill ride with some almost fatal consequences. In many ways it is the 19th century equivalent of 'Pineapple Express' but with frocks and no Seth Rogen.-
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. 'We can't do much, being "e;only girls,"e;' said Anna; 'but if each does one small chore somewhere it will pave the way for better work'.From the author of 'Little Women', this short story follows a group of young Boston girls who discover the power of kindness and of sharing their abundance. As descendants of the Pilgrim Fathers, they call themselves the May Flower Club. Instead of gathering to sew and read, they decide to spend their time helping the poor over the winter. They each choose and commit to a project, which they will reveal to each other the following spring if they succeed. But success does not come without struggle.Inspiring, wholesome, and filled with lessons applicable in our world today, "e;May Flowers"e; is a classic Louisa May Alcott story. -
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.