Bøger af Ann Henning
42,99 kr. ‘Honeylove the Bear Cub’ was written by Ann Henning when she was just seven years old, but the story was first published forty years later, when Henning was living in Connemara, Ireland. A sweet tale, ‘Honeylove the Bear Cub’ is suitable for all young readers.Ann Henning Jocelyn was born in Sweden in 1948. Following the death of her father, Ann and her siblings were raised by their mother in remote and beautiful Ed on the Norwegian border. Ann thrived here - by the age of four she was reading, and by five she had written her very first story. The family moved closer to Gothenburg following her mother’s remarriage, where Ann struggled in the new environment and turned to her love of reading and writing for comfort. Ann wrote her very first book ‘Honeylove the Bearcub’ by the time she was seven, and by nine she had a story published in a magazine. Ann attended Gothenburg University to study Classical Architecture and Drama, before moving to London to study theatre and drama. In 1982, Ann moved to Connemara on the west coast of Ireland to focus on her writing, where she still lives today along with her husband. The area is well-known for its’ ponies, and the creatures became part of Ann’s daily life, influencing her writing. Bestseller ‘The Connemara Whirlwind’, about life in the pony world of Connemara, was followed by ‘The Connemara Stallion’ and ‘The Connemara Champion’. Also a keen playwright and theatre advocate, Ann co-founded the Connemara Theatre Company which has shown several of her plays including ‘Baptism of Fire’ and ‘The Alternative’.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
59,99 kr. ‘The Connemara Champion’ is the third and final book in the series about wild young pony Cuaifeach. His owner Doreen is struggling to look after the spirited stallion – but she knows he has it in him to be a champion. Cuaifeach is taken to Dublin to see if he can behave himself as a performance pony, before being entered into the prestigious Ballinalee Show. Will Cuaifeach become the prize-winning champion Doreen knows he can be? There are plenty more mischievous adventures ahead in this delightful conclusion to the story, by Swedish author Ann Henning.Ann Henning Jocelyn was born in Sweden in 1948. Following the death of her father, Ann and her siblings were raised by their mother in remote and beautiful Ed on the Norwegian border. Ann thrived here - by the age of four she was reading, and by five she had written her very first story. The family moved closer to Gothenburg following her mother’s remarriage, where Ann struggled in the new environment and turned to her love of reading and writing for comfort. Ann wrote her very first book ‘Honeylove the Bearcub’ by the time she was seven, and by nine she had a story published in a magazine. Ann attended Gothenburg University to study Classical Architecture and Drama, before moving to London to study theatre and drama. In 1982, Ann moved to Connemara on the west coast of Ireland to focus on her writing, where she still lives today along with her husband. The area is well-known for its’ ponies, and the creatures became part of Ann’s daily life, influencing her writing. Bestseller ‘The Connemara Whirlwind’, about life in the pony world of Connemara, was followed by ‘The Connemara Stallion’ and ‘The Connemara Champion’. Also a keen playwright and theatre advocate, Ann co-founded the Connemara Theatre Company which has shown several of her plays including ‘Baptism of Fire’ and ‘The Alternative’.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
77,99 kr. Marty MacDonagh is the proud owner of a beautiful, champion Connemara mare named Veronica, who is due to give birth to her very first foal. Just as Veronica gives birth however, a wild whirlwind named the Cuaifeach envelops the stable – and the new foal seems to have inherited the personality of the wild weather which surrounded his birth. A whirlwind from the very start, the young foal gets into all sorts of humorous mischief and causes all kinds of trouble. Will the pony-mad young Doreen be the one to tame him? An instant bestseller upon release, ‘The Connemara Whirlwind’ is a charming tale for children by Swedish author Ann Henning.Ann Henning Jocelyn was born in Sweden in 1948. Following the death of her father, Ann and her siblings were raised by their mother in remote and beautiful Ed on the Norwegian border. Ann thrived here - by the age of four she was reading, and by five she had written her very first story. The family moved closer to Gothenburg following her mother’s remarriage, where Ann struggled in the new environment and turned to her love of reading and writing for comfort. Ann wrote her very first book ‘Honeylove the Bearcub’ by the time she was seven, and by nine she had a story published in a magazine. Ann attended Gothenburg University to study Classical Architecture and Drama, before moving to London to study theatre and drama. In 1982, Ann moved to Connemara on the west coast of Ireland to focus on her writing, where she still lives today along with her husband. The area is well-known for its’ ponies, and the creatures became part of Ann’s daily life, influencing her writing. Bestseller ‘The Connemara Whirlwind’, about life in the pony world of Connemara, was followed by ‘The Connemara Stallion’ and ‘The Connemara Champion’. Also a keen playwright and theatre advocate, Ann co-founded the Connemara Theatre Company which has shown several of her plays including ‘Baptism of Fire’ and ‘The Alternative’.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
77,99 kr. ‘The Connemara Stallion’ is the second in a trio of books by author Ann Henning about a wild young pony named Cuaifeach. Set in the west of Ireland, Cuaifeach is now in the care of pony-mad Doreen. Spring is approaching, and it’s time to break Cuaifeach in – but the spirited creature is near-impossible to tame, exasperating even the most experienced of handlers. Will anyone ever be able to tame this wild stallion? Full of fun, humour, and hijinks, this is a delightful children’s tale from the best-selling author.Ann Henning Jocelyn was born in Sweden in 1948. Following the death of her father, Ann and her siblings were raised by their mother in remote and beautiful Ed on the Norwegian border. Ann thrived here - by the age of four she was reading, and by five she had written her very first story. The family moved closer to Gothenburg following her mother’s remarriage, where Ann struggled in the new environment and turned to her love of reading and writing for comfort. Ann wrote her very first book ‘Honeylove the Bearcub’ by the time she was seven, and by nine she had a story published in a magazine. Ann attended Gothenburg University to study Classical Architecture and Drama, before moving to London to study theatre and drama. In 1982, Ann moved to Connemara on the west coast of Ireland to focus on her writing, where she still lives today along with her husband. The area is well-known for its’ ponies, and the creatures became part of Ann’s daily life, influencing her writing. Bestseller ‘The Connemara Whirlwind’, about life in the pony world of Connemara, was followed by ‘The Connemara Stallion’ and ‘The Connemara Champion’. Also a keen playwright and theatre advocate, Ann co-founded the Connemara Theatre Company which has shown several of her plays including ‘Baptism of Fire’ and ‘The Alternative’.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
43,99 kr. Doreen är 12 år och bor i Connemara på västra Irland. Hon har Atlanten som närmsta granne och är uppvuxen med ponnys omkring sig. En dag får Doreen en egen ponny av sin släkting Christy. Det är en hingst som heter Cuaifeach och är den vackraste varelse Doreen någonsin har sett. Till honom kan hon ty sig när allt annat i livet är svårt och när hon sätter sig i sadeln känner hon hur en helt ny värld öppnar sig. En värld fylld av lycka och kärlek.Christy har bestämt att hingsten måste kastreras innan han kan ridas, men det går inte Doreen med på. Hon börjar rida honom i smyg och tillsammans med sin nyfunna vän Julia tämjer hon hingsten. Det dröjer inte länge förrän Doreen och Cuaifeach är oskiljaktiga.Ann Henning, född 1948 i Göteborg, är en svensk författare och översättare. Efter en kandidatexamen i klassisk arkitektur och drama, och ytterligare en i det engelska språket, flyttade hon till Storbritannien och sedan 1982 lever och verkar hon i Connemara på Irlands västkust .
- E-bog
- 43,99 kr.
30,99 kr. I skogen Mosslukt bor två björnar som har flytt från en rysk cirkus. På cirkusen var de inlåsta och olyckliga men i Mosslukt har de det bra. Så bra att de har fått en björnunge. Björnungen Honungkär upptäcker snabbt hur det är att leva i skogen Mosslukt och lär sig allt man behöver veta av sina föräldrar. Men att gå i ide på vintern tycker han är riktigt tråkigt. Och när han följer med räven ut för att leka, i stället för att sova i idet som sina föräldrar, hamnar han på villovägar. Hur ska Honungkär klara sig undan stygga katter och lastbilsmonster i människornas värld utan sina föräldrar hela vintern?Ann Henning, född 1948 i Göteborg, är en svensk författare och översättare. Efter en kandidatexamen i klassisk arkitektur och drama, och ytterligare en i det engelska språket, flyttade hon till Storbritannien och sedan 1982 lever och verkar hon i Connemara på Irlands västkust .
- E-bog
- 30,99 kr.
43,99 kr. I denna samling texter leder författaren Ann Henning läsaren varsamt och med stor skärpa längs en stig som börjar vid allas vår födelse och slutar vid den ofrånkomliga döden. Ämnen såsom föräldraskap, tro och könsroller behandlas i kortare och längre stycken. Det är texter som bekräftar det vi redan vet, och texter som avslöjar nya dimensioner. Som öppnar dörr efter dörr och tar oss med på en oförglömlig resa.Ann Henning, född 1948 i Göteborg, är en svensk författare och översättare. Efter en kandidatexamen i klassisk arkitektur och drama, och ytterligare en i det engelska språket, flyttade hon till Storbritannien och sedan 1982 lever och verkar hon i Connemara på Irlands västkust .
- E-bog
- 43,99 kr.
50,99 kr. På ett lättillgängligt och användbart sätt får läsaren här chansen att tolka sitt stjärntecken. Astrologi är nära besläktat med psykologi och sociologi, och passar därför den som är intresserad av att förstå sig själv och sin omgivning. Med moderna metoder fastställs horoskop, horoskop lika exakta som om ett komplicerat datorsystem hade räknat ut dem.Ann Henning föddes 1948 i Göteborg. Efter en kandidatexamen i klassisk arkitektur och drama, och ytterligare en i det engelska språket, flyttade hon till Storbritannien. Där började hon skriva om astrologi för det brittiska Vogue, och jobbade även som översättare.
- E-bog
- 50,99 kr.
149,00 kr. HVAD ALLE BØR VIDE OM MÆND giver dig svar på mange af de spørgsmål om krop, kærlighed og sex, der kan opstå i løbet af et helt mandeliv - eller i livet med en mand. Du kan blandt andet læse om mandens kønsdele, normalstørrelser, kroppens genitale funktioner og reaktioner, erogene zoner, stødteknikker, orgasmer, rejsningsbesvær og hvofor bækkenbundstræning også er godt for mænd. Desuden får du masser af hands on-råd til et bedre kærligheds- og sexliv. Jesper Bay-Hansen er læge og en af Danmarks førende kliniske sexologer. Ann-Marlene Henning er sexolog og parterapeut. Begge har mange års erfaring med at hjælpe mænd og kvinder til et bedre kærligheds- og sexliv. I denne bog afliver de mange af de myter, der eksisterer om den mandlige seksualitet. Læs om:Er der forskel på mænd og kvinder?Mænd - og mandemyter - om køn, seksualitet og kærlighed.Mandens kønsdele og orgasmer - og lidt om sexsygdomme.Et mandeliv - forandringer i krop, seksualitet og kærlighed.Mandens seksuelle respons og nydelse - og lidt om ligheden mellem sex og fodbold.De store forventninger og den lille forførelse - om parforhold, kærtegn og erotik.Piksund livsførelse - potens, præstationsangst og rejsningsbesvær.Ejakulation - stødteknikker, bækkenbundstræning og andre øvelser.Sex, smerter og sygdom - når noget ikke er, som det skal være.
- E-bog
- 149,00 kr.