Undervisningsmidler: fremmedsprog: skoleudgaver af litterære tekster

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  • af Raymond Radiguet
    70,49 kr.

    Le roman se passe pendant la première guerre mondiale. A lâge de quinze ans, lauteur tombe amoureux de Marthe, qui a dix-neuf ans. Avant que Raymond lui déclare son amour, elle se marie avec Jacques, qui est au front.Pour pouvoir être avec Marthe, Raymond ment à ses parents, mais il est attrapé dans le mensonge. Son père est content de le savoir aimé dune brave fille, mais sa mère regarde Marthe avec des yeux de rivale et est très préoccupée par le quen dira-t-on du village. Peu à peu, les camarades séloignent, sur demande de leurs parents.Brusquement, tout change. Marthe devient enceinte. La grossesse fait pour à Raymond et il en rend Marthe seule resonsable. Il essaie doublier son amour.Édition abrégée et simplifiée.

  • af George Eliot
    70,49 kr.

    Silas is the friendless miserly weaver who lives by himself in a small cottage near the village of Raveloe in the heart of the English countryside. Nobody in the village knows anything about his strange past. The very sight of him terrifies the local children. His life and those of his neighbours become entwined through a series of extraordinary events in which a small child plays a very central part.Silas Marner tells a story that has long been the favourite among George Eliots novels. A great trasure of beauty and humanity ... were the words with which Henry James described the work.

  • af Mark Twain
    70,49 kr.

    This is the famous story of a young boy's voyage down the great Mississippi River. A story of adventure, of rich imagination and the strong desire for freedom. Huck meets Jim, a runaway slave, and they begin their exciting river voyage. Along the way the two boys meet all kinds of people...

  • af Charles Dickens
    70,49 kr.

    Pip has lost his father and his mother. On a visit to their grave, he meets a runaway convict who is to change Pips life. Pip wishes to become a gentleman, more so after he meets and falls in love with the beautiful Estella. Pip has to endure a severe breakdown before he is finally allowed to live as he has always wished to.Easy Readers are adapted and abridged versions of novels and short stories. They are divided into level A, B, C, and D, A being the easiest. The levels match the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (level A2 to B2).