Bibellæsning, bibeluddrag og meditationer

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  • af Rolf Slot-Henriksen
    68,99 kr.

    Mange mennesker i den vestlige verden føler et stadig stigende behov for meditation og stilhed. Det er ikke bare resultatet af en modestrømning, men en bevidst reaktion på samfundsudviklingen, hvor mennesket tager afstand fra larm og jag og søger tilbage til de tabte værdier.Men man behøver ikke at søge mod Østens mystik og religioner for at lære at meditere. Meditation har været en del af kristendommen i godt to tusind år – i det protestantiske Nordeuropa har vi bare glemt det. I ”Kristen meditation i 2000 år”, der udkom første gang i 1982, giver Rolf Slot-Henriksen et omfattende indblik i den kristne meditations historie, udvikling og metoder.Rolf Slot-Henriksen (1951-2012) var sognepræst og grundlægger af Grundlovsforeningen Dansk Kultur, som han var formand for frem til sin død. Som forfatter har han skrevet adskillige bøger og artikler om blandt andet døden, nærdødsoplevelser, kristendom og dansk kultur.

  • af N.P. Gravengaard
    68,99 kr.

    Dette er et forkyndende og opbyggeligt skrift med rige personlige fortællinger og bibellæsninger. De menneskelige og åndelige tekster er skrevet som en "julegave" til forfatterens mor hjemme i Danmark. Han selv befinder sig i Amerika og er her optaget af sit åndelige arbejde. Gravengaard var en af den danske luthersk-evangeliske kirkes centrale skikkelser i tiden omkring 1900-tallet.Bogen blev, efter udgivelsen på dansk i 1901, oversat til engelsk og fik et rigt liv, både i danske emigrant-kredse i Amerika, men også udover det.N. P. Gravengaard er født i 1865 i Vestjylland. Han emigrerede til Amerika og blev præst dér i den luthersk-evangeliske kirke. Han skrev en række forkyndende bøger, herunder ”Evig Liv med idel Glæde” (1904) og "Fem foredrag" (1906)

  • af Axel Malmstrøm
    38,99 kr.

    I dette lille hæfte præsenterer den danske præst og teolog Axel Malmstrøm en plan for den daglige bibellæsning for de 14-17-årige. Planen er for et helt år, og ud for hver dato er angivet, hvilket stykke i Bibelen, man skal læse den pågældende dag.”Hjælp til daglig bibellæsning udarbejdet for ganske unge” udkom første gang i 1919.Axel Malmstrøm (1888-1951) var teolog og biskop i Viborg fra 1936 og frem til sin død. Han nærede stor interesse for verdensmission og økumeni og foretog flere studierejser til blandt andet Jerusalem, USA, Indien og Canada. Axel Malmstrøm skrev en lang række bøger om kristendom og missionshistorie.

  • af Ejgil Tryel
    49,00 kr.

    Et lykkeligt nu. Findes der noget mere enkelt og vidunderligt?"Nuet og evigheden" er en alsidig og livsklog samling essays om livet. De spænder vidt i emner, og dækker mange ting – fra troskab og utroskab i essayet "Det umulige åbne ægteskab", til Hitler og Stalins ikke-angrebspagt i begyndelsen af Den anden verdenskrig i essayet "Summen af Verdens dårskab".I titel-essayet "Nuet og Evigheden" mediterer forfatteren over nærværets kraft og begrebet om det lykkelige nu.Bogen henvender sig til læsere der interesserer sig for livsfilosofi.Ejgil Tryel har skrevet i forskellige genrer, bl.a. historisk fiktion, erindringer og fagbøger om svampe. Ud over det har han udgivet en række bøger inden for kategorierne filosofi og livsbetragtninger. Blandt hans udgivelser kan nævnes "Søren Kierkegaards himmelfart" (1986) og "Elsk din fjende" (1983). Som forfatter var han mest aktiv i 70'erne og 80’erne.

  • af H.C. Vedsted
    39,00 kr.

    "Det lyder næsten som en umulighed, at der mellem to kontraskikkelser som Jesus og Judas kunne bestå et discipelforhold. Det vil være min opgave at undersøge dette. Lige fra jeg var barn, har judasskikkelsen vakt uhygge hos mig. I skolen kaldte vi ham ’Bibelens sorte mand’. Der var noget hos ham, man blev bange for. Det var det tilsyneladende skæbnebestemte, som prægede skikkelsen. Man spurgte sig selv: ’Hvad om nu du havde været i hans sted?’"H.C. Vedsteds essay fra 1924 handler om Judas, som vi oplever ham i Bibelen i hans relation til Jesus og de andre disciple. Med udgangspunkt i forskellige bibelcitater lærer vi Judas at kende og bliver præsenteret for nye måder at beskue hans karakter og rolle på.Hans Christian Vedsted (1885-1945) var en dansk forfatter, hvis bøger ofte knytter sig til den jyske vestkysts natur og dens folk. Han står blandt andet bag bøgerne "Hav-præst" og "Klit-Per".

  • af Anonymous
    42,99 kr.

    Immerse yourself in the divine wisdom of the ages with "200 Quotations from the Bible." This captivating collection brings together powerful verses and profound insights from the sacred scriptures, offering guidance, inspiration, and solace for every aspect of life's journey.Whether you're seeking solace in times of adversity or simply yearning for spiritual nourishment, "200 Quotations from the Bible" is your beacon of hope.Let the words of the prophets, psalmists, and apostles ignite your spirit, nourish your soul, and illuminate your path.

  • af Antonio Altadill
    73,99 kr.

    Con su habitual estilo certero y su prosa elegante, Antonio Altadill nos presenta, bajo su habitual pseudónimo de Antonio de Padua, una recreación en forma de novela de la historia bíblica de la casta Susana, una mujer de Babilonia que aloja en su casa a varios hombres y a la que acusan de adulterio. Se celebrará un juicio en su contra donde se decidirá si debe morir apedreada.Antonio Altadill fue un escritor, periodista y politólogo español nacido en Tortosa (Tarragona) en 1828 y fallecido en Barcelona en 1880. Periodista comprometido, llegó a fundar el periódico El Pueblo y a escribir para La Soberanía Nacional, La Discusión o El Estado Catalán. Cultivó asimismo la novela bajo el pseudónimo Antonio de Padua, llegando a escribir más de treinta títulos.

  • af Lope Vega
    58,99 kr.

    Los cinco misterios dolorosos de la pasión y muerte de nuestro señor Jesucristo, con su sagrada resurrección es un drama teatral de Lope de Vega que, como su propio nombre indica, se desarrolla en torno a la pasión, muerte y resurrección de la figura de Jesús de Narzaret.Félix Lope de Vega y Carpio fue un autor nacido en Madrid en 1562 y fallecido en 1635. Célebre dramaturgo y poeta, se le considera emblema del Siglo de Oro de la literatura española y uno de los autores más prolíficos de la literatura universal.

  • af Kim Fupz Aakeson
    99,00 kr.

    I Barnets Bibel gendigter Kim Fupz Aakeson 60 af de allervigtigste bibelhistorier fra Det Gamle og Det Nye Testamente og giver os dermed en børnebibel, som både børn og voksne kan nyde. For Fupz skriver som en drøm, og Biblen er fuld af fantastiske historier, som vi alle fortjener at høre. Biblen handler om mange ting. Der er historier om brødre, der ikke kan komme overens. Der er historier om konger, der er bange for deres trone. Der er historier, der handler om krig, om magre køer, om trompeter, der vælter mure, om et land, der flyder med mælk og honning. Men først og sidst handler Biblen nok om kærlighed. Barnets Bibel er en samling af de 60 vigtigste bibelhistorier, gennemillustreret af Signe Kjær og smukt pakket ind i en gavebog til alle aldre. Fra ca. 4 år.

  • af Carl Koch
    99,00 kr.

    "En af formerne for fantasiens virksomhed er sammenligningen. Ud fra et forhold i det kendtes verden søger vi ved sammenligning at finde et lignende forhold inde i det ukendtes verden. Det, som før var tåget, begynder derved at antage bestemtere omrids. Hvad der i vort eget sjæleliv er uklart og dunkelt, bliver undertiden klart for os derved, at vi kan sammenligne det med noget, som er kendt og klart for os."Den danske præst og forfatter Carl Koch genfortæller en lang række af Jesu lignelser. Han fortæller, hvad vi kan lære af de forskellige lignelser, og beskriver, hvad det er, der gør en lignelse rammende og nærværende for os så mange år efter, den først blev fortalt.Carl Koch (1860-1925) var dansk præst og forfatter. Han blev uddannet cand.theol. i 1884 og arbejdede som lærer ved Birkerød Latinskole, før han blev kapellan og senere valgmenighedspræst. Carl Koch har skrevet en lang række bøger om blandt andet Goethe, Brorson, Kierkegaard og Jesu lignelser.

  • af Lope de Vega
    40,99 kr.

    El robo de Dina es una comedia teatral sacra del autor Lope de Vega. En la línea de los textos teatrales cristianos del Siglo de Oro Español, concatena escenas que realzan los valores cristianos sacadas de un episodio bíblico.Félix Lope de Vega y Carpio fue un autor nacido en Madrid en 1562 y fallecido en 1635. Célebre dramaturgo y poeta, se le considera emblema del Siglo de Oro de la literatura española y uno de los autores más prolíficos de la literatura universal.

  • af – Unknown
    77,99 kr.

    The setting of 1st and 2nd Maccabees is about a century and a half after the conquest of Judea by the Greeks under Alexander the Great. It tells how the Greek ruler Antiochus IV Epiphanes attempted to suppress the Jewish religion, resulting in the Maccabean Revolt from 175 to 134 BCE. Originally included in the King James Bible, 1st and 2nd Maccabees is a thrilling historical account of the guerrilla warfare in which, with God's help, the Maccabean brothers, Judas, Jonathan and Simon were empowered to win extraordinary victories against vastly superior armies and restore an independent Jewish kingdom and religion. British narrator, Christopher Glyn, brings these epic stories to life with an inspired and professional reading. British narrator Christopher Glyn, who draws on 35 years experience as a Christian narrator and broadcaster to bring you this expressive reading which captures the beauty and power of God's Word and makes the King James English clear and easy to understand.

  • af Charles Spurgeon
    59,99 kr.

    Beautifully and devotionally read by Christopher Glyn, this is a unique compilation of 21 readings from Charles Spurgeon's classic "Morning and Evening" devotionals on the theme of the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. Complimented with short instrumental interludes composed by Michael Dooley.British narrator Christopher Glyn, who draws on 35 years experience as a Christian narrator and broadcaster to bring you this expressive reading which captures the beauty and power of God's Word and makes the King James English clear and easy to understand.

  • af UNKNOWN
    78,99 kr.

    Thought to have been lost for over 2000 years, ´The Book of Enoch´ resurfaced in 1773 and sparked an ongoing debate among historians and theologians on whether this ancient book was actually authored by Enoch, the great-grandfather of Noah. However, all recognise ´The Book of Enoch´ as one of the most essential apocalyptic works outside of the Bible.This 1917 translation by R. H. Charles is professionally narrated by Christopher Glyn, and it aims to provide those curious to know the contents of this cryptic and mysterious book with an enjoyable way to do so.British narrator Christopher Glyn draws on 35 years of experience as a Christian narrator and broadcaster to bring you this expressive reading which captures the beauty and power of God's Word and makes the King James version clear and easy to understand.

  • af Morten Pontoppidan
    68,99 kr.

    "Første Thessalonikerbrev" indeholder en bibellæsning af netop dette bibelstykke udført af den folkekære præst og forfatter Morten Pontoppidan. Bogen indeholder Pontoppidans tolkning og fremlægning af Første Thessalonikerbrev som den blev udlagt for menigheden til hjælp og vejledning.Morten Pontoppidan (1851-1931) var dansk forfatter, præst og højskolemand og desuden en ivrig formidler af kristendommen. En formidling, der altid stod i relation til den på daværende tid givne politiske og kirkepolitiske kontekst. Oprindelig var han grundtvigianer, men med sin kulturåbenhed og sit syn på personlig og kirkelig frihed gjorde han op med denne fløj og fattede i stedet stor sympati for den frembrydende liberalteologi. Morten Pontoppidan var bror til forfatteren og nobelpristageren i litteratur Henrik Pontoppidan.

  • af Morten Pontoppidan
    48,99 kr.

    Med stor religiøs indsigt og litterær forståelse fremlægger og analyserer præst og forfatter Morten Pontoppidan her fem kendte salmer i egen oversættelse:Sabbatstanker (salme 92)Tilflugt i trængsel (salme 59)En angrende synders bøn (salme 51)Takkesang for fred og gode dage (salme 65)En nat i ørkenen (salme 57)Morten Pontoppidan, (1851-1931,) var dansk forfatter, præst og højskolemand og desuden en ivrig formidler af kristendommen. En formidling, der altid stod i relation til den på daværende tid givne politiske og kirkepolitiske kontekst. Oprindelig var han grundtvigianer, men med sin kulturåbenhed og sit syn på personlig og kirkelig frihed gjorde han op med denne fløj og fattede i stedet stor sympati for den frembrydende liberalteologi. Morten Pontoppidan var bror til forfatteren og nobelpristageren i litteratur Henrik Pontoppidan.

  • af Jeppe Aakjær
    49,00 kr.

    Denne bog er en hyldest til det jyske folkesprog. Den indledes med Jeppe Aakjærs tanker om sprogets udvikling, forfald og levedygtighed, og derefter genfortælles historier fra Saxo og fra bibelen – på dialekt!Jeppe Aakjær (1866-1930) er manden bag flere af højskolesangbogens mest populære sange – "Jens Vejmand", "Jeg er havren" og "Ole sad på en knold og sang" er blot nogle af dem. Han er i dag bedst kendt for sin stemningsfulde naturlyrik fra og om den vestjyske hede, men han var også i høj grad en politisk forfatter, og arbejde, landskab, arv og miljø var alle vigtige komponenter i hans beskrivelse af almuens undertrykte tilværelse og trange kår. Disse temaer gjorde ham til en del af det, der litteraturhistorisk kaldes det folkelige gennembrud – en bevægelse, der også tæller forfattere som Johannes V. Jensen og Martin Andersen Nexø. Jeppe Aakjærs forfatterskab spænder vidt indenfor genrer som digte, romaner, noveller, skuespil, artikler, taler og diverse udgivelser om lokalhistorie, og han er kendt for sit letforståelige sprog og for undertiden at skrive på dialekt.

  • af Christopher Glyn
    49,99 kr.

    The book of 1stJohn is a General Epistle (Apostolic Letter). It is written by the Disciple/Apostle John around 85-95 A.D. probably from Ephesus. The key personalities are the Apostles Peter and Paul. Its purpose was to warn about the increasing threat of false teachings and to reassure Christians of their faith and love in Jesus Christ.It was written to combat false teachings that had to do with the denial that Jesus had a genuine human body (1:1). This Gnostic view of matter as being evil led to two responses, asceticism or licentiousness. He very clearly writes to give the true tests of a true Christian. These tests also contradicted the Gnostic licentious approach to Christianity. He gives several means to measure the reality of one’s conversion experience.Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."

  • af Christopher Glyn
    49,95 kr.

    The small book of Zephaniah is Narrative History and Prophetic Oracle. Zephaniah wrote it circa 630 B.C. very soon before the fall of Judah in the Southern Kingdom. The purpose of this book was to show that God raised up his prophet Zephaniah to proclaim a warning of coming judgment and to encourage repentance.The Southern Kingdom was complacent in their wicked lives. They not only suffered under wicked kings they also would suffer under the holy judgment of God. Zephaniah was God’s method in bringing a stern warning of the day of the Lord "Near is the great day of the Lord...a day of wrath is that day" (1:14-15). He also brought a message of hope, when the nation would be restored.Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."

  • af Christopher Glyn
    49,99 kr.

    The book of Ephesians is a Prison Epistle (letter written while in prison). Paul wrote it about 60-62 A.D. The key personalities of Ephesians are the Apostle Paul and Tychicus. It was written to encourage believers to walk as fruitful followers of Christ and to serve in unity and love in the midst of persecution.Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."

  • af Christopher Glyn
    49,99 kr.

    The book of Galatians is a Pauline Epistle (letter from Paul). It was written by the Apostle Paul about 49 A.D. prior to the Jerusalem Council which had taken place in 50 A.D. This quite possibly could have been Paul’s first letter. The key personalities of this book are the Apostle Paul, Peter, Barnabas, Abraham, Titus, and false teachers. Paul writes this book to deal with the problem of circumcision and Jewish legalism toward Gentile believers.Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."

  • af Christopher Glyn
    59,99 kr.

    The books of Chronicles were originally one book, as in the case of Samuel and Kings. The Hebrew title is translated the "words of the days", yet the word Chronicles is mainly adopted by a theologian named Jerome who thought that they ought to bear the title from the Greek word for time which is "Chronos". This title created a distraction from the true meaning and purpose of this wonderful book. The main purpose of Chronicles was to form a genealogical description of the 12 tribes of Israel from the earliest recorded time. This was very important considering that there was a mixed multitude that had returned from Babylon, and it was also important to determine the lineage of Judah, and to reestablish the functions and order in which each individual tribe was required to perform.The author of Chronicles has a fervent desire to make the people of Israel aware of the true glory of their kingdom, realizing that it traces back to David and Solomon. There is nothing that would impress upon them a greater understanding than taking them back through a detailed history of their kingdom, with all of its glory and prosperity and also the horrible sin that led to the captivity and the downfall of the theocracy. The author of Chronicles had a constant focus on the Temple which had been destroyed and the dynasty of King David. There is hardly any mention of the northern kingdom of Israel, it is mainly concerned with Judah and the events in connection with King David, and the building of the Temple. Solomon is not necessarily a huge focus other than his preparations for building the Temple and its dedication. The worship of the Temple is paramount and the functions of the Levites as well. The Kings of Judah are stressed with great importance as well as the idolatry that seduced the people of God.Hebrew tradition credits Ezra has the author of the books of Chronicles, in the beginning of the books trace the genealogical records all the way back to Adam which took place in approximately 4004 BC. The book concludes with the Jews in Babylon after the captivity.Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."

  • af Christopher Glyn
    49,99 kr.

    The book of Song of Solomon is a large love poem filled with smaller poems of different kinds. Solomon is the author and he wrote it sometime during his reign 970-930 B.C. It is a story of a bridegroom who is in love with his bride. Key personalities are King Solomon, the Shulammite girl, and friends.The story greatly emphasizes the sanctity of marriage and that it is designed, blessed and consecrated in the eyes of the Lord. The purpose of "Song of Songs", as it is also called, is a picture of God’s love for His people. Although there is explicit sexual content, it is a book in which we can learn the depths of God’s authentic love for us and what should be in the sacredness of marriage.Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."

  • af Christopher Glyn
    77,99 kr.

    At the beginning of Numbers, Israel prepares to continue the journey from Mount Sinai to the promised land. God devotes one of the twelve tribes, the Levites, to assist Aaron in the work of the priesthood, maintaining and watching over Israel’s religious articles. After dedicating the Tabernacle, which houses the Ark of the Covenant, the Israelites leave Sinai, guided by the movements of a cloud that rests over the Tabernacle. Entering the desert, the people begin to complain about everything from the lack of interesting food to Moses’s leadership.Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."

  • af Christopher Glyn
    59,99 kr.

    The literary genres of the book of Revelation are an Apocalypse, a Prophecy, and an Epistle (or Letter). The Disciple/Apostle John, who followed Jesus Christ and witnessed His crucifixion, authored it.John wrote Revelation while a prisoner on the Island of Patmos, approximately 85-95 A.D. Its purpose is to give encouragement and hope for all Christians to continue watching for the return and triumph of the Lord Jesus Christ. It also is to warn of the Final Judgment that nonbelievers will endure on that Last Day.John wrote that Revelation is special because, "Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things which are written in it; for the time is near" (1:3)."Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done. "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end." (22:12-13).Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."

  • af Christopher Glyn
    59,99 kr.

    Israel’s next judge, Samuel, is born to Hannah, a previously barren woman. Hannah gives Samuel to Israel’s chief priest, Eli, to be raised as a Nazirite. The priesthood in Israel is in a general state of decline, and Eli’s sons are disobeying God’s laws. God declares that he will choose a new priest for Israel from outside Eli’s family and begins delivering messages to Samuel as a young man. Samuel becomes a recognized prophet throughout Israel, delivering God’s messages to the people.Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."

  • af Christopher Glyn
    59,99 kr.

    The book of John is a Gospel that contains Narrative History, Sermons, Parables, and a few Prophetic Oracles. It was written by the Disciple/Apostle John around 85-95 A.D. The key personalities of this book are Jesus Christ, His Twelve Disciples, Mary Magdalene, John the Baptist, Lazarus, his sisters Mary and Martha, Jewish religious leaders, and Pilate.It was written so that all may believe in Jesus Christ the Son of God who gives eternal life. John’s gospel uses the word "Believe" 98 times and the word "Life" 36 times, in an effort to embed the importance that one must believe in order to live eternally. John is not one of the three synoptic (common view) gospels, but instead was written with a more theological substance, yet equally as inspired and important as the first three gospels."And there are many other things which Jesus did, which if they were written in detail, I suppose that even the world itself would not contain the books that would be written" (21:25).Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."

  • af Christopher Glyn
    49,99 kr.

    The book of Habakkuk is Narrative History and displays Prophetic Oracle. Habakkuk wrote it approximately 612-589 B.C. just before the fall of Judah in the Southern Kingdom. Key personalities are Habakkuk and the Babylonians. As is true of the many other prophets, Habakkuk is a short book. The information in it was vital since it carried God’s message to His people. Its purpose was that Habakkuk was announcing a familiar message of judgment. He was identifying the wickedness and sin of Judah before them. Habakkuk declared that God is the "Rock" (1:2) and that they would be judged.Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."

  • af Christopher Glyn
    59,99 kr.

    The books of Chronicles were originally one book, as in the case of Samuel and Kings. The Hebrew title is translated the "words of the days", yet the word Chronicles is mainly adopted by a theologian named Jerome who thought that they ought to bear the title from the Greek word for time which is "Chronos". This title created a distraction from the true meaning and purpose of this wonderful book. The main purpose of Chronicles was to form a genealogical description of the 12 tribes of Israel from the earliest recorded time. This was very important considering that there was a mixed multitude that had returned from Babylon, and it was also important to determine the lineage of Judah, and to reestablish the functions and order in which each individual tribe was required to perform.The author of Chronicles has a fervent desire to make the people of Israel aware of the true glory of their kingdom, realizing that it traces back to David and Solomon. There is nothing that would impress upon them a greater understanding than taking them back through a detailed history of their kingdom, with all of its glory and prosperity and also the horrible sin that led to the captivity and the downfall of the theocracy. The author of Chronicles had a constant focus on the Temple which had been destroyed and the dynasty of King David. There is hardly any mention of the northern kingdom of Israel, it is mainly concerned with Judah and the events in connection with King David, and the building of the Temple. Solomon is not necessarily a huge focus other than his preparations for building the Temple and its dedication. The worship of the Temple is paramount and the functions of the Levites as well. The Kings of Judah are stressed with great importance as well as the idolatry that seduced the people of God.Hebrew tradition credits Ezra has the author of the books of Chronicles, in the beginning of the books trace the genealogical records all the way back to Adam which took place in approximately 4004 BC. The book concludes with the Jews in Babylon after the captivity.Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."

  • af Christopher Glyn
    59,99 kr.

    The genre of the book of Acts is Narrative History with several Sermons. Luke, the author of the Gospel of Luke, was a doctor and Gentile. He wrote this book circa 60-62 A.D. It is Luke’s sequel to the Gospel of Luke. It is titled "Acts" to emphasize that this book records the "Acts of the Apostles through the work of the Holy Spirit". The key personalities of Acts are Peter, Paul, John, James, Stephen, Barnabas, Timothy, Lydia, Silas, and Apollos.Luke wrote the book of Acts (Acts of the Apostles) to record how believers were empowered by the Holy Spirit, worked to spread the Gospel of Christ, and are a model for the future church.The book of Acts is also the history of the birth, the founding, and the spread of the Church from Jerusalem to Rome. It also records the transition of the Church from being almost exclusively a Jewish institution into becoming a Gentile and an international institution. Consequently, it records the transition of Christianity from a Jewish religion into an international faith. The Gospel of salvation is for all because Jesus Christ is Lord of all.Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."