Bøger af Francis Bacon

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  • af Miguel de Cervantes, Léonard De Vinci, Nicolas Machiavel, mfl.
    58,99 kr.

    500 citations des grands philosophes du XVIe siècle

  • af Montesquieu, Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, mfl.
    73,99 kr.

    900 citations de la philosophie moderne

  • af Montesquieu, Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, mfl.
    77,99 kr.

    Take a tour through nine of the finest minds of all time, with ‘900 Quotations from Modern Philosophy.’With words of wisdom, reflections, and observations on everything from life and love to death and hatred, and everything in between, this is a superb book for those looking for inspiring and self-questioning thoughts to gain a new perspective on our existence.A superb read for fans of modern philosophy and those who simply want something fascinating to dip in and out of.Michel de Montaigne (1533 – 1592) was a French philosopher, who pioneered the use of essays as a literary device. Montesquieu (1689 – 1755) was also French, whose writing had a huge influence on political systems. Voltaire (1694 – 1778), also from France, was one of the founders of the French Enlightenment movement. Niccolò Machiavelli (1469 – 1527) was an Italian diplomat who excused the use of unscrupulous means in politics.Born in Geneva, Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712 – 1778) was a spearhead in the European Enlightenment movement. Born in Germany, Immanuel Kant (1724 – 1804) was another central figure of Enlightenment philosophy, as was Dutchman, Baruch Spinoza (1632 – 1677). Born in France, Blaise Pascal (1623 – 1662) was a fideistic philosopher, while Francis Bacon (1909 – 1992) is best known as an existential artist.

  • af Miguel De Cervantes, Leonardo Da Vinci, Nicolas Machiavel, mfl.
    60,99 kr.

    Known as the High Renaissance period, the philosophy of the 1500s leaned towards establishing the relationship between the human body and the human soul. Logic was waning as a philosophical ideal and, instead, the focus fell on human nature.‘500 Quotations from the Great Philosophers of the 16th Century’ cherry-picks some of the most profound and insightful observations from some of the finest minds of that era.A superb gift for history buffs and philosophy fans alike.Miguel de Cervantes (1547 – 1616) was born in Spain and went on to become one of the most important figures in Spanish literature. His use of colloquialism and ordinary speech challenged the overblown structures of traditional literature of the time. Michel de Montaigne (1533 – 1592) was a French philosopher who pioneered the use of essays as a literary device.Niccolò Machiavelli (1469 – 1527) was an Italian diplomat and philosopher who condoned the use of unscrupulous means in politics. Born in Italy, Leonardo da Vinci (1452 – 1519) was an artist, inventor, scientist, and sculptor, who is best known for painting the ‘Mona Lisa,’ while Francis Bacon (1909 – 1992) is best known as an existential artist.

  • af Francis Bacon
    38,99 kr.

    Sir Francis Bacon’s ‘The New Atlantis’ is an Early Modern Utopian novel that explores an idealised view of what human progress can achieve. The novel centres around the Utopian Island of ‘Bensalem’ and its inhabitants, who embody Bacon’s dreams for humanity through their kind-hearted, enlightened, and communal spirit. Throughout this work, Bacon demonstrates the importance of religious freedom in Christian society, as well as the integration of science and ‘The Baconian Method’ into education. ‘Salomon’s House’ represents the apex of Bacon’s vision, a modern research university that focuses on the cutting edge of scientific discovery. ‘The New Atlantis’ was published posthumously in 1628, never completed. Despite this, it still offers a rich vision of what ‘The Father of Empiricism’ believed humanity could become. ‘The New Atlantis’ remains one of the most important works of Utopic Fiction, alongside Sir Thomas More’s ‘Utopia’.Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626) was an English author, philosopher, and statesman. A prolific author, his work has spanned science, religion and literary fiction. His work has had a profound impact on science, and he is often regarded as ‘The Father of Empiricism’. His most important books, ‘Novum Organum’ and ‘New Atlantis’ have a significant legacy. ‘Novum Organum’ was heavily influential to 17th century scholars, particularly Sir Thomas Browne who utilised ‘The Baconian Method’ for much of his encyclopaedia ‘Pseudodoxia Epidemica’. ‘Salomon’s House’ from ‘The New Atlantis’ was frequently used as inspiration for the establishment of ‘The Royal Society’, the United Kingdom’s national academy for sciences.

  • af Francis Bacon
    42,99 kr.

    Published in 1605, Sir Francis Bacon’s ‘The Advancement of Learning’ is a ground-breaking philosophical work that outlines his empirical scientific method. Addressed to King James I, this two book treatise argues the importance of utilising observable facts over reason or feeling in science. Cutting through the noise of the English Renaissance, Bacon clearly and concisely explains his ideas for human progress, and where scientific thought could take us.Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626) was an English author, philosopher, and statesman. A prolific author, his work has spanned science, religion and literary fiction. His work has had a profound impact on science, and he is often regarded as ‘The Father of Empiricism’. His most important books, ‘Novum Organum’ and ‘New Atlantis’ have a significant legacy. ‘Novum Organum’ was heavily influential to 17th century scholars, particularly Sir Thomas Browne who utilised ‘The Baconian Method’ for much of his encyclopaedia ‘Pseudodoxia Epidemica’. ‘Salomon’s House’ from ‘The New Atlantis’ was frequently used as inspiration for the establishment of ‘The Royal Society’, the United Kingdom’s national academy for sciences.

  • af Francis Bacon
    40,99 kr.

    Pas de méthode scientifique moderne sans Sir Francis Bacon. Son oeuvre s'inscrit dans le cadre de la révolution scientifique, qui prit son essor au XVIIe siècle en Angleterre et décida de toute l'évolution de la pensée philosophique et scientifique. C'est à lui que l'on doit l'idée d'une approche méthodique, fondée sur l'observation prudente des faits de la nature. Il fut le premier à défendre l'idée de l'empirisme comme base du travail scientifique, afin d'éviter la projection et les distorsions dûes à une préférence pour l'une ou l'autre hypothèse. Cette approche révolutionnaire pour l'époque est aujourd'hui au fondement de l'approche scientifique moderne. Découvrez 100 citations choisies parmi ses plus influentes, portrait d'un esprit scientifique lucide et source d'inspiration.

  • af Nicolas Machiavel, Michel de Montaigne & Francis Bacon
    40,99 kr.

    300 citations de la philosophie de la Renaissance

  • af Francis Bacon
    42,99 kr.

    Sir Francis Bacon had a tremendous impact on science and philosophy during the scientific revolution in XVIIth-century England. He was the first to argue for a skeptical and methodical approach in science, based on careful observation of events in nature, and founded on induction. His work, firmly grounded in empiricism to prevent projection of one's preferred hypothesis, made him the father of scientific method. This was a groundbreaking turn of events at the time, and is still the basis of the scientific framework today. We have selected for you 100 of his most influential quotes, for you to discover the inner workings of an honest scientific mind, and get inspired by his straightforward approach.

  • af Michel de Montaigne, Francis Bacon & Niccolo Machiavelli
    60,99 kr.

    Become familiar with the most important Renaissance philosophers, Michel de Montaigne, Francis Bacon and Machiavelli, the author of The Prince. These figures have shaped Western philosophy; delve deep into their works and thoughts with a selection of the essential quotes introducing their major ideas and delineating the structure of their work with clarity.

  • af Nicolas Machiavel, Francis Bacon & Michel de Montaigne
    60,99 kr.

    ‘300 Quotations from Renaissance Philosophy’ is a collection of insightful, educational, and inspiring quotes from some of the greatest ever renaissance philosophers, including French philosopher Michel de Montaigne and Italian philosopher Niccolò Machiavelli.It also includes the words of English philosopher Francis Bacon whose famous quotes include, ‘It is impossible to love and to be wise’ and ‘Knowledge is power’.‘300 Quotations from Renaissance Philosophy’ is the perfect collection for those needing an extra dose of philosophical insight.Michel de Montaigne (1533 – 1592) was one of the most important philosophers of the French Renaissance and is best known for popularising the essay as a literary genre.Niccolò Machiavelli (1469 –1527) was an Italian diplomat, author, and philosopher best known for his political treatise, ‘The Prince’ (Il Principe). Machiavelli has often been called the father of modern political philosophy and political science.Francis Bacon (1561 – 1626) was an English philosopher and statesman, often called the father of empiricism. His works are considered to have contributed to the scientific method.