Det gamle testamente

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  • af P.A. Rosenberg
    69,00 kr.

    "Kristenånden. Tolv populære foredrag over åndshistorie" er en samlet udgave af foredrag afholdt af den danske forfatter og dramatiker P.A. Rosenberg. Den røde tråd gennem bogen er det kristne åndsliv, som P.A. Rosenberg mente burde have en central plads i dansk kultur. Som han i efterskriftet til bogen gør opmærksom på, har kristendommens kendsgerning en psykologisk og en historisk side. Rosenbergs foredrag er i denne bog alle en undersøgelse af den historiske side af kristendommen og det kristne åndsliv, som blandt andet fokuserer på hebræernes historie, Abraham, Moses, gnostikerne, trosbekendelsen og de første tre evangelier.P.A. Rosenberg (1858-1935) var en dansk forfatter, dramatiker, lærer og foredragsholder. Han var uddannet i religionsfilosofi og underviste ved flere københavnske privatskoler. I stor kontrast til samtidens kulturradikalisme med Georg Brandes i spidsen, var Rosenbergs liv præget af en kristen verdensanskuelse, og han var stor fortaler for nationale traditioner i åndslivet. Han debuterede som forfatter med fortællingen "Af et digterliv" i 1881 og udgav efterfølgende en lang række skuespil, digte og fagbøger om blandt andre Herman Bang og Søren Kierkegaard.

  • af Helge Rode
    49,00 kr.

    Helge Rodes skuespil tager fat på den ældgamle myte om Kain og Abel fra Det Gamle Testamente. Kains lillebror, Abel, er forfærdeligt interesseret, da Kain fortæller, at han har set en rigtig kvinde. Endda en ung kvinde, der ikke er bøjet og udslidt som deres mor, men smuk og dejlig at se på.Da Abel hører, hvad Kain har tænkt sig at gøre med kvinden, bliver han imidlertid urolig. Et kim af ufred er sået mellem de ikoniske brødre.Helge Rode (1870-1937) var en dansk forfatter. Han er i dag bedst kendt for sin lyrik, som er at finde i Højskolesangbogen og Kulturkanonen, men han skrev også dramaer og arbejdede som journalist ved blandt andet Politiken, Illustreret Tidende og Berlingske Tidende. Helge Rode var en af hovedfigurerne i det kulturkonservative opgør med Georg Brandes og det moderne gennembrud.

  • af Aage Bentzen
    149,00 kr.

    I dette omfattende værk beskæftiger teologiprofessor Aage Bentzen sig med fortolkningen af de gammeltestamentlige vers, Salmerne, og præsenterer en gennemgang og kontekstualisering fra salme 1 til 150.Aage Bentzen (1894-1953) var dansk teolog og professor i Gamle Testamente ved Københavns Universitet fra 1929. Bentzen opbyggede et omfattende forfatterskab, forfattede kommentarer til en række gammeltestamentlige skrifter som monografier og lærebøger, deriblandt tobindsværket Indledning til Det gamle Testamente (1941). Efter 2. Verdenskrig var han en af initiativtagerne til oprettelsen af The International Organization of Old Testament Studies, som udgiver tidsskriftet Vetus Testamentum. Bentzen var organisationens første præsident.

  • af Aage Bentzen
    69,00 kr.

    OMKRING BIBELHISTORIEN er en samling af seks foredrag, som teolog og professor i gammeltestamentlige studier, Aage Bentzen, holdt mellem 1930 og 1933. Her diskuterer han bl.a. behovet for en ny bibelhistorie i lyset af en dagspressedebat fra 1929 om kristendom og læreplaner på skolerne samt Israels religionshistorie – mens han slutteligt spørger: "Hvad skal vi med Det Gamle Testamente?"Aage Bentzen (1894-1953) var dansk teolog og professor i Gamle Testamente ved Københavns Universitet fra 1929. Bentzen opbyggede et omfattende forfatterskab, forfattede kommentarer til en række gammeltestamentlige skrifter som monografier og lærebøger, deriblandt tobindsværket Indledning til Det gamle Testamente (1941). Efter 2. Verdenskrig var han en af initiativtagerne til oprettelsen af The International Organization of Old Testament Studies, som udgiver tidsskriftet Vetus Testamentum. Bentzen var organisationens første præsident.

  • af Aage Bentzen
    69,00 kr.

    "Endeløs tomhed," sagde Prædikeren, "endeløs tomhed, alt er tomhed" – dette andet vers i PRÆDIKERENS BOG anslår den eksistentialistiske tone i en af de helt centrale bøger i Det gamle Testamente, og som er kompliceret at beskæftige sig med. PRÆDIKERENS BOG FORTOLKET er professoren Aage Bentzens egen gennemgang af PRÆDIKERENS BOG.Bogen er skrevet i og med samtidens sprog og retskrivning.Aage Bentzen (1894-1953) var dansk teolog og professor i Gamle Testamente ved Københavns Universitet fra 1929. Bentzen opbyggede et omfattende forfatterskab, forfattede kommentarer til en række gammeltestamentlige skrifter som monografier og lærebøger, deriblandt tobindsværket Indledning til Det gamle Testamente (1941). Efter 2. Verdenskrig var han en af initiativtagerne til oprettelsen af The International Organization of Old Testament Studies, som udgiver tidsskriftet Vetus Testamentum. Bentzen var organisationens første præsident.

  • af Christopher Glyn
    49,99 kr.

    The book of Song of Solomon is a large love poem filled with smaller poems of different kinds. Solomon is the author and he wrote it sometime during his reign 970-930 B.C. It is a story of a bridegroom who is in love with his bride. Key personalities are King Solomon, the Shulammite girl, and friends.The story greatly emphasizes the sanctity of marriage and that it is designed, blessed and consecrated in the eyes of the Lord. The purpose of "Song of Songs", as it is also called, is a picture of God’s love for His people. Although there is explicit sexual content, it is a book in which we can learn the depths of God’s authentic love for us and what should be in the sacredness of marriage.Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."

  • af Christopher Glyn
    77,99 kr.

    At the beginning of Numbers, Israel prepares to continue the journey from Mount Sinai to the promised land. God devotes one of the twelve tribes, the Levites, to assist Aaron in the work of the priesthood, maintaining and watching over Israel’s religious articles. After dedicating the Tabernacle, which houses the Ark of the Covenant, the Israelites leave Sinai, guided by the movements of a cloud that rests over the Tabernacle. Entering the desert, the people begin to complain about everything from the lack of interesting food to Moses’s leadership.Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."

  • af Christopher Glyn
    49,99 kr.

    The book of Habakkuk is Narrative History and displays Prophetic Oracle. Habakkuk wrote it approximately 612-589 B.C. just before the fall of Judah in the Southern Kingdom. Key personalities are Habakkuk and the Babylonians. As is true of the many other prophets, Habakkuk is a short book. The information in it was vital since it carried God’s message to His people. Its purpose was that Habakkuk was announcing a familiar message of judgment. He was identifying the wickedness and sin of Judah before them. Habakkuk declared that God is the "Rock" (1:2) and that they would be judged.Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."

  • af Christopher Glyn
    59,99 kr.

    The books of Chronicles were originally one book, as in the case of Samuel and Kings. The Hebrew title is translated the "words of the days", yet the word Chronicles is mainly adopted by a theologian named Jerome who thought that they ought to bear the title from the Greek word for time which is "Chronos". This title created a distraction from the true meaning and purpose of this wonderful book. The main purpose of Chronicles was to form a genealogical description of the 12 tribes of Israel from the earliest recorded time. This was very important considering that there was a mixed multitude that had returned from Babylon, and it was also important to determine the lineage of Judah, and to reestablish the functions and order in which each individual tribe was required to perform.The author of Chronicles has a fervent desire to make the people of Israel aware of the true glory of their kingdom, realizing that it traces back to David and Solomon. There is nothing that would impress upon them a greater understanding than taking them back through a detailed history of their kingdom, with all of its glory and prosperity and also the horrible sin that led to the captivity and the downfall of the theocracy. The author of Chronicles had a constant focus on the Temple which had been destroyed and the dynasty of King David. There is hardly any mention of the northern kingdom of Israel, it is mainly concerned with Judah and the events in connection with King David, and the building of the Temple. Solomon is not necessarily a huge focus other than his preparations for building the Temple and its dedication. The worship of the Temple is paramount and the functions of the Levites as well. The Kings of Judah are stressed with great importance as well as the idolatry that seduced the people of God.Hebrew tradition credits Ezra has the author of the books of Chronicles, in the beginning of the books trace the genealogical records all the way back to Adam which took place in approximately 4004 BC. The book concludes with the Jews in Babylon after the captivity.Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."

  • af Christopher Glyn
    49,99 kr.

    The book of Hosea is a Narrative History and Prophetic Oracle. Hosea is the first book in the sections of Minor Prophets. They are called Minor Prophets not because their material is less important or insignificant, but because of the size of the book they wrote was shorter in length. The prophet Hosea wrote it at approximately 715 B.C. It records the events from 753-715 B.C. including the fall of the Northern Kingdom in 722. The key personalities are Hosea, Gomer, and their children.Its purpose was to illustrate the spiritual adultery of Israel and God’s boundless love for His sinful people. Hosea brings God’s message to the wicked Northern Kingdom.During this time, they are active in oppressing the poor in slavery and worshipping idols. God, because of His grace, sent another opportunity for Israel to repent and turn to Him. Shortly thereafter, the Northern Kingdom went into permanent captivity.Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."

  • af Christopher Glyn
    49,99 kr.

    The book of Obadiah is a book of Prophetic Oracles. The prophet Obadiah wrote it. Its authorship is difficult to date but was possibly written about 853-841 B.C. or 605-586 B.C. The key personalities are the Edomites. The purpose of Obadiah is to show that God will judge all those who are against His children, His chosen people; Edom is used as the example of this truth.Obadiah is only one chapter (the shortest book in the Old Testament) yet it tells of God’s prophet Obadiah as he announces God’s powerful and authoritative judgment on the nation of Edom. This is the fateful end of the nation of Edom. They had been in conflict with Israel since ancient times, in reality Edom is the descendants of Esau, Jacobs’s brother.Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."

  • af Christopher Glyn
    49,99 kr.

    Malachi is the last book of the Old Testament and is a book of Prophetic Oracle. It is a post-exilic book, meaning it was written after the return from captivity in Babylon. The prophet Malachi wrote it approximately 430 B.C. Key personalities include Malachi and the priests. The purpose of this book is that Malachi wrote to ensure that the hearts of the Jews was right and that they were keeping God first in their lives.Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."

  • af Christopher Glyn
    49,99 kr.

    The book of Nahum is a Prophetic Oracle. The prophet Nahum wrote it approximately 663-612 B.C. just before the fall of Nineveh in 612 B.C. He was raised up to preach God’s judgment for a second time to Nineveh. Jonah was the first about 120 years earlier.Its purpose is to pronounce the final warning and judgment upon Nineveh, and he also addresses the rest of the Assyrian empire. They returned to wickedness shortly after they repented back in Jonah’s day. They would neglect Nahum and his message.Within fifty years, Nineveh would be completely decimated and utterly wiped from the face of the Earth.Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."

  • af Christopher Glyn
    59,99 kr.

    The genre of Proverbs is mainly "Proverbs" as the name describes, there are also some Parables and Poetry. This book was written mainly by Solomon, the wisest king ever to rule, however some of the later sections are written by Lemuel and Agur. It was written during Solomon’s reign 970-930 B.C. He asked God for wisdom to rule God’s nation and He granted the request.The main purpose of this book is to teach wisdom to God’s people. Proverbs are short clever explanations, which are easy to remember. They contain truisms. These are things which are typically true however, not always. For example, "He who tills his land will have plenty of bread" (12:11), it is typically true that one who works his land will have bread but it is not a guarantee to always be true. They deal with life, principles, good judgment, and perception. They often draw distinctions between a wise man and a foolish man with parable type examples.Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."

  • af Christopher Glyn
    59,99 kr.

    Upon learning of Saul’s defeat by the Philistines, David sings a song lamenting the deaths of Saul and his friend, Jonathan. David goes to Hebron, where his followers and the southern tribe of Judah anoint him as king. Meanwhile, Saul’s chief commander, Abner, garners the support of the northern tribes and instates Saul’s son, Ish-Bosheth, as king of Israel. A war ensues between the conflicting regimes, played out in a series of small hand-to-hand contests between Abner’s men and the army of Joab, David’s general.Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."

  • af Christopher Glyn
    49,99 kr.

    The book of Ecclesiastes contains Proverbs, maxims, sayings, and is largely an autobiographical story. Solomon wrote it late in his life, approximately 935 B.C. He had become aware of the mistakes that he made throughout his life and began to document them. The purpose of Ecclesiastes is to spare future generations the suffering and misery of seeking after foolish, meaningless, materialistic emptiness, and to offer wisdom by discovering truth in seeking after God.It appears that Solomon once again, wants to teach the reader wisdom, "I set my mind to seek and explore by wisdom concerning all that has been done under heaven. It is a grievous task which God has given to the sons of men to be afflicted with" (1:13).Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."

  • af Christopher Glyn
    49,99 kr.

    The genre of Joel is Narrative and Prophetic Oracle. The prophet Joel wrote it around 841-835 B.C. sometime before the fall and exiles of the Northern and Southern Kingdoms. Key personalities are Joel and the people of Judah. Its purpose was to call the Southern Kingdom to repentance or prepare for the coming judgment. Joel describes the locust that inflicts severe damage to everything in their paths, and warns that it is only the beginning of what is to come.Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."

  • af Christopher Glyn
    49,99 kr.

    The purpose of the book of Amos was to announce God’s holy judgment on the Kingdom of Israel (the Northern Kingdom), call them to repentance, and to turn from their self-righteous sins and idolatry. God raised up the prophet Amos, as an act of His great mercy to a people who repeatedly shunned and disobeyed Him.Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."

  • af Christopher Glyn
    77,99 kr.

    The book of Ezekiel is Narrative History, Prophetic and Apocalyptic in genre and even contains Parables. The prophet Ezekiel wrote it approximately 571 B.C. (this date is accurately precise because this book contains more defined dates than any other book in the Bible.) Key personalities include Ezekiel, Israel’s leaders, Ezekiel’s wife, King Nebuchadnezzar, and "the prince".It was written to announce judgment upon Judah, to allow them one last chance to repent. It also foretells of the coming deliverance of God’s nation from captivity in Babylon. It mainly discusses the events during the Babylonian captivity. Ezekiel is a priest who is called by God to deliver His messages.Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."

  • af Christopher Glyn
    59,99 kr.

    The genre of Psalms is Songs and Poetry of all kinds. It is written by multiple authors; David wrote 73, Asaph wrote 12, the sons of Korah wrote 9, Solomon wrote 3, Ethan, and Moses each wrote one (Ps. 90), and 51 of the Psalms are anonymous. They were written over the span of approximately 900 years (Beginning at the time of Moses 1440 B.C. and through the captivity in 586 B.C.).The Psalms include praises of joy, laments, blessings, and thanksgivings. They are directed at God and they help us to express and communicate ourselves to Him. We read about the Psalmist’s emotions from one extreme to another, from praising, delighting in and worshiping God with fervor, to repentance and crying out to Him in despair.Psalms sits at the very center of the Bible. The major themes found in Psalms are Praise, God’s Power, Forgiveness, Thankfulness and Trust. "My mouth will speak the praise of the LORD, and all flesh will bless His holy name forever and ever" (145:21).Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."

  • af Christopher Glyn
    49,99 kr.

    The book of Micah is a Prophetic Oracle. The prophet Micah wrote it 742-686 B.C. shortly before the Northern Kingdom’s fall in 722 B.C. Key personalities are all the people of Samaria and Jerusalem.The purpose of the book of Micah was to proclaim warning and judgment to both the Northern and the Southern Kingdoms. His message was similar to that of Isaiah and was written at about the same time. Micah described the impending judgment that would eventually exile the nation.Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."

  • af Christopher Glyn
    59,99 kr.

    After the death of Moses, God calls on Joshua to lead the Israelites across the Jordan River and take possession of the promised land. God guarantees victory in the military campaign and vows never to leave the Israelites so long as they obey his laws. The people swear their allegiance to Joshua, and he sends two spies across the river to investigate the territory. The men enter Jericho, where a prostitute named Rahab hides them in her home and lies to the city officials regarding the spies’ presence. Rahab tells the spies that the Canaanites are afraid of Israel and its miraculous successes. Professing belief in the God of the Israelites, she asks for protection for her family when the Israelites destroy Jericho. The spies pledge to preserve Rahab and return to Joshua, telling him of the weakened condition of Israel’s enemies.Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."

  • af Christopher Glyn
    49,99 kr.

    The book of Lamentations is book of sorrowful songs or poems. The name implies that the topic is expressing grief over something (to lament). Jeremiah, also known as the "weeping prophet" writes this after the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians. It was written soon after the fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C.; he was an eyewitness. He predicted this destruction (as did others), watched it take place, and now in this book he is sadly reflecting on it. Key personalities are the prophet Jeremiah and the people of Jerusalem.Its purpose was to express despair and teach God’s people that disobedience to the Lord results in immense suffering and distress. Jeremiah pours out his emotions in compassion, and empathy for God’s nation, as he watches them inhabit a foreign land.Christopher Glyn became a Christian at the age of 21, giving up a promising theatrical career in the U.K. to engage in full time missionary work. In the 35 years since then, he has have been very active in the field of Christian radio, primarily on the Asia and African continents. "For years it has been my dream to record an audio version of the Holy Bible, combining my training as an actor with my love for God's Word. I am happy now to have the opportunity to do so. I started the very long process of recording the Bible 3 years ago and by the summer of 2011, the entire Bible was finished. I pray with my whole heart that these readings will be a blessing and an inspiration to many."