Bøger af Kristiane Hauer

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  • af Kristiane Hauer, Morten Brask, Christina Tempest, mfl.
    59,99 kr.

    ”On kuin Stina näkisi itsensä ulkopuolelta, kuin sumussa. Kuka oikein on tämä hullu nainen, joka uskaltaa tehdä jotain tällaista? Niin hän katsoo alaspäin, ja näky Thorista istumassa polvillaan hänen edessään ja suutelemassa keskittyneesti hänen reisiään, kuin mies melkein palvoisi niitä, täyttää Stinan sekä ylpeydellä että halulla.”Vaaka ei paljasta korttejaan ennen kuin on varma, että todella haluaa toisen osapuolen kanssa vällyjen alle. Sinne päästyään tämä eloisa ilmamerkki on kuitenkin estoton ja kiihkeä. Hänelle on tärkeää täyttää partnerinsa toiveet ja tyydyttää tämä kerta toisenta jälkeen. Vaa'an pedistä et lähde tyytymättömänä. Elämäniloinen vaaka pitää flirttailusta ja nauttii saamastaan huomiosta. Vaaka etsii tasapainoa koko elämänsä ajan, mutta on uskollinen ja luotettava kumppani. Hän on herkkä, antelias ja romanttinen petikumppani. Nautinnonhaluinen vaaka pitää kauniista ja aistikkaisista partnereista.Tässä kokoelmassa on seuraavat novellit:Lumi – eroottinen novelliShe moves in mysterious ways – eroottinen novelliSeksiklubi La Cabaña - eroottinen novelliKahvia? - eroottinen novelliTyömiestä etsitään Osa 1 - eroottinen novelliTyömiestä etsitään Osa 2 - eroottinen novelliMonisuhteinen joulu – eroottinen novelliNokkosia ja saunaa – eroottinen novelliOpiskelija-asuntola – eroottinen novelliRocktähti - eroottinen novelliTässä kokoelmassa on eroottisia novelleja seuraavilta LUST-kirjoittajilta: Saga Stigsdotter, Vanessa Salt, Malin Edholm, Amanda Backman, Kristiane Hauer, Morten Brask, Beatrice Nielsen ja Christina Tempest.

  • af Kristiane Hauer, Morten Brask, Christina Tempest, mfl.
    61,99 kr.

    “In her backpack, she finds the small bag with the new underwear she bought on her way over yesterday. Lace the colour of lavender. She is looking forward to showing it to James tonight. It is just transparent enough that her pink nipples become slightly visible through the bra.” – Coffee ‘The Zodiac Series: 10 Erotic Short Stories for Libra’ is a collection of erotica that aligns with this air sign. Ruled by the goddesses of love and beauty, Venus and Aphrodite, Libras are blessed with the art of seduction and love the act of falling in love. Lover of the zodiac, let your horoscope read romance, seduction and satisfaction with this collection of stories.The last in this series, ‘The Zodiac Series: 10 Erotic Short Stories for Libra’ features the stories: ‘The Rock Star’, ‘Student Accommodation’, ‘Handyman Wanted Part 1’, ‘Handyman Wanted Part 2’, ‘Coffee’, ‘Nettles and Sauna’, ‘A Polyamorous Christmas’, ‘The Sex Club La Cabaña’, ‘She moves in mysterious ways’, and ‘Snow’.LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They’re on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow ourselves to understand that it’s okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on.This compilation includes erotic short stories written by the following LUST authors: Malin Edholm, Vanessa Salt, Beatrice Nielsen, Amanda Backman, Christina Tempest, Morten Brask, Kristiane Hauer, and Saga Stigsdotter.

  • af Morten Brask, Kristiane Hauer, Christina Tempest, mfl.
    Fra 45,99 kr.

    "Zodiaken: 10 Erotiska noveller för Vågen" handlar om att flirta vilt på sexklubb med läckra drinkar, dans och nakna kroppar. Att ge och få tillfredsställelse och att vara ständigt efterfrågad på dejtingscenen. Erotik som passar Vågen med berättelser som har erotisk balans – alltifrån romantik till hardcore. Denna samling innehåller följande erotiska noveller:SnöShe moves in mysterious waysSexklubben La CabañaKaffeHantverkare sökes del 1Hantverkare sökes del 2En polyamorös jul Nässlar och risbastuKorridorsrummetRockstjärnanAmanda Backman, Christina Tempest, Beatrice Nielsen, Vanessa Salt, Saga Stigsdotter, Malin Edholm, Morten Brask, Kristiane Hauer.

  • af Kristiane Hauer
    Fra 37,99 kr.

    He ovat asuneet yhdessä viisitoista vuotta, ja lähes kaikki sujuu rutiinilla, mutta kun mies näkee naisen alastoman siluetin suihkuverhon takana, hän tuntee kaipuuta saada koskettaa tätä. Ulkopuolinen maailma on hiljainen ja kylmä lumisateen jälkeen, ja heidän molempien täytyy jäädä kotiin, mutta tytöt voivat mennä kouluun. On aivan tavallinen päivä, mutta jokin tuntuu erilaiselta. He saavat olla hetken täysin kahdestaan ja nauttivat iltapäivästä täysin siemauksin...Kristiane Hauer on kirjailija, luennoitsija ja kirjallisuudentutkija. Novelli "Lumi" on osa eroottista antologiaa "360 astetta".

  • af Kristiane Hauer, Lotte Garbers, Betty Frank Simonsen, mfl.
    42,99 kr.

    “I tried to pull back a little so my breasts weren’t so pressed up against the blonde one, but the music pulled us closer together. His leg slid between mine. It had an unexpected effect. Something opened up and a warm, tickling sensation spread up through my abdomen. I rested my head on his chest and he kissed my hair, saying something in French I couldn’t understand. For the first time that evening, I didn’t think of Felix and even when I did, I didn’t pull away. I knew it was wrong, but I stayed, pressed up against this man I’d barely said a word to, feeling his thigh muscles against my crotch.” – She moves in mysterious ways.Part of the erotic alphabet series, ‘Y is for Yes to Everything - 10 Erotic Short Stories’ is a collection of erotica that encourages you to say yes to passion, yes to pleasure, and yes to your sexy fantasies and desires. From taboo relationships that play with power to bondage and voyeurism; say yes to these stories for steamy moments.The twenty-fifth and penultimate collection in this alphabet series, ‘Y is for Yes to Everything’ features the stories: ‘The Medical Interns’, ‘Alice’s Awakening’, ‘Skydive’, ‘Tie Me Up’, ‘Sex on Show’, ‘Tip’, ‘She moves in mysterious ways’, ‘8. Arrondissement’, ‘March’, and ‘Snow’.LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They’re on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow ourselves to understand that it’s okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on.This compilation includes erotic short stories written by the following LUST authors: Vanessa Salt, Sandra Norrbin, Julie Jones, Nicolas Lemarin, Anne-Marie Vedsø Olesen, Morten Brask, Betty Frank Simonsen, Lotte Garbers, and Kristiane Hauer.

  • af Saga Stigsdotter, Kristiane Hauer, Erika Svensson, mfl.
    59,99 kr.

    "Suddenly his hands are all over her body and she lies down on the sofa with him on top of her. She moans and presses against him. He presses his hips against hers and she can feel how hard he is. He unbuttons her trousers and pulls them down together with her panties. He undresses too and then there is nothing left to keep them apart." – A Spark of Lust‘10 Ways to Raise the Temperature – A Collection of Erotica for Surviving Winter’ is an anthology of fiery hot stories that will keep you hot and horny all through winter. From sparks of lust that warm snow-filled days on the ski slopes to steamy Christmas tales. From ringing in the New Year with something sexy to Valentine’s Day (arguably the sexiest day of winter), there’s a story in this collection for everyone.This collection includes the stories: ‘Snow’, ‘The Ski-Flirt’, ‘Nettles and Sauna’, ‘The Merry Widow’, ‘A Fire of Desire’, ‘A Spark of Lust’, ‘A Polyamorous Christmas’, ‘December 25: He Came for Christmas - An Erotic Christmas Calendar’, ‘New Year’s Eve’, and ‘Valentine’s Night’.LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They’re on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow us to understand that it’s okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on.This compilation includes erotic short stories written by the following LUST authors: Shailene Craig, Vicktoria Gilles, Katja Slonawski, Malin Edholm, Lea Lind, Sofia Fritzson, Malva B., Kristiane Hauer and Saga Stigsdotter.

  • af Kristiane Hauer, Erika Svensson, Malva B., mfl.
    59,99 kr.

    "He longed for Anais when they got to bed, maybe just as much because he wanted to erase the image of Zoe." - ‘French Temptations’Part of the erotic alphabet series, ‘M is for Married - 14 Erotic Short Stories’ is a collection of erotica that will make you want to say ‘I do’ to pleasure. From consummating a marriage during a desire-filled honeymoon to the illicit infidelity of married couples, this collection has a sexy story for every reader.The thirteenth instalment in the alphabet series, ‘M is for Married’ features stories such as ‘Oh, Unholy Night’, ‘Desire 1: Honeymoon’, ‘Seduced in the Library’, ‘Candy and Hugo’, ‘French Temptations’, ‘Newly in Love’, and many more!LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They’re on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow ourselves to understand that it’s okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on.This compilation includes erotic short stories written by the following LUST authors: Katja Slonawski, Sarah Skov, Camille Bech, Andrea Hansen, Amanda Backman, Alexandria Varg, Julie Jones, Alexandra Södergran, Malva B., and Kristiane Hauer.

  • af Saga Stigsdotter, Kristiane Hauer, Nicole Löv, mfl.
    59,99 kr.

    "In my memories, you're clearly present. In my dreams you're real, you're mine. Your lips find mine again. Your tongue is as playful as I remember it. Your demeanour is sensual and curious. Your laugh is so spirited. Your hands are so inquisitive. Your kisses so persistent. Your body so greedy, but also yielding. I feel the warmth of you around my cock. I sense your wet and slippery clit on my fingertips, and I feel how you tighten around me, squeezing me right before you orgasm." – Memories of You‘Intimo: Erotic Stories for When You Feel Sad’ is a collection of erotica from LUST that lets you get sensual in your sadness. Whether you’re mourning memories of the one that got away, feeling wistful of your first time or dreaming of better days like passion in Paris, this collection is the perfect pick-me-up pleasure for when you feel sad.This collection includes the stories: ‘Memories of You’, ‘Stay with Me’, ‘The First Time’, ‘Valentine’, ‘I Saw Her Dancing in Paris’, ‘Seize the Day’, ‘A Dream of Paris’, ‘Silent Retreat’, ‘Nettles and Sauna’, and ‘Snow’.LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They’re on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow ourselves to understand that it’s okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on. This compilation includes erotic short stories written by the following LUST authors: B. J. Hermansson, Sarah Skov, Lea Lind, Amanda Backman, Alexandra Södergran, Christina Tempest, Nicole Löv, Kristiane Hauer, and Saga Stigsdotter.

  • af Kristiane Hauer, Malva B., Alexandra Södergran, mfl.
    59,99 kr.

    "The woman on the porch was not at all what he had imagined. In the mundane setting, she was too beautiful even though she was old. She wasn't wearing any makeup, had tiny creases around her eyes and mouth, but with a twinkle in her eye. She was a part of the adult world, but at the same time, she was not. He didn't quite know how or why, but before he had uttered a single word, he had already imagined them two together, half-naked in one or two different positions." – Come InPart of the erotic alphabet series, ‘A is for Age is just a number: 10 Erotic Short Stories’ is a collection of erotica that delves into power balances, taboos of age differences, and long-term relationships in an array of sexy scenarios.The first in this alphabet series, ‘A is for Age is just a number’ features the stories: ‘The German Lesson’, ‘Daddy’s Girl’, "Come in’, Daddy’s Girl, Second Act’, ‘The Piano Teacher’, ‘The Medical Interns’, Desire 11: The Lover’, ‘The Publisher’, ‘Pool Boy’, and ‘Snow’.LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They’re on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow ourselves to understand that it’s okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on.This compilation includes erotic short stories written by the following LUST authors: Vanessa Salt, Sandra Norrbin, Anita Bang, Alexandra Södergran, Malva B., and Kristiane Hauer.

  • af Kristiane Hauer, Betty Frank Simonsen, Lotte Garbers, mfl.
    77,99 kr.

    ‘Hands, Lips, Eyes: 5 Erotic Series And Other Thrilling Erotic Short Stories’ is a collection from LUST that allows you to experience exciting sexual encounters vicariously through a range of fantasies and tales. From friends with benefits to fun in Paris, from hot and sexy summers to bondage and games, find what pleasures you.This collection includes: ‘Summer Sex 1: The Bus’, ‘Summer Sex 2: The Beach’, ‘Summer Sex 3: The Park’, ‘All About Hands’, ‘Preview’, ‘Opening night’, ‘The Medical Interns’, ‘Delirium', Yukako’, ‘Friends with Benefits: Through Tony's Eyes’, ‘Friends with Benefits: Through Jack's Eyes’, ‘Madame 1: Foreplay’, ‘A Dream of Paris’, ‘Fearless: A Dream of Paris 2’, ‘The Waitress, 'Tip’, ‘March’, ‘Snow’, ‘8. Arrondissement’, ‘She moves in mysterious ways’, ‘Dangerous’, ‘Games’, and ‘Tie Me Up’.

  • af Kristiane Hauer
    38,99 kr.

    They have lived together for fifteen years, almost everything is routine, but when he sees the silhouette of her naked body behind the shower curtain, he feels a sudden urge to touch her. The world outside is quiet and cold after the snowfall, both of them have to stay at home but the girls can go to school. It's an ordinary day, but something feels different - they finally have a moment to themselves and make the most of the afternoon...Kristiane Hauer is a writer, lecturer and researcher of literature. The novella "Snow" is part of the erotic novella anthology "360 degrees".

  • af Kristiane Hauer
    Fra 24,99 kr.

    De har bott tillsammans i femton år, nästan allt går på rutin, men när han ser silhuetten av hennes nakna kropp bakom duschdraperiet känner han en längtan efter att röra henne. Världen utanför är tyst och kall efter snöfallet, båda två måste stanna hemma men flickorna kan gå till skolan. Det är en vanlig dag, men någonting känns annorlunda. De får en stund för sig själva och utnyttjar eftermiddagen till fullo ...Kristiane Hauer är författare, föreläsare och litteraturforskare. Novellen "Snö"är del av den erotiska antologin "360 grader".

  • af Kristiane Hauer
    99,00 kr.

    Gennem en række korte, sammenhængende tekster formår debutanten Kristiane Hauer med stor sproglig intensitet og sanselig erindringsevne at skildre en piges opvækst fra de tidligste år og indtil puberteten. Ved hjælp af umærkelige forskydninger i tone og synsvinkel viser forfatteren udviklingen af et sprog og en bevidsthed. Læseren efterlades med en dyb følelse af genkendelse og med et fornyet blik på det uendeligt store i barndommens uendeligt små. En sikker og bemærkelsesværdig debut.

  • af Kristiane Hauer
    99,00 kr.

    I Kristiane Hauers nye prosadigtsamling forlades det nære og personlige til fordel for et mere modnet og nutidigt ""vi"". Prosadigtene skildrer dette ""vi""s utrættelige og rastløse fremdrift hen mod et mål, der måske kan give forløsning, men som også indeholder truende elementer af definitiv afslutning. Samtidig formuleres en længsel efter at træde ud af den konstante bevægelse ind i et helt andet og mere betydningsfuldt rum enten alene eller i mødet med det andet menneske.

  • af Morten Brask, Stephanie Gaarde Caruana, Betty Frank Simonsen, mfl.
    99,00 kr.

    ... sie sieht Patricia vor sich, wie sie mit dem über das Bett gebreiteten, roten Haar dalag, wie sie sich erst neckisch zur Seite drehte, um die Vorfreude hinauszuzögern ... Die junge Schriftstellerin Frederikke scheint zu einem langweiligen Leben in der Provinz verdammt. Voller Sehnsucht schwelgt sie in Erinnerungen an das wilde Kopenhagener Nachtleben und an ihre Nächte mit der schönen Patricia. Doch dann wird ihr eine neue „Gesellschaftsdame" an die Seite gestellt, die ihre Lust von Neuem weckt.

  • af Kristiane Hauer
    36,99 kr.

    … Ein Gefühl, dort hinzufallen, wo man hingehört, während er in ihr wächst und wächst, mit jeder Bewegung voraus. Ein Gefühl, zu Hause angekommen zu sein, sich genau am richtigen Ort zu fühlen, während er sich in ihr erstreckt und der Schnee sich auf ihm in Wasser verwandelt, das in der Luft verdampft …

  • af Kristiane Hauer
    39,00 kr.

    Deres ægteskab er på det stadie, hvor hverdagens rutiner har slukket gnisten mellem dem. Hendes liv drejer sig om arbejde og børnepasning, og han overvejer, om de måske skulle blive skilt. Men denne dag sner det så meget, at de begge bliver hjemme fra arbejde. Kan de genfinde den varme gnist i det kolde vintervejr?Kristiane Hauer har udgivet en digtsamling og et par romaner, senest "Ta’ selv" i 2012. Novellen "Sne" er en del af den erotiske novelleantologi "360 grader".

  • af Kristiane Hauer
    99,00 kr.

    Livets mange muligheder ligger lige for, da Line danser ind i det nye årtusind. For når man er køn og klog, og hverken har svært ved at få veninder, kærester eller arbejde, burde der være frit valg på alle hylder. Hvis bare hun ikke pludselig blev så forfærdelig træt …Ta’ selv er en moderne dannelsesroman om en ung kvindes søgen efter en plads i voksenlivet. Vi følger Line, fra hun er midt i tyverne og ti år frem, hvor de store valg skal træffes. Alt er tilsyneladende til forhandling, men alligevel viser der sig hurtigt nogle begrænsninger, hvis man gerne vil leve inden for rammerne af et helt almindeligt liv.