Bøger af B. J. Hermansson

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  • af B. J. Hermansson
    Fra 34,99 kr.

    "Malin será una nueva estrella de cine y tiene el papel principal en el próximo éxito de taquilla. El protagónico masculino lo interpreta el famoso e increíblemente sexy actor, Martin. Cuando están a punto de grabar una escena de sexo, la situación requiere que ella tome medidas extremas. Quiere impresionar a la directora y, al mismo tiempo, se da cuenta de que tiene la oportunidad de seducir a Martin en el set de manera disimulada. Justo bajo las narices del equipo de filmación. ¡Luz, cámara, sexo! es un relato erótico sobre el deseo de triunfar, y si involucra seducción y deseo, mucho mejor."El autor, B. J. Hermansson, es un hábil creador de relatos que conjuga una prosa aguda con descripciones poéticas. El tono subyacente de sus textos a menudo inspira al lector a revisar y cuestionar ideas establecidas y preconcebidas, en especial cuando se trata de la normalidad, las convenciones y la sexualidad.

  • af B. J. Hermansson
    Fra 12,99 kr.

    Wchodzę do łazienki, zapalam światło. I dokładnie w tej sekundzie wszystko się zmienia. Ja. Cały mój świat. Moje możliwości. Mam ciało kobiety, płeć kobiety. Przyglądam się. Podziwiam. Błądzę po moim nowym ciele ciekawskimi, ostrożnymi dłońmi. Jestem nagi. Muskam swoje piersi, pieszczę je, czując, jakie są ciepłe i przyjemne. Prowadzę palce w dół, między nogi. Zachwyca mnie uczucie, jak cudownie i głęboko tam wszystko pulsuje. Stoję tak długo, zafascynowany. Patrzę w milczeniu. Chłonę.Jest przeciętnym mężczyzną, który prowadzi przeciętne życie, zgodne z oczekiwaniami społecznymi. Przez lata wypiera swoje prawdziwe ja, nie pozwalając dojść do głosu swym potrzebom. Aż pewnego dnia za sprawą tajemniczego eliksiru ma szansę poczuć to, przed czym zawsze musiał się wzbraniać. Wreszcie może wyzwolić siebie, dać upust długo skrywanym pragnieniom i przeżyć rozkosz, której tak bardzo potrzebował. Ale co się stanie, kiedy eliksir się skończy? W błyskotliwych opowiadaniach B. J. Hermanssona znajdziemy zarówno tempo, jak i poetyckość. Jednocześnie obecny wierszami ton tekstów inspiruje czytelnika do kwestionowania utartych wyobrażeń, najczęściej tych dotyczących norm i seksualności.

  • af B. J. Hermansson
    Fra 36,99 kr.

    Per molto tempo ha sperato di sentire quelle parole, ma lui non le ha mai pronunciate né ha mai dimostrato di pensarle. Ha sempre preferito stare accoccolati sul divano a guardare mediocri serie TV o fare lunghe passeggiate romantiche. Un giorno, lei decide di averne abbastanza. Desidera il piacere sessuale e decide di prendere sul serio il suo desiderio, la sua passione. Di agire in base ad essi. Di divertirsi. Di godersela. Più di ogni altra cosa, vuole sentirsi desiderata. Una sera, la scarsa ispirazione la porta a visitare un sito porno. Una donna appare sullo schermo. È una live session e la donna la incoraggia a unirsi a lei, ad accendere la webcam e toccarsi davanti a spettatori libidinosi. Lo farà? Ne avrà il coraggio? Non può far altro che lasciarsi attrarre e tentare da un mondo che potrebbe rappresentare per lei l’inizio di un’avventura erotica e affascinante.Autore: B. J. Hermansson crea abilmente racconti brevi che uniscono una prosa arguta a descrizioni poetiche. Il sottotesto della sua narrazione spesso ispira il lettore a riflettere e mettere in discussione idee precostituite e preconcetti, soprattutto per quanto riguarda ciò che viene ritenuto normale, i principi morali, la sessualità.

  • af B. J. Hermansson
    Fra 36,99 kr.

    " ‘... Voglio solo fare sesso, senza impegno’. Rimangono in silenzio. Ha parlato troppo? Ha soltanto lasciato uscire in libertà tutti quei pensieri che le affollano la testa. Solo questo. Osserva Nick. Prima che riesca a trovare un senso alla situazione, i suoi pensieri sono interrotti dalla voce di lui: ‘Forse posso darti una mano’. " Jane Wilson sa che è sbagliato, che va contro tutti i suoi principi e contro il suo ruolo di madre - ma non riesce a farci niente. Nick è il coinquilino di suo figlio. È molto più giovane di lei. Eppure tra loro c’è attrazione, c’è una certa vibrazione erotica, e un giorno si presenta l’occasione. Una commissione innocente porta a un incontro sessuale pieno di passione.Creati con grande abilità, i racconti di B. J. Hermansson si situano in una dimensione tra l’arguto e il poetico. Al contempo, ispirano il lettore a riflettere e a mettere in discussione le idee precostituite. Spesso a proposito di regole e sessualità.

  • af B. J. Hermansson
    Fra 36,99 kr.

    Malin, stella nascente del cinema, ottiene un ruolo di spicco in un nuovo film di successo. Il protagonista maschile è interpretato da Martin, attore famoso e incredibilmente attraente. Quando si trovano a dover girare una scena di sesso, la situazione le richiede di trovare soluzioni fuori dal comune. Vuole fare colpo sul regista e, allo stesso tempo, si rende conto di avere l’opportunità di sedurre Martin sul set, subdolamente. Proprio sotto gli occhi della troupe. Luci, motore, sesso! è un breve racconto erotico che parla del desiderio di successo affiancato alla passione e alla lussuria.Autore: B. J. Hermansson crea abilmente racconti brevi che uniscono una prosa arguta a descrizioni poetiche. Il sottotesto della sua narrazione spesso ispira il lettore a riflettere e mettere in discussione idee precostituite e preconcetti, soprattutto per quanto riguarda ciò che viene ritenuto normale, i principi morali, la sessualità.

  • af B. J. Hermansson
    Fra 24,99 kr.

    "Jag ber Max ska ställa sig på alla fyra, mitt på sängen ... Några snabba sekunder senare står han där. I min forna ställning. Han står på knä och stödjer sig mot sina vältränade, muskulösa armar."Max är på flera sätt manligheten, så väl som min egen våta dröm, personifierad. Självsäker. Maskulin. Ja, ett riktigt muskelberg. Själv heter jag Madeleine. Mycket är bra emellan oss. Men jag saknar ändå något i förhållandet. Jag är trött på att vårat sex går som på rutin – samma förspel, samma ställningar. Jag saknar något nytt och spännande. Idén slår mig, och jag kan inte släppa den. En strap-on! Det vill säga en löskuk, att använda för att knulla Max. Jag tror inte att han kommer säga ja. Men jag frågar. Och Max visar sig vara mer intresserad än jag trodde. Resultatet blir en sexakt där de vanliga mönstren och rollerna förbyts helt. Något som skapar en alldeles särskild njutning – lika ny som oslagbar. För oss båda. Strap-on är en erotisk novell om att våga sig utanför sina roller och gränser. B. J. Hermansson är en av våra mest produktiva och populära författare av erotiska noveller och har översatts till flera språk. Berättelsernas underliggande ton inspirerar gärna läsaren att tänka kring, och inte sällan ifrågasätta, våra etablerade föreställningar. Ofta gällande normer och sexualitet.

  • af B. J. Hermansson
    Fra 34,99 kr.

    – ...Eu quero sexo sem as obrigações."Eles ficam em silêncio. Ela falou demais? Ela simplesmente deixou todos aquele pensamentos na sua cabeça escaparem e correrem livremente. Simplesmente assim. Ela olha para o Nick. Antes dela conseguir entender a situação, seus pensamentos são interrompidos pela voz dele: – Talvez eu consiga te ajudar com isso.Jane Wilson sabe que é errado, que vai contra seus princípios e seu papel como mãe, mas ela não consegue parar. O Nick e o filho dela moram juntos. Ele é muito mais novo que ela. A vibe erótica e a atração estão presentes e uma oportunidade aparece. Uma visita inocente rapidamente leva e um encontro sexual apaixonado.De maneira habilidosa, os contos de B. J. Hermansson ficam entre o inteligente e o poético. Ao mesmo tempo, eles inspiram o leitor a questionar e pensar sobre nossas ideias estabelecidas, frequentemente sobre normas e sexualidade.

  • af B. J. Hermansson
    Fra 24,99 kr.

    Josefin och Jack har en passion som är lika intensiv nu som när de först träffades. Ett av tricken till detta är att de inleder varje morgon på samma sätt ... Jack vaknar alltid först och börjar med att smeka Joefine försiktigt längs med hennes hud. Josefine väcks till Jacks beröring, och styr honom snart längre in under täcket, längs insidan av hennes lår. Han slickar henne, hon suger av honom, rider honom – de byter ställningar. Gång på gång exploderar deras kroppar till lika vibrerande som skälvande orgasmer. Morgonstund har guld i mun är en erotisk novell om dagens allra första stund och om lusten som denna kan skapa mellan två förälskade.B. J. Hermansson är en av våra mest produktiva och populära författare av erotiska noveller och har översatts till flera språk. Berättelsernas underliggande ton inspirerar gärna läsaren att tänka kring, och inte sällan ifrågasätta, våra etablerade föreställningar. Ofta gällande normer och sexualitet.

  • af B. J. Hermansson
    38,99 kr.

    I have made love without asking for forgiveness or permission.Some of my love stories have been brief, fleeting ones. Others have resulted in a relationship, long-lasting relationship or even a marriage. In some cases, my lovers have been around my age, sometimes they have been much older. I have made love with these men, even when my conscience, or some other person, has told me not to. But instead of listening or caving in, I decided to continue. To love and be loved. They have never said no to me. Because my lovers have longed for my body as much as I have longed for theirs...B. J. Hermansson skillfully creates short stories that encompass both quick-witted prose and poetic descriptions. The underlying tone in these texts often inspires the reader to contemplate and question our established, pre-conceived ideas, especially when it comes to the normal, standards and sexuality.

  • af B. J. Hermansson
    38,99 kr.

    Viktoria and Valentine don’t know each other – not really. They are both secretly in love with each other. But none of them have the courage to tell the other. Their desire only shows in their wet dreams and sexual fantasies.When Valentine’s Day comes along, they each decide to write a letter to the other in which they declare their love. Once and for all, they will be brave.But when the day arrives..."Valentine" is an erotic short story about longing, lust and love.B. J. Hermansson skillfully creates short stories that encompass both quick-witted prose and poetic descriptions. The underlying tone in these texts often inspires the reader to contemplate and question our established, pre-conceived ideas, especially when it comes to the normal, standards and sexuality.

  • af B. J. Hermansson
    38,99 kr.

    When Malin asks me if I want to join their Midsummer celebration in Dalarna, I say yes right away. It will be an idyllic and traditional celebration – we will play games, sing songs and decorate the magnificent maypole with flowers and leaves. Last but not least, we will pick seven different flowers to put under our pillows. Legend has it that this will make you dream about the person you will marry one day.But Malin doesn’t know that I have a secret crush on her. Will I, once and for all, have the courage to tell her? We don’t really know each other that well. I don’t even know if she’s attracted to girls. But maybe?"A Midsummer dream" is an erotic short story about desire and daring to trust your feelings.B. J. Hermansson skillfully creates short stories that encompass both quick-witted prose and poetic descriptions. The underlying tone in these texts often inspires the reader to contemplate and question our established, pre-conceived ideas, especially when it comes to the normal, standards and sexuality.

  • af B. J. Hermansson
    Fra 36,99 kr.

    "E lui sa, proprio come lo sa lei, che questa è la sua cosa preferita. Non deve fare altro che infilarsi nella doccia, appoggiarsi al muro e lasciare che l’acqua scorra su di lei. Non deve parlare. E proprio come pensava, lui si accuccia davanti a lei e avvicina la lingua alla sua vulva.Nel collettivo non ci sono regole. Nessuno appartiene a nessun altro. Nessuno ha diritti esclusivi. Alcuni degli abitanti sono anche sposati, ma condividono lo stesso. Lei può baciare lui. Lui può stare con lei. Lei e lei possono darsi piacere. E lo stesso possono fare lui e lui. Tutti amano; amano le regole inesistenti e amano le persone con cui condividono la vita.Il collettivo è un racconto erotico ambientato nella periferia di Berlino, Germania. È una storia che parla di libertà, comunità e relazioni sessuali aperte.Creati con grande abilità, i racconti di B. J. Hermansson si situano in una dimensione tra l’arguto e il poetico. Al contempo, ispirano il lettore a riflettere e a mettere in discussione le idee precostituite. Spesso a proposito di regole e sessualità.rn

  • af B. J. Hermansson
    38,99 kr.

    He is a mediocre man who transforms into a woman when he drinks an elixir.He is trapped in an everyday life and held back by insecurities that stop him from fulfilling his deepest desires. When night falls, he transforms into the opposite sex. This gives him new powers and a newfound confidence. The elixir makes each night full of opportunities. He doesn’t let anything hold him back anymore, and he dives headfirst into the nights filled with sex, lust and desire – and he loves it.But what will happen when his elixir runs out?B. J. Hermansson skillfully creates short stories that encompass both quick-witted prose and poetic descriptions. The underlying tone in these texts often inspires the reader to contemplate and question our established, pre-conceived ideas, especially when it comes to the normal, standards and sexuality.

  • af B. J. Hermansson
    38,99 kr.

    Olivia doesn’t believe in the paranormal. But when her friends help her unpack her new house, they find a Ouija board someone left in the garage. The friends want to try it out, but Olivia is hesitant – but eventually agrees to give it a try.The following nights, Olivia feels an unstoppable lust and longing as she lies in bed. She starts touching herself. The pleasure feels glorious. Her lust is wild. She had almost forgotten this sensation. It feels unbearably good.She can almost feel his presence. Her boyfriend who is no longer with her. Or is he?"Paranormal" is an erotic short story about the power of desire, masturbation and the pleasure that comes from having an open mind.B. J. Hermansson skillfully creates short stories that encompass both quick-witted prose and poetic descriptions. The underlying tone in these texts often inspires the reader to contemplate and question our established, pre-conceived ideas, especially when it comes to the normal, standards and sexuality.

  • af B. J. Hermansson
    38,99 kr.

    There are MILFs, and then there are DILFs..."And I held his cock in my hand. Stroking it, I alternated between a fast and a slow pace. I rubbed his tip. Moistened my fingers, caressed his cock and watched it get wet and slick. I rubbed my pussy against him, held his erection unbelievably close without really feeling me. Without penetrating me. Yet."Leon, Aaron and Raphael. They all have a few things in common. They’re older, experienced and off limits. But most importantly, they’re dads. DILFs: Dads I’d Like to Fuck.I, Cecilia, am much younger than these men. They are a part of an erotic game to me. A need. An exploration of my own strong longing. I meet these men again and again. The sensation is always thrilling and seductive. Sometimes I dominate them. Sometimes they dominate me.DILF is an erotic short story about a desire and longing for the forbidden.B. J. Hermansson skillfully creates short stories that encompass both quick-witted prose and poetic descriptions. The underlying tone in these texts often inspires the reader to contemplate and question our established, pre-conceived ideas, especially when it comes to the normal, standards and sexuality.

  • af B. J. Hermansson
    38,99 kr.

    "I am Eros. An Adonis embodied in human form. I am a part of the strongest force in this world. I am movement, light and speed. All at once. I am everything you see. I am sex. I make love and I fuck. I kiss and I caress. Hard and soft. Fast and slow. Your age doesn’t matter – as long as you’re of age. You can be young, and you can be old. As long as you’re sane, willing and knowledgeable enough to follow your lust, you’re welcome to my land of abundance."He has been raised to go door-to-door and spread the words of his church and their belief in celibacy.But one day, he has an epiphany and realizes what his true purpose in life is. He will no longer scare people away from lust. On the contrary, he enters a world of sex and desire, and he wants to share it with others.He will save the people with the force of love and eroticism!Eros is an erotic short story that shows that there is only one sin – to not follow your own desire. But what happens when people can’t or won’t understand the beautiful sensation we call lust?B. J. Hermansson skillfully creates short stories that encompass both quick-witted prose and poetic descriptions. The underlying tone in these texts often inspires the reader to contemplate and question our established, pre-conceived ideas, especially when it comes to the normal, standards and sexuality.

  • af B. J. Hermansson
    38,99 kr.

    "I close my eyes. I’m transported to the ocean of your taste. I kiss, lick and caress you with my lips and tongue, with all my might."Valentine’s Day. He has prepared every detail of this day. He will celebrate her, his wonderful and beautiful Amanda. He has prepared a whole day of showering her with everything she deserves.Breakfast in bed with coffee, orange juice and toast turn into a round of wild, thunderous and erotic sex, focusing on her pleasure. And this is only the start of this amazing day.Amanda is an erotic short story about love and desire.B. J. Hermansson skillfully creates short stories that encompass both quick-witted prose and poetic descriptions. The underlying tone in these texts often inspires the reader to contemplate and question our established, pre-conceived ideas, especially when it comes to the normal, standards and sexuality.

  • af B. J. Hermansson
    38,99 kr.

    Jenni is reasonable. She knows what is right and what is absolutely forbidden. Christoffer is her stepbrother. Suddenly, Jenni starts seeing him in a new light. And she is not just seeing and looking at him – she wants him. Jenni tries to put suppress her erotic desire. Being turned on by your stepbrother is absolutely unacceptable.But when the feelings don’t go away, she decides to welcome them.B. J. Hermansson skillfully creates short stories that encompass both quick-witted prose and poetic descriptions. The underlying tone in these texts often inspires the reader to contemplate and question our established, pre-conceived ideas, especially when it comes to the normal, standards and sexuality.

  • af B. J. Hermansson
    38,99 kr.

    "This is when we decide that Seb will be our fuckboy. Instead of letting him get in the middle of our friendship, we will share him. Everybody gets their piece. No one will be excluded. We will all make love to, enjoy and feel his great body. Pleasure and ecstasy. What could go wrong?"Of course, this idea was unexpected.I was the diplomat, Nelli was the thinker, and Isa was the romantic. We were all different, yet very similar. Three friends. The very second he stepped into our classroom, we all wanted him just as much. Our pussies whimpered for him, and our thighs shook with desire. And he fucked with such passion and force. Soon, we would all experience it.Fuckboy is an erotic short story about sharing and the fact that things don’t always turn out the way you thought they would.B. J. Hermansson skillfully creates short stories that encompass both quick-witted prose and poetic descriptions. The underlying tone in these texts often inspires the reader to contemplate and question our established, pre-conceived ideas, especially when it comes to the normal, standards and sexuality.

  • af B. J. Hermansson
    38,99 kr.

    "I was on my back on top of the altar. I wrapped my legs around his body. He was still wearing his collar. I used my hands to push his lips towards my breasts. He was fucking me. I had finally lost my virginity. "Alva didn’t join the Lutheran confirmation group back in high school when her friends did. She is nineteen years old when she decides to do it. The priest’s name is David Widmark, and he is in his thirties. Charming, sexy – and very forbidden.They start playing a game. A game where Alva slowly pushes the boundaries. And David lets her. One afternoon, Alva decides to seduce him when they are alone in church."Father" is an erotic short story about lust and desire.B. J. Hermansson skillfully creates short stories that encompass both quick-witted prose and poetic descriptions. The underlying tone in these texts often inspires the reader to contemplate and question our established, pre-conceived ideas, especially when it comes to the normal, standards and sexuality.

  • af B. J. Hermansson
    38,99 kr.

    "I want to kiss you. Every single pore and every part of your body, both big and small. And I want to do it for a long time. You’re like a doll, so innocent. Smooth, silky and soft – complete without a beginning or an end. I would even want to taste you. I wake up in the middle of the night, thinking about you. I want to be near you."She can tell that he is something out of the ordinary the first time they meet. He is a bit shy, and his dark eyes are secretive and mysterious. He is incredibly sexy. Even though she thinks that there is something different about him, she is fascinated by the sexual tension between them. It doesn’t take long before she finds herself out of her comfort zone – and something doesn’t feel quite right...Skin is an erotic thriller that tells the tale of thrilling sex, forbidden fantasies and questionable motives.B. J. Hermansson skillfully creates short stories that encompass both quick-witted prose and poetic descriptions. The underlying tone in these texts often inspires the reader to contemplate and question our established, pre-conceived ideas, especially when it comes to the normal, standards and sexuality.

  • af B. J. Hermansson
    38,99 kr.

    Four uniformed men in slightly unbuttoned shirts are having an intense discussion as the fire is crackling in the background. The room is infiltrated with an erotic tension. The enemy has sent out a female spy to uncover one secret after another. The rumors say that she uses the art of seduction to get what she wants. With fascination and lust, these four soldiers are searching for answers. Who is she? How does she do it? The stories about the woman and her sexual conquests are many and detailed.The only thing they know for sure is her name: Velvet.B. J. Hermansson skillfully creates short stories that encompass both quick-witted prose and poetic descriptions. The underlying tone in these texts often inspires the reader to contemplate and question our established, pre-conceived ideas, especially when it comes to the normal, standards and sexuality.

  • af B. J. Hermansson
    38,99 kr.

    "I am sitting on a balcony, looking out over the sea as I write these lines. The manifesto of a woman, my will. A free woman. The sun is setting and I’m drinking a café au lait as I gaze at the horizon. The air is warm and comfortable. A cool breeze announces itself. I take a sip from my cup. Make myself comfortable. A contented smile spreads across my face, as wide as the sun itself. I take off my glasses and let the light breeze touch me. I close my eyes for a moment. Lean back. Look up. And I'm still here. I'm still me.I can hear him breathing in his sleep from the room inside. Sleeping. Dreaming. I enjoy the content of my cup as I sit here and look out over a beautiful and exciting world."A Free Woman is an erotic short story about a late-middle-aged woman who challenges norms and expectations that society expects her to conform to. She embraces a way of life that is considered taboo. She takes on young lovers and experiences a sexual awakening that turns her into a new person.B. J. Hermansson skillfully creates short stories that encompass both quick-witted prose and poetic descriptions. The underlying tone in these texts often inspires the reader to contemplate and question our established, pre-conceived ideas, especially when it comes to the normal, standards and sexuality.

  • af B. J. Hermansson
    Fra 14,99 kr.

    Ein Tag voller erotischer Überraschungen...Adela hat etwas getan, was sie sonst nie tut: Sie hat sich mitten in der Woche freigenommen. Als sie durch einen Park streift, sieht sie in der Ferne einen Mann. Beobachtet er sie? Es scheint so. Er ist groß, geheimnisvoll – sexy. In Adela entzündet sich ein Feuer. Lust. Neugier. Adela spaziert weiter, um herauszufinden, ob der Mann ihr folgt. Es ist wie ein Spiel. Schließlich treffen sich ihre Körper in einer verlassenen Umkleide...B. J. Hermanssons Geschichten schwingen zwischen Rap und Poesie. Gleichzeitig inspirieren die Worte zwischen den Zeilen den Leser und die Leserin dazu, über unsere etablierten Wertvorstellungen und die geltenden Normen der Sexualität nachzudenken und diese zu hinterfragen.rn

  • af B. J. Hermansson
    12,99 kr.

    „Mogę prosić panią na chwilę do mojego gabinetu?Podnoszę się z miejsca. Nagle budzi się we mnie podniecenie. Wszystko wiruje, emocje przejmują nade mną kontrolę. Pierwszy raz coś do mnie powiedział".Liz jest sekretarką medyczną w szpitalu. Szaleje na punkcie pewnego przystojnego, błyskotliwego lekarza. Odsłuchuje jego notatki głosowe, po czym wypełnia za niego dokumenty medyczne. Jednocześnie fantazjuje o tym, co on mógłby z nią zrobić.Lekarz działa na nią jak narkotyk. Po tym, jak Liz kilkakrotnie robi błędy w dokumentacji, on prosi ją na rozmowę do swojego gabinetu. Kobieta traktuje to jak szansę i robi wszystko, żeby go uwieść – tym razem już naprawdę.Lekarz i ja to opowiadanie erotyczne, w którym główną rolę gra żądza i namiętność.W błyskotliwych opowiadaniach B. J. Hermanssona znajdziemy zarówno tempo, jak i poetyckość. Jednocześnie obecny wierszami ton tekstów inspiruje czytelnika do kwestionowania utartych wyobrażeń, najczęściej tych dotyczących norm i seksualności.

  • af B. J. Hermansson
    Fra 36,99 kr.

    Marie s’apprête à devenir une star du cinéma, elle a obtenu un rôle dans le prochain blockbuster. Le rôle masculin principal est joué par Martin, acteur célèbre et incroyablement sexy. Alors qu'ils sont sur le point de tourner une scène de sexe, la situation exige qu’elle prenne des mesures extraordinaires. Elle veut impressionner la réalisatrice et réalise en même temps qu’elle a l’opportunité de séduire sournoisement Martin, sous les yeux de l’équipe de tournage. Silence, moteur, sexe ! est une nouvelle érotique sur le désir de succès, mélangeant libertinage et désir ardent.Érotisme, sexe, désir, luxure, passion, sexy, artiste, film, film porno, sextape.B. J. Hermansson écrit des nouvelles à la prose percutante et aux descriptions poétiques. Le ton sous-jacent de ses textes inspire souvent au lecteur des réflexions et une remise en question d’idées établies et préconçues, notamment sur ce que l’on considère être la normalité, mais aussi sur les codes sociaux et la sexualité.

  • af B. J. Hermansson
    Fra 36,99 kr.

    « Tu sais ce que j’ai toujours voulu te faire ? dit-il. Je n’ai jamais osé le faire mais j’ai toujours eu envie de te baiser... sauvagement. »Depuis longtemps, elle rêvait d'entendre ces mots mais il ne les avait jamais prononcés à haute voix, ni montré un tel intérêt. C’était comme si faire l’amour occasionnellement, regarder des séries médiocres et faire de longues promenades romantiques ensemble lui suffisait. Mais pour elle, ce n’était pas assez. Un soir, en quête de plaisir charnel, elle décide d’aller sur un site porno. Elle se laisse happée par la prestation d’une femme en live, qui lui envoie un lien. En cliquant dessus, sa propre webcam s’allume la projetant elle aussi en direct depuis sa chambre. Jusqu’où ira-t-elle ?Érotisme, sexe, désir, luxure, passion, fantasme, exhibitionnisme.B. J. Hermansson écrit des nouvelles à la prose percutante et aux descriptions poétiques. Le ton sous-jacent de ses textes inspire souvent au lecteur des réflexions et une remise en question d’idées établies et préconçues, notamment sur ce que l’on considère être la normalité, mais aussi sur les codes sociaux et la sexualité.

  • af B. J. Hermansson
    Fra 36,99 kr.

    « – Ce qui me manque c’est le sexe. Je veux du sexe, mais pas de contraintes.Ils restent silencieux. En avait-elle trop dit ? Elle avait simplement lâché le morceau et donné libre cours à ses pensées les plus intimes. Voilà tout. Elle regarde Nick. Avant même qu’elle ait la possibilité de rectifier le tir, il intervient : – Je peux peut-être vous aider. »Jane Wilson sait que c’est une erreur, que cela va contre ses principes et son rôle de mère, pourtant elle ne peut pas s’arrêter. Nick est le meilleur ami et colocataire de son fils. Et il est bien plus jeune qu’elle...Sexe, érotisme, luxure, fantasme, MILF, écart d’âge, interdit.B. J. Hermansson écrit des nouvelles à la prose percutante et aux descriptions poétiques. Le ton sous-jacent de ses textes inspire souvent au lecteur des réflexions et une remise en question d’idées établies et préconçues, notamment sur ce que l’on considère être la normalité, mais aussi sur les codes sociaux et la sexualité.

  • af B. J. Hermansson
    Fra 36,99 kr.

    "Hankaus synnyttää purkauksia, jotka vilistävät koko kehossani. Vartaloni on kuuma, samoin hänen. Hengityksemme saa ikkunaruudut höyrystymään. Kietoudun hänen ympärilleen ja vedän hänet niin lähelle kuin mahdollista. Haluan juoda hänet tyhjiin. Jos hänen on mitenkään mahdollista tunkeutua vielä millimetrinkin syvemmälle sisälleni, sisimpääni, kohti ydintä, haluan hänen tekevän juuri niin."Jenni on järkevä. Hän tietää, mikä on oikein ja mikä taas ehdottoman kiellettyä. Christoffer on hänen velipuolensa, jonka Jenni alkaa äkkiä nähdä toisin silmin. Eikä vain nähdä. Kyse on halusta. Jenni yrittää torjua eroottiset ajatuksensa. Velipuolen himoitseminen on totta kai kaikkea muuta kuin hyväksyttävää. Mutta koska tunteet eivät suostu katoamaan, Jenni päättääkin päästää ne valloilleen.B. J. Hermansson kirjoittaa eroottisia novelleja, jotka eroavat runollisuudessaan lajityypin perinteisestä kerronnasta. Kertomusten tavoitteena on kannustaa lukijaa pohtimaan ja kyseenalaistamaan suhdettamme seksiin ja nautintoon.

  • af B. J. Hermansson
    38,99 kr.

    Angela Bell receives a mysterious letter, it's an invitation to a secret society that organises an exclusive and erotic masquerade ball once a week. The invitation doesn't reveal which other guests will be attending or why. The only requirement is that your face must be covered by a mask at all times. And that you must not disclose your name to anyone.When Angela arrives at the masquerade for the first time, a quite extraordinary party awaits her. It is organised at a castle outside the city centre. Everything is as elegant as it is surreal. And thrilling. The erotic atmosphere is almost tangible. The guests are pressing their bodies against one another as a live orchestra is playing beautiful music...But where will this lead? Who is the man that catches Angela's eye? How come her yearning for him is just growing stronger and stronger like a drug? She hasn't even seen his face.The Masquerade Ball is an erotic novel depicting the excitement of not knowing who is hiding behind a mask and to be attracted to a person who could turn out to be just about anyone.B. J. Hermansson skillfully creates short stories that encompass both quick-witted prose and poetic descriptions. The underlying tone in these texts often inspires the reader to contemplate and question our established, pre-conceived ideas, especially when it comes to the normal, standards and sexuality.