Bøger af Arthur Conan Doyle
103,99 kr. Velká sbírka příběhů Sherlocka HolmeseSérie o legendárním detektivu Sherlocku Holmesovi a jeho věrném druhu doktorovi Watsonovi Vás vtáhne v okouzlující svět záhad, intrik Londýnu devatenáctého století. Sbírka zahrnuje knihy o slavném detektivu napsané autorem Arthurem Conanem Doyleem, skotského spisovatele, jehož romány zásadně ovlivnily podobu detektivního žánru. Zkuste se spolu s hrdiny přenést do tajuplného světa viktoriánského Londýna, kde sami se přesvědčíte, kolik tajemství skrývá této město. Tato sbírka je výjimečnou cestou světem vražd, úkladů a neobvyklých řešení, která potěší každého milovníka detektivek.V této sbírce najdete: "Dobrodružství Sherlocka Holmese", "Skandál v Čechách","Spolek ryšavců" - a mnoho dalších poutavých titulů!Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle (1859-1930) je skotský spisovatel, lékař, spiritista, ale především autor detektivních románu o Sherlocku Holmesovi, jenž měly všeobecně ohromný vliv na detektivní žánr. Kromě série o Holmesovi se proslul také historickými a science fiction romány. Mezi jeho nejznámější díla patří „Pes baskervillský”, „Studie v šarlatové”, a „Ztracený svět”. Několik jeho knih bylo také zfilmováno.
- Lydbog
- 103,99 kr.
80,99 kr. When Sir Charles Baskerville is found dead on the wild Devon moorland with footprints of a giant hound nearby, the blame is quickly placed on a fatal family curse.But Holmes and Watson know that frivolous fairy tales cannot be the cause of such a calculated crime.Yet when they set out to catch the killer – be it human or hound – they soon discover a world of vicious vengeance and ruthless revenge. And if the killer is still out there, how far will they go to keep Holmes and Watson from discovering the truth...?Weaving a dark and daring detective tale, ‘The Hounds of the Baskervilles’ is the perfect twisted tale for fans of ´Knives Out´ and ´Glass Onion´.Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British writer, celebrated for creating the fictional character ‘Sherlock Holmes’. He is best remembered for his four novels and 56 stories about the detective duo Holmes and Watson.
- E-bog
- 80,99 kr.
Fra 78,99 kr. Pokrętne historie zbrodni i śledztwa pełne gracji. Klasyka kryminału w najlepszym wydaniu!Losy Sherlocka Holmesa i doktora Watsona splatają się przypadkiem - obaj "z przeszłością", obaj szukają mieszkania na wynajem. Właśnie w lokum przy Baker Street rozpoczyna się historia jednego z najsłynniejszych duetów w historii literatury. Genialny detektyw i piekielnie zdolny lekarz rozwiązują arcytrudne zagadki kryminalne oraz... wspierają się w osobistych perypetiach. Pasjonująca czytelnicza podróż po zaułkach malowniczego i pełnego występków XIX-wiecznego Londynu, w asyście nieco ekscentrycznych dżentelmenów. Utwory, na bazie których powstał serial "Sherlock" z Benedictem Cumberbatchem w roli głównej.W skład kolekcji wchodzą następujące powieści: "Studium w szkarłacie", "Znak Czterech", "Pies Baskerville'ów", "Tajemnicze morderstwo nad jeziorem", "Dolina strachu", "Pożegnalny ukłon".Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) - brytyjski pisarz, twórca postaci Sherlocka Holmesa - najbardziej znanego detektywa w historii literatury. Doyle miał trudne dzieciństwo, jego ojciec alkoholik i narkoman znęcał się nad rodziną. Matka, by utrzymać rodzinę dorabiała jako praczka. Arthur skończył medycynę, lecz od 1890 roku poświęcił się wyłącznie pisaniu. Jest znany przede wszystkim z utworów kryminalnych, choć pisał także powieści historyczne, fantastyczno-naukowe i sensacyjne. Pasjonował się także spirytyzmem oraz badaniem historii antycznej Grecji. Jego najważniejsze dzieła to: "Pies Baskerville’ów", "Studium w szkarłacie" oraz wielokrotnie ekranizowana powieść "Zaginiony świat". Co ciekawe, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle pojawia się jako bohater literacki w wielu utworach, m.in. w powieściach "Lista siedmiorga" i "Spisek sześciu" Marka Frosta oraz "Arthur i George" Juliana Barnesa, a także w serii "Kroniki Imaginarium Geographica" Jamesa Owena.
111,99 kr. ¡Embárcate en una aventura épica donde la valentía y la camaradería se enfrentan a los desafíos más inesperados!"La guardia blanca" te sumerge en las apasionantes peripecias de tres intrépidos amigos: Alleyne Edricson, un joven monje inexperto de la abadía de Beaulieu que se aventura por primera vez en el vasto mundo; Juan de Hordle, un pícaro gigante y valiente, expulsado deshonrosamente de la misma abadía; y Samkin Aylward, un arquero experto con un sinfín de batallas en su haber.Estos protagonistas se cruzan en el camino y deciden unirse a la legendaria Guardia Blanca, una compañía de arqueros inspirada en el renombrado cuerpo de mercenarios italiano, bajo el mando del audaz Sir Nigel Loring. Su misión: combatir en tierras españolas contra las fuerzas del rey usurpador. A lo largo de este emocionante viaje por Inglaterra, Francia y España, los tres amigos se verán envueltos en innumerables hazañas y aventuras, narradas con la maestría inigualable de Conan Doyle.Aunque hoy en día es una joya literaria poco conocida, "La guardia blanca" fue enormemente popular durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. El propio Doyle consideraba esta y otras de sus novelas históricas como obras de mayor calidad literaria que las mundialmente famosas aventuras de Sherlock Holmes.Para fans de Bernard Cornwell, Ken Follett y Patrick O'Brian, esta novela es una lectura imprescindible que te transportará a una época de honor, amistad y épicos enfrentamientos.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, nacido en 1859 en Edimburgo, Escocia, es famoso por crear al detective Sherlock Holmes. Inicialmente médico, el éxito de sus historias lo llevó a dedicarse a la escritura. Además de las novelas de misterio, escribió novelas históricas, ciencia ficción, teatro y poesía. Su obra "La guardia blanca" es un destacado ejemplo de su talento para las aventuras históricas.Doyle también fue un defensor de causas sociales y políticas y mostró un gran interés por el espiritismo. Su legado literario, lleno de personajes memorables y tramas intrigantes, sigue cautivando a lectores de todas las edades y asegurando su relevancia mundial.
- Lydbog
- 111,99 kr.
149,99 kr. ¿Estás preparado para acompañar a Sherlock Holmes y su fiel compañero, el Dr. Watson, a resolver los misterios más intrigantes del Londres victoriano? No te pierdas esta antología de 15 relatos dramatizados que te harán sentir como un verdadero detective.Si aún no has explorado el ingenioso mundo de Sherlock Holmes, esta compilación de alguna de sus obras (dramatizadas) es tu oportunidad para acercarte a uno de los mayores clásicos de la literatura detectivesca. Las historias de Sherlock Holmes han cautivado a lectores de todas las edades durante más de un siglo y continúan siendo un referente en el género de detectives.No te pierdas esta edición especial que reúne sus mejores casos y descubre por qué la fama de Sherlock Holmes ha trascendido el tiempo y las generaciones.Esta antología incluye títulos como:"El sabueso de los Baskerville"“La aventura de Abbey Grange”"El signo de los cuatro""El intérprete de griego"“El detective agonizante”Imprescindible para los fans de la serie de la BBC "Sherlock" y para los amantes de la literatura policíaca clásica.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, nacido en 1859 en Escocia, fue un escritor y físico reconocido mundialmente. Su obra literaria, compuesta principalmente por historias de crimen y ficción, lo catapultó a la fama a nivel global. Sus títulos han sido traducidos a una gran variedad de idiomas y adaptados en múltiples ocasiones al cine y la televisión, manteniendo su influencia y popularidad hasta el día de hoy. Gracias a su trabajo, el personaje de Sherlock Holmes se ha convertido en un icono de la literatura y la cultura popular, inspirando a generaciones de escritores y lectores.
- Lydbog
- 149,99 kr.
59,99 kr. Kuinka ratkaista mikä tahansa rikos?Sherlock Holmes on oppinut ja sivistynyt, taitava seuramies, ja salapoliisi. Äärimmäisen päättelykykynsä ja nopeiden havaintojensa ansiosta hän onnistuu ratkaisemaan tapauksen kuin tapauksen apunaan ystävänsä tohtori Watson.Arthur Conan Doylen luoman salapoliisihahmon seikkailuista ei puutu viihdettä, jännitystä tai salaperäisyyttä. Älykkään ja itsevarman yksityisetsivän tarinat ovat hurmanneet ihmisiä ympäri maailman jo 1800-luvulta saakka, ja yhä edelleen Holmes tähdittää niin tv-sarjoja kuin elokuviakin.Sherlock Holmesin seikkailuja -kokoelma sisältää seuraavat seitsemän klassikkotarinaa: Charles Augustus Milvertonin seikkailu, Kuusi Napoleonin rintakuvaa, Kolme ylioppilasta, Kultasankaiset silmälasit, Kadonnut jalkapallonpelaaja, Abbey Grangen murha ja Toisen tahran tarina.Arthur Conan Doyle (1859–1930) oli iso-britannialainen kirjailija, jonka parhaiten tunnettua tuotantoa ovat Sherlock Holmes-tarinat. Doyle julkaisi myös esimerkiksi historiallisia romaaneita ja runoja.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
- intégrale
40,99 kr. Il se souviendra longtemps de sa nuit du 13 décembre 1894. Ce soir-là, affamé, pauvre et sortant de prison, personne ne veut l'employer et il erre de ville en village. Alors il se résout à commettre un cambriolage dans une vaste bâtisse, cossue et isolée...Désespéré, il pense trouver de quoi survivre quelques temps. Mais tout ne se passe pas comme prévu, quand il se retrouve face à face avec une magnifique jeune femme. Qui des deux sera le plus dangereux ? Notre jeune cambrioleur maladroit, ou bien une élégante et très belle manipulatrice nommé Lady Mannering ? De sa prison où il purge une peine de prison à perpétuité pour meurtre, le jeune cambrioleur connait bien la réponse à cette question...Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) est un écrivain écossais mondialement connu. Ses œuvres les plus connues mettent en scène le célèbre détective Sherlock Holmes. Sa contribution au genre du roman policier a profondément bouleversé la littérature mondiale. Médecin de profession, Conan Doyle s'intéresse aussi à d'autres sujet tels que le spiritisme.
- Lydbog
- 40,99 kr.
40,99 kr. Quand la science dépasse l'entendement, quel sera le prix à payer ?Le professeur Challenger est un scientifique célèbre, mais colérique. Sollicité par son ami journaliste Malone pour enquêter sur une invention inouïe – une machine à désintégrer – il se voit confier la lourde responsabilité de juger du danger potentiel que cette découverte pourrait représenter pour l'humanité...Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) est un écrivain écossais mondialement connu. Ses œuvres les plus connues mettent en scène le célèbre détective Sherlock Holmes. Sa contribution au genre du roman policier a profondément bouleversé la littérature mondiale. Médecin de profession, Conan Doyle s'intéresse aussi à d'autres sujet tels que le spiritisme.
- Lydbog
- 40,99 kr.
43,99 kr. ‘Tales of Terror and Mystery’ is a volume of 13 short stories from the prolific ‘Sherlock Holmes’ author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Stories in the collection include the mystery of a disappearing train in ‘The Lost Special’ and the surprising science-fiction story ‘The Horror of the Heights’. Full of classic Doyle mystery, this collection also includes some wonderful terror tales from the much-loved author.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British author, best known as the creator of the world-famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Born in Edinburgh, he was educated in England and Austria before studying medicine at the University of Edinburgh. It was during his time at university that Doyle began writing short stories, submitting them to magazines and journals. His first Sherlock Holmes novel, ‘A Study in Scarlet’ was written in just three weeks and published in 1887 to favourable reviews, and more Sherlock adventures followed. By 1893, Doyle was growing tired of Sherlock and attempted to kill him off in the story ‘The Final Problem’, but public outcry caused him to resurrect the famous detective. He featured in a total of 56 short stories and four novels along with his trusty sidekick Dr Watson and made Doyle one of the best-paid authors of the time. The stories have been adapted multiple times; most recently in the successful BBC series ‘Sherlock’ starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Later literary works included the Professor Challenger series which began with ‘The Lost World’, in which Challenger sets out to find evidence of prehistoric life. The book inspired numerous adaptations, including the films ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘The Lost World’. In later life Doyle became captivated by the world of spiritualism and the occult and published non-fiction works about his beliefs including ‘The Coming of the Fairies’. Arthur Conan Doyle died at home in 1930.
- E-bog
- 43,99 kr.
51,99 kr. Die neue Geschichtensammlung rund um Sherlock Holmes, den berühmtesten Detektiv aller Zeiten, vereint Geschichten, die alle von dem beliebten Schauspieler und Sprecher Peter Weis eingelesen worden sind.Mit seinem Freund und Assistenten Dr. Watson geht Sherlock Holmes im viktorianischen London auf Verbrecherjagd. 28 spannende Fälle werden in dieser Box vereint und laden dazu ein, das berühmte wie auch clevere Ermittlerduo durch die dunklen Gassen Londons zu begleiten. Ein Muss für Fans der BBC-Serie „Sherlock", aber auch für Freunde klassischer Kriminalliteratur.Diese Box enthält folgende Geschichten:1.tDer zweite Fleck2.tDas leere Haus3.tDer letzte Fall4.tDas getupfte Band5.tDer schwarze Peter6.tDie einsame Radfahrerin7.tDas gelbe Gesicht8.tDer griechische Dolmetscher9.tDer Baumeister von Norwood10.tDie Gutsherren von Reigate11.tDer Bund der Rothaaringen12.tDer Daumen des Ingenieurs13.tDie tanzenden Männchen14.tDie sechs Napoleonbüsten15.tDer Mann mit der Schramme16.tSherlock Holmes als Einbrecher17.tDer Invalide18.tDer Mord in Abbey Grange19.tDas Musgrave-Ritual20.tDer verlorene Fußballspieler21.tSherlock Holmes und die Ohren22.tEin Skandal in Böhmen23.tDer blaue Karfunkel24.tDas Landhaus in Hampshire25.tDas Beryll-Diadem26.tDie fünf Apfelsinenkerne27.tDer Doktor und sein Patient28.tDas Rätsel von Boscombe ValleyArthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) gilt als einer der bekanntesten britischen Schriftsteller. Seine Erzählungen um den Detektiv Sherlock Holmes und seinen Freund Dr. John Watson machten ihn weltberühmt und erfreuen sich bis heute großer Beliebtheit. 1859 in Edinburgh geboren, studierte er Medizin und reiste als Schiffsarzt in die Arktis und nach Afrika. Er führte eine Arztpraxis in Portsmouth und begann nebenbei mit dem Schreiben von ersten Erzählungen, bevor er 1886 mit seinem ersten Sherlock-Holmes-Roman, „Eine Studie in Scharlachrot" begann und damit den Grundstein für seine literarische Karriere legte.
- Lydbog
- 51,99 kr.
77,99 kr. Set during the Monmouth Rebellion of 1685, ‘Micah Clarke’ is an historical adventure story by the famous Sherlock Holmes author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The son of a dedicated Protestant, Micah Clarke is sent to fight for the Protestant cause. Witness to the horrors of war and its aftermath, Micah becomes disillusioned with religion and religious extremism, and finds himself believing that perhaps tolerance is best. A fascinating historical story from the popular author, full of action, adventure, and danger.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British author, best known as the creator of the world-famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Born in Edinburgh, he was educated in England and Austria before studying medicine at the University of Edinburgh. It was during his time at university that Doyle began writing short stories, submitting them to magazines and journals. His first Sherlock Holmes novel, ‘A Study in Scarlet’ was written in just three weeks and published in 1887 to favourable reviews, and more Sherlock adventures followed. By 1893, Doyle was growing tired of Sherlock and attempted to kill him off in the story ‘The Final Problem’, but public outcry caused him to resurrect the famous detective. He featured in a total of 56 short stories and four novels along with his trusty sidekick Dr Watson and made Doyle one of the best-paid authors of the time. The stories have been adapted multiple times; most recently in the successful BBC series ‘Sherlock’ starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Later literary works included the Professor Challenger series which began with ‘The Lost World’, in which Challenger sets out to find evidence of prehistoric life. The book inspired numerous adaptations, including the films ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘The Lost World’. In later life Doyle became captivated by the world of spiritualism and the occult and published non-fiction works about his beliefs including ‘The Coming of the Fairies’. Arthur Conan Doyle died at home in 1930.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
148,99 kr. En esta compilación te traemos los mejores casos de la mente más astuta del Londres victoriano. Ya sea en un callejón oscuro, una taberna de mala muerte, en las elegantes calles de Londres o en las mansiones de campo de la aristocracia inglesa, siempre hay un misterio esperando a Sherlock Holmes y su fiel compañero, el Dr. Watson.Si eres un apasionado de las historias de detectives y aún no has explorado el mundo de Sherlock Holmes, esta compilación es tu oportunidad para acercarte a uno de los mayores clásicos de la literatura detectivesca. Las historias de Sherlock Holmes han cautivado a lectores de todas las edades durante más de un siglo y continúan siendo un referente en el género de detectives.No te pierdas esta edición especial que reúne sus mejores casos y descubre por qué la fama de Sherlock Holmes ha trascendido el tiempo y las generaciones.Algunos de los títulos que componen esta compilación son:Un caso de identidadLas cinco semillas de naranjaEl rubí azulEl paciente internoEl misterio del valle BoscombeImprescindible para los fans de la serie de la BBC "Sherlock" y para los amantes de la literatura policíaca clásica.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, nacido en 1859 en Escocia, fue un escritor y físico reconocido mundialmente. Su obra literaria, compuesta principalmente por historias de crimen y ficción, lo catapultó a la fama a nivel global. Sus títulos han sido traducidos a una gran variedad de idiomas y han sido adaptados en múltiples ocasiones al cine y la televisión, manteniendo su influencia y popularidad hasta el día de hoy. Gracias a su trabajo, el personaje de Sherlock Holmes se ha convertido en un ícono de la literatura y la cultura popular, inspirando a generaciones de escritores y lectores.
- Lydbog
- 148,99 kr.
148,99 kr. En esta compilación te traemos los mejores casos de la mente más astuta del Londres victoriano. Ya sea en un callejón oscuro, una taberna de mala muerte, en las elegantes calles de Londres o en las mansiones de campo de la aristocracia inglesa, siempre hay un misterio esperando a Sherlock Holmes y su fiel compañero, el Dr. Watson.Si eres un apasionado de las historias de detectives y aún no has explorado el mundo de Sherlock Holmes, esta compilación es tu oportunidad para acercarte a uno de los mayores clásicos de la literatura detectivesca. Las historias de Sherlock Holmes han cautivado a lectores de todas las edades durante más de un siglo y continúan siendo un referente en el género de detectives.No te pierdas esta edición especial que reúne sus mejores casos y descubre por qué la fama de Sherlock Holmes ha trascendido el tiempo y las generaciones.Algunos de los títulos que componen esta compilación son:La aventura del ¾ desaparecidoLos seis NapoleonesEl pie del diabloLa desparición de Lady Frances CarfaxEl problema del puente de ThorEl vampiro de SussexImprescindible para los fans de la serie de la BBC "Sherlock" y para los amantes de la literatura policíaca clásica.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, nacido en 1859 en Escocia, fue un escritor y físico reconocido mundialmente. Su obra literaria, compuesta principalmente por historias de crimen y ficción, lo catapultó a la fama a nivel global. Sus títulos han sido traducidas a una gran variedad de idiomas y han sido adaptadas en múltiples ocasiones al cine y la televisión, manteniendo su influencia y popularidad hasta el día de hoy. Gracias a su trabajo, el personaje de Sherlock Holmes se ha convertido en un ícono de la literatura y la cultura popular, inspirando a generaciones de escritores y lectores.
- Lydbog
- 148,99 kr.
36,99 kr. Het gele gelaat wordt geschouwd als een van de meest emotionele, ontroerende en hartverwarmende verhalen. Een wanhopige echtgenoot benaderd Holmes en onthult dat zijn liefhebbende maar nu vervreemde vrouw het slachtoffer kan zijn van chantage of misschien zelfs van ontrouw. Hij legt uit dat zijn vrouw eerder getrouwd was geweest en een kind had gehad die in Amerika was gestorven aan gele koorts. Na een gelukkig huwelijk van drie jaar komt ze hem opeens om geld vragen. Hij geeft het haar, maar heeft geen idee waar het voor gebruikt wordt. Holmes gaat op onderzoek uit en denkt het mysterie te kunnen ontrafelen. Ondanks dat Holmes alles te weten kan komen over de eigenaar van een achtergelaten pijp, kan zelfs hij soms tot de verkeerde conclusies komen.Arthur Conan Doyle werd op 22 mei 1859 geboren in het Schotse Edinburgh. Hij heeft medicijnen gestudeerd aan de Edinburg University, zodat hij dokter kon worden. Na zijn studie verliet hij Edinburgh en reisde hij een tijdje mee aan boord van verschillende schepen als dokter. Hierna werd hij legerarts in Zuid-Afrika tijdens de Boerenoorlog. Hiervoor werd hij in 1902 geridderd en moet hij ‘Sir’ Arthur Conan Doyle genoemd worden. Toen hij terugkeerde naar Engeland en zijn eigen praktijk opende, begon hij met schrijven. Hij begon met het schrijven van detectiveverhalen en heeft naast de Sherlock Holmes-verhalen nog ongeveer dertig andere boeken gepubliceerd. Doyle overleed uiteindelijk in 1930 op 71-jarige leeftijd.
- E-bog
- 36,99 kr.
58,99 kr. Salapoliisitarinoiden mestarin esikoisteos!James Fothergill West on amatöörietsivä, joka on vasta muuttanut Skotlannin Wigtownshireen. Hän on hädin tuskin ehtinyt asettua kodiksi, kun jo törmää omituiseen arvoitukseen. Minkä takia Cloomberin hallissa asuva kenraali Heatherstone on jatkuvasti niin peloissaan? Westin etsivänvaistoa herättelee myös se, ettei kenraali tunnu lainkaan päästävän lapsiaan ulos talosta.Arthur Conan Doylen kiehtova mysteeri tuo esiin myös aloittelevan dekkarikirjailijan kiinnostuksen paranormaaleihin ilmiöihin.Arthur Conan Doyle (1859–1930) oli skotlantilainen kirjailija, joka tunnetaan parhaiten etsivä Sherlock Holmesin tutkimuksista kertovista romaaneistaan.
- E-bog
- 58,99 kr.
32,99 kr. W pęknięciach rzeczywistości ujawnia się złożona natura świata.Słynny autor powieści o Sherlocku Holmesie i znany spirytysta poświęcił siedem krótkich utworów tematom dziwnym i sprawom niewyjaśnionym. Hipnoza, klątwa, zamiana dusz - to zjawiska, których doświadczają bohaterowie tych opowieści z dreszczykiem. Emocje są tu budowane nie tylko przez wątki ezoteryczne, ale również dzięki wartkiej przygodowej akcji.Kultowy, owiany legendą autor został sportretowany w serialu "Detektyw Murdoch".Dla miłośników opowieści grozy w stylu Edgara Allana Poe czy Stefana Grabińskiego.Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) - szkocki lekarz, mason, pisarz, autor słynnej serii detektywistycznej o Sherlocku Holmesie. Pochodził ze zubożałej, przemocowej rodziny, w I wojnie światowej stracił wiele bliskich osób, w tym syna. Osobiste tragedie i chęć utrzymania kontaktu ze zmarłymi skierowały go w stronę spirytyzmu. Nowa fascynacja poróżniła go z przyjacielem, iluzjonistą Harrym Houdinim, który zajmował się demaskowaniem spirytystów. Sam autor stał się bohaterem popkultury - postaci inspirowane jego osobą pojawiają się w licznych książkach (np. "Spisek sześciu" Marka Frosta), w serialu "Detektyw Murdoch", a także w mandze i anime.
- E-bog
- 32,99 kr.
29,99 kr. Park Jurajski sto lat wcześniej!Ekscentryczny biolog, profesor uniwersytetu, dziennikarz oraz były żołnierz - oto skład ekspedycji, która ma zbadać tajemniczy płaskowyż w Ameryce Południowej. Okazuje się, że teren jest całkowicie odcięty od powszechnie znanego świata, dzięki czemu przetrwały tam dinozaury! To wyjątkowe wzgórze zamieszkują również szczepy pierwotnych plemion oraz... złowrogie małpoludy.Powieść doczekała się licznych ekranizacji, dużą popularnością cieszył się miniserial z 2001 r. wyprodukowany przez BBC, gdzie jedną z głównych ról zagrał Peter Falk.Idealna lektura dla miłośników "Parku Jurajskiego". Druga część bestsellerowej książki Michaela Crichtona nosi właśnie tytuł "Zaginiony Świat", co wskazuje na inspirację utworem Doyle'a.Profesor biologii George Challenger ma analityczne podejście do świata. Stawia śmiałe tezy badawcze, a jego naukowa ciekawość często skutkuje niesamowitymi odkryciami. Jak na ekscentryka przystało, przyciąga do siebie postaci, które tak jak on są żądne wrażeń. Cykl powieści prezentuje trzymające w napięciu przygody tej barwnej gromady.Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) - szkocki lekarz, mason, pisarz, autor słynnej serii detektywistycznej o Sherlocku Holmesie. Pochodził ze zubożałej, przemocowej rodziny, w I wojnie światowej stracił wiele bliskich osób, w tym syna. Osobiste tragedie i chęć utrzymania kontaktu ze zmarłymi skierowały go w stronę spirytyzmu. Nowa fascynacja poróżniła go z przyjacielem, iluzjonistą Harrym Houdinim, który zajmował się demaskowaniem spirytystów. Sam autor stał się bohaterem popkultury - postaci inspirowane jego osobą pojawiają się w licznych książkach (np. "Spisek sześciu" Marka Frosta), w serialu "Detektyw Murdoch", a także w mandze i anime.
- E-bog
- 29,99 kr.
20,99 kr. Ekipa ze "Świata zaginionego" znów w komplecie!Każdy z uczestników dawnej wyprawy dostaje list od profesora Challengera z prośbą o zaopatrzenie się w tlen i niezwłoczne przybycie do jego londyńskiej posiadłości. Naukowiec odkrył, że w najbliższym czasie Ziemię czeka niebezpieczeństwo. Wraz z przybyszami i swoją żoną zamyka się w specjalnie przygotowanym pokoju. Grupa przeczekuje niebezpieczny czas w schronieniu, a jednocześnie obserwuje tragedie, jakie rozgrywają się na zewnątrz.Wydarzenia opisane w książce stanowią wyraz spirytualistycznych zainteresowań autora. Na bazie powieści kanał BBC kilkukrotnie stworzył słuchowisko radiowe, prezentowane jako sequel "Świata zaginionego".Historia wpisuje się w nurt science fiction i może przypaść do gustu miłośnikom twórczości Stanisława Lema.Profesor biologii George Challenger ma analityczne podejście do świata. Stawia śmiałe tezy badawcze, a jego naukowa ciekawość często skutkuje niesamowitymi odkryciami. Jak na ekscentryka przystało, przyciąga do siebie postaci, które tak jak on są żądne wrażeń. Cykl powieści prezentuje trzymające w napięciu przygody tej barwnej gromady.Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) - szkocki lekarz, mason, pisarz, autor słynnej serii detektywistycznej o Sherlocku Holmesie. Pochodził ze zubożałej, przemocowej rodziny, w I wojnie światowej stracił wiele bliskich osób, w tym syna. Osobiste tragedie i chęć utrzymania kontaktu ze zmarłymi skierowały go w stronę spirytyzmu. Nowa fascynacja poróżniła go z przyjacielem, iluzjonistą Harrym Houdinim, który zajmował się demaskowaniem spirytystów. Sam autor stał się bohaterem popkultury - postaci inspirowane jego osobą pojawiają się w licznych książkach (np. "Spisek sześciu" Marka Frosta), w serialu "Detektyw Murdoch", a także w mandze i anime.
- E-bog
- 20,99 kr.
43,99 kr. Den trettonde februari 1895 avgår en propellerångare vid namn Korosko från hamnen i Shellal i dåvarande Nubien. Båtens passagerare utgörs av ett sällskap europeiska turister som har för avsikt att resa två hundra mil av den nubiska Nilen, mellan flodens första och andra katarakt.De rör sig i gränslandet mellan säkerhet och fiendeområde, och trots försiktighetsåtgärder blir de snart attackerade och bortrövade av muslimska krigare. De tas på en resa genom öknen, ovetandes om de kommer få leva, eller om denna resa är början på slutet.Korosko-tragedin skrevs 1898 och utspelar sig under den brittiska imperialismens storhetstid.Arthur Conan Doyle (f. 1859) var en skotsk författare och läkare. Han är mest känd för sina böcker som detektiven Sherlock Holmes.
- E-bog
- 43,99 kr.
59,99 kr. ‘The Last of the Legions’ by famous Sherlock Holmes author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, is a collection of twelve short stories. Stories in the collection include ‘Through the Veil’, ‘The First Cargo’ and ‘The Silver Mirror’. Many are set during the Roman Empire, and some even delve into spiritualism – a personal interest of Doyle’s. A highly enjoyable collection of some of the famous authors lesser-known tales.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British author, best known as the creator of the world-famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Born in Edinburgh, he was educated in England and Austria before studying medicine at the University of Edinburgh. It was during his time at university that Doyle began writing short stories, submitting them to magazines and journals. His first Sherlock Holmes novel, ‘A Study in Scarlet’ was written in just three weeks and published in 1887 to favourable reviews, and more Sherlock adventures followed. By 1893, Doyle was growing tired of Sherlock and attempted to kill him off in the story ‘The Final Problem’, but public outcry caused him to resurrect the famous detective. He featured in a total of 56 short stories and four novels along with his trusty sidekick Dr Watson and made Doyle one of the best-paid authors of the time. The stories have been adapted multiple times; most recently in the successful BBC series ‘Sherlock’ starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Later literary works included the Professor Challenger series which began with ‘The Lost World’, in which Challenger sets out to find evidence of prehistoric life. The book inspired numerous adaptations, including the films ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘The Lost World’. In later life Doyle became captivated by the world of spiritualism and the occult and published non-fiction works about his beliefs including ‘The Coming of the Fairies’. Arthur Conan Doyle died at home in 1930.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
77,99 kr. First published in 1898 ‘The Refugees’ is a historical tale by the famous ‘Sherlock Holmes’ author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Set largely in France at the end of the 17th century, the novel follows the story of a group of Huguenot’s whose very existence in France is under threat. Forced to flee persecution, they must make the perilous journey to freedom in Canada where they will have to try and make new lives for themselves. Full of vibrant characters, this is a fascinating story by the Victorian author.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British author, best known as the creator of the world-famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Born in Edinburgh, he was educated in England and Austria before studying medicine at the University of Edinburgh. It was during his time at university that Doyle began writing short stories, submitting them to magazines and journals. His first Sherlock Holmes novel, ‘A Study in Scarlet’ was written in just three weeks and published in 1887 to favourable reviews, and more Sherlock adventures followed. By 1893, Doyle was growing tired of Sherlock and attempted to kill him off in the story ‘The Final Problem’, but public outcry caused him to resurrect the famous detective. He featured in a total of 56 short stories and four novels along with his trusty sidekick Dr Watson and made Doyle one of the best-paid authors of the time. The stories have been adapted multiple times; most recently in the successful BBC series ‘Sherlock’ starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Later literary works included the Professor Challenger series which began with ‘The Lost World’, in which Challenger sets out to find evidence of prehistoric life. The book inspired numerous adaptations, including the films ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘The Lost World’. In later life Doyle became captivated by the world of spiritualism and the occult and published non-fiction works about his beliefs including ‘The Coming of the Fairies’. Arthur Conan Doyle died at home in 1930.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
59,99 kr. Frenchman Louis de Laval is the son of an exiled aristocrat, whose uncle is trying to persuade him to return to his native country to join Napoleon’s army. It soon becomes apparent however that his uncle has lured him back under false pretences, and Louis finds himself in considerable danger as he gets caught up in an intrigue which threatens the life of the emperor he has come to support. Full of treachery and double dealings, this is a thrilling short story from the ‘Sherlock Holmes’ author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British author, best known as the creator of the world-famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Born in Edinburgh, he was educated in England and Austria before studying medicine at the University of Edinburgh. It was during his time at university that Doyle began writing short stories, submitting them to magazines and journals. His first Sherlock Holmes novel, ‘A Study in Scarlet’ was written in just three weeks and published in 1887 to favourable reviews, and more Sherlock adventures followed. By 1893, Doyle was growing tired of Sherlock and attempted to kill him off in the story ‘The Final Problem’, but public outcry caused him to resurrect the famous detective. He featured in a total of 56 short stories and four novels along with his trusty sidekick Dr Watson and made Doyle one of the best-paid authors of the time. The stories have been adapted multiple times; most recently in the successful BBC series ‘Sherlock’ starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Later literary works included the Professor Challenger series which began with ‘The Lost World’, in which Challenger sets out to find evidence of prehistoric life. The book inspired numerous adaptations, including the films ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘The Lost World’. In later life Doyle became captivated by the world of spiritualism and the occult and published non-fiction works about his beliefs including ‘The Coming of the Fairies’. Arthur Conan Doyle died at home in 1930.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
59,99 kr. Originally serialised in 'The Strand' magazine, ‘The Tragedy of Korosko’ is an exciting adventure story set in Egypt by famous author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. In it, a motley group of European tourists are enjoying a trip along the River Nile in the steamship Korosko while visiting Egypt, when they are suddenly attacked and kidnapped. Will they ever escape and make it home again? A thrilling tale, full of vivid descriptions, ‘The Tragedy of Korosko’ was later adapted into a play by Doyle, titled ‘Fires of Fate’.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British author, best known as the creator of the world-famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Born in Edinburgh, he was educated in England and Austria before studying medicine at the University of Edinburgh. It was during his time at university that Doyle began writing short stories, submitting them to magazines and journals. His first Sherlock Holmes novel, ‘A Study in Scarlet’ was written in just three weeks and published in 1887 to favourable reviews, and more Sherlock adventures followed. By 1893, Doyle was growing tired of Sherlock and attempted to kill him off in the story ‘The Final Problem’, but public outcry caused him to resurrect the famous detective. He featured in a total of 56 short stories and four novels along with his trusty sidekick Dr Watson and made Doyle one of the best-paid authors of the time. The stories have been adapted multiple times; most recently in the successful BBC series ‘Sherlock’ starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Later literary works included the Professor Challenger series which began with ‘The Lost World’, in which Challenger sets out to find evidence of prehistoric life. The book inspired numerous adaptations, including the films ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘The Lost World’. In later life Doyle became captivated by the world of spiritualism and the occult and published non-fiction works about his beliefs including ‘The Coming of the Fairies’. Arthur Conan Doyle died at home in 1930.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
59,99 kr. Best-known as the author of the Sherlock Holmes series of detective novels, in ‘The Crime of the Congo’ Sir Arthur Conan Doyle attempts to lay bare the atrocities which had taken place in the Congo under the rule of King Leopold II of Belgium. He describes the exploitation of the Congolese people, especially those involved in the rubber trade, as ‘twenty years of uninterrupted massacre’ and is dismissive of the eventual annexation by the Belgian government, viewing it as merely a cover-up and a continuation of the abuses. A fascinating piece of work from the prolific author about a horrifying era, which effects are still being felt today.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British author, best known as the creator of the world-famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Born in Edinburgh, he was educated in England and Austria before studying medicine at the University of Edinburgh. It was during his time at university that Doyle began writing short stories, submitting them to magazines and journals. His first Sherlock Holmes novel, ‘A Study in Scarlet’ was written in just three weeks and published in 1887 to favourable reviews, and more Sherlock adventures followed. By 1893, Doyle was growing tired of Sherlock and attempted to kill him off in the story ‘The Final Problem’, but public outcry caused him to resurrect the famous detective. He featured in a total of 56 short stories and four novels along with his trusty sidekick Dr Watson and made Doyle one of the best-paid authors of the time. The stories have been adapted multiple times; most recently in the successful BBC series ‘Sherlock’ starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Later literary works included the Professor Challenger series which began with ‘The Lost World’, in which Challenger sets out to find evidence of prehistoric life. The book inspired numerous adaptations, including the films ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘The Lost World’. In later life Doyle became captivated by the world of spiritualism and the occult and published non-fiction works about his beliefs including ‘The Coming of the Fairies’. Arthur Conan Doyle died at home in 1930.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
59,99 kr. Published in 1902, ‘The War in South Africa’ is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s account of the Boer War. Keen to play his part, Doyle enlisted as a doctor after being turned down by the Imperial Yeomanry. Naturally skewed towards British interests and beliefs of the time, it is an account which wholly overlooks the atrocities committed by the British, and so is a less than accurate reflection of the war. A historical eyewitness account from one of the best known authors of the time.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British author, best known as the creator of the world-famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Born in Edinburgh, he was educated in England and Austria before studying medicine at the University of Edinburgh. It was during his time at university that Doyle began writing short stories, submitting them to magazines and journals. His first Sherlock Holmes novel, ‘A Study in Scarlet’ was written in just three weeks and published in 1887 to favourable reviews, and more Sherlock adventures followed. By 1893, Doyle was growing tired of Sherlock and attempted to kill him off in the story ‘The Final Problem’, but public outcry caused him to resurrect the famous detective. He featured in a total of 56 short stories and four novels along with his trusty sidekick Dr Watson and made Doyle one of the best-paid authors of the time. The stories have been adapted multiple times; most recently in the successful BBC series ‘Sherlock’ starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Later literary works included the Professor Challenger series which began with ‘The Lost World’, in which Challenger sets out to find evidence of prehistoric life. The book inspired numerous adaptations, including the films ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘The Lost World’. In later life Doyle became captivated by the world of spiritualism and the occult and published non-fiction works about his beliefs including ‘The Coming of the Fairies’. Arthur Conan Doyle died at home in 1930.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
51,99 kr. „Wenn man das Unmögliche ausgeschlossen hat, muss das, was übrig bleibt, die Wahrheit sein, so unwahrscheinlich sie auch klingen mag." Sherlock Holmes ist der berühmteste Detektiv aller Zeiten. Mit seinem Freund und Assistenten Dr. Watson geht er im viktorianischen London auf Verbrecherjagd. 55 spannende Fälle werden in dieser Box vereint und laden dazu ein, das berühmte wie auch clevere Ermittlerduo durch die dunklen Gassen Londons zu begleiten. Ein Muss für Fans der BBC-Serie „Sherlock", aber auch für Freunde klassischer Kriminalliteratur.Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) gilt als einer der bekanntesten britischen Schriftsteller. Seine Erzählungen um den Detektiv Sherlock Holmes und seinen Freund Dr. John Watson machten ihn weltberühmt und erfreuen sich bis heute großer Beliebtheit. 1859 in Edinburgh geboren, studierte er Medizin und reiste als Schiffsarzt in die Arktis und nach Afrika. Er führte eine Arztpraxis in Portsmouth und begann nebenbei mit dem Schreiben von ersten Erzählungen, bevor er 1886 mit seinem ersten Sherlock-Holmes-Roman, „Eine Studie in Scharlachrot" begann und damit den Grundstein für seine literarische Karriere legte.
- Lydbog
- 51,99 kr.
59,99 kr. Better known as the creator of the eccentric detective Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was also the author of a number of poems during his literary career. ‘Songs of Action’ is a collection of some of his poetry. Mainly revolving around the themes of war and sport. Poems in this collection include ‘The Song of the Bow’, ‘The Storming Party’ and ‘The Blind Archer’. With some epic and some more philosophical poems, this is a rich collection of verse from the world-renowned author.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British author, best known as the creator of the world-famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Born in Edinburgh, he was educated in England and Austria before studying medicine at the University of Edinburgh. It was during his time at university that Doyle began writing short stories, submitting them to magazines and journals. His first Sherlock Holmes novel, ‘A Study in Scarlet’ was written in just three weeks and published in 1887 to favourable reviews, and more Sherlock adventures followed. By 1893, Doyle was growing tired of Sherlock and attempted to kill him off in the story ‘The Final Problem’, but public outcry caused him to resurrect the famous detective. He featured in a total of 56 short stories and four novels along with his trusty sidekick Dr Watson and made Doyle one of the best-paid authors of the time. The stories have been adapted multiple times; most recently in the successful BBC series ‘Sherlock’ starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Later literary works included the Professor Challenger series which began with ‘The Lost World’, in which Challenger sets out to find evidence of prehistoric life. The book inspired numerous adaptations, including the films ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘The Lost World’. In later life Doyle became captivated by the world of spiritualism and the occult and published non-fiction works about his beliefs including ‘The Coming of the Fairies’. Arthur Conan Doyle died at home in 1930.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
102,99 kr. Set during the Hundred Years War, ‘Sir Nigel’ follows the fortunes of Sir Nigel Loring. A minor noble, Sir Nigel is down on his luck following the premature death of his Lord. Nigel longs to become a true knight – to engage in righteous battles and live a life ruled by chivalry and honour. The story follows Nigel as he sets out to achieve his dreams, encountering pettiness, corruption, and romance along the way. Packed full of adventure, humour and excitement, ‘Sir Nigel’ is a prequel to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s earlier novel ‘The White Company’.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British author, best known as the creator of the world-famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Born in Edinburgh, he was educated in England and Austria before studying medicine at the University of Edinburgh. It was during his time at university that Doyle began writing short stories, submitting them to magazines and journals. His first Sherlock Holmes novel, ‘A Study in Scarlet’ was written in just three weeks and published in 1887 to favourable reviews, and more Sherlock adventures followed. By 1893, Doyle was growing tired of Sherlock and attempted to kill him off in the story ‘The Final Problem’, but public outcry caused him to resurrect the famous detective. He featured in a total of 56 short stories and four novels along with his trusty sidekick Dr Watson and made Doyle one of the best-paid authors of the time. The stories have been adapted multiple times; most recently in the successful BBC series ‘Sherlock’ starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Later literary works included the Professor Challenger series which began with ‘The Lost World’, in which Challenger sets out to find evidence of prehistoric life. The book inspired numerous adaptations, including the films ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘The Lost World’. In later life Doyle became captivated by the world of spiritualism and the occult and published non-fiction works about his beliefs including ‘The Coming of the Fairies’. Arthur Conan Doyle died at home in 1930.
- E-bog
- 102,99 kr.
120,99 kr. Professor Challenger is back - this time with some haunting encounters to handle.Challenger's friend Edward Malone, a journalist, begins to investigate spiritualist meetings for his newspaper, along with the professor's daughter, Enid.Scepticism is in their DNA, so they attend seances without expectation.But a clutch of creepy moments and spooky scenes leave them questioning everything they believe in.This is ideal for fans of Agatha Christie and 'The Woman in Black' by Susan Hill.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British writer and physician who gained global fame for his stories about the London detective 'Sherlock Holmes'.In all, he wrote four novels and 56 short stories about Holmes and Dr Watson, including the first, 'A Study in Scarlet'.Conan Doyle also wrote fantasy, science-fiction, humour, poetry, non-fiction, romance and historical novels.
- E-bog
- 120,99 kr.
59,99 kr. First published in 1907, ‘Through the Magic Door’ is an essay by the ‘Sherlock Holmes’ author on the joy of literature and reading. In it, he enthuses about his favourite books and authors which include Sir Walter Scott, Samuel Pepys, and Edgar Allen Poe. Doyle describes how he often used to have to choose between lunch and a new book during his student days and gives his thoughts and advice to readers. A fascinating piece of writing from the British author.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British author, best known as the creator of the world-famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Born in Edinburgh, he was educated in England and Austria before studying medicine at the University of Edinburgh. It was during his time at university that Doyle began writing short stories, submitting them to magazines and journals. His first Sherlock Holmes novel, ‘A Study in Scarlet’ was written in just three weeks and published in 1887 to favourable reviews, and more Sherlock adventures followed. By 1893, Doyle was growing tired of Sherlock and attempted to kill him off in the story ‘The Final Problem’, but public outcry caused him to resurrect the famous detective. He featured in a total of 56 short stories and four novels along with his trusty sidekick Dr Watson and made Doyle one of the best-paid authors of the time. The stories have been adapted multiple times; most recently in the successful BBC series ‘Sherlock’ starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Later literary works included the Professor Challenger series which began with ‘The Lost World’, in which Challenger sets out to find evidence of prehistoric life. The book inspired numerous adaptations, including the films ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘The Lost World’. In later life Doyle became captivated by the world of spiritualism and the occult and published non-fiction works about his beliefs including ‘The Coming of the Fairies’. Arthur Conan Doyle died at home in 1930.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.