Bøger af Giacomo Casanova
40,99 kr. Der wohl berühmteste männliche Verführer des 18. Jahrhunderts reist nach Deutschland, genauer nach Köln. Stets auf der Suche nach neuen erotischen Abenteuern, erfüllt Casanova gerissen und gewitzt alle Erwartungen – nicht zuletzt die seiner Angebeteten.
- Lydbog
- 40,99 kr.
111,99 kr. Gleich acht berühmte Autoren sorgen in diesem attraktiven Set für einen wundervollen Liebesreigen. Diese Sammlung erkundet alle Facetten des Herzens: so gibt es handfeste Intrigen (Schiller), komplizierte Dreiecksgeschichten (Keyserling), gekonnte Verführungen (Casanova) – und die pralle Liebeslust von Balzac bis Boccaccio. Liebe – man hört es hier - kann eben alles.
- Lydbog
- 111,99 kr.
Fra 36,99 kr. Scritto da Casanova dopo il suo ritorno a Venezia, e in italiano, questo racconto autobiografico offre già tutte le qualità che renderanno impareggiabili le Memorie. Con tocco felice, vivacità nei particolari e gusto nel commentarli, Casanova racconta qui una sua disavventura d’onore, che poteva costargli la vita, durante il suo soggiorno a Varsavia: per un insulto subìto nel camerino di una ballerina italiana, sfida a duello un nobile polacco, «grande panettiere del re», non senza vari pensamenti prima di decidersi, poiché nell’audacia guerriera non era certo così forte come nella seduzione. L’esito fortunoso dello scontro lascia però uno strascico di dubbi e di chiacchiere. Il racconto si presenta perciò come una cronaca che vuole ristabilire la verità. Come un feroce minuetto, la narrazione si snoda in tempi rapidi e perfettamente studiati – e intanto ci offre indirettamente un autoritratto dell’autore, che qui fa le prime prove decisive con la sua «penna che non ha né vuole aver freno». Ma queste pagine sono anche un messaggio cifrato all’interno di una società, la crudele Venezia che guardava ora con una certa scettica indifferenza il suo celebrato fuggiasco: e proprio con questo libretto Casanova intendeva riscattare la propria immagine.Giacomo Girolamo Casanova è stato un avventuriero, scrittore, poeta, alchimista, diplomatico, filosofo e agente segreto italiano, cittadino della Repubblica di Venezia. Di lui resta una produzione letteraria molto vasta ma viene principalmente ricordato come avventuriero e come colui che fece del proprio nome l'antonomasia del seduttore e libertino. A questa fama di grande conquistatore di donne contribuì verosimilmente la sua opera più importante: Histoire de ma vie (Storia della mia vita), in cui l'autore descrive, con la massima franchezza, le sue avventure, i suoi viaggi e i suoi innumerevoli incontri galanti. L'Histoire è scritta in francese: la scelta linguistica fu dettata principalmente da motivi di diffusione dell'opera, in quanto all'epoca il francese era la lingua più conosciuta e parlata in Europa. Fra corti e salotti, Casanova sfiorò, quasi senza accorgersene, un momento di svolta epocale della storia. Conobbe molti fra i grandi del suo tempo e ne documentò gli incontri; erano fra questi personaggi come Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Voltaire, Madame de Pompadour, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Benjamin Franklin, Caterina II di Russia, Federico II di Prussia. Ma Casanova non comprese lo spirito di rinnovamento che avrebbe fatto volare la storia verso direzioni mai percorse prima. Rimase ancorato fino alla morte al vecchio regime e a quella classe dalla quale, per nascita, era stato escluso e della quale cercò disperatamente di far parte, anche quando essa era ormai irrimediabilmente avviata verso il tramonto.
107,99 kr. Meisterwerke der WeltliteraturFerne Länder, fantastische Völker und längst vergangene Zeiten – die Abenteuer Hörbibliothek nimmt Hörerinnen und Hörer mit auf eine Reise durch die klassische Abenteuerliteratur der letzten Jahrhunderte:Herman Melville: Moby DickGiacomo Casanova: Gefangenschaft und Flucht aus den BleikammernJonathan Swift: Gullivers ReisenMark Twain: Die Abenteuer des Huckleberry FinnJules Verne: In 80 Tagen um die Welt
- Lydbog
- 107,99 kr.
16,99 kr. "The Tribunal, having taken cognizance of the grave faults committed by G. Casanova primarily in public outrages against the holy religion, their Excellencies have caused him to be arrested and imprisoned under the Leads."In this second volume about the adventurous life of Giacomo Casanova, the law finally catches up with him. Arrested for affront to religion and common decency, the womanizer faces five years in prison for his antics. One day, walking around the prison grounds, he finds an iron bar which he sharpens and uses as a tool to dig a pathway through the floorboards underneath his bed. Just two days before his planned escape, however, he gets transferred to a different cell.A Charming and charismatic guy, it is no wonder it was Heath Ledger who portrayed him in Lasse Hallström‘s film `Casanova‘ from 2005.LUST Classics is a collection of erotic literary classics. Although some of their content can appear controversial, these titles have been selected due to their historical importance within the field of erotic literature.Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798) was a Venetian adventurer and author. Sometimes referred to as "The world‘s greatest lover", Casanova wrote about his raunchy escapades in several memoirs, which got banned by the Catholic Church.
- E-bog
- 16,99 kr.
16,99 kr. "I could not procure a more agreeable pastime than to relate my own adventures, and to cause pleasant laughter amongst the good company listening to me."In this first volume of the Memoirs of Casanova, the notorious womanizer takes us through his childhood and early youth. A sensitive child with an absent mother, Casanova grows up craving attention from the opposite sex. And attention he receives. Casanova is not shy about bragging about his love conquests, but he tells his scandalous stories with a good sense of humour and irony. His keen eye and candour make him a fantastic storyteller as he offers his insight into the daily – although far from dull – life of the 18th century's Venice.LUST Classics is a collection of erotic literary classics. Although some of their content can appear controversial, these titles have been selected due to their historical importance within the field of erotic literature.Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798) was a Venetian adventurer and author. Sometimes referred to as "The world‘s greatest lover", Casanova wrote about his raunchy escapades in several memoirs, which got banned by the Catholic Church.
- E-bog
- 16,99 kr.
16,99 kr. Having escaped prison, the adventurous womanizer, Casanova, makes his way to Paris and starts a new profession by convincing people that he is an alchemist. His antics quickly catches the attention of prominent figures, among these Madame de Pompadour, chief mistress of the king, who like many other noble people are obsessed with alchemy and the search for philosopher‘s stone. Highly requested for his supposed knowledge, Casanova finds a way to capitalize on his charm and his cleverness, however – being the sexually driven man that he is – his bedroom combats, once again, threaten to put a stop to it all.Like the two previous volumes of Casanova‘s memoirs, "The Eternal Quest" is engaging and beautifully written. Casanova has an incomparable charisma that shines through the pages and makes him capable of getting away with just about anything.LUST Classics is a collection of erotic literary classics. Although some of their content can appear controversial, these titles have been selected due to their historical importance within the field of erotic literature.Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798) was a Venetian adventurer and author. Sometimes referred to as "The world‘s greatest lover", Casanova wrote about his raunchy escapades in several memoirs, which got banned by the Catholic Church.
- E-bog
- 16,99 kr.
16,99 kr. Having spent years scamming people, getting arrested, escaping justice and generally causing havoc on the continent of Europe, Casanova is looking around and finding that he is not particularly welcome anywhere. He heads to Spain, where he is not so well known, to try his luck and for a while things seems to be working. He wines and dines with noble and influential people, as is his specialty, and meets Charles III, the local King. But his luck is running out, doors shut in his face, and Casanova is nearly assassinated. Has the charismatic and passionate womanizer with the impressively unique life finally reached his bitter end?LUST Classics is a collection of erotic literary classics. Although some of their content can appear controversial, these titles have been selected due to their historical importance within the field of erotic literature.Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798) was a Venetian adventurer and author. Sometimes referred to as "The world’s greatest lover", Casanova wrote about his raunchy escapades in several memoirs, which got banned by the Catholic Church.rn
- E-bog
- 16,99 kr.
16,99 kr. Casanova travels to England, hoping to sell his idea of a state lottery to English officials. Always able to charm his way into inner circles, he soon meets King George III. But while business is looking up he is finding courtship (for lack of a better word) slightly more challenging. Because he does not speak English. Not one to let a simple language barrier stop him, however, Casanova puts an advertisement in the newspaper to let an apartment to the "right" person, before interviewing a long line of young women. He eventually chooses Mistress Pauline who, to the surprise of no one, soon becomes more than simply his tenant. But the consequences of his promiscuous ways lurk just around the corner.LUST Classics is a collection of erotic literary classics. Although some of their content can appear controversial, these titles have been selected due to their historical importance within the field of erotic literature.Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798) was a Venetian adventurer and author. Sometimes referred to as "The world’s greatest lover", Casanova wrote about his raunchy escapades in several memoirs, which got banned by the Catholic Church.rn
- E-bog
- 16,99 kr.
16,99 kr. "By recollecting the pleasures I have had formerly, I renew them, I enjoy them a second time, while I laugh at the remembrance of troubles now past, and which I no longer feel."The long life of Giacomo Casanova seems to be a constantly moving roller-coaster. He dips into valleys of poverty and prison sentences before shooting upwards to a life among the rich and royal, and, of course, he beds a couple of women at every turn. This time around, Casanova is on the run again, having lost all his money. While visiting the monastery of Einsiedeln in Switzerland, he begins to seriously consider putting his wild days behind him and become a monk. But then temptation walks by...LUST Classics is a collection of erotic literary classics. Although some of their content can appear controversial, these titles have been selected due to their historical importance within the field of erotic literature.Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798) was a Venetian adventurer and author. Sometimes referred to as "The world’s greatest lover", Casanova wrote about his raunchy escapades in several memoirs, which got banned by the Catholic Church.rn
- E-bog
- 16,99 kr.
25,99 kr. "I leave to others the decision as to the good or evil tendencies of my character..."These highly amusing memoirs by notorious womanizer Giacomo Casanova are quite possibly the greatest true stories every written. Casanova takes us down the road of his long and adventurous life from getting arrested for affront to common decency to escaping prison, wooing royalty, scamming left and right, all the while bedding a different woman every night.He traveled all over Europe, encountered one historic person after the next, among these Madame de Pompadour and Voltaire, making his accounts the most authentic source of the European social customs of the Eighteenth century. Plainly said: this is the sexiest and most entertaining history book you will ever encounter.This is a collection of the 6 volumes about Casanova.LUST Classics is a collection of erotic literary classics. Although some of their content can appear controversial, these titles have been selected due to their historical importance within the field of erotic literature.Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798) was a Venetian adventurer and author. Sometimes referred to as "The world‘s greatest lover", Casanova wrote about his raunchy escapades in several memoirs, which got banned by the Catholic Church.
- E-bog
- 25,99 kr.
99,00 kr. I disse erindringer skildrer Casanova sine oplevelser fra sine fødeby Venedig. Den beskriver hans udskejelser med massevis af kvinder, hans tilfangetagelse og flugt fra det berygtede underjordiske fængsel i Venedig.Giacomo Girolamo Casanova bliver født i Venedig i 1725, og fra hans hånd foreligger en skildring af det 18. århundredes Europa, der i sin diversitet overgår alle andre samtidsbeskrivelser. Casanova rejser fra den ene europæiske storby til den anden, og undervejs støder han på et enormt udsnit af 1700-tallets spraglede persongalleri.
- E-bog
- 99,00 kr.
103,99 kr. Casanova erwarb schon mit 16 Jahren einen Doktortitel im Fach Jura und studierte anschließend Chemie, Medizin, Theologie und Mathematik. Seine kirchliche Laufbahn gab er schnell auf. 1742 reiste er als Sekretär nach Korfu, bei seiner Rückkehr ein Jahr später nach Venedig wurde er zum ersten Mal (wegen Erbstreitigkeiten) inhaftiert. Anschließend reiste er nach Ancona und Rom und musste sich mit den unterschiedlichsten Beschäftigungen (u. a. als Orchestergeiger, Sekretär, Glücksspieler, Schriftsteller und Spion) durchs Leben schlagen. im Jahre 1755 wurde er wegen "Schmähungen gegen die heilige Religion" inhaftiert. Seine 15 Monate später gelungene Flucht aus den Bleikammern, dem Staatsgefängnis des Dogenpalastes in Venedig, erregte allgemeine Aufmerksamkeit. Die Bleikammern tragen ihren Namen wegen der furchtbaren Hitze, welche im Staatsgefängnis herrschte. Allerdings gelang ihm die Flucht erst beim zweiten Versuch. Bis heute sind die Memorien Casanovas in mehr als zwanzig Sprachen übersetzt worden.
- Lydbog
- 103,99 kr.
- 1747-1753
79,00 kr. 1747-1753Mit livs erindringer er Giacomo Girolamo Casanovas bemærkelsesværdige memoirer. Casanova bliver født i Venedig i 1725, og fra hans hånd foreligger en skildring af det 18. århundredes Europa, der i sin diversitet overgår alle andre samtidsbeskrivelser.Casanova rejser fra den ene europæiske storby til den anden, og undervejs støder han på et enormt udsnit af 1700-tallets spraglede persongalleri. Blandt de mange mennesker, han møder, finder man repræsentanter fra alle samfundslag, og læseren stifter bekendtskab med både tiggermunke, prostituerede og en række af tidens berømtheder. Blandt andet den berømte franske filosof Francois de Voltaire og kejserinden af Rusland, Katharina den Store.I dag er den venetianske eventyrers erindringer en vigtig kilde til vores viden om 1700-tallets Europa, og samtidig er det en fantastisk historie om et meget usædvanligt menneske. Casanova var en lykkeridder og en forfører, og i Mit livs erindringer 1733 – 1753 beskriver han sin opvækst og sine første rejser ud i verden og kærligheden.
- Lydbog
- 79,00 kr.