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48,99 kr. I endnu et særafsnit af Talmagi taler Annasophia med Ditte Skrumsager Hansen, hvor de vil besvare lytternes spørgsmål ved hjælp af talmagien. I det første spørgsmål bliver der spurgt ind til, hvorvidt lytteren og lytterens nye flirt er kompatible ud fra deres respektive talkoder. Annasophia og Ditte får også et spørgsmål, der handler om et overdrevet fokus på tal. For kan talmagien fylde for meget i hverdagen? Og så taler de også, om det er muligt at spejle sig i sin partners grundenergi.TalmagiDin fødselsdato rummer en kode, der fortæller noget om, hvem du er.Tallene 1-9 indeholder unikke budskaber og energier, og gennem dem kan du lære at forstå dig selv og din omverden på et dybere plan. Når vi kender os selv, har vi det bedre og kan træffe bedre valg. Og når vi har en større forståelse for os selv og andre, kan vi gøre verden til et bedre sted at være.Annasophia Petri Holm (f. 1994) er uddannet TV- og medietilrettelægger fra Danmarks Medie- og Journalisthøjskole, DMJX. Derudover er hun yogalærer, astrolog og numerolog. Annasophia står bag de to podcasts ”Det spirituelle hjørne” og ”Det astrologiske hjørne” samt bøgerne ”Alt det, vi ikke ser” og ”Talmagi”.
- Podcast
- 48,99 kr.
39,99 kr. Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader.This part of the series delves in to building resilience. This episode is an introduction to the four core elements of building personal resilience.Leadership Meditations - Sustainable High PerformanceIn Mindful Leadership Meditations, the experienced leadership consultant, Joakim Eriksson, delves into the art of maintaining inner peace and focus amidst the chaos of decision-making. The series is designed to give you tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader. Through guided meditation practices, Joakim Eriksson guides you through exercises that can be seamlessly introduced between work tasks, helping you to lead with intention and focus, even during the most turbulent workdays.Joakim Eriksson is a Client Director for the consulting firm Mannaz, leadership consultant and advicer. He's a certified tutor at Googles search Inside Yourself-program. Joakim is also an author to different books such as "Building Sustainable Leadership from the Inside".
- Podcast
- 39,99 kr.
39,99 kr. Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader.This part of the series delves in to building resilience. This episode explores how we’re able to reflect on the three different aspects of motivation and life satisfaction through positive psychology.Leadership Meditations - Sustainable High PerformanceIn Mindful Leadership Meditations, the experienced leadership consultant, Joakim Eriksson, delves into the art of maintaining inner peace and focus amidst the chaos of decision-making. The series is designed to give you tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader. Through guided meditation practices, Joakim Eriksson guides you through exercises that can be seamlessly introduced between work tasks, helping you to lead with intention and focus, even during the most turbulent workdays.Joakim Eriksson is a Client Director for the consulting firm Mannaz, leadership consultant and advicer. He's a certified tutor at Googles search Inside Yourself-program. Joakim is also an author to different books such as "Building Sustainable Leadership from the Inside".
- Podcast
- 39,99 kr.
39,99 kr. Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader.This part of the series delves in to building resilience. In this episode, Joakim Eriksson guides you to finding your inner compass. He does this by introducing a guided reflection on how to find the sweet spot between what you are good at, passionate about, and what the world needs.Leadership Meditations - Sustainable High PerformanceIn Mindful Leadership Meditations, the experienced leadership consultant, Joakim Eriksson, delves into the art of maintaining inner peace and focus amidst the chaos of decision-making. The series is designed to give you tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader. Through guided meditation practices, Joakim Eriksson guides you through exercises that can be seamlessly introduced between work tasks, helping you to lead with intention and focus, even during the most turbulent workdays.Joakim Eriksson is a Client Director for the consulting firm Mannaz, leadership consultant and advicer. He's a certified tutor at Googles search Inside Yourself-program. Joakim is also an author to different books such as "Building Sustainable Leadership from the Inside".
- Podcast
- 39,99 kr.
39,99 kr. Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader.This part of the series delves in to building resilience. This episode focuses on connecting to the bigger picture, and how we’re interdependent on our co-workers.Leadership Meditations - Sustainable High PerformanceIn Mindful Leadership Meditations, the experienced leadership consultant, Joakim Eriksson, delves into the art of maintaining inner peace and focus amidst the chaos of decision-making. The series is designed to give you tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader. Through guided meditation practices, Joakim Eriksson guides you through exercises that can be seamlessly introduced between work tasks, helping you to lead with intention and focus, even during the most turbulent workdays.Joakim Eriksson is a Client Director for the consulting firm Mannaz, leadership consultant and advicer. He's a certified tutor at Googles search Inside Yourself-program. Joakim is also an author to different books such as "Building Sustainable Leadership from the Inside".
- Podcast
- 39,99 kr.
38,99 kr. ”Vegetarisk kost i skolealderen” er 24. beretning fra Mikkel Hindhedes kontor for ernæringsundersøgelser. Hæftet oplyser om ernæringsundersøgelser på en kostskole i Vestengland, hvor nogle af eleverne lever vegetarisk, mens andre er kødspisere. Det fortæller også om den tyske ernæringsforsker Carl Röses kartoffelforsøg.Mikkel Hindhede (1862-1945) var en dansk læge og ernæringsforsker. Han var leder af Statens Laboratorium for Ernæringsundersøgelser i København 1910-32 og fødevarerådgiver for den danske regering under 1. verdenskrig. Hindhede påviste blandt andet, at mennesket har brug for langt mindre protein, end det man hidtil havde antaget, og fødevarerationeringen under både 1. og 2. verdenskrig blev tilrettelagt efter hans principper.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
48,99 kr. I denne nye sæson af Talmagi taler vært Annasophia med en række interessante gæster og gennemgår deres talmagi-kode.I dette afsnit har Annasophia inviteret Isabella Normann Noer i studiet. Hun er psykolog og kendt fra tv-programmet Nybyggerne. Isabella er også helt ny i talmagien og den spirituelle verden. Derfor begynder afsnittet med, at Annasophia giver en introduktion til talmagien, og hvordan den kan bruges til at blive klogere på sig selv. Derefter dykker de sammen ned i Isabellas talkode. Det vigtigste tal i Isabellas kode er 4-tallet. Det er nemlig et outsider-tal, og det kan give en forklaring på, hvorfor Isabella hurtigt kan føle sig omklamret, og hvorfor hun kan have brug for mere alenetid. I slutningen af afsnittet har Isabella taget spørgsmål med, som Annasophia vil besvare ved hjælp af talmagien.TalmagiDin fødselsdato rummer en kode, der fortæller noget om, hvem du er.Tallene 1-9 indeholder unikke budskaber og energier, og gennem dem kan du lære at forstå dig selv og din omverden på et dybere plan. Når vi kender os selv, har vi det bedre og kan træffe bedre valg. Og når vi har en større forståelse for os selv og andre, kan vi gøre verden til et bedre sted at være.Annasophia Petri Holm (f. 1994) er uddannet TV- og medietilrettelægger fra Danmarks Medie- og Journalisthøjskole, DMJX. Derudover er hun yogalærer, astrolog og numerolog. Annasophia står bag de to podcasts ”Det spirituelle hjørne” og ”Det astrologiske hjørne” samt bøgerne ”Alt det, vi ikke ser” og ”Talmagi”.
- Podcast
- 48,99 kr.
39,99 kr. Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader.In this part of the series, Joakim Eriksson focuses on how to collaborate across divides. This episode is an introduction to the three aspects of empathy and how they influence our ability to collaborate.Leadership Meditations - Sustainable High PerformanceIn Mindful Leadership Meditations, the experienced leadership consultant, Joakim Eriksson, delves into the art of maintaining inner peace and focus amidst the chaos of decision-making. The series is designed to give you tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader. Through guided meditation practices, Joakim Eriksson guides you through exercises that can be seamlessly introduced between work tasks, helping you to lead with intention and focus, even during the most turbulent workdays.Joakim Eriksson is a Client Director for the consulting firm Mannaz, leadership consultant and advicer. He's a certified tutor at Googles search Inside Yourself-program. Joakim is also an author to different books such as "Building Sustainable Leadership from the Inside".
- Podcast
- 39,99 kr.
39,99 kr. Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader.In this part of the series, Joakim Eriksson focuses on how to collaborate across divides. In this episode, Eriksson explores the underlying elements in conflicts and how to approach a difficult conversation with openness and curiosity.Leadership Meditations - Sustainable High PerformanceIn Mindful Leadership Meditations, the experienced leadership consultant, Joakim Eriksson, delves into the art of maintaining inner peace and focus amidst the chaos of decision-making. The series is designed to give you tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader. Through guided meditation practices, Joakim Eriksson guides you through exercises that can be seamlessly introduced between work tasks, helping you to lead with intention and focus, even during the most turbulent workdays.Joakim Eriksson is a Client Director for the consulting firm Mannaz, leadership consultant and advicer. He's a certified tutor at Googles search Inside Yourself-program. Joakim is also an author to different books such as "Building Sustainable Leadership from the Inside".
- Podcast
- 39,99 kr.
39,99 kr. Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader.In this part of the series, Joakim Eriksson focuses on how to collaborate across divides. This episode delves into how to activate compassion and prime your mind towards helpful action.Leadership Meditations - Sustainable High PerformanceIn Mindful Leadership Meditations, the experienced leadership consultant, Joakim Eriksson, delves into the art of maintaining inner peace and focus amidst the chaos of decision-making. The series is designed to give you tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader. Through guided meditation practices, Joakim Eriksson guides you through exercises that can be seamlessly introduced between work tasks, helping you to lead with intention and focus, even during the most turbulent workdays.Joakim Eriksson is a Client Director for the consulting firm Mannaz, leadership consultant and advicer. He's a certified tutor at Googles search Inside Yourself-program. Joakim is also an author to different books such as "Building Sustainable Leadership from the Inside".
- Podcast
- 39,99 kr.
39,99 kr. Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader.In this part of the series, Joakim Eriksson focuses on how to collaborate across divides. This episode teaches you how to reflect on your in-group understanding about how our minds subconsciously creates ‘us’ and ‘them’, and how that determines how people relate to one another.Leadership Meditations - Sustainable High PerformanceIn Mindful Leadership Meditations, the experienced leadership consultant, Joakim Eriksson, delves into the art of maintaining inner peace and focus amidst the chaos of decision-making. The series is designed to give you tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader. Through guided meditation practices, Joakim Eriksson guides you through exercises that can be seamlessly introduced between work tasks, helping you to lead with intention and focus, even during the most turbulent workdays.Joakim Eriksson is a Client Director for the consulting firm Mannaz, leadership consultant and advicer. He's a certified tutor at Googles search Inside Yourself-program. Joakim is also an author to different books such as "Building Sustainable Leadership from the Inside".
- Podcast
- 39,99 kr.
39,99 kr. Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader.In this part of the series, Joakim Eriksson focuses on how to collaborate across divides. This episode is about seeing similarities and provides a guided practice to enhance sense of understanding and connection with others.Leadership Meditations - Sustainable High PerformanceIn Mindful Leadership Meditations, the experienced leadership consultant, Joakim Eriksson, delves into the art of maintaining inner peace and focus amidst the chaos of decision-making. The series is designed to give you tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader. Through guided meditation practices, Joakim Eriksson guides you through exercises that can be seamlessly introduced between work tasks, helping you to lead with intention and focus, even during the most turbulent workdays.Joakim Eriksson is a Client Director for the consulting firm Mannaz, leadership consultant and advicer. He's a certified tutor at Googles search Inside Yourself-program. Joakim is also an author to different books such as "Building Sustainable Leadership from the Inside".
- Podcast
- 39,99 kr.
48,99 kr. ”Havebrugskolonien ’Eden’ ved Berlin” er 19. beretning fra Mikkel Hindhedes kontor for ernæringsundersøgelser. Hæftet oplyser om undersøgelser af kost og sundhedstilstand i det vegetariske fællesforetagende ”Eden” i Tyskland og om de amerikanske ernæringsforskeres modstand mod vegetarismen. Det indeholder også et særtryk fra ”Ugeskrift for læger” om afløbsforhold ved haveboliger og sommerhuse.Mikkel Hindhede (1862-1945) var en dansk læge og ernæringsforsker. Han var leder af Statens Laboratorium for Ernæringsundersøgelser i København 1910-32 og fødevarerådgiver for den danske regering under 1. verdenskrig. Hindhede påviste blandt andet, at mennesket har brug for langt mindre protein, end det man hidtil havde antaget, og fødevarerationeringen under både 1. og 2. verdenskrig blev tilrettelagt efter hans principper.
- E-bog
- 48,99 kr.
68,99 kr. ”Eksistensfilosofien er ikke specielt let tilgængelig og det sprog den er beskrevet i er lige så kompliceret som så meget andet. Men når først man har forstået de centrale begreber, så er de faktisk ret enkle og især er de umiddelbart anvendelige på menneskelig oplevelse.”Med udgangspunkt i store tænkere som Buddha, Sigmund Freud og Martin Heidegger fortæller psykolog Karsten Borg Hansen om den eksistentielle terapi og dens særlige udgangspunkt. Bogen giver en let tilgængelig indførelse i eksistentiel terapi og viser, hvordan det enkelte menneske kan bruge den til at forstå sig selv og sin omverden på et dybere niveau.Bogen udkom første gang i 1998.Karsten Borg Hansen (f. 1947) er uddannet cand.psych. på Københavns Universitet og har en alsidig karriere bag sig. Han har blandt andet arbejdet for Kræftens Bekæmpelse, ungdomspsykiatrisk afdeling samt undervist i sundhedspsykologi og psykoterapi.
- E-bog
- 68,99 kr.
48,99 kr. ”Ud fra den kendsgerning: et sundt legeme – en sund sjæl samler opmærksomheden sig i Europa almindeligvis om legemskulturen, mens man i Østen hylder den mindst lige så fuldgyldige overbevisning: en sund sjæl – et sundt legeme, og derfor søger en direkte påvirkning af visse sjæls- og karakteregenskaber.Disse to bevægelser, der begge kan henvise til rig erfaring og store resultater, knyttes her sammen i et system, som direkte påvirker både de åndelige og de legemlige funktioner, og som derigennem yder sine udøvere et overraskende godt udbytte.”Mundheldet ’en sund sjæl i et sundt legeme’ høres tit, men hvad betyder det egentlig i praksis? Det går Sophus J. Nervil i dybden med i sin bog ”Åndelig og legemlig træning” fra 1923. Bogen indeholder en lang række øvelser, der kan laves dagligt for at opnå et fuldkomment herredømme over sig selv både fysisk og psykisk.Sophus J. Nervil (1874-1941) var en dansk billedhugger og forfatter, der skrev en lang række bøger om yoga og okkultisme. Han var uddannet billedhugger på Kunstakademiet og vandt stor anerkendelse for sine statuer og modtog blandt andet priser fra Akademiet og legater fra Hielmstierne-Rosencrone og Ronges fonden. Sophus J. Nervil fik stor interesse for Østens mystik og de asiatiske religioner, der i 1880’erne vakte stor interesse i Europa. Han skrev blandt andet bøgerne ”Åndelig og legemlig træning” og ”Tankens magt” om disse emner.
- E-bog
- 48,99 kr.
48,99 kr. I denne nye sæson af Talmagi taler vært Annasophia med en række interessante gæster og gennemgår deres talmagi-kode.I dette afsnit har Annasophia besøg af Emma Libner, vært på podcasten "Sexpanelet" og personen bag underlivsuniverset Kh Underlivet. Her dykker de først ned i Emmas talkode. Den rummer blandt andet en temakode, som fortæller noget om Emmas ambitionsniveau og evne til at tale med træer. Sammen taler de også om Emmas retningsenergi, der rummer en sensitivitet og en dualitet, og hvorfor Emma tit kan opleve at føle sig splittet. Til slut i afsnittet har Emma taget et spørgsmål med, som Annasophia vil besvare med talmagien.TalmagiDin fødselsdato rummer en kode, der fortæller noget om, hvem du er.Tallene 1-9 indeholder unikke budskaber og energier, og gennem dem kan du lære at forstå dig selv og din omverden på et dybere plan. Når vi kender os selv, har vi det bedre og kan træffe bedre valg. Og når vi har en større forståelse for os selv og andre, kan vi gøre verden til et bedre sted at være.Annasophia Petri Holm (f. 1994) er uddannet TV- og medietilrettelægger fra Danmarks Medie- og Journalisthøjskole, DMJX. Derudover er hun yogalærer, astrolog og numerolog. Annasophia står bag de to podcasts ”Det spirituelle hjørne” og ”Det astrologiske hjørne” samt bøgerne ”Alt det, vi ikke ser” og ”Talmagi”.
- Podcast
- 48,99 kr.
39,99 kr. Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader.This part of the series provides a guide to navigating uncertainty. Self-compassion as a catalyst for a learning mindset is the focus of this episode. Joakim Eriksson delves into practices to relax in challenging and uncertain situations.Leadership Meditations - Sustainable High PerformanceIn Mindful Leadership Meditations, the experienced leadership consultant, Joakim Eriksson, delves into the art of maintaining inner peace and focus amidst the chaos of decision-making. The series is designed to give you tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader. Through guided meditation practices, Joakim Eriksson guides you through exercises that can be seamlessly introduced between work tasks, helping you to lead with intention and focus, even during the most turbulent workdays.Joakim Eriksson is a Client Director for the consulting firm Mannaz, leadership consultant and advicer. He's a certified tutor at Googles search Inside Yourself-program. Joakim is also an author to different books such as "Building Sustainable Leadership from the Inside".
- Podcast
- 39,99 kr.
39,99 kr. Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader.This part of the series provides a guide to navigating uncertainty. This guided meditation delves into open awareness meditation, and how to open your mind to new ideas and impressions.Leadership Meditations - Sustainable High PerformanceIn Mindful Leadership Meditations, the experienced leadership consultant, Joakim Eriksson, delves into the art of maintaining inner peace and focus amidst the chaos of decision-making. The series is designed to give you tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader. Through guided meditation practices, Joakim Eriksson guides you through exercises that can be seamlessly introduced between work tasks, helping you to lead with intention and focus, even during the most turbulent workdays.Joakim Eriksson is a Client Director for the consulting firm Mannaz, leadership consultant and advicer. He's a certified tutor at Googles search Inside Yourself-program. Joakim is also an author to different books such as "Building Sustainable Leadership from the Inside".
- Podcast
- 39,99 kr.
39,99 kr. Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader.This part of the series provides a guide to navigating uncertainty. This episode focuses on how our minds create stories, and how to practice direct perception.Leadership Meditations - Sustainable High PerformanceIn Mindful Leadership Meditations, the experienced leadership consultant, Joakim Eriksson, delves into the art of maintaining inner peace and focus amidst the chaos of decision-making. The series is designed to give you tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader. Through guided meditation practices, Joakim Eriksson guides you through exercises that can be seamlessly introduced between work tasks, helping you to lead with intention and focus, even during the most turbulent workdays.Joakim Eriksson is a Client Director for the consulting firm Mannaz, leadership consultant and advicer. He's a certified tutor at Googles search Inside Yourself-program. Joakim is also an author to different books such as "Building Sustainable Leadership from the Inside".
- Podcast
- 39,99 kr.
39,99 kr. Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader.This part of the series provides a guide to navigating uncertainty, and in this episode, Joakim Eriksson provides a guide to envisioning your desired future, and how to utilize visualization exercises to connect you to what you’re aiming to accomplish.Leadership Meditations - Sustainable High PerformanceIn Mindful Leadership Meditations, the experienced leadership consultant, Joakim Eriksson, delves into the art of maintaining inner peace and focus amidst the chaos of decision-making. The series is designed to give you tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader. Through guided meditation practices, Joakim Eriksson guides you through exercises that can be seamlessly introduced between work tasks, helping you to lead with intention and focus, even during the most turbulent workdays.Joakim Eriksson is a Client Director for the consulting firm Mannaz, leadership consultant and advicer. He's a certified tutor at Googles search Inside Yourself-program. Joakim is also an author to different books such as "Building Sustainable Leadership from the Inside".
- Podcast
- 39,99 kr.
39,99 kr. Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader.This part of the series provides a guide to navigating uncertainty. In this episode, Joakim Eriksson introduces you to how our brain responds to uncertainty and principles for staying open and creative when facing complex challenges.Leadership Meditations - Sustainable High PerformanceIn Mindful Leadership Meditations, the experienced leadership consultant, Joakim Eriksson, delves into the art of maintaining inner peace and focus amidst the chaos of decision-making. The series is designed to give you tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader. Through guided meditation practices, Joakim Eriksson guides you through exercises that can be seamlessly introduced between work tasks, helping you to lead with intention and focus, even during the most turbulent workdays.Joakim Eriksson is a Client Director for the consulting firm Mannaz, leadership consultant and advicer. He's a certified tutor at Googles search Inside Yourself-program. Joakim is also an author to different books such as "Building Sustainable Leadership from the Inside".
- Podcast
- 39,99 kr.
48,99 kr. I denne nye sæson af Talmagi taler vært Annasophia med en række interessante gæster og gennemgår deres talmagi-kode.Annasophia har i dette afsnit inviteret Marko Pogacar, psykoterapeut og grundlægger af Bodytalks, ind i studiet til at tale om talmagien. I afsnittets begyndelse kigger Annasophia nærmere på Markos talkode. Den kan blandt andet fortælle, at Markos grundenergi er et outsidertal. Det giver muligvis en forklaring på Markos projekt Bodytalks, og hvorfor Marko kan være så hård ved sig selv. Sammen taler de også om Markos instinktenergi, og hvorfor den ikke helt rammer hans frygt for at give for meget af sig selv. Til slut har Marko Pogacar også taget spørgsmål med, som Annasophia gennem talmagien skal forsøge at kaste lys på.TalmagiDin fødselsdato rummer en kode, der fortæller noget om, hvem du er.Tallene 1-9 indeholder unikke budskaber og energier, og gennem dem kan du lære at forstå dig selv og din omverden på et dybere plan. Når vi kender os selv, har vi det bedre og kan træffe bedre valg. Og når vi har en større forståelse for os selv og andre, kan vi gøre verden til et bedre sted at være.Annasophia Petri Holm (f. 1994) er uddannet TV- og medietilrettelægger fra Danmarks Medie- og Journalisthøjskole, DMJX. Derudover er hun yogalærer, astrolog og numerolog. Annasophia står bag de to podcasts ”Det spirituelle hjørne” og ”Det astrologiske hjørne” samt bøgerne ”Alt det, vi ikke ser” og ”Talmagi”.
- Podcast
- 48,99 kr.
39,99 kr. Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader.This part of the series is designed to help you staying smart under pressure. This episode delves into how you can create pauses to respond more skillfully and not succumbing to autopilot reactions.Leadership Meditations - Sustainable High PerformanceIn Mindful Leadership Meditations, the experienced leadership consultant, Joakim Eriksson, delves into the art of maintaining inner peace and focus amidst the chaos of decision-making. The series is designed to give you tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader. Through guided meditation practices, Joakim Eriksson guides you through exercises that can be seamlessly introduced between work tasks, helping you to lead with intention and focus, even during the most turbulent workdays.Joakim Eriksson is a Client Director for the consulting firm Mannaz, leadership consultant and advicer. He's a certified tutor at Googles search Inside Yourself-program.certificeret underviser i Googles Search Inside Yourself-program. Joakim is also an author to different books such as "Building Sustainable Leadership from the Inside".
- Podcast
- 39,99 kr.
39,99 kr. Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader.This part of the series is designed to help you staying smart under pressure. This episode teaches you how to rehearse for difficult situations through visualization.Leadership Meditations - Sustainable High PerformanceIn Mindful Leadership Meditations, the experienced leadership consultant, Joakim Eriksson, delves into the art of maintaining inner peace and focus amidst the chaos of decision-making. The series is designed to give you tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader. Through guided meditation practices, Joakim Eriksson guides you through exercises that can be seamlessly introduced between work tasks, helping you to lead with intention and focus, even during the most turbulent workdays.Joakim Eriksson is a Client Director for the consulting firm Mannaz, leadership consultant and advicer. He's a certified tutor at Googles search Inside Yourself-program. Joakim is also an author to different books such as "Building Sustainable Leadership from the Inside".
- Podcast
- 39,99 kr.
39,99 kr. Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader.This part of the series is designed to help you staying smart under pressure. The focus of this episode is to learn about your early warning signs, and how emotions show up in your body. This episode also teaches about how to use these signals to catch yourself before you derail.Leadership Meditations - Sustainable High PerformanceIn Mindful Leadership Meditations, the experienced leadership consultant, Joakim Eriksson, delves into the art of maintaining inner peace and focus amidst the chaos of decision-making. The series is designed to give you tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader. Through guided meditation practices, Joakim Eriksson guides you through exercises that can be seamlessly introduced between work tasks, helping you to lead with intention and focus, even during the most turbulent workdays.Joakim Eriksson is a Client Director for the consulting firm Mannaz, leadership consultant and advicer. He's a certified tutor at Googles search Inside Yourself-program.certificeret underviser i Googles Search Inside Yourself-program. Joakim is also an author to different books such as "Building Sustainable Leadership from the Inside".
- Podcast
- 39,99 kr.
39,99 kr. Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader.This part of the series is designed to help you staying smart under pressure. In this episode, Joakim Eriksson introduces the principles of maintaining a balanced mind.Leadership Meditations - Sustainable High PerformanceIn Mindful Leadership Meditations, the experienced leadership consultant, Joakim Eriksson, delves into the art of maintaining inner peace and focus amidst the chaos of decision-making. The series is designed to give you tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader. Through guided meditation practices, Joakim Eriksson guides you through exercises that can be seamlessly introduced between work tasks, helping you to lead with intention and focus, even during the most turbulent workdays.Joakim Eriksson is a Client Director for the consulting firm Mannaz, leadership consultant and advicer. He's a certified tutor at Googles search Inside Yourself-program.certificeret underviser i Googles Search Inside Yourself-program. Joakim is also an author to different books such as "Building Sustainable Leadership from the Inside".
- Podcast
- 39,99 kr.
39,99 kr. Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader.This part of the series is designed to help you staying smart under pressure. In this guided meditation, Joakim Eriksson talks about how flow-writing can be used to sort out your thoughts.Leadership Meditations - Sustainable High PerformanceIn Mindful Leadership Meditations, the experienced leadership consultant, Joakim Eriksson, delves into the art of maintaining inner peace and focus amidst the chaos of decision-making. The series is designed to give you tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader. Through guided meditation practices, Joakim Eriksson guides you through exercises that can be seamlessly introduced between work tasks, helping you to lead with intention and focus, even during the most turbulent workdays.Joakim Eriksson is a Client Director for the consulting firm Mannaz, leadership consultant and advicer. He's a certified tutor at Googles search Inside Yourself-program.certificeret underviser i Googles Search Inside Yourself-program. Joakim is also an author to different books such as "Building Sustainable Leadership from the Inside".
- Podcast
- 39,99 kr.
68,99 kr. Hekseforfølgelsen begyndte med renæssancen i 1400-tallet, kulminerede under reformations- og modreformationstiden omkring år 1600 og ophørte med oplysningstidens gennembrud omkring år 1700. I begyndelsen af 1960’erne begyndte en moderne heksekult at brede sig i den vestlige verden.I bogen ”Fra heksejagt til heksekult 1484-1984”, som udkom første gang i 1984, sætter Gustav Henningsen den moderne hekseopfattelse i relation til den historiske heks og gennemgår i hovedtræk hekseprocessernes historie i Europa og Danmark – og undervejs gøres der op med en række udbredte misforståelser.Gustav Henningsen (1934-2023) var en dansk folkemindeforsker. Han blev i 1962 ansat som arkivar i Dansk Folkemindesamling og i 1998-2002 som seniorforsker. Han beskæftigede sig især med Den spanske inkvisition og hekseforfølgelserne, og i løbet af sin karriere leverede han flere afgørende nybrud i forståelsen af disse emner og blev en internationalt anerkendt ekspert på området.
- E-bog
- 68,99 kr.
48,99 kr. I denne nye sæson af Talmagi taler vært Annasophia med en række interessante gæster og gennemgår deres talmagi-kode.I dette afsnit er den tidligere elitesvømmer og OL-guld vinder, Pernille Blume, på besøg i studiet. Annasophia dykker ned i Blumes talkode, og hvorfor lige netop dén er så særlig. Det er nemlig en såkaldt dybdekode, som drejer sig om kropslighed og vitalitet. Sammen undersøger de, om dybdekoden kan give en forklaring på Pernille Blumes store succes som elitesvømmer. De taler også om retningsenergi, og hvad den kan fortælle om Pernille Blumes ambitioner og mål i livet. Til sidst i afsnittet har Blume taget et spørgsmål med, som Annasophia vil besvare ud fra Talmagiens visdom.TalmagiDin fødselsdato rummer en kode, der fortæller noget om, hvem du er.Tallene 1-9 indeholder unikke budskaber og energier, og gennem dem kan du lære at forstå dig selv og din omverden på et dybere plan. Når vi kender os selv, har vi det bedre og kan træffe bedre valg. Og når vi har en større forståelse for os selv og andre, kan vi gøre verden til et bedre sted at være.Annasophia Petri Holm (f. 1994) er uddannet TV- og medietilrettelægger fra Danmarks Medie- og Journalisthøjskole, DMJX. Derudover er hun yogalærer, astrolog og numerolog. Annasophia står bag de to podcasts ”Det spirituelle hjørne” og ”Det astrologiske hjørne” samt bøgerne ”Alt det, vi ikke ser” og ”Talmagi”.
- Podcast
- 48,99 kr.
39,99 kr. Through guided meditation practices, this podcast series provides you with tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader.In this part of the podcast series, Eriksson focuses on sustainable high performance. This episode looks in to how you’ll be able to understand the difference between positive and negative stress, and use that to your advantage.Leadership Meditations - Sustainable High PerformanceIn Mindful Leadership Meditations, the experienced leadership consultant, Joakim Eriksson, delves into the art of maintaining inner peace and focus amidst the chaos of decision-making. The series is designed to give you tools to balance your nervous system, to think creatively, recover and boost your empathy as a leader. Through guided meditation practices, Joakim Eriksson guides you through exercises that can be seamlessly introduced between work tasks, helping you to lead with intention and focus, even during the most turbulent workdays.Joakim Eriksson is a Client Director for the consulting firm Mannaz, leadership consultant and advicer. He's a certified tutor at Googles search Inside Yourself-program.certificeret underviser i Googles Search Inside Yourself-program. Joakim is also an author to different books such as "Building Sustainable Leadership from the Inside".
- Podcast
- 39,99 kr.