Bøger af Charles Dickens

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  • af Charles Dickens
    120,99 kr.

    ‘The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby’ is a sprawling adventure that follows young Nicholas’ journey across England to defend his family’s honour and regain their lost fortune. After the death of Nicholas’ father, the Nickleby family is on the brink of collapse, and they must rely on their treacherous uncle Ralph to survive. Nicholas is sent to work at a Yorkshire school but quickly learns that it is run by belligerent ghouls. After a violent confrontation, Nicholas and his friend Smike flee the school and embark on a marvellous misadventure to rescue Nicholas’ family and find love. While remaining true to Dickens’ celebrated social criticism, this novel also portrays the author’s incredible comedic abilities as the protagonists find themselves in many accidentally absurd situations. ‘The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby’ is a drama teeming with humour, romance, revenge, and murder. The story’s narrative scope and memorable cast of characters make it the perfect read for fans of Shakespeare, and it was adapted into a film starring Anne Hathaway and Charlie Hunnam in 2002.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was a widely popular English author and social critic. Among his most famous novels are ‘Oliver Twist’, ‘A Christmas Carol’, and ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens is best known for his depictions of poor Victorian living conditions and his unforgettable characters, some compassionate and others grotesquely malicious. Dickens’ timeless tales are still as celebrated today as when they were written, and his literary style is so influential that the term Dickensian was coined to describe the literature he inspired. Many of Dickens’ novels have been adapted for movies and television, including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’.

  • af Charles Dickens
    102,99 kr.

    ‘The Old Curiosity Shop’ is one of Charles Dickens’ most beloved novels about a poor orphan girl, Nell, and her caring grandfather. In an attempt to improve Nell’s life, her grandfather accepts a loan from the cruel and conniving landlord, Quilp, and begins gambling but this only worsens their fortune. After issues with the police, Nell and her grandfather set out on a grand adventure and meet many of Dickens’ most memorable characters as Nell’s health deteriorates. ‘The Old Curiosity Shop’ is an incredible drama involving love, betrayal, and death that blends the fantastical nature of Nell’s journey with Dickens’ realistic criticism of living conditions in Victorian slums. The story caused mania at the time as Little Nell captured the hearts of readers around the globe including Queen Victoria. Nell and her grandfather have captivated audiences for generations in this timeless story that is equally as heart-warming as it is heart-breaking, and it is recommended for readers of all ages.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was a widely popular English author and social critic. Among his most famous novels are ‘Oliver Twist’, ‘A Christmas Carol’, and ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens is best known for his depictions of poor Victorian living conditions and his unforgettable characters, some compassionate and others grotesquely malicious. Dickens’ timeless tales are still as celebrated today as when they were written, and his literary style is so influential that the term Dickensian was coined to describe the literature he inspired. Many of Dickens’ novels have been adapted for movies and television, including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’.

  • af Charles Dickens
    120,99 kr.

    'Little Dorrit' is a highly personal novel by Charles Dickens that many critics state is one of his finest later works. The story revolves around Amy Dorrit, a kind-hearted young woman who resides in Marshalsea prison as her family cannot afford to pay their debts. Amy and her family's fortune changes as Arthur Clennam, a wealthy businessman, takes an interest in her family while attempting to solve a mystery about his lineage. 'Little Dorrit' is a sprawling family saga that involves unrequited love, blackmail, and a timeless rags-to-riches story with a twist. Dickens' celebrated social satire is displayed in this tale as he criticises the cruel prison system of Victorian England which his father spent many years in, unable to work or repay his debts. While this is a darker novel than Dickens' early work, it still entertains through its cast of comical characters and lyrical prose. A thrilling novel that is equally poignant and entertaining, 'Little Dorrit' is still as relevant today as when it was written and is a must-read for fans of Dickens and 'The Shawshank Redemption'.-

  • af Charles Dickens
    120,99 kr.

    A rich misanthropic man with no friends die and leaves all his money to his estranged son, John Harmon, who lives abroad. But Harmon can only inherit the money on the condition that he marries a woman he has never met. When Harmon neglects to return home to collect his inheritance, it leaves everyone puzzled. But then the dead body of a young man is found in the Thames.The plot and characters are exquisite in this last completed novel by Dickens. A sophisticated masterpiece, Our Mutual Friend tells the story of the downside of money and the corruptive power it holds. The book was referenced on the show Lost as well as in the video game Assasin's Creed: Syndicate and in the Paul McCartney song Jenny Wren.-

  • af Guy de Maupassant, Charles Dickens, Rudyard Kipling & mfl.
    40,99 kr.

    "Das Glück der Erde liegt auf demRücken der Pferde," sagt der Pferdefreund. Doch ob alle Reiterauch wieder heil herunterkommen, bleibt ungewiß. Nicht immer throntman "hoch zu Roß", oft genug landet der Reitkünstler auf demBoden der Tatsachen ... Aber die Welt der Pferde bietet nochvieles mehr: Spannung und Intrigen, Rennfieber und feineGesellschaft. Johannes Steck versteht es brillant, die Erzählungenvon Twain, Kipling, Dickens und Maupassant mit ironisch-heiteremUnterton vorzutragen. Ein Ohrenschmaus für alle Pferdeliebhaber!

  • af Charles Dickens
    73,99 kr.

    Dreimal erhält Ebenezer Scrooge an Heiligabend Besuch von einem Geist – und dreimal wird dem Kaufmann vor Augen geführt, wie sehr Raffgier, Kaltherzigkeit und Einsamkeit sein Leben beherrschen. Doch glücklicherweise wird alles, was Scrooge im Verlauf jener Nacht an der Seite seiner überirdischen Besucher erlebt, ihn zu einem besseren Menschen machen. So entdeckt auch er sein Herz ... Charles Dickens‘ Weihnachtsklassiker erzählt von einer wundersamen Wandlung und gehört fest zur Weihnachtszeit. David Nathan vertont Dickens‘ märchenhafte Erzählung in meisterhafter Manier und beschwört Wort für Wort den besonderen Zauber der "Weihnachtsgeschichte".Charles Dickens, geboren am 7. Februar 1812 in Landport, arbeitete 1824, während der Schuldhaft des Vaters, in einer Schuhwichsfabrik. Nach der Lehrzeit in einer Anwaltskanzlei war er Prozess-Stenograph und Journalist. Erste Erzählungen erschienenen ab 1833, ab 1836 hatten sie außergewöhnlich großen Erfolg. Dickens war Herausgeber verschiedener Zeitschriften und Autor zahleicher Romane und Erzählungen, die ein realistisches Bild der Erfahrungswelt seiner Zeitgenossen, insbesondere der Mittel- und Unterschicht zeichneten. Dickens starb am 9. Juni 1870 in Rochester.

  • af Charles Dickens
    96,99 kr.

    "e;Es war die beste und die schlimmste Zeit..."e; So beginnt Charles Dickens' epischer Roman uber Gerechtigkeit, Liebe und Opferbereitschaft in einer Epoche des Aufruhrs. Wahrend die Franzosische Revolution die europaische Gesellschaft in ihren Grundfesten erschuttert, kampft eine Gruppe Menschen um ein Leben in Frieden und Freiheit: die junge Lucie Manette reist nach Paris, um ihren gerade aus dem Gefangnis entlassenen Vater kennen zu lernen. Wenig spater trifft sie auf den Franzosen Charles Darnay, der ihre groe Liebe wird. Doch das Gluck wahrt nicht lange: als Charles' Familiengeschichte ans Licht kommt, schwebt er in todlicher Gefahr. In zwei Stadten, London und Paris, wird sich nicht nur sein Schicksal entscheiden...-

  • af Charles Dickens
    40,99 kr.

    Der Dienstbote Toby Veck lebt mit seiner Tochter Meg in armlichen Verhaltnissen und bekommt jeden Tag die harschen Standesunterschiede in der viktorianischen Gesellschaft zu spuren. Hoffnung auf ein besseres Leben haben die beiden kaum - doch dann geschieht in der Silvesternacht etwas Unglaubliches. Toby begegnet den Geistern der Kirchturmglocken, die ihm in einer Vision zeigen, wie das Leben seiner Lieben ohne ihn verlaufen wurde. Toby muss sich entscheiden: Findet er seinen Glauben an die Menschheit wieder und kampft fur eine bessere Zukunft - oder werden die dusteren Prophezeiungen der Geister wahr? -

  • af Charles Dickens
    40,99 kr.

    Ein Klassiker über Liebe, Freundschaft und Großzügigkeit. Ebenezer Scrooge ist Geldverleiher und hält Alles, was nichts mit Geld zu tun hat und Profit verspricht, für unnötig. Noch nicht mal an Weihnachten kann er seine Prinzipien vergessen und ein bisschen Wärme für seine Mitmenschen aufbringen. Bis er eines Abends ungewöhnlichen Besuch in seinem Zuhause empfängt. Die Geister der Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft zeigen Scrooge, was passiert, wenn er nicht dazu bereit ist, sich zu ändern. Werden es die Geister schaffen, Scrooge an den Menschen zu erinnern, der er mal war? Was ist passiert, das ihn so hart gemacht hat? Wird er sein Herz für andere Menschen öffnen können?Charles Dickens war und ist bis heute einer der bedeutendsten Schriftsteller Englands. In seinen Romanen nimmt er die britische Gesellschaft des 19. Jahrhunderts unter die Lupe und weist auf soziale Missstände innerhalb der bestehenden Sozialstrukturen hin. Seine Romane zählen zu den wichtigsten Werken der Literatur.

  • af Charles Dickens
    67,99 kr.

    There could only ever be three reasons as to why you find yourself reading this text. 1: You finished and liked part 1 and want to continue the story.2: The hummus on your finger brought your here by accident or 3: You're one of those... special readers who, three chapters into part 1, just NEED to know how the story ends - right now!Regardless, you shan't be spoiled today.Pip, now 23, beset by ill fortune and spectres of the past, continues his quest to wrest the fair princess Estella from the evil sorceress Miss Havisham's clutches. Fortunately, Pip uses his first wish to have the Genie turn him into a prince to help his chances. If this sounds like a completely different story, it's basically not - especially if you add a cup of frock coats, a pinch of Victorian stiff upper lip and finally that 4th spice: Cumin of Age. Read it before you watch the Bruce Lee drama "e;An Orphan's Tragedy"e; or one of the eight other film adaptations.-

  • af Charles Dickens
    34,99 kr.

    "La casa que es el tema de esta obra de Navidad no la conocí bajo ningunade las circunstancias fantasmales acreditadas ni rodeada por ninguno de los entornos fantasmagóricos convencionales. La vi a la luz del día, con el sol encima. No había viento, lluvia ni rayos, no había truenos ni circunstancia alguna, horrible o indeseable, que potenciaran su efecto."Esta es la casa escenario de la novela de Dickens en la que los amigos se reúnen para probar la existencia de lo sobrenatural. El periodo del año es la Navidad.Así pues, estamos ante una novela de fantasmas, es lo que uno podríapensar, pero estos fantasmas no son los fantasmas habituales de las novelas de misterio. En estas historias no tienen siquiera relación con la casa en la que aparecen, y sus historias son relatos de injusticias, arrepentimientos, terror...De la misma forma que no es tampoco una novela de un solo autor.Publicada por primera vez en el semanario que Dickens dirigía para laNavidad de 1858, es una novela colectiva en la que Dickens escribe juntocon otros 5 autores (entre ellos sus habituales W.Collins y E.Gaskell), un relato de misterio en el que no decepciona con la maestría de su pluma y habilidad para narrar.La historia que abre el relato, escrita por él mismo, "Los mortales de la casa", es el relato más sólido de todos. Además de éste, el maestro Dickens se encarga también de escribir los nexos de unión entre el resto de historias, a veces a modo de introducción, para que el total sea una pieza acabada y entera a la altura de su talento narrador.Reconocido como uno de los mejores escritores de la era Victoriana, Charles Dickens (1812-1870) es recordado por sus personajes icónicos, desde el pequeño e inocente Oliver Twist a el viejo y amargado Ebenezer Scrooge. Sus cuentos han sido adaptados a la pantalla grande incontables veces, y son leídos alrededor del mundo hasta el día de hoy. Gozó de una popularidad inmensa mientras vivía, y los más grandes escritores del siglo XX alabaron su estilo realista y cómico, sus personajes extravagantes y su crítica social.

  • af Charles Dickens
    42,99 kr.

    "To have a Cricket on the Hearth, is the luckiest thing in all the world!"... Or is it?On the hearth in the home of the Peerybingle family sits a little cricket who acts as their protector. When everything is good, it chirps. When it is not, it keeps quiet. But there is more to the cricket than meets the eye.A Holiday classic this popular story is the third of Dicken's five Christmas themed stories, and is a heartwarming tale full of vivid descriptions.For fans of Valentine Davies, Hans Christian Andersen and all things Christmas.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was an English author, social critic, and philanthropist. Much of his writing first appeared in small instalments in magazines and became widely popular. Among his most famous novels are "Oliver Twist" (1839), "A Christmas Carol" (1843), "David Copperfield" (1850), and "Great Expectations" (1861) - all adapted to either plays or major movie productions.

  • af Charles Dickens
    67,99 kr.

    What to expect when you're reading "e;Great Expectations"e; may sound like a sequel to the American pregnancy bible "e;What to Expect When You're Expecting"e; (1984), but for new readers whose familiarity with the novel might start and end with that one terribly received "e;South Park"e; (1997-) episode centered around it, it is intriguing to learn whether Dickens manages to eventually meet the eponymous expectations or crush them in a stroke of social commentary. Speaking of crushing expectations, this book will ultimately answer no such question - being part I of II. For now, meet Pip - a li'l orphan boy around the time of the War of 1812, 1812, with big aspirations despite him being used and abused both at home and on the street. Part I is mainly an introduction to the novel's large host of peculiar characters - one of the first being an escaped convict, and how they affect the lives of a pliable lad of modest means whose only crime it is to dream(!) A textbook coming-of-age story, "e;Great Expectations"e; is quite literally one of the great literary classics and has been adapted for film, television and stage numerous times... and at least one time too many (see above).-

  • af Charles Dickens
    67,99 kr.

    Teenage angst and rebellion might feel like a modern phenomenon but, Bella and Edward, Ferris Bueller and Mean Girls couldn't have happened without 'Hard Times'. Family, work and rebellion are all at the heart of this, one of Dickens' shortest works. Mr Gradgrind gives his two children Tom and Louisa a totally Utilitarian upbringing, disregarding the value of the human heart. What this creates, is the first traces of the modern teenager - rebelliousness and emotional turmoil create more problems than he could have imagined. Louisa, living in a loveless marriage to the greedy Josiah, and Tom, a hardened and unfeeling criminal - leaves their father questioning everything he believes in. A strong critique of industrialisation, full of passionate characters and tempestuous social clashes, this novel still resonates in the modern day.No one writes about the gulf between rich and poor as passionately as Charles Dickens. Full of controversy, arguments and social insight. -

  • af Charles Dickens
    120,99 kr.

    When you hear Charles Dickens you most likely think ‘please sir, can I have some more?’ or imagine Mr Scrooge (or Scrooge Mcduck if you’re feeling 90’s nostalgic) snapping at Tiny Tim. That was not always the case, in "The Pickwick Papers", Charles Dickens’ first novel, cottage core meets comedy. That’s right, he was funny too.Mr Pickwick and his faithful sidekick Sam Weller travel through the English countryside on humorous adventures and escapades, collecting stories to relay to their club members in London. This is a novel full of contrast. Extensive travel, parties, food, booze and romance juxtaposed with prison, misunderstandings, corruption and fights. With nods to Don-Quixote, this novel is one of the most popular stories of all time.A panoramic view of life in England in the 1830’s, whose background may have changed substantially, but whose humane stories remain as interesting as ever.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was an English author, social critic, and philanthropist. Much of his writing first appeared in small instalments in magazines and was widely popular. Among his most famous novels are Oliver Twist (1839), David Copperfield (1850), and Great Expectations (1861).

  • af Charles Dickens
    Fra 58,99 kr.

    Kohtalokas Mugbyn risteys on seitsemän eri junaradan kohtaamispaikka. Risteyksessä tapahtuu outoja asioita – ihan kuin siellä kulkevia ihmisiä tarkkailtaisiin. Risteykseen ilmestyy aaveita ja henkiolentoja merkkinä lähestyvästä onnettomuudesta. Ja jokainen onnettomuus on edellistä pahempi... Junaonnettomuus, nuoren naisen kuolema ja aavistus päähenkilön omasta kuolemasta varjostavat elämää Mugbyn risteyksessä.Mugbyn risteys on novellikokoelma, jonka Charles Dickens kirjoitti yhteistyössä neljän aikalaiskollegansa – Charles Collinsin, Amelia B. Edwardsin, Andres Hallidayn ja Hesba Strettonin – kanssa. Dickensin käsialaa ovat muun muassa teoksen kehyskertomus sekä useita kertoja filmatisoitu kummitustarina "Signaalimies".Charles Dickens (1812–1870) on yksi viktoriaanisen ajan suurista englantilaisista kirjailijoista. Hänen teostensa taitavat juonikuviot, monipuoliset henkilöhahmot ja lämmin huumori ihastuttavat lukijoita yhä tänä päivänä. Hänen tunnetuimpia teoksiaan ovat Oliver Twist ja Saiturin joulu.

  • af Charles Dickens
    148,99 kr.

    Esther Summerson, abandonada al nacer por sus padres, es la protegida de John Jarndyce, un poderoso bienhechor de buen corazón que lleva años pleiteando a causa de una herencia. Esther vive en la residencia de Jarndyce, Casa Desolada, desde los dieciocho años, junto con Ada Clare y Richard Carstone, primos adolescentes de John, huérfanos e indigentes a causa de la disputada herencia, a los que éste trata de orientar en la vida. Antes de alcanzar la absurda resolución jurídica, los jóvenes experimentan numerosas y dispares aventuras, de lo cómico a lo trágico pasando por lo melodramático y lo policíaco. Entre el humor y la gravedad, y los juegos y trampas de la intriga policial, Dickens logra en estas páginas momentos inolvidables.Casa desolada es sin dudas una de las mejores novelas de Charles Dickens, a través de la cual el autor construye una sátira acerca del sistema judicial inglés de aquellos años. Esta obra sirvió para apoyar el movimiento de reforma judicial, que culminó en la promulgación de una reforma legal en la década de 1870.Reconocido como uno de los mejores escritores de la era Victoriana, Charles Dickens (1812-1870) es recordado por sus personajes icónicos, desde el pequeño e inocente Oliver Twist a el viejo y amargado Ebenezer Scrooge. Sus cuentos han sido adaptados a la pantalla grande incontables veces, y son leídos alrededor del mundo hasta el día de hoy. Gozó de una popularidad inmensa mientras vivía, y los más grandes escritores del siglo XX alabaron su estilo realista y cómico, sus personajes extravagantes y su crítica social.

  • af Charles Dickens
    73,99 kr.

    La historia comienza en el acogedor hogar de los Peerybingle, un matrimonio feliz que cuenta con un curioso huésped en la casa: un grillo, símbolo de la paz en los hogares humildes. El grillo es el eje del relato: en el primer canto, el grillo está feliz; en el segundo, guarda silencio; en el tercero, vuelve a cantar de nuevo.Cuando el viejo Tackleton cuestiona la lealtad de la joven Mary, John Peerybingle queda devastado y la historia parece convertirse en una tragedia. Sin embargo, en ese momento interviene el grillo, una deidad tutelar, símbolo de la confianza y la felicidad doméstica.Esta novela corta es una historia sobre el perdón, la confianza, el amor conyugal y filial, donde la magia y el teatro se mezclan, y el humor y la desdicha van de la mano.Reconocido como uno de los mejores escritores de la era Victoriana, Charles Dickens (1812-1870) es recordado por sus personajes icónicos, desde el pequeño e inocente Oliver Twist a el viejo y amargado Ebenezer Scrooge. Sus cuentos han sido adaptados a la pantalla grande incontables veces, y son leídos alrededor del mundo hasta el día de hoy. Gozó de una popularidad inmensa mientras vivía, y los más grandes escritores del siglo XX alabaron su estilo realista y cómico, sus personajes extravagantes y su crítica social.

  • af Charles Dickens
    111,99 kr.

    Barnaby Rudge es una historia de misterio y suspenso que comienza con un doble asesinato sin resolver y luego involucra conspiración, chantaje, secuestro y retribución. A lo largo de la novela, padres e hijos se oponen, los aprendices conspiran contra sus amos y los levantamientos anticatólicos de 1780 arrasan las calles. Y, cuando Londres estalla en disturbios, el propio Barnaby Rudge lucha por escapar de la maldición de su propio pasado. Con descripciones dramáticas de violencia pública y horror privado, extraños secretos y duplicaciones fantasmales, Barnaby Rudge es una poderosa e inquietante obra que mezcla realismo histórico y melodrama gótico.Reconocido como uno de los mejores escritores de la era Victoriana, Charles Dickens (1812-1870) es recordado por sus personajes icónicos, desde el pequeño e inocente Oliver Twist a el viejo y amargado Ebenezer Scrooge. Sus cuentos han sido adaptados a la pantalla grande incontables veces, y son leídos alrededor del mundo hasta el día de hoy. Gozó de una popularidad inmensa mientras vivía, y los más grandes escritores del siglo XX alabaron su estilo realista y cómico, sus personajes extravagantes y su crítica social.

  • af Charles Dickens
    148,99 kr.

    En Coketown, ciudad industrial de la Inglaterra victoriana, el rígido y práctico director de escuela Thomas Gradgrind y su socio Josiah Bounderby, un presuntuoso y mezquino empresario, imponen su filosofía utilitarista y su estrecha visión de la vida a los alumnos y los obreros, cada uno en su respectivo ámbito. A través de una entretenida trama, esta novela entremezcla las vidas y las peripecias, las ilusiones y las desdichas de estos personajes, y de los hijos del director, Tom y Louisa, y su compañera Sissie Jupe, y del obrero Stephen Blackpool.Esta novela arroja una visión inolvidable de la Inglaterra victoriana sumida en la revolución industrial, en la que Dickens expresa que no hay acción sin consecuencia, pero que la esperanza siempre es posible.Reconocido como uno de los mejores escritores de la era Victoriana, Charles Dickens (1812-1870) es recordado por sus personajes icónicos, desde el pequeño e inocente Oliver Twist a el viejo y amargado Ebenezer Scrooge. Sus cuentos han sido adaptados a la pantalla grande incontables veces, y son leídos alrededor del mundo hasta el día de hoy. Gozó de una popularidad inmensa mientras vivía, y los más grandes escritores del siglo XX alabaron su estilo realista y cómico, sus personajes extravagantes y su crítica social.

  • af Charles Dickens
    90,99 kr.

    El entusiasmo que ha despertado el último tomo de Harry Potter entre susseguidores se podría equiparar al que en su día tuvo esta novela de Dickens, que representó la cumbre de su carrera literaria.Fue por entregas, entre 1841 y 1842, como los lectores de "La tienda deantigüedades" fueron siguiendo las aventuras del abuelo y su pequeña nieta huérfana, un pintoresco dúo que, al verse acuciados por las deudas, se embarcan en una aventura en la que nos llevarán a recorrer la Inglaterra del siglo XIX.Con ellos haremos un viaje pasando por los pueblecitos típicos de las postales de la campiña inglesa pero también la miseria de las ciudadcubiertas de hollín; en esta peregrinación abuelo y nieta se encontraránademás con personajes de lo más variopinto, algunos de ellos sacados delcirco, feriantes, carboneros que leen brasas, ponis, dandis, domadores quelo que doman no son leones sino perros, maestros y dueñas de museosambulantes...La atmósfera que logró crear Dickens fue de tal nivel de tristeza e intensidad emocional que quizás al acabar de leer la última página tú también querrías, como los lectores estadounidenses de la época, aglutinarte en el puerto de Nueva York reclamando noticias del destino que encontraron los marineros a su regreso a Inglaterra...Reconocido como uno de los mejores escritores de la era Victoriana, Charles Dickens (1812-1870) es recordado por sus personajes icónicos, desde el pequeño e inocente Oliver Twist a el viejo y amargado Ebenezer Scrooge. Sus cuentos han sido adaptados a la pantalla grande incontables veces, y son leídos alrededor del mundo hasta el día de hoy. Gozó de una popularidad inmensa mientras vivía, y los más grandes escritores del siglo XX alabaron su estilo realista y cómico, sus personajes extravagantes y su crítica social.

  • af Charles Dickens
    67,99 kr.

    "e;Once upon a time, and of course it was in the Golden Age, and I hope you may know when that was, for I am sure I don't, though I have tried hard to find out, there lived in a rich and fertile country, a powerful Prince whose name was Bull."e;Bull is one of the many characters you will meet in this wonderful Charles Dickens collection of sketches and short stories. The anthology includes sad must-reads like A Child's Dream of a Star and amusing satirical pieces like A Monument of French Folly. The stories originally appeared in his journal Household Words.-

  • af Charles Dickens
    38,99 kr.

    "Mother had the gripe and clutch of poverty upon her face, upon her figure, and not least of all upon her voice."After a traumatic childhood spent locked in a cellar, the orphaned George Silverman embarks on adolescence with the belief that he is completely worthless and that the people he cares about are better off without him. Not even when he falls in love with his beautiful student does he allow himself the luxury of happiness. And people like George are easy to take advantage of...One of Dickens’ last writings, George Silverman's Explanation is one of his finest psychological achievements. A dark and fascinating story.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was an English author, social critic, and philanthropist. Much of his writing first appeared in small instalments in magazines and was widely popular. Among his most famous novels are Oliver Twist (1839), David Copperfield (1850), and Great Expectations (1861).

  • af Charles Dickens
    67,99 kr.

    "e;It is because I think so much of warm and sensitive hearts, that I would spare them from being wounded."e; In this wonderful compilation of classic Charles Dickens stories, the adventures surrounding children have been taken out of their contexts and presented on their own. Dickens' Stories About Children Every Child Can Read is therefore, as the title suggest, a great introduction for children or anyone new to Dickens. The book contains famous stories like The Christmas Carol, Great Expectations and Oliver Twist as well as a handful lesser known but equally great and informative.-

  • af Charles Dickens
    148,99 kr.

    Martin Chuzzlewit junior est eperdument amoureux de Mary Graham, recueillie par Martin Chuzzlewit senior, le grand-pere du junior. Il aimerait l'epouser, mais Chuzzlewit senior aimerait qu'il connaisse le travail et l'effort avant de se marier: il le desherite et l'envoie a Mr Pecksnif chez qui il doit travailler. Tres vite, Chuzzlewit junior decouvre les mauvaises intentions de Mr Pecksnif...-

  • af Charles Dickens
    41,99 kr.

    "Out-and-out young gentlemen may be divided into two classes – those who have something to do, and those who have nothing."In Sketches of Young Gentlemen Charles Dickens presents this list of types of men that young ladies might encounter in society; a sort of Buzzfeed article of the 19th century. How’s about The Censorious Young Gentlemen, who expresses all opinions "with a dubious sneer, accompanied with a half smile"? No? Maybe The Poetical Young Gentleman, who "is lounging on a sofa with his eyes fixed upon the ceiling" then? or maybe The Domestic Young Gentleman, "who lives at home with his mother"?Dickens isn’t too impressed with these bachelors and doesn’t think the ladies should be either. Sketches of Young Gentlemen is an excellent and quick read, just as amusing as it is accurate.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was an English author, social critic, and philanthropist. Much of his writing first appeared in small instalments in magazines and was widely popular. Among his most famous novels are Oliver Twist (1839), David Copperfield (1850), and Great Expectations (1861).

  • af Charles Dickens
    41,99 kr.

    "When I began to settle down in this right-principled and well-conducted House, I noticed, under the bed in No. 24 B (which it is up an angle off the staircase, and usually put off upon the lowly-minded), a heap of things in a corner."When a waiter in a hotel stumbles upon some luggage that has been left behind, he searches through it to identify its owner only to find a handful of stories instead. The writing is so good that he gets the stories published. One day, a visitor comes calling...Somebody's Luggage is a thoroughly entertaining and cleverly written mystery, and as always with Dickens’ work, the characters and places come alive on the page.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was an English author, social critic, and philanthropist. Much of his writing first appeared in small instalments in magazines and was widely popular. Among his most famous novels are Oliver Twist (1839), David Copperfield (1850), and Great Expectations (1861).

  • af Charles Dickens
    92,99 kr.

    "No landlord is my friend and brother, no chambermaid loves me, no waiter worships me, no boots admires and envies me."Let the character of The Uncommercial Traveller take you on a journal through Britain, Europe and America, into pubs, workhouses and graveyards to meet tramps, lawyers and everyone in between. These sketches, which Charles Dickens wrote late in life, are based on his own travel experiences. In true Dickensian form it is apparent that his sympathies lie with the hidden underclass of Victorian England. But in between the dark and poignant stories, his wit and humour shines through as always.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was an English author, social critic, and philanthropist. Much of his writing first appeared in small instalments in magazines and was widely popular. Among his most famous novels are Oliver Twist (1839), David Copperfield (1850), and Great Expectations (1861).

  • af Charles Dickens
    42,99 kr.

    "The total number of legs belonging to the manufacturing population of one great town in Yorkshire was, in round numbers, forty thousand, while the total number of chair and stool legs in their houses was only thirty thousand (...) Ten thousand individuals were either destitute of any rest for their legs at all, or passed the whole of their leisure time sitting upon boxes."The Mudfog Papers is a collection of sketches about the very local politics of the town of Mudfog (originally the hometown of Oliver Twist). Follow the shenanigans of its crazy mayor and sit in on the meetings of the Society for the Advancement of Everything. The Mudfog Papers is Dickensian satire at its best.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was an English author, social critic, and philanthropist. Much of his writing first appeared in small instalments in magazines and was widely popular. Among his most famous novels are Oliver Twist (1839), David Copperfield (1850), and Great Expectations (1861).

  • af Charles Dickens
    38,99 kr.

    "The village street was like most other village streets: wide for its height, silent for its size, and drowsy in the dullest degree."In Tom Tiddlers Ground – the name of an ancient children’s game – Dickens introduces us to a hermit named Mr. Mopes. An interesting and reflective story, it talks about solitude and how different people respond to it.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was an English author, social critic, and philanthropist. Much of his writing first appeared in small instalments in magazines and was widely popular. Among his most famous novels are Oliver Twist (1839), David Copperfield (1850), and Great Expectations (1861).