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  • af Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Andersen & Charles Perrault
    42,99 kr.

    Little children need tales and stories, for they play an essential part in their development by awakening their imagination, introducing them to symbolic imagery, and bringing forth emotions in a healthy, constructive way. Our audiobook collection brings together the fairy tales, stories, myths and legends which have fed the children of many generations in the years when the imagination is awakening and craving stimulus and material to work upon. This compilation is specially designed for small children and includes classic tales narrated in a warm and lively way: The Fox and the Cat; The Mouse and the Sausage; The Three Bears; The Little Shepherd Boy; The Sweet Soup; The Three Little Pigs; The Wren and the Bear; The Three Brothers; Why the Bear has a Stumpy Tail; The Straw, the Coal, and the Bean; The Rats and their Son-in-law; The Story of Pretty Goldilocks.

  • af Carlo Collodi
    42,99 kr.

    The Adventures of Pinocchio is an Italian novel for children, by Carlo Collodi. A poor carpenter, Geppetto, wants to build a marionette from a piece of wood. But it begins to talk and whine; soon, the marionette runs away, and begins a life of mischievous adventures. The adventures of Pinocchio are considered a canonical piece of children's literature; they have inspired countless adaptations, such as Walt Disney's classic animation. It is one of the most translated and widely read works of literature ever written, and gave birth to popular pieces of wisdom such as a liar's long nose.

  • af The Arabian Nights
    42,99 kr.

    Revisit this classic tale from ´One Thousand and One Nights´!Trapped by a magician, Aladdin discovers the mysterious powers of a lamp which leads him into the craziest of adventures.Who would have thought that the son of the poor tailor, this charming, obstinate, and disobedient scoundrel, would meet such an extraordinary fate?This famous tale was adapted many times, most notably by Disney studios in 1992 and more recently in a live-action remake directed by Guy Ritchie in 2019.Packed with helpful genies and evil sorcerers, ´Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp, a 1001 Nights Fairy Tale´ is perfect for fans of ´The City of Brass´ by S. A. Chakraborty.Antoine Galland (1646-1715) was a French orientalist and archaeologist, born in a family of farmers. He is most famous for being the first European translator of ´One Thousand and One Nights´ and ´Beowulf´.

  • af J. M. Gardner
    42,99 kr.

    Jack the Giant Killer is a British fairy tale in which a young man uses clever tricks to outwit terrible giants and rid the country of the threat they pose. The tale is set during King Arthur's reign. The witty Jack encounters terrible giants, each one more threatening and dangerous than the others. They devour cattle, emprison women, and maintain the country in a state of fear and confusion; but, armed only with his brain and a few magical objects he gathered, Jack will gain the advantage and slay the monsters. This is a classic tale, of which child psychologist Bruno Bettleheim observed that it could play a crucial role in child development: the giants can represent the towering adults, and Jack's legend may give the child a way of retaliating in fantasy against their threatening dominance in reality.

  • af James Gardner
    42,99 kr.

    Jack and the Beanstalk is an English fairy tale, the best known of the "Jack tales", a series of stories featuring an archetypal English hero. According to scholarly research, this particular tale takes its roots in ancient stories told more than 5000 years ago, in which a boy steals an ogre's treasure. In this tale, Jack is a poor boy sent by his mother to the market to sell their dairy cow. He encounters a bean dealer who sells him magic beans; upon seeing him return with a few beans and no money, his mother is desperate, throws the beans on the ground and sends him to bed without supper. In the morning, they discover the beans have sprouted a fabulous beanstalk that would lead a climber to a land high in the sky... This classic tale is told by Katie Haigh, for the pleasure of children and adults alike.

  • af Rudyard Kipling
    42,99 kr.

    Just So stories is a classic of children's literature, and one of Rudyard Kipling's best known books. It was published in 1902, as a collection of the stories he told his daughter Josephine at bedtime; the little girl insisted that the stories be told "just so" or she would wake up and add the missing sentence, eventually making all these stories like charms, effective if untouched. They depict how one animal or another acquired its distinctive features: delight your children with the tale of how the camel got his lump, how the leopard got his spots, and why rhinos have folds in their skins and bad tempers, among many others read by Katie Haigh.

  • af Folktale
    42,99 kr.

    It is as great an offence against a child to starve his mind as to starve his body. The Astorg Audiobook collection means to bring together the fairy tales, stories, myths and legends which have fed the children of many generations in the years when the imagination is awakening and craving stimulus and material to work upon. These two stories are folk tales from the Slavic world; discover the stories and culture from Eastern Europe to Central Asia, recorded by the best storytellers for the enjoyment of children and adults alike. We put together two of the most charming stories from the Slavic culture: The Twelve Months, and The Two Brothers.

  • af Folktale
    42,99 kr.

    It is as great an offence against a child to starve his mind as to starve his body. The Astorg Audiobook collection means to bring together the fairy tales, stories, myths and legends which have fed the children of many generations in the years when the imagination is awakening and craving stimulus and material to work upon. This five famous Indian tales are a collection of stories on human behaviors, portrayed by animal characters, with a beautifully wrought moral at the end. Discover the oldest legends of ancient India with this still resonating folk tales: Who killed the otter's babies; The alligator and the jackal; The farmer and the money-lender; Tit for tat; Sing Rajah and the cunning little jackals.

  • af Charles Perrault
    38,99 kr.

    "Little Red Riding Hood" is a famous fairy tale about a young girl’s encounter with a wolf. The story has been changed considerably in its history and subject to numerous modern adaptations and readings. The Little Red Riding Hood story is among the most popular fairy tales in the world. Once upon a time there was a little girl. Her grandmother gave her a red riding hood and the girl loved it so much she wore it all the time. Therefore everybody started to call her Little Red Riding Hood. One day mother told the girl her grandmother fare ill. Because she lived alone deep in the wood, she would probably be happy to get some food. Then she gave the girl a basket with food and a bottle of wine, and told her: "Don’t stray from the path!". The girl promised that but soon forgot about her promise. After a while she met a wolf in the woods...

  • af J. M. Gardner
    42,99 kr.

    Ready for a magical adventure?Worried that he will be gone soon, a king seeks help from the Fairy of Truth to make sure his son, Prince Darling, stays a good person.But Prince Darling often misbehaves and the fairy cannot seem to change the boy's character... or can she?Will Prince Darling become the kind-hearted ruler his kingdom needs?Teaching kids that being good is more important than beauty, wealth, or power, this classic fairy tale is the perfect bedtime story.Best know for her rewritten version of "Beauty and the Beast", Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont (1711-1780) was a French novelist who often included folk tales in her writing.

  • af Ellen Reumert
    49,00 kr.

    Sørgmodigt strejfer den lille kamel alene rundt i ørkenen. Dens tanker er et helt andet sted, nemlig hos dens mand og barn som er forsvundet for længst. Den lille kamel føler sig ensom og forladt, da den kommer til en lille oase. Her får den øje på et hulepindsvin, der siger, at det har fulgt efter den gennem ørkenen, fordi den så så trist ud. Kan det lille hulepindsvin mon hjælpe kamelen til at blive glad igen?Udover eventyret "Pindsvinet og den lille kamel" indeholder Ellen Reumerts bog seks andre fortællinger for større børn. Bogen er oprindeligt udgivet i 1919.Ellen Reumert (1866-1934), dansk forfatter og søster til Johannes og Hans Kaarsberg, voksede op i Skelby, men flyttede til København med sin familie efter farens død. Her kom hun ind på Musikkonservatoriet og underviste efterfølgende selv i musik. Efter hun blev gift, viede hun efterhånden mere af sin tid til at skrive, hvilket resulterede i et omfattende forfatterskab. Tilskyndet af Sophus Schandorph debuterede hun med "Novelletter" i 1892 under pseudonymet Knud Hagen og udgav fra da af over fyrre værker i eget navn, heriblandt større og mindre fortællinger, forskellige skuespil og børnebøger.

  • af Adolphine Fogtmann
    69,00 kr.

    Gustavs mor har en farlig hjertefejl, der gør, at hun ikke kan tage sig ordentligt af sin 14-årige knægt. Hun priser sig lykkelig over, at han kan bo hos hendes gode veninde fru Marie Lind sammen med Maries egne sønner, men det gør alligevel ondt, da han må flytte med plejefamilien til en større by, hvor faren skal starte købmandsforretning. Flytningen kommer imidlertid til at gøre en stor forskel for Gustav, for nu får han endelig lov til at gå i en ordentlig skole. Det bliver starten på et helt nyt liv for ham.Bogen er oprindeligt udgivet i 1919.Adolphine Fogtmann (1847-1934) var en dansk forfatter, der skrev en lang række romaner og børnebøger. Hun debuterede som forfatter i 1884 med romanen "Fra Munkebjerg", som hun skrev under pseudonymet Èdini. De fleste af hendes senere bøger udgav hun under sit eget navn.

  • af Johanna Spyri
    59,99 kr.

    It is fair to say that 'Heidi' is a phenomenon.The novel about a five-year-old girl living with her grandfather in the Swiss Alps has been on the high school reading list of millions of children.More than 50 million copies of the book have been shifted since it was published.Author Johanna Spyri rightly calls it "a book for children and those who love children".'Heidi' finds herself orphaned and living with her bad-tempered grandfather, who has fallen out with his neighbours and also refuses to send Heidi to school.Her kindness gradually melts her granddad's heart, but she is then taken away to be a companion for a wheelchair-bound girl named Klara, whose home features the monstrous bully of a housekeeper, Fraulein Rottenmeier.The strictness crushes Heidi's spirit and she longs to return to her grandfather.Will this beautiful story of redemption and friendship have a happy ending?If you like 'Anne of Green Gables' by Lucy Maud Montgomery, you will love 'Heidi'.Johanna Louise Spyri (1827-1901) was a Swiss novelist, known largely for her children’s books.After marrying a lawyer and moving to Zurich, Spyri began to write about life in the countryside, where she had been brought up.Her first story, 'A Leaf on Vrony's Grave', described a woman's life of domestic violence.Her breakthrough novel was 'Heidi', which she wrote in four weeks.It tells the story of a young girl being raised in the Alps by her grandfather.Tragedy struck in 1884, when Spyri's husband and only child, both called Bernhard, died.She dedicated the rest of her life to charitable works and wrote 50 more stories.Some of her other novels include 'The Story of Rico', 'Veronica and Other Friends', 'Cornelli', and 'Little Miss Grasshopper'.

  • af Франсис Ходжсън Бърнет
    Fra 22,99 kr.

    Какво бихте предпочели – да живеете бедно в Ню Йорк или да сте наследници на графство в Англия? Малкият Седрик може да ви разкаже и за двете места. След като баща му умира Седрик и майка му се преместват при дядо му в неговото графство в Англия. Но нищо не е така спокойно, както може би си го представяте. Появяват се нови претенденти за наследството, а задачата да се отсъди кои лъжат и кои казват истината не е никак лесна. Как мислите, дали малкият Фаунтлерой ще стане лорд, или съдбата ще го отведе обратно в родната на майка му Америка?Франсис Ходжсън Бърнет e британско-американска писателка, живяла в периода 1849 – 1924 год. Семейството ѝ живее бедно и след като баща ѝ почива, се местят в САЩ, където през 1868 год. Бърнет дебютира с първия си разказ. Иновативният подход и модерното за периода мислене ѝ отреждат специално място в литературата от края на 19-ти век. Бърнет описва живота на работническата класа, но го пречупва през призмата на любовта и романтиката. Създава множество пиеси и написва редица детски романи, които ѝ спечелват най-широка популярност. Едни от най-известните ѝ творби са „Малкият Фаунтлерой", „Малката принцеса" и „Тайната градина".

  • af R. M. Ballantyne
    77,99 kr.

    Young Dr. Oliver Trembath has arrived in the small mining town of St. Just, in Cornwall, where he learns about the tin and copper mines of the area and meets those who have worked them for generations. Romance and adventure ensues in this charming and informative historical adventure tale by popular children’s author R.M. Ballantyne.R.M. Ballantyne (1825-1894) was a Scottish artist and prolific author of mostly children’s fiction. Born in Edinburgh, Ballantyne was the ninth of ten children. At the age of 16 Ballantyne moved to Canada, where he worked for the Hudson’s Bay Company, travelling all over the country to trade for fur. He returned to Scotland in 1847 following the death of his father, and it was then that he began his literary career in earnest, writing over 100 children’s adventure books over the course of his life. Stories such as ‘The Coral Island’ and ‘The Young Fur Traders’ were hugely popular, and many of them drew on his own experiences of travelling throughout Canada. A stickler for detail, Ballantyne continued to travel widely to research the backgrounds and settings for his exciting stories. His tales became an inspiration for authors of the future, including ‘Treasure Island’ novelist Robert Louis Stevenson. Ballantyne spent the latter period of his life living in London and Italy for the sake of his health. He died in Rome in 1894 at the age of 68.

  • af Oscar Wilde
    38,99 kr.

    Exploring the idea that it’s good to be able to discern between healthy and toxic relationships, ‘The Devoted Friend’ is perhaps more relevant now than it has ever been. While this might read as a sweet fairy-tale, Wilde imbues it with important lessons in morality and friendship. It begins with a linnet meeting a vain and ignorant water-rat. In order to bring the water-rat to some realisation, the linnet tells him the story of a gardener, Hans, and how his good nature is exploited by his supposed friend, Big Hugh. Delightfully written and full of charm, this book is perfect for younger readers and those who cannot resist the pull of nostalgia.Oscar Wilde (1854 – 1900) was an Irish novelist, poet, playwright, and wit. He was an advocate of the Aesthetic movement, which extolled the virtues of art for the sake of art. During his career, Wilde wrote nine plays, including ‘The Importance of Being Earnest,’ ‘Lady Windermere’s Fan,’ and ‘A Woman of No Importance,’ many of which are still performed today. His only novel, ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ was adapted for the silver screen, in the film, ‘Dorian Gray,’ starring Ben Barnes and Colin Firth. In addition, Wilde wrote 43 poems, and seven essays. His life was the subject of a film, starring Stephen Fry.

  • af Jeffrey Archer
    40,99 kr.

    Eräänä aamuna Pikkiriikkilän kuningattaren mieleen putkahtaa kysymys. Mikä mahtaa olla Pikkiriikkilän nopein auto? Kuningas ei tiedä vastausta. Eikä liioin lordikansleri, jolla on yleensä vastaus ihan kaikkeen! Kuningas ja kuningatar saavat idean. He järjestävät Pikkiriikkilän ympäriajon! Mutta mikä kilpailussa onkaan tärkeintä? Nopeus vai se, kuinka ahkerasti kilpailua varten on harjoitellut?Jeffrey Archer (s.1940) on englantilainen kirjailija ja poliitikko. Hänet tunnetaan erityisesti "Clifton-kronikka" -kirjasarjasta, johon kuuluu seitsemän osaa. Archer on julkaissut kymmenittäin romaaneja sekä novellikokoelmia. Hän julkaisi esikoisteoksensa "Miljoonan dollarin petos" vuonna 1976.

  • af Luisa Villar Liébana
    40,99 kr.

    Mu-lan ha caído enferma. Es una mujer mayor y pobre que cuida de los huérfanos en la aldea. Todos sus niños son especiales: Zou, Xian, Lixu, Yun, Lian y Yuga. Pero Zou, con 9 años, es la más mayor. Sabe que si Mu-lan no puede ir a vender sombreros al mercado de la ciudad, pasarán hambre. Así que se ofrece a llevarlos ella misma. Para hacerlo tendrá que atravesar el bosque sin perderse, conseguir vender los sombreros y regresar a casa antes de que anochezca.Luisa Villar Liébana (Jaén, 1950) es una filóloga hispánica, técnica de cultura y escritora española. Ha publicado numerosas obras dirigidas al público infantil (la mayoría, novelas policiacas y de detectives) en colecciones como El Barco de Vapor. Dedica gran parte de su tiempo a promover el amor por la literatura a través de la red de bibliotecas infantiles y de distintos programas de animación a la lectura destinados a niños y a adultos, como el programa Jugando a Leer en Vallecas. Algunos la conocen como la dama del Ministerio de la Literatura Infantil y Juvenil.

  • af Maria Carme Roca i Costa
    36,99 kr.

    El príncep Adalbert ha sigut maleït per la bruixa Malespuces! Ara que s'ha convertit en una granota, què farà? L'única manera de trencar l'encanteri és rebent el petó d'una princesa i seria feina fàcil si en Adalbert no fos tan tímid i acoquinat. Cada cop que parla amb una noia es mor de vergonya i no pot dir paraules boniques a les seves pretendentes. Aconseguirà el príncep Adalbert conèixer una noia que el vulgui besar?Maria Carme Roca (Barcelona, 21 de novembre de 1955) és llicenciada en Història i Filologia Catalana. Des dels anys noranta ha escrit més de quaranta obres, la major part juvenils o infantils, però també ha treballat en novelles adultes i ha col·laborat en l'elaboració de diversos guions. Ha rebut premis literaris com el Néstor Luján de novela historica o el Premi Barcanova de literatura infantil i juvenil.

  • af Hebert Poll Gutiérrez
    Fra 37,99 kr.

    "Emi Laará" viene con cuentos afrocubanos para jóvenes. También para los adultos que se les animen a una mezcla vivaz de aventuras, religión y humor. Hebert Poll Gutiérrez lo escribió junto a su madre, Gladys Felicia Gutiérrez Rodríguez, quien le contaba estos relatos cuando él era chico. Hay en este libro un gesto de preservación/reelaboración de la cultura afrocubana, que encuentra una vuelta de tuerca en la mirada humana sobre los dioses y sus aventuras, a veces francamente disparatadas.

  • af Maria Carme Roca i Costa
    29,99 kr.

    Què podem fer per ajudar a la natura? L'àvia de l'Anna té moltes històries per explicar, però els adults mai li fan cas. Quan la terra comença a tremolar i l'àvia té molt clar quina és la causa, l'Anna dubta. I és que l'àvia assegura que la terra es mou perquè les formigues s'han refredat! No sap què pensar. Com es relacionen els terratrèmols amb els petits insectes?Maria Carme Roca (Barcelona, 21 de novembre de 1955) és llicenciada en Història i Filologia Catalana. Des dels anys noranta ha escrit més de quaranta obres, la major part juvenils o infantils, però també ha treballat en novelles adultes i ha col·laborat en l'elaboració de diversos guions. Ha rebut premis literaris com el Néstor Luján de novela historica o el Premi Barcanova de literatura infantil i juvenil.

  • af One Thousand and One Nights
    67,99 kr.

    Medieval feats of courage, bravery, and heroism from Persia, India, Egypt, and Mesopotamia fill these magical tales of "The Arabian Nights: Their Best-Known Tales." From the windswept sands of Baghdad's deserts, through the tempestuous sea voyages of Sinbad, to the gold-packed wondrous cave of Ali Baba, these amazing stories come to live for children and reluctant readers.This compilation includes:- The Talking Bird, the Singing Tree, and the Golden Water- The Story of the Fisherman and the Genie- The History of the Young King of the Black Isles- The Story of the Gulnare of the Sea- The Story of Aladdin; or the Wonderful Lamp- The Story of Prince Agib- The Story of the City of Brass- The Story of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves- The History of Codadad and His Bothers- The Story of Sinbad the VoyagerKate Douglas Wiggin (1856-1923) was an American author, educator, and musician. She is most famous for the children’s book "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" (1903), and in 1878, she founded San Fransisco’s first free kindergarten. She wrote and edited many children’s books with the help of her sister Nora Archibald Smith.Nora Archibald Smith (1859–1934) was an American author. She wrote children’s literature, most notably "Boys and Girls of Bookland" (1923). She wrote and edited many children’s books with her sister Kate Douglas Wiggin.

  • af Carolyn Wells
    77,99 kr.

    First published in 1911, ‘Patty’s Motor Car’ is the ninth in the wholesome ‘Patty Fairfield’ children’s series by Carolyn Wells. Patty enters and wins a contest to win a car in which she has lots of adventures. There is also fun to be had when all her friends come to visit her in her new family summer house on the beach. Patty also celebrates her nineteenth birthday in this story, and her relationships begin to develop.Carolyn Wells (1862-1942) was a prolific American novelist and poet, best known for her children’s literature, mystery novels and humorous verse. Following school in New Jersey, Wells worked as a librarian, where she developed her love of reading. It was during 1896 that Wells' first book ‘At the Sign of the Sphinx’ was published. From 1900 she dedicated herself to her literary career, writing over 170 novels in total across a range of genres. Some of her most loved works include the ‘Patty Fairfield’ and ‘Marjorie Maynard’ series for girls, as well as the ‘Fleming Stone’ mystery series for adults. Wells is also well-known for her humorous nonsense verse, and was a frequent contributor of verse to magazines. She published an autobiography ‘The Rest of my Life’ in 1937. Wells died in New York City in 1942.

  • af Disney
    69,00 kr.

    Inden Belle mødte Udyret, var hun en lille pige i en landsby langt fra Paris. Her lever Belle lykkeligt sammen med sin far, men i skolen føler hun sig udenfor. En dag opdager hun en forfalden boghandel, hvor hun endelig føler sig hjemme – men den er truet af lukning! Belle beslutter sig for at bruge al sin fantasi og opfindsomhed til at vise sine skolekammerater, hvor vidunderlige bøger og historier er.Lyt til magiske historier med Disneys vidunderlige prinsesser Jasmin, Rapunzel, Snehvide, Mulan, Vaiana, Tornerose, Askepot, Pocahontas, Tiana, Belle, Ariel og Merida. Tag med på skattejagt med Ariel, kom til bal med Askepot, opklar mysterier med Snehvide og hold månenytår med Mulan. Find din smukkeste kjole frem og puds dine glassko – nu skal du på eventyr, som kun er en prinsesse værdig.Bliv fortryllet af DISNEYS fantastiske verden. Tag med på eventyr og oplev magien med Mickey, Minnie, Anders, Fedtmule, Aladdin, Dumbo, Lynet McQueen, Anna, Elsa, Peter Plys, Snehvide, Løvernes Garde, Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Vaiana og alle de andre fra DISNEYS skatkammer. Slå ørerne ud og læn dig tilbage – mod det uendelige univers!

  • af Frères Grimm
    40,99 kr.

    Un homme a deux fils très différents l'un de l'autre : le premier est intelligent et débrouillard, et le second stupide. C'est l'aîné qui doit ainsi se charger de toutes les tâches, excepté s'il s'agit d'aller chercher une chose ou l'autre après la tombée de la nuit car, alors, il a peur. Le cadet, pour sa part, ne comprend même pas pourquoi les gens frissonnent quand, lors des veillées, on se met à raconter des histoires effrayantes. Un jour, il est pris à partie par son père, qui lui dit que, pour gagner son pain, il lui faut apprendre quelque chose. Le garçon, alors, lui répond que ce qu'il désire par-dessus tout c'est apprendre à trembler... Conte de celui qui s'en alla pour connaître la peur, Histoire de celui qui s'en alla apprendre la peur ou Histoire d'un qui s'en alla pour apprendre le tremblement est un conte populaire allemand qui figure parmi ceux recueillis par les frères Grimm dans le premier volume de Contes de l'enfance et du foyer.

  • af Various
    36,99 kr.

    Voici un beau conte musical qui permet aux enfants de découvrir un orchestre et son fonctionnement. Chaque instrument à sa place, les bois, les cordes, les cuivres, la batterie, et bien d'autres instruments n'auront plus de secret après cette initiation à la musique orchestrale, spécialement conçue pour les enfants.

  • af Frères Grimm
    36,99 kr.

    Dans un manoir, un vieux seigneur a trois fils. Les deux premiers sont pleins d'esprit, alors que le troisième est peu cultivé et même assez lourdaud, à tel point qu'il est surnommé Hans le balourd. Mais un jour la fille du roi fait savoir qu'elle épousera celui qui plaidera le mieux sa cause. Les deux fils arrivent à la cour sur leurs beaux chevaux tandis que Hans se présente sur son pauvre bouc. Un conte d'Andersen où l'on apprend comment séduire la plus belle des princesses même si l'on est un garçon un peu bizarre et pas forcément le plus distingué du royaume !

  • af Charles Perrault
    36,99 kr.

    Cendrillon est une jeune fille, douce et bonne, qui sert de domestique et de souffre-douleur à sa méchante belle-mère et aux filles de celle-ci. Aidée par sa marraine la fée, elle apparaîtra cependant, resplendissante et mystérieuse, au bal du Prince. Aussitôt séduit, il la retrouvera grâce à la "petite pantoufle de vair" qu'elle a laissée sur place en s'enfuyant trop vite, à minuit... La voix de Lydie Lacroix nous emporte et nous permet de redécouvrir ce classique du genre.

  • af Jean de la Fontaine
    58,99 kr.

    Petits ou grands, nous avons tous en tête des fables de La Fontaine : " le corbeau et le renard ", " la cigale et la fourmi ", " la grenouille qui veut se faire aussi grosse que le bœuf ", " le chêne et le roseau ", " le lièvre et la tortue " et tant d'autres. Chacune de ces fables est une petite histoire, avec des mots simples, et contient des vérités qui servent de leçons. Il y a un peu de nous, un peu des autres, un peu de tous, dans chacune des fables. Elles nous parlent, nous nous y reconnaissons. Elles croquent avec humour et finesse nos mœurs et nos faiblesses, nos travers et nos défauts, nos petites lâchetés comme nos grandes vanités. Les puissants qui nous gouvernent ne sont pas épargnés, tout autant que tout un chacun. Comme le dit si bien l'auteur, Jean de La Fontaine, " tout parle en mon ouvrage, et même les poissons, ce qu'ils disent s'adresse à tous tant que nous sommes ; je me sers d'animaux pour instruire les hommes ". La brièveté, cette simplicité magnifique, est l'âme du conte. La structure de chaque fable est simple : le récit, une description, un discours ou un dialogue, une action, une peinture des caractères, et la moralité. Les fables existent depuis la plus haute antiquité. Aujourd'hui encore, les fables de La Fontaine nous parlent par leur justesse et leur universalité. La Fontaine a réussi à faire entrer l'univers entier dans ses fables : " la nature entière, la nature morale et la nature physique, les animaux, les hommes, les femmes et les dieux, le ciel et la Terre, l'histoire et la mythologie, la politique, la religion, la philosophie ; c'est une ample comédie à cent actes divers ; on y trouve comme dans le drame, la mise en scène, le dialogue, les passions et les caractères ; c'est un miroir du monde sous une optique réduite, et tout ce qui intéresse l'homme vient s'y refléter ". Fénelon l'a pleuré a sa mort, en 1695, et s'est consolé ainsi : " Jean de La Fontaine vit tout entier dans ses immortels écrits, il appartient aux siècles modernes pour toujours. "

  • af Jules Verne
    40,99 kr.

    De la Terre à la Lune', c'est la folle aventure de trois hommes projetés, à la suite d'un pari d'artilleurs, dans un gigantesque obus transformé en wagon-lit en direction de la Lune. Mais c'est sans compter les météorites, l'attraction terrestre et les mystères de la mathématique spatiale... " Vous savez quels progrès la balistique a fait depuis quelques années (..). Et bien, partant de ce principe, je me suis demandé s'il ne serait pas possible d'envoyer un boulet dans la lune... " Cette proposition du président Barbicane aux membres du Gun-Club de Baltimore recueille l'unanimité. Après une année de préparatifs fébriles, nous assistons au départ de l'obus... Un roman d'anticipation qui est l'un des multiples chefs d'œuvres de Jules Verne, auteur notamment de Michel Strogoff, Les révoltés du Bounty, L'Ile mystérieuse, 20 000 lieues sous les mers, etc.