Bøger af Gustave Flaubert

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  • af Gustave Flaubert
    78,99 kr.

    Gustave Flaubert brugte 30 år af sit liv på at skrive ”Den Hellige Antonios fristelser”, som han begyndte på da han i 1845 så maleriet af samme navn og blev inspireret.Bogen er baseret på historien om den Hellige Antonio, som bor på en bjergtop alene i Egyptens ørken. Historiens omdrejningspunkt er et enkelt døgn, hvor Antonio står ansigt til ansigt med fristelser og tvivl af alle slags.Den franske forfatter Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880) hører til helt i toppen af den litterære verdenselite. Han var med til at bane vejen for den realistiske roman, som den ser ud i dag, og han overskred på mange måder datidens grænser for anstændighed – blandt andet med bøger som ”Madame Bovary” og ”Følelsernes opdragelse”, der står som to af hovedværkerne i forfatterskabet.

  • af Gaston LeRoux, Gustave Flaubert, Charles Dickens & mfl.
    163,99 kr.

    You’re invited to wander the streets of Paris with France’s literary greats. Weaving a remarkable collection from the very best romantic writers, tales of love, loss, and laughter never felt so good.With classics such as Victor Hugo’s ‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame’ and Gaston Leroux ‘The Phantom of the Opera’, you’ll peak behind the scenes at some of the West End’s most remarkable musicals.But it’s not all rosy and bright. In 18th-century France, Charles Dicken’s ‘A Tale of Two Cities’ and Émile Zola’s ‘Nana’ portrays the harsh and raw reality for some of society’s most struggling protagonists. This collection will leave you questioning wealth and worth at a time when struggles were rife.Ideal for fans of ‘Les Misérables’ starring Eddie Redmayne, Hugh Jackman, and Anne Hathaway, this unmissable collection is a must-read for French history, art, and culture fanatics.Gaston Leroux (1868-1927) was a French journalist and author of detective fiction. He is best known for writing the epic novel ‘The Phantom of the Opera’, now a musical masterpiece by Andrew Lloyd Weber.Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880) was a French novelist and pioneer of literary realism. His work spans ‘Madame Bovary’, ‘Sentimental Education’, and ‘Three Tales’.Victor Hugo (1802 – 1885) was a Romantic writer and politician. Celebrated for his internationally renowned epic novel, adapted into the Academy Award-Winning film, ‘Les Misérables’, his literary output also includes ‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame’.Émile Zola (1840-1902) was a French novelist, playwright, and one of the most influential writers of French naturalism. Zola’s best-known works include ‘Germinal’, ‘Nana’, and ‘Work’.Celebrated as one of the greatest novelists of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was an English writer and social critic. His works include ‘Oliver Twist’, ‘A Christmas Carol’, and ‘Great Expectations’.

  • af Gustave Flaubert
    Fra 66,99 kr.

    "e;Salammbo"e; is a historical novel by Gustave Flaubert in which he skillfully interweaved historical and fictional characters. Set in Carthage in the 3rd century BC, it describes the revolt of the mercenaries who had fought for Carthage during the First Punic War (261-241 BC) but hadn't received their money for it. Along with describing the bloody Carthaginian conflict, it also tells of the fictional love story between the beautiful Salammbo - the grand priestess of Tanith and daughter of Hamilcar - and Matho - the leader of the Libyan mercenaries.The indiscriminate violence and sensuality of the novel gave rise to a startling number of plays, operas, and film adaptations, including an unfinished opera by Modest Mussorgsky, a silent film by Pierre Marodon, and a play by Charles Ludlam.-

  • af Gustave Flaubert
    96,99 kr.

    Hurja klassikkoteos rakkaudesta ja intohimosta.Emma Bovary on turhautunut nuori nainen, joka haaveilee kauniista asioista, rikkauksista ja intohimosta. Hän kaipaa elämäänsä jännitystä, ja se toteutuu romanttisia kertomuksia lukemalla. Arjessa ei nimittäin ole sitten mitään ihmeellistä. Emma asuu pienessä kaupungissa ja hänet tunnetaan maalaislääkärin rouvana, jos sinäkään – nainen kun on vaimo ja kodinhengetär, jonka ei kannattaisi upottaa nenää kirjaan tai ainakaan antaa unelmiensa kasvaa liian suuriksi. Emma ei kuitenkaan tyydy osaansa, vaan antaa romantiikankaipuunsa ja toiveensa onnesta näyttää tietä, vaikka elämä tarjoaa pettymyksen toisensa jälkeen. Kun intohimo vie, ei traagisilta tunteilta säästy kukaan.Ilmestymisaikanaan 1800-luvun puolivälissä Rouva Bovary sai aikaan skandaalin, ja sen väitettyä moraalinvastaisuutta käsiteltiin oikeudessa saakka. Romaani sai kuitenkin julkaisuluvan, ja siitä tuli suuri menestys. Nykyään Rouva Bovarya pidetään maailmankirjallisuuden merkittävänä klassikkona. Romaanin tarkka ote naisen intohimoon, jännityksenkaipuuseen, avioliiton ulkopuolisiin suhteisiin sekä idealistisiin unelmiin hätkähdytti aikalaislukijoita ja tarjoaa yhä nykypäivänäkin samaistuttavia ajatuksia haaveista ja pettymyksistä.Rouva Bovary on sovitettu useaksi elokuvaksi, joista ensimmäinen julkaistiin jo vuonna 1932 ja viimeisin vuonna 2014. BBC teki romaanista myös tv-sarjan vuonna 2000.Gustave Flaubert (1821–1880) oli ranskalainen kirjailija. Flaubertin teokset ovat realistisia ja usein hyvin yksityiskohtaisia. Perfektionistina tunnettu Flaubert kuvaa romaaneissaan todellisuutta viileästi ja tarkasti havainnoiden, välttäen kannanottoja tai asioiden romantisoimista. Flaubertin tunnetuin teos on maailmankirjallisuuden klassikoihin kuuluva Rouva Bovary.

  • af Gustave Flaubert
    9,95 kr.

    Depuis un mois, le tétrarque Antipas détient prisonnier le juif Jean-Baptiste dans le plus profond des cachots de sa citadelle. Jean-Baptiste s'oppose fermement à la relation entre Hérodias, la nièce d'Antipas, et le tétrarque.Mais aujourd'hui, alors qu'il a convié les grandes puissances du royaume pour son anniversaire, Antipas doit céder aux caprices de Vitellius le Proconsul, et ouvrir ses souterrains au public. Tous découvrent alors Jean-Baptiste qui, d'une puissante voix, dévoile une prophétie funeste à l'encontre de ceux qui le retiennent…Dans cette nouvelle parue dans le recueil « Trois Contes », Flaubert mêle ses recherches et sources historiques à la fable et la fiction. Il recompose ainsi les portraits d'Hérodias et d'Hérode Antipas, de Salomé et de Jean le Baptiste, figures tragiques et emblématiques de l'Orient au temps de Jésus.L’écrivain français Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880) est un pilier de la littérature française. Il aura aussi marqué la littérature universelle de par la profondeur de ses analyses psychologiques et de son regard sur les comportements des individus et de la société de son époque. Il est possible d’observer l’intensité de son style dans ses plus grands récits comme « Madame Bovary » (1857), « Trois contes » (1877) et « L'Éducation sentimentale » (1869).

  • af Gustave Flaubert
    9,95 kr.

    À seulement sept ans, Julien frappe les souris blanches, tire sur les oisillons à coups de sarbacane et étrangle à mains nues les pigeons. Adolescent, il éventre les boucs à l'épée, et massacre des troupeaux entiers de cerfs.Un jour, un animal sauvage agonisant lui prédit l'avenir. Il tuera ses parents et commettra l'irréparable. Effrayé, Julien fuit le domaine familial pour la vie d'errance afin d'éviter le présage à tout prix. Mais bientôt, son passé le hante, et sa funeste malédiction le rattrape…Entre conte merveilleux, récit fantastique et roman de chevalerie, Flaubert érige une nouvelle sur le légendaire saint Julien l’Hospitalier, paru dans le recueil « Trois Contes ».L’écrivain français Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880) est un pilier de la littérature française. Il aura aussi marqué la littérature universelle de par la profondeur de ses analyses psychologiques et de son regard sur les comportements des individus et de la société de son époque. Il est possible d’observer l’intensité de son style dans ses plus grands récits comme « Madame Bovary » (1857), « Trois contes » (1877) et « L'Éducation sentimentale » (1869).

  • af Gustave Flaubert
    42,99 kr.

    ‘Memoirs of a Madman’ (1838) was written by the great French author Gustave Flaubert, famous for his scandalous, best-selling novel ‘Madame Bovary’.One of his earliest works, this captivating tale follows the recollections of a young man as he recounts his childhood innocence, followed by his painful, abrupt entry into the adult world.This powerful story highlights the author's views on the idealisation of women and lays the foundation for his renowned ‘L'Education Sentimentale’.Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880) was a French novelist, regarded as one of the greatest Western writers and a leading exponent of literary realism in France.A hugely influential figure, he is best known for his debut novel ‘Madame Bovary’ (1857) which caused a nationwide scandal upon publication with its realistic portrayal of bourgeois life.The historical novel ‘Salammbô’ and the painting-inspired ‘The Temptation of Saint Anthony’ are some of his other well-known works.Many of Flaubert’s stories have since been adapted for TV and film including ‘Madame Bovary’ (2000) starring Hugh Bonneville and Greg Wise.

  • af Gustave Flaubert
    38,99 kr.

    ‘The Legend of Saint Julian the Hospitalier’ (1877) is a short story about the medieval Saint Julian the Hospitalier, written by French author Gustave Flaubert, famous for his scandalous novel ‘Madame Bovary’.Predicted at birth to do great things, a father and mother are told their new born son will marry into the family of a Great Emperor and become a Saint.However, when cursed by a stag after slaughtering innocent animals, Julian flees in an attempt to escape his fate.‘The Legend of Saint Julian the Hospitalier’ is a fine example of Flaubert’s mastery of the short story and remains essential reading for fans of his work.Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880) was a French novelist, regarded as one of the greatest Western writers and a leading exponent of literary realism in France.A hugely influential figure, he is best known for his debut novel ‘Madame Bovary’ (1857) which caused a nationwide scandal upon publication with its realistic portrayal of bourgeois life.The historical novel 'Salammbô' and the painting-inspired 'The Temptation of Saint Anthony' are some of his other well-known works.Many of Flaubert’s stories have since been adapted for TV and film including ‘Madame Bovary’ (2000) starring Hugh Bonneville and Greg Wise.

  • af Gustave Flaubert
    59,99 kr.

    ‘Bouvard and Pécuchet’ (1881) was written by the great French author Gustave Flaubert, famous for his scandalous best-selling novel ‘Madame Bovary’.Although unfinished at the time of his passing, this posthumous novel is now considered one of Flaubert's masterpieces.Two retired Parisian clerks, Bouvard and Pécuchet, set out on a quest for truth and knowledge, but despite constant failure, the pair continue their symbolic adventure with dogged optimism.A humorous, gripping satire that touches on politics, love, and religion, ‘Bouvard and Pécuchet’ is Flaubert at his best.Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880) was a French novelist, regarded as one of the great Western writers and a leading exponent of literary realism in France. A hugely influential figure, he is best known for his debut novel ‘Madame Bovary’ (1857) which caused a nationwide scandal upon publication with its realistic portrayal of bourgeois life.The historical novel ‘Salammbô’ and the painting-inspired ‘The Temptation of Saint Anthony’ are some of his other well-known works.Many of Flaubert’s stories have since been adapted for TV and film including ‘Madame Bovary’ (2000) starring Hugh Bonneville.

  • af Gustave Flaubert
    59,99 kr.

    Written by the great French author Gustave Flaubert, ‘Hérodias’ is the third and final tale from the short story collection, ‘Three Tales’ (1877) and is a memorable retelling of the biblical story of Saint John the Baptist.After her divorce from John's half-brother, Herodias marries Herod, but John claims their marriage is against Mosaic Law. During a lavish birthday celebration for Herod, Herodias plans to have John beheaded.Now his fate rests in the hands of King Herod’s daughter, Salome.This biblical tale will delight fans of Ancient Rome and historical fiction.Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880) was a French novelist, regarded as one of the greatest Western writers and a leading exponent of literary realism in France.A hugely influential figure, he is best known for his debut novel ‘Madame Bovary’ (1857), which caused a nationwide scandal upon publication with its realistic portrayal of bourgeois life.The historical novel ‘Salammbô’ and the painting-inspired ‘The Temptation of Saint Anthony’ are some of his other well-known works.Many of Flaubert’s stories have since been adapted for TV and film including ‘Madame Bovary’ (2000) starring Hugh Bonneville.

  • af Gustave Flaubert
    40,99 kr.

    Eletään ajanlaskun alun aikoja Rooman valtakunnassa. Prinsessa Herodias Herodesten hallitsijasuvusta on vahva nainen, joka ei epäröi kostaa. Nyt hän on saanut tarpeekseen Johannes Kastajasta, joka on toistuvasti loukannut kuninkaallisia. Vaan onko Johannes Kastajalla minkäänlaisia mahdollisuuksia välttää Herodiaksen kosto?"Herodias" on Gustave Flaubertin historiallinen pienoisromaani.Gustave Flaubert (1821–1880) oli ranskalainen kirjailija. Hänen tunnetuimpia teoksiaan on vuonna 1857 julkaistu "Rouva Bovary", joka kuvaa maalaislääkärin vaimon miessuhteita ja holtitonta elämää. Muita Flaubertin tunnettuja teoksia ovat muun muassa romaanit "Sydämen oppivuodet" ja "Salammbo". Flaubertin tyyli luokitellaan yleensä realistiseksi.

  • af Francois-Rene de Chateaubriand, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Alexandre Dumas, mfl.
    68,99 kr.

    Guy de Maupassant, Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas, and Fyodor Dostoevsky, are just some of the famous writers whose wit and wisdom are included in this audiobook, "700 Quotations from the Great Writers of the 19th Century".Between them, these authors are responsible for some of the most famous stories ever written, including "Crime and Punishment", "The Three Musketeers" and "Madame Bovary".This carefully crafted collection is guaranteed to inspire, amuse, and entertain.These literary giants are considered among the greatest writers of the 19th Century. Their influential works continue to resonate with audiences to this day.

  • af Stendhal, Honoré de Balzac, Guy de Maupassant, mfl.
    73,99 kr.

    1100 citations des grands écrivains français du XIXe siècle

  • af Stendhal, Guy de Maupassant, Gustave Flaubert, mfl.
    58,99 kr.

    700 citations des grands écrivains du XIXe siècle

  • af Gustave Flaubert
    59,99 kr.

    What young man wouldn't fall in love with an elegant and beautiful older lady? When that lady is much older and married though, the situation becomes much more complicated!'Sentimental Education' follows the amorous adventures of young Frédéric Moreau, a law student who falls in love with Madam Arnoux, the wife of a wealthy merchant. In the dynamic atmosphere of Paris, which is shaken by social and political revolutions, the paths of Moreau and Madam Arnoux will cross and re-cross over the years, transforming him into the prisoner of a passion he could not escape.Regarded as the pioneer of the contemporary novel, it draws a panorama of the lost dreams of a generation stuck amid the conflicts of its own time: mid-19th century France marked by political reforms and major events such as the Second Monarchy, the Revolutions of 1848, and the Second Republic. Described by Flaubert himself as 'the moral history of the men of my generation', 'Sentimental Education' is a fine blend of a love story and historical realism that has something for every reader.Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880) was a highly influential French novelist listed among the greatest representatives of realism. He is best known for his scandalous masterpiece 'Madame Bovary' (1857) which is considered as a watershed not only in 19th-century realism but in world literature. It has been adapted for the TV many times, most notably as a three part BBC series in 2000 and a movie in 2014.His works 'Salammbô' (1862), 'A Sentimental Education' (1869), and 'The Memoirs of a Madman' (1838) are just few examples of his literary craftsmanship. A complete perfectionist in his writing, Flaubert has been admired for his aesthetic ideals and his work influenced the development of the novel in Europe, America and around the globe.

  • af François de La Rochefoucauld, Alphonse de Lamartine, François-René De Chateaubriand, mfl.
    77,99 kr.

    "1100 Quotations from the Great French Writers of the 19th Century" is a wonderful collection of wit and wisdom from some of the greatest French writers ever.From Guy de Maupassant and Honoré de Balzac to Victor Hugo and Alexandre Dumas, this carefully crafted collection is guaranteed to inspire and entertain.Ideal for those needing a dose of encouragement.These French literary giants are responsible for some of the worlds most famous works, including "The Three Musketeers", "Les Misérables", "Madame Bovary" and "The Hunchback of Notre-Dame."

  • af Gustave Flaubert
    60,99 kr.

    Herodias is a short story by Gustave Flaubert, one of the great masters of French literature. It is a reworking of the tale of Salomé and John the Baptist, in which faith and cruelty are blended in a deadly dance culminating in tragedy. A stylistic masterpiece, with orientalist sensuality and an inspired dive into religious fervor, this short story brings the ancient era to the most colorful possible life.

  • af Gustave Flaubert
    60,99 kr.

    Gustave Flaubert is one of the major figures of French literature. He was known for his scrupulous devotion to his style, sometimes working for a whole week to achieve a single page; he was made famous by his first novel, Madame Bovary. A Simple Soul, sometimes translated as A Simple Heart, is a short story containing a lifetime of human emotions. After her one and only love purportedly marries a well-to-do woman to avoid conscription, the simple servant Félicité picks up work in a widow's house. There, she lives a lifetime of servitude, rarely leaving the home and devoting herself to others; but despite her life being seemingly pointless, her selflessness lead her to almost angelic heights. It has been said that no other author has imparted so much beauty and integrity to so modest an existence. This short story is utterly poignant and will change your definition of what it means to be simple.

  • af Gustave Flaubert, Guy de Maupassant & Honore de Balzac
    77,99 kr.

    Enjoy the short stories of three of the greatest writers of French literature, for the first time together in audiobook and narrated in a lively way. Guy de Maupassant was an absolute master of the short story genre, delighting in clever plotting, concise style, and efficient storytelling, which he used to produce stunning pieces in a very condensed format. He produced more than 300 short stories; we selected for you 9 of the most bizarre, influent, humorous or plain shocking. They are in order: The Englishman of Etretat, The Mustache, A Mother of Monsters, A Portrait, A Widow, Madame Baptiste, The Drunkard, Magnetism, An Uncomfortable Bed. By Honoré de Balzac, The Unknown Masterpiece is a short text that was received as a revolution in the world of art, for its work about artistic creation: what does completion or failure mean, and how is it that technique does not guarantee either. Flaubert was known for his scrupulous devotion to his style, sometimes working for a whole week to achieve a single page. A Simple Soul is a short text containing a lifetime of human emotions. It has been said that no other author has imparted so much beauty and integrity to so modest an existence. This short story is utterly poignant and will change your view of selflessness.

  • af Gustave Flaubert
    42,99 kr.

    Dance of Death is a prose poem in which Death laments over the cruel task God has given him. Engaging in a dialogue with Satan, and later Nero as one of Satan's first minions, Death suggests that of the two of them, Satan has the more enviable lot, as his work will one day be done and he will have rest. "Dance of Death" is impregnated with the spirit of romanticism, which had a powerful hold on the mind of Flaubert at the time of its writing. Its florid prose makes it a very interesting curiosity for the reader wishing to know a younger Flaubert, who would only later become the famous author of Madame Bovary.

  • af Gustave Flaubert
    42,99 kr.

    The Legend of Saint Julian the Hospitalier is a short story by French writer Gustave Flaubert, one of the great masters of literary style and aesthetics. Saint Julian is predicted at birth to do great things, but a growing hatred takes root in him, leadinghim to seek a way to escape a destiny which seems more and more likely to be terrible. The Legend of Saint Julian the Hospitalier is an inspiring tale of perseverance and humility, one of Flaubert's most touching short stories with a religious theme.

  • af Gustave Flaubert
    68,99 kr.

    Herodias, The Dance of death and The Legend of Saint Julian The Hospitalier, 3 french short stories by Gustave Flaubert. Dance of Death is a prose poem in which Death laments over the cruel task God has given him. Engaging in a dialogue with Satan, and later Nero as one of Satan's first minions, Death suggests that of the two of them, Satan has the more enviable lot, as his work will one day be done and he will have rest. "Dance of Death" is impregnated with the spirit of romanticism, which had a powerful hold on the mind of Flaubert at the time of its writing. Its florid prose makes it a very interesting curiosity for the reader wishing to know a younger Flaubert, who would only later become the famous author of Madame Bovary. Herodias is a short story by Gustave Flaubert, one of the great masters of French literature. It is a reworking of the tale of Salomé and John the Baptist, in which faith and cruelty are blended in a deadly dance culminating in tragedy. A stylistic masterpiece, with orientalist sensuality and an inspired dive into religious fervor, this short story brings the ancient era to the most colorful possible life. The Legend of Saint Julian the Hospitalier is a short story by French writer Gustave Flaubert, one of the great masters of literary style and aesthetics. Saint Julian is predicted at birth to do great things, but a growing hatred takes root in him, leadinghim to seek a way to escape a destiny which seems more and more likely to be terrible. The Legend of Saint Julian the Hospitalier is an inspiring tale of perseverance and humility, one of Flaubert's most touching short stories with a religious theme.

  • af Gustave Flaubert
    42,99 kr.

    Gustave Flaubert is one of the major figures of French literature. He was made famous by his first novel, Madame Bovary, and is also remembered for his Correspondance, full of precise introspection and reflections about realism in literature. Flaubert was known for his unvelievably scrupulous devotion to his style. He believed in the possibility and necessity of finding "le mot juste" ("the right word"), and would devout weeks to the achievement of sometimes a single page. Flaubert decisively established what most readers and writers now think of as modern realist narration, and his influence today is almost too familiar to be visible. We have selected for you 100 of his most interesting quotes, for you to get acquainted by this major proponent of realism, and let your style benefit from the well-known precision of his.

  • af Gustave Flaubert
    40,99 kr.

    Gustave Flaubert a marqué la littérature universelle par la profondeur de ses analyses psychologiques, son souci de réalisme, son regard lucide sur les comportements des individus et de la société, et par la force de son style dans de grands romans comme Madame Bovary (1857), Salammbô (1862), L'Éducation sentimentale (1869), ou le recueil de nouvelles Trois contes (1877). Ces 100 citations visent à donner accès à son œuvre monumentale par une sélection de ses pensées les plus marquantes, dans un format accessible à tous. Une citation est plus qu'un extrait d'un propos, ce peut être un trait d'esprit, un résumé d'une pensée complexe, une maxime, une ouverture sur une réflexion plus profonde.

  • af Victor Hugo, Francois-Rene de Chateaubriand, Alfred de Musset, mfl.
    73,99 kr.

    Le XIXe siècle en France est un âge d'or littéraire, marqué par des courants très affirmés comme le romantisme, le réalisme, le naturalisme ou le symbolisme, et une évolution moderne de la poésie et du roman qui donna naissance à des chefs-d'oeuvre en nombre inégalé. Cette collection de citations présente la pensée de sept figures incontournables du XIXe siècle sous forme concise et accessible. Victor Hugo est l'un des écrivains de langue française les plus importants, et il fut aussi un intellectuel engagé qui joua un rôle majeur dans l'histoire du XIXe siècle. Sa production toucha tous les genres et lui valut un immense succès populaire. Honoré de Balzac est un des maîtres du roman français, qui excella surtout dans la veine du réalisme. Dans ses romans, caractérisés par un style économe et resserré, Stendhal cherche " la vérité, l'âpre vérité " dans le domaine psychologique, et campe essentiellement des jeunes gens aux aspirations romantiques de vitalité, de force du sentiment et de rêve de gloire. Gustave Flaubert a marqué la littérature universelle par la profondeur de ses analyses psychologiques, son souci de réalisme, son regard lucide sur les comportements des individus et de la société, et par la force de son style. Les romans d'aventure d'Alexandre Dumas sont portés par la fougue de son style et son succès est toujours immense. Chateaubriand est l'un des précurseurs du romantisme français, grâce à ses descriptions de la nature et son analyse des sentiments. Alfred de Musset est un des grands écrivains romantiques français, dont le théâtre et la poésie lyrique montrent une sensibilité extrême, une interrogation sur la pureté et la débauche. La pensée de chaque auteur est résumée en 100 citations marquantes et essentielles, faciles à mémoriser et à s'approprier ; ce format concis et accessible est idéal pour la préparation aux examens et aux concours (bac, capes, agrégation...), la culture générale et le développement personnel.

  • af Gustave Flaubert, Emile Zola, Jules Verne & mfl.
    222,99 kr.

    In diesem Sammelband finden sich die großen Schriftsteller der französischen Literatur wieder! In vier Romanen greifen sie Themen wie Liebe, Verderben und religiösen Fanatismus auf und brechen mit gesellschaftlichen Tabus. In Gustave Flauberts "Madame Bovary", beispielsweise, geht es um eine Frau, die ihren Ehemann durch eine heimliche Affäre hintergeht. In Denis Diderots "Die Nonnen" wird eine Frau ihrer Freiheit beraubt, um sie unter Kontrolle zu bringen.Außerdem enthalten sind:"Die vier Tage von Jean Gourdon"-Émile Zola"Die Erfindung des Verderbens"-Jules VerneDenis Diderot (1713-1784) war ein französischer Übersetzer, Schriftsteller, Philosoph und Aufklärer. In seinen Werken geht es meistens um Selbstbestimmung und den freien Willen.Jules Verne (1828-1905) war ein bedeutender französischer Schriftsteller. Zu seinen bekanntesten Werken gehören "Die Reise zum Mittelpunkt der Erde" und "Reise um die Erde in 80 Tagen".Émile Zola (1840-1902) war ein Schriftsteller, Maler und Journalist aus Frankreich. Bis heute gilt er als Begründer des literarischen Naturalismus.Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880) ist einer der bedeutendsten französischen Romanautoren. Sein bekanntestes Werk ist "Madame Bovary", welches auf einem Zeitungsartikel beruht.

  • af Gustave Flaubert
    40,99 kr.

    Pierwsza wojna punicka dobiegla konca. Choc wladze Kartaginy zatrudnily tysiace najemnikow, nie spiesza sie z wyplata zoldu. W obozie zolnierzy rosnie napiecie. Jeden z nich - Matho przewodzi grupie, ktora w ramach buntu pustoszy ogrody palacu wodza Hamilkara. Zolnierze zostaja wygnani poza miasto, gdzie maja oczekiwac zaplaty. Wkrotce docieraja do nich niepokojace wiesci, ktore prowadza do oblezenia Kartaginy. Mieszkancy zostaja odcieci od swiata. Na ulicach panuje glod. Jakby tego bylo malo, Matho wykrada z Kartaginy swiety zaimf, co jeszcze mocniej podsyca strach wsrod lokalnej spolecznosci. Salambo - corka Hamilkara, za namowa kaplanow, udaje sie do namiotu Matho, by odzyskac przedmiot kultu.-

  • af Gustave Flaubert
    15,99 kr.

    Przykład literackiej syntezy form zawierający elementy dramatu, poematu i powieści. Flaubert pracował nad nim ponad dwadzieścia lat, utwór stanowi dzieło jego życia. Święty Antoni zostaje wystawiony na próbę. Na skutek oszałamiających wizji pełnych pokus pustelnik mierzy się z zachwianiem pewności co do własnej wiary i wiedzy. W barwnym korowodzie majaków przewijają się liczne bóstwa, potwory, fantastyczne stworzenia, a także przedstawiciele rozmaitych wyznań, którzy opowiadają o własnych wyobrażeniach na temat Boga i świata duchowego.Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880) - francuski powieściopisarz, prekursor naturalizmu, jego książki "Pani Bovary" i "Salambo" widniały w indeksie ksiąg zakazanych. Bywalec literackich salonów paryskich, na stałe mieszkał w domu matki w Croisset. Pokaźny spadek po ojcu pozwolił mi rzucić studia prawnicze i oddać się bez reszty pisarstwu. Utrzymywał przyjacielskie relacje z największymi artystami swoich czasów, w jego towarzyskim gronie znajdowali się m.in. Wiktor Hugo, Emil Zola, Iwan Turgieniew, George Sand.

  • af Gustave Flaubert
    96,99 kr.

    A Paris, par une chaude journee d'ete, deux copistes Bouvard et Pecuchet font connaissance sur un banc publique et tombent sous le charme l'un de l'autre. Non seulement exercent-ils le meme metier, mais tous deux sont des passionnes touche-a-tout.C'est le debut d'une relation amicale qu'un heritage inopportun vient consolider : grace a l'argent d'un parent decede, Bouvard et Pecuchet achetent une ferme pres de Caen, et se lancent dans l'agriculture sans autre preparation que des lectures de vulgarisation. De la meme maniere, ils s'interessent, sans approfondir, aux sciences, la philosophie, l'anatomie, la musique, le spiritisme, et tous les domaines auxquels ont peut penser.Mais si leur curiosite est a toute epreuve, leurs entreprises echouent l'une apres l'autre et n'engendrent que des desastres...Cette A uvre inachevee de Gustave Flaubert mele au realisme des teintes comiques. Elle en devient une fable philosophique qui, malgre sa legerete, n'en demeure pas moins une satire serieuse de la betise humaine qui ne fait qu'effleurer les sujets sans jamais y plonger. Selon les notes de Flaubert, le roman devait porter en sous-titre : Du defaut de methode dans les sciences

  • af Gustave Flaubert
    40,99 kr.

    Dans la Thebaide, alors qu'il s'est retire en haut d'une montagne, Saint Antoine est de nouveau soumis aux tentations demoniaques qui jadis le hantait. Visions de luxures ou reves de pouvoir : voila l'ermite torture, ronge par le doute et les desirs refoules qu'une lecture de la Bible attise...Inspire du tableau de Bruegel le Jeune qu'il admire, Gustave Flaubert erige l'A uvre de toute sa vie : un monument de la poesie en prose, doue d'une richesse picturale, remettant en question l'origine de la vie. -