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  • af Kim Ace
    198,99 kr.

    Ravi er på ferie med sin mor, og en dag skal de på eventyr i junglen! Men der går ikke lang tid, før de farer vild. Heldigvis møder de en sej dame, der kan vise dem vej hjem – de skal bare lige hjælpe hende med at finde en stjålen skat …En fin og sjov historie om at være modig og tro på sig selv.Fra 2 år.

  • af Lotte Salling
    198,99 kr.

    Bevægelse og leg skaber både en stærk motorik og et solidt selvværd hos børn. Så kast frygten og skærmen væk, og kom i gang med legen! Når far helst vil sidde bag skærmen og arbejde, er det godt at have en sej og modig moster, der siger ”pyt” og ”op igen” og står klar med plaster, når man skal lære at cykle eller slå kolbøtter. I Min modige Faster Plaster bliver hovedpersonens grundsanser udfordret gennem remser og aktiviteter.Børn leger desværre mindre i dag end for få år siden, både pga. øget skærmforbrug, længere skoledage og måske en mere forsigtig forældretilgang til den frie og spontane leg i en meget strukturet og voksenstyret hverdag.Bogen er varmt og humoristisk illustreret af Pernille Lykkegård.Fra ca. 3 år.

  • af Dorte Karrebæk
    38,99 kr.

    "De dage hvor himlen er fuld af let tåge ta'r solen fri, og der hvor den plejer at skinne er der et hul i himlen."I Dorthe Karrebæks billedbog kravler en lille pige ud af det hul, som solen har efterladt på himlen en tåget dag. Hun begiver sig ind i dagdrømmenes univers.Da bogen udkom i 1989 vandt den prisen som årets bog i Munksgaards børnebogskonkurrence.Dorthe Karrebæk (1946) er en dansk tegner og børnebogsforfatter, som i en læng række bøger har udfoldet et karakteristisk, til tider grotesk, men meget fængende billedunivers. Hun har vundet adskillige priser, herunder Nordisk Råds Børne- og ungdomslitteraturpris (s.m. Oscar K.) i 2013. Hun debuterede med bogen "En lille fugl" i 1982.

  • af Jacob Ludvigsen & Mie Vestergaard
    198,99 kr.

    Der er kommet et helt nyt gyngestativ i børnehaven. Jeppe og Asta glæder sig helt vildt til at prøve det, men Asta bliver lidt for ivrig. Der er nemlig rift om det nye stativ, og Nille løber virkelig hurtigt hen mod gyngen. Indtil hun ikke løber mere. Hun falder og græder og siger, at Asta spændte ben. Asta benægter, men Jeppe så godt, hvad der skete. Han får løjet for de voksne for at beskytte sin ven, men pludselig er det slet ikke sjovt at gynge. Og nu er det Asta, som får ondt. Ondt i maven.Fra ca. 2 årAndre bøger i serien: Jeppe og Asta rutsjer

  • af Jacob Ludvigsen & Mie Vestergaard
    198,99 kr.

    Jeppe er ret nervøs for at starte i den nye børnehave. Han kan næsten ikke få sit eget navn frem, da pædagogen spørger. Men så møder han Asta. Det virker ikke, som om hun er bange for noget som helst. Og Asta viser Jeppe den store rutsjebane. Den hvor der sker magiske ting, og pludselig ændrer hele verden sig.Fra ca. 2 årAndre bøger i serien:Jeppe og Asta og kampen om gyngen

  • af Kim Langer
    69,00 kr.

    Kom i julestemning med Rasmus Klump og hans venner, når de tager på en vigtig mission til det kolde nord for at redde nissernes gaver. Ved et uheld er sækken med alle julemandens gaver til hans hårdtarbejdende nisser nemlig faldet ud af kanen, og nu hænger den og dingler fra toppen af et grantræ på en klippeskrænt. Mon Rasmus Klump og vennerne klarer opgaven, og når de hjem til jul?Kim Langer er en dansk børne- og ungdomsbogsforfatter. Han har blandt andet skrevet bogserierne ”Skaterland” og ”Zombie 2.0”, og derudover står han bag en række historiske eventyrromaner, letlæsningsbøger og billedbøger for de mindste.

  • af Maria Rørbæk
    198,99 kr.

    Liva har ikke lyst til at sove. Hun er bange for, at der er en trold under sengen. Men så får bedstemor en idé. Hun har nemlig en helt særlig bog, som tager dem med på eventyr til en anden verden. Her møder de tre bukke, som også er bange for trolde, og nu er det op til Liva og bedstemor at hjælpe dem.En fin og eventyrlig fortælling om at være modig og hjælpe andre.Fra 3 år.

  • af Thomas Korsgaard
    128,99 kr.

    En dag i verdens sjoveste byVelkommen til byen ved siden af, et sted du virkelig gerne vil besøge. Her er nemlig gigantiske flødeskumskager, trampolinspring til månen og verdensrekorder i guitarspil uden strenge, 20 rim hittet på af den Thomas Korsgaard:Sonja slog samtlige rekorder i at spille svære akkorder det varede ikke særlig længe for guitaren var uden strenge Byen ved siden af er skæve, sjove rim og mest af alt en hilsen til en gammel tradition krydret med korsgaardske overraskelser. Fra cirka 4 år.

  • af Camilla Brinck
    98,99 kr.

    En magisk julehistorie med de to søde mus, Musse og Helium, der er ved at gøre klar til jul. Mens de pakker gaver ind, fortæller Musse historien om, da katten Sigge mødte julemanden og kom med på et rigtigt juleeventyr. Bogen henvender sig primært til børn mellem 3 og 6, men kan også læses af lidt ældre børn.Fra ca. 3 år.Musse & Helium er to fantastiske søskendemus, og i deres magiske verden byder de på underholdning for hele familien. Her tager du del i en unik og myldrende fantasiverden fyldt med humor, spænding og fantastiske miljøer.

  • af Sophie Souid
    248,99 kr.

    Sols mor har fødselsdag, men Sol har slet ikke tid til at fejre hende, for hun mangler jo det allervigtigste. Gaven! Hun må straks på jagt efter den perfekte ting til mor. Heldigvis får Søs og Bror en god ide. Måske kunne Sols mor tænke sig en kæreste?Fra ca. 4 årAndre bøger i serien:Sol over indre by og historien om en ilderSol over indre by og historien om en jahatSol over indre by og historien om en mavepine

  • af Kim Ace
    198,99 kr.

    Første bog i serien om Ravi, som kommer ud på de sejeste eventyr. Ravi er i sommerhus med sin mor. Det er både koldt og kedeligt, og der er ikke nogen at lege med. Men så finder han en mystisk flaske, som nogen har begravet i sandet. En vaskeægte flaskepost! Og så starter skattejagten ...Fra 2 år

  • af Line Kyed Knudsen
    Fra 37,99 kr.

    Erleben Sie vier Geschichten über die Freundinnen Liv und Emma. Begleite Liv, wenn sie einen Welpen bekommt und als die Freundinnen sich auf einer Klassenfahrt verirren - und finde heraus, was passiert, wenn Liv eine Geburtstagsparty für die Klasse schmeißt und Emma zum ersten Mal bei ihr übernachtet. Liv und EmmaDie Serie „Liv und Emma” berichet aus der Perspektive der beiden achtjährigen Freundinnen von den kleinen und großen Abenteuern des Alltags. Spannende, einfühlsame und leicht zu lesende Geschichten für Erstleser.Die dänische Schriftstellerin Line Kyed Knudsen (geb. 1971) feierte 2003 ihr Debüt mit dem Roman „Das Mädchen von der Nordebene“. 2007 erhielt sie das Pippi-Stipendium des dänischen Verlags Gyldendal. Sie schreibt Kinder- und Jugendbücher und unterrichtet Schreibtechnik.

  • af Ivy Dad (Beijing) Education Technology Co. & Ltd
    39,99 kr.

    Help your child learn how to count backwards as you hop your way from six to one in ‘Hop, Hop’, an English language-learning book in the ‘Hello English’ collection.With colourful illustrations, a useful English keyword list and a simple yet fun story about a game of hopscotch, ‘Hop, Hop’ will help your child learn the words for movement including hop, skip, leap - and more!‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.

  • af TThunDer Animation
    39,99 kr.

    Join the Rainbow Chicks in 'A Tummy Going to Explode’, a colourful story set on Cloud Island. These seven feathered friends - each a different hue of the rainbow - will teach your little one to think differently about food.In this story, the chicks explore over-eating even when it comes to fruits, and in doing so, kids can also learn about the digestive system.Rainbow ChicksThrough 24 heart-warming stories, you experience the growth process of the Rainbow Chicks, by focusing on six EQ themes: emotion management, sense of responsibility, self-confidence, problem-solving ability, social skills and concentration. It guides children to control their emotions, care for others, respect and tolerate others and take initiative to solve problems, so as to make them independent and strong.Seven chicks are living on Cloud Island and it is paradise! Each chick is a colour from the rainbow – say hello to Rainbow Chicks! The stories are based on colourful childlike innocence and teach young readers about friendship, sharing, and teamwork. They help children grow and see the beauty in the world.

  • af Ivy Dad (Beijing) Education Technology Co. & Ltd
    39,99 kr.

    Part of the ‘Hello English’ collection of English language learning books, ‘Shadows’ is a fun story that helps children learn English as a second language.Exploring new words through the concept of shadows, this colourful and fun book features an English keyword list, cute illustrations, and a fun-to-read story that will have little ones picking up some more advanced English words including follow, company, and ahead.‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.

  • af Ivy Dad (Beijing) Education Technology Co. & Ltd
    39,99 kr.

    Part of the ‘Hello English’ collection, ‘Shapes’ is an English language learning book for children that teaches them how to identify various shapes in English in a fun way.Intertwining learning about basic shapes like squares, circles, and triangles with the wonderful world of emotions, this bilingual picture book helps teach young learners how to express their feelings while getting to know different shapes.With colourful illustrations and a handy keyword list, this is a treasure trove for young learners.‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.

  • af Ivy Dad (Beijing) Education Technology Co. & Ltd
    39,99 kr.

    ‘My Feelings’ is an English language learning book that helps little ones learn how to talk and read about feelings in English. Accompanied by colourful illustrations that aid understanding, and a simple list of English keywords.Including words such as happy, sad, hungry, scared, and more, this picture book helps teach children the basic English words to express their emotions.‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.

  • af Ivy Dad (Beijing) Education Technology Co. & Ltd
    39,99 kr.

    Help build your child's vocabulary with ‘Building Blocks’, an English language-learning book in the ‘Hello English’ collection.With colourful illustrations, a useful English keyword list and a simple yet fun story, ‘Building Blocks’ will help your children learn English words such as build, stack, tower - and many more!‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.

  • af Ivy Dad (Beijing) Education Technology Co. & Ltd
    39,99 kr.

    Teach your little one a delicious batch of new food-based words with ‘Playing Cook’, an English language-learning book in the ‘Hello English’ collection.With colourful illustrations, a useful English keyword list and a simple yet fun story, ‘Playing Cook’ includes words such as wash, stir, squeeze - and more!‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.

  • af Ivy Dad (Beijing) Education Technology Co. & Ltd
    39,99 kr.

    Part of the ‘Hello English’ collection, ‘Three Little Pigs’, is a simple and easy-to-follow re-telling of the classic English fable about three pigs that build their houses from hay, wood, and stone.With colourful illustrations, a useful English keyword list and a simple yet fun story, this English language learning book teaches children a bunch of new words such as pig, friend, strong - and many more!‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.

  • af Ivy Dad (Beijing) Education Technology Co. & Ltd
    39,99 kr.

    My Family’ is a ‘Hello English’ language learning book that helps little learners grasp the basics of family life in English.With colourful illustrations and a simple yet fun story, this English picture book teaches children all the words they’ll need to talk about their family.Accompanied by a keyword list outlining some of the most important words – including; family, home, sister and brother – ‘My Family’ will help children understand families in English.‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.

  • af Ivy Dad (Beijing) Education Technology Co. & Ltd
    39,99 kr.

    ‘Duck’, ‘Climb’, and ‘Crawl’ your way through this story and help your child expand their vocabulary about bravery with ‘You’re a Brave Kid’, an English language-learning book in the ‘Hello English’ collection.With colourful illustrations and a useful English keyword list children can learn new words in an exciting and adventurous story.‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.

  • af Ivy Dad (Beijing) Education Technology Co. & Ltd
    39,99 kr.

    Use your sight and play a fun game of ‘I Spy’ in ‘I See’, an English language-learning book in the ‘Hello English’ collection.!Whether looking in the mirror or gazing at the sky, this fun and colorful story opens children’s eyes to new sights while teaching them new English words.With colourful illustrations, a useful English keyword list and a simple yet fun story, your little one can learn new words such as see, look, mirror, picture - and more.‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.

  • af TThunDer Animation
    39,99 kr.

    Ready for a food-filled adventure? Let's go!Join the Rainbow Chicks in 'King of Snacks Has a Great Fall!’, a colourful story set on Cloud Island. These seven feathered friends - each a different hue of the rainbow - will teach your little one all about yummy foods that are good for them.This playful tale is designed to tackle dietary problems – such as picky eating, preferring snacks etc. – and encourage kids to recognise different foods and their impact on the body and health.Rainbow ChicksThrough 24 heart-warming stories, you experience the growth process of the Rainbow Chicks, by focusing on six EQ themes: emotion management, sense of responsibility, self-confidence, problem-solving ability, social skills and concentration. It guides children to control their emotions, care for others, respect and tolerate others and take initiative to solve problems, so as to make them independent and strong.Seven chicks are living on Cloud Island and it is paradise! Each chick is a colour from the rainbow – say hello to Rainbow Chicks! The stories are based on colourful childlike innocence and teach young readers about friendship, sharing, and teamwork. They help children grow and see the beauty in the world.

  • af Ivy Dad (Beijing) Education Technology Co. & Ltd
    39,99 kr.

    Take your child on a journey from day to night and teach them English with ‘The Sun, the Moon and the Stars’, an English language learning book in the ‘Hello English’ collectionWith colourful illustrations, a useful English keyword list and a simple yet fun story, children will learn words including sun, moon and star, as well as words that describe them, such as bright, glow, and twinkle.‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.

  • af Ivy Dad (Beijing) Education Technology Co. & Ltd
    39,99 kr.

    Explore all five of your little ones’ senses in ‘What Can I Feel’, an English language learning book in the children’s series, ‘Hello English’.With colourful illustrations, a useful English keyword list, and a simple yet fun story, ‘What Can I Feel’ teaches children how to read and talk about their senses and feelings including hearing, touch, smell, taste, and of course, sight.‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.

  • af Ivy Dad (Beijing) Education Technology Co. & Ltd
    39,99 kr.

    ‘Counting from One to Ten’ is an English language learning book from the ‘Hello English’ collection.With colourful illustrations and a useful English keyword list, ‘Counting from One to Ten’ helps your little ones learn to count in English with this fun story that incorporates numbers and colors.‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.

  • af Ivy Dad (Beijing) Education Technology Co. & Ltd
    39,99 kr.

    Encourage children to listen to the different sounds of the world in ‘I Hear’, an English language-learning book in the ‘Hello English’ collection.With colourful illustrations, a useful English keyword list and a simple yet fun story, this picture book teaches children new words through the sounds and noises they can hear in the world; from music and the splash of raindrops to the swoosh of the seashore.‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.

  • af Ivy Dad (Beijing) Education Technology Co. & Ltd
    39,99 kr.

    ‘I Can’ is an English language-learning book in the ‘Hello English’ collection and is the perfect continuation for those who enjoyed ‘You’re a Brave Kid’.With colourful illustrations, a useful English keyword list and a simple yet fun story that is full of adventure and learning, ‘I Can’ teaches children how capable and determined they are while teaching them new English words such as do, jump, race - and more!‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.

  • af Ivy Dad (Beijing) Education Technology Co. & Ltd
    39,99 kr.

    Help your children explore the theme of love through numbers and counting with ‘Love Counts’, an English language-learning book from the ‘Hello English’ collection.With colourful illustrations, a useful English keyword list, and a simple yet fun story, children will love learning numbers with ‘Love Counts’.‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.