Bøger af H. Rider Haggard
40,99 kr. Jedna z bardziej fascynujących powieści przygodowych o Afryce z czasów kolonialnych. Spodoba się fanom afrykańskich podróży Henryka Sienkiewicza.Afrykańskie plemiona kultywują wiarę w bóstwa i reinkarnację. Zdarza się, że przypadkowymi ofiarami ich wierzeń stają się biali najeźdźcy. Tak było w przypadku lady Luny Ragnall. Kobietę porwali czarnoksiężnicy z plemienia Kendahów, którzy są przekonani, że ta jest wcieleniem świętej kapłanki najwyższego bóstwa, tytułowego dziecięcia z kości słoniowej. Lord Ragnall zaniepokojony dalszym losem lady wyrusza w towarzystwie Allana Quatermaina, by ją odszukać i sprowadzić do domu.Henry Rider Haggard (1856-1925) był brytyjskim pisarzem. Zasłynął jako autor powieści przygodowych, których akcja najczęściej rozgrywa się w Afryce. W młodości pracował w administracji kolonialnej i przez lata przebywał na Czarnym Lądzie, gdzie zbierał inspiracje do swoich książek. Wśród jego najbardziej popularnych utworów można wymienić między innymi: "Kopalnie króla Salomona", "Córkę Montezumy" i "Pierścień królowej Saby".
- E-bog
- 40,99 kr.
67,99 kr. In 'Eric Brighteyes' H. Rider Haggard weaves a viking epic around the riveting adventures of its eponymous character. Set in 10th-century Iceland, young, brave, and handsome Eric desires to win the hand of a beautiful girl. But first he has to slay the proverbial dragons standing in his path - a story of villains, clandestine intrigues and political ploys. A fascinating blend of romance, tragedy and adventure, 'Eric Brighteyes' is a swift-footed race against destiny and time.If you are a fan of the 2013 series 'Vikings' starring Katheryn Winnick, Gustaf Skarsgård and Alexander Ludwig, 'Eric Brighteyes' is a must-read for you.H. Rider Haggard (1856-1925) was an English adventure fiction and non-fiction writer. His works include short stories and novels that have influenced adult and children’s literature alike. Considered a pioneer in the lost world literary genre, his stories are often set in exotic locations, primarily Africa. Haggard’s stories have been adapted into films countless times. The Ayesha novel series has seen several film adaptations, including She (1965) starring Peter Cushing and Ursula Andress, based loosely on the books.
- E-bog
- 67,99 kr.
77,99 kr. 'Montezuma’s Daughter' is an adventure novel by H. Rider Haggard examining the repercussions of the violent altercations between European explorers and the native Aztecs. Written from the perspective of a colonialist Englishman in the form of a memoir, the story chronicles the race against time in the daring quest for revenge by the narrator Thomas and his companion, the Spanish cavalier, Juan.Murder, blood-lust, the Spanish Inquisition, the Aztecs, horrifying religious rituals and love closely follow Thomas on his labyrinthine path towards total retribution. Penned by none other than President Theodore Roosevelt's favourite author, 'Montezuma's Daughter' continues to rank among the most celebrated and emblematic examples of Haggard’s literary prowess. A must read for those who loved Robert Louis Stevenson's 'Treasure Island' and who are prepared to read an adventure story that will splash it out of the water.If you are a fan of the Indiana Jones series, you'll be thrilled to find out that the Allan Quatermain series has exerted a direct influence on some of the daring action highlights throughout the franchise.Henry Rider Haggard (1856-1925) was an English adventure story writer, who is credited with the establishment of the "lost world" genre. Haggard wrote a bit on social and political issues as well, but he gained literary prominence with his famous novel 'King Solomon’s Mines'. Some of his other most important works include 'She: A History of Adventure', 'The People of the Mist', and 'Montezuma’s Daughter'.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
67,99 kr. 'Allan’s Wife' belongs to the Allan Quatermain’s adventure series and closes the chapter on the famous adventurer's travels through South Africa.The novel commences with Allan’s childhood, his first love Stella whose life he saves, and all his expeditions and musings. Observations upon two embattled witch doctors follow, along with the fallout after his father's passing and eventually the complications of fate that threaten to ensnare his wife, Stella.A work that precedes Edgar Rice Burroughs' 'Tarzan of The Apes' by just about a quarter of a century - 'Allan's Wife' is a gripping and insightful adventure tale exploring human flaws as well as world-renowned biologist Darwin's evolutionary theories, particularly in respect to humans growing up among wild animals.If you are a fan of the Indiana Jones on-screen series starring Harrison Ford - you'll be thrilled to find out that the Allan Quatermain series has had a major influence on some of the daring action highlights throughout the franchise.H. Rider Haggard (1856-1925) was an English adventure fiction and non-fiction writer. His works include short stories and novels that have influenced adult and children’s literature alike. Considered a pioneer in the lost world literary genre, his stories are often set in exotic locations, primarily Africa. Haggard’s stories have been adapted into films countless times. The Ayesha novel series has seen several film adaptations, including She (1965) starring Peter Cushing and Ursula Andress, based loosely on the books.
- E-bog
- 67,99 kr.
67,99 kr. 'Stella Fregelius' explores spiritual and mystical themes in stark contrast to Haggard’s hallmark exotic adventure stories. It is a romantic but nonetheless profound story about an investor named Morris who is forced to marry his cousin, only to fall in love with another woman shortly thereafter. This is, however, not a book with a happy ending. Misfortune strikes and a death occurs in tragic circumstances, leaving Morris utterly devastated and in mourning. Could there be something even more sinister and cruel coming for Morris' heart and soul? Is death, ruin and loss just the harbinger of more to come?A uniquely heartfelt and touching exploration of the idea of eternal love. Haggard’s tale is a subtle but beautiful and brilliant discussion about the nature of life, death, tragedy, religion and the afterlife from Theodore Roosevelt's favourite author.Henry Rider Haggard (1856-1925) was an English adventure story writer, who is credited with the establishment of the "lost world" genre. Haggard wrote a bit on social and political issues as well, but he gained literary prominence with his famous novel 'King Solomon’s Mines'. Some of his other most acclaimed works include 'She: A History of Adventure', 'The People of the Mist', and 'Montezuma’s Daughter'.
- E-bog
- 67,99 kr.
77,99 kr. When roaming the African wilderness in quest of hidden riches, it would probably be wise to consider beforehand that you just might stumble upon more than you bargained for.Indeed 'The People of the Mist' is the epitome of the lost world fantasy genre in which the penniless and desperate Leonard rescues a young woman from slavery and, in doing so, unexpectedly discovers a lost race dwelling in the heart of Africa. But all too soon do they find themselves swept up into a spiraling vortex of vying religious cults and bloodthirsty power struggles.If you are a fan of the Indiana Jones on-screen franchise, you'll be thrilled to find out that the Allan Quatermain series was a direct influence on some of the daring action highlights throughout the series.Henry Rider Haggard (1856-1925) was an English adventure story writer, who is credited with the establishment of the "lost world" genre. Haggard wrote a bit on social and political issues as well, but he gained literary prominence with his famous novel 'King Solomon’s Mines'. Some of his other most acclaimed works include 'She: A History of Adventure', 'The People of the Mist', and 'Montezuma’s Daughter'.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
67,99 kr. 'Allan and the Holy Flower' tells the tale of Haggard’s glorious adventure hero Allan Quatermain.Allan receives a flower from Brother John and is ready to travel to Britain and meet with an orchid collector. Back in England, the collector tells him that he is ready to finance an expedition to find out more about this holy flower. What follows is a series of perilous adventures and close encounters with the local wildlife infused with Haggard’s trademark razor-sharp wit.Many readers will be reminded of George Lucas’ Indiana Jones while reading Quatermain’s adventures. Compelling and highly entertaining, 'Allan and the Holy Flower' is a perfect continuation to Allan’s adventures in Africa.H. Rider Haggard (1856-1925) was an English adventure fiction and non-fiction writer. His works include short stories and novels that have influenced adult and children’s literature alike. Considered a pioneer in the lost world literary genre, his stories are often set in exotic locations, primarily Africa. Haggard’s stories have been adapted into films countless times. The Ayesha novel series has seen several film adaptations, including She (1965) starring Peter Cushing and Ursula Andress, based loosely on the books.
- E-bog
- 67,99 kr.
59,99 kr. 'The Wanderer’s Necklace' is an adventure novel by H. Rider Haggard in which a Norseman has to leave his homeland after he challenges Odin and his ways of dealing with the world.In a mysterious tomb, he finds a necklace and a sword that turn out to have magical powers. Later, he finds himself in Constantinople where he has to protect the empress and engage in all sorts of intrigues and dangerous situations. 'The Wanderer’s Necklace' is an intricately crafted adventure story full of courageous heroes, love, friendship, honour and danger.If you love Indiana Jones as well as the 2013 series 'Vikings' starring Katheryn Winnick, Gustaf Skarsgård and Alexander Ludwig, 'The Wanderer's Necklace' is a must-read for you.Henry Rider Haggard (1856-1925) was an English adventure story writer, who is credited with the establishment of the "lost world" genre. Haggard wrote a bit on social and political issues as well, but he gained literary prominence with his famous novel 'King Solomon’s Mines'. Some of his other most important works include 'She: A History of Adventure', 'The People of the Mist', and 'Montezuma’s Daughter'.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
79,00 kr. Steder, ingen fod før har betrådt? Nye og farefulde ekspeditioner ind i det mørke Afrika? Vilde stammer og fremmede ritualer? – Hvis du synes, dette lyder spændende, skal du stifte bekendtskab med den engelske gentleman og opdagelsesrejsende Allan Quatermain.Første gang, vi mødte Quatermain, var det ved Kong Salomons miner. Atter en gang drager Quatermain nu mod nye oplevelser i Afrika, og atter en gang har han gamle venner med på turen. Spændende oplevelser venter i ukendte verdener.Man kan fjerne en sand brite fra England, men man kan ikke tage England ud af en sand brite – og en gentleman vil han blive ved med at være.Sir Henry Rider Haggard (1856-1925), engelske forfatter og ophavsmand til Lost World-genren. Hans værker om helten Allan Quatermain er blevet læst gennem generationer og har inspireret bl.a. til Indiana Jones-filmene.
- E-bog
- 79,00 kr.
69,00 kr. Tre mænd begiver sig ud på en farlig og anstrengende rejse for ved hjælp af et gammelt skattekort at finde de sagnomspundne Kong Salomons miner.H. Rider Haggards berømte eventyrroman fra 1885 er i denne udgave oversat og bearbejdet af Arne Herløv Petersen.
- E-bog
- 69,00 kr.
69,00 kr. Efter en farefuld færd på en underjordisk flod i Afrika finder Sir Henry Curtis og hans venner frem til Det hvide folk. Her bliver de indblandet i to dronningers magtkampe, og det ender i en blodig krig.Henry Rider Haggard (1856-1925) var en britisk agronom og forfatter, der ud over Det hvide folk bl.a. også skrev klassikeren Kong Salomons miner.Denne udgave af Det hvide folk er oversat og bearbejdet af Arne Herløv Petersen.
- E-bog
- 69,00 kr.