Bøger af Charles Dickens

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  • af L. Frank Baum, Charles Dickens, Anthony Trollope & mfl.
    163,99 kr.

    Deep dive into this crackling collection of ‘Classic Christmas Stories’ from the very best writers around the world!We’ll start by dissecting Dickens’ moral message in the famous and festive ‘A Christmas Carol’, before whisking away to Russia as one man attempts to secure his fortune and fate at a party in ‘A Christmas Tree and a Wedding’.We’ll then encounter elves, demons, and dungeons in ‘A Kidnapped Santa Claus’ while witnessing two troubled couples attempt to give it all in ‘The Gift of the Magi’. Lastly, we’re all invited to ‘Christmas at Thompson Hall’ as one unsuspecting woman is forced to face the festive season with her long-lost ex-lover.There are family feuds, festive fights, and plenty of personal politics in this crackling collection of ‘Classic Christmas Stories’. Perfect for fans of ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’.L Frank Baum (1856-1919) was an American author best known for his children’s books, particularly ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’ and its sequels.Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821-1881) was a Russian novelist and journalist. His works include ‘Crime and Punishment’, ‘The Idiot’, and ‘The Brothers Karamazov’.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was an English writer and social critic, known for creating some of the world’s best-known fictional characters. His works include ‘Oliver Twist’, ‘David Copperfield’, and ‘Great Expectations’.Anthony Trollope (1815-1882) was an English novelist and civil servant of the Victorian era. His works include the ‘Chronicles of Barteshire’, ‘The Macdermots of Ballycloran’, and ‘The Warden’.O. Henry, the pen name of William Sydney Porter (1862-1910), was an American writer, celebrated for his short stories. His works include ‘The Gift of the Magi’, ‘The Duplicity of Hargraves’, and ‘The Ransom of Red Chief’.

  • af Charles Dickens
    103,99 kr.

    Deep dive into one of the greatest coming-of-age stories by the master novelist of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens.Charting young Pip’s experiences of poverty, prison, and fights to the death, ‘Great Expectations’ follows the entwined fates of wealthy spinster Miss Havisham, the beautiful but aloof Estella, and unsophisticated yet kind blacksmith Joe.As Pip journeys through life, his expectations are shaped and shunned by the people around him. Weaving the ultimate tale of good over evil, he must question love and loss at a time when social struggles are rife.The novel has been adapted into countless films and stage adaptations, most notably the 2012 blockbuster hit ´Great Expectations´, starring Ralph Fiennes and Helena Bonham Carter.Challenging our preconceived judgements, social standing, and moral cues, ´Great Expectation´ is ideal for fans of Dev Patel’s ‘The Personal History of David Copperfield’ and fans of West End’s ‘Oliver!’Celebrated as one of the greatest novelists of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was an English writer and social critic, known for creating some of the world’s best-known fictional characters. His works include ‘Oliver Twist’, ‘A Christmas Carol’, ‘David Copperfield’, and ‘Great Expectations’.Exploring the hypocrisy of British society at a time when social struggles were rife, Dickens' work probe the institutions, rules, and social codes that formed the bedrock of society as we know it today. Articulated with wit, charm, and plenty of human insight, his work is firmly embedded in modern culture today.

  • af Emile Zola, Charles Dickens, Gustave Flaubert & mfl.
    163,99 kr.

    You’re invited to wander the streets of Paris with France’s literary greats. Weaving a remarkable collection from the very best romantic writers, tales of love, loss, and laughter never felt so good.With classics such as Victor Hugo’s ‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame’ and Gaston Leroux ‘The Phantom of the Opera’, you’ll peak behind the scenes at some of the West End’s most remarkable musicals.But it’s not all rosy and bright. In 18th-century France, Charles Dicken’s ‘A Tale of Two Cities’ and Émile Zola’s ‘Nana’ portrays the harsh and raw reality for some of society’s most struggling protagonists. This collection will leave you questioning wealth and worth at a time when struggles were rife.Ideal for fans of ‘Les Misérables’ starring Eddie Redmayne, Hugh Jackman, and Anne Hathaway, this unmissable collection is a must-read for French history, art, and culture fanatics.Gaston Leroux (1868-1927) was a French journalist and author of detective fiction. He is best known for writing the epic novel ‘The Phantom of the Opera’, now a musical masterpiece by Andrew Lloyd Weber.Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880) was a French novelist and pioneer of literary realism. His work spans ‘Madame Bovary’, ‘Sentimental Education’, and ‘Three Tales’.Victor Hugo (1802 – 1885) was a Romantic writer and politician. Celebrated for his internationally renowned epic novel, adapted into the Academy Award-Winning film, ‘Les Misérables’, his literary output also includes ‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame’.Émile Zola (1840-1902) was a French novelist, playwright, and one of the most influential writers of French naturalism. Zola’s best-known works include ‘Germinal’, ‘Nana’, and ‘Work’.Celebrated as one of the greatest novelists of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was an English writer and social critic. His works include ‘Oliver Twist’, ‘A Christmas Carol’, and ‘Great Expectations’.

  • af Oscar Wilde, Robert Louis Stevenson, Charles Dickens, mfl.
    163,99 kr.

    You’re invited to wander the streets of Victorian London with the nation’s literary greats. Weaving a remarkable collection from the very best writers, tales of love and loss never felt so good…With classics such as Charles Dicken’s ‘Oliver Twist’, you’ll peak behind the scenes at one of the West End’s most loved musicals. You’ll then laugh till you cry at the lives of London’s high society in Thackeray’s ‘Vanity Fair’ and Virginia Woolf’s ‘Mrs Dalloway’.But it’s not all rosy and bright in 18th-century London. In Oscar Wilde’s ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’, we’ll question and query the true worth of excess. And if the streets of London weren’t strange enough, you’ll also be led down a gothic and gory investigation involving Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde…Crafting a rip-roaringly dramatic and vivid portrait of Victorian life in London, this impressive collection is perfect for fans of the silver screen adaptions ‘Oliver!’ (1968) and ‘Dorian Gray’ (2009).Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) was an Irish poet and one of the most popular playwrights in the early 1890s. His works include ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ and ‘The Importance of being Earnest’Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) was a Scottish novelist, essayist, and travel writer. He is best known for ‘Treasure Island’ and ‘Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’.Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) was a hugely influential English writer. A pioneer in the narrative device of streams of consciousness, Woolf’s breathtaking collection spans ‘Mrs Dalloway’, ‘To the Lighthouse’, and the non-fiction title ‘A Room of One’s Own’.William Makepeace Thackeray (1811-1863) was a British author and novelist. He is best known for his satirical works, including ‘Vanity Fair’, ‘The Luck of Barry Lyndon’, and ‘Second Funeral of Napolean’.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was an English novelist and social critic, known for creating some of the world’s best-known fictional characters. His works include ‘Oliver Twist’, ‘A Christmas Carol’, and ‘Great Expectations’.

  • af Charles Dickens
    149,00 kr.

    I årevis har sagen om mr. Jarndyce’ testamente skabt splid mellem hans efterkommere og har drevet flere til vanvid i håbet om at overbevise retten om, at det testamente, der peger på dem som arving, er det rette. Den ældre og godmodige John Jarndyce bliver værge for Ada og Richard, der ligesom ham selv er mulige arvinger, og lader dem sammen med sin anden myndling, Esther, flytte ind hos sig på hans landsted, Bleak House. Han forsøger at forhindre sine unge myndlinger i at lade sig rive med af forhåbninger om at vinde den endeløse retssag, men håbet om at vinde den enorme formue er nok til at drive den unge Richard til vanvid."Bleak House" er en eminent satire over det absurde engelske retssystem, men det er samtidig en medrivende psykologisk skildring af en række forskellige karakterer. Ligesom så mange andre af Charles Dickens’ fortællinger gemmer historien på et spændende plot fyldt med hemmeligheder, der ikke kan holdes skjult.slxCharles Dickens (1812-70) er et af de helt store navne i engelsk litteratur. Hans bøger læses stadig flittigt og lever videre på både teatret og filmlærredet. I hans bøger fokuserer han ofte på klasseskel og de fattiges kår, til tider tilsat en god portion humor. Foruden romaner har han skrevet mange kortere prosatekster samt skuespil, rejsebøger og børnebøger.

  • af Charles Dickens
    42,99 kr.

    Family Christmas gatherings are always very... interesting.A wedding, sports on ice, Sexton stealing Goblins, merry voices carolling and jolly faces. The Pickwickians' Christmas trip to the Manor Farm in Dingley Dell is full of good-humoured adventures!Characterised by mischief and fun, this lovely little story is not your average Dickens Christmas tale.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was a widely popular English author and social critic. Among his most famous novels are ‘Oliver Twist’, ‘A Christmas Carol’, and ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens is best known for his depictions of poor Victorian living conditions and his unforgettable characters, some compassionate and others grotesquely malicious.Dickens’ timeless tales are still as celebrated today as when they were written, and his literary style is so influential that the term Dickensian was coined to describe the literature he inspired.Many of Dickens’ novels have been adapted for movies and television, including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’. 'A Christmas Carol' is well known worldwide and is a huge favourite movie for families to watch together at Christmas time. The most famous movie was from Disney in 2009 starring Jim Carrey, Gary Oldman and Colin Firth.

  • af Charles Dickens
    73,99 kr.

    Wydaje się, że przyszłość Johna Harmona będzie szczęśliwa i wolna od prozaicznych problemów - jest dziedzicem fortuny, a na żonę wyznaczono mu piękną Bellę Wilfer. Wszystko zmienia się jednego dnia, gdy mężczyzna zostaje napadnięty i wrzucony do Tamizy. Choć fizycznie udaje mu się uratować, postanawia skorzystać ze społecznego przeświadczenia o swojej śmierci. Przybiera nazwisko Rokesmith, wynajmuje pokój u rodziców przeznaczonej sobie dziewczyny i z bezpiecznego dystansu przygląda się układom, w których miał funkcjonować. W 1998 r. na podstawie powieści zrealizowano brytyjski serial, w którym wystąpił m.in. David Bradley.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) - dziewiętnastowieczny angielski powieściopisarz, najwybitniejszy wówczas przedstawiciel powieści społeczno-obyczajowej. Czuły na niesprawiedliwość społeczną, precyzyjnie opisywał życie uboższych sfer i portretował ekscentryków w konwencji groteski i karykatury. Wywodził się z rodziny, która popadła w nędzę, bardzo wcześnie podjął pracę zarobkową w fabryce pasty do butów, uznanie w środowisku literackim zapewniła mu powieść "Klub Pickwicka".

  • af Charles Dickens
    47,99 kr.

    Pewnego wieczoru 1775 roku ożywają wspomnienia na temat morderstwa Reubena Haredale, do którego doszło tego samego dnia 22 lata wcześniej. Po makabrycznym zdarzeniu z posiadłości Reubena znikają ogrodnik i zarządca, którzy stają się tym samym podejrzanymi w sprawie. Wielowątkowy utwór historyczny umieszcza perypetie bohaterów na tle prawdziwych wydarzeń, a akcja trwa aż do 1780 r., kiedy to w Londynie doszło do rozruchów, w wyniku których mieszkańcy stolicy spalili więzienie Newgate. Powieść była publikowana w odcinkach w 1841 r., jest ilustrowana rysunkami Freda Barnarda oraz reprodukcjami XIX-wiecznych rycin.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) - dziewiętnastowieczny angielski powieściopisarz, najwybitniejszy wówczas przedstawiciel powieści społeczno-obyczajowej. Czuły na niesprawiedliwość społeczną, precyzyjnie opisywał życie uboższych sfer i portretował ekscentryków w konwencji groteski i karykatury. Wywodził się z rodziny, która popadła w nędzę, bardzo wcześnie podjął pracę zarobkową w fabryce pasty do butów, uznanie w środowisku literackim zapewniła mu powieść "Klub Pickwicka".

  • af Charles Dickens
    79,00 kr.

    Thomas Gradgrind har brugt hele sit liv på at skabe sig en formue og har nu trukket sig tilbage i den engelske industriby Coketown. Hans livsfilosofi har altid hyldet det rationelle og målbare med stort fokus på først og fremmest at tage sig af sig selv. Denne livsfilosofi har han forsøgt at prakke sine børn på, og de to ældste, Louisa og Tom, lider under den strenge og følelseskolde opdragelse. Vi følger deres håbløse forsøg på at få tilværelsen til at give mening: Tom kaster sig ud i meningsløse forlystelser, mens Louisa gifter sig med sin fars meget ældre ven, som på ingen måde formår at gøre hende lykkelig.I "Strenge tider" udstiller Charles Dickens det victorianske samfunds strikse idealer og industrialismens umenneskeliggørelse af både den menige arbejder og industrialisten, der skummer fløden.Charles Dickens (1812-70) er et af de helt store navne i engelsk litteratur. Hans bøger læses stadig flittigt og lever videre på både teatret og filmlærredet. I hans bøger fokuserer han ofte på klasseskel og de fattiges kår, til tider tilsat en god portion humor. Foruden romaner har han skrevet mange kortere prosatekster samt skuespil, rejsebøger og børnebøger.

  • af Charles Dickens
    149,00 kr.

    Charles Dickens’ historiske roman tager os med tilbage til 1780’ernes folkeopstand i England, da parlamentet ophævede nogle gamle forordninger mod katolikkerne. Samtidig fortæller den historien om et gammelt uopklaret mord på en lokal godsejer, hvis bror ikke tøvede med at flytte ind og overtage godset efter den myrdede. Historien er fyldt med gamle hemmeligheder, spøgelser, kærlighed, psykologiske skildringer og nådesløs udstilling af social uretfærdighed, som Charles Dickens er så kendt og elsket for.Charles Dickens (1812-70) er et af de helt store navne i engelsk litteratur. Hans bøger læses stadig flittigt og lever videre på både teatret og filmlærredet. I hans bøger fokuserer han ofte på klasseskel og de fattiges kår, til tider tilsat en god portion humor. Foruden romaner har han skrevet mange kortere prosatekster samt skuespil, rejsebøger og børnebøger.

  • af Charles Dickens
    129,00 kr.

    Forældreløse Nelly lever med sin bedstefar, der ejer en antikvitetsforretning i London. I et forsøg på at skabe en større formue, som Nelly kan arve, får han spillet sig selv i en dyb gæld hos lånehajen Daniel Quilp. Hurtigt ser Quilp sit snit til at få dem smidt ud af antikvitetsforretningen som tilbagebetaling, og de to ender på gaden og forlader London for at leve som tiggere.I London bliver en godhjertet mand overtalt til at finde og gifte sig med Nelly, så han kan få del i hendes formue, der aldrig har fandtes. Quilp, der godt ved dette, hjælper alligevel til bare for at se det gå galt - men hvor galt?Charles Dickens (1812-70) er et af de helt store navne i engelsk litteratur. Hans bøger læses stadig flittigt og lever videre på både teatret og filmlærredet. I hans bøger fokuserer han ofte på klasseskel og den lille mands kår, til tider tilsat en god portion humor. Foruden romaner har han forfattet mange kortere prosatekster samt skuespil, rejsebøger og børnebøger.

  • af Charles Dickens
    23,99 kr.

    Groza i makabra w XIX-wiecznej Anglii.Zbiór opowiadań, w których mistrz powieści obyczajowej pokazuje swoje zaskakujące oblicze - twórcy mrożących krew w żyłach historii. Niektóre zebrane tu miniaturki można potraktować jako wprawki przed wielkimi dziełami (np. opowiadanie "O Goblinach, które uprowadziły grabarza" zawiera motywy rozwinięte później w "Opowieści Wigilijnej"). Mimo zwięzłej formy, błyskotliwy styl Dickensa stale czaruje czytelników.Dla miłośników klasycznych opowieści grozy, w stylu utworów Lovecrafta.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) - dziewiętnastowieczny angielski powieściopisarz, najwybitniejszy wówczas przedstawiciel powieści społeczno-obyczajowej. Czuły na niesprawiedliwość społeczną, precyzyjnie opisywał życie uboższych sfer i portretował ekscentryków w konwencji groteski i karykatury. Wywodził się z rodziny, która popadła w nędzę, bardzo wcześnie podjął pracę zarobkową w fabryce pasty do butów, uznanie w środowisku literackim zapewniła mu powieść "Klub Pickwicka".

  • af Charles Dickens
    65,99 kr.

    Gdy umiera ojciec Nicholasa, na chłopaka spada odpowiedzialność za utrzymanie rodziny. Bohater nawiązuje kontakt z ekscentrycznym wujem, sprowadza się z bliskimi do Londynu i rozpoczyna pracę w szkole. Dziewiętnastowieczne brytyjskie mieszczaństwo nie jest jednak wspierającym środowiskiem dla osób w gorszej sytuacji finansowej. Powieść napisana w charakterystyczną dla Dickensa mieszanką czułości i ironicznego dystansu. Moralitet miesza się tu z romansem, a pozytywistyczna refleksja z sensacyjnymi przygodami. W filmowej adaptacji książki z 2002 r. wystąpiła Anne Hathaway, zaś w 1985 r. na jej podstawie powstał australijski film animowany.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) - dziewiętnastowieczny angielski powieściopisarz, najwybitniejszy wówczas przedstawiciel powieści społeczno-obyczajowej. Czuły na niesprawiedliwość społeczną, precyzyjnie opisywał życie uboższych sfer i portretował ekscentryków w konwencji groteski i karykatury. Wywodził się z rodziny, która popadła w nędzę, bardzo wcześnie podjął pracę zarobkową w fabryce pasty do butów, uznanie w środowisku literackim zapewniła mu powieść "Klub Pickwicka".

  • af Charles Dickens
    Fra 90,99 kr.

    No hay nada mejor que viajar con buena compañía, y eso lo sabe el señor Samuel Pickwick. Ya anciano y adinerado, junto con Nathaniel Winkle, Augustus Snodgrass y Tracy Tupman, se embarca en un divertido viaje por lugares remotos de Inglaterra y va pasando el parte al resto de miembros del denominado Club Pickwick. Desde la campiña inglesa hasta zonas industriales, los tres aventureros se topan con situaciones incómodas, curiosas y desternillantes.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.

  • af Charles Dickens
    56,99 kr.

    Nicholas jest szczęśliwym i beztroskim chłopcem, który wraz z rodziną wiedzie dostatnie życie. Niestety, gdy umiera jego ojciec, bohater musi szybko dorosnąć, by utrzymać najbliższych. Zwraca się o pomoc do wuja Ralfa z Londynu, który załatwia mu posadę w szkole. Nicholas z całą rodziną przeprowadza się do stolicy Anglii i rozpoczyna pracę. Okazuje się jednak, że wuj nie zamierza pomagać swoim krewnym bezinteresownie, a dziewiętnastowieczny system szkolnictwa jest opresyjny nie tylko wobec uczniów, ale również wobec początkującego nauczyciela. Na kanwie książki w 1985 r. powstał australijski film animowany, a w 2002 r. premierę miała jej ekranizacja filmowa z udziałem m.in. Anne Hathaway (oba obrazy nosiły tytuł "Nicholas Nickleby").Charles Dickens (1812-1870) - dziewiętnastowieczny angielski powieściopisarz, najwybitniejszy wówczas przedstawiciel powieści społeczno-obyczajowej. Czuły na niesprawiedliwość społeczną, precyzyjnie opisywał życie uboższych sfer i portretował ekscentryków w konwencji groteski i karykatury. Wywodził się z rodziny, która popadła w nędzę, bardzo wcześnie podjął pracę zarobkową w fabryce pasty do butów, uznanie w środowisku literackim zapewniła mu powieść "Klub Pickwicka".

  • af Charles Dickens
    56,99 kr.

    W burzliwym czasie sporów politycznych i ideologicznych wywodzący się z nizin społecznych Barnaby Rudge i jego matka stają się ofiarami prześladowania. Zmieniają miejsca zamieszania i wchodzą w rozmaite układy, by odzyskać spokój. Wielowątkowy utwór historyczny umieszcza perypetie bohaterów na tle prawdziwych wydarzeń, a akcja trwa od 1775 r. aż do 1780 r., kiedy to w Londynie doszło do rozruchów, w wyniku których mieszkańcy stolicy spalili więzienie Newgate. Powieść była publikowana w odcinkach, jest ilustrowana rysunkami Freda Barnarda oraz reprodukcjami XIX-wiecznych rycin. Może zainteresować miłośników powieści historycznej w wykonaniu Henryka Sienkiewicza czy Aleksandra Dumasa.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) - dziewiętnastowieczny angielski powieściopisarz, najwybitniejszy wówczas przedstawiciel powieści społeczno-obyczajowej. Czuły na niesprawiedliwość społeczną, precyzyjnie opisywał życie uboższych sfer i portretował ekscentryków w konwencji groteski i karykatury. Wywodził się z rodziny, która popadła w nędzę, bardzo wcześnie podjął pracę zarobkową w fabryce pasty do butów, uznanie w środowisku literackim zapewniła mu powieść "Klub Pickwicka".

  • af Charles Dickens
    42,99 kr.

    'The carpenter's daughter has won a name for herself, and deserved to win it.'"Contributions to 'All the Year Round'" by Charles Dickens is a collection of short stories originally published in 'All the Year Round' - a weekly British literary journal which was founded and owned by Charles Dickens himself.Featuring titles such as 'The Poor Man and his Beer', 'Five New Points of Criminal Law', 'Leigh Hunt: A Remonstrance', 'The Young Man from the Country' and 'The Late Mr Stanfield' among others.These tales were very popular amongst readers of the magazine and will be with any classics and Charles Dickens fan too.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was a widely popular English author and social critic. Among his most famous novels are ‘Oliver Twist’, ‘A Christmas Carol’, and ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens is best known for his depictions of poor Victorian living conditions and his unforgettable characters, some compassionate and others grotesquely malicious.Dickens’ timeless tales are still as celebrated today as when they were written, and his literary style is so influential that the term Dickensian was coined to describe the literature he inspired.Many of Dickens’ novels have been adapted for movies and television, including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’. 'A Christmas Carol' is well known worldwide and is a huge favourite movie for families to watch together at Christmas time. The most famous movie was from Disney in 2009 starring Jim Carrey, Gary Oldman and Colin Firth.

  • af Charles Dickens
    42,99 kr.

    Charles Dickens' ‘Children Stories’ is a collection of tales for kids from one of history’s finest storytellers. In this wonderful anthology, children are introduced to characters who also appear in Dickens’ adult fiction including; Tiny Tim from ‘A Christmas Carol’, Trotty Veck and his daughter Meg from ‘The Chimes’, Oliver Twist and Little David Copperfield among other entertaining characters that we already know and love. These stories are the perfect bedtime reading, with wonderful tales to read out loud. Children and adults alike will delight in hearing them.Regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens is best known for creating some of the world’s best known fictional characters who feature in his most popular novels, including The Artful Dodger in 'Oliver Twist’, Ebenezer Scrooge in ‘A Christmas Carol’, and Miss Havisham in ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens’ timeless novels and short stories are still widely read today and many have been adapted into countless TV programmes and films including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’, and 'A Christmas Carol' which is well known worldwide and is a huge favourite movie for families to watch together at Christmas time.

  • af Charles Dickens
    59,99 kr.

    ‘Pearl-Fishing – Second Series’ is a second collection of short stories written by the renowned author of ‘Great Expectations’, Charles Dickens. First published in ‘Household Words’, Pearl-Fishing – Second Series’ follows Dickens’ first anthology of short stories ‘Pearl-Fishing – First Series’. Featuring titles such as ‘The Young Advocate’, ‘The Last of a Long Line’, ‘Evil is Wrought by Want of Thought’ and ‘The Home of Woodruffe the Gardener’, amongst others. These tales were very popular amongst readers of the magazine when they were first published and are still classic reads to be enjoyed by any modern-day fan of Charles Dickens.Regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens is best known for creating some of the world’s best known fictional characters who feature in his most popular novels, including The Artful Dodger in 'Oliver Twist’, Ebenezer Scrooge in ‘A Christmas Carol’, and Miss Havisham in ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens’ timeless novels and short stories are still widely read today and many have been adapted into countless TV programmes and films including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’, and 'A Christmas Carol' which well known worldwide and is a huge favourite movie for families to watch together at Christmas time.

  • af Charles Dickens
    42,99 kr.

    The majority of the poems in this collection ‘The Poems and Verses’ are a classic collection of poetic works by Charles Dickens. They are brought together in this anthology after appearing in Dickens' other works, including ‘The Pickwick Papers’ and several plays that he wrote together with Wilkie Collins.Regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens is best known for creating some of the world’s best known fictional characters who feature in his most popular novels, including The Artful Dodger in 'Oliver Twist’, Ebenezer Scrooge in ‘A Christmas Carol’, and Miss Havisham in ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens’ timeless novels and short stories are still widely read today and many have been adapted into countless TV programmes and films including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’, and 'A Christmas Carol' which is well known worldwide and is a huge favourite movie for families to watch together at Christmas time.

  • af Charles Dickens
    59,99 kr.

    Charles Dickens is renowned as one of the best writers of the Victorian era, and his after-dinner speeches were very much in demand during his lifetime. Dickens spoke on public occasions as a literature representative, and in sympathy with humanitarian movements. He even delivered a speech at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane, London on Wednesday, 27th June 1855. On one occasion, Dickens became critical of the administrative costs of running a charity and certainly didn't hold back in saying so. "I say openly, and plainly, that this fund is pompously and unnaturally administered at great expense, instead of being quietly administered at small expense."Can you imagine enjoying a meal in the 19th century and suddenly Charles Dickens stands up to deliver a speech? This collection of speeches from Charles Dickens allows readers to experience that moment for themselves.Regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens is best known for creating some of the world’s best known fictional characters who feature in his most popular novels, including The Artful Dodger in 'Oliver Twist’, Ebenezer Scrooge in ‘A Christmas Carol’, and Miss Havisham in ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens’ timeless novels and short stories are still widely read today and many have been adapted into countless TV programmes and films including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’, and 'A Christmas Carol' which well known worldwide and is a huge favourite movie for families to watch together at Christmas time.

  • af Charles Dickens
    77,99 kr.

    'Like a chaotic magic-lantern show, fascinated both by the spectacle it offers and by himself as spectator.'Pictures from Italy is a travelogue by Charles Dickens.In 1844 Charles Dickens took a break from writing novels and travelled through Italy. While there he visited the sites of Rome, Naples, Venice and Florence, however, it was the Italians themselves and their streets and lifestyle that caught Dickens' imagination.This book is a treasure for anyone wanting to dig a little more into the life of Charles Dickens and find out about the man behind the famous stories.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was a widely popular English author and social critic. Among his most famous novels are ‘Oliver Twist’, ‘A Christmas Carol’, and ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens is best known for his depictions of poor Victorian living conditions and his unforgettable characters, some compassionate and others grotesquely malicious.Dickens’ timeless tales are still as celebrated today as when they were written, and his literary style is so influential that the term Dickensian was coined to describe the literature he inspired.Many of Dickens’ novels have been adapted for movies and television, including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’. 'A Christmas Carol' is well known worldwide and is a huge favourite movie for families to watch together at Christmas time. The most famous movie was from Disney in 2009 starring Jim Carrey, Gary Oldman and Colin Firth.

  • af Charles Dickens
    59,99 kr.

    ‘Pearl-Fishing – First Series’ by Charles Dickens is a collection of short stories which were first published in ‘Household Words’. Featuring titles such as ‘Loaded Dice’, ‘My Wonderful Adventures in Skitzland,’ ‘The Old Churchyard Tree’, ‘Father and Son', and 'The Ghost of the Late Mr. James Barber’ amongst others. These tales were very popular amongst readers of the magazine when they were first published and are still classic reads to be enjoyed by any modern-day fan of Charles Dickens. When you’ve read them all, re-live them all over again or read even more of the author's short stories in ‘Pearl-Fishing – Second Series’.Regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens is best known for creating some of the world’s best known fictional characters who feature in his most popular novels, including The Artful Dodger in 'Oliver Twist’, Ebenezer Scrooge in ‘A Christmas Carol’, and Miss Havisham in ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens’ timeless novels and short stories are still widely read today and many have been adapted into countless TV programmes and films including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’, and 'A Christmas Carol' which well known worldwide and is a huge favourite movie for families to watch together at Christmas time.

  • af Charles Dickens
    59,99 kr.

    Anyone who has read Dickens’ novels such as ‘Oliver Twist’ will know that the writer was a moralist, satirist, and social reformer, and this volume of non-fiction essays brings together some of the writer’s most interesting views on social issues. ‘Miscellaneous Papers’ contains such papers as 'The Agricultural Interest', 'Threatening Letter to Thomas Hood from an Ancient Gentleman', 'Crime and Education', 'Capital Punishment', and 'The Spirit of Chivalry in Westminster Hall' among others.Regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens is best known for creating some of the world’s best known fictional characters who feature in his most popular novels, including The Artful Dodger in 'Oliver Twist’, Ebenezer Scrooge in ‘A Christmas Carol’, and Miss Havisham in ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens’ timeless novels and short stories are still widely read today and many have been adapted into countless TV programmes and films, including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’, and 'A Christmas Carol' which is well known worldwide and is a huge favourite movie for families to watch together at Christmas time.

  • af Charles Dickens
    59,99 kr.

    "If you were to go up in a balloon, you would make for heaven; and if you were to dive into the depths of the earth, nothing short of the other place would content you."These are the words of characters Thomas Idle to Francis Goodchild; but they are really the words of authors Wilkie Collins to describe his friend, Charles Dickens.‘The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices’ is a collaborative novel produced by Dickens and Collins, in which they poke fun at themselves and at one another. It also boasts two ghost stories which are a marvel to read from these two great masters.Set in Autumn 1857. Two men set off for an idle adventure through the countryside of the English Lake District and the Fells. "They had no intention of going anywhere in particular; they wanted to see nothing, they wanted to know nothing, they wanted to learn nothing, they wanted to do nothing. They wanted only to be idle." A novel to be enjoyed by fans of Bill Bryson’s writing or the film adaptation of his book ‘A Walk in the Woods’, starring Robert Redford and Emma Thompson.Regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens is renowned for creating some of the world’s best known fictional characters who feature in his most popular novels, including The Artful Dodger in 'Oliver Twist’, Ebenezer Scrooge in ‘A Christmas Carol’, and Miss Havisham in ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens’ timeless novels and short stories are still widely read today and many have been adapted into countless TV programmes and films including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’, and 'A Christmas Carol' which well known worldwide and is a huge favourite movie for families to watch together at Christmas time.London-born Wilke Collins (1824-1889) became known in Victorian England for his novels and plays, sometimes writing together with Charles Dickens. His most famous works, "The Woman in White" (1859) and "The Moonstone" (1868), are examples of the first modern detective novels.

  • af Charles Dickens
    38,99 kr.

    Charles Dickens’ ‘The Lamplighter’ is a short story that will take the reader on a comical adventure bringing together the philosopher's stone, some fortune-telling stars, an eccentric astronomer, and all-in-all, some downright hilarious characters.In this novella, we meet Tom Grig, a lamplighter who ends up in the home of a strange astronomer. It seems 'the stars' have decreed that Tom will marry the astronomer's beautiful niece and not only that - Grig is then to inherit the secret of the philosopher's stone, making him the richest man on earth. Happy days! There's just one problem though. The stars have also predicted Tom’s imminent death, just two short months from now, which leads to other members of the household coming up with their own alternative theories and ideas resulting in laugh-out-loud consequences.Regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens is best known for creating some of the world’s best known fictional characters who feature in his most popular novels, including The Artful Dodger in 'Oliver Twist’, Ebenezer Scrooge in ‘A Christmas Carol’, and Miss Havisham in ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens’ timeless novels and short stories are still widely read today and many have been adapted into countless TV programmes and films including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’, and 'A Christmas Carol' which well known worldwide and is a huge favourite movie for families to watch together at Christmas time.

  • af Charles Dickens & Wilkie Collins
    59,99 kr.

    What happens if two boys are given the exact same name? If you guessed 'disaster in adulthood', you would be right. When one of the men dies, there is an exciting adventure to find his heir. Leading from London to the sunny Mediterranean and across to the Alps, you will meet a diverse cast of characters; some good, some bad, and some that are eerie and exotic. 'No Thoroughfare’ is a play in five acts written as a collaboration between two great writers; Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins. Full of mystery and romance with a touch of excitement, this dramatic play is well worth reading for any Dickens or Collins fan.Regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens is best known for creating some of the world’s best known fictional characters who feature in his most popular novels, including The Artful Dodger in 'Oliver Twist’, Ebenezer Scrooge in ‘A Christmas Carol’, and Miss Havisham in ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens’ timeless novels and short stories are still widely read today and many have been adapted into countless TV programmes and films including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’, and 'A Christmas Carol' which is well known worldwide and is a huge favourite movie for families to watch together at Christmas time.London-born Wilkie Collins (1824-1889) became known in Victorian England for his novels and plays, sometimes writing with Charles Dickens. His most famous works, "The Woman in White" (1859) and "The Moonstone" (1868), are examples of the first modern detective novels.

  • af Charles Dickens
    40,99 kr.

    Nel 1850 Charles Dickens firma ben tre articoli riguardanti la vita e il lavoro del detective (figura nuovissima, a quei tempi, risalendo la creazione del Detective Branch di Londra a solamente otto anni prima). In quell’anno, alcuni fra i maggiori investigatori inglesi accettano di incontrarsi nella redazione di Household Words, la rivista diretta dallo stesso Dickens, per rispondere alle sue domande. Fra loro, immancabilmente, anche il grande Charles Frederick Field (1805-1874), amico personale dello scrittore. Attraverso il racconto appassionato delle proprie imprese, i detective offrono a chi legge il privilegio – più unico che raro – di venire a conoscenza di fatti reali, godendo al contempo della straordinaria verve narrativa di uno fra i maggiori romanzieri dell’Ottocento.Questo audiolibro è stato realizzato in collaborazione con Edizioni Clichy.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) nasce a Portsmouth, figlio di un modesto impiegato della Marina Britannica. A causa dell’incarcerazione del padre (1824), è costretto, giovanissimo, a lavorare in una fabbrica di lucido da scarpe. Scampato a questa dura esperienza, nel 1827 entra in uno studio legale, per poi affermarsi come stenografo e cronista. Esordisce nel 1836 con "Sketches by Boz" (una raccolta di impressioni urbane) e col romanzo satirico "Il circolo Pickwick", grazie al quale ottiene grandissima fama. Considerato il più sensibile narratore dell’Età Vittoriana, è autore di molti romanzi a sfondo sociale. Fra i suoi capolavori più noti, si possono citare "Oliver Twist", "Tempi difficili", "David Copperfield" e "Cantico di Natale", oggetto di innumerevoli riadattamenti per il cinema, l’animazione e il fumetto.

  • af Charles Dickens
    36,99 kr.

    Nel 1850, appena otto anni dopo la creazione del Detective Branch di Londra, Charles Dickens dedica vari articoli al tema dell’investigazione, pubblicandoli sulle riviste Householde Words e All the Year Round (di cui è direttore). Integrando la propria indole di romanziere col senso critico del giornalista, Dickens offre a chi legge l’affresco vivido di una Londra oscura e malfamata, abitata da malviventi ma anche da coraggiosi detective. Delle tre storie qui raccolte, ben due hanno come protagonista l’investigatore privato Charles Frederick Field (1805-1874), figura che ispirerà a Dickens l’ispettore Bucket di "Casa desolata" (1852). Fulcro degli aneddoti – tutti assolutamente reali – è l’acume del detective, costretto a muoversi con estrema scaltrezza in quella che, ai tempi in cui l’autore scrive, è ancora soltanto un’arte investigativa ai suoi esordi...Questo audiolibro è stato realizzato in collaborazione con Edizioni Clichy.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) nasce a Portsmouth, figlio di un modesto impiegato della Marina Britannica. A causa dell’incarcerazione del padre (1824), è costretto, giovanissimo, a lavorare in una fabbrica di lucido da scarpe. Scampato a questa dura esperienza, nel 1827 entra in uno studio legale, per poi affermarsi come stenografo e cronista. Esordisce nel 1836 con "Sketches by Boz" (una raccolta di impressioni urbane) e col romanzo satirico "Il circolo Pickwick", grazie al quale ottiene grandissima fama. Considerato il più sensibile narratore dell’Età Vittoriana, è autore di molti romanzi a sfondo sociale. Fra i suoi capolavori più noti, si possono citare "Oliver Twist", "Tempi difficili", "David Copperfield" e "Cantico di Natale", oggetto di innumerevoli riadattamenti per il cinema, l’animazione e il fumetto.

  • af Charles Dickens
    40,99 kr.

    Nel 1851 Charles Dickens accompagna il detective Charles Frederick Field (1805-1874) in una nottata a giro per i sobborghi londinesi. Il racconto che ne scaturisce – pubblicato sotto forma di articolo sulla rivista Household Words – è l’acuta ricostruzione dello squallore notturno di una grande metropoli. Avventurandosi fra taverne malfamate, vicoli bui e quartieri in mano alla malavita, Dickens, Field e i loro uomini toccano con mano i pericoli che si celano nelle periferie vittoriane, offrendo a chi legge l’opportunità di rivivere un’epoca remota, ma non per questo morta e sepolta. Con l’acume dei suoi maggiori romanzi a sfondo sociale, come "Oliver Twist" e "Tempi difficili", Dickens descrive la realtà dei suoi giorni senza moralismi, creando una perla nera di giornalismo, ma anche l’archetipo letterario per lo Sherlock Holmes di Arthur Conan Doyle...Questo audiolibro è stato realizzato in collaborazione con Edizioni Clichy.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) nasce a Portsmouth, figlio di un modesto impiegato della Marina Britannica. A causa dell’incarcerazione del padre (1824), è costretto, giovanissimo, a lavorare in una fabbrica di lucido da scarpe. Scampato a questa dura esperienza, nel 1827 entra in uno studio legale, per poi affermarsi come stenografo e cronista. Esordisce nel 1836 con "Sketches by Boz" (una raccolta di impressioni urbane) e col romanzo satirico "Il circolo Pickwick", grazie al quale ottiene grandissima fama. Considerato il più sensibile narratore dell’Età Vittoriana, è autore di molti romanzi a sfondo sociale. Fra i suoi capolavori più noti, si possono citare "Oliver Twist", "Tempi difficili", "David Copperfield" e "Cantico di Natale", oggetto di innumerevoli riadattamenti per il cinema, l’animazione e il fumetto.