Bøger af Frances Hodgson Burnett
163,99 kr. Dive into this joyous collection of classical children’s books from some of the best writers for little hearts and young minds.Uncover the magic of childhood classics from ´Anne of Green Gables´, ´The Wind in the Willows´, and ´The Secret Garden´ to ´The Velveteen Rabbit´ and ´The Wonderful Adventures of Nils´.Follow one girl's search for belonging, go on thrilling adventures with our favourite furry friends, discover a magical garden, learn about love and reality with a toy rabbit, and join one boy as he embarks on fantastical farmland adventures!Weaving a touching and intoxicating collection of coming-of-age tales, this ‘Classic Children's Books Collection’ is the perfect companion for fans of Netflix’s ‘Anne with an E’.Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874-1942) was a Canadian author and poet. Best known for her novel ‘Anne of Green Gables’, it remains one of the best-selling books worldwide and has been adapted for both stage and screen.Kenneth Grahame (1859-1932) was a British writer born in Edinburgh, Scotland. He is most famous for the children’s classics ‘The Wind in the Willows’ and ‘The Reluctant Dragon’.Frances Hodgson Burnett (1849-1924) was a British-American novelist and playwright. Best known for her celebrated children’s novels, Burnett’s work spans ‘Little Lord Fauntleroy’, ‘A Little Princess’, and ‘The Secret Garden’.Selma Lagerlöf (1858-1940) was a Swedish author and the first woman to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. Her work spans ‘The Saga of Goesta Berling’, ‘The Wonderful Adventures of Nils Holgersson’, and ‘Jerusalem’.
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- 163,99 kr.
Fra 53,99 kr. Mary Lennox nie należała do grzecznych dziewczynek. Od małego nie szanowała służby i była niemiła dla otoczenia. W wieku dziesięciu lat straciła rodziców i zmuszona była opuścić Indie, w których mieszkała. Przenosi się do angielskiej posiadłości wuja, która zdaje się pełna tajemnic. Początkowo Mary stara się zachowywać tak, jak w Indiach. Stopniowo jednak zmienia nastawienie zarówno do służby, jak i do swojego pobytu w Anglii. Pewnej nocy dziewczynka podąża za płaczącym głosem. Tak poznaje Colina, hipochondrycznego kuzyna. Dzieci nawiązują nić porozumienia, wspólnie odkrywając zdrowotną moc natury w tajemniczym ogrodzie. „Tajemniczy ogród" to jedna z najbardziej cenionych powieści światowej literatury dla dzieci. Opowiada o mocy przyjaźni i pozytywnego nastawienia, które w połączeniu ze światem natury pozwalają przemienić każde zatwardziałe serce oraz odmienić niejeden los.Frances Hodgson Burnett (1849-1924) – angielska pisarka, autorka powieści dla młodzieży. Debiutowała w 1877 roku powieścią „Panna Lowrie". Łącznie opublikowała ok. 40 powieści, opisujących życiowe perypetie młodych bohaterów. W swoich utworach Burnett odnosi się do tradycji baśni dziecięcej i przekazuje wiarę w moralną siłę młodości. Jej najbardziej znane utwory takie jak „Mała Księżniczka" czy „Tajemniczy Ogród" doczekały się także ekranizacji filmowych.
58,99 kr. Mukaansatempaava romaani Salaisen puutarhan kirjoittajalta.Eletään vuotta 1690. Jeoffrey-niminen aatelisherra on tunnettu ikävästä luonteestaan. Jeoffreyn vaimo suree asemaansa. Kuinka hän on joutunutkaan tällaiseen avioliittoon? Kun vaimo saa jälleen kerran yhden tyttölapsen, Jeoffrey ei säästele sanojaan. Miksei vaimo onnistu saamaan arvokasta poikalasta? Tyttö saa nimekseen Klorinda – ja tämä tyttö tulee näyttämään myös isälleen, missä on kaapin paikka.Klorinda on historiallinen romaani täynnä draamaa ja tunnetta.Frances Hodgson Burnett (1849–1924) oli englantilaissyntyinen kirjailija, joka eli suurimman osan elämästään Yhdysvalloissa. Burnett alkoi kirjoittaa työkseen jo 19-vuotiaana, jolloin hänen tarinoitaan julkaistiin eri lehdissä. Hän kirjoitti elämänsä aikana kymmenittäin kirjoja lapsille ja nuorille. Hänen tunnetuin teoksensa on Salainen puutarha.
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- 58,99 kr.
58,99 kr. Von ihren Eltern wenig beachtet, wächst die kleine Mary Lennox von Kindermädchen und Dienern umsorgt in Indien auf. Als eine schwere Krankheit ausbricht, sterben ihre Eltern und ihr Kindermädchen, woraufhin das Waisenkind zu ihrem Onkel nach England gebracht wird. Auch hier wird ihr wenig Fürsorge entgegengebracht. Auf ihren einsamen Streifzügen entdeckt sie einen mysteriösen und verwilderten Garten und macht es sich zur Aufgabe, das Geheimnis dahinter zu ergründen.Frances Hodgson Burnett (1849-1924) war eine britische Schriftstellerin. 1865 wanderte sie mit ihrer Familie in die USA aus. Sie war zweimal verheiratet. Von ihrem ersten Ehemann ließ sich Burnett scheiden, der zweite starb wenige Jahre nach ihrer Hochzeit. Ihr Lebenswerk umfasst zahlreiche Schriftstücke, am bekanntesten sind jedoch „Der kleine Lord" und „Der geheime Garten", die mehrfach verfilmt wurden.
- Lydbog
- 58,99 kr.
120,99 kr. ‘Through One Administration’ is a tale like no other. Through the eyes of Bertha Amory, the wife of a 19th century lawyer in Washington D.C., the author, Frances Hodgson Burnett, serves us both romance, women’s rights and American politics.Bertha may be a mother of three and a devoted wife to her husband, but she’s never forgotten the summer when a young soldier came to stay with her and her father, a renowned professor, before heading off to fight a war against the Native Americans.Many years later, the love of that summer returns to Washington D.C. Bertha is torn between the desires of her heart and her duties as a wife and mother.Those who enjoyed the interlacing of romance and political commentary as seen in works by Jane Austen, including titles such as ‘Pride and Prejudice’ and ‘Sense and Sensibility’, will not be disappointed by Frances Hodgson Burnett’s ‘Through One Administration’.Frances Hodgson Burnett was an English American playwright and author. Born in the UK in Manchester to a family of ironmongers, she later migrated to the United States where she would go on to write some of her most famous plays and novels.During the span of her career, Frances Hodgson Burnett wrote and published more than 53 novels, most of them for adults. However, she is perhaps best known for her work in children’s literature, including famous titles such as ‘The Little Princess’ (1905), ‘The Secret Garden’ (1911), and ‘Little Lord Fauntleroy’ (1886).Frances Hodgson Burnett is also known for her historical fiction, including acclaimed titles such as 'The Head of the House of Coombe' (1922) and its sequel, 'Robin' (1922).Burnett’s work has been adapted for film many times. The latest movie adaptation of ‘The Secret Garden’ was released in 2020, starring Colin Firth and Julie Walters.
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- 120,99 kr.
77,99 kr. In 'Vagabondia' the bustling streets of 20th century London are home to an artistic family with great ambitions. Phil and his three sisters want only to live a bohemian lifestyle, free of financial speculation, but in a town that revolves around the accumulation of wealth and power, such dreams are hard to achieve.A story which takes place in an environment similar to that of the Hollywood blockbuster 'Titanic', starring Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio as the star crossed lovers Rose and Jack (except for the bit about the boat, but you can't have everything.)Readers of historical fiction often compare 'Vagabondia' to other great titles of the genre such as 'Pride & Prejudice' by Jane Austen and 'Great Expectations' by Charles Dickens.Frances Hodgson Burnett was an English American playwright and author. Born in the UK in Manchester to a family of ironmongers, she later migrated to the United States where she would go on to write some of her most famous plays and novels.During the span of her career, Frances Hodgson Burnett wrote and published more than 53 novels, most of them for adults. However, she is perhaps best known for her work in children’s literature, including famous titles such as ‘The Little Princess’ (1905), ‘The Secret Garden’ (1911), and ‘Little Lord Fauntleroy’ (1886).Frances Hodgson Burnett is also known for her historical fiction, including acclaimed titles such as 'The Head of the House of Coombe' (1922) and its sequel, 'Robin' (1922).Burnett’s work has been adapted for film many times. The latest movie adaptation of ‘The Secret Garden’ was released in 2020, starring Colin Firth and Julie Walters.
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- 77,99 kr.
59,99 kr. When their parents suddenly die, siblings José and Pepita are left in the care of their grandmother, already an old woman. Their uncle is a wealthy man, yet he only helps by giving the children some fallen fruit to eat every now and again.Life is hard in rural Spain during the 19th century, and from a young age José must work in his uncle’s vineyards. José is slow and simple, while his sister, seemingly the more fortunate of the two, grows more beautiful every day. Surely a girl of such beauty must be destined for greater things, suggests the village priest, Padre Alejandro. He tells the children to travel to Madrid, and so they do, but life in the big city turns out to be just as hard as life in the countryside, and much more complicated...‘The Pretty Sister of José’ by Frances Hodgson Burnett is not only a tale of struggle and romance. It is also a political commentary on the position of girls and women in a society that favours the limited few.Enjoy Burnett’s descriptions of 19th-century Madrid with colorful markets where the smell of jasmine and orange fruits hangs heavy in the air, like the set of a film by Oscar-winning Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar.Frances Hodgson Burnett was an English American playwright and author. Born in the UK in Manchester to a family of ironmongers, she later migrated to the United States where she would go on to write some of her most famous plays and novels.During the span of her career, Frances Hodgson Burnett wrote and published more than 53 novels, most of them for adults. However, she is perhaps best known for her work in children’s literature, including famous titles such as ‘The Little Princess’ (1905), ‘The Secret Garden’ (1911), and ‘Little Lord Fauntleroy’ (1886).Frances Hodgson Burnett is also known for her historical fiction, including acclaimed titles such as 'The Head of the House of Coombe' (1922) and its sequel, 'Robin' (1922).Burnett’s work has been adapted for film many times. The latest movie adaptation of ‘The Secret Garden’ was released in 2020, starring Colin Firth and Julie Walters.
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- 59,99 kr.
102,99 kr. Everybody in The Lancashire village of Riggan is talking about Joan Lowrie, and who could blame them? She’s as beautiful as she is kindhearted and strong willed.For years she’s endured the daily beatings from her father who works in the pit, just like all the other men in town. But the pit is a dangerous place to be, and so when seventeen-year-old Liz is left to take care of her infant baby on her own, Joan comes to her aid.Joan's many selfless acts don’t go unnoticed. She catches the eye of two very different men. Things are not made easier by the arrival of the new vicar's daughter.‘That Lass O' Lowrie's’ is a tale of friendship, romance, and perseverance, set against the backdrop of a late 19th century mining village in England. Written and published in 1877 by Frances Hodgson Burnett, the novel easily rivals other famous titles of its generation, such as ‘Pride & Prejudice’ by Jane Austen and ‘Jane Eyre’ by Charlotte Brontë.Frances Hodgson Burnett was an English American playwright and author. Born in the UK in Manchester to a family of ironmongers, she later migrated to the United States where she would go on to write some of her most famous plays and novels.During the span of her career, Frances Hodgson Burnett wrote and published more than 53 novels, most of them for adults. However, she is perhaps best known for her work in children’s literature, including famous titles such as ‘The Little Princess’ (1905), ‘The Secret Garden’ (1911), and ‘Little Lord Fauntleroy’ (1886).Frances Hodgson Burnett is also known for her historical fiction, including acclaimed titles such as 'The Head of the House of Coombe' (1922) and its sequel, 'Robin' (1922).Burnett’s work has been adapted for film many times. The latest movie adaptation of ‘The Secret Garden’ was released in 2020, starring Colin Firth and Julie Walters.
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- 102,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Little Sara Crewe is devastated when her father leaves her at Miss Minchin's Select Seminary, a boarding school for young women in London. She adores her papa and would have much rather have accompanied him on his expedition to India.Alas, she finds herself stuck under the watchful eye of Miss Minchin. Sara despises everything about the head mistress, from her fishy glare to her large, cold hands. Every time a letter arrives at the boarding school, she hopes it's for her, saying that her father is returning to London.What Sara doesn’t know is that things are about to get worse. A lot worse. Being the wealthy heiress to a large fortune has kept her from knowing Miss Minchin’s true nature, until now. When Sara's father suddenly dies, leaving her orphaned and penniless, the real hardship begins.‘Sara Crewe or What Happened at Miss Minchin's’ is ‘Oliver Twist’ meets ‘Cinderella’. With a good dash of ‘A little princess’, which – coincidentally – was also written by Frances Burnett, who never missed an opportunity to write about orphans overcoming terrible obstacles.Frances Hodgson Burnett was an English American playwright and author. Born in the UK in Manchester to a family of ironmongers, she later migrated to the United States where she would go on to write some of her most famous plays and novels.During the span of her career, Frances Hodgson Burnett wrote and published more than 53 novels, most of them for adults. However, she is perhaps best known for her work in children’s literature, including famous titles such as ‘The Little Princess’ (1905), ‘The Secret Garden’ (1911), and ‘Little Lord Fauntleroy’ (1886).Frances Hodgson Burnett is also known for her historical fiction, including acclaimed titles such as 'The Head of the House of Coombe' (1922) and its sequel, 'Robin' (1922).Burnett’s work has been adapted for film many times. The latest movie adaptation of ‘The Secret Garden’ was released in 2020, starring Colin Firth and Julie Walters.
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- 42,99 kr.
102,99 kr. Who hasn’t dreamt of discovering that they’re the secret heir to a great fortune? Temple Barholm, or simply T. Tembarom for short, never did. As an orphan growing up on the mean streets of early 20th century New York City he simply can’t afford such foolish notions.Needless to say it comes as an unexpected surprise when Tembarom turns out to be the long forgotten heir to an old family fortune and must make the journey over to England, where unimaginable wealth - and a murder mystery – awaits him.Frances Burnett is the author of ‘T. Tembarom’, and by her own admission, the story is inspired by one of her more famous works, ‘Little Lord Fauntleroy’.This classic rags to riches story is Oliver Twist meets Richie Rich, with a murder mystery twist in the middle...Frances Hodgson Burnett was an English American playwright and author. Born in the UK in Manchester to a family of ironmongers, she later migrated to the United States where she would go on to write some of her most famous plays and novels.During the span of her career, Frances Hodgson Burnett wrote and published more than 53 novels, most of them for adults. However, she is perhaps best known for her work in children’s literature, including famous titles such as ‘The Little Princess’ (1905), ‘The Secret Garden’ (1911), and ‘Little Lord Fauntleroy’ (1886).Frances Hodgson Burnett is also known for her historical fiction, including acclaimed titles such as 'The Head of the House of Coombe' (1922) and its sequel, 'Robin' (1922).Burnett’s work has been adapted for film many times. The latest movie adaptation of ‘The Secret Garden’ was released in 2020, starring Colin Firth and Julie Walters.
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- 102,99 kr.
59,99 kr. "I see dead people". So said the little boy in the Hollywood Blockbuster ‘The Sixth Sense’, starring Bruce Willis. The little girl in Frances Burnett’s ‘The White People’ doesn’t put it quite like that, but she does have the same special gift. She too sees ghosts, and she refers to them as the white people, because that’s what they are to her.This classic ghost story is set in the Scottish Highlands, a place full of legends and mystery. This wouldn’t be a Frances Burnett novel without a castle or two, and sure enough, the little girl lives in one. Her parents where high born, and so is she, but now she’s an orphan, with only servants – and ghosts – to keep her company.Frances Hodgson Burnett was an English American playwright and author. Born in the UK in Manchester to a family of ironmongers, she later migrated to the United States where she would go on to write some of her most famous plays and novels.During the span of her career, Frances Hodgson Burnett wrote and published more than 53 novels, most of them for adults. However, she is perhaps best known for her work in children’s literature, including famous titles such as ‘The Little Princess’ (1905), ‘The Secret Garden’ (1911), and ‘Little Lord Fauntleroy’ (1886).Frances Hodgson Burnett is also known for her historical fiction, including acclaimed titles such as 'The Head of the House of Coombe' (1922) and its sequel, 'Robin' (1922).Burnett’s work has been adapted for film many times. The latest movie adaptation of ‘The Secret Garden’ was released in 2020, starring Colin Firth and Julie Walters.
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- 59,99 kr.
42,99 kr. When the young King Amor realizes that the people of his country are mistreating each other and the nature surrounding them, he takes it upon himself to teach them better. No easy task when you’ve also got a kingdom to rule. In fact, it would seem that all hope is lost, until the king learns of a magical flower, one that has the power to turn selfish people into compassionate and caring beings.‘The Land of the Blue Flower’ was written by Frances Hodgson Burnett in 1904, long before Gretha Thunberg came along and begged us to start caring enough about each other and the planet.In many ways ‘The Land of the Blue Flower’ is a fairy tale ahead of its time, and a lesser-known children’s classic by the author of ‘The Secret Garden’.Frances Hodgson Burnett was an English American playwright and author. Born in the UK in Manchester to a family of ironmongers, she later migrated to the United States where she would go on to write some of her most famous plays and novels.During the span of her career, Frances Hodgson Burnett wrote and published more than 53 novels, most of them for adults. However, she is perhaps best known for her work in children’s literature, including famous titles such as ‘The Little Princess’ (1905), ‘The Secret Garden’ (1911), and ‘Little Lord Fauntleroy’ (1886).Frances Hodgson Burnett is also known for her historical fiction, including acclaimed titles such as 'The Head of the House of Coombe' (1922) and its sequel, 'Robin' (1922).Burnett’s work has been adapted for film many times. The latest movie adaptation of ‘The Secret Garden’ was released in 2020, starring Colin Firth and Julie Walters.
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- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Anthony Dart has decided to bid this cruel world farewell. There’s only one problem – he can’t seem to find his way to the place where he plans to take his own life.Lost in a dismal London fog, Anthony must battle not only the weather but also his own convictions in order to find his way. Add to that a little homeless girl, a street prostitute and a thief, and you’ve got yourself a compelling read.In this short story by Frances Hodgson Burnett, a depressed and suicidal businessman makes his way through early 20th century London while the smog lays thick on the ground. A backdrop which viewers of the hit tv-show ‘The Crown’, starring Claire Foy, Olivia Colman and Helena Bonham Carter, will undoubtedly find familiar.Frances Hodgson Burnett was an English American playwright and author. Born in the UK in Manchester to a family of ironmongers, she later migrated to the United States where she would go on to write some of her most famous plays and novels.During the span of her career, Frances Hodgson Burnett wrote and published more than 53 novels, most of them for adults. However, she is perhaps best known for her work in children’s literature, including famous titles such as ‘The Little Princess’ (1905), ‘The Secret Garden’ (1911), and ‘Little Lord Fauntleroy’ (1886).Frances Hodgson Burnett is also known for her historical fiction, including acclaimed titles such as 'The Head of the House of Coombe' (1922) and its sequel, 'Robin' (1922).Burnett’s work has been adapted for film many times. The latest movie adaptation of ‘The Secret Garden’ was released in 2020, starring Colin Firth and Julie Walters.
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- 42,99 kr.
102,99 kr. Don’t you just hate it when your selfish, child-like mother, who’ve done nothing but ignore you your entire life, marries the most arrogant man in London, only to abandon you to the mercy of a cold-hearted nurse?By popular opinion Feather is one of the most beautiful women in London, and Lord Coombe is the most well-dressed man in town. On the surface it would appear the pair was destined to meet. The only one who isn’t happy with the union is Feather’s daughter, Robin, who’s got her own reasons for hating the dapper gentleman her mother is marrying.The 'Head of the House of Coombe' is a riches to rags story in which we follow the wealthy nobleman Lord Coombe, busy socialite Feather and her daughter Robin as they navigate 20th century pre-war London. The novel also serves as a commentary on the political and social reasons behind World War I.The 'Head of the House of Coombe' was written by Frances Hodgson Burnett (1849-1924) and published in 1922, becoming the fourth-highest bestselling novel in the United States that same year.Robin, the sequel to The Head of The House of Coombe, was also published in 1922.Frances Hodgson Burnett was an English American playwright and author. Born in the UK in Manchester to a family of ironmongers, she later migrated to the United States where she would go on to write some of her most famous plays and novels.During the span of her career, Frances Hodgson Burnett wrote and published more than 53 novels, most of them for adults. However, she is perhaps best known for her work in children’s literature, including famous titles such as ‘The Little Princess’ (1905), ‘The Secret Garden’ (1911), and ‘Little Lord Fauntleroy’ (1886).Frances Hodgson Burnett is also known for her historical fiction, including acclaimed titles such as 'The Head of the House of Coombe' (1922) and its sequel, 'Robin' (1922).Burnett’s work has been adapted for film many times. The latest movie adaptation of ‘The Secret Garden’ was released in 2020, starring Colin Firth and Julie Walters.
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- 102,99 kr.
77,99 kr. "When anyone meets us," Meg said, "they always look surprised. Dogs which are not allowed in the house are like us. The only difference is that they don't drive us out—but we are just as much in the way."‘Two little Pilgrims’ Progress’ is the story of orphaned twins, Meg and Robin, left to the care of their Aunt Matilda, who doesn’t take much notice of them. Meg sleeps in a cold servant’s room, while Robin shares a room with someone else. All the two kids have in the world are each other and their dreams.Meg dreams of running away to "The City Beautiful" – Chicago – for the single reason that it is "millions of miles" away from Aunt Matilda's barn. She convinces her brother to run away with her, and through the eyes of the adventurous children, the reader gets to experience a truly magnificent moment in history; the Chicago World's Fair in the late 1890s.Readers who enjoyed ‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’ by Mark Twain will also enjoy this book.Frances Hodgson Burnett was an English American playwright and author. Born in the UK in Manchester to a family of ironmongers, she later migrated to the United States where she would go on to write some of her most famous plays and novels.During the span of her career, Frances Hodgson Burnett wrote and published more than 53 novels, most of them for adults. However, she is perhaps best known for her work in children’s literature, including famous titles such as ‘The Little Princess’ (1905), ‘The Secret Garden’ (1911), and ‘Little Lord Fauntleroy’ (1886).Frances Hodgson Burnett is also known for her historical fiction, including acclaimed titles such as 'The Head of the House of Coombe' (1922) and its sequel, 'Robin' (1922).Burnett’s work has been adapted for film many times. The latest movie adaptation of ‘The Secret Garden’ was released in 2020, starring Colin Firth and Julie Walters.
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- 77,99 kr.
59,99 kr. Theodora has, in many ways, a rich life. Many ways apart from the one that counts. She’s got beauty and innocence in abundance, but when it comes to financial means, she sadly falls short. Luckily, a wealthy aunt takes a shine to the poor girl and invites her to London, where she makes the acquaintance of some interesting characters, including Mr. Oglethorpe, a famed journalist.Just like everyone else, Mr. Oglethorpe can’t seem to take his eyes of the young Theo. There’s only one problem – he's already engaged to someone else.‘Theo - A Sprightly Love Story’ is a melodramatic tale of young love and controversy.Those who loved the work of Jane Austen, including such titles as ‘Pride and Prejudice’, which was adapted into film starring Keira Knightley as Elizabeth Bennet, will undoubtedly also fall in love with Frances Hodgson Burnett’s young heroine, Theo.Frances Hodgson Burnett was an English American playwright and author. Born in the UK in Manchester to a family of ironmongers, she later migrated to the United States where she would go on to write some of her most famous plays and novels.During the span of her career, Frances Hodgson Burnett wrote and published more than 53 novels, most of them for adults. However, she is perhaps best known for her work in children’s literature, including famous titles such as ‘The Little Princess’ (1905), ‘The Secret Garden’ (1911), and ‘Little Lord Fauntleroy’ (1886).Frances Hodgson Burnett is also known for her historical fiction, including acclaimed titles such as 'The Head of the House of Coombe' (1922) and its sequel, 'Robin' (1922).Burnett’s work has been adapted for film many times. The latest movie adaptation of ‘The Secret Garden’ was released in 2020, starring Colin Firth and Julie Walters.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
42,99 kr. As if it wasn’t enough that he was born with a hump, Zia is forced to beg on the streets of old Bethlehem. Everything he earns is taken away from him by the wicked woman who keeps him, and in return she beats him daily.Being a hunchback in biblical times is far from easy. Especially if you happen to be cursed with a gentle soul and a kind heart, like Zia. When the people see him in the streets they shout "Unclean, unclean!" until he hurries away.‘The Little Hunchback Zia’ is a heartbreaking story of a small boy, born with deformity and orphaned, who must overcome many obstacles to change his life.The novel has the length of a fairytale and the depth of a classic work of fiction. Perfect as a bedtime story but brings to mind other classic titles such as ‘The Hunchback of Notre-Dame' by Victor Hugo and ‘Oliver Twist’ by Charles Dickens.Frances Hodgson Burnett was an English American playwright and author. Born in the UK in Manchester to a family of ironmongers, she later migrated to the United States where she would go on to write some of her most famous plays and novels.During the span of her career, Frances Hodgson Burnett wrote and published more than 53 novels, most of them for adults. However, she is perhaps best known for her work in children’s literature, including famous titles such as ‘The Little Princess’ (1905), ‘The Secret Garden’ (1911), and ‘Little Lord Fauntleroy’ (1886).Frances Hodgson Burnett is also known for her historical fiction, including acclaimed titles such as 'The Head of the House of Coombe' (1922) and its sequel, 'Robin' (1922).Burnett’s work has been adapted for film many times. The latest movie adaptation of ‘The Secret Garden’ was released in 2020, starring Colin Firth and Julie Walters.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
15,99 kr. Powieść należąca do kanonu literatury dziecięcej. Tytułowa księżniczka to Sara Crewe, siedmiolatka, która przybywa z Indii do Londynu, gdzie zostaje zapisana na pensję dla dziewcząt, kierowaną przez chciwą i okrutną pannę Minchin. Bogaty ojciec Sary życzy sobie, by jego córce niczego nie brakowało, zatem jest ona traktowana po królewsku. Wystawne życie dziewczynki kończy się, gdy przełożona pensji otrzymuje wiadomość, że bogactwo ojca Sary należy już do przeszłości. Panna Minchin zatrzymuje dziewczynkę na pensji. Odtąd Sara cierpi nędzę, nie zatraca jednak swojej szlachetności i dobra.Brytyjska powieściopisarka i dramaturg. Autorka 39 powieści, głównie adresowanych do młodych czytelników. To właśnie te utwory (przede wszystkim „Mała księżniczka", „Tajemniczy ogród" i „Mały lord") przyniosły jej bardzo dużą popularność, w XX wieku zostały przeniesione na deski teatru i ekrany, także jako filmy animowane. Powieści oraz sztuki teatralne, które pisała z myślą o dorosłych odbiorcach, dotyczyły problematyki społecznej.
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- 15,99 kr.
20,99 kr. Powieść o sile i potędze dziecięcej miłości, która sprawia, że obdarzony nią człowiek odzyskuje radość oraz sens życia. Jan Artur of Dorincourt jest hrabią zamieszkującym piękny zamek w Anglii. Wystawne życie nie przynosi mu jednak szczęścia – wiekowy i chory staje się coraz bardziej samotny oraz zgorzkniały. Kilka lat po śmierci syna, wiedziony poczuciem obowiązku, postanawia sprowadzić do siebie wnuka oraz jego matkę. Cedryk Errol, pełen życia i radości chłopiec, wniesie do pałacu dziadka dawno już zapomnianą tam radość.Brytyjska powieściopisarka i dramaturg. Autorka 39 powieści, głównie adresowanych do młodych czytelników. To właśnie te utwory (przede wszystkim „Mała księżniczka", „Tajemniczy ogród" i „Mały lord") przyniosły jej bardzo dużą popularność, w XX wieku zostały przeniesione na deski teatru i ekrany, także jako filmy animowane. Powieści oraz sztuki teatralne, które pisała z myślą o dorosłych odbiorcach, dotyczyły problematyki społecznej.
- E-bog
- 20,99 kr.
67,99 kr. Twenty years ago, a young runaway boy named Jem Haworth collapsed in the snow in front of a foundry. Today, he runs the foundry that now bears his name. Now the wealthy Mr. Ffrench, wants to become Haworth's partner. Mr. Ffrench also has a beautiful daughter named Rachel. But unlike her father, she looks down on the working class..Taking place in a small English manufacturing town set against the early days of industrialization is a study in human nature, filled with colorful characters like the engineer Hilary Murdoch and his cousin Christian, who works on his father's failed invention and Granny Dixon, who always speaks her mind. Dealing with destructive passions, a tangled web of relationships, the struggle of gender roles and social hierarchy this is perfect for fans of classics like "e;Wuthering Heights"e; and "e;Great Expectations"e;. -
- E-bog
- 67,99 kr.
67,99 kr. Emily Fox-Seton is a well-bred but penniless lady who works for the selfish Lady Maria Bayne. At 34, she knows she is unlikely to marry, and her prospects are bleak. Despite that, she has a positive outlook and enjoys the simple pleasures of life. Her kindness, unselfishness and desire to make others happy attract the aging and wealthy Marquis Walderhurst. He sweeps her off her feet and they get married. Not long after, he travels to India, leaving Emily with child.But not everyone is happy for Emily..Soon, her husband's former heir, Alec Osborn, arrives and attempts to regain what he believes is his birthright. Mysterious murder plots arise, putting Emily and her child in danger. Will she find her happy ever after?Set in the early 19th century, this Cinderella-like story is a collection of two separate books, "e;The Making of a Marchioness"e; and its sequel "e;The Methods of Lady Walderhurst."e;-
- E-bog
- 67,99 kr.
41,99 kr. Esmeralda Rogers is a simple farm girl in North Carolina in love with her neighbour David. But when the discovery of iron ore on their farm suddenly makes the family wealthy, Esmeralda’s mother sets her sights on a high society city life, deeming David unworthy of her daughter’s hand.While the newly found wealth makes Esmeralda and her father uncomfortable, the family matriarch sees it as her opportunity to live the life she’s always dreamed of.The family arrives in Paris, eager to join the Parisian society and Esmeralda is forced to accept a marriage proposal from a French count. But as fates intervene, Esmeralda and David might have a chance at a happy ending after all.This rags-to-riches tale is a short story told from the perspective of a French tutor who meets the American family after they arrive in Paris. Like many other Burnett’s classics, it focuses on the nuances of relationships, social hierarchies and family dynamics. For fans Erin Watt, Tessa Dare and Lisa Kleypas.Frances Eliza Hodgson Burnett (1849-1924) was born in Manchester, England, but emigrated to the United States after her father’s death. She wrote stories for magazines to help her family financially, and would later write plays and novels. Her most famous works are ‘A Little Princess’ (1905) and ‘The Secret Garden’ (1911).
- E-bog
- 41,99 kr.
42,99 kr. American heiress Octavia Bassett arrives in a sleepy English town to visit her aunt Belinda. She’s extremely wealthy, privileged and independent, which doesn’t go over well with the locals. Her arrival sets tongues wagging and ruffles feathers of the very conservative and traditional residents. Indifferent to the impression she creates, Octavia befriends Lucia Gaston, the meek granddaughter of the village matriarch, Lady Theobald.More friction arise as Lucia’s intended, Captain Barold, proposes to Octavia. She turns him down flat and leaves him dumbfounded. Meanwhile, Lucia, inspired by her friend’s independence falls in love with Mr. Burmistone, a mill owner her grandmother frowns upon.Then Octavia’s father and former fiancé arrive in town causing even more commotion among the locals.A lighthearted and entertaining tale, perfect for fans of Jane Austen, Lisa Kleypas and Julia Quinn.Frances Eliza Hodgson Burnett (1849-1924) was born in Manchester, England, but emigrated to the United States after her father’s death. She wrote stories for magazines to help her family financially, and would later write plays and novels. Her most famous works are ‘A Little Princess’ (1905) and ‘The Secret Garden’ (1911).
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Inspired by the book "Robinson Crusoe," a young boy named Barty decides that he, too, wants his own deserted island.One day he goes out to the forest where he meets the Good Wolf, a magic friend who makes his wishes come through.This is a story of a boy, his wolf and adventures on a deserted island is a great bedtime story for kids. Perfect for fans of C.S. Lewis, J. K. Rowling and Michael Ende.Frances Eliza Hodgson Burnett (1849-1924) was born in Manchester, England, but emigrated to the United States after her father’s death. She wrote stories for magazines to help her family financially, and would later write plays and novels. Her most famous works are ‘A Little Princess’ (1905) and ‘The Secret Garden’ (1911).
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
67,99 kr. Olivia Ferrol is a sophisticated and wealthy New Yorker, while Louisiana (Louise) Rogers is a simple country girl. They meet at the Oakdale Springs resort in North Carolina, a health resort catering to wealthy Southerners. The women become unlikely friends as neither fits in with the rest of the guests.After Louise arrives at the resort, Olivia decided to give her a makeover. As Louise dons the latest fashions, learns etiquette, and acts like a proper lady, she becomes aware of her own shortcomings. Louise falls in love with Olivia's brother Laurence, who believes her to be someone she's not. Caught between two worlds, Louise's relationships with her father, Olivia and Laurence, are tested. Fans of "e;My Fair Lady"e; or "e;Clueless"e; will enjoy this story of friendship and love. -
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- 67,99 kr.
67,99 kr. Elizabeth grew up in a secluded chateau in France and was raised by her pious Aunt Clotilde. Upon her aunt's death Elizabeth goes to live with her extravagant Uncle Bertrand in New York City.One day she overhears one of her uncle's friends talk about his charitable work with the poor and decides to go to the slums to help the needy.But here she runs into danger. "e;Little Saint Elizabeth and Other Stories"e; is a collection of short stories. "e;The Story of Prince Fairyfoot"e; is about a prince whose feet are too small in a monarchy that merits foot size. "e;The Proud Little Grain of Wheat"e; is about an arrogant grain of wheat. "e;Behind the White Brick"e; is about a girl who imagines exploring a chimney. Fans of Burnett's other works like "e;The Secret Garden"e; or "e;Grimms' Fairy Tales"e; will enjoy this book. -
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- 67,99 kr.
92,99 kr. Clorinda’s mother dies giving birth to her, and she grows up mostly raised by servants. Her absentee father eventually takes a shine to her at a young age, and she becomes a spoiled tomboy. She wears man’s clothes, smokes cigars, drinks and engages in other unladylike behaviour.However, when she turns 15, Clorinda decides to shed the man’s clothes and become a lady.Her beauty and grace takes everyone by storm. Soon, she is pursued by suitors from surrounding areas. With her sister Anne by her side, Clorinda navigates between her suitors, the expectations set on her by society and unexpected love."A Lady of Quality" is a Victorian gothic romance set in the late 1600s. Fans of the genre will likely enjoy the melodrama, questionable morals and ploys of the characters.For fans of Marissa Meyer, Tricia Levenseller and Ann Radcliffe.Frances Eliza Hodgson Burnett (24 November 1849 – 29 October 1924) was an American-English novelist and playwright. She is best known for the three children’s novels "Little Lord Fauntleroy" (published in 1885–1886), "A Little Princess" (1905) and "The Secret Garden" (1911). Born in Cheetham, England, Frances moved with her family to the United States after her father’s death in 1865. Burnett started writing at the age of 19 to help earn money for the family, she gained popularity writing both children’s fiction and romantic novels for adults.
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- 92,99 kr.
67,99 kr. Lord Osmonde has everything he could possibly want. He is wealthy, gracious, kind and handsome. The only thing missing is a wife.But one day he sets his eyes on the unruly and tomboyish daughter of a reckless lord, Clorinda. Osmonde, like many of the other men, is smitten with the spirited woman and patiently waits for fate to bring them together. But with so much competition, marriage proposals and temptations, will Clorinda realize he's her soulmate or fall for someone else?"e;His Grace of Osmonde"e; is a sequel to "e;A Lady of Quality."e; While the previous book introduces readers to Clorinda, this book takes a closer look at the man who loves her and their relationship.For fans of Marissa Meyer, Tricia Levenseller and Ann Radcliffe. -
- E-bog
- 67,99 kr.
67,99 kr. "e;Robin"e; is a romantic drama set in England during World War II. By a chance encounter in the garden, young Robin meets the boy of her dreams, Donal, but their love is not meant to be. Some 15 years later, they are reunited and rekindle their love. As their romance blooms the world is at war. Not long after, Donal heads off to fight in the war, leaving Robin behind. When he goes missing and is presumed dead, Robin's world is shattered. She turns to the powers of mysticism to help her get through the pain and search for answers. Fans of wartime romances like "e;Casablanca"e; or "e;Pearl Harbour"e; will likely enjoy this book. "e;Robin"e; is a sequel to "e;The Head of the House of Coombe"e; which follows the pre-war relationships between English nobility and commoners. -
- E-bog
- 67,99 kr.
Fra 92,99 kr. ‘The Lost Prince’ is a children’s novel from ‘Little Lord Fauntleroy’ author Frances Hodgson Burnett. Published in 1915, it tells the tale of twelve-year-old Marco Loristan and his father Stefan, who come from the fictional land of Samavia. Marco has been on the move all his life – travelling from place to place ever since Samavia fell into Civil War many years before his birth. When the pair arrive in London, they strike up a friendship with a street urchin nicknamed The Rat, and so begins a thrilling adventure across Europe and back to their homeland. A delightful tale from the famous children’s author. Frances Hodgson Burnett (1849-1924) was a British novelist and playwright. Born in Manchester, the family emigrated to America following the death of Frances’ father when she was just three years old. Her literary career began at the ages of 19, when she began writing stories for magazines to help financially support her family. Following her first marriage, Frances began to write novels, of which her children’s stories ‘Little Lord Fauntleroy’, ‘A Little Princess’ and ‘The Secret Garden’ are perhaps her best-known and most loved. All adapted for stage and screen numerous times, the latest film adaptation of ‘The Secret Garden’ was released in 2020, and starred Colin Firth and Julie Walters. Frances Hodgson Burnett died in New York in 1924 at the age of 74.