Personlig økonomi

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  • af T. Harv Eker
    59,99 kr.

    El autor estaba en bancarrota, en solo dos años y medio se convirtió en millonario y construyó una de las más grandes firmas de consultoría para el éxito. Con sus enseñanzas ha tocado la vida de millones de personas. Este audiolibro te enseña a observar las maneras en que piensas. Es un reto a tus ideas que te limitan, a los pensamientos que no te apoyan y a tus acciones con lo que respecta al dinero.Este audiolibro está narrado en español latino.El autor estaba en bancarrota, pero en solo dos años y medio se convirtió en millonario y construyó una de las más grandes compañías de consultoría para el éxito. Con sus enseñanzas ha tocado y mejorado la vida de millones de personas.

  • af Luis Muiño
    111,99 kr.

    Este Audiolibro te ayudará a mejorar la forma en que concilias tres aspectos de tu vida: el laboral, el familiar y el personal. Muiño te ofrece un método de 3 meses para lograrlo. Si sigues su método, habrás cambiado tus hábitos, tu forma de organizarte y tu forma de comunicarte, con lo que aumentarás tu potencial para conseguir algo que pocos seres humanos han conseguido a lo largo de la historia.Este audiolibro está narrado en español latinoLuis Muiño es psicoterapeuta desde 1989 y mantiene su consulta en Madrid, España. Se especializa en depresión, ansiedad, estancamiento creativo y laboral, duelos amorosos, estrés, miedos y fobias, etc. Estas actividades las ha desarrollado en campos de refugiados durante la guerra de Kósovo, en los recientes terremotos de El Salvador, junto al equipo de Incidentes Críticos de Angola, como psicólogo escolar y clínico en Córdoba, así como en varias ONG y en su consulta en Madrid. Además es autor de varios libros de divulgación, da conferencias, es formador en empresas privadas y otras instituciones, colabora habitualmente con la revista Muy interesante y con los periódicos La Vanguardia y El Confidencial. Tiene una sección semanal en el programa de radio La mañana con Javi Nieves en la Cadena COPE y en el programa online Morning Glory de Mediaset. Ha escrito y dirigido varios programas en la Radio Nacional de España. Por estas aportaciones, ha obtenido ocho premios por su divulgación de la Psicología.

  • af Kevin Duncan
    83,99 kr.

    Este audiolibro te enseña las 50 técnicas y herramientas de pensamiento visual más utilizadas en el mundo de los negocios. Te servirá para impulsar tu creatividad y encontrar ideas magníficas. También te explica de forma sencilla y atractiva cómo salir del desierto de las ideas, estimulando todos los caminos posibles.Este audiolibro está narrado en español latinoKevin es un consultor, experto en marketing, conferencista motivacional y autor. Ha escrito veinte libros de los cuales se han vendido más de 250,000 ejemplares. Han sido galardonados los premios de Telegraph Book of the Week, WHSmith Book of the Month y Foyles Book of the Month, y han sido traducidos a más de doce idiomas.Luego de 20 años de trayectoria en marketing y publicidad, ha pasado los últimos 20 años como consultor independiente, ayudando a mejorar el funcionamiento de compañías en todo el mundo.

  • af Frederik Olesen & Sarah Ophelia Møss
    68,99 kr.

    Denne lille guide er skrevet særligt til teens og tweens og viser vej til den bedst mulige privatøkonomiske start på livet. Det handler om lommepenge, fritidsjob, bankkonto og økonomi generelt. Bogen sigter mod at give de 10-16-årige en grundlæggende forståelse for privatøkonomi. Den kommer rundt om alt, hvad den unge læser har behov for at vide om emnet, men også hvorfor det overhovedet er vigtigt at vide noget om penge og økonomi. I et letforståeligt sprog forklares fx, hvordan man sparer op til de ting, der er vigtige for en, og hvordan man får sine penge til at blive til flere ved at starte med at investere tidligt i livet.Sarah Ophelia Møss har flere coaching-uddannelser bag sig, en bachelor i samfundsvidenskab fra RUC og en kandidat i sociologi fra Aalborg Universitet. Hun er selvstændig og driver virksomheden Ophelia Invest, og hun er blevet kåret som en af de 100 mest indflydelsesrige kvinder i Danmark under temaet finans af Berlingske Tidende.Frederik Olesen læser til dagligt BSc in Business Administration and Project Management på CBS. Han har en stor passion for investering, aktier og markederne. Når han ikke sidder på skolebænken, arbejder han hos Ophelia Invest, hvor han som såkaldt content creator blandt andet skriver artikler, blogindlæg og manuskripter om investering.

  • af Martin Gottlob & Sarah Ophelia Møss
    68,99 kr.

    Tidligere aktieanalytiker og chef for investorrelationer i Danske Bank Martin Gottlob gennemgår i ”Den lille guide til fundamental analyse”, hvordan man ved hjælp af regnskabsmæssige og kursrelaterede nøgletal laver en fundamental analyse. Bogen indeholder desuden interviews med professionelle investorer og to cases, der viser, hvordan fundamental analyse laves i praksis. Bogen indeholder alt, hvad du som begynder skal vide for at komme godt i gang med fundamental analyse.Den lille guide til privatøkonomiBogserien ”Den lille guide til privatøkonomi” er en serie lettilgængelige lærebøger om investering og privatøkonomi i øjenhøjde og i et sprog, der er til at forstå. Er du ny i økonomiens univers, får du grundlæggende introduktioner og udførlige guider til at komme i gang. Er du erfaren, får du brugervenlige opslagsværker, som kan akkompagnere dig videre på din økonomiske rejse.Sarah Ophelia Møss har flere coaching-uddannelser bag sig, en bachelor i samfundsvidenskab fra RUC og en kandidat i sociologi fra Aalborg Universitet. Hun er selvstændig og driver virksomheden Ophelia Invest, og hun er blevet kåret som en af de 100 mest indflydelsesrige kvinder i Danmark under temaet finans af Berlingske Tidende.Martin Gottlob er forhenværende aktieanalytiker og tidligere direktør for investorrelationer i Danske Bank samt i A.P. Møller Holding. Han har næsten 40 års erfaring inden for investeringsfeltet og er stadig aktiv på bestyrelsesniveau i to investeringsforeninger og et kapitalforvaltningsselskab. Martin Gottlob er uddannet cand.polit. fra Københavns Universitet.

  • af Sarah Ophelia Møss
    98,99 kr.

    I "Den lille guide til investering" gennemgår sociolog, iværksætter og grundlægger af Ophelia Invest og Forlaget Penge, Sarah Ophelia Møss, hvordan man kommer godt i gang med at investere. Du får svar på, hvorfor det er en god idé at investere, og hvordan du gør, samt inspiration til din investeringsstrategi og en gennemgang af de mest centrale begreber på feltet. Også den erfarne investor kan få glæde af bogen som et brugervenligt opslagsværk.Bogserien "Den lille guide til privatøkonomi" er en serie lettilgængelige lærebøger om investering og privatøkonomi i øjenhøjde og i et sprog, der er til at forstå. Er du ny i økonomiens univers, får du grundlæggende introduktioner og udførlige guider til at komme i gang. Er du erfaren, får du brugervenlige opslagsværker, som kan akkompagnere dig videre på din økonomiske rejse.Sarah Ophelia Møss har flere coaching-uddannelser bag sig, en bachelor i samfundsvidenskab fra RUC og en kandidat i sociologi fra Aalborg Universitet. Hun er selvstændig og driver virksomheden Ophelia Invest, og hun er blevet kåret som en af de 100 mest indflydelsesrige kvinder i Danmark under temaet finans af Berlingske Tidende.

  • af Jane Ibsen Piper
    68,99 kr.

    Minimalisme er frihed. Det handler hverken om, hvor mange ting du skiller dig af med, eller hvor mange du beholder. Minimalisme handler om, hvad der bliver plads til, når overflødige ting fjernes fra dit hjem og dit liv. Jane Ibsen Piper, der står bag Danmarks største minimalistgruppe på Facebook, giver masser af inspiration og gode råd til et liv med færre ting, mere glæde og ro omkring dig.Jane Ibsen Piper er uddannet jurist og har de seneste 10 år arbejdet inden for den finansielle sektor. Derudover er Jane lidt af en opsparings¬guru. Det startede for få år siden, da hun beslut¬tede sig for at lave et købestop og sortere i, hvad der tilskrev hendes liv værdi, og hvad der var spild af penge. Jane er en dedikeret minimalist og dri¬ver et fællesskab for ligesindede, ligesom hun har skrevet en bog om emnet. Hun er i øvrigt en helt almindelig løn¬modtager med familie og en hverdag, der skal fungere. Jane har Instagram¬profilen @projecthandmade.

  • af Leila Simonen
    Fra 58,99 kr.

    Naiset ja raha – siinä on kiinnostava yhtälö. Yhteiskuntatieteiden tohtori Leila Simosen mukaan naisten ja miesten rahankäyttö poikkeaa toisistaan olennaisella tavalla. Naiset ovat muun muassa valmiita käyttämään tulojaan perheen yhteisiin ostoksiin miehiä enemmän. Naiset sortuvat myös niin sanottuun lohtushoppailuun. Simoselle itselleen oman rahasuhteen miettiminen tuli ajankohtaiseksi, kun hän ryhtyi yksityisyrittäjäksi viisikymppisenä. Tutkija päätti laittaa oman taloutensa kuntoon. Mihin rahat tililtä oikein katosivat? Voisiko ne käyttää järkevämmin?"Naiset ja raha" on kiinnostava sukellus naisten rahasuhteeseen. Samalla kirja tarjoaa hyviä esimerkkejä säästämiseen ja sijoittamiseen.Leila Simonen (s. 1951) on suomalainen kirjailija ja yhteiskuntatieteiden tohtori. Hän on kirjoittanut tietokirjoja sekä viisi rikosylikonstaapeli Susanna "Susi" Teräsvuon tutkimuksia kuvaavaa dekkaria.

  • af Jane Ibsen Piper
    68,99 kr.

    Har du lidt for let ved at bruge de penge, du tjener? Og ville du ønske, du havde en større opsparing?I ”Den lille guide til opsparing” deler Jane Ibsen Piper ud af sine erfaringer med at tage magten over økonomien tilbage og kun bruge pengene dér, hvor det giver mening og glæde. Det kan være en udfordring at spare op, men ved at sætte fokus på de ting, der er vigtige for dig, bliver det meget nemmere. Minimalisme, købestop og bevidste livsvalg kan føre til overskud og økonomisk ro i sindet.Jane Ibsen Piper er uddannet jurist og har de seneste 10 år arbejdet inden for den finansielle sektor. Derudover er Jane lidt af en opsparings¬guru. Det startede for få år siden, da hun beslut¬tede sig for at lave et købestop og sortere i, hvad der tilskrev hendes liv værdi, og hvad der var spild af penge. Jane er en dedikeret minimalist og dri¬ver et fællesskab for ligesindede, ligesom hun har skrevet en bog om emnet. Hun er i øvrigt en helt almindelig løn¬modtager med familie og en hverdag, der skal fungere. Jane har Instagram¬profilen @projecthandmade.

  • af Leila Simonen
    Fra 73,99 kr.

    Työelämän paineiden aiheuttama burnout on 2000-luvun ihmisten vitsaus. Voisiko töitä tehdä niin, ettei palaisi loppuun? Miksi me oikein teemme niin paljon töitä ja käytämme ylimääräisen rahan tavaroiden haalimiseen?Yhteiskuntatieteiden tohtori Leila Simonen oli edellä aikaansa ja pohti näitä asioita jo 2000-luvun alussa. Hän päätti sanoa hyvästit työuupumukselle sekä oravanpyörässä raatamiselle ja lähti etsimään lempeämpää tapaa tehdä töitä. "Polulta poikkeamisen taito" kertoo Simosen omista kokemuksista, opastaa kohti elämänmuutosta ja neuvoo siinä, kuinka tulla toimeen entistä pienemmillä tuloilla. Samalla kirja kannustaa löytämään entistä enemmän merkityksellisyyttä niin työelämästä kuin arjesta.Leila Simonen (s. 1951) on suomalainen kirjailija ja yhteiskuntatieteiden tohtori. Hän on kirjoittanut tietokirjoja sekä viisi rikosylikonstaapeli Susanna "Susi" Teräsvuon tutkimuksia kuvaavaa dekkaria.

  • af Terence O'Hallorann
    49,99 kr.

    Within the genre of financial self-help, "Trusts – A Practical Guide" is an invaluable and rare resource for financial experts and members of the public alike who need a reference work on a subject that is, on the face of it, complex but which undeniably affects many people’s lives at one point or another. Whatever your occupation or background, you are almost certain at some time to need some understanding of this subject, whether in your own financial planning or in advising those around you – and this guide is particularly helpful when dealing with a relative’s probate or the complex issues arising from an inheritance.After thirty-five years at the top of his profession, FSA member Terry O'Halloran writes passionately and informatively, not only about his subject but also about the importance of spreading the word to others. He has seen many times first hand the benefits of well organised and implemented financial planning on people’s lives. More poignantly, he has seen what can happen when such matters are left to chance.

  • af Terence O'Hallorann
    49,99 kr.

    Within the genre of financial self-help, "Trusts – A Practical Guide" is an invaluable and rare resource for financial experts and members of the public alike who need a reference work on a subject that is, on the face of it, complex but which undeniably affects many people’s lives at one point or another. Whatever your occupation or background, you are almost certain at some time to need some understanding of this subject, whether in your own financial planning or in advising those around you – and this guide is particularly helpful when dealing with a relative’s probate or the complex issues arising from an inheritance.After thirty-five years at the top of his profession, FSA member Terry O'Halloran writes passionately and informatively, not only about his subject but also about the importance of spreading the word to others. He has seen many times first hand the benefits of well organised and implemented financial planning on people’s lives. More poignantly, he has seen what can happen when such matters are left to chance.

  • af Terence O'Hallorann
    49,99 kr.

    Within the genre of financial self-help, "Trusts – A Practical Guide" is an invaluable and rare resource for financial experts and members of the public alike who need a reference work on a subject that is, on the face of it, complex but which undeniably affects many people’s lives at one point or another.Whatever your occupation or background, you are almost certain at some time to need some understanding of this subject, whether in your own financial planning or in advising those around you – and this guide is particularly helpful when dealing with a relative’s probate or the complex issues arising from an inheritance.After thirty-five years at the top of his profession, FSA member Terry O'Halloran writes passionately and informatively, not only about his subject but also about the importance of spreading the word to others. He has seen many times first hand the benefits of well organised and implemented financial planning on people’s lives. More poignantly, he has seen what can happen when such matters are left to chance.

  • af Terence O'Hallorann
    49,99 kr.

    Within the genre of financial self-help, "Trusts – A Practical Guide" is an invaluable and rare resource for financial experts and members of the public alike who need a reference work on a subject that is, on the face of it, complex but which undeniably affects many people’s lives at one point or another. Whatever your occupation or background, you are almost certain at some time to need some understanding of this subject, whether in your own financial planning or in advising those around you – and this guide is particularly helpful when dealing with a relative’s probate or the complex issues arising from an inheritance.After thirty-five years at the top of his profession, FSA member Terry O'Halloran writes passionately and informatively, not only about his subject but also about the importance of spreading the word to others. He has seen many times first hand the benefits of well organised and implemented financial planning on people’s lives. More poignantly, he has seen what can happen when such matters are left to chance.

  • af Terence O'Hallorann
    49,99 kr.

    Within the genre of financial self-help, "Trusts – A Practical Guide" is an invaluable and rare resource for financial experts and members of the public alike who need a reference work on a subject that is, on the face of it, complex but which undeniably affects many people’s lives at one point or another.Whatever your occupation or background, you are almost certain at some time to need some understanding of this subject, whether in your own financial planning or in advising those around you – and this guide is particularly helpful when dealing with a relative’s probate or the complex issues arising from an inheritance.After thirty-five years at the top of his profession, FSA member Terry O'Halloran writes passionately and informatively, not only about his subject but also about the importance of spreading the word to others. He has seen many times first hand the benefits of well organised and implemented financial planning on people’s lives. More poignantly, he has seen what can happen when such matters are left to chance.

  • af Randy Charach
    49,99 kr.

    Improve your Sales skills with this self hypnosis program. Get more self confidence and be a better sales person and win all the sales awards.Self-Hypnosis Ace offer a comprehensive series of self-hypnosis products designed to suit your requirements. We have everything from downloads to CD’s and these involve lots of diverse problems that are experienced by scores of people throughout the world, including self-hypnosis weight-loss programs. Whether you want to quit smoking, lose weight, become a better public speaker, cope with stress in your life or even play better golf, you’ll be amazed how self-hypnosis can assist you. Build a better future with hypnosis: if you are able to relax totally and lock out everything near you, self-hypnosis products may very well be a huge influence in your life and on your aspiration to perfect your situation and cope with whatever troubles you have that have been holding you back.Our Downloads are for self-hypnosis and are not daily affirmation cd’s. This type of recording should only be played when you can relax and close your eyes. Never listen to a self-hypnosis recording while driving a motor vehicle or when operating machinery.Randy Charach is undoubtedly among America’s top mind-menders, renowned as a results-only hypnotist and hypnotherapist. Randy’s abilities are in demand for both TV work (entertainment) in addition to his world famous clinical work.He is a certified trainer in the D.I.S.C. Personality Profiling system and author of over 20 books and audio programs. In America his "one on one" expenses begin at $5200. His products are continuously in demand. His famed self-hypnosis workshops, clinics and audio effectively solve problems, in all areas of his clients business and personal lives, all over the globe.Stay on Randy’s established program for thirty days, and you too can have control over your attitude to your distinct problem – GUARANTEED!

  • af Randy Charach
    49,99 kr.

    Improve your Sales skills with this self-hypnosis program. Gain more self-confidence, become a better salesperson, and win all the sales awards."Remove the arbitrary barriers and limitations imposed upon your success by yourself or those around you. It will remove these barriers and place in your hands the keys to ever increasing success in the field that you have chosen: Sales."Self-Hypnosis Ace offer a comprehensive series of self-hypnosis products designed to suit your requirements. We have everything from downloads to CD’s and these involve lots of diverse problems that are experienced by scores of people throughout the world, including self-hypnosis weight-loss programs. Whether you want to quit smoking, lose weight, become a better public speaker, cope with stress in your life or even play better golf, you’ll be amazed how self-hypnosis can assist you. Build a better future with hypnosis: if you are able to relax totally and lock out everything near you, self-hypnosis products may very well be a huge influence in your life and on your aspiration to perfect your situation and cope with whatever troubles you have that have been holding you back.Our Downloads are for self-hypnosis and are not daily affirmation cd’s. This type of recording should only be played when you can relax and close your eyes. Never listen to a self-hypnosis recording while driving a motor vehicle or when operating machinery.Randy Charach is undoubtedly among America’s top mind-menders, renowned as a results-only hypnotist and hypnotherapist. Randy’s abilities are in demand for both TV work (entertainment) in addition to his world famous clinical work.He is a certified trainer in the D.I.S.C. Personality Profiling system and author of over 20 books and audio programs. In America his "one on one" expenses begin at $5200. His products are continuously in demand. His famed self-hypnosis workshops, clinics and audio effectively solve problems, in all areas of his clients business and personal lives, all over the globe.Stay on Randy’s established program for thirty days, and you too can have control over your attitude to your distinct problem – GUARANTEED!

  • af Randy Charach
    49,99 kr.

    Do you have difficulty organizing your own life and developing your goals? This program will help you to develop these skills and set you on your way to achieving your goals.Randy Charach is undoubtedly among America’s top mind-menders, renowned as a results-only hypnotist and hypnotherapist. Randy’s abilities are in demand for both TV work (entertainment) in addition to his world famous clinical work.He is a certified trainer in the D.I.S.C. Personality Profiling system and author of over 20 books and audio programs. In America his "one on one" expenses begin at $5200. His products are continuously in demand. His famed self-hypnosis workshops, clinics and audio effectively solve problems, in all areas of his clients business and personal lives, all over the globe.Stay on Randy’s established program for thirty days, and you too can have control over your attitude to your distinct problem – GUARANTEED!

  • af Terence O'Hallorann
    49,99 kr.

    Within the genre of financial self-help, "Trusts – A Practical Guide" is an invaluable and rare resource for financial experts and members of the public alike who need a reference work on a subject that is, on the face of it, complex but which undeniably affects many people’s lives at one point or another. Whatever your occupation or background, you are almost certain at some time to need some understanding of this subject, whether in your own financial planning or in advising those around you – and this guide is particularly helpful when dealing with a relative’s probate or the complex issues arising from an inheritance.After thirty-five years at the top of his profession, FSA member Terry O'Halloran writes passionately and informatively, not only about his subject but also about the importance of spreading the word to others. He has seen many times first hand the benefits of well organised and implemented financial planning on people’s lives. More poignantly, he has seen what can happen when such matters are left to chance.

  • af Maxx-audio
    15,99 kr.

    Afirmacje to pozytywne twierdzenia, wykorzystujące mechanizmy autosugestii i medytacji. Posiadają moc wpływania na podświadomość, która kontroluje nasze przekonania i zachowania. Stosując je systematycznie, zaczynamy identyfikować się z ich treścią, a w efekcie odpowiednio dostrajamy nasze myśli. Odpowiednio sformułowane, dostosowane do zamierzonego celu, afirmacje stanowią potężne narzędzie, które może realnie przybliżyć do osiągnięcia upragnionej zmiany.Nagranie „Afirmacje kariery" skupia się na wizualizacji wymarzonej pracy. Zdania w nim użyte budują pozytywny odbiór słuchaczki jako pracownika, który realizuje się w pracy i z łatwością godzi życie prywatne z karierą.Sesję afirmacyjną warto wzmocnić wizualizacjami - wyobrażać sobie, że cel został już osiągnięty i próbować poczuć pozytywne emocje z tym związane.Nagranie składa się z trzech części. Rozpoczynając od afirmacji klasycznych wraz z akompaniamentem muzycznym oraz przekazem podprogowym, przechodząc do podkładu muzycznego z przekazem podprogowym, kończąc na samym przekazie. Przekaz podprogowy polega na wsłuchiwaniu się w delikatne trzaski oraz kojącą ciszę, dzięki czemu słuchający po ukończeniu pierwszej części może skupić się na części medytacyjnej oraz wzmocnić działanie podświadomości.

  • af Maxx-audio
    15,99 kr.

    Afirmacje to pozytywne twierdzenia, wykorzystujące mechanizmy autosugestii i medytacji. Posiadają moc wpływania na podświadomość, która kontroluje nasze przekonania i zachowania. Stosując je systematycznie, zaczynamy identyfikować się z ich treścią, a w efekcie odpowiednio dostrajamy nasze myśli. Odpowiednio sformułowane, dostosowane do zamierzonego celu, afirmacje stanowią potężne narzędzie, które może realnie przybliżyć do osiągnięcia upragnionej zmiany.Nagranie „Afirmacje kariery" skupia się na wizualizacji wymarzonej pracy. Zdania w nim użyte budują pozytywny odbiór słuchacza jako pracownika, który realizuje się w pracy i z łatwością godzi życie prywatne z karierą.Sesję afirmacyjną warto wzmocnić wizualizacjami - wyobrażać sobie, że cel został już osiągnięty i próbować poczuć pozytywne emocje z tym związane.Nagranie składa się z trzech części. Rozpoczynając od afirmacji klasycznych wraz z akompaniamentem muzycznym oraz przekazem podprogowym, przechodząc do podkładu muzycznego z przekazem podprogowym, kończąc na samym przekazie. Przekaz podprogowy polega na wsłuchiwaniu się w delikatne trzaski oraz kojącą ciszę, dzięki czemu słuchający po ukończeniu pierwszej części może skupić się na części medytacyjnej oraz wzmocnić działanie podświadomości.

  • af Maxx-audio
    15,99 kr.

    Afirmacje to pozytywne twierdzenia, wykorzystujące mechanizmy autosugestii i medytacji. Posiadają moc wpływania na podświadomość, która kontroluje nasze przekonania i zachowania. Stosując je systematycznie, zaczynamy identyfikować się z ich treścią, a w efekcie odpowiednio dostrajamy nasze myśli. Odpowiednio sformułowane, dostosowane do zamierzonego celu, afirmacje stanowią potężne narzędzie, które może realnie przybliżyć do osiągnięcia upragnionej zmiany.W nagraniu „Afirmacje bogactwa" słuchacz odnajdzie zdania skupiające się na przyciąganiu pieniędzy. Osoby cierpiące na niedostatki finansowe mogą znaleźć inspirację do pracy nad swoim dobrobytem, albowiem afirmacje tu zawarte wymierzone są w osiągnięcie bogactwa.Sesję afirmacyjną warto wzmocnić wizualizacjami - wyobrażać sobie, że cel został już osiągnięty i próbować poczuć pozytywne emocje z tym związane.Nagranie składa się z trzech części. Rozpoczynając od afirmacji klasycznych wraz z akompaniamentem muzycznym oraz przekazem podprogowym, przechodząc do podkładu muzycznego z przekazem podprogowym, kończąc na samym przekazie. Przekaz podprogowy polega na wsłuchiwaniu się w delikatne trzaski oraz kojącą ciszę, dzięki czemu słuchający po ukończeniu pierwszej części może skupić się na części medytacyjnej oraz wzmocnić działanie podświadomości.

  • af Roger Hamilton
    49,99 kr.

    "Wink and Grow Rich" is the fable of a nine year old boy being raised by his carpenter father who is both sick and tired... In fact, he is tired of being sick and sick of being tired. Every day for the last twenty years the carpenter has visited the Well of Wealth and spent a dollar there, because it is generally known by the townsfolk that if they give generously to the Well, it will give generously to them in return. On this day, the carpenter is so ill that he is unable to visit the well, so he entrusts his nine-year-old son Richard with a crumpled but treasured dollar and sends him in his place.Along the way, Richard discovers that the Well of Wealth is not where he thought it would be – so he follows a different, more overgrown path, on which he meets an old woman, an optometrist, a plumber, a gardener, a fisherman, a rower, a musician, and an innkeeper. These intriguing and mysterious characters act as guides for Richard and share their wisdom with him. They have all built their wealth in very different ways, yet there is something about each that is common to all.This fictional tale makes one think more deeply about the dynamics of wealth creation. The keys to wealth are in the story behind the story; the lesson behind the lesson. That means that to find the key, the reader needs to become better at seeing – a philosophy the author sums up as: "What you see is always what you get."Each time the reader reads this book, they will discover new keys, one by one, until finally they unlock the doors to their own wealth.

  • af Roger Hamilton
    49,99 kr.

    "Wink and Grow Rich" is the fable of a nine year old boy being raised by his carpenter father who is both sick and tired... In fact, he is tired of being sick and sick of being tired. Every day for the last twenty years the carpenter has visited the Well of Wealth and spent a dollar there, because it is generally known by the townsfolk that if they give generously to the Well, it will give generously to them in return. On this day, the carpenter is so ill that he is unable to visit the well, so he entrusts his nine-year-old son Richard with a crumpled but treasured dollar and sends him in his place.Along the way, Richard discovers that the Well of Wealth is not where he thought it would be – so he follows a different, more overgrown path, on which he meets an old woman, an optometrist, a plumber, a gardener, a fisherman, a rower, a musician, and an innkeeper. These intriguing and mysterious characters act as guides for Richard and share their wisdom with him. They have all built their wealth in very different ways, yet there is something about each that is common to all.This fictional tale makes one think more deeply about the dynamics of wealth creation. The keys to wealth are in the story behind the story; the lesson behind the lesson. That means that to find the key, the reader needs to become better at seeing – a philosophy the author sums up as: "What you see is always what you get."Each time the reader reads this book, they will discover new keys, one by one, until finally they unlock the doors to their own wealth.

  • af Terence O'Hallorann
    49,99 kr.

    Within the genre of financial self-help, "Trusts – A Practical Guide" is an invaluable and rare resource for financial experts and members of the public alike who need a reference work on a subject that is, on the face of it, complex but which undeniably affects many people’s lives at one point or another.Whatever your occupation or background, you are almost certain at some time to need some understanding of this subject, whether in your own financial planning or in advising those around you – and this guide is particularly helpful when dealing with a relative’s probate or the complex issues arising from an inheritance.After thirty-five years at the top of his profession, FSA member Terry O'Halloran writes passionately and informatively, not only about his subject but also about the importance of spreading the word to others. He has seen many times first hand the benefits of well organised and implemented financial planning on people’s lives. More poignantly, he has seen what can happen when such matters are left to chance.

  • af Mirjam Tapper
    43,99 kr.

    Det kan vara svårt att leva sparsamt när man inte vet var man ska börja. Därför finns den här boken för dig som vill ha tips och råd om hur man gör för att leva både billigt och bra. Att ha en sparsam och hållbar livsstil är inte bara bra för plånboken - det gynnar även miljön.Mirjam Tapper blev år 1991 deltidsarbetslös, med en dyr lägenhet och två tonårsbarn att försörja. I "Konsten att leva billigt" delar hon med sig av spartips inom flera områden: mat, kläder, bostad, bil, fritid, hygien, och privatbokföring.Mirjam Tapper, född 1948, är en svensk författare och etnolog. Hennes självhjälpsböcker har uppmärksammats av bl.a. kursverksamheter och friskvårdare.

  • af Wilfried Reiter
    96,99 kr.

    64 praktische Tipps für effektives Projektmanagement!Die Wahrheit ist bitter: Die gängigen Projektmanagement-Techniken eignen sich ausschließlich für Projekte mit großem Team und Millionenbudget. Der Alltag jedoch sieht völlig anders aus: kleine Projekte, kein oder minimales Team, kaum Budget, aber große Erwartungen. Dieses Hörbuch zeigt, wie man als Einzelkämpfer Aufgaben erfolgreich plant und meistert."Dieses Buch enthält jede Menge wertvoller Tipps für erfolgreiches Projektmanagement." - Amazon-Kunde"Mit Projekmanagement für Einzelkämpfer hat Wilfried Reiter ein extrem kurzweiliges und amüsantes Buch geschrieben, das sich ganz hervorragend als kleine Lektüre für nebenbei eignet, etwa fürs Zugfahren. " Amazon-KundeWilfried Reiter ist selbständiger Trainer und hat 1999 zusammen mit seiner Frau das Unternehmen in2ition gegründet. Er trainiert, coacht und berät unter anderem Mitarbeiter aller Branchen und Unternehmensgrößen in Fragen des Projektmanagements. Dabei haben ihn seine innovativen Projektmanagement-Methoden weit über Fachkreise hinaus bekannt gemacht.

  • af Karsten Engmann Jensen
    149,00 kr.

    Bogen giver på lettilgængelig vis et overblik over, hvad du med held kan gøre for at få mere ud af dine penge – både i dag, i morgen og når du bliver ældre.Vi vil gerne så være gode til at spare op og styre vores forbrug. Men det går ikke så godt som vi ønsker. For desværre har vi en usynlig fjende – underbevidstheden. Underbevidstheden er den del af vores tanker vi ikke selv har styr på. Derfor er det heller ikke altid vi selv kan gennemskue, at den vigtige beslutning vi lige har taget, måske ikke er så god som vi forestiller os, netop fordi det er underbevidstheden – og ikke fornuften - der ligger bag.Uanset hvor meget vi kæmper, kommer vi aldrig til at lære, hvornår vi lader os narre af vores underbevidsthed eller hvorfor. Derfor er det meget bedre at acceptere, at vi har denne svaghed, og så i stedet bruge vores kræfter på at finde den mest sikre metode til at få pengene til at vokse.Denne bog vil blandt andet beskrive, hvorfor mænd er mere tilbøjelige til at lade sig påvirke af underbevidstheden og andre psykologiske faktorer end kvinder er. Det betyder godt nok, at mænd er lidt flittigere til at købe aktier, når de sparer op. Men det betyder også, at de kvinder, der køber aktier, gør det langt mere fornuftigt end mænd, netop fordi de ikke er så påvirkelige på det psykologiske område.