Bøger af Jack London
169,99 kr. Deep dive into the ultimate collection of dark and dangerous survival tales from the master-adventure writer, Jack London.From questions about hope and humanity in ‘The Call of the Wild’ and a wolfdog's attempt to adjust to domesticated life in ‘White Fang’ to surviving an ocean collision in ´The Sea Wolf´, this collection explores loss, love, and trust in a variety of profound adventure novels.Weaving a rip-roaring collection of daring tales, ‘Selected Jack London’ is the perfect companion for fans of Leonardo DiCaprio’s tense ‘The Revenant’.Jack London (1876-1916) was an American novelist, journalist, and social activist. Celebrated today as a pioneer of commercial fiction and American magazines, he is also dubbed an innovator in the science fiction genre. London’s famous works span ‘The Call of the Wild’, ‘White Fang’, and ‘Sea Wolf’.Many of his novels are set during the 19th-century American Gold Rush – proving ideal for history, adventure, and Western lovers. Jack London remains today an inspiring writer ahead of his time, both on the page and throughout his political life.
- E-bog
- 169,99 kr.
163,99 kr. Deep dive into this dark and dangerous collection of ‘Dystopian Classics’ from some of the greatest writers of futuristic fiction to grace the page!From three friends' attempts at saving their city in ‘Heads of Cerberus’, to reckoning with a powerful plague and changing climates in ‘The Last Man’, this collection features futuristic stories packed with conflicts and dangerous journeys.We’ll stay in the future fast lane in the original tale of the blockbuster hit film adaptation ‘The Time Machine’. But beware, humanity has divided into two dark and dangerous tribes. Which one will our hero choose? Lastly, ‘The Iron Heel’ sees a failed and forced future of the United States in the years preceding World War 2.Weaving a thrilling adventure collection of futuristic tales, ‘Dystopian Classics’ is the perfect companion for film fans of ‘Back to the Future’ and ´The Last of Us´.H. G. Wells (1866-1946) was an English writer and Noble Prize in Literature nominee, prolific across several genres and celebrated as the father of science fiction.Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (1797-1851) was an English novelist, celebrated for her early example of science fiction in her widely read Gothic novel ‘Frankenstein’.Jack London (1876-1916) was an American novelist and journalist. Celebrated today as a pioneer of commercial fiction and American magazines, he is also dubbed an innovator in the science fiction genre.Francis Stevens, pseudonym of Gertrude Barrows Bennet (1884-1948), was a writer of science fiction and fantasy and one of the leading names on the American literary scene.
- E-bog
- 163,99 kr.
Fra 42,99 kr. The story takes place in the extreme conditions of the Yukon during the 19th century Klondike Gold Rush, where strong sled dogs were in high demand. After Buck, a domesticated dog, is snatched from a pastoral ranch in California, he is sold into a brutal life as a sled dog. The novella details Buck's struggle to adjust and survive the cruel treatment he receives from humans, other dogs, and nature. He eventually sheds the veneer of civilization altogether and instead relies on primordial instincts and the lessons he has learned to become a respected and feared leader in the wild. The Call of the Wild is London's most popular work and is considered the masterpiece of his so called 'early period'. The novella is often classified as children's literature because of its animal protagonist, but the maturity of its subject matter makes it valuable for older audiences as well. Major themes include survival of the fittest, civilization versus nature, and fate versus free will.
Fra 69,00 kr. I "Ulvehunden" af Jack London er hovedpersonen vildhunden Hvidtand, der lever i den barske canadiske vildmark. Sammen med sin mor bor den hos nogle indfødte indianere, men Hvidtand gør sig uvenner med alt og alle, da hans følsomme natur ikke passer sammen med resten af spandet. Eksklusionen gør Hvidtand hårdhjertet og til en slagsbror. En dag træffer Hvidtand dog et menneske med en overmenneskelig tålmodig. Et menneske, der bliver hans redningsplanke tilbage til sit egentlig, gode hunde-jeg
14,99 kr. Ce recueil est composé de 5 textes féministes parcourant les XVIIIe, XIXe et XXe siècles :Déclaration des Droits de la Femme et de la Citoyenne : « La Femme naît libre et demeure égale à l'homme en droits. » C'est ainsi qu'Olympe de Gouges, grande figure de la Révolution française, interpelle les femmes du monde entier, d'hier, d'aujourd'hui, et de demain, et ouvre un passage libéré de l'exclusivité masculine à toutes les générations futures. Le 3 novembre 1793, avant d'être guillotinée pour ses idées politiques, elle aurait lancé : « Je suis certaine que nous triompherons un jour ».Ourika : Ourika est une des premières héroïne d'origine Africaine de la littérature occidentale, ainsi qu'une des premières héroïnes romantiques prise dans la dualité même de sa double origine. Si Goethe lui-même fut bouleversé par ce roman, c'est que Claire de Durfort Duras jette une lumière des plus pures sur l'esclavage, l’éducation des filles, et le sentiment de rejet lié à l'origine.Indiana : Oppressé par son mariage, et une nouvelle relation destructrice, Indiana est le symbole d'un genre. George Sand dénonce, pour la première fois camouflée derrière un pseudonyme masculin, les conditions de vie des femmes du XIXe siècle.De l’assujettissement des femmes : L´écrivain britannique John Stuart Mill était l´un des premiers écrivains masculins à se positionner pour l´égalité des sexes et à défendre la libération des femmes. Il se pencha sur la liberté économique des femmes et était de l´avis que le rôle d´une femme dans le mariage devait évoluer.La Petite Dame dans la Grande Maison : Début du XXe siècle en Amérique : et si la femme pouvait choisir la vie amoureuse qui lui convient ? Libérés de la morale ordinaire, les personnages de London vivent en ménage à trois. De quoi secouer les conservateurs !Olympe de Gouges (1748-1793) est une femme de lettres française et politique, une des pionnières du féminisme français et un emblème pour les mouvements de libération des femmes. Elle lutte aussi pour l’abolition de l'esclavage et de la peine de mort.Claire de Durfort Duras (1777-1828) est une écrivaine française connue pour son roman « Ourika ». Née d’une mère martiniquaise et d’un père français, elle analyse les questions d’égalité raciale et sexuelle.George Sand (1804-1876), pseudonyme d'Amantine Aurore Lucile Dupin est une romancière française. Ardente féministe, elle fait scandale par ses tenues masculines, par sa vie amoureuse agitée, et pour le droit au divorce qu'elle revendique. Elle s'illustre à la fois dans la vie littéraire et dans la vie politique.Le philosophe et politicien britannique John Stuart Mill (1806+1873) est un des penseurs libéraux les plus importants du XIXe siècle. Il est particulièrement connu pour ses théories d´utilitarisme. Il s´est occupé de divers sujets politiques et philosophiques, dont les concepts de liberté et d´égalité des sexes.Jack London (1876-1916), né John Griffith Chaney, est un écrivain américain, naquît en tant que John Griffith Chaney qui s'inspire de ses nombreuses aventures pour écrire. Son célèbre roman « L’Appel de la forêt » a été adapté au cinéma en 2020 dans le film de Chris Sanders avec Harrison Ford et Omar Sy.
- E-bog
- 14,99 kr.
22,99 kr. En 2073, un vieillard, vêtu d’une peau de bête, survit dans la baie de San Francisco entouré de ses petits-enfants.James Howard Smith est l’un des seuls survivants de l’épidémie de 2013, la Peste écarlate, qui a ravagé la population mondiale.À travers ce récit, l’ancien professeur tente d’apprendre à ces enfants, qui ne connaissent rien d’autre que la chasse et la pêche, ce qu’était le monde d’avant, portant en lui l’espoir de faire renaître la culture et la civilisation.Mais l’homme ne restera-t-il pas toujours un loup pour l’homme ?© Beta Publisher, 2020, 2022, Saga EgmontIllustrations : François DesoleCe texte vous est présenté par Saga, en association avec Beta Publisher.Jack London (1876-1916) est un écrivain américain. Alors qu’il débute sa carrière par de nombreux métiers tels que balayeur, menuisier et agriculteur, il rêve de liberté et d’aventures. À l’âge de 17 ans, il embarque comme matelot dans un voyage qui le mène au large du Japon et lui inspire son premier récit. De retour en Amérique, il ne trouve pas de travail fixe et se fait enfermer pour vagabondage. À sa sortie, sa participation à la ruée vers l’or du Klondike et son tour du monde inachevé continuent à alimenter son inspiration, et parvient enfin à acquérir richesse et célébrité avec ses œuvres littéraires avant de mourir à l’âge de 40 ans.
- E-bog
- 22,99 kr.
111,99 kr. Primo romanzo di Jack London, scritto nel 1902, "La figlia delle nevi" è tra le sue opere meno conosciute. Ambientato nello Yukon, narra la storia di Frona Welse. Diplomata a Stanford e con il fisico di una valchiria, Frona desta clamore nell'ambiente del padre benestante per i suoi modi schietti e per la sua amicizia con una prostituta. È inoltre contesa da due pretendenti: Gregory St Vincent, un uomo del luogo, che si rivela vigliacco e malvagio, e Vance Corliss, un ingegnere minerario che ha studiato a Yale. Frona è un'eroina forte e sicura di sé, una delle molte che avrebbero poi popolato gli scritti dell'autore.Questo audiolibro è stato realizzato in collaborazione con Edizioni Clichy.Jack London (pseudonimo di John Griffith Chaney London; 1876 – 1916) è stato uno scrittore, giornalista e drammaturgo statunitense.In realtà fece tantissimi altri lavori, coerenti con uno stile di vita vagabondo e solo poi riuscì a realizzarsi, dopo diversi tentativi, come scrittore di successo. È noto in particolare per "Il richiamo della foresta", "Martin Eden" e "Zanna Bianca".
- Lydbog
- 111,99 kr.
12,99 kr. Trzymająca w napięciu opowieść o brutalności świata i walce o sprawiedliwość.Meksyk, rok 1911. W kraju czuć zbliżającą się rewolucję. Wojskowi spiskują przeciwko dyktatorskim rządom prezydenta Porfifria Díaza. Dołącza do nich młody chłopak, o którym niewiele wiadomo. Widać jednak, że w całości oddany jest sprawie. Sam znajduje sposób, by zdobywać pieniądze potrzebne na wsparcie rewolucji. Jakie wydarzenie z jego życia sprawiło, że w oczach osiemnastolatka pojawiła się nienawiść i chęć mordu?Jeśli znasz rewolucjonistyczną twórczość Mariano Azulei, z pewnością spodoba Ci się "Meksykanin".Jack London (1876-1916) był amerykańskim pisarzem o niezwykle barwnym życiorysie. Pracował między innymi jako gazeciarz, marynarz, kłusownik i poszukiwacz złota. Był reporterem wojennym podczas konfliktu rosyjsko-japońskiego z 1905 roku, relacjonował także wojnę domową w Meksyku. W twórczości czerpał z przeżyć autobiograficznych, poruszał tematy społeczne i relacje człowieka z naturą. Wśród najpopularniejszych utworów Londona można wymienić, takie jak: "Biały Kieł", "Wilk morski", "Zew krwi" czy "Meksykanin".
- E-bog
- 12,99 kr.
23,99 kr. Jack London zabiera czytelników w świat rdzennych mieszkańców Ameryki widziany oczami białych kolonizatorów. Grupa mężczyzn spędza upalny wieczór w starym klubie w San Francisco. Czas upływa im na rozmowach i wspominaniu młodości. Jeden z nich, Trefethan, zaczyna snuć opowieść o zdarzeniu, które na zawsze wryło się w jego pamięć. Mowa o spotkaniu tajemniczej amazonki o imieniu Lucy. Mężczyzna stopniowo zyskiwał zaufanie kobiety, która obezwładniła go swoim wdziękiem i urodą. Lucy zwierzyła mu się z historii, którą teraz przekazuje reszcie współtowarzyszy...Sprawdź koniecznie, jeśli z zaciekawieniem śledzisz wątek przygód młodego Iana Murraya z serialu Outlander!Jack London (1876-1916) był amerykańskim pisarzem o niezwykle barwnym życiorysie. Pracował między innymi jako gazeciarz, marynarz, kłusownik i poszukiwacz złota. Był reporterem wojennym podczas konfliktu rosyjsko-japońskiego z 1905 roku, relacjonował także wojnę domową w Meksyku. W twórczości czerpał z przeżyć autobiograficznych, poruszał tematy społeczne i relacje człowieka z naturą. Wśród najpopularniejszych utworów Londona można wymienić, takie jak: "Biały Kieł", "Wilk morski", "Zew krwi" czy "Meksykanin".
- E-bog
- 23,99 kr.
96,99 kr. Drei von Jack Londons unvergesslichen Geschichten vereint in einer Sammlung, packend und mitreißend für Fans von zeitlosen Abenteuergeschichten."Wolfsblut" erzählt die Geschichte eines Welpen, der durch die harte Schule menschlicher Herren geht, bevor er seine wahre Wolfsseele und die Wildnis wiederfindet. "Die Goldschlucht" nimmt uns mitten hinein in den kalifornischen Goldrausch, wo unser Held eine geheime Schlucht findet und dort beginnt nach Gold zu schürfen - mit dramatischen Folgen. "Eine Odyssee des Nordens" entführt uns in die eisigen Weiten Alaskas, wo ein Stammeshäuptling sich aufmachen muss, seine geliebte entführte Frau weiderzufinden.Jack London (1876–1916), wuchs als uneheliches Kind in armen Verhältnissen auf und musste schon früh seinen eigenen Lebensunterhalt erstreiten. Sein bewegtes und ruheloses Leben spiegelt sich in seinen zahlreichen Erzählungen wieder, sei es der eisige amerikanische Norden, der kalifornische Goldrausch oder gefährliche Seefahrten die ihn bis nach Asien führten. Dabei spannt sein literarisches Schaffen den Bogen von Geschichten über Reportagen bis zu autobiografischem Schreiben. London fühlte sich aufgrund seiner Erfahrungen stark der Arbeiterklasse verbunden und strebte auch eine politische Karriere an. Zu seinen Lebzeiten war er der meistverkaufte Autor der Welt, litt aber unter gesundheitlichen Problemen und starb bereits mit 40 Jahren unter ungewissen Umständen.
- Lydbog
- 96,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Kirjailija Jack London tunnetaan erityisesti Klondikeen sijoittuvista novelleista ja romaaneista, joissa kullankaivajat ahertavat vaativissa olosuhteissa. London oli ollut Klondikessa myös itse. Klondike ei kuitenkaan ole ainoa paikka, jonne Londonin omat seikkailut suuntautuivat. Vuonna 1907 Jack London päätti purjehtia eteläisen Tyynenmeren yli Snark-purjeveneellään. Matkaseurana oli vaimo Charmian London. Yhdessä he kokivat uskomattomia seikkailuja alueen saarilla ja vierailivat Bora Boran kaltaisissa eksoottisissa paikoissa. Matkalla oli suuri vaikutus myös Jack Londonin kirjallisuuteen. Esimerkiksi Auringon poika -nimisen novellikokoelman novellit sijoittuvat Tyynenmeren saarille.Etelämeren auringon alla on selonteko tästä Londonin jännittävästä matkasta.Jack London (1876–1916) syntyi San Franciscossa. 15-vuotiaasta saakka hänen oli selvittävä omillaan huonosti palkatuissa töissä, kuten kullankaivajana Pohjois-Amerikan erämaassa. Myöhemmin London palasi takaisin Kaliforniaan ja alkoi työskennellä lehtimiehenä ja kirjailijana. Lyhyeksi jääneen elämänsä aikana Londonista tuli sekä rikas että kuuluisa Yukon-aiheisilla romaaneillaan, kuten Erämaan kutsu (1903) ja Susikoira (1906).
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
Fra 96,99 kr. Darrell Standing on yliopiston professori, joka on tuomittu elinkautiseen vankeusrangaistukseen murhasta. Elama vankilassa on kamalaa. Vanginvartijat kiduttavat Standingia pukemalla taman paalle eraanlaisen pakkopaidan. He haluavat saada Standingin puhumaan. Professori loytaa kuitenkin tavan paeta karsimysta. Kun paita puetaan Standingin ylle, han vaipuu transsiin ja matkustaa mielensa sisalla kauas pois.Jack Londonin fantasiaklassikko on julkaistu suomeksi myos nimella Tahtivaeltaja.-
38,99 kr. The footsteps of the enemy approach. Nearby, a young, voiceless calvary officer lies ready to act, but not in the way you might think. Words in time of war prove powerful, and in Jack London’s compelling novel, one young man is about to empty his lot like an overturned barrel. Conversations sweeping morality and humanity lose their meaning, whilst human kindness and the gullible nature of combat take hold.Crafting a simply written yet deeply profound exploration of the everyday life of soldiers, ‘War’ is a journey into the contradictory, complex and muddled web of human strife. A must-read for fans of Andrew Garfield’s ‘Hacksaw Ridge’.Jack London (1876-1916) was an American novelist, journalist and social activist. Celebrated today as a pioneer of commercial fiction and American magazines, he is also dubbed an innovator in the science fiction genre. London’s popular works span ‘The Call of the Wild’, ‘White Fang’ and ‘Sea Wolf’, along with short stories such as ‘An Odyssey of the North’. Many of his novels are set in the Gold Rush, 19th century America – proving ideal for history, adventure and Western lovers alike. Jack London remains today an inspiring writer ahead of his time, both on the page and throughout his political life.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. ‘To Build a Fire’ is one of Jack London’s (‘White Fang, ‘The Call of the Wild’) most cherished short stories. Drawn from London’s personal experiences, we follow an unnamed narrator taking his first steps into the untamed wilds of the Yukon. With only a native dog as his companion, our protagonist must contest with the hostile climate of the Yukon, as he surges ahead on a journey against nature that will shake him to his very core.‘To Build a Fire’ challenges readers to consider what survival means to them, and the lengths they would go to carry on in the most unforgiving territory in the world. Fans of London’s previous works will be enthralled with this story of man versus nature.Jack London (1876 – 1916) was an American journalist, social activist, and author of over 20 novels. From a working-class upbringing, London became one of the highest-paid authors of his time and a world-renowned celebrity. He is best remembered for his classic novels ‘The Call of the Wild’ (1903) and ‘White Fang’ (1906), and his short stories including ‘To Build a Fire’ (1902) and ‘An Odyssey of the North' (1900). Several of his works have found homes on the silver screen such as ‘The Call of the Wild’, which was recently adapted into a live-action film with ‘Star Wars’ and ‘Indiana Jones’ star Harrison Ford.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
77,99 kr. Pack away Danielle Steele, the vicar and the lonely housewife and take this little number to bed because Jack London and Anna Strunsky are dropping ample late-Victorian arguments about love and sex – a work so titillating that it was originally published anonymously.No, the novel is exactly as steamy and provocative as its title suggests, "The Kempton-Wace Letters" being a discussion of contrasting opinions on love and how to approach it. Using pseudonyms, London makes the practical, scientific argument of eugenics and Darwinism, while Strunsky opts for the idea of romantic, passionate love in a traditional sense. The sensible vs. the sensitive. The mind vs. the heart. And one side will come out on top.Structured as an exchange of letters between fictitious gentlemen, "The Kempton-Wace Letters" has its roots in the personal relationship of London and Strunsky whose differing views on marriage doomed a potential relationship.Jack London (1876–1916) was an American writer and social activist. He grew up in the working class, but became a worldwide celebrity and one of the highest paid authors of his time. He wrote several novels, which are considered classics today, among these 'Call of the Wild', 'Sea Wolf' and 'White Fang'.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
77,99 kr. Move over, Karl Marx, because the latest incarnation of Super Socialist – Hero of the Working Class, Jack London, is here to pick up the Red Torch of Revolution and smite the evils of capitalism in a flurry of CRASH!, BANG! and KAPOWs! – and this is his manifesto slash origin story.Picking up a work titled "Revolution" by an author with strong political leanings is often (deservedly) met with an eye-roll and a "Here we go...", but while this collection of 12 essays and short stories is indeed intended as a vehicle for London's political views – one story even being about a man with the literal power to transform the world into a socialist Utopia, it also explores other, somewhat peculiar, topics.What would the perfect houseboat look like? What if animals could reason? How are Chinese people different from Japanese people? (yes, if this was an old Disney movie there would be a notice in the beginning)These are just some of the thoughts Jack London *also* had while writing this book, so consider it a deep dive into his mind and maybe take some of the ideas with a pinch of salt.Jack London (1876–1916) was an American writer and social activist. He grew up in the working class, but became a worldwide celebrity and one of the highest paid authors of his time. He wrote several novels, which are considered classics today, among these 'Call of the Wild', 'Sea Wolf' and 'White Fang'.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
77,99 kr. A tale of literal and proverbial gold diggers.Not the incel manifesto you might expect, "Scorn of Women" is one of Jack London's rare attempts at playwriting, being a three-act adaptation of his short story of the same name. It is available in London’s 1901 collection "The God of His Fathers".Floyd Vanderlip has made it big in the Klondike Gold Rush and has, in unrelated news, caught the eye of the local womenfolk. Promiscuous dancers, married women and Floyd's actual fiancée all want the 'lip' treatment and so he becomes spolied for choice on the ladies front.A comedy of class, manners and manipulation, "Scorn of Women" takes the reader to the golden age of Yukon Territory, Canada (1896-1899) where London – ever the socialist, brings together all layers of society under one roof in the hunt for that noblest of metals. And while it has been long excavated, nobody will leave the ball with their hands clean.Jack London (1876–1916) was an American writer and social activist. He grew up in the working class, but became a worldwide celebrity and one of the highest paid authors of his time. He wrote several novels, which are considered classics today, among these 'Call of the Wild', 'Sea Wolf' and 'White Fang'.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
Fra 40,99 kr. Kaksi miestä taittaa matkaa Yukonin kylmyydessä, vain rekikoirat seuranaan. Yllättäen esiin ilmestyy maja, jonka savupiipusta tupruaa savua. Miksi joku asuu keskellä metsää, asumattomalla seudulla? Käy ilmi, että paikka on tuttu toiselle miehistä. Majassa asuu kaunis nainen, joka tunnetaan nimellä Kultahohde. Naisessa on kuitenkin jotain häiritsevää. Kuka on Dave Walsh, josta nainen puhuu niin kiihkeästi? Ja mitä ihmettä Walshille on oikein tapahtunut?Kultahohde sisältää jännittäviä novelleja Yukonista, kullankaivajien maailmasta.Jack London (1876–1916) syntyi San Franciscossa. 15-vuotiaasta saakka hänen oli selvittävä omillaan huonosti palkatuissa töissä, kuten kullankaivajana Pohjois-Amerikan erämaassa. Myöhemmin London palasi takaisin Kaliforniaan ja alkoi työskennellä lehtimiehenä ja kirjailijana. Lyhyeksi jääneen elämänsä aikana Londonista tuli sekä rikas että kuuluisa Yukon-aiheisilla romaaneillaan, kuten Erämaan kutsu (1903) ja Susikoira (1906).
73,99 kr. Nuori mies on nähnyt lapsesta saakka outoja unia. Unissa hän kulkee tyystin vieraassa ympäristössä ja näkee asioita, joita ei ole hereillä ollessaan nähnyt. Vanhemmat pelkäävät pojan olevan sairas tai hysteerinen. Pikkuhiljaa poika alkaa kuitenkin ymmärtää, että unien kautta hän pääsee seikkailemaan menneeseen maailmaan. Unet vievät hänet keskelle esihistoriallista aikaa – aikaa, jolloin ruoka hankittiin keihäillä ja kodin virkaa ajoivat luolat. Onko kyseessä pojan entinen elämä?Jack London (1876–1916) syntyi San Franciscossa. 15-vuotiaasta saakka hänen oli selvittävä omillaan huonosti palkatuissa töissä, kuten kullankaivajana Pohjois-Amerikan erämaassa. Myöhemmin London palasi takaisin Kaliforniaan ja alkoi työskennellä lehtimiehenä ja kirjailijana. Lyhyeksi jääneen elämänsä aikana Londonista tuli sekä rikas että kuuluisa Yukon-aiheisilla romaaneillaan, kuten Erämaan kutsu (1903) ja Susikoira (1906).
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
Fra 69,99 kr. O jovem Humphrey van Weyden é salvo de um náufrago pela escuna Ghost. Porém, ele logo compreende que seu pesadelo está apenas começando: o capitão Wolf Larsen o obriga a integrar a tripulação de seu navio! A bordo, ele vivencia a árdua rotina dos marujos e a tirania imposta pelo capitão.Através desse romance presencia-se o embate entre o mundo primitivo da tripulação e a civilidade do jovem refém. Essa obra foi adaptada inúmeras vezes para o cinema, destacando-se o filme "O Lobo do Mar" (1913), que conta com a atuação do próprio escritor Jack London, e a minissérie homônima produzida em 2009.Jack London (1876-1916), escritor americano, nasceu como John Griffith Chaney. Desde muito jovem, ele trabalhou em muitas profissões, como carpinteiro e agricultor, o que o fez sonhar com a liberdade e aventuras. Aos 17 anos, embarcou como marinheiro em uma jornada que o levou para a costa do Japão e o inspirou a escrever sua primeira história. De volta à América do Norte, ele não encontrou emprego permanente e foi preso por vadiagem. Mais tarde, sua participação na corrida do ouro de Klondike, sua volta ao mundo inacabada e suas outras experiências pessoais continuaram alimentando sua inspiração. Ele adquiriu riqueza e fama com suas obras literárias antes de morrer aos 40 anos.Seu famoso romance "O Grito da Selva" foi adaptado para cinema em 1935 no filme homônimo estrelando Clark Gable e em 2020 no filme "O Chamado da Floresta" com Harrison Ford e Dan Stevens.
77,99 kr. Martin Eden is a semi-autobiographical tale from Jack London, following Martin Eden a destitute sailor with dreams of rising above poverty to become a best-selling author. Only by achieving financial and literary success can he hope to rise above his proletariat life and have a chance to marry Ruth Morse, the daughter of a wealthy San Francisco family. Through intense and passionate self-education similar to London’s own experience, he will do whatever it takes to succeed. This passionate, and heart breaking tale is a critique by London on individualism as well as an expression of frustration felt by authors to the cold indifference of the publishing industry. It is a beautiful story with a stunning conclusion and makes brilliant reading for any Jack London fans looking for an insight in to his own life.Jack London (1876–1916) was a pioneer, novelist, journalist and social activist. London was one of the first American authors to become an international celebrity thanks to his pioneering work in commercial fiction and magazines. Additionally he is accredited as a major innovator in the genre we now know as science fiction. Growing up in a working class background and spending several years homeless, he was a passionate fighter for workers’ rights, socialism, unionisation and animal rights. He would go on to be one of the highest paid authors in America thanks to his classics such as ‘Call of the Wild’, ‘White fang’ and ‘Sea Wolf’.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
38,99 kr. ‘Lost Face’ is a collection of seven brilliant short stories by acclaimed author Jack London. The eponymous opening story ‘Lost Face’ follows a cruel fur trapper named Subienkow in the frosty Yukon in the Canadian north. His crimes against the indigenous people have finally caught up with him and he is captured by a local tribe, but he cruelly escapes torture by tricking the natives. This collection also includes London’s famous short story ‘To Build a Fire’, following a gold prospector in the Klondike who’s only hope for survival are the vital fires he can build to stave off the cruel cold. It is a phenomenal collection from one of history’s most acclaimed authors and perfect for anyone who loved ‘The Revenant’.Jack London (1876–1916) was a pioneer, novelist, journalist and social activist. London was one of the first American authors to become an international celebrity thanks to his pioneering work in commercial fiction and magazines. Additionally he is accredited as a major innovator in the genre we now know as science fiction. Growing up in a working class background and spending several years homeless, he was a passionate fighter for workers’ rights, socialism, unionisation and animal rights. He would go on to be one of the highest paid authors in America thanks to his classics such as ‘Call of the Wild’, ‘White fang’ and ‘Sea Wolf’.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
58,99 kr. L'Appel de la forêt (The Call of the Wild) est un roman de Jack London. Buck est un chien de Californie qui appartient au juge Miller. Il est un jour enlevé à son maître par l'aide-jardinier du juge et vendu à un trafiquant de chiens de traîneau. Bientôt confronté à la brutalité de sa nouvelle vie, Buck doit trouver la force de survivre et s'adapter au froid de l'Alaska et du Yukon devant s'imposer aux autres chiens de la meute, il apprend à voler de la viande ainsi qu'à se battre pour survivre. Il est très souvent vendu jusqu'à ce qu'il devienne le chien d'un maître respectable, John Thornton. Mais lorsque son maître est tué, Buck revient à la nature au milieu de la grande forêt nord-canadienne, et il se mêle à une meute de loups dont il devient le chef.
- Lydbog
- 58,99 kr.
96,99 kr. Vuonna 1902 Jack London lähtee tutkimusmatkalle, joka ei kuitenkaan suuntaudu kohti lumista Alaskaa. London haluaa tutkia Lontoon köyhälistön asuinaluetta Whitechapelia. Niinpä kirjailija jalkautuu itäisen Lontoon kaduille ja jopa nukkuu niillä. Kaduilla kulkiessa Londonin mieli täyttyy kysymyksistä. Miksi yhteiskunta on niin epätasa-arvoinen? Miksi sanomalehdet kertovat tehtaiden omistajien menetyksistä eivätkä ihmisistä, jotka jäävät ilman ruokaa? Millainen maailma olisi oikeudenmukainen kaikille?Kadotuksen kansa avaa kirjailija Jack Londonin yhteiskunnallista ajattelua.Jack London (1876–1916) syntyi San Franciscossa. 15-vuotiaasta saakka hänen oli selvittävä omillaan huonosti palkatuissa töissä, kuten kullankaivajana Pohjois-Amerikan erämaassa. Myöhemmin London palasi takaisin Kaliforniaan ja alkoi työskennellä lehtimiehenä ja kirjailijana. Lyhyeksi jääneen elämänsä aikana Londonista tuli sekä rikas että kuuluisa Yukon-aiheisilla romaaneillaan, kuten Erämaan kutsu (1903) ja Susikoira (1906).
- E-bog
- 96,99 kr.
67,99 kr. ‘A Daughter of the Snows’ is acclaimed author Jack London’s debut novel as well as the novel that began his trademark passion for the frozen Yukon. In this powerful debut, we follow Frona Welse, an incredibly determined and forthright woman as she returns to her small Canadian home town after graduating from Stanford. In this small community she faces prejudice, harassment and exclusion, but her impressive personality soon attracts many suitors and she finds herself in the midst of a love triangle.When she upsets her father’s wealthy community after befriending the local prostitute, she takes to the trail to find herself among the mountains. It is a brilliant read, particularly for its brilliant heroine and the beautiful world building emblematic of London’s writing mastery. If you love strong heroines like Charlize Theron’s ‘Furiosa’ in Mad Max, you’ll love this novel.Jack London (1876–1916) was a pioneer, novelist, journalist and social activist. London was one of the first American authors to become an international celebrity thanks to his pioneering work in commercial fiction and magazines. Additionally he is accredited as a major innovator in the genre we now know as science fiction. Growing up in a working class background and spending several years homeless, he was a passionate fighter for workers’ rights, socialism, unionisation and animal rights. He would go on to be one of the highest paid authors in America thanks to his classics such as ‘Call of the Wild’, ‘White fang’ and ‘Sea Wolf’.
- E-bog
- 67,99 kr.
58,99 kr. Set on a plantation in the Solomon islands in the 1900s this gripping novel explores the themes of domination, racial inequality, the emancipation of women and the strength of the human spirit. The backdrop of the story is the struggle between the natives and colonials, the loss their beautiful home for the sake of human expansion on a global scale. With an incredible cast of vibrant characters and beautiful world building this inspired novel is perfect for anyone who loved Meryl Streep’s ‘Suffragette".Jack London (1876–1916) was a pioneer, novelist, journalist and social activist. London was one of the first American authors to become an international celebrity thanks to his pioneering work in commercial fiction and magazines. Additionally he is accredited as a major innovator in the genre we now know as science fiction. Growing up in a working class background and spending several years homeless, he was a passionate fighter for workers’ rights, socialism, unionisation and animal rights. He would go on to be one of the highest paid authors in America thanks to his classics such as ‘Call of the Wild’, ‘White fang’ and ‘Sea Wolf’.
- E-bog
- 58,99 kr.
42,99 kr. ‘Before Adam’ is an interesting entry in London’s body of work because of how distinctly different it is. Told through the visions of a young boy’s past life we follow Big Tooth, an early cave man as he learns to walk upright, make fire and fight off rival tribes. London’s trade mark world building is on full display however, building a luscious and vibrant world, where behind its beautiful veneer hides the deadly reality of pre-historic times. Big Tooth must hunt for his food facing down great mammoths and even sabre-cats to provide for his tribe and to impressive his budding love interest. It is an incredibly fascinating and engaging read, with beautiful description and compelling characters, perfect for anyone who is a fan of the ‘Assassins Creed’ series.Jack London (1876–1916) was a pioneer, novelist, journalist and social activist. London was one of the first American authors to become an international celebrity thanks to his pioneering work in commercial fiction and magazines. Additionally he is accredited as a major innovator in the genre we now know as science fiction. Growing up in a working class background and spending several years homeless, he was a passionate fighter for workers’ rights, socialism, unionisation and animal rights. He would go on to be one of the highest paid authors in America thanks to his classics such as ‘Call of the Wild’, ‘White fang’ and ‘Sea Wolf’.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Joe Bronson a young, adventurous boy more interested in exploring than school is threatened with military school by his father when he fails an important exam. Taking his future in his hands, he leaves a farewell note for his father and escapes to Oakland where he joins the crew of the Dazzler under it’s mysterious captain French Pete. In a rapturous sea faring adventure, Joe will be dragged in to a seedy world of crime and violence where he’ll have to use his wits if he hopes to survive. With a thoughtful and compelling ending, this brilliant adventure novel with it’s wonderfully constructed cast is perfect reading for anyone who loved ‘Hook’.Jack London (1876–1916) was a pioneer, novelist, journalist and social activist. London was one of the first American authors to become an international celebrity thanks to his pioneering work in commercial fiction and magazines. Additionally he is accredited as a major innovator in the genre we now know as science fiction. Growing up in a working class background and spending several years homeless, he was a passionate fighter for workers’ rights, socialism, unionisation and animal rights. He would go on to be one of the highest paid authors in America thanks to his classics such as ‘Call of the Wild’, ‘White fang’ and ‘Sea Wolf’.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
58,99 kr. Pirates, shipwrecks, terrible storms, and cannibals! Why would anyone ever want to Sail the Seven Seas? You will find all this and much more in Jack London's adventure novel 'A Son of the Sun.'Set in the Pacific Ocean, these eight different stories are told from the point of view of David, a businessman who once traveled the South Seas. The narrative is largely influenced by London’s own voyages, some of which proved rather dark and horrifying. The vivid natural descriptions and realistic character portrayal make 'A Son of the Sun' an entertaining and haunting sea novel, perfect for readers and fans of marine adventures.Jack London (1876-1916) was an American writer and social activist. He grew up in the working class, but became a worldwide celebrity and one of the highest paid authors of his time. He wrote several novels, which are considered classics today, among these are 'Call of the Wild', 'Sea Wolf' and 'White Fang'.Recent film adaptations include 'Call of the Wild' 2020 starring Harrison Ford and Dan Stevens and 'White Fang' from 1991.
- E-bog
- 58,99 kr.
77,99 kr. John Pathurst, a successful playwright has run out of inspiration, New York, fame, women and the arts have lost it’s lustre. In a desperate grab for inspiration he books passage on a cargo ship from Baltimore to Seattle, taking him around the treacherous Cape Horn hoping it will spark his passion once again. When a vicious mutiny breaks out amongst the crew, Pathurst is exposed to the cold indifference of life more than ever before, but will he survive to write about it? It is a brilliant read, inspired by London’s own treacherous journey around the Horn, with stunning description and deeply engaging characters. If you loved Jules Verne’s epic ‘Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea’ you’ll love this brilliant adventure.Jack London (1876–1916) was a pioneer, novelist, journalist and social activist. London was one of the first American authors to become an international celebrity thanks to his pioneering work in commercial fiction and magazines. Additionally he is accredited as a major innovator in the genre we now know as science fiction. Growing up in a working class background and spending several years homeless, he was a passionate fighter for workers’ rights, socialism, unionisation and animal rights. He would go on to be one of the highest paid authors in America thanks to his classics such as ‘Call of the Wild’, ‘White fang’ and ‘Sea Wolf’.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.