Bøger af Chrystelle LeRoy
38,99 kr. "The servant was naked and had a slender, supple body. She took one of Inaya's legs, leaning the princess' foot on her shoulder. Gently, she slipped the sponge along her leg, then along her thigh where she lingered."Inaya, princess of the Caliphate of Cordoba, is famous for her prose and open-mindedness that provoke the wrath of clergymen. Dressed in transparent tunics, she praises the qualities of the mind in both men and women and promotes talent above all. That is why her house of poetry is open to all, without distinction of gender or social rank.It was during one of her evenings of recitation that she met a woman of fiery beauty: Tasnim. As talented as she is passionate, this girl will attract everyone’s attention but mainly that of our princess.Born in Montreal to a Breton father, Chrystelle LeRoy’s family owned a zoo from which she derives a passion for observing animals and nature. As an adult, she became a historian, working for museums in Canada and France before specialising in digital writing where she won several awards. She introduces a dose of exoticism into her novels, often built on a background of historical reality.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. "‘I have to say that making love when you can have any sex is pretty awesome,’ says Ramir. ‘Have you ever had sex with a genie before? We can adapt to all bodies and tastes’."In a world where flying carpets exist in a two-seater sports model, the beautiful and charismatic Scheherazade walks around looking for anecdotes for her stories. And tonight is her lucky night. Scheherazade will meet two beings of supernatural beauty, and for a good reason: they are genies! She learns that her storytelling skills have made her famous and adored among the Jinns, who have even created a small dedicated social network for her, and that they are more than ready to feed her inspiration...Badir, genie of the bedside lamp, and Ramir, genie of the water bottle in the promising future, will make this simple mortal discover pansexual love.Born in Montreal to a Breton father, Chrystelle LeRoy’s family owned a zoo from which she derives a passion for observing animals and nature. As an adult, she became a historian, working for museums in Canada and France before specialising in digital writing where she won several awards. She introduces a dose of exoticism into her novels, often built on a background of historical reality.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. "In my life, I have rarely been sexually attracted to a woman, but Kani is different. She seems to be entirely made of charisma and seduction."In her field, there's no one more talented than her. The fearsome Elsa is an expert in financial analysis and prefers to destabilise her clients with the sexy and cold look of an independent woman, rather than mixing her professional and private life.But this new contract with the most renowned company in the field of new technologies will put her convictions to the test.While she's bonding with the beautiful and charismatic Kani, a programmer and coding genius, who really leaves her astounded, Elsa finally has the honour of meeting her boss, a secret and mysterious boss whose face no one seems to know. A genuinely extraordinary boss!Born in Montreal to a Breton father, Chrystelle LeRoy’s family owned a zoo from which she derives a passion for observing animals and nature. As an adult, she became a historian, working for museums in Canada and France before specialising in digital writing where she won several awards. She introduces a dose of exoticism into her novels, often built on a background of historical reality.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. "Our eyes were riveted to each other as it came to life in my belly, taking me further and further into the night, the pleasure and oblivion of the outside world."Alia is a great reporter who is not afraid of anything: she has had her share of incredible events and all-too-real horrors in life. This report on exceptional archaeological excavations in Egypt should allow her to relax and take a step back.Who better for a nocturnal visit of the funerary city than a gorgeous and mysterious guide who seems to know everything about its occupants? Anen takes Alia on a sensual and passionate journey into the heart of ancient Egypt and its traditions. But is it all real?Born in Montreal to a Breton father, Chrystelle LeRoy’s family owned a zoo from which she derives a passion for observing animals and nature. As an adult, she became a historian, working for museums in Canada and France before specialising in digital writing where she won several awards. She introduces a dose of exoticism into her novels, often built on a background of historical reality.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. "I put my hand on his firm chest, bring my lips close to his and his tongue finds mine. It has a taste of summer and warm sand. Exactly what I want!"Winter in Montreal is cold, dark, painful and above all long! Cold, work, cold, sleep, as Clara says. So why, this year, are her colleagues filled with joie de vivre?By following one of them for a happy hour in one of Montreal's new underground and trendy bars, Clara discovers a heavenly oasis and meets the beautiful Armand. He's a tanned entrepreneur in trainers and Bermuda shorts, who has everything to warm up this polar February. But although interested, he seems to be distancing himself. Was all this just a fleeting illusion? What surprise is in store for the sexy 40-year-old?For readers in search of exoticism and warmth.Born in Montreal to a Breton father, Chrystelle LeRoy’s family owned a zoo from which she derives a passion for observing animals and nature. As an adult, she became a historian, working for museums in Canada and France before specialising in digital writing where she won several awards. She introduces a dose of exoticism into her novels, often built on a background of historical reality.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. "I look at the sea again. The unpredictable sea. All around me the fleet slips into the night and uncertainty. I am overwhelmed by contradictory emotions mixed with fear and desire."Onboard one of the ships of the Russian Imperial Navy, Countess Irina Rostova prepares for the upcoming battle against the Japanese Imperial Navy. As the Court's official memorialist in St. Petersburg, the Countess was appointed to immortalise the fight. But, as the only woman on board among superstitious officers, she encountered unspoken and false pretences. Determined to know what was being hidden from her, she questions the mysterious Captain Voronov. Will she find some comfort in the dark hours ahead? A body to dock to?Born in Montreal to a Breton father, Chrystelle LeRoy’s family owned a zoo from which she derives a passion for observing animals and nature. As an adult, she became a historian, working for museums in Canada and France before specialising in digital writing where she won several awards. She introduces a dose of exoticism into her novels, often built on a background of historical reality.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
36,99 kr. «Devo ammettere che fare l’amore quando si può assumere qualsiasi sesso è fenomenale» disse Ramir. «Tu hai già fatto l’amore con un genio? [...] ci adattiamo a ogni corpo e a ogni desiderio».In un mondo in cui i tappeti volanti possono essere anche modelli sportivi a due posti, la bella e carismatica Sherazade passeggia in cerca di aneddoti per i suoi racconti. E questa è la sua serata fortunata! La figlia del visir, infatti, incontra due creature dalla bellezza sovrannaturale, e per una buona ragione: sono dei geni! Scopre che la sua arte di contastorie l’ha resa famosa nel mondo dei jinn, che la venerano e hanno addirittura fondato un fan club dedicato a lei. Sono quindi ben felici di diventare la sua nuova fonte d’ispirazione...Badir, genio dell’abat-jour, e Ramir, genio della bottiglia d’acqua dal futuro promettente, faranno scoprire a questa semplice mortale l’amore pansessuale.Nata a Montreal da padre bretone, la famiglia di Chrystelle LeRoy possedeva uno zoo, da cui ha derivato una passione per l’osservazione della natura e degli animali. È diventata una storica e ha lavorato per vari musei in Canada e in Francia prima di specializzarsi nella scrittura digitale, per cui ha vinto diversi premi. Nei suoi romanzi introduce una nota di esotismo, spesso con uno sfondo di realtà storica.
- E-bog
- 36,99 kr.
Fra 36,99 kr. « Je regarde à nouveau la mer. La mer imprévisible. Tout autour de moi la flotte glisse dans la nuit et l’incertitude. Je suis envahie par des émotions contradictoires mêlées de peur et de désir. »À bord d’un des navires de la marine impériale russe, la comtesse Irina Rostova se prépare à la bataille à venir contre la marine impériale japonaise. En tant que mémorialiste officielle de la Cour à Saint-Pétersbourg, la comtesse a été désignée pour immortaliser le combat. Mais, seule femme à bord parmi des officiers superstitieux, elle se heurte aux non-dits et aux faux semblants. Bien décidé à savoir ce qu’on lui cache, elle interroge le mystérieux capitaine Voronov. Trouvera-t-elle un peu de réconfort et un corps auquel s’arrimer dans les heures sombres qui s’annoncent ?Historique, romance, érotique, amour, homme/femme, uniforme.Née à Montréal d'un père breton, Chrystelle LeRoy est élevée dans un zoo d'où elle tire une passion pour l'observation des animaux et de la nature. À l'âge adulte elle devient historienne, elle travaille pour des musées au Canada et en France avant de se spécialiser dans les écritures numériques où elle remporte plusieurs prix. Elle introduit dans ses nouvelles une dose d'exotisme souvent construite sur un fond de réalité historique.
Fra 36,99 kr. « Je pose la main sur sa poitrine ferme, approche mes lèvres des siennes et sa langue trouve la mienne. Il a un goût d’été et de sable chaud. Exactement ce dont j’ai envie ! »L’hiver à Montréal est froid, sombre, pénible et surtout long ! Frigo, boulot, frigo, dodo, comme dit Clara. Alors pourquoi, cette année, ses collègues respirent-elles la joie de vivre ?En suivant l’une d’entre elles pour un cinq à sept dans un des nouveaux bars undergound et branchés de Montréal, Clara découvre une oasis paradisiaque et fait la connaissance du bel Armand. Celui-ci est un entrepreneur bronzé, en espadrilles et bermuda, qui a tout pour réchauffer ce mois de février polaire. Mais, bien qu’intéressé, celui-ci semble prendre ses distances. Tout ceci n’était-il qu’une illusion éphémère ? Quelle surprise nous réserve le sexy quadragénaire ?Pour les lecteurs en recherche d’exotisme et de chaleur. Érotique, sexe, romance, plage, Montréal, sodomie, exotisme.Née à Montréal d'un père breton, Chrystelle LeRoy est élevée dans un zoo d'où elle tire une passion pour l'observation des animaux et de la nature. À l'âge adulte elle devient historienne, elle travaille pour des musées au Canada et en France avant de se spécialiser dans les écritures numériques où elle remporte plusieurs prix. Elle introduit dans ses nouvelles une dose d'exotisme souvent construite sur un fond de réalité historique.
Fra 36,99 kr. « Dans ma vie j’ai rarement été sexuellement attirée par une femme, mais Kâni est différente. Elle semble entièrement faite de charisme et de séduction. » Dans son milieu, il n’y a pas plus doué qu’elle. La redoutable Elsa est une experte en analyse financière et préfère déstabiliser ses clients avec un look sexy et froid de femme indépendante plutôt que de mélanger vie professionnelle et vie privée. Mais ce nouveau contrat au sein de l’entreprise la plus réputée dans le domaine des nouvelles technologies va mettre ses convictions à rude épreuve.Tandis qu’elle sympathise avec la belle et charismatique Kâni, programmeuse et génie du code, qui ne la laisse vraiment pas indifférente, Elsa a finalement l’honneur de rencontrer son patron, un patron secret et mystérieux dont personne ne semble connaître le visage. Un patron vraiment hors du commun !Érotique, hermaphrodite, bisexuel, au travail, patron, plan à trois.Née à Montréal d'un père breton, Chrystelle LeRoy est élevée dans un zoo d'où elle tire une passion pour l'observation des animaux et de la nature. À l'âge adulte elle devient historienne, elle travaille pour des musées au Canada et en France avant de se spécialiser dans les écritures numériques où elle remporte plusieurs prix. Elle introduit dans ses nouvelles une dose d'exotisme souvent construite sur un fond de réalité historique.
Fra 36,99 kr. « Nos regards sont rivés l’un à l’autre tandis qu’il s’anime dans mon ventre, m’emmène de plus en plus loin dans la nuit, le plaisir et l’oubli du monde extérieur. » Alia est un grand reporter qui n’a peur de rien : elle a eu son lot d’événements incroyables et d’horreurs trop réelles dans la vie. Ce reportage sur des fouilles archéologiques exceptionnelles en Égypte doit lui permettre de se détendre et de prendre un peu de recul. Qui de mieux pour une visite nocturne de la cité funéraire qu'un bel et mystérieux guide qui semble tout connaître de ses occupants ? Anen va entraîner Alia dans un voyage sensuel et passionné au cœur de l’Égypte ancienne et de ses traditions. Mais tout cela est-il bien réel ? Érotique, sensualité, fantastique, massage, historique, Égypte.Née à Montréal d'un père breton, Chrystelle LeRoy est élevée dans un zoo d'où elle tire une passion pour l'observation des animaux et de la nature. À l'âge adulte elle devient historienne, elle travaille pour des musées au Canada et en France avant de se spécialiser dans les écritures numériques où elle remporte plusieurs prix. Elle introduit dans ses nouvelles une dose d'exotisme souvent construite sur un fond de réalité historique.