Bøger af Barbara Rowan

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  • af Barbara Rowan
    Fra 79,00 kr.

    Journalist Angus Logan vender tilbage til tropeøen La Roque, hvor han voksede op som plejebarn hos familien Courvel. Hans plejefar Maurice de Courvel er død under mystiske omstændigheder, og hvad der er sket med øen, siden Angus’ forlod den, er lige så chokerende. Da detaljerne langsomt dukker op til overfladen, kan Angus ikke længere undslippe sin egen fortid. "Ø-mysteriet" er en gribende thriller indpakket i mystik og romantik, der efterlader læseren hungrende efter mere. Barbara Rowan er et pseudonym, som den kendte britiske forfatter Ida Pollock (1908 - 2013) skrev under. Pollock udgav flere end 125 romaner gennem sin 90 år lange karriere og solgte flere millioner eksemplarer af sine bøger verden over. Hun begyndte allerede at skrive som 10-årig og mere end hundrede år efter sin fødsel, er hun fortsat populær inden for romance-genren. I anledning af hendes 105-års fødselsdag blev Pollock udnævnt til honorær vicepræsident for Romantic Novelists' Association efter at have været et af dets grundlæggende medlemmer. Ida Pollock skrev under en lang række pseudonymer: Joan M. Allen, Susan Barrie, Pamela Kent, Averil Ives, Anita Charles, Barbara Rowan, Jane Beaufort, Rose Burghley, Mary Whistler og Marguerite Bell.

  • af Barbara Rowan
    67,99 kr.

    Judith was still battling a cold when her friend Ann took her to recover at her godmother’s a glorious castle on the Northumbrian coast. What seemed like the perfect getaway for recovery was made less welcoming by the cold shoulder given by Lady Markham’s grandson, Sir Anthony Dmitri Markham. Yet there was also something terribly intriguing about this cold, handsome man of Russian origin... The memorable love tale written by Barbara Rowan, a pseudonym of Ida Pollock, dates back to the 20th century.A must-read for fans of literary romance and surprising twists of fate.Barbara Rowan is a pseudonym of Ida Pollock (1908 – 2013), a highly successful British writer of over 125 romance novels translated into numerous languages and published across the world. Ida Pollock has sold millions of copies over her 90-year career.Pollock began writing when she was 10 years old. Ida has travelled widely, living in several different countries. She continues to be popular amongst both her devoted fan base and new readers alike. Pollock has been referred to as the "world's oldest novelist" who was still active at 105 and continued writing until her death.On the occasion of her 105th birthday, Pollock was appointed honorary vice-president of the Romantic Novelists' Association, having been one of its founding members.Ida Pollock wrote in a wide variety of pseudonyms: Joan M. Allen, Susan Barrie, Pamela Kent, Averil Ives, Anita Charles, Barbara Rowan, Jane Beaufort, Rose Burghley, Mary Whistler and Marguerite Bell.

  • af Barbara Rowan
    67,99 kr.

    Lois Fairchild ends up becoming he governess to the son of Dom Julyan, a charming and wealthy Portuguese widower. Yet not everyone is happy about Lois staying at Quinta de Valerira, Julyan’s beautiful house, nor about her kindling passions for the man. Can she stay there, with her feelings for Julyan becoming stronger every day, and more importantly, does she even stand a chance? The gripping love tale from the 20th century was written by Barbara Rowan, one of the pseudonyms of the prolific romance writer Ida Pollock.A must-read for fans of literary romance and surprising twists of fate.Barbara Rowan is a pseudonym of Ida Pollock (1908 – 2013), a highly successful British writer of over 125 romance novels translated into numerous languages and published across the world. Ida Pollock has sold millions of copies over her 90-year career.Pollock began writing when she was 10 years old. Ida has travelled widely, living in several different countries. She continues to be popular amongst both her devoted fan base and new readers alike. Pollock has been referred to as the "world's oldest novelist" who was still active at 105 and continued writing until her death.On the occasion of her 105th birthday, Pollock was appointed honorary vice-president of the Romantic Novelists' Association, having been one of its founding members.Ida Pollock wrote in a wide variety of pseudonyms: Joan M. Allen, Susan Barrie, Pamela Kent, Averil Ives, Anita Charles, Barbara Rowan, Jane Beaufort, Rose Burghley, Mary Whistler and Marguerite Bell.

  • af Barbara Rowan
    67,99 kr.

    Pat Connington's employer, Pierre Larouche, was an aloof and complicated man, who made her terribly uncomfortable. Yet it was undeniable that she was in love with him, as much as she tried to fight it off. Even in as romantic a setting as the Swiss countryside did not change the fact that Pierre was far from interested in her. How can Pat get out of her seemingly hopeless situation? Could the answer be Leon Hoffmann, the other important man in her life? The love story dating back to the 20th century was written by Barbara Rowan, a pseudonym of the beloved English romance writer Ida Pollock.A must-read for fans of literary romance and surprising twists of fate.-

  • af Barbara Rowan
    Fra 92,99 kr.

    Journalist Angus Logan returns to the island of La Roque, where he grew up as part of the Courvel family. Maurice de Courvel has died under extremely mysterious circumstances. What has happened to the island since Angus’ departure is equally shocking. As the details of what have led to the violent death slowly begin to unravel, Angus cannot escape his own past and the danger that has begun to surround him. Wrapped in mystery and romance, the story written under one of Ida Pollock’s pseudonyms, Barbara Rowan, is a gripping thriller that will not leave the reader cold.A must-read for friends of literary romance and surprising twists of fate.Barbara Rowan is a pseudonym of Ida Pollock (1908 – 2013), a highly successful British writer of over 125 romance novels translated into numerous languages and published across the world. Ida Pollock has sold millions of copies over her 90-year career. Pollock began writing when she was 10 years old. Ida has travelled widely, living in several different countries. She continues to be popular amongst both her devoted fan base and new readers alike. Pollock has been referred to as the "world's oldest novelist" who was still active at 105 and continued writing until her death. On the occasion of her 105th birthday, Pollock was appointed honorary vice-president of the Romantic Novelists' Association, having been one of its founding members.Ida Pollock wrote in a wide variety of pseudonyms: Joan M. Allen, Susan Barrie, Pamela Kent, Averil Ives, Anita Charles, Barbara Rowan, Jane Beaufort, Rose Burghley, Mary Whistler and Marguerite Bell.

  • af Barbara Rowan
    Fra 67,99 kr.

    Perfect for fans of the Bridgerton series by Julia Quinn. Jacqueline Vaizey receives an invitation to the island of Sansegovia, where her recently passed father worked as a doctor. Her hostess Senora Cortina happens to have a charming, imposing grandson Dominic Errol, who clearly takes a liking to Jacqueline. If only he was not betrothed to the Spanish Carlotta Consuella – surely it’s best for Jacqueline to simply forget about him? The gripping love story from the 20th century was written by Barbara Rowan, a pseudonym of the prolific romance writer Ida Pollock. A must-read for fans of literary romance and surprising twists of fate.Barbara Rowan is a pseudonym of Ida Pollock (1908 – 2013), a highly successful British writer of over 125 romance novels translated into numerous languages and published across the world. Ida Pollock has sold millions of copies over her 90-year career. Pollock began writing when she was 10 years old. Ida has travelled widely, living in several different countries. She continues to be popular amongst both her devoted fan base and new readers alike. Pollock has been referred to as the "world's oldest novelist" who was still active at 105 and continued writing until her death. On the occasion of her 105th birthday, Pollock was appointed honorary vice-president of the Romantic Novelists' Association, having been one of its founding members.Ida Pollock wrote in a wide variety of pseudonyms: Joan M. Allen, Susan Barrie, Pamela Kent, Averil Ives, Anita Charles, Barbara Rowan, Jane Beaufort, Rose Burghley, Mary Whistler and Marguerite Bell.