Bøger af Guy de Maupassant
68,99 kr. "Yvette" finder sted i det sene 1800-tals Paris. Romanen beskæftiger sig med temaer som kærlighed, social status, klassesamfund og venskaber. Sproget er poetisk og detaljeret i sine beskrivelser, som sætter en idyllisk, parisisk sommerstemning. Det er titelkarakteren Yvette, narrativet drejer sig om, mens hun forholder sig til livets kompleksiteter som venskaber og diverse bejlere - navnlig de to venner Jean de Sevigny og Leon Saval, som er dybt betagede af den unge kvinde.Denne oversættelse er fra 1891.Guy de Maupassant (1820-1893) var en fransk forfatter, der især er kendt for romanen "Smukke-ven" fra 1885 og for sine mange noveller. Hans arbejde er gennemsyret af den realistiske strømning, der prægede kunsten og litteraturen i midten af det 19. århundrede. Det, der især adskiller Maupassant fra hans samtidige forfatterkolleger som Emile Zola og Gustave Flaubert, er både de fantastiske strejf der går igen i flere af hans udgivelser, men også den udpræget pessimisme der er kendetegnende for hans forfatterskab. Maupassant led i perioder af hallucinationer og blev efter et selvmordforsøg indlagt på et privathospital i Paris, hvor han i en alder af bare 42 døde i 1893.
- E-bog
- 68,99 kr.
169,99 kr. Deep dive into this ‘Classic Werewolf Collection’ from the very best fantasy, adventure, and literary fiction writers.From the creator of ‘The Three Musketeers’, Alexandre Dumas, to Frank Powell, author of the first pioneering science-fiction novel about lost worlds and the mastermind of the short story himself, Guy de Maupassant, this unmissable collection paints a dark and dramatic anthology of twilight’s most frightening foe.You’ll encounter the poetic prose of Marie de France, an intoxicating tale from Sabine-Baring-Gold and the heartbreakingly unjust curses of Frederick Marryat. But beware, when the full moon shakes off its spooky shadow, you’ll be howling for mercy when the wolves awaken…This ‘Classic WereWolf Collection’ is ideal for fans of Netflix’s ‘Werewolves Within’ and Disney’s ‘Werewolf by Night’.Alexandre Dumas (1802-1879) was a widely celebrated French author, member of the Académie Française, recipient of the Legion of Honour, and famous for ‘The Three Musketeers’. A British actress and author, Florence Marryat's (1833-1899) work spans ‘Love’s Conflict’, ‘Her Father’s Name’, ‘There is No Death’, and ‘The Blood of the Vampire’.Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) was a French author and representative of the literary movement ‘Naturalism’. His first published story, ‘Boule de Suif’, remains his most celebrated work today. Frank Powell (1845-1906) was an American author, celebrated for his widely successful science-fiction novel ‘The Wolf-Men’. Marie de France (1160-1215) is the earliest known French female poet, famous for her 12 poems known as ‘lais’.Catherine Crow (1803-1876) was an English novelist, children’s writer, and playwright. Crow was the first female author of werewolf fiction, producing the works ‘A Story of a Weir-Wolf’ and ‘The Night-Side of Nature’. Sabine Baring-Gould (1834-1924) was an Anglican priest and writer, heavily influenced by the gothic and fantasy genre.
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- 169,99 kr.
74,99 kr. Ce recueil est composé des nouvelles suivantes :La ChevelureL'Homme-filleLa MoustacheL'Anglais d'ÉtretatRosalie PrudentLa TombeLe ProtecteurLa Mère aux MonstresLa BécasseAprèsAlexandreL'ArmoireL'Ami PatienceMadame HermetL'HorribleLa FolleClair de LuneMenuetEn VoyageLe BaiserLe Donneur d'eau béniteUn PortraitJulie RomainLe FermierCocoLe GueuxHumble DrameUne VendettaL'Ami JosephL'AttenteLe VerrouLa Légende du Mont-Saint-MichelCorrespondanceLa BûcheLa Roche aux GuillemotsLa ReliqueSuicidesJadisLe Mariage du Lieutenant LaréL'EndormeuseNos lettresLa NuitLa BaronneLe PèreClochetteAmourLa Question du LatinDécouverteAdieuEn MerMademoiselle CocotteLe PetitLe Mal d'AndréL'EnfantPierrotL'InfirmeL'InconnueGarçon, un bock !...Un SageLa Confession – tirée du recueil de nouvelles « Contes du jour et de la nuit »Le Père MilonL'OrphelinUn ParricideUne RuseMadame BaptisteLe TrouLa Confession – tirée du recueil de nouvelles « Le Rosier de Mme Husson »RoseL'IvrogneLe Petit FûtUn MillionPar un soir de printempsAuprès d'un mortAu boisLa MainLe ModèleLa FicelleAux champsLe NoyéMademoiselle PerlePetit soldatLe Pain mauditUne SoiréeDenisApparitionUne SoiréeTombouctouL'Aventure de Walter SchnaffsAu printempsLe Rosier de Madame HussonImprudenceJosephUn lâcheMon Oncle JulesPremière NeigeLe MasqueLe Marquis de FumerolLa Bête à Maît' BelhommeLe GardeLe VieuxÀ ChevalBoitelleBertheLes TombalesL'AbandonnéCe cochon de MorinUn Coup d'ÉtatL'ÂneChâliToineLe Papa de SimonLa ParureLe LapinL'AubergeQui sait ?ÉpavesUne Partie de CampagneMiss HarrietL'Inutile BeautéEn FamilleGuy de Maupassant (1850-1893) est un écrivain et journaliste français né au bord du littoral normand. Sa mère, douée d’une grande culture littéraire, participe à son éducation tournée vers les livres. Il passe le reste de son temps dans la campagne ou les ports, à converser avec pêcheurs et paysans qui lui serviront d’inspiration plus tard pour quelques personnages. À 12 ans, il est envoyé en pension où la religion, très présente, anime en lui un dégoût pour le sacré. Après le lycée, il est mobilisé en 1870 pour la guerre contre la Prusse. Un an plus tard, il fait ses bagages pour Paris où il y travaille comme fonctionnaire au Ministère de la Marine pendant 10 ans. En février 1875, il publie son premier conte, «La Main écorchée». Maupassant est très vite ennuyé par l’administration. Le soir, il travaille d'arrache-pied à ses œuvres littéraires ; et aux alentours de 1880, il se consacre pleinement à sa passion. C’est Flaubert qui l’introduit au monde de la littérature professionnelle. Il rencontre des auteurs réalistes, Zola, et les frères Goncourt. Maupassant fait un départ lent, mais il connaît bientôt le succès avec «Boule de Suif». Avec Zola qu’il côtoie aux Soirées de Médan, s’ensuivent de nombreuses nouvelles, toutes plus cultes les unes que les autres: «La ficelle» (1883), «La parure» (1884) ou «Le Horla» (1887). Il publie aussi des romans réalistes: «Une vie» en 1883, «Bel-Ami» en 1885 et «Pierre et Jean» en 1888. Guy de Maupassant, reconnu de son vivant, l’est aussi dans la mort: de nombreuses adaptations à l’écran renouvellent encore aujourd’hui ses œuvres intemporelles.
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- 74,99 kr.
39,99 kr. "People talked of a colossal wolf with gray fur, almost white, who had eaten two children, gnawed off a woman's arm..."A werewolf terrorises locals, devouring livestock and killing children, but brothers Jean and François are determined to find and kill the beast once and for all.Will the hunters become the hunted?French author Henri Ren Albert Guy de Maupassant (1850 - 1893) was a pioneer of the modern short story and is best recognised for works like 'The Necklace', 'Pierre et Jean', and 'Une Vie'. His novel ‘Bel Ami’ was made into a film in 2012, starring Uma Thurman and Robert Pattinson.
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- 39,99 kr.
69,00 kr. "Lige fra han var kommen ind i Frankrig, kaldte hans kammerater ham aldrig andet end frøken Fifi. Dette øgenavn havde han fået, dels på grund af hele sit kokette tilsnit, den smækre midje, som man næsten skulle have troet indesluttet i et korset, og det blege ansigt, hvor man lige anede et spirende overskæg, og dels på grund af, at han havde vænnet sig til hvert øjeblik at udtrykke sin ophøjede foragt for ting og mennesker ved hjælp af det franske udråb – fi, fi donc, som han udtalte med en let hvislelyd."En gruppe prøjsiske officerer har beslaglagt et normannisk slot, hvor de hygger sig med at drikke, hore og ødelægge de fine møbler og malerier. Den værste af dem er ham, der bliver kaldt frøken Fifi. Han praler højlydt af sine mange bedrifter og bilder sig selv og sine kammerater ind, at han kan slippe af sted med hvad som helst. Da han møder den smukke prostituerede Rachel og ikke formår at vinde hendes gunst, begynder det imidlertid at rable for ham. Nu er spørgsmålet, hvem af de to der har den stærkeste vilje – og den største kampgejst."Frøken Fifi" indeholder en lang række vittige og spændende noveller. Bogen udkom første gang i 1880, og denne oversættelse er fra 1919.Guy de Maupassant (1820-1893) var en fransk forfatter, der især er kendt for romanen "Smukke-ven" fra 1885 og for sine mange noveller. Hans arbejde er gennemsyret af den realistiske strømning, der prægede kunsten og litteraturen i midten af det 19. århundrede. Det, der især adskiller Maupassant fra hans samtidige forfatterkolleger som Emile Zola og Gustave Flaubert, er både de fantastiske strejf der går igen i flere af hans udgivelser, men også den udpræget pessimisme der er kendetegnende for hans forfatterskab. Maupassant led i perioder af hallucinationer og blev efter et selvmordforsøg indlagt på et privathospital i Paris, hvor han i en alder af bare 42 døde i 1893.
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- 69,00 kr.
69,00 kr. Da Michèle de Burnes rige mand dør, er hun endnu purung og blændende smuk. Hurtigt får hun skabt en af de mest fashionable saloner i Paris, hvor byens største kunstnere kommer for at tilbede hende. Hun tager den ene elsker efter den anden, og når hun kasserer dem, bliver de gerne hængende i salonen i rollen som føjelig skødehund.Da hun møder den fornemme og velhavende ungkarl André Mariolle, sker det umulige. Hun bliver forelsket. André gengælder hendes kærlighed, men kan ikke acceptere, at hun ikke formår at elske ham lige så lidenskabeligt, som han elsker hende."Vort hjerte" er en psykologisk roman, som undersøger to menneskers forskellige evne til at føle kærlighed for hinanden. Bogen er Guy de Maupassants sidste større værk og udkom første gang i 1890. Denne oversættelse er fra 1918.Guy de Maupassant (1820-1893) var en fransk forfatter, der især er kendt for romanen "Smukke-ven" fra 1885 og for sine mange noveller. Hans arbejde er gennemsyret af den realistiske strømning, der prægede kunsten og litteraturen i midten af det 19. århundrede. Det, der især adskiller Maupassant fra hans samtidige forfatterkolleger som Emile Zola og Gustave Flaubert, er både de fantastiske strejf der går igen i flere af hans udgivelser, men også den udpræget pessimisme der er kendetegnende for hans forfatterskab. Maupassant led i perioder af hallucinationer og blev efter et selvmordforsøg indlagt på et privathospital i Paris, hvor han i en alder af bare 42 døde i 1893.
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- 69,00 kr.
38,99 kr. What if you had to put a roof over the heads of your enemies?Anthony is a farmer. Sturdy and patriotic, he will stop at nothing to fight the Prussians. Bringing glory to his country is his main priority. When Prussians arrive on his doorstep he is prepared to sacrifice everything. But when he is forced to shelter, feed, and take care of a Prussian soldier he is forced into a change in outlook.The soldier's inability to speak French puts him in a vulnerable position and Anthony must decide whether to use this to his advantage or treat the soldier like a person.Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) was one of the finest practitioners of the French short story. He was considered a master of both style and dramatic narrative. A representative of the Naturalist school, he wrote 300 short stories during his career - alongside a number of novels, travel books, and a volume of verse. The most notable of his work is considered to be his first short story - ‘Boule de Suif’. His volumes of short stories were heavily influential, with one of them acting as inspiration for John Ford’s ‘Stagecoach’.
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- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Later made into a film, starring Vincent Price, ‘The Diary of a Madman’ is a dark and disturbing short story.In just three pages, Maupassant introduces us to an upright magistrate who has just condemned a prisoner, Blondel, to death.Blondel is convicted of prolicide, and the magistrate wants to work out why he’s committed this terrible crime. Through his diary, we see how the idea takes root and becomes something much more sinister...A gripping read that’s as relevant today as when it was written, ‘The Diary of a Madman’ is the ideal read for fans of Stephen King.Hailed as one of the pioneers of the modern short story, Henri Ren Albert Guy de Maupassant (1850 - 1893) was born in Dieppe, France. After his parents’ divorce, Maupassant was cared for by his mother who had a passion for literature.During his secondary education, he was introduced to the acclaimed novelist, Gustave Flaubert, who was to play a prominent part in Maupassant’s literary career.The Franco-Prussian War saw the author enlist in the Navy, and his experiences influenced many of his books, including ‘Boule de Suif.’ Flaubert was to take him under his wing after the war, introducing him to realist and naturalist authors, such as Émile Zola and Ivan Turgenev.
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- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Laying the foundations for films, such as ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,’ starring Jack Nicholson, ‘Bertha’ is a study on mental illness.While the narrator visits his old friend, Dr Bonnet, the doctor asks him to wait while he visits a patient. The patient is Bertha, a woman who was once young and beautiful but with no way of communicating with the outside world.Rightly or wrongly, Dr Bonnet subjects her to a series of experiments before her family decides there’s an answer to her problems.A haunting and tragic short story from the pen of one of the fathers of the genre, ‘Bertha’ is the perfect introduction to Guy de Maupassant's authorship.Hailed as one of the pioneers of the modern short story, Henri Ren Albert Guy de Maupassant (1850 - 1893) was born in Dieppe, France. After his parents’ divorce, Maupassant was cared for by his mother who had a passion for literature.During his secondary education, he was introduced to the acclaimed novelist, Gustave Flaubert, who was to play a prominent part in Maupassant’s literary career.The Franco-Prussian War saw the author enlist in the Navy, and his experiences influenced many of his books, including ‘Boule de Suif.’ Flaubert was to take him under his wing after the war, introducing him to realist and naturalist authors, such as Émile Zola and Ivan Turgenev.
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- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. With all the wistful romance of ‘The Remains of the Day,’ (starring Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson), ‘Alexandre’ tells the story of a servant and his mistress, Madame Marambelle.Now wheelchair-bound, Madame Marambelle is reliant on Alexandre to get out and about. On one of their sojourns, they discuss her tyrannical husband, with Alexandre telling some uncomfortable home truths.However, he also has a secret of his own, and now seems as good a time as any to get it out in the open.A touching short story from one of the fathers of the genre, ‘Alexandre’ is the ideal read for fans of Jojo Moyes ´Me Before You´.Hailed as one of the pioneers of the modern short story, Henri Ren Albert Guy de Maupassant (1850 - 1893) was born in Dieppe, France. After his parents’ divorce, Maupassant was cared for by his mother who had a passion for literature.During his secondary education, he was introduced to the acclaimed novelist, Gustave Flaubert, who was to play a prominent part in Maupassant’s literary career.The Franco-Prussian War saw the author enlist in the Navy, and his experiences influenced many of his books, including ‘Boule de Suif.’ Flaubert was to take him under his wing after the war, introducing him to realist and naturalist authors, such as Émile Zola and Ivan Turgenev.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Despite quietly loathing his wife’s penchant for fake jewellery, Mr and Mrs Lantin are happily married.When she dies, finances force him to sell her gems and he discovers that one of them is not only real but worth a significant sum of money.What keeps niggling Mr Lantin is that he didn’t buy it for her – so who did?‘The Fake Gems’ is a cautionary short story from the pen of a master. The perfect addition to any collection of Maupassant’s works.Hailed as one of the pioneers of the modern short story, Henri Ren Albert Guy de Maupassant (1850 - 1893) was born in Dieppe, France. After his parents’ divorce, Maupassant was cared for by his mother who had a passion for literature.During his secondary education, he was introduced to the acclaimed novelist, Gustave Flaubert, who was to play a prominent part in Maupassant’s literary career.The Franco-Prussian War saw the author enlist in the Navy, and his experiences influenced many of his books, including ‘Boule de Suif.’ Flaubert was to take him under his wing after the war, introducing him to realist and naturalist authors, such as Émile Zola and Ivan Turgenev.
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- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. It is often the most humble men that are the most dangerous.Central Corsica is dangerous. There is no question about that. Despite its beautiful scenery, the area is rife with bandits, mongrels, and crime. Whilst money is important, secrets are much more valuable. The quietest, almost silent villager is a source of interest for the entire of Corsica - they know he has secrets. But are they truly ready to find out who he really is?This dynamic tale is an entertaining introduction to Guy de Maupassant for fans of classic adventure fiction.Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) was one of the finest practitioners of the French short story. He was considered a master of both style and dramatic narrative. A representative of the Naturalist school, he wrote 300 short stories during his career - alongside a number of novels, travel books, and a volume of verse. The most notable of his work is considered to be his first short story - ‘Boule de Suif’. His volumes of short stories were heavily influential, with one of them acting as inspiration for John Ford’s ‘Stagecoach’.
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- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Despite its title. ‘The Effeminates’ has nothing to do with sexuality.Instead, it’s a satire on the fickle natures of Parisians and those who work in the Chamber of Deputies (a French parliamentary body).According to Maupassant’s observations, these ‘man-girls’ are a bane of society, forever changing their minds, following their whimsies, and plotting behind the backs of even their closest friends.An interesting psychological snapshot of 19th Century France, ‘The Effeminates’ is a welcome addition to any library.Hailed as one of the pioneers of the modern short story, Henri Ren Albert Guy de Maupassant (1850 - 1893) was born in Dieppe, France. After his parents’ divorce, Maupassant was cared for by his mother who had a passion for literature.During his secondary education, he was introduced to the acclaimed novelist, Gustave Flaubert, who was to play a prominent part in Maupassant’s literary career.The Franco-Prussian War saw the author enlist in the Navy, and his experiences influenced many of his books, including ‘Boule de Suif.’ Flaubert was to take him under his wing after the war, introducing him to realist and naturalist authors, such as Émile Zola and Ivan Turgenev.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Fun and intriguing stories are an integral part of every dinner party.In Paris, a man chats with friends after dinner and recounts the story of his recent visit to a brothel. After choosing a woman, he follows her back to her apartment for the night but is shocked when he hears a noise coming from the wardrobe...Short yet impactful, ´The Wardrobe´ is perfect for fans of Guy de Maupassant's work and readers of French Literature.Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) was a famous French writer, best known as one of the finest practitioners of the short story.Master of style and dramatic narrative, Maupassant’s stories are mainly interested in the relationships between men and women, often found at the crossroads of life.One of his greatest influences was Gustave Flaubert, who introduced him to some of the central names of the time, such as Émile Zola, Henry James, and Ivan Turgenev.Some of his best-known works include the novels "Bel Ami" and "Une Vie", more than 300 short stories, travel books, and even an attempt at poetry. ‘Bel Ami’ was made into a film in 2012, starring Uma Thurman, Robert Pattinson, and Kristin Scott Thomas.
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- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. A masterpiece in literary manipulation, ‘A New Year’s Gift’ plays with our expectations while delivering a sobering dose of social commentary.We begin with Jacques, who is writing a letter to his sweetheart, Irene. When Irene appears on his doorstep, she brings with her a scandalous plan. Will he agree to her demands, or is there more to them than meets the eye?A tale of adultery, fealty, violence, and honour, ‘A New Year’s Gift’ also highlights the stifling social conventions of the time.This short story will delight fans of Raymond Carver.Hailed as one of the pioneers of the modern short story, Henri Ren Albert Guy de Maupassant (1850 - 1893) was born in Dieppe, France. After his parents’ divorce, Maupassant was cared for by his mother who had a passion for literature.During his secondary education, he was introduced to the acclaimed novelist, Gustave Flaubert, who was to play a prominent part in Maupassant’s literary career.The Franco-Prussian War saw the author enlist in the Navy, and his experiences influenced many of his books, including ‘Boule de Suif.’ Flaubert was to take him under his wing after the war, introducing him to realist and naturalist authors, such as Émile Zola and Ivan Turgenev.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. ‘A Mother of Monsters’ is a dark and disturbing story.The narrator is visiting his friend, and they walk along the seafront. As their conversation continues, the friend tells him of the eponymous mother, and they decide to visit her.What they are met with is both horrific and tragic and can be read as a commentary on the plight of the lower classes. Maupassant’s concise and simple style only serves to increase the horror and brutality of this short tale.A story that’s sure to linger, ´A Mother of Monsters´ is the ideal read for fans of Stephen King and ´American Horror Story´.Hailed as one of the pioneers of the modern short story, Henri Ren Albert Guy de Maupassant (1850 - 1893) was born in Dieppe, France. After his parents’ divorce, Maupassant was cared for by his mother who had a passion for literature.During his secondary education, he was introduced to the acclaimed novelist, Gustave Flaubert, who was to play a prominent part in Maupassant’s literary career.The Franco-Prussian War saw the author enlist in the Navy, and his experiences influenced many of his books, including ‘Boule de Suif.’ Flaubert was to take him under his wing after the war, introducing him to realist and naturalist authors, such as Émile Zola and Ivan Turgenev.
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- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Money doesn’t buy happiness. But can it buy love?Two families live in the Norman countryside. Neither of them have any money. Both of them are happy, healthy, and fulfilled. A wealthy couple walks past regularly, marveling at the way the children play outside. Childless themselves, this sight makes them incredibly emotional. So they make the families an offer that neither of them can refuse, but will they accept?This social drama is perfect for fans of J.B Priestley’s ‘An Inspector Calls’.Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) was one of the finest practitioners of the French short story. He was considered a master of both style and dramatic narrative. A representative of the Naturalist school, he wrote 300 short stories during his career - alongside a number of novels, travel books, and a volume of verse. The most notable of his work is considered to be his first short story - ‘Boule de Suif’. His volumes of short stories were heavily influential, with one of them acting as inspiration for John Ford’s ‘Stagecoach’.
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- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Just like Jack Nicholson’s character in ‘About Schmidt,’ the narrator of ‘A Recollection’ is feeling useless.He feels, to quote Morrissey, that ´Everyday is Like Sunday.’ To shake himself from his drudgery, he decides to take a stroll from Paris to catch a boat to Saint-Cloud.After a dreamy stroll, he encounters a married couple, who seem to be in a spot of bother. Taken with the wife, the narrator agrees to help them, but will her company help or hinder his need for excitement?Combining romance with waspish humour, Maupassant offers an interesting slice of middle-age life.With memory as its central theme, ‘A Recollection’ is the ideal read for fans of Kazuo Ishiguro.Hailed as one of the pioneers of the modern short story, Henri Ren Albert Guy de Maupassant (1850 - 1893) was born in Dieppe, France. After his parents’ divorce, Maupassant was cared for by his mother who had a passion for literature.During his secondary education, he was introduced to the acclaimed novelist, Gustave Flaubert, who was to play a prominent part in Maupassant’s literary career.The Franco-Prussian War saw the author enlist in the Navy, and his experiences influenced many of his books, including ‘Boule de Suif.’ Flaubert was to take him under his wing after the war, introducing him to realist and naturalist authors, such as Émile Zola and Ivan Turgenev.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Colone Laporte has an opinion about everything. Colonel Laporte is also right about everything. Or so he thinks.During a conversation with a friend, he is preaching his opinion about French people. He claims that they are famous for their attitudes towards members of the opposite sex. His friend disagrees. Frustrated and attempting to get his point across, he begins to tell the story of an encounter he had during the Franco-Prussian War. Only as his story continues does it become clear just how shocking this encounter was.This fast-paced tale is unmissable for fans of Ambrose Bierce.Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) was one of the finest practitioners of the French short story. He was considered a master of both style and dramatic narrative. A representative of the Naturalist school, he wrote 300 short stories during his career - alongside a number of novels, travel books, and a volume of verse. The most notable of his work is considered to be his first short story - ‘Boule de Suif’. His volumes of short stories were heavily influential, with one of them acting as inspiration for John Ford’s ‘Stagecoach’.
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- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. A vain and wealthy man, Lormerin is a slave to his mirror and very little else.However, one day, he opens a letter to find that his old flame, Lise, will be in town with her daughter, and he is invited to join them for dinner.What happens next causes Lormerin to reflect on himself in more ways than one...Paving the way for films, such as ‘Venus,’ starring Peter O’Toole and former Doctor Who, Jodie Whittaker, ‘All Over’ is a melancholy look at love and ageing.It will delight fans of OScar Wilde's ´Dorian Gray´.Hailed as one of the pioneers of the modern short story, Henri Ren Albert Guy de Maupassant (1850 - 1893) was born in Dieppe, France. After his parents’ divorce, Maupassant was cared for by his mother who had a passion for literature.During his secondary education, he was introduced to the acclaimed novelist, Gustave Flaubert, who was to play a prominent part in Maupassant’s literary career.The Franco-Prussian War saw the author enlist in the Navy, and his experiences influenced many of his books, including ‘Boule de Suif.’ Flaubert was to take him under his wing after the war, introducing him to realist and naturalist authors, such as Émile Zola and Ivan Turgenev.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Set aboard a steamship sailing from Le Havre to Trouville, ‘Discovery’ is a short and funny story, with a moral tucked away in the dialogue.When the narrator meets his old friend, Henri Sidoine, the latter rants about the number of English people on board.With the kind of ire that Basil Fawlty (played by John Cleese) reserved for his guests, Sidoine gives full rein to his loathing of the English although, as it turns out, he fell in love with, and married, an Englishwoman.Is his argument genuinely about the self-proclaimed "lords of the sea", or is he revealing more about himself than he means to?An incisive tale with plenty of clever observations, ‘Discovery’ will delight fans of nautical short stories such as Ernest Hemingway's ´After the Storm´.Hailed as one of the pioneers of the modern short story, Henri Ren Albert Guy de Maupassant (1850 - 1893) was born in Dieppe, France. After his parents’ divorce, Maupassant was cared for by his mother who had a passion for literature.During his secondary education, he was introduced to the acclaimed novelist, Gustave Flaubert, who was to play a prominent part in Maupassant’s literary career.The Franco-Prussian War saw the author enlist in the Navy, and his experiences influenced many of his books, including ‘Boule de Suif.’ Flaubert was to take him under his wing after the war, introducing him to realist and naturalist authors, such as Émile Zola and Ivan Turgenev.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. What do you do when the love of your life dies?Monsieur Lemonnier completely adores his wife. He spends every second with her. The only thing that their relationship misses is a baby. The couple has been desperate to expand their family for years - to no avail. So when his wife falls pregnant, things seem too good to be true.Until she dies in childbirth.Monsieur Lemonnier transfers the love he had for his wife onto his son, believing him to be perfect also. Then a shocking revelation changes absolutely everything.Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) was one of the finest practitioners of the French short story. He was considered a master of both style and dramatic narrative. A representative of the Naturalist school, he wrote 300 short stories during his career - alongside a number of novels, travel books, and a volume of verse. The most notable of his work is considered to be his first short story - ‘Boule de Suif’. His volumes of short stories were heavily influential, with one of them acting as inspiration for John Ford’s ‘Stagecoach’.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Set during the hunting season, the Chateau Baneville is peopled with guests waiting for the weather to improve.After half-heartedly playing board games, they tell stories. None is so shocking as the one told by Genevieve and the boy who loved her in her youth.With allusions to mental illness and obsession, this is a dark romantic tale, sure to promote some heated conversation.Touching on similar themes as Robert Redford’s ‘Ordinary People,’ ‘A Widow’ is a tragic love story.It will delight fans of other tragic love stories such as Shakespeare's ´Romeo and Juliet´ and Victor Hugo's ´The Hunchback of Notre Dame´.Hailed as one of the pioneers of the modern short story, Henri Ren Albert Guy de Maupassant (1850 - 1893) was born in Dieppe, France. After his parents’ divorce, Maupassant was cared for by his mother who had a passion for literature.During his secondary education, he was introduced to the acclaimed novelist, Gustave Flaubert, who was to play a prominent part in Maupassant’s literary career.The Franco-Prussian War saw the author enlist in the Navy, and his experiences influenced many of his books, including ‘Boule de Suif.’ Flaubert was to take him under his wing after the war, introducing him to realist and naturalist authors, such as Émile Zola and Ivan Turgenev.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Have you ever experienced a hot air balloon ride?This short story describes a trip from Paris to Belgium taken by the popular French author Guy de Maupassant. Describing in detail every sight and sound, he takes readers on a balloon ride like no other.The three crew members and three passengers watch the sunset and moonrise and experience the threat of a looming storm. Views of Paris and the beautiful French and Belgian countryside below are also eloquently brought to life.'The Trip of Le Horla' (1887) is perfect for fans of his short stories and readers of 19th-century travel books.Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) was a famous French writer, best known as one of the finest practitioners of the short story.Master of style and dramatic narrative, Maupassant’s stories are mainly interested in the relationships between men and women, often found at the crossroads of life.One of his greatest influences was Gustave Flaubert, who introduced him to some of the central names of the time, such as Émile Zola, Henry James, and Ivan Turgenev.Some of his best-known works include the novels "Bel Ami" and "Une Vie", more than 300 short stories, travel books, and even an attempt at poetry. ‘Bel Ami’ was made into a film in 2012, starring Uma Thurman, Robert Pattinson, and Kristin Scott Thomas.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Set on the French Riviera, ‘Madame Parisse’ tells the story of an aristocratic woman, trapped in an unhappy marriage.When her husband goes on a business trip for four days, she embarks on an affair with the dashing Monsieur Jean de Carmelin.However, neither of them can foresee the consequences of their illicit encounter. Told from an observer’s point of view, this is a wistful, tragic, and romantic tale, packed with yearning and criticism of the social conventions of the time.A good, old-fashioned tear-jerker, ´Madame Parisse´ will delight anyone already familiar with Guy de Maupassant's body of work.Hailed as one of the pioneers of the modern short story, Henri Ren Albert Guy de Maupassant (1850 - 1893) was born in Dieppe, France. After his parents’ divorce, Maupassant was cared for by his mother who had a passion for literature.During his secondary education, he was introduced to the acclaimed novelist, Gustave Flaubert, who was to play a prominent part in Maupassant’s literary career.The Franco-Prussian War saw the author enlist in the Navy, and his experiences influenced many of his books, including ‘Boule de Suif.’ Flaubert was to take him under his wing after the war, introducing him to realist and naturalist authors, such as Émile Zola and Ivan Turgenev.During his later years, Maupassant suffered from mental health problems and was committed to an institution, where he was to die at the age of 43.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Laying the foundations for films such as ‘Mother and Child,’ starring Naomi Watts and Samuel L Jackson, ‘Abandoned’ packs a lot into a short space.As a younger woman, Madame de Cadour gave birth to an illegitimate son. She and her then-lover, Henri put the child up for adoption, but she has wondered about him ever since.40 years later, she decides to try and find him with Henri’s help, and her husband is oblivious to the whole thing.Will Madame de Cadour and Henri find their son, or are some things best left unresolved?A haunting short story of love, loss, and betrayal, ´Abandoned´ is perfect for fans of Kristin Harmel's ´When We Meet Again´.Hailed as one of the pioneers of the modern short story, Henri Ren Albert Guy de Maupassant (1850 - 1893) was born in Dieppe, France. After his parents’ divorce, Maupassant was cared for by his mother who had a passion for literature.During his secondary education, he was introduced to the acclaimed novelist, Gustave Flaubert, who was to play a prominent part in Maupassant’s literary career.The Franco-Prussian War saw the author enlist in the Navy, and his experiences influenced many of his books, including ‘Boule de Suif.’ Flaubert was to take him under his wing after the war, introducing him to realist and naturalist authors, such as Émile Zola and Ivan Turgenev.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Referencing Victor Hugo, author of ‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame,’ ‘Châli’ is an equally tragic love story.Admiral de la Vallée tells of the time he was sent to Central India, as part of an expedition. There, he is introduced to the prince, Rajah Maddan, and a host of customs that take him far outside of his comfort zone.The Admiral is presented with a harem but cannot take it upon himself to use the young women as is expected of him. When he gives one of the girls, Châli, a gift, he unwittingly sets a chain of heart-breaking events in motion.‘Châli’ will delight fans of other tragic love stories such as Shakespeare's ´Romeo and Juliet´ and Emily Brontë's ´Wuthering Heights´.Hailed as one of the pioneers of the modern short story, Henri Ren Albert Guy de Maupassant (1850 - 1893) was born in Dieppe, France. After his parents’ divorce, Maupassant was cared for by his mother who had a passion for literature.During his secondary education, he was introduced to the acclaimed novelist, Gustave Flaubert, who was to play a prominent part in Maupassant’s literary career.The Franco-Prussian War saw the author enlist in the Navy, and his experiences influenced many of his books, including ‘Boule de Suif.’ Flaubert was to take him under his wing after the war, introducing him to realist and naturalist authors, such as Émile Zola and Ivan Turgenev.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Set in the Swiss Alps, ‘The Inn’ could almost be the template for ‘The Shining,’ starring Jack Nicholson.When winter sets in, the owners of the eponymous inn decide to go see the snow out in the nearby valley. Behind them, they leave the caretaker, Gaspard, Ulrich, and Sam the dog.However, when Ulrich leaves to go hunting and doesn’t come back, Gaspard is left all alone...A haunting tale, swathed in snow and with a brooding, unsettling atmosphere, this is a perfect fireside read for fans of Stephen King.Hailed as one of the pioneers of the modern short story, Henri Ren Albert Guy de Maupassant (1850 - 1893) was born in Dieppe, France. After his parents’ divorce, Maupassant was cared for by his mother who had a passion for literature.During his secondary education, he was introduced to the acclaimed novelist, Gustave Flaubert, who was to play a prominent part in Maupassant’s literary career.The Franco-Prussian War saw the author enlist in the Navy, and his experiences influenced many of his books, including ‘Boule de Suif.’ Flaubert was to take him under his wing after the war, introducing him to realist and naturalist authors, such as Émile Zola and Ivan Turgenev.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
48,99 kr. "Dawny podoficer, dbały przy tym o swój wygląd, w sposobie bycia zachował coś żołnierskiego. Wyprostował się, podkręcił wąsa i rzucił w stronę siedzących przy stolikach zaprzyjaźnionych gości szybkie spojrzenie, jedno z tych spojrzeń ładnego chłopca, które łowią jak sieć".Jerzy Duroy po powrocie z misji w Algierze nie może ułożyć sobie życia. Znajduje zatrudnienie na stacji kolejowej, ale wynagrodzenie nie wystarcza mu do końca miesiąca. Zdesperowany mężczyzna postanawia zbudować karierę na swoim niewątpliwym talencie - uroku osobistym. Jeśli dodać do tego skłonność do intryg - sukces gwarantowany! I rzeczywiście, wszystko idzie jak z płatka, do pewnego momentu...W 2012 r. do kin weszła ekranizacja powieści. W filmie "Uwodziciel" zagrali m.in. Robert Pattinson, Uma Thurman i Christina Ricci.Pozycja obowiązkowa dla miłośników książki i serialu "Kariera Nikodema Dyzmy". Przypadnie do gustu także czytelnikom ceniącym pisarstwo Emila Zoli.Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) - francuski pisarz, przedstawiciel dekadentyzmu i naturalizmu. Najbardziej znany jako twórca nowel o tematyce społecznej, z elementami ironii i satyry. Warsztatu literackiego uczył go sam Gustaw Flaubert. Doświadczenie okupacji podczas wojny francusko-pruskiej odcisnęło piętno na tematyce utworów Maupassanta, które przedstawiają realistyczny i pesymistyczny obraz życia społecznego w tamtym okresie. Prawdopodobnie chorował na schizofrenię, a kolejne rzuty choroby poskutkowały zaistnieniem w dorobku pisarza utworów utrzymanych w konwencji koszmaru sennego.
- E-bog
- 48,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Retired merchant Monsieur Bondel has settled in the quiet town of Saint-Germain together with his wife, where he looks forward to a peaceful retirement together.The move is not quite the success he hopes for, as, without occupation, the couple argues constantly. When Bondel makes the acquaintance of a neighbour, Madame Bondel is enraged, and the couple has their most intense argument yet.A gripping short story from the famous French author Guy de Maupassant, about family, love, trust, and adultery.Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) was a French author, best known for his mastery of short stories. Born in Dieppe, Maupassant went on to study Law in Paris. His education was interrupted by the outbreak of the Franco-German War, for which he volunteered - the experience of which would go on to influence much of his writing.Best known for his naturalist style, Maupassant was a protégé of fellow French author Gustave Flaubert, who introduced him to some of the most influential writers of the time, including Henry James and Ivan Turgenev.Some of Maupassant’s best-known works include the short story ‘Boule de Suif’, and the novels ‘Bel-Ami’ and ‘Une Vie’. He died in Paris in 1893 at the age of 42.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.