Bøger af Albert Einstein

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  • af Carl Jung, Albert Einstein, Anne Frank, mfl.
    58,99 kr.

    500 citations : une sélection originale

  • af Carl Jung, Marcus Aurelius, Leonardo Da Vinci, mfl.
    60,99 kr.

    ‘500 Quotes: an Original Selection’ is a cherry-picked collection of quotes from some of the most important figures in history.Covering topics such as freedom, politics, art, science, and personal development, this is an inspiring read.Whether you dip in and out of it or devour it from cover to cover, this book has something for everyone.Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955) was a theoretical physicist, who is best remembered for developing the Theory of Relativity. Anne Frank (1929 – 1945) was a Jewish girl who, with her family, hid in an annexe for two years, hoping to avoid capture by the Nazis. Her diaries document their daily lives in this period.Born in Italy, Leonardo da Vinci (1452 – 1519) was an artist, inventor, scientist, and sculptor, who is best known for painting the ‘Mona Lisa.’ One of the pioneers of Stoicism, Marcus Aurelius (121 – 180) was a Roman emperor and a revered philosopher. One of the founders of analytical psychology, Carl Jung (1875 – 1961) was a Swiss psychoanalyst and psychologist, who had a huge impact on psychology as a science.

  • af Leonardo Da Vinci, Albert Einstein, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, mfl.
    60,99 kr.

    ‘500 Quotes to Stimulate Creativity’ is the ideal read for anyone struggling to get their artistic juices flowing.From Shakespeare to Einstein, this collection is sure to provide interesting reflections on a plethora of topics from some of the greatest minds known to man.Packed with memorable maxims from writers, poets, scientists, and artists, it’s an ideal gift for anyone with a creative soul.Born in Lyon, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900 – 1944) was a pioneering pilot, who went on to establish a career as a respected poet, author, and journalist. Renowned as one of the world's greatest playwrights, William Shakespeare (1564 – 1616) wrote 38 plays and over 150 poems.Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955) was a theoretical physicist, who is best remembered for developing the Theory of Relativity. Born in Italy, Leonardo da Vinci (1452 – 1519) was an artist, inventor, scientist, and sculptor, who is best known for painting the ‘Mona Lisa.’ Oscar Wilde (1854 – 1900) is considered one of the most important poets, playwrights, and wits of all time.

  • af Woody Allen, Groucho Marx, George Bernard Shaw, mfl.
    60,99 kr.

    A collection guaranteed to put a smile on your face, ‘500 Quotes of Humour’ features the sharp wit and wisdom of the likes of Oscar Wilde, Albert Einstein, George Bernard Shaw, Groucho Marx, and Woody Allen.Some of the leading figures in their fields, these writers, actors, comedians, physicists, and playwrights are responsible for some of the most humorous quotes of all time.They are collected together in this hilarious volume that is ideal for those looking for a quick laugh.Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) is one of the most celebrated writers in history and is best known for his novels ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’, and ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’. Woody Allen (1935- )is a celebrated writer, director, comedian, and actor, famous for films such as ‘Manhattan’, ‘Annie Hall’, and ‘Hannah and Her Sisters’.Groucho Marx (1890-1977) was a comedian, writer, and actor, famous for his sharp wit and his many films which include ‘Duck Soup’ and ‘A Night at the Opera.’ Albert Einstein was one of the greatest and most influential physicists of all time. He is best known for developing the theory of relativity. George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) was an Irish playwright and political activist, famous for his plays such as ‘Pygmalion’ and ‘Man and Superman’.

  • af Beaumarchais, Nicolas de Chamfort, Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, mfl.
    163,99 kr.

    Ready yourself for this carefully crafted collection of quotes from some of the greatest minds the world has ever seen!Featuring world-famous playwrights, philosophers, activists, Presidents and physicists, from Churchill and Shakespeare to Gandhi and Einstein, this is an entertaining and inspiring compilation covering everything from Ancient Rome to modern-day Britain.‘3500 Final Quotes’ is ideal for those wanting a bit of extra philosophical guidance and inspiration throughout their day.Denis Diderot, Søren Kierkegaard, Jane Austen, William Shakespeare, Marcel Proust, Arthur Schopenhauer, Friedrich Nietzsche, Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Plato, Lao Zi, Immanuel Kant, Mahatma Gandhi, Buddha, Albert Einstein, Anne Frank, Winston Churchill, Charles de Gaulle, Leonardo da Vinci, Confucius, Baruch Spinoza, Antoine de Saint Exupéry, Marcus Aurelius, Socrates, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Cicero, Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, Napoleon Bonaparte, Fyodor Dostoevski, Oscar Wilde, Voltaire, Ontesquieu, Nicolas de Chamfort, Beaumarchais.

  • af Anne Frank, Jane Austen, Marcel Proust, mfl.
    102,99 kr.

    ‘2000 Final Quotations’ is an insightful and humorous collection of quotes from some of the world’s greatest thinkers, writers, artists, and statesmen.It contains contributions from Shakespeare, Gandhi and Carl Jung to Friedrich Nietzsche, Confucius and Leonardo da Vinci - and lots more!Stretching from Ancient Greece to 20th-century Germany, this wonderful compilation is guaranteed to inspire and entertain those who want a bit of extra philosophical guidance throughout their day.Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Jane Austen, William Shakespeare, Marcel Proust, Anton Chekhov, Arthur Schopenhauer, Friedrich Nietzsche, Laozi, Immanuel Kant, Mahatma Gandhi, Buddha, Albert Einstein, Anne Frank, Leonardo da Vinci, Confucius, Baruch Spinoza, Marcus Aurelius, Carl Jung, Cicero, Emil Cioran.

  • af Friedrich Nietzsche, – Plato, Lao Zi, mfl.
    77,99 kr.

    William Shakespeare, Plato, Buddha, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, and Napoleon Bonaparte are just some of the famous names that make up this collection of 500 famous quotes.With ancient sages, politicians, military leaders, philosophers, and physicists imparting their wisdom, this carefully crafted compilation will not only develop your cultural knowledge but entertain, amuse, and inspire you too.´Develop your General Culture in 1000 Quotes´ will delight those who would like a boost of cultural literacy.William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was one of the greatest English poets, playwrights, and actors. Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 – 1900) is regarded as one of the 19th-century philosophers to have had a lasting effect on contemporary philosophy. Sun Tzu (544 BC-496 BC) was a Chinese philosopher and military general who influenced Western and East Asian philosophy with his work ´The Art of War´. Plato was an ancient Greek philosopher who founded the Platonist school of thought. He is considered a key figure in the history of Ancient Greek and Western philosophy.Lao Zi (1368 – 1644) is credited as the founding father of Taoism. Thought to have lived at the same time as Confucius, he wrote the Tao Te Ching. Gautama Buddha (480 BCE – 400 BCE) was an aristocrat who eschewed materialism, in favour of spiritual reflection. He is the founder of Buddhism. Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955) was a theoretical physicist, who is best remembered for developing the Theory of Relativity.Born in England, Winston Churchill (1874-1965) served as the British Prime Minister during WWII. Confucius (551 BCE–479 BCE) was born in China. His profound teachings established Confucianism, which promotes personal and societal morality. Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) was a French military leader during the French Revolution.

  • af Winston Churchill, Sun Tzu, Confucius, mfl.
    68,99 kr.

    William Shakespeare, Plato, Buddha, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, and Napoleon Bonaparte are just some of the famous names that make up this collection of 500 famous quotes.With ancient sages, politicians, military leaders, philosophers, and physicists imparting their wisdom, this carefully crafted compilation will not only develop your cultural knowledge but entertain, amuse, and inspire you too.´Develop your General Culture in 500 Quotes´ will delight those who would like a boost of cultural literacy.William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was one of the greatest English poets, playwrights, and actors. Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 – 1900) is regarded as one of the 19th-century philosophers to have had a lasting effect on contemporary philosophy. Sun Tzu (544 BC-496 BC) was a Chinese philosopher and military general who influenced Western and East Asian philosophy with his work ´The Art of War´. Plato was an ancient Greek philosopher who founded the Platonist school of thought. He is considered a key figure in the history of Ancient Greek and Western philosophy.Lao Zi (1368 – 1644) is credited as the founding father of Taoism. Thought to have lived at the same time as Confucius, he wrote the Tao Te Ching. Gautama Buddha (480 BCE – 400 BCE) was an aristocrat who eschewed materialism, in favour of spiritual reflection. He is the founder of Buddhism. Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955) was a theoretical physicist, who is best remembered for developing the Theory of Relativity.Born in England, Winston Churchill (1874-1965) served as the British Prime Minister during WWII. Confucius (551 BCE–479 BCE) was born in China. His profound teachings established Confucianism, which promotes personal and societal morality. Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) was a French military leader during the French Revolution.

  • af Friedrich Nietzsche, Platon, Lao Tseu, mfl.
    73,99 kr.

    Développez votre culture générale en 1000 citations

  • af Nicolas de Chamfort, Albert Einstein, Gaston Bachelard & mfl.
    58,99 kr.

    400 citations de la philosophie contemporaine

  • af Winston Churchill, Sun Tzu, Confucius, mfl.
    58,99 kr.

    Développez votre culture générale en 500 citations

  • af Beaumarchais, Nicolas de Chamfort, Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, mfl.
    148,99 kr.

    3500 citations ultimes

  • af Albert Einstein, Woody Allen, George Bernard Shaw, mfl.
    58,99 kr.

    500 citations d'humour

  • af William Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, mfl.
    58,99 kr.

    500 citations pour stimuler la créativité

  • af Anne Frank, Jane Austen, Marcel Proust, mfl.
    111,99 kr.

    2000 citations ultimes

  • af Albert Einstein
    42,99 kr.

    ‘100 Quotes by Albert Einstein’ is a collection of thoughts, discoveries, and reflections from one of the greatest minds the world has ever known.Ideal for those who want to get to know the man behind the formula, it offers an incisive introduction to his views, without having to wade through scientific papers.Often funny, sometimes surprising, and always bristling with uncanny intelligence, this assembly of quotes is sure to spark thought-provoking conversation.A superb coffee-table addition, there’s plenty for fans of science, philosophy, and art.Possibly the most recognisable figure in scientific history, Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955) was born in Germany but moved with his family to Switzerland at the age of four. An outstanding student, he found an interest in maths and physics, even going so far as to educate himself in Euclidian geometry and algebra during a summer break.By the age of 29, he had established himself as a noteworthy scientist and lectured in electrodynamics at the University of Bern. However, an offer from the Prussian Academy of Sciences allowed him to eschew lecturing, in favour of furthering his studies.Einstein is most famous for his Theory of Relativity, resulting in the much-quoted formula, ‘E=mc2’. However, beyond that, he wrote countless papers, some dealing with social and philosophical issues.

  • af Nicolas de Chamfort, Albert Einstein, Gaston Bachelard & mfl.
    60,99 kr.

    ‘400 Quotations from Contemporary Philosophy’ features the unparalleled wit and wisdom of some of contemporary philosophy’s greatest practitioners.These great minds include Albert Einstein, Gaston Bachelard, Emil Cioran and Nicolas de Chamfort. A carefully crafted collection, ‘400 Quotations from Contemporary Philosophy’ is guaranteed to educate and entertain.Ideal for those needing a dose of philosophical insights.Albert Einstein (1879-1955), is one of the greatest and most influential physicists ever. he is best remembered for his work in developing the Theory of Relativity.French philosopher Gaston Bachelard (1884-1962) was famous for his work in poetics and the philosophy of science.Emil Cioran (1911-1995) was a Romanian philosopher, known for his philosophical pessimism. His notable works include ‘A Short History of Decay’ (1949), and ‘The Temptation to Exist’ (1956).Nicolas de Chamfort (1741-1794) was a French writer of epigrams and aphorisms.

  • af Albert Einstein
    40,99 kr.

    Albert Einstein is widely considered as one of the greatest minds that ever lived. He developed the theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics alongside quantum mechanics, and penned the world's most famous equation, E=mc². He was an immense scientist and thinker, and his work is also renowned for its influence on the philosophy of science. As an authentic genius, he was also full of humor; these 100 quotes have been carefully selected to introduce you to his character and witticism in a convenient and efficient format.

  • af Carl Seelig & Albert Einstein
    96,99 kr.

    Unter den unzähligen Büchern über Albert Einstein wird Mein Weltbild immer etwas Besonderes bleiben. Hier entsteht ein Selbstporträt des Wissenschaftlers ausschließlich über dessen eigene Texte. Seine Äußerungen zu den verschiedensten Themen, einschließlich seinen Gedanken zu Religion, Gesellschaft, Philosophie und vielem mehr, werden in hier zusammen gebracht, unabhängig davon ob sie schriftlich oder mündlich getätigt wurden. Gelesen von Alexander Bandilla entsteht ein facettenreiches Bild von Einstein, aber gleichzeitig wird in diesen Text ein Stück faszinierende Zeitgeschichte dokumentiert.Der Schweizer Schriftsteller Carl Seelig hat es sich in "Mein Weltbild" zur Aufgabe gemacht den berühmten theoretischen Physiker Albert Einstein nur durch seine eigenen Texte und Worte darzustellen. Seelig war mit Zustimmung des Vaters der Mentor und später, nach Einsteins Tod 1955, Vormund von Alberts Sohn Eduard, bis Seelig selbst 1962 durch einen Unfall ums Leben kam.