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  • af De gebroeders Grimm
    36,99 kr.

    De jongen in dit verhaal is een echte geluksvogel, want er is voorspeld dat hij met de prinses zal trouwen als hij veertien wordt! Maar de koning ziet dit totaal niet zitten en doet er alles aan om hem uit de weg te ruimen. Eerst stopt hij de jongen in een doos en gooit die in een rivier. Wonder boven wonder overleeft hij het. Dan moet de jongen een brief aan de koningin overhandigen. Op die brief staat dat de verzender gedood moet worden! Maar ook deze list overleeft hij. Op een dag heeft de koning de ultieme opdracht bedacht... Hij moet drie gouden haren van de duivel stelen. Gaat dit hem lukken en zal de koning hem ooit accepteren als schoonzoon?De Gebroeders Grimm zijn de klassieke grootmeesters in het vertellen van verhalen. ‘Assepoester’, ‘Sneeuwwitje’ en ‘Doornroosje’ behoren tot hun bekendste sprookjes, waarvan sommige later zijn verfilmd door Disney. Wie is er niet opgegroeid met de klassieke avonturen van ‘Hans en Grietje', 'Rapunzel’ en ‘Roodkapje’?De wereldberoemde broers uit Duitsland lieten met hun achtergrond als taalkundigen een buitengewone collectie na van sprookjes en legenden. In hun tijd werden de werken al vertaald in alle Europese talen en inmiddels kunnen de sprookjes worden verslonden in iedere levende taal.

  • af De gebroeders Grimm
    36,99 kr.

    Angst... is dat iets goeds of slechts? Soms beschermt angst je voor gevaarlijke situaties, maar de Prins in dit sprookje is zó moedig dat hij nergens bang voor is. Zelfs als hij voor een reus staat of wordt afgeschrikt door wilde dieren, is hij niet bang. Hij is zelfs zo dapper, dat hij vrienden met ze wordt! Maar wat als de Prins drie nachten in een betoverd kasteel moet slapen... Is de Prins dan nog steeds zo dapper of wordt het hem dan toch een beetje te heet onder de voeten? En wat krijgt hij ervoor terug? Ontdek het in het magische sprookje ‘De koningszoon die geen vrees kende’.De Gebroeders Grimm zijn de klassieke grootmeesters in het vertellen van verhalen. ‘Assepoester’, ‘Sneeuwwitje’ en ‘Doornroosje’ behoren tot hun bekendste sprookjes, waarvan sommige later zijn verfilmd door Disney. Wie is er niet opgegroeid met de klassieke avonturen van ‘Hans en Grietje', 'Rapunzel’ en ‘Roodkapje’?De wereldberoemde broers uit Duitsland lieten met hun achtergrond als taalkundigen een buitengewone collectie na van sprookjes en legenden. In hun tijd werden de werken al vertaald in alle Europese talen en inmiddels kunnen de sprookjes worden verslonden in iedere levende taal.

  • af Brothers Grimm
    42,99 kr.

    Do you want to find out what happens with a frog when it gets kissed by a beautiful princess? Or how could a young girl drive away a perky rabbit which was eating all the cabbage the family had? Are you curious to read about the poor seven goslings and the dangerous wolf which was trying to eat them? What about the little brother and sister who lost their way home? Will Little Red Riding Hood save her grandmother or the wolf will outwit them both?"Animal Stories" is a magnificent collection of thirteen stories by Brothers Grimm which will set you in a magical world where the unthinkable becomes possible.The collection includes the following tales:"The Rabbit’s Bride""The Death of the Hen""The Raven""The Frog Prince""The Cat and the Mouse, Partners""The Wolf and the Seven Goslings""The Wonderful Musician""The Vagabonds""The Brother and Sister""The Golden Goose""The Gallant Tailor""The Mouse, the Bird and the Sausage""Little Red Riding Hood"Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of animal stories which will grasp your attention from the first page.Brothers Grimm are probably the best-known storytellers in the world. Some of their most popular fairy tales are "Cinderella", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Little Red Riding Hood" and there is hardly anybody who has not grown up with the adventures of Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and Snow White.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s exceptional literature legacy consists of recorded German and European folktales and legends. Their collections have been translated into all European languages in their lifetime and into every living language today.

  • af Charles Perrault
    38,99 kr.

    Once lived a powerful and rich man called Blue Beard. Can you guess why? Well of course because of his beard that was strangely blue. The man himself was also a bit strange, even frightening. He married several times but each time his wife disappeared into thin air. He decided to remarry again and he chose one of his neighbor’s daughters. Some time passed by and the rich man was about to leave the country. He left his wife a magical key which opened every door in the castle but one. The girl was not allowed to try to enter it. However her curiosity prevailed and she opened the door. What did she see there and will her husband find out that she disobeyed? "Blue Beard" holds the answers.Charles Perrault (1628-1703) was a French author. He is known for being a pioneer of the fairy tale genre, deriving his stories from traditional folk tales. His most famous stories include "Puss in Boots", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Sleeping Beauty", and "Cinderella". His stories have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with classic animated films like "Sleeping Beauty" and "Cinderella". His story "Puss in Boots" was the basis for the character from the animated films "Shrek 2" and "Puss in Boots".

  • af Charles Perrault
    38,99 kr.

    Once lived an ugly prince who had a kindhearted godmother. The godmother gave the prince the power to confer wit upon the ones he loved the most. He headed out to a far kingdom where two princesses lived. The one was intelligent but ugly. The other one was a real beauty but was unwise. Which one will the prince choose? Will there be a wedding in the end of the tale? Find out in "Riquet of the Tuft".Charles Perrault (1628-1703) was a French author. He is known for being a pioneer of the fairy tale genre, deriving his stories from traditional folk tales. His most famous stories include "Puss in Boots", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Sleeping Beauty", and "Cinderella". His stories have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with classic animated films like "Sleeping Beauty" and "Cinderella". His story "Puss in Boots" was the basis for the character from the animated films "Shrek 2" and "Puss in Boots".

  • af – Aesop
    67,99 kr.

    The sly fox, the greedy wolf and the diligent ant are among the most iconic and loved characters from Aesop’s fables. Who doesn’t love discovering knowledge in the ancient tales? It doesn’t matter if you are just learning to read or you are picking up a good night story for your children: Aesop’s fables offers a piece of wisdom to everyone.Aesop's fables feature animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that speak, solve problems, and generally have human characteristics. All the stories story lead to a particular moral lesson.Aesop (620–564 BCE) was a storyteller that was believed to have lived in Ancient Greece. He is celebrated for a number of fables now collectively known as Aesop's Fables. In the few scattered sources about his life, Aesop was described as a slave who by his cleverness acquires freedom and becomes an adviser to kings and city-states.Although Aesop's existence remains unclear, numerous tales credited to him were gathered across the centuries and in many languages in a storytelling tradition that continues to this day.

  • af Charles Perrault
    38,99 kr.

    One man and his wife had seven children. However they were all so poor that the parents decided to leave their children in the forest. The smallest, Little Thumb, was the smartest and although he was often neglected, he managed to get his brothers out of trouble several times. Will he however succeed and save them when they end up in an ogre’s house or this will be beyond his power? Will they find their way home? Find out how the story ends in "Little Thumb".Charles Perrault (1628-1703) was a French author. He is known for being a pioneer of the fairy tale genre, deriving his stories from traditional folk tales. His most famous stories include "Puss in Boots", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Sleeping Beauty", and "Cinderella". His stories have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with classic animated films like "Sleeping Beauty" and "Cinderella". His story "Puss in Boots" was the basis for the character from the animated films "Shrek 2" and "Puss in Boots".

  • af Charles Perrault
    38,99 kr.

    Once lived a mother with her two daughters. The older one was a lot alike her mother – rude and impolite while the younger was beautiful and kind like her father. The mother’s favorite daughter was of course the one that looked and behaved like her so she made her younger daughter do all the housework. The poor girl had to go to the river each and every morning and carry a jug of water home. One day she met a poor old woman who begged for a bit of water. The kindhearted girl helped her right away but what she did not know was that it was not an ordinary woman she helped, it was a fairy. Do you want to find out how to story goes for both sisters? Then read "The Fairy".Charles Perrault (1628-1703) was a French author. He is known for being a pioneer of the fairy tale genre, deriving his stories from traditional folk tales. His most famous stories include "Puss in Boots", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Sleeping Beauty", and "Cinderella". His stories have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with classic animated films like "Sleeping Beauty" and "Cinderella". His story "Puss in Boots" was the basis for the character from the animated films "Shrek 2" and "Puss in Boots".

  • af Charles Perrault
    38,99 kr.

    A miller died and his three sons inherited him. The oldest got the mill, the middle one got a donkey and the youngest got a cat. The poor boy thought the fate was unfair to him as he could not do that much with the cat he received. But the cat was not an ordinary one. If the boy was willing to get a pair of boots for the cat, then it was going to make its master rich. How you may think? Well by lying to the king that its master is actually Lord Marquis of Carabas. Do you think the king would believe this lie and how will the cat and its owner end up? Find out in "Puss in Boots".Charles Perrault (1628-1703) was a French author. He is known for being a pioneer of the fairy tale genre, deriving his stories from traditional folk tales. His most famous stories include "Puss in Boots", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Sleeping Beauty", and "Cinderella". His stories have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with classic animated films like "Sleeping Beauty" and "Cinderella". His story "Puss in Boots" was the basis for the character from the animated films "Shrek 2" and "Puss in Boots".

  • af Charles Perrault
    38,99 kr.

    One king, his queen and their daughter lived once in a big castle which was so rich because of the magical golden donkey they had. One day the queen died. Her last wish was that the king would remarry only if he found someone as beautiful as her. But it was not an easy task because such beauty was nowhere to be seen. Eventually the king realized that his own daughter was as magnificent as her own mother, so he decided to marry her. The poor girl however was not willing to marry her own father so she sought advice from her fairy godmother. The girl had to make impossible demands and if she was granted all of them, the king was going to get her consent. One of the conditions was the skin of the king’s precious golden donkey. Do you think the king will sacrifice the source of the kingdom’s wealth? Find out in "Donkey Skin".Charles Perrault (1628-1703) was a French author. He is known for being a pioneer of the fairy tale genre, deriving his stories from traditional folk tales. His most famous stories include "Puss in Boots", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Sleeping Beauty", and "Cinderella". His stories have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with classic animated films like "Sleeping Beauty" and "Cinderella". His story "Puss in Boots" was the basis for the character from the animated films "Shrek 2" and "Puss in Boots".

  • af Charles Perrault
    38,99 kr.

    Have you heard of Little Red Riding Hood? Then you most certainly know that she was a little girl who headed out to bring food and wine to her poor grandmother. But the Red Riding Hood met a wolf. He seemed harmless so she did not fear. But then he tricked her into telling him where she was headed. And he ran as fast as he could to get to the Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother first. But did he eat her? Did he hide her? What did he do with the poor Riding Hood when she arrived? You can find the answers in Charles Perrault’s "Little Red Riding Hood".Charles Perrault (1628-1703) was a French author. He is known for being a pioneer of the fairy tale genre, deriving his stories from traditional folk tales. His most famous stories include "Puss in Boots", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Sleeping Beauty", and "Cinderella". His stories have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with classic animated films like "Sleeping Beauty" and "Cinderella". His story "Puss in Boots" was the basis for the character from the animated films "Shrek 2" and "Puss in Boots".

  • af Ingrid Persson
    43,99 kr.

    Klara är skolgårdens Härskarinna. Det är hon som bestämmer. Men Klara vill egentligen bara vara precis som alla andra barn. Hon vill bara leka vanliga lekar och inte alls bestämma över alla hela tiden. När hon en dag får höra en otäck spådom av en äldre dam måste hon skynda sig att ändra sitt liv. Innan det är för sent ...Ingrid Persson är en svensk författare från Småland. Hon har skrivit många barnböcker, men även hembygdslitteratur.

  • af Charles Perrault
    38,99 kr.

    Once lived a king and a queen whose only dream was to finally have a child. Their dream came true and the queen gave birth to a breathtaking beauty. They invited all of the fairies in the land but forgot about one. She was so furious that she cursed the poor little girl. She was going to prick her hand with a spindle, and die of it. Fortunately one of the good godmothers managed to lessen the curse. If such thing happened, the girl was not going to die. She was just going to sleep for a 100 years. The king did everything he could to get rid of every spindle and spinning wheel. But the curse was stronger than that. And when the girl turned sixteen, she pricked her hand and fell asleep. Who disenchanted the girl and what followed after that? Find out in "The Sleeping Beauty".Charles Perrault (1628-1703) was a French author. He is known for being a pioneer of the fairy tale genre, deriving his stories from traditional folk tales. His most famous stories include "Puss in Boots", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Sleeping Beauty", and "Cinderella". His stories have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with classic animated films like "Sleeping Beauty" and "Cinderella". His story "Puss in Boots" was the basis for the character from the animated films "Shrek 2" and "Puss in Boots".

  • af Emma Kraft
    69,00 kr.

    "Sommer og vinter" er den medrivende og underholdende historie om Rasmus Rasmussen, der har store drømme om at blive skibsreder og elsker at bruge sin sommer på at rode med og bygge på alle mulige ting og sager. Men sommerferien kommer ikke til at foregå alene, for snart får Rasmus selskab af Poul og Emil, og sammen finder de tre på ikke så få eventyr.Emma Kraft (1844-1925) var en dansk forfatter og oversætter. Hun fik sin litterære debut med teksterne "Sommer og Vinter" i 1893 og oversatte desuden en illustreret udgave af Volkmanns "Æventyrbilleder" i 1894. Herefter udgav Kraft novellen "Regn og Solskin" i 1895, før hendes forfatterskab ændrede en smule karakter og blev mere direkte henvendt børn. Det ses blandt andet i børnebøgerne "Ridderen og hans hest" (1899), "Kæmp for alt, hvad du har kært" (1900) og "En ækel dreng" (1904).

  • af Ingrid Persson
    43,99 kr.

    Från Hökberget kommer nya ungar varje år. Många därifrån blir antingen mobbare eller mobbade, eftersom det är en så avlägsen och utsatt plats. Klara och Lill-Magnus är de två yngsta barnen i en stor syskonskara. Lill-Magnus sjunger väldigt vackert, som en sångfågel, och detta hjälper honom att stå emot alla hårda slag och nyp som de andra barnen utsätter honom för i skolan. Klara däremot mår inte alls bra av mobbingen. Inom henne växer en mörk vrede, som sätter sig som en klump i halsen. Hon blir själv snart en mobbare. Men är det verkligen vad hon vill, innerst inne?Ingrid Persson är en svensk författare från Småland. Hon har skrivit många barnböcker, men även hembygdslitteratur.

  • af Charles Perrault
    38,99 kr.

    A wealthy man remarried after his wife passed away. His second wife and her two daughters were however so mean, selfish and greedy that they made the man’s daughter clean and work all day long. The poor girl on the other side was kindhearted and gentle. One day the prince invited all the young ladies in the land to a ball. He was going to choose his future wife. The two step-sisters and the rude step-mother prepared their gowns. Cinderella was however not allowed to go with them. But then her good fairy godmother helped her and sent her to the ball dressed in a magically beautiful dress and glass slippers. Will the prince choose her before all the others and what will happen when he finds out that Cinderella is an ordinary girl who sleeps near a fireplace? Find out in "Cinderella".Charles Perrault (1628-1703) was a French author. He is known for being a pioneer of the fairy tale genre, deriving his stories from traditional folk tales. His most famous stories include "Puss in Boots", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Sleeping Beauty", and "Cinderella". His stories have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with classic animated films like "Sleeping Beauty" and "Cinderella". His story "Puss in Boots" was the basis for the character from the animated films "Shrek 2" and "Puss in Boots".

  • af Niki Loong
    24,99 kr.

    En mormor sitter och läser för sina barnbarn. Hon är där för att vara barnvakt. Barnen vill gärna att hon ska berätta om hur det var när hon var barn, men hon vill helst bara läsa vidare i högläsningsboken. Men efter en stunds tjatande måste hon likväl berätta för barnbarnen. Det som till en början framstår som en mysig stund, utvecklas snart till något mycket mer svårbegripligt. Drömmar, minnen och fantasier blandas ihop och snart börjar mormodern faktiskt tvivla på om hon i själva verket är hemma hos sina barnbarn. Var skulle hon annars vara ...?Niki Loong är en svensk författare och konstnär. Hon har skrivit böcker inom en rad olika genrer, bland annat mysdeckare och barn- och ungdomsböcker.

  • af Charles Perrault
    36,99 kr.

    Pour éviter un mariage malheureux, une belle princesse fuit son royaume. Conseillée par sa fée marraine, elle porte la peau sale d'un âne magique afin de cacher son identité. Peau d’âne s’installe dans un petit village voisin et travaille comme souillon. Un jour, un beau prince croise son chemin... Cette princesse trouvera-t-elle enfin le bonheur ?Ce conte classique de Perrault a été source d’inspiration pour le film homonyme de Jacques Demy (1970), avec les performances de Catherine Deneuve, Delphine Seyrig et Jacques Perrin.Charles Perrault (1628 - 1703) était un poète et écrivain français du XVIIe siècle considéré aujourd'hui comme le "père de la littérature enfantine" en raison de ses innombrables contes de fées. En publiant les histoires qu'il a entendues de sa mère et dans les salons parisiens, il a brisé les limites littéraires de l'époque et atteint des publics de tous les coins de la planète. Qui ne connaît pas ses contes les plus célèbres, comme "Le petit chaperon rouge", "Le Maître Chat" et "Le Petit Poucet" ? Ces histoires font partie de la fondation culturelle occidentale et continuent d'être une source d'inspiration pour de nombreuses adaptations cinématographiques, telles que les films "La Belle au bois dormant" (1959) et "Cendrillon" (1950) des studios d'animation Walt Disney.

  • af Toivo Kauppinen
    36,99 kr.

    Vanhan kellosepan naapurissa asuu leikkisa ja kuriton poika nimelta Olli. Eraana paivana kelloseppa kutsuu Ollin pajaansa avukseen. Hanelta on nimittain kadonnut yksi jousi kesken toiden, eika vanhan sepan selka enaa kesta lattialla kumartelua.Paivan lopuksi seppa lupaa antaa Ollille lahjaksi taskukellon, jolla on taianomaisia ominaisuuksia. Ensin Ollin on vain opittava kuulemaan sen hiljaisimmatkin aanet. Tama vaatii keskittymista ja rauhoittumista. Siinapa onkin vilkkaalle Ollille harjoiteltavaa!-

  • af Kenneth Grahame
    58,99 kr.

    En el valle del río Támesis, vive un pequeño topo en su guarida. La primavera ha llegado y el tiempo se pone cada día más cálido. Esto hace que el topo pierda la paciencia con su limpieza anual y sale a explorar, encontrando el mismo río Támesis. Al borde, se encuentra con una simpática rata acuática, y juntos se embarcan en aventuras por el río y el bosque cercano. En sus andanzas irán conociendo diversas criaturas, cada una con chistosas y cálidas personalidades.Embárcate en esta historia de camaradería y amistad, cargada de moralejas y relatos alegres. Adaptada al teatro reiteradas veces, y partes de su historia interpretadas por Disney en 1949, El Viento en los Sauces te llenará con una sensación de calma, felicidad y humor con cada anécdota que sus personajes vivan.Kenneth Grahame era un escritor escocés. Inició su vida laboral trabajando para el banco de Inglaterra, pero se retiró a los 49 años para atender a su familia y pasar el tiempo con su hijo, que padecía de dificultades a la salud. De los cuentos que le contaba nacieron las historias relatadas en El Viento en los Sauces, que pasaría a ser un clásico de la literatura infantil.

  • af Charles Perrault
    Fra 36,99 kr.

    Une jeune princesse, fille unique, est condamnée par une méchante fée (vexée de n'avoir pas été conviée au baptême de la Belle) à une mort accidentelle. Grâce à l'intervention d'une bonne fée, au lieu de subir la mort prédite, elle s'endort pour un sommeil de cent ans, au terme duquel un Prince l'éveille puis l'épouse en secret... La voix de Lydie Lacroix nous emporte et nous fait redécouvrir ce conte.

  • af Charles Perrault
    36,99 kr.

    Une veuve avait deux filles : la plus âgée était méchante et très semblable à elle même ; la plus jeune était gentille comme son défunt père. Toujours maltraitée par sa mère et son aînée, un jour la cadette rencontre une vieille dame près d'un puits. Elle ne sait pas que cette dame est en fait une gentille fée déguisée !Avec cette histoire, Perrault nous montre que la bienveillance est toujours récompensée.Charles Perrault (1628 - 1703) était un poète et écrivain français du XVIIe siècle considéré aujourd'hui comme le "père de la littérature enfantine" en raison de ses innombrables contes de fées. En publiant les histoires qu'il a entendues de sa mère et dans les salons parisiens, il a brisé les limites littéraires de l'époque et atteint des publics de tous les coins de la planète. Qui ne connaît pas ses contes les plus célèbres, comme "Le petit chaperon rouge", "Le Maître Chat" et "Le Petit Poucet" ? Ces histoires font partie de la fondation culturelle occidentale et continuent d'être une source d'inspiration pour de nombreuses adaptations cinématographiques, telles que les films "La Belle au bois dormant" (1959) et "Cendrillon" (1950) des studios d'animation Walt Disney.

  • af Charles Perrault
    36,99 kr.

    Cendrillon vit avec sa belle-mère et ses deux sœurs épouvantables. Malgré son bon cœur, elle est tourmentée et obligée de faire tout le ménage. Un jour, le roi annonce un bal pour trouver une épouse pour son fils. Cendrillon souhaite s'y rendre, mais sa belle-mère lui interdit ! Triste et blessée, elle est réconfortée par sa fée marraine qui a une brillante idée ...En plus du classique de l'animation Disney produit en 1950, ce conte de Perrault a été adapté dans de nombreux autres films, tels que «Cinderella» (2015) avec Lily James et «Comme Cendrillon» (2003) avec Hilary Duff.Charles Perrault (1628 - 1703) était un poète et écrivain français du XVIIe siècle considéré aujourd'hui comme le "père de la littérature enfantine" en raison de ses innombrables contes de fées. En publiant les histoires qu'il a entendues de sa mère et dans les salons parisiens, il a brisé les limites littéraires de l'époque et atteint des publics de tous les coins de la planète. Qui ne connaît pas ses contes les plus célèbres, comme "Le petit chaperon rouge", "Le Maître Chat" et "Le Petit Poucet" ? Ces histoires font partie de la fondation culturelle occidentale et continuent d'être une source d'inspiration pour de nombreuses adaptations cinématographiques, telles que les films "La Belle au bois dormant" (1959) et "Cendrillon" (1950) des studios d'animation Walt Disney.

  • af Charles Perrault
    Fra 36,99 kr.

    Misère et famine règnent dans le pays. Un bûcheron et sa femme n'ont plus de quoi nourrir leurs sept garçons. Un soir, alors que les enfants dorment, les parents se résignent, la mort dans l'âme, à les perdre dans la forêt. Heureusement, le benjamin de la fratrie, surnommé Petit Poucet en raison de sa petite taille, espionne la conversation. Prévoyant, il se munit de petits cailloux blancs qu'il laissera tomber un à un derrière lui afin que lui et ses frères puissent retrouver leur chemin. Le lendemain, le père met son sinistre plan à exécution. Mais le petit poucet et ses frères regagnent vite leur logis grâce aux cailloux semés en chemin. Les parents sont heureux de les revoir. Mais ce bonheur ne dure que peu de temps. Lorsqu'ils se retrouvent dans la précarité première, les parents décident à nouveau d'abandonner leurs sept enfants dans la forêt. Ils s'assurent d'enfermer le petit poucet afin qu'il ne puisse pas ramasser des cailloux. C'est ainsi que lui et ses frères se retrouvent perdus dans la forêt. Le petit poucet arrivera-t-il à sauver encore ses sept frères ? Il vaut mieux être rusé et astucieux, que né riche !

  • af Charles Perrault
    36,99 kr.

    Barbe Bleue est un homme riche et mystérieux : il s’est marié plusieurs fois, mais nul ne sait où sont ses épouses précédentes. Après beaucoup d’insistance, il se marie avec sa voisine, séduite par sa richesse. Un mois après les noces, il part en voyage et confie à sa femme toutes les clés du château, mais lui interdit absolument de pénétrer dans son cabinet... Quel secret préserve cette chambre mystérieuse ? Son épouse va-t-elle succomber à sa curiosité ?La terrible légende de Barbe Bleue a inspiré le cinéma occidental d’innombrables fois, notamment avec le film classique « Barbe-Bleue » (1901) de l’illustre Georges Méliès et le téléfilm homonyme de Catherine Breillat (2009) avec Dominique Thomas et Lola Créton.Charles Perrault (1628 - 1703) était un poète et écrivain français du XVIIe siècle considéré aujourd'hui comme le "père de la littérature enfantine" en raison de ses innombrables contes de fées. En publiant les histoires qu'il a entendues de sa mère et dans les salons parisiens, il a brisé les limites littéraires de l'époque et atteint des publics de tous les coins de la planète. Qui ne connaît pas ses contes les plus célèbres, comme "Le petit chaperon rouge", "Le Maître Chat" et "Le Petit Poucet" ? Ces histoires font partie de la fondation culturelle occidentale et continuent d'être une source d'inspiration pour de nombreuses adaptations cinématographiques, telles que les films "La Belle au bois dormant" (1959) et "Cendrillon" (1950) des studios d'animation Walt Disney.

  • af Charles Perrault
    36,99 kr.

    Cette histoire doit son titre à la coiffe, un chaperon de couleur rouge, que porte une petite fille. Cette petite fille est chargée par sa mère d'apporter à sa grand-mère "une galette" et "un petit pot de beurre". Chemin faisant, elle rencontre un loup. Le loup apprend où va la petite fille et se précipite pour dévorer la grand-mère. Il met les vêtements et prend la place de la grand-mère, avant de croquer le Chaperon. Il ne faut jamais écouter les beaux discours des méchants loups si l'on ne veut pas se faire dévorer !

  • af Sanrio
    40,99 kr.

    ¡Hello Kitty sueña con ser una princesa del pop! Hello Kitty quiere que el Club de la Amistad se aprenda un baile para el concierto de su grupo favorito, ¡pero sus amigos están demasiado ocupados! ¿Les contará lo mucho que significa para ella?Join the world's cutest HELLO KITTY and her friends on an adventure! Follow them when they go on a picnic and the beach, for a wedding and on treasure hunts. Find your inner, cute Hello Kitty - now we are going to hear the most wonderful stories!© 2021 Sanrio Co. Ltd.

  • af Sanrio
    40,99 kr.

    Cuando Daniel vuelve a casa después de un largo viaje, ¡Hello Kitty decide darle la bienvenida organizando una búsqueda del tesoro para todos sus amigos! Hay mucho que preparar y poco tiempo para hacerlo. ¿Podrá conseguirlo sola?Join the world's cutest HELLO KITTY and her friends on an adventure! Follow them when they go on a picnic and the beach, for a wedding and on treasure hunts. Find your inner, cute Hello Kitty - now we are going to hear the most wonderful stories!© 2021 Sanrio Co. Ltd.

  • af Sanrio
    40,99 kr.

    ¡Hello Kitty y sus amigos visitarán el parque de aventuras en una excursión escolar! Pero Fifi no está tan emocionada como el resto. ¿Le explicará a su amigos por qué tiene miedo antes de que sea demasiado tardeJoin the world's cutest HELLO KITTY and her friends on an adventure! Follow them when they go on a picnic and the beach, for a wedding and on treasure hunts. Find your inner, cute Hello Kitty - now we are going to hear the most wonderful stories!© 2021 Sanrio Co. Ltd.

  • af Sanrio
    40,99 kr.

    Daniel está de viaje, así que el Club de la Amistad tendrá un día de chicas... ¡y organizarán una sesión de belleza para las tres! Pero si Hello Kitty, Tammy y Fifi no pueden trabajar juntas, ¿acabará siendo un desastre?Join the world's cutest HELLO KITTY and her friends on an adventure! Follow them when they go on a picnic and the beach, for a wedding and on treasure hunts. Find your inner, cute Hello Kitty - now we are going to hear the most wonderful stories!© 2021 Sanrio Co. Ltd.