9,99 kr. Stjúpdóttir ríkrar ekkju stingur sig á snældu og missir hana ofan í brunn. Af ótta við að týna snældunni stekkur stúlkan ofan í brunninn og rankar við sér á grænni, blómskrýddri flöt. Stúlkan hittir vingjarnlega eldri konu sem býður henni húsaskjól gegn því að sinna heimilisstörfum. Þegar unga stúlkan óskar eftir því að fara aftur til síns heima launar konan henni ríkulega fyrir vel unnin störf og sendir hana af stað. Þegar ríka ekkjan sér ungu stúlkuna prýdda gullskrúði ákveður hún að senda dóttur sína að brunninum til að leika sama leikinn. Ferðalag hennar fer þó ekki eins og ætlað var enda boðskapur sögunnar skýr: Þú uppskerð eins og til var sáð. Ævintýri Grimmsbræðra eru löngu orðin þekkt um allan heim enda verið þýdd á fleiri hundruð tungumál. Þjóðsögur Grimmsbræðra hafa tekið töluverðum breytingum í aldanna rás án þess þó að missa upprunalegan boðskap sinn og í dag ganga þjóðsögur Jacobs og Wilhelms einfaldlega undir nafninu Ævintýri Grimmsbræðra.Bræðurnir Jacob og Wilhelm fæddust í Þýskalandi. Þeir voru málvísindamenn og sömdu þjóðsögur til að efla og styrkja þjóðsagnalist heimalandsins. Bræðurnir nutu töluverðrar hylli fyrir þjóðsögur sínar á 19. öld þótt margar þeirra hafi þótt verulega óhugnalegar. Meðal annarra þekktra ævintýra Grimmsbræðra eru Mjalllhvít, Rauðhetta og Öskubuska.
9,99 kr. Ævintýrið um Brimborgarsöngvarana fjallar um kött, hænu, veiðihund og asna sem eru staðráðin í að gerast tónlistarmenn í Bremen. Hópur ræningja kemur í veg fyrir áform þeirra og setja fyrirætlanir dýranna um tónlistarferil í Bremen í uppnám. Ævintýrið fjallar um mótlæti, frelsi og vináttu. Sagan er vinsæl til leikgerðar og hefur víða verið sett upp á fjölum leikhúsa. Þá hafa Brimborgarsöngvararnir verið kvikmyndaðir og búnar hafa verið til teiknimyndir og söngleikir. Ævintýri Grimmsbræðra eru löngu orðin þekkt um allan heim enda verið þýdd á fleiri hundruð tungumál. Þjóðsögur Grimmsbræðra hafa tekið töluverðum breytingum í aldanna rás án þess þó að missa upprunalegan boðskap sinn og í dag ganga þjóðsögur Jacobs og Wilhelms einfaldlega undir nafninu Ævintýri Grimmsbræðra. Bræðurnir Jacob og Wilhelm fæddust í Þýskalandi. Þeir voru málvísindamenn og sömdu þjóðsögur til að efla og styrkja þjóðsagnalist heimalandsins. Bræðurnir nutu töluverðrar hylli fyrir þjóðsögur sínar á 19. öld þótt margar þeirra hafi þótt verulega óhugnalegar. Meðal annarra þekktra ævintýra Grimmsbræðra eru Mjalllhvít, Rauðhetta og Öskubuska.
Fra 55,99 kr. Dona Benta tenta explicar gramática para o Pedrinho, mas tudo parece tão difícil! Logo a esperta Emília encontra a solução perfeita: e se a turma do sítio visitasse o País da Gramática? Eles logo descobrem que a língua é um país povoado por sílabas, pronomes, numerais e muita imaginação!Aprenda os segredos da língua portuguesa com Emília, Narizinho e Pedrinho enquanto eles voam nas asas da imaginação! Clássicos da literatura infantil brasileira, as histórias do Sítio do Picapau Amarelo foram adaptadas múltiplas vezes, incluindo as séries de televisão produzidas pela Rede Globo em 2001 e 2010.Quem nunca ouviu falar de Emília, a boneca que nunca parava de falar, ou de Narizinho e seu nariz arrebitado? Misturando lendas e costumes tipicamente brasileiros, Monteiro Lobato criou um universo único repleto de aventura, fantasia e muita diversão! A coleção Sítio do Picapau Amarelo é uma das mais importantes obras de literatura infantil do Brasil e continua a cativar o coração de milhares de brasileiros através de gerações. As aventuras do Sítio foram adaptadas inúmeras vezes para os mais diversos meios de comunicação, incluindo televisão, cinema e histórias em quadrinhos.Monteiro Lobato (1882-1948) foi um escritor, ativista, diretor e produtor brasileiro. Autor de importantes traduções inéditas e editor revolucionário na sua época, Lobato é mais conhecido por ser o precursor da literatura infantil brasileira. A coletânea "Urupês" é considerada sua obra-prima visto a perspectiva crítica e realista presente na obra, mas é a coleção de histórias infantis "Sítio do Picapau Amarelo" que conquistou a imaginação dos brasileiros através de gerações. Em suas histórias para crianças, Lobato mistura habilmente aspectos do folclore brasileiro com histórias da literatura universal.As fantásticas aventuras de Narizinho, Pedrinho e Emília continuam inspirando as mais diversas produções culturais e artísticas, incluindo a afamada série de televisão "Sítio do Picapau Amarelo" produzida pela rede Globo em 2001, estrelando Isabelle Drummond e Lara Rodrigues.
70,49 kr. Danmarks konge er gammel og blind. Så kongen af Saksen gør klar til at sende en stor hær. Hvem skal nu redde Danmark?
- E-bog
- 70,49 kr.
38,99 kr. Sarla wished she could fly high like an eagle or like an aeroplane. Of course you can fly, said her new teacher. Here, Sarla shares all that she has learnt about flight and aeroplanes.'How Do Aeroplanes Fly?' (English), written by Aditi Sarawagi, illustrated by Lavanya Karthik, supported by Oracle, published by Pratham Books (© Pratham Books, 2016) under a CC BY 4.0 license on StoryWeaver. Read, create and translate stories for free on www.storyweaver.org.in
38,99 kr. It's time to bring out Meenu's smart winter uniform and the air is filled with the aroma of roasted nuts. It must be winter in Bengaluru! Follow Meenu, Amma and Rajni as they show us some of the winter traditions they have in Karnataka and tell us of other winter traditions in Himachal and Gujarat.'Hot Tea and Warm Rugs' (English), written by Mala Kumar, Manisha Chaudhry, illustrated by Priya Kuriyan, published by Pratham Books (© Pratham Books, 2012) under a CC BY 4.0 license on StoryWeaver. Read, create and translate stories for free on www.storyweaver.org.in
Fra 38,99 kr. Sringeri Srinivas grows sweet bananas on his farm, and yet, no one wants to buy them. Find out what he did with them in this cute story from India.'Too Many Bananas' (English), written by Rohini Nilekani, illustrated by Angie & Upesh, published by Pratham Books (© Pratham Books, 2010) under a CC BY 4.0 license on StoryWeaver. Read, create and translate stories for free on www.storyweaver.org.in
38,99 kr. Mahatma Gandhi and his followers have decided to march to Dandi to protest against the unfair salt tax imposed by the British. 9-year-old Dhani who lives at the Sabarmati Ashram wants to go too. This tale captures the spirit behind the momentous event that inspired millions of Indians to join the struggle for Independence.'Marching to Freedom' (English), written by Subhadra Sen Gupta, illustrated by Tapas Guha, published by Pratham Books (© Pratham Books, 2005) under a CC BY 4.0 license on StoryWeaver. Read, create and translate stories for free on www.storyweaver.org.in
38,99 kr. Mr. Centipede wears 21 pairs of boots on his morning walk. But with so many legs to choose from, how does he know which foot to use first? Join Mr. Centipede and his garden friends in this story about counting and indecision!'Best Foot Forward' (English), written by Rustom Dadachanji, illustrated by Tanvi Bhat, published by Pratham Books (© Pratham Books, 2018) under a CC BY 4.0 license on StoryWeaver. Read, create and translate stories for free on www.storyweaver.org.in
38,99 kr. Cha wallahs are a common site in India. When Meera's dad smells the sweet aroma of tea coming from the Cha wallah, he can't resist. Meera learns a lot about tea and the science behind it while Baba waits on his tea.'A Cup of Cha' (English), written by Pooja Vijay, illustrated by Proiti Roy, supported by CISCO, published by Pratham Books (© Pratham Books, 2018) under a CC BY 4.0 license on StoryWeaver. Read, create and translate stories for free on www.storyweaver.org.in
38,99 kr. Have you ever said, "See you tomorrow!" and actually meant it? The boy in this story has many friends, who all take him at his word! A funny story about a small boy who has many animal friends.'See You Tomorrow' (English), written by Tanya Luther Agarwal, illustrated by Partho Sengupta, published by Pratham Books (© Pratham Books, 2006) under a CC BY 4.0 license on StoryWeaver. Read, create and translate stories for free on www.storyweaver.org.in
38,99 kr. One day, Tara and Arun discover an old newspaper in their grandmother's attic. They open it and embark on a historical adventure about a magic mango seed and a little boy who tried to telegraph it from India to London.'The Magic Mango' (English), written by Amelia Bonea, (© Amelia Bonea, 2018), illustrated by Ioan Balcosi, published under a CC BY 4.0 license on StoryWeaver. Read, create and translate stories for free on www.storyweaver.org.in
38,99 kr. Long long ago, there lived in Norway a grumpy, grouchy farmer called Gloomy Gus. Gloomy Gus was not just a grouch---he was arrogant too, and believed he was smarter than everybody else, especially his wife. Read this captivating and humourous folktale from Norway to find out just how smart he really was!'The Man Who Thought He Was Smarter Than His Wife: A Folktale From Norway' is written by Veena Seshadri . © Pratham Books , 2006. Some rights reserved. Released under CC BY 4.0 license.'The Man Who Thought He Was Smarter Than His Wife' has been published on StoryWeaver by Pratham Books. www.prathambooks.org
38,99 kr. The roads are their playground and they have made the city and the people their own. Follow the lives of some of Mumbai's street dogs in this short book where street dogs like Captain, Kalu and Champi takes us on a tour into some well known areas in their city.'My City, My Dogs' is written by Abodh Aras . © Pratham Books , 2018. Some rights reserved. Released under CC BY 4.0 license.'My City, My Dogs' has been published on StoryWeaver by Pratham Books. www.prathambooks.org; Guest Editor: Shinibali Mitra Saigal
38,99 kr. Mrs. Chang gets a letter from her son one day. She asks Warrior Wen to read it out to her. One look at the letter and Warrior Wen bursts into tears. Very soon, Mrs.Chang starts bawling. Next, Peddlar Peng, who is passing by, joins the sobbing duo. What has happened to Mrs. Chang's son? Find out for yourself in this delightful folktale from China.'Wailers Three' - A Folktale From China is written by Greystroke . © Pratham Books , 2020. Some rights reserved. Released under CC BY 4.0 license. This book has been published on StoryWeaver by Pratham Books.
38,99 kr. Story time! Paati is here for the summer and Suvi wants to make the most of it. As her grandma starts describing the Pushpaka Vimana, Suvi wonders if it’s like a driverless car, which drives you safely to any destination you name. Buckle up, enjoy the ride!Who Drives the Driverless Car? is written by Vidya Pradhan. © Pratham Books , 2018. Some rights reserved. Released under CC BY 4.0 license.'Who Drives the Driverless Car?' has been published on StoryWeaver by Pratham Books.
38,99 kr. Why can't bees work quietly? Is there a reason for the bees to buzz so noisily? Learn about the work of the humble bee in this book.'Why Do Bees Buzz?' is written by Nabanita Deshmukh . © Pratham Books, 2015. Some rights reserved. Released under CC BY 4.0 license. This book has been published on StoryWeaver by Pratham Books.The development of this book has been supported by Oracle Giving Initiative.
38,99 kr. Sooraj and his grandma LOVE inventing! Join them on their latest adventure: using simple machines to make coconut barfi!'Ammachi's Amazing Machines' is written by Rajiv Eipe . © Pratham Books , 2017. Some rights reserved. Released under CC BY 4.0 license.This book was first published on StoryWeaver, Pratham Books. The development of this book has been supported by Oracle. Guest Editor & Art Director: Vinayak Varma
38,99 kr. Ever wondered what the planet was like millions of years ago? What kind of creatures roamed the Earth? What trees grew in the prehistoric forests? Well, there is a way to find out—through palaeontology, a special science that is all about digging up and unscrambling clues to the past.'Creatures of Old' is written by Veena Prasad. © Pratham Books , 2018. Some rights reserved. Released under CC BY 4.0 license.This book was first published on StoryWeaver by Pratham Books. Guest Editor: Nimmy Chacko, Art Director: Nafisa N Crishna
38,99 kr. Sukhiya Kaka from Bituana was a famous singer. This is the story about the day he met Dinoo the dinosaur, who turned out to be his biggest fan. Find out what escapades these two get up to when they finally meet!'Singing in the Rain' is translated by Manisha Chaudhry, Mala Kumar. Released under CC BY 4.0 license. Based on Original story: 'बारिश में क्या गाएँ ?', by Manisha Chaudhry, Mala Kumar. © Pratham Books , 2015. Some rights reserved. Released under CC BY 4.0 license.This story has been inspired by an entry to the #6FrameStoryChallenge, an illustration campaign conducted by Pratham Books. The illustrations in this book were created by one of the judges of the #6FrameStoryChallenge contest.
38,99 kr. Look high and low and you will find animals and birds making their homes around you, but do these high and low worlds ever meet? Find out in this story about the habitats they live in.
38,99 kr. Matko is too wide to fit through the yard-gate. Her friends suggest different exercises to help her slim down, but nothing works. Finally, Matko comes up with her own way to fit in.'Just the Way I Am' is translated by Alisha Berger. The © for this translation lies with Room to Read, 2016. Some rights reserved. Released under CC BY 4.0 license. Based on Original story: 'मैं ऐसी ही हूँ!', by Bindu Gupta . © Room to Read , 2016. Some rights reserved. Released under CC BY 4.0 license.This story 'Just The Way I Am' has been published by Room to Read on StoryWeaver.
38,99 kr. Is that your teacher? Is that your Aunty? Amanda is fed up with these questions and wishes that she looked just like her Mummy and Daddy. But maybe they are more alike than she realises!'I'm the Colour of Honey' is written by Maïmouna Jallow. © Book Dash , 2019. Some rights reserved. Released under CC BY 4.0 license.Other Credits:This story 'I’m the Colour of Honey' has been published on StoryWeaver by BookDash.
38,99 kr. The children of Class 6 want to visit the amusement park, but will they be able to save enough money for the tickets? Follow the children of Primary 6 through their summer holidays to see if each child can save enough for a ticket to the amusement park.'The Power of One' is written by Payoshni Saraf . © Pratham Books , 2020. Some rights reserved. Released under CC BY 4.0 license.'The Power of One' has been published on StoryWeaver by Pratham Books. The development of this book has been supported by CISCO. www.prathambooks.org.
38,99 kr. A short story about a little girl who is excited about travelling on a bridge over the sea.Journey by train over sea, written by Vandana Rao, Illustrated by Preeti Krishnamurthy and Sadhna Prasad, published under a CC BY 4.0 license on StoryWeaver. Read, create and translate stories for free on www.storyweaver.org.in
Fra 38,99 kr. Divya is excited that her cousin Ravi is going to come to Gajapur soon. But she is not sure how he will find her house. Would a map help?'Who's on Divya's Map?' is written by Rohan Jahagirdar . © Pratham Books , 2018. Some rights reserved. Released under CC BY 4.0 license.'Who's on Divya's Map?' has been published on StoryWeaver by Pratham Books. Guest Editor: Aravinda Anantharaman.
38,99 kr. Ana misses Goa. But she finds her new home fascinating. Everything seems so different in noisy Mumbai. In some tall buildings, she sees speakers and showers. Strange! They don’t ever come on until...'Fire! Fire!' is written by Aditi Ghosh. © Pratham Books , 2018. Some rights reserved. Released under CC BY 4.0 license.'Fire! Fire!' has been published on StoryWeaver by Pratham Books. The development of this story has been supported by CISCO. www.prathambooks.org
38,99 kr. Fati has always been a fast runner, and proves this once again at her school's sports day. When she returns home from school, she helps her mother prepare okro soup. The soup smells delicious and Fati is hungry after running. Find out what happens when Fati helps her mum make the soup. Fati and the Soup Pot is based on the real-life adventures of a girl growing up in northern Ghana.'Fati and the Soup Pot' (English), written by Osu Library Fund, illustrated by Eric Nii Addy, published by Sub-Saharan Publishers (© Sub-Saharan Publishers, 2013) under a CC BY 4.0 license on StoryWeaver. Read, create and translate stories for free on www.storyweaver.org.in
38,99 kr. A poem about how a wolf tricked a shepherd and taught him a valuable life lesson.'Shepherd's Folly, An African Folk Tale.' (English), written by Aadhya Shivakumar, (© Aadhya Shivakumar, 2017), illustrated by Olivia Fraser, published under a CC BY 4.0 license on StoryWeaver. Read, create and translate stories for free on www.storyweaver.org.in
38,99 kr. Hyenas can't walk without limping. Read this book to find out the story behind the hyena's limp.This story 'Why Hyenas Limp' has been published on StoryWeaver by African Storybook Initiative. Released under CC BY 4.0 license.