Bøger af Cupido
Fra 36,99 kr. Mikään ei tunnu yhtä ihanalta kuin tunturin raikas ilma, rannassa liplattavat laineet, rintoja hyväilevä tuuli ja jalkoväliä viilentävä järvivesi...Tämä on eroottinen novellikokoelma Cupidolta. Kokoelma sisältää seuraavat novellit:"Oli 25 astetta pakkasta, ja hän seisoi tallin oven ulkopuolella Huippuvuorilla. Hänen miehensä istui autossa ja nai häntä katseellaan." – Jääkarhujen maa kirjoittanut Linda "He lähtivät vuorille mukanaan teltta, ruokaa ja monta sääntöä. Nainen piti siitä, että mies otti ohjat." – Vuorilla kirjoittanut Signe Sanaseppä"CUPIDO on elämänilon, himon ja nautinnon aikakauslehti, joka on julkaissut lukijoidensa fantasioihin ja seksikokemuksiin perustuvia novelleja jo vuodesta 1984. rn
Fra 36,99 kr. Tarinoita dominoivista naisista tai miehistä, pariskunnista tai ventovieraista tutkimassa seksuaalisuutensa rajoja roolileikkien, BDSM:n, parinvaihdon, orgioiden ja muiden seksikkääseen mystiikkaan kietoutuvien kokemusten kautta. Tämä on eroottinen novellikokoelma Cupidolta. Kokoelma sisältää seuraavat novellit:"Hänellä on aavistus siitä, mitä tulee tapahtumaan, mutta hän ei saa katsoa. Sidottuna hän saa kuulla, kuinka naiset rakastelevat, pukevat hänet naiseksi ja soittavat jonkun miehen perään." – Vieras kirjoittanut Lars Høvisgaard "Hän on fetisisti, transvestiitti ja pitää märistä vaipoista ja terveyssiteistä." – Mielihyvä ja tyydytys kirjoittanut Yksinäinen Susi, Tromssa "Nainen huomasi aivan selvästi miehen äänestä, että tämä oli itkun partaalla. Ehkä tämän koko perhe oli kuollut auto-onnettomuudessa?" – Pelastustoimi kirjoittanut anonyymi "Täti nousi ylös, ja lautanen hajosi pirstaleiksi lattialle. "Frøydis, hae sinun hiusharjasi", hän sanoi." – Kaja-täti kirjoittanut Frøydis, Oslo CUPIDO on elämänilon, himon ja nautinnon aikakauslehti, joka on julkaissut lukijoidensa fantasioihin ja seksikokemuksiin perustuvia novelleja jo vuodesta 1984. rn
36,99 kr. Nuoripari. Ensimmainen kerta. Rohkea flirttailu. Salainen, kielletty kohtaaminen. Nuori opiskelija ja hanen naisopettajansa. Vanhempi herrasmies ja viaton neitsyt. "e;Aurinkoinen kesapaiva Cap d'Agdessa. Mies, vaimo, himokas italiaano - ja nahkakoru."e; Betty ja nahkakoru kirjoittanut NaturligNaken "e;Han oli jo todella kiihottunut tavatessaan Helgen ravintolan ulkopuolella. Mutta hanella ei ollut aavistustakaan siita, mita tama oli tilannut valiruoaksi."e; - Jannitysta arkeen kirjoittanut Frk. Ugle, Telemark "e;Tyovuoron jalkeinen kolmen kimppa onnistui taydellisesti. Mutta kuka oli ruskettunut mies uimahousuissa?"e; - Unta vai totta? kirjoittanut Dronning Isolde, Bergen "e;Naapurin 19-vuotias poika naytti kylailevan vanhempiensa luona. Joka tapauksessa ikkunassa seisoi ilkialaston mies."e; - Lounas kirjoittanut Marie, Vejle -
- E-bog
- 36,99 kr.
Fra 36,99 kr. Tarinoita dominoivista naisista ja miehistä, pareista ja ventovieraista, jotka tutkivat seksuaalisuutensa rajoja roolileikkien, BDSM:n, parinvaihdon, orgioiden ja muiden seksikkääseen mystiikkaan kietoutuvien kokemusten kautta. Tämä on eroottinen novellikokoelma Cupidolta. Novellikokoelma sisältää seuraavat novellit:"Luennoitsija katseli oppilaitaan. Useimmat heistä olivat jo riisuneet ylävartalonsa alasti. He puristelivat ja tunnustelivat toistensa rintoja." – Valmiina tenttiin kirjoittanut Sakse Sauna"Japanilaiset asiakkaat olivat erityisen vaativia, varsinkin kun heitä oli kolme. Hänen naiskollegansa voi todellakin todistaa sen." – Ylitöissä 2 kirjoittanut Sandra"Ja mitä naapuri oikein teki? No hän istui ja katseli heitä intensiivisesti parvekkeensa kauteen yli." – Jaettua iloa kirjoittanut Mikkito, Itä-NorjaCUPIDO on elämänilon, himon ja nautinnon aikakauslehti, joka on julkaissut lukijoidensa fantasioihin ja seksikokemuksiin perustuvia novelleja jo vuodesta 1984.
Fra 36,99 kr. Nuoripari. Ensimmäinen kerta. Rohkea flirttailu. Salainen, kielletty tapaaminen. Nuori opiskelija ja hänen naisopettajansa. Vanhempi herrasmies ja viaton neitsyt.Tämä on eroottinen novellikokoelma Cupidolta. Kokoelma sisältää seuraavat novellit:t"Opettajaopiskelija on harrastanut seksiä 17-vuotiaan oppilaan kanssa. Tapaus on järkyttänyt vanhempia. Koulu pysyy toistaiseksi suljettuna tutkinnan jatkuessa." - Sijaisopettaja, kirjoittanut Konkylia Ibenhot "Naisella ei ole alushousuja, ja "uhrinsa" nähdessään hän kumartuu sitomaan kengännauhojaan." - Sadepäivän museovierailu, kirjoittanut Frederikke "Lukion ensimmäistä luokkaa käyvät pojat haaveilevat saksanopettajastaan. Yhden fantasioista muuttuu kuitenkin todeksi." Sifonkiunelmaa, kirjoittanut Erling "Poika oli saapunut leirintäalueelle äidin ja isän kanssa perheen Ford Anglialla. Paikalle pamahti parivaljakko Wartburgilla – ja nainen lähti hänen kanssaan souturetkelle." - Osaavatko naiset soutaa?, kirjoittanut Lars KnausCUPIDO on elämänilon, himon ja nautinnon aikakauslehti, joka on julkaissut lukijoidensa fantasioihin ja seksikokemuksiin perustuvia novelleja jo vuodesta 1984.
Fra 36,99 kr. Nainen/nainen. Mies/mies. Biseksuaalisuus. Panseksuaalisuus. Queer. Toiset eivät koskaan kyseenalaista homouttaan. Toiset taas elävät vuosia heteroliitossa, kunnes yhtäkkiä ajatus ystävättärestä kovettaa nännit tai parhaan kaverin kosketus saa kalun jäykistymään. Tämä on eroottinen novellikokoelma Cupidolta. Novellikokoelma sisältää seuraavat novellit: "Hän ei ollut koskaan tehnyt sitä aikaisemmin, mutta sai kokeilla yhtä sun toista kun lähti kuorma-autokuljettajana toimivan serkun matkaan." Serkku, kirjoittanut D. Rømmen "Hän oli aito latino, jolla oli vihkisormus. "Hän piti hauskaa miestenhuoneessa." Sevilla, kirjoittanut Måns, Huddinge CUPIDO on elämänilon, himon ja nautinnon aikakauslehti, joka on julkaissut lukijoidensa fantasioihin ja seksikokemuksiin perustuvia novelleja jo vuodesta 1984.
Fra 36,99 kr. Tarinoita dominoivista naisista tai miehistä, pariskunnista tai ventovieraista tutkimassa seksuaalisuutensa rajoja roolileikkien, BDSM:n, parinvaihdon, orgioiden ja muiden seksikkääseen mystiikkaan kietoutuvien kokemusten kautta. Tämä on eroottinen novellikokoelma Cupidolta. Novellikokoelma sisältää seuraavat novellit: "Nainen näki käsiraudoilla leikittelevän miehen naapuripöydässä. Silloin hän oli mennyttä." – Maailman onnellisin tyttö kirjoittanut Caroline, Kööpenhamina "He leikkivät aikuisten sokkoleikkiä. Mies haaveili olevansa keisari." – Näkymätön kirjoittanut Robert, Kööpenhamina "Naisen piti kohdata mies Kuninkaan puistossa. Mutta hän torkahti pehmeään nurmikkoon, eikä huomannut miehen saapuvan ja asettuvan tiukasti kiinni hänen takapuoleensa." – Kuninkaan puistossa kirjoittanut Annette, Næstved "Hänen äänensävynsä oli muuttunut tiukemmaksi. Tuollainen hän ei ollut eilen, jolloin hän oli kohtelias, miellyttävä ja keskusteleva." – Käskyttäjä kirjoittanut Enigma CUPIDO on elämänilon, himon ja nautinnon aikakauslehti, joka on julkaissut lukijoidensa fantasioihin ja seksikokemuksiin perustuvia novelleja jo vuodesta 1984.
Fra 36,99 kr. Nainen/nainen, mies/mies, biseksuaalisuus, panseksuaalisuus, queer. Toiset eivät koskaan kyseenalaista homouttaan. Toiset taas elävät vuosia heteroliitossa, kunnes yhtäkkiä ajatus ystävättärestä kovettaa nännit tai parhaan kaverin kosketus saa kalun jäykistymään. Tämä on eroottinen novellikokoelma Cupidolta. Novellikokoelma sisältää seuraavat novellit: "Taukopaikan vessassa pojalla oli tilanne hallussaan. Kun he kohtasivat odottamatta auditoriossa, roolit olivat vaihtuneet." – Simon Says kirjoittanut Alexander Skriver "Ei ole kovin helppoa pissata, kun appiukko makaa viereisessä kylpyammeessa. ’Annanko veden valua?’, hän kysyy hymisten." – Appivanhemmat kirjoittanut Alexander, Kolding "Välissämme on vain peräsin. Hänen siniharmaa djellabayansa on liukunut polvien päälle." – Egyptissä kirjoittanut Turisti CUPIDO on elämänilon, himon ja nautinnon aikakausilehti, joka on julkaissut lukijoidensa fantasioihin ja seksikokemuksiin perustuvia novelleja jo vuodesta 1984. CUPIDO on elämänilon, himon ja nautinnon aikakausilehti, joka on julkaissut lukijoidensa fantasioihin ja seksikokemuksiin perustuvia novelleja jo vuodesta 1984.
Fra 36,99 kr. Tarinoita dominoivista naisista ja miehistä, pareista ja ventovieraista, jotka tutkivat seksuaalisuutensa rajoja roolileikkien, BDSM:n, parinvaihdon, orgioiden ja muiden seksikkääseen mystiikkaan kietoutuvien kokemusten kautta. Tämä on eroottinen novellikokoelma Cupidolta. Novellikokoelma sisältää seuraavat novellit: "Tuntemattomat voimat ottivat hänet tunnelissa vastoin hänen tahtoaan. Kylpyhuoneessa tuoksui erilaisille hajusteille." - Syntymäpäivä, kirjoittanut Aino Cara "Nainen seisoo aivan oven sisäpuolella katsoen, kuinka mies riisuutuu hitaasti. Miksei hän pakene? Miksei hän huuda niin, että naapurit kuulisivat?" - Yksin kotona, kirjoittanut Miriam Marcussen "Hän teki tismalleen saman toiselle jalalle. Hieroi sen hehkuvaksi millimetri millimetriltä." - Passiivinen, kirjoittanut Hu CUPIDO on elämänilon, himon ja nautinnon aikakausilehti, joka on julkaissut lukijoidensa fantasioihin ja seksikokemuksiin perustuvia novelleja jo vuodesta 1984. CUPIDO on elämänilon, himon ja nautinnon aikakausilehti, joka on julkaissut lukijoidensa fantasioihin ja seksikokemuksiin perustuvia novelleja jo vuodesta 1984.
Fra 36,99 kr. Tarinoita dominoivista naisista ja miehistä, pareista ja ventovieraista, jotka tutkivat seksuaalisuutensa rajoja roolileikkien, BDSM:n, parinvaihdon, orgioiden ja muiden seksikkääseen mystiikkaan kietoutuvien kokemusten kautta. Tämä on kokoelma eroottisia novelleja Cupidolta. Novellikokoelma sisältää seuraavat novellit: "Samalla kun mies nautti kaikilla aisteillaan edessään naivasta parista, hän muisteli jotain kauan sitten kokemaansa." – Muisto Nicolesta kirjoittanut Sam "Ystäväpariskuntien tavatessa hänen miehensä oli tapahtumien keskipisteenä. He nöyryyttivät miestä joukolla." – Upea esitys kirjoittanut Linda CUPIDO on elämänilon, himon ja nautinnon aikakauslehti, joka on julkaissut lukijoidensa fantasioihin ja seksikokemuksiin perustuvia novelleja jo vuodesta 1984. CUPIDO on elämänilon, himon ja nautinnon aikakausilehti, joka on julkaissut lukijoidensa fantasioihin ja seksikokemuksiin perustuvia novelleja jo vuodesta 1984.
Fra 36,99 kr. Nuori pari. Ensimmäinen kerta. Rohkea flirttailu. Salainen, kielletty kohtaaminen. Nuori opiskelija ja hänen naisopettajansa. Vanhempi herrasmies ja viaton neitsyt. Sinä, minä ja ystävämme.Tämä on eroottinen novellikokoelma Cupidolta. Novellikokoelma sisältää seuraavat novellit:"Se oli aivan epätodellista. Televisiosta tutut julkkikset riisuutuivat – ja lopulta myös miehen vaimo seurasi esimerkkiä." – Intiaanikesä, kirjoittanut Roy Rebo"Mies oli saanut vaimoltaan luvan matkustaa yksin Amsterdamiin. Tiesiköhän vaimo, millaisten vaikutteiden kanssa mies palaisi kotiin?" – Estoton esitys, kirjoittanut Sakse Sauna"Pariskunta ilmoitti etsivänsä kolmanneksi pyöräksi miestä – miestä, joka osaisi ottaa ohjat käsiinsä ja tietäisi, mitä haluaa." – Eksoottinen iltapäivä, kirjoittanut AKM, OsloCUPIDO on elämänilon, himon ja nautinnon aikakauslehti, joka on julkaissut lukijoidensa fantasioihin ja seksikokemuksiin perustuvia novelleja jo vuodesta 1984. Julkaistu uudelleen tuoreina seksikkäinä kokoelmina yhteistyössä Sagan kanssa.
Fra 36,99 kr. Nainen/nainen, mies/mies, biseksuaalisuus, panseksuaalisuus, queer. Toiset eivät koskaan kyseenalaista homouttaan. Toiset taas elävät vuosia heteroliitossa, kunnes yhtäkkiä ajatus ystävättärestä kovettaa nännit tai parhaan kaverin kosketus saa kalun jäykistymään.Tämä on eroottinen novellikokoelma Cupidolta. Novellikokoelma sisältää seuraavat novellit:"Ensin kirvesmiehellä oli nainen, sen jälkeen miesmäinen nainen." – Kirvesmies haluja tyydyttämään kirjoittanut Terje"Hän herää sängystä alaston vieras mies vieressään – eikä muista mitään." – Kaikkea sitä voikin tapahtua... kirjoittanut Misha MarkussenCUPIDO on elämänilon, himon ja nautinnon aikakauslehti, joka on julkaissut lukijoidensa fantasioihin ja seksikokemuksiin perustuvia novelleja jo vuodesta 1984. Uudelleenjulkaistu tuoreina seksikkäinä kokoelmina yhteistyössä Sagan kanssa.
38,99 kr. The young couple. The first time. Daring flirtation. The secret, forbidden meeting. The young student and the teacher. The older gentleman and the innocent virgin. You, me and a friend.This is an erotic short story collection from Cupido. The collection includes the following short stories:"She’s always had a special relationship with food. Now she also experiences the connection between food and sex." – Sweet Temptations by Eva Adamsen"He decorates her breasts with strawberries, grapes and pineapple. Creates a strip down to her waistband." – Summer Dream 2 by H., Harstad"He took an olive between his fingers. Slowly, he reached across the table and let it touch her lips. The olive was salty and strong, just the way she liked them." Greek Salad by Libra, Greece"They locked the door and had sex on the job. She had a pan full of fresh chocolate sauce." – Queen of the Kitchen by Gunn"She remembers the summer of ‘97 very fondly. That was the summer Kim rubbed suntan oil into her." - Oily Fingers by TuvaSince 1984, Cupido has been publishing a weekly magazine bursting with sex stories and informative articles on sexuality and pleasure, without judging or shaming its readers. In Cupido’s universe, everyone is welcome and everyone is represented. The short stories in the magazine are written by the readers themselves, and they are guaranteed to make you blush. Sex in an everyday setting becomes anything but ordinary when Cupido’s readers write about it, and the result is sexy stories that breathe joy, playfulness and pleasure.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Stories of dominant women, men, couples, and strangers who explore the limits of sexuality with role-playing, BDSM, partner swapping and mystical orgies.This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains the following stories:"She had a date with her man that evening. It was supposed to be just them. However, that all changed when the doorbell rang and she let in his friend. She shouldn’t have done that." – The Deal by Lucinda X"She loves it when he’s a little rough and plays the Master. Who said being submissive was a bad thing?" – God, You’re Good! by Camilla, Tromsø"She was one of those ‘off-limits’ women who you could only go so far with. But that all changed one afternoon when she made a costly mistake." - Little Mrs Hansen by Salgschefen, Roskilde"He sat there naked on the bed, asking her to lie down on his lap. She obeyed." – Friday by HuSince 1984, Cupido has been publishing a weekly magazine bursting with sex stories and informative articles on sexuality and pleasure, without judging or shaming its readers. In Cupido’s universe, everyone is welcome and everyone is represented. The short stories in the magazine are written by the readers themselves, and they are guaranteed to make you blush. Sex in an everyday setting becomes anything but ordinary when Cupido’s readers write about it, and the result is sexy stories that breathe joy, playfulness and pleasure.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Woman-woman. Man-man. Bisexuality. Flexible. Queer. Some people have never questioned whether or not they’re gay. Others are in a straight marriage with kids when suddenly their best friend makes their nipples erect, or a touch from their best mate makes their cock hard.This is an erotic short story collection from Cupido. The collection includes the following short stories:"Dénise abruptly pulled back the shower curtain. "What are you saying? Have you never had an orgasm? You should have told me!" – Dénise by Frøydis, Telemark"Some things are much better to learn from others. Of course, it would be a pleasure to practice what she had learnt." – The Temple of Learning by Hjalmar Ring"She thought of herself as a nice, well-adjusted human, but when she fantasised, the carpet beater and cane were often used," – Dear Cupido... by VL, LarvikSince 1984, Cupido has been publishing a weekly magazine bursting with sex stories and informative articles on sexuality and pleasure, without judging or shaming its readers. In Cupido’s universe, everyone is welcome and everyone is represented. The short stories in the magazine are written by the readers themselves, and they are guaranteed to make you blush. Sex in an everyday setting becomes anything but ordinary when Cupido’s readers write about it, and the result is sexy stories that breathe joy, playfulness and pleasure.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Woman on woman. Man on Man. Bisexuality. Flexible. Queer. Some have never questioned their homosexuality. Others are in a straight marriage with kids when suddenly their best friend makes their nipples erect, or a touch from their best mate makes their cock hard. This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido.The collection contains the following stories:"She stood with her husband’s arm around her, but could no longer hear what he and his buddy were talking and laughing about. She just looked at her." – The Party 1 by Lone, Roskilde"Petter teased her and said they’d probably end up with both girls kissing and lesbian sex."– Love-Making Revealed by Susanne, Agder"Suddenly, one day, her desk was empty. She’d gone away and left her with wet dreams." – My Wet Goddess by Pia, Fåborg"She’s not a lesbian. She didn’t think she was bisexual either, but there was this friend, Catherine!" – In Good Hourglass Shape by Lara, Bergen"She’d had enough boyfriends. They weren’t for her!" – First Woman by Elliott WatsonSince 1984, Cupido has been publishing a weekly magazine bursting with sex stories and informative articles on sexuality and pleasure, without judging or shaming its readers. In Cupido’s universe, everyone is welcome and everyone is represented. The short stories in the magazine are written by the readers themselves, and they are guaranteed to make you blush. Sex in an everyday setting becomes anything but ordinary when Cupido’s readers write about it, and the result is sexy stories that breathe joy, playfulness and pleasure.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. The young couple. The first time. Daring flirtations. The secret, forbidden meeting. The young student and the teacher. The older gentleman and the innocent virgin. You, me and a friend.This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains the following stories:"The office was always empty on Saturday mornings. However, two people had planned to get some work done on this particular day." – Saturday at the Office, Before Noon by Thor W. Hammer"He was a warehouse boy, and she was the boss. She wanted to be 18 again." – Mother will look after you by Roy ReboSince 1984, Cupido has been publishing a weekly magazine bursting with sex stories and informative articles on sexuality and pleasure, without judging or shaming its readers. In Cupido’s universe, everyone is welcome and everyone is represented. The short stories in the magazine are written by the readers themselves, and they are guaranteed to make you blush. Sex in an everyday setting becomes anything but ordinary when Cupido’s readers write about it, and the result is sexy stories that breathe joy, playfulness and pleasure.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Long-term couples can spice up their sex life with this hot little number whether bored at home or on a weekend away from work, home, and the kids.This is an erotic short story collection from Cupido. The collection includes the following short stories:"He awoke and got up in the middle of the night. His mouth was dry, and his dick was stiff. He had no idea his wife had Beate over." – Beat for Beate by Galtier"For his birthday present, his lesbian fantasy was to be fulfilled. His girlfriend was fixing it with one of her friends." – The Birthday Present by Henriette FSince 1984, Cupido has been publishing a weekly magazine bursting with sex stories and informative articles on sexuality and pleasure, without judging or shaming its readers. In Cupido’s universe, everyone is welcome and everyone is represented. The short stories in the magazine are written by the readers themselves, and they are guaranteed to make you blush. Sex in an everyday setting becomes anything but ordinary when Cupido’s readers write about it, and the result is sexy stories that breathe joy, playfulness and pleasure.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Stories about a dominant woman or man, a couple or strangers exploring the boundaries of their sexuality with role play, BDSM, swinging or orgies shrouded in sexy mystery.This is an erotic short story collection from Cupido. The collection includes the following short stories:"The psychologist was seen as free and easy, but actually she's anxious about sex. Was that why she was studied Psychology?" – Tie Me Up & Set Me Free! by Roy Rebo"He fetches the liquid honey which has been gently warmed in the microwave." – The Evening Shift by Aquario, Hordaland."One of his fantasies is to make her orgasm without touching her pussy." – A Little Devil by Rune Ulven"She finally discovered why he had insisted on installing a cold water tap in the new garage." – The New Water Tap by Signe SkriverieneSince 1984, Cupido has been publishing a weekly magazine bursting with sex stories and informative articles on sexuality and pleasure, without judging or shaming its readers. In Cupido’s universe, everyone is welcome and everyone is represented. The short stories in the magazine are written by the readers themselves, and they are guaranteed to make you blush. Sex in an everyday setting becomes anything but ordinary when Cupido’s readers write about it, and the result is sexy stories that breathe joy, playfulness and pleasure.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. The young couple. The first time. Daring flirtations. The secret, forbidden meeting. The young student and teacher. The older gentleman and the innocent virgin. You, me, and a friend.This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains the following stories:"She enjoyed the sight of the two men’s bulges threatening to burst through their boxer shorts." – The Best Friend by Lucinda X"He told the guests about the dessert he made earlier, and a certain effect it had on three women. Was it make-believe, or was it true?" – Baked Camembert by Verena Hay"With melting ice cream in her hand, she crashed into Prince Charming. The sweet, undeniable pull of his Calvin Klein aftershave was impossible to resist." – Ice Cream and Calvin Klein by Calvina KleinSince 1984, Cupido has been publishing a weekly magazine bursting with sex stories and informative articles on sexuality and pleasure, without judging or shaming its readers. In Cupido’s universe, everyone is welcome and everyone is represented. The short stories in the magazine are written by the readers themselves, and they are guaranteed to make you blush. Sex in an everyday setting becomes anything but ordinary when Cupido’s readers write about it, and the result is sexy stories that breathe joy, playfulness and pleasure.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. The young couple. The first time. Daring flirtations. The secret, forbidden meeting. The young student and the teacher. The older gentleman and the innocent virgin. You, me and a friend.This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains the following stories:"Their windows were less than ten metres apart. They soon stopped closing the curtains when it got dark." - Shadow Play by Vibeke, Klampenborg"It annoyed her that the neighbour’s window wasn’t clean. A layer of stubborn dirt left from the winter prevented her from having a clear view." - The Neighbour by M. Nygaard"He casually lifted his head and looked out the window. In the neighbouring cabin, he saw a woman take off her blouse." - Spectators and Actors by I.S., OsloSince 1984, Cupido has been publishing a weekly magazine bursting with sex stories and informative articles on sexuality and pleasure, without judging or shaming its readers. In Cupido’s universe, everyone is welcome and everyone is represented. The short stories in the magazine are written by the readers themselves, and they are guaranteed to make you blush. Sex in an everyday setting becomes anything but ordinary when Cupido’s readers write about it, and the result is sexy stories that breathe joy, playfulness and pleasure.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. The young couple. The first time. Daring flirtations. The secret, forbidden meeting. The young student and teacher. The older gentleman and the innocent virgin. You, me, and a friend.This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains the following stories:"It started as a conversation between two colleagues. It ended in roar and thunder." – Roar by Dante"She told him off for being a softie and demanded that he gave it to her like a boss." – The Secretary Position by Geirr EidSince 1984, Cupido has been publishing a weekly magazine bursting with sex stories and informative articles on sexuality and pleasure, without judging or shaming its readers. In Cupido’s universe, everyone is welcome and everyone is represented. The short stories in the magazine are written by the readers themselves, and they are guaranteed to make you blush. Sex in an everyday setting becomes anything but ordinary when Cupido’s readers write about it, and the result is sexy stories that breathe joy, playfulness and pleasure.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. The young couple. The first time. Daring flirtations. The secret, forbidden meeting. The young student and teacher. The older gentleman and the innocent virgin. You, me, and a friend.This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains the following stories:"Naomi unwrapped her scarf, rolled it up, and tied it over Eva’s eyes. This was going to be a New Year’s party to remember." – New Year's Party at Naomi’s by Lawrence Harlot"I felt the sweat trickling down my body. Against my will, I got turned on by this strange creature that teased my body publicly in a neighbourhood where I knew everyone!" - Passion Fruit by A. MoenSince 1984, Cupido has been publishing a weekly magazine bursting with sex stories and informative articles on sexuality and pleasure, without judging or shaming its readers. In Cupido’s universe, everyone is welcome and everyone is represented. The short stories in the magazine are written by the readers themselves, and they are guaranteed to make you blush. Sex in an everyday setting becomes anything but ordinary when Cupido’s readers write about it, and the result is sexy stories that breathe joy, playfulness and pleasure.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. The young couple. The first time. Daring flirtations. The secret, forbidden meeting. The young student and teacher. The older gentleman and the innocent virgin. You, me, and a friend.This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains the following stories:"When she met her closest superior, she quickly examined that the bulge in his trousers was anything but average." – French Opening by Henriette Falck"They had sex in the office when two consultants announced their arrival. Should she stop, or carry on?" – An Ordinary Workday? by MarleneSince 1984, Cupido has been publishing a weekly magazine bursting with sex stories and informative articles on sexuality and pleasure, without judging or shaming its readers. In Cupido’s universe, everyone is welcome and everyone is represented. The short stories in the magazine are written by the readers themselves, and they are guaranteed to make you blush. Sex in an everyday setting becomes anything but ordinary when Cupido’s readers write about it, and the result is sexy stories that breathe joy, playfulness and pleasure.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Sexy spice for established partners at home, in day-to-day life and escaping from work, house and kids.This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains the following stories:"She knew he was a voyeur, onanist and fetishist. One day, she decided to show him what’s what, exposed herself and demanded something in return." – Ling’O by Phóton"They were like 16-year-olds again, but they were both married now, and not to each other, so good ideas were hard to come by." –The Reunion Party by The Ray of Sunshine, Oslo"While watching the contestants on the catwalk, he discovered that his friend's wife had snuck under the table he sat by." – The Beauty Pageant by Kitty Meercat"She walked hand in hand with her lover. The rain poured down, and they sought shelter in an empty cinema." – Incognito in Bergen by The Dragon Princess, Sør-TrøndelagSince 1984, Cupido has been publishing a weekly magazine bursting with sex stories and informative articles on sexuality and pleasure, without judging or shaming its readers. In Cupido’s universe, everyone is welcome and everyone is represented. The short stories in the magazine are written by the readers themselves, and they are guaranteed to make you blush. Sex in an everyday setting becomes anything but ordinary when Cupido’s readers write about it, and the result is sexy stories that breathe joy, playfulness and pleasure.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Woman on woman. Man on man. Bisexuality. Queer. Some people have never questioned whether they’re gay or not. Others are in a straight marriage with kids when suddenly their best friend makes their nipples harden or their cock erect.This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains the following stories:"An innocent bumping together in the swimming pool caused her to blush. The beautiful woman with goggles on exchanged a warm smile. Then she followed her into the sauna..." – One Morning in the Swimmingpool by Ella Grande"The summer had arrived, and a new neighbour moved into the floor upstairs. She desperately wanted to invite her in for a glass of wine." The Dream About Lena by Kristin, Møre"Her big sister suggested they should go to the lake for an afternoon swim. Sandra, with her peachy, beautiful skin, decided to come with them." Peachy Skin by GunfireSince 1984, Cupido has been publishing a weekly magazine bursting with sex stories and informative articles on sexuality and pleasure, without judging or shaming its readers. In Cupido’s universe, everyone is welcome and everyone is represented. The short stories in the magazine are written by the readers themselves, and they are guaranteed to make you blush. Sex in an everyday setting becomes anything but ordinary when Cupido’s readers write about it, and the result is sexy stories that breathe joy, playfulness and pleasure.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Sexy spice for established partners at home, in day-to-day life and escaping from work, house and kids. This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido.The collection contains the following stories:"She quickly pulled up his zipper and wiped her mouth. When the saleswoman came around the corner, she was sitting on the edge of the bed like an innocent schoolgirl, her legs crossed and her hands folded." - Warmth by Cecilia, Rogaland"She had an exam soon, but the books just kept slipping out of her hands. A different hand job required her attention." - To My Love by -Mia"They set up the camera in the living room. That was when she understood why men like to look at women’s pussies from behind." - Mirror, Mirror by Frederico, Stockholm"Mum and dad try to have a private moment before the kids wake up. It’s certainly not easy." - Tickle Fight by Ild, Oslo"She pretends to be still asleep, pressed against him, sticks her ass out a little." The First Time 3 by HanneSince 1984, Cupido has been publishing a weekly magazine bursting with sex stories and informative articles on sexuality and pleasure, without judging or shaming its readers. In Cupido’s universe, everyone is welcome and everyone is represented. The short stories in the magazine are written by the readers themselves, and they are guaranteed to make you blush. Sex in an everyday setting becomes anything but ordinary when Cupido’s readers write about it, and the result is sexy stories that breathe joy, playfulness and pleasure.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Woman on woman. Man on man. Bisexuality. Flexible. Queer. Some have never questioned their homosexuality. Others are in a straight marriage with kids when suddenly their best friend makes their nipples erect, or a touch from their best mate makes their cock hard. This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido.The collection contains the following stories:"Oh, what women can find out when their husbands are out taking a look at the garage!" - On a Warm Summer Night by M. S., Sør-Trøndelag"Their boyfriends have fallen asleep, and the two friends have a good time without their help." - Spring Break 2 by Mia, Stavanger"It was a lovely summer. The men went fishing and drank beer together. The wives were left to themselves." Summer Fling by Wirkka, Tromsdalen"It’s not uncommon for girls to sit quite close to each other without it necessarily implying anything erotic. But..." - Black and white by Olea"She receives naughty emails, right in the middle of the workday. But who is the sender?" - Office Sex by Kontormusa, HolbækSince 1984, Cupido has been publishing a weekly magazine bursting with sex stories and informative articles on sexuality and pleasure, without judging or shaming its readers. In Cupido’s universe, everyone is welcome and everyone is represented. The short stories in the magazine are written by the readers themselves, and they are guaranteed to make you blush. Sex in an everyday setting becomes anything but ordinary when Cupido’s readers write about it, and the result is sexy stories that breathe joy, playfulness and pleasure.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. The young couple. The first time. Daring flirtations. The secret, forbidden meeting. The young student and teacher. The older gentleman and the innocent virgin. You, me, and a friend.This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains the following stories:"She only had one arm when she knew someone was watching her fuck her friend in an old building at the Folk Museum." - At the Folk Museum by Vigdis, Buskerud"What happens when male shop assistants pretend they are detectives? Hint: they can get quite naughty too!" - The Dressing Room by Bjarne, Hillerød"It was the summer holidays and she had plenty of time to act out her fantasy with a guard at the shopping centre." Summer Shopping by Student 99, HTA, Taastrup"They were fascinated by the underwear at Wolford. The shop assistant guides them to the dressing room in the back. If only she knew what they were up to!" - A Trip to the City CentreSince 1984, Cupido has been publishing a weekly magazine bursting with sex stories and informative articles on sexuality and pleasure, without judging or shaming its readers. In Cupido’s universe, everyone is welcome and everyone is represented. The short stories in the magazine are written by the readers themselves, and they are guaranteed to make you blush. Sex in an everyday setting becomes anything but ordinary when Cupido’s readers write about it, and the result is sexy stories that breathe joy, playfulness and pleasure.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
39,00 kr. Åh, Herregud, hvor jeg kedede mig. Alle de kulørte ugeblade var blevet læst både en og to gange, mens Danmark drønede forbi uden for vinduerne. Vi drejede ind på en tankstation for at strække benene lidt. Det føltes som om mine balder var punkteret, så jeg gik ind i det ildelugtende cafeteria og lod mig opsluge af hylderne med farvede blade. Et kort øjeblik rejste hårene i nakken sig, og et sug fandt vej til i mellemgulvet. Jeg rullede hurtigt et blad sammen og betalte, før jeg fortrød det.Ude på motorvejen igen fik jeg stukket en fransk hotdog i hånden, og jeg kastede mine sko af, satte mine bare fødder på instrumentbrættet, fandt bladet frem og lagde det skødesløst opslået i mit skød. Jeg pakkede forsigtigt pølsen ud af papiret. Med et skjult blik rettet mod ham, begyndte jeg at slikke den del af pølsen, der stak op af brødet. Den var varm og glat af fedt og chilisauce. Jeg testede fastheden ved at lægge tungen mod den og presse alt, hvad jeg kunne. Pølsen bøjede sig let fra side til side. Han koncentrerede sig stadig om kørslen, men han havde fået en underlig rynke mellem øjnene. Han havde opdaget min mærkelige opførsel, og jeg vidste, at han kiggede med i al hemmelighed.Siden 1984 har Cupido hver måned udgivet et magasin sprængfyldt med sexede historier og oplysende artikler med nyttig viden om seksualitet og nydelse uden fordømmelse eller skam. Alle er velkomne i Cupidos univers, og alle er repræsenterede. Læserne selv har skrevet novellerne bragt i magasinet, og de vil med garanti give dig røde kinder. Hverdagens sexliv er alt andet end ordinært, når Cupidos læsere tager det under kyndig behandling og leverer historier fyldt med glæde, legesyghed og nydelse.
- E-bog
- 39,00 kr.