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  • af Thomas Nedergaard & Malte Ystrøm Madsen
    79,00 kr.

    Kirke og unge rimer ikke altid på hinanden. Men skal det være sådan?Nej, svarer Thomas Nedergaard og Malte Ystrøm Madsen. Sammen skabte de uKirke, som skulle få mange unge engageret i kirke, tro og kristendom.Nu deler de alle deres erfaringer fra ti års hæsblæsende rejse. Tingene gav ikke altid sig selv, og gode råd var indimellem dyre. Men de formåede at skabe rammer, som indeholdt alt fra rockkoncerter over boksekampe til tusindvis af stærke samtaler med unge om liv, død, tro og mening.Samtidig blev det en rejse, hvor centrale begreber som kirke, præst, menighed, tro, frelse og forkyndelse måtte genovervejes.For hvad definerer egentlig en kirke, når alt kommer til alt? Hvordan forkynder man det kristne budskab til nogen, som kun lige har hørt om "ham der Jesus"? Og hvad skal der til for, at folkekirken bevarer sin relevans i skiftende tider?Thomas Nedergaard (f. 1975) er præst og tog sammen med Vesterbro bykirke de første skridt til at skabe uKirke – Ungdomskirken på Vesterbro – i 2011. Thomas er en erfaren foredragsholder og har fortalt om uKirke i ind- og udland gennem flere år.Malte Ystrøm Madsen (f. 1984) er cand.mag. i Musikvidenskab og Historie og var i perioden 2013-2020 med til at udvikle og skabe uKirke. Ud over at have været kommunikationsansvarlig med særligt fokus på billeder, video og grafisk design har Malte erfaring med at afvikle lyd og lys på både store og små scener.

  • af Lisbeth Smedegaard Andersen
    69,00 kr.

    For Lisbeth Smedegaard Andersen er troen ikke kommet som en pludselig åbenbaring. Den har altid været der, men ikke på samme måde. Vi formes af de relationer, vi indgår i, og de begivenheder, vi bliver udsat for. På samme måde påvirkes troen af det, man læser, hører og oplever, og den vokser gennem fortællinger og samtaler med andre mennesker. Ligesom poesien har også troen rødder i evnen til at se hinsides det synlige og ane det større, der ligger bag ved det liv, enhver af os har fået betroet, og som hver dag kalder på undren og ærefrygt."Kristendommen ifølge ..." er en serie af bøger, der åbner troens univers. En række kunstnere, kendinge og kulturpersonligheder giver deres bud på, hvordan troen og det kristne budskab har formet deres tilværelse. De sætter ord på den erfarede og levede tro, kampene og forsoningen.Lisbeth Smedegaard Andersen (f. 1934) er tidligere sognepræst, forfatter og salmedigter. Hun er repræsenteret med salmer i Den Danske Salmebog, i Højskolesangbogen og i flere salmebogstillæg og andre samlinger, ligesom hun har skrevet tekst til et oratorium, en passion og flere kantater.

  • af Anselm Grün
    58,99 kr.

    Wir alle sehnen uns erfüllten Beziehungen – in jeglichen Situationen und Lebenslagen. Doch wie schaffen wir es, glückliche Beziehungen zu anderen Menschen aufzubauen? Anselm Grün verrät uns 25 Wege, die Menschen zusammenkommen lassen. Ein Hörbuch, das zum Nachdenken, Selbstreflektieren sowie zum aktiven Umsetzen im Alltag einlädt.Anselm Grün (geboren 1945) ist ein deutscher Benediktinerpater und Autor. Grün promovierte 1974 zum Doktor der Theologie und studierte anschließend Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Er veröffentlichte bisher über 300 Werke, darunter vor allem spirituelle Bücher. Zu seinen bekanntesten Lesern gehört Papst Franziskus.

  • af Mia Rahr Jacobsen, Lene Sjørup, Carina Wøhlk, mfl.
    99,00 kr.

    Teksterne i denne antologi giver læseren et indtryk af, hvordan det kan se ud, når LGBT-personer selv skriver om forholdet mellem kirke og homoseksualitet/køn. Under titlen "Vi er også kirken – skitse til en regnbueteori" skriver syv teologer/præster med et fælles ønske om at vise, at de – selv om de ikke altid bliver hørt, indimellem bliver bedt om at være stille og ofte bliver talt om som nogle, der står og venter på at blive lukket ind i kirken – faktisk allerede er kirken.Flere af bidragsyderne har deltaget i kampen for først en kirkelig velsignelse af registreret partnerskab og sidenhen vielse af par af samme køn. Det har til tider været hårdt og nedslidende for dem, der gik forrest, og derfor var det en stor forløsning for dem og mange andre, da kampen blev vundet. Nogle udfordringer var dermed væk, men som teksterne afspejler, står andre stadig tilbage i dag.Med antologiens overskrift "Vi er også kirken" insisterer forfatterne på en plads og en stemme i kirken.Teksterne i antologien "Vi er også kirken" er skrevet af Anne-Birgitte Zoëga, Viggo Julsgaard Jensen, Irene Larsen, Lene Sjørup, Carina Wøhlk, Ib Bjørn Lauritsen og Mia Rahr Jacobsen.

  • af Montesquieu, Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, mfl.
    77,99 kr.

    Take a tour through nine of the finest minds of all time, with ‘900 Quotations from Modern Philosophy.’With words of wisdom, reflections, and observations on everything from life and love to death and hatred, and everything in between, this is a superb book for those looking for inspiring and self-questioning thoughts to gain a new perspective on our existence.A superb read for fans of modern philosophy and those who simply want something fascinating to dip in and out of.Michel de Montaigne (1533 – 1592) was a French philosopher, who pioneered the use of essays as a literary device. Montesquieu (1689 – 1755) was also French, whose writing had a huge influence on political systems. Voltaire (1694 – 1778), also from France, was one of the founders of the French Enlightenment movement. Niccolò Machiavelli (1469 – 1527) was an Italian diplomat who excused the use of unscrupulous means in politics.Born in Geneva, Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712 – 1778) was a spearhead in the European Enlightenment movement. Born in Germany, Immanuel Kant (1724 – 1804) was another central figure of Enlightenment philosophy, as was Dutchman, Baruch Spinoza (1632 – 1677). Born in France, Blaise Pascal (1623 – 1662) was a fideistic philosopher, while Francis Bacon (1909 – 1992) is best known as an existential artist.

  • af Ralph Waldo Emerson, Søren Kierkegaard, Friedrich Nietzsche, mfl.
    68,99 kr.

    While we tend to think of the great thinkers as hailing from Ancient Greece, the 19th century has had more than its fair share of sharp minds.‘500 Quotations from the Great Philosophers of the 19th Century’ is a collection of reflections, insights, and observations from some of the best brains of that era.A superb book for dipping in and out of, this makes a great gift for anyone with an interest in history or philosophy.Søren Kierkegaard (1813 – 1855) was born in Copenhagen. He is considered to be one of the founders of existential philosophy and wrote many books on religion, ethics, morality, and philosophy. Born in Poland, Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 – 1860) was one of the first philosophers to combine elements of Indian philosophy and Western philosophy in his pursuit of transcendental idealism.Another transcendentalist, Henry David Thoreau (1817 – 1862) also predicted the importance of environmentalism in the future. Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 – 1900) is regarded as one of the 19th-century German philosophers to have had a lasting effect on contemporary philosophy. Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 – 1882) was an American philosopher and poet who led the American transcendentalist movement during the 1800s.

  • af Miguel de Cervantes, Leonardo da Vinci, Nicolas Machiavel, mfl.
    60,99 kr.

    Known as the High Renaissance period, the philosophy of the 1500s leaned towards establishing the relationship between the human body and the human soul. Logic was waning as a philosophical ideal and, instead, the focus fell on human nature.‘500 Quotations from the Great Philosophers of the 16th Century’ cherry-picks some of the most profound and insightful observations from some of the finest minds of that era.A superb gift for history buffs and philosophy fans alike.Miguel de Cervantes (1547 – 1616) was born in Spain and went on to become one of the most important figures in Spanish literature. His use of colloquialism and ordinary speech challenged the overblown structures of traditional literature of the time. Michel de Montaigne (1533 – 1592) was a French philosopher who pioneered the use of essays as a literary device.Niccolò Machiavelli (1469 – 1527) was an Italian diplomat and philosopher who condoned the use of unscrupulous means in politics. Born in Italy, Leonardo da Vinci (1452 – 1519) was an artist, inventor, scientist, and sculptor, who is best known for painting the ‘Mona Lisa,’ while Francis Bacon (1909 – 1992) is best known as an existential artist.

  • af Carl Jung, Marcus Aurelius, Leonardo da Vinci, mfl.
    60,99 kr.

    ‘500 Quotes: an Original Selection’ is a cherry-picked collection of quotes from some of the most important figures in history.Covering topics such as freedom, politics, art, science, and personal development, this is an inspiring read.Whether you dip in and out of it or devour it from cover to cover, this book has something for everyone.Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955) was a theoretical physicist, who is best remembered for developing the Theory of Relativity. Anne Frank (1929 – 1945) was a Jewish girl who, with her family, hid in an annexe for two years, hoping to avoid capture by the Nazis. Her diaries document their daily lives in this period.Born in Italy, Leonardo da Vinci (1452 – 1519) was an artist, inventor, scientist, and sculptor, who is best known for painting the ‘Mona Lisa.’ One of the pioneers of Stoicism, Marcus Aurelius (121 – 180) was a Roman emperor and a revered philosopher. One of the founders of analytical psychology, Carl Jung (1875 – 1961) was a Swiss psychoanalyst and psychologist, who had a huge impact on psychology as a science.

  • af Emil Cioran, Carl Jung, Gaston Bachelard, mfl.
    68,99 kr.

    While we tend to think of the great thinkers as hailing from Ancient Greece, the 20th century has had more than its fair share of sharp minds.‘500 Quotations from the Great Philosophers of the 20th Century’ is a collection of reflections, insights, and observations from some of the best brains of that era.A superb book for dipping in and out of, this makes a great gift for anyone with an interest in history or philosophy.Born in Ohio, Ambrose Bierce (1842 – 1914) went on to write one of the greatest American novels of all time, ‘The Devil’s Dictionary.’ Sigmund Freud (1856 – 1939) was an Austrian neurologist who founded the science of psychoanalysis. A Romanian, Emil Cioran (1911-1995) was an acclaimed philosopher who embraced nihilism and pessimism in his ideology.One of the founders of analytical psychology, Carl Jung (1875 – 1961) was a Swiss psychoanalyst and psychologist who had a huge impact on psychology as a science. Gaston Bachelard (1884 – 1962) was born in Bar-sur-Aube and went on to become an important scientific philosopher.

  • af Emil Cioran, Epictetus, Gaston Bachelard & mfl.
    60,99 kr.

    While most of us have heard of the likes of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, there is a host of less-famous philosophers who have just as much to say.‘400 Quotes from Little-known Philosophers’ is a collection of thoughts, observations, and reflections made by those that history hasn’t chosen for the Big League.Spanning the centuries, these quotes are just as fascinating, insightful, and relevant, as those whose names are synonymous with philosophy.A superb and inspirational book to browse through, ‘400 Quotes from Little-known Philosophers’ is ideal for anyone needing a bit of extra motivation throughout their day.Born in Ohio, Ambrose Bierce (1842 – 1914) went on to write one of the greatest American novels of all time, ‘The Devil’s Dictionary.’ A Romanian, Emil Cioran (1911 – 1995) was an acclaimed philosopher, who embraced nihilism and pessimism in his ideology.A former slave, Epictetus (50 AD – C 135) went on to promote philosophy as a way of life rather than a set of beliefs. Gaston Bachelard (1884 – 1962) was born in Bar-sur-Aube and went on to become an important scientific philosopher.

  • af Mother Teresa, Bruce Lee, Leonardo da Vinci & mfl.
    60,99 kr.

    ‘400 Quotes to See the World Differently’ gives you the opportunity to step inside the heads of some of the world’s most exceptional minds and see things from their points of view.With quotes from saints, philosophers, artists, inventors, and even martial arts experts, it’s sure to promote some interesting conversations.A superb book for dipping in and out of, it makes a great gift for those with inquiring souls.Mother Teresa (1910 – 1997) was an Albanian-Indian Catholic nun, who was canonised for her missionary work. Born in Tibet, the first Dalai Lama (1391 – 1474) started life as a shepherd before studying as a monk and receiving a vision during meditation.Leonardo da Vinci (1452 – 1519) was born in Italy and, among other things, was an artist, inventor, scientist, and sculptor, who is best known for painting the ‘Mona Lisa.’ Li Jun Fan (1940 – 1973) is better known as Bruce Lee. A little-known fact about the star of films such as ‘Enter the Dragon’ and ‘Fists of Fury’ is that he majored in drama and philosophy, which influenced much of his martial artwork.

  • af Anonymous
    42,99 kr.

    Immerse yourself in the divine wisdom of the ages with "200 Quotations from the Bible." This captivating collection brings together powerful verses and profound insights from the sacred scriptures, offering guidance, inspiration, and solace for every aspect of life's journey.Whether you're seeking solace in times of adversity or simply yearning for spiritual nourishment, "200 Quotations from the Bible" is your beacon of hope.Let the words of the prophets, psalmists, and apostles ignite your spirit, nourish your soul, and illuminate your path.

  • af Frederik Poulsen
    49,00 kr.

    Arkæolog Frederik Poulsen fortæller gennem tre forelæsninger om gudedyrkelse i det gamle Grækenland og om oldtidens menneskers tro på, hvad der skete med sjælen efter døden. Forelæsningerne blev afholdt på Ny Carlsberg Glyptoteket, hvor Frederik Poulsen i en årrække var direktør.Bogen er oprindeligt udgivet i 1944.Poul Frederik Sigfred Poulsen (1876-1950) var en dansk forfatter og klassisk arkæolog, der i en lang årrække var direktør for Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. Han var internationalt anerkendt for sin forskning i arkæologi og sine utallige videnskabelige værker. Også hos den brede befolkning gjorde han stor lykke med sine fortællinger og levende og muntre skildringer af rejser til blandt andet Grækenland, Spanien, England og forskellige danske egne. Frederik Poulsen opnåede mange udmærkelser i både Danmark og udlandet og var blandt andet Dannebrogsmand, Kommandør af 1. grad af Dannebrog og æresdoktor ved universitetet i Bordeaux.

  • af Edvard Søderberg
    79,00 kr.

    I oldtidens Israel sidder en gammel rabbiner og reflekterer over sit liv og sine tabte drømme om at opnå en mening med det. Han kommer til at tænke på en mand, som kort forinden er kommet til byen. En mand, som af sine disciple bliver kaldt en profet, og som af nogle endda påstås at være den messias, der står skrevet om i de gamle skrifter. Kan denne mand give den gamle, desillusionerede rabbiner den følelse af meningsfuldhed, som han har mistet, tilbage?Edvard Søderberg (1869-1906) skrev en lang række socialrealistiske romaner, skuespil og digte og skildrede med uhyggelig selvoplevet detaljerigdom forholdene for de fattige, fordrukne og arbejdsløse i Københavns slumkvarterer.

  • af Emanuel Swedenborg
    39,00 kr.

    "Om forbindelsen mellem sjæl og legeme, eller om den enes indvirken på den anden, og ligeså den enes samvirken med den anden, er der tre meninger og overleverede beretninger, som er hypoteser (opstillede betingelser).Den første kaldes den fysiske indflyden, den anden den åndelige indflyden, og den tredje den forud fastsatte harmoni."Emanuel Swedenborgs tanker har i flere århundreder fascineret mennesker, der interesserer sig for filosofi, kristendom og psykologi. Hans korte skrift "Om forbindelsen mellem sjæl og legeme" giver et spændende og overskueligt indblik i den usædvanlige mystiker og filosofs syn på menneskesjælen og dens forhold til det fysiske legeme.Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) var en svensk videnskabsmand, filosof, mystiker, forfatter og kristen reformator. Hans tanker om, at engle i virkeligheden var døde mennesker, som han selv havde haft samtaler med, vakte stor interesse særligt efter hans død og gav navn til ’swedenborgianismen’, som er baseret på hans åbenbaringer. Emanuel Swedenborg skrev en lang række artikler og bøger om sine åbenbaringer og sit syn på kristendommen, sjælen, skabelsen og mange andre religiøse emner.

  • af Emily Dickinson
    77,99 kr.

    Dive into one of the most important figures in American poetry, Emily Dickinson’s iconic collection. Characterised by three distinct periods, a sentimental tone lies in her work dating up to the American Civil War, followed by her most creative period and finally rounding off with her last notes before her death in 1886. A major influence on film, music and culture today, fans of Apple TV+’s ‘Dickinson’ series and the 2016 biographical film ‘A Quiet Passion’ can revel in her sometimes flowery, more often than not morbid and occasionally religious observations of life and love in 19th century America.Emily Dickinson (1830-1866) was an American poet, celebrated today as one of the most influential figures in American poetry. Although much of Dickinson’s work was not uncovered until after her death, she is remembered as an eccentric and prolific writer, producing close to 2000 poems. Her work spans themes of death and immortality, along with society, nature and spirituality. Pushing the boundaries of literary trends, she crafted poems with unconventional punctuation and atypical wording. Snappy and rhythmic, her work tended to fit the melodies of folk songs. Dickinson remains today a pivotal figure in American culture, with Apple TV+’s ‘Dickinson’ series ideal for literary buffs looking to learn more about her life.

  • af Marcus Aurelius
    77,99 kr.

    Although never intended for publication, ‘Meditations’ has gone on to become one of the most important collections of philosophical thought, of all time.During his reign as Roman Emperor, devout Stoic, Marcus Aurelius, recorded his feelings and beliefs on what it is to be a well-rounded human being. While Stoicism has its roots in the ‘expect the worst and you won’t be disappointed’ school of thought, Aurelius’ experiences as Emperor also lead him to try and find the best of himself and eschew the opinions of others.A moving and motivational read for philosophy fans.Marcus Aurelius (121 – 180) was a Roman Emperor, ruling for almost 20 years. His rule was founded on his beliefs in the philosophy of Stoicism, which espoused the qualities of virtue, wisdom, and resisting temptation. For many, he embodies the Roman Empire at the peak of its powers.

  • af Tue Gad
    39,00 kr.

    Helgendyrkelse spillede en central rolle i middelalderens religiøse praksis i hele Europa, og også i Danmark findes der stadig martyrologier på Det kgl. Bibliotek. Tue Gad, der i mange år var tilknyttet Det kgl. Biblioteks håndskriftsamling, fortæller om martyrologier, som er fortegnelser over helgener ordnet efter kalenderen. Bogen giver et spændende indblik i helgener og martyrologiers betydning under den danske middelalder.Tue Gad (1918-2001) var en prominent middelalderforsker, bibliotekar og forfatter, der i mange år var tilknyttet Det kgl. Biblioteks håndskriftssamling. I løbet af sin lange karriere udgav han et væld af bøger om dansk middelalderhistorie og -kultur. Flere af bøgerne er udgivet i samarbejde med hans kone, Bodil Gad.

  • af Kåre Gade
    69,00 kr.

    Da Kåre Gade i 1981 som nyimmatrikuleret teologistuderende i Aarhus lænede hovedet bagover og betragtede universitetets høje bogtårn, spekulerede han på, om efeuen på de gule mursten ville nå toppen af tårnet, inden han blev kandidat. Klatreplanten nåede ikke op, før den 40 år senere faldt ned i en storm. Og Kåre Gade blev ikke cand.theol. Alligevel kan han se tilbage på et liv med teologien som samtalepartner. Hvordan den samtale ser ud, og hvordan folkekirken blev det vand, han svømmer i, følger vi fra det kulturkristne barndomshjem over studietidens akademiske tilegnelse af kristendommen til den modne mands refleksioner over, hvordan tradition og tilfældigheder har formet hans vej til troen."Kristendommen ifølge ..." er en serie af bøger, der åbner troens univers. En række kunstnere, kendinge og kulturpersonligheder giver deres bud på, hvordan troen og det kristne budskab har formet deres tilværelse. De sætter ord på den erfarede og levede tro, kampene og forsoningen.Kåre Gade (f. 1961), halvstuderet røver og elskværdigt multitalent, redaktør på og klummeskribent på Kristeligt Dagblad. Blandt mange tidligere bedrifter kan nævnes: kommunikationsrådgiver i Helsingør Stift, presseattaché ved den danske ambassade i London samt programvært og tilrettelægger på DR P1 Tro. Han bl.a. tidligere udgivet "Henrys hegn" (2021) "Kærlighed og kalvebrisler" (2012), "Ansjos" (2011) og "Påskeblomst! hvad vil du her?" (2010).

  • af Paula Larrain
    69,00 kr.

    Hvad former vores tro, og hvor næres den fra? Spørgsmålet er gennemgående i Paula Larrains bog. For hende har mødet med Danmark, folkekirken og Grundtvig været afgørende, men troen har også rødder i Sydamerika, i naturen og i den overleverede tro.Det var en landmandsfamilie på Vestsjælland, der åbnede døren ind til den danske folkekirke-kristendom. Paula Larrain var kommet med sin familie fra Chile, og meget så anderledes ud i det lille land i Nordeuropa, men familien på gården og deres tilgang til kristendommen blev væsentlig i familiens første år i Danmark. Siden fulgte ungdomsår som erklæret marxist og ateist, men troen dukkede op igen – ofte i mødet med andre mennesker. Senere blev den en krumtap i tilværelsen, og det blev også den, der kom til at blive omdrejningspunktet for hendes arbejdsliv."Kristendommen ifølge ..." er en serie af bøger, der åbner troens univers. En række kunstnere, kendinge og kulturpersonligheder giver deres bud på, hvordan troen og det kristne budskab har formet deres tilværelse. De sætter ord på den erfarede og levede tro, kampene og forsoningen.Paula Gabriela Larrain Bjørn (f. 1970). Flygtede sammen med sin familie til Danmark fra Chile i 1974. Journalist af uddannelse, forfatter, foredragsholder, ordstyrer, radio- og TV-vært. Forfatter til bøgerne "I morgen skal vi hjem" (2003) og "Uden for citat" (2008). Medforfatter til "Politik og Jura" (2004) og "Det glade hjerte lever længst" (2007).

  • af John Milton
    102,99 kr.

    "Better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven."It's the classic temptation - power. And these are the words John Milton puts on the forked tongue of the serpent when it speaks to Adam and Eve.We know how it ends - an apple, nakedness and banishment.But in 'Paradise Lost', Milton turns a few Bible verses into a true epic. In 10,000 lines of beautiful but dark verse, he tells the parallel stories of Satan and of Adam and Eve.With greed, temptation, lust, sex, deception, shame and much more, it is a classic whose themes are as relevant and alluring today as ever before.John Milton (1608-1674) was almost 60 when he produced his masterpiece, 'Paradise Lost'.He was an English poet who served as a civil servant under Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell in the 17th century. Before this, he was considered a dangerous radical as he published rebellious pamphlets during the reign of Charles I.A famed republican, his work 'Areopagitica' was a scorching condemnation of pre-publication censorship.The Restoration of Charles II saw Milton marginalised from 1660. He died blind and impoverished.

  • af Carry van Bruggen
    73,99 kr.

    In drie boeken ging Carry van Bruggen in op haar jeugd als dochter van een arm joods gezin in Zaandam: "Vier jaargetijden", "Het huisje aan de slot" en "Avontuurtjes". Ze schreef deze boeken in een gelukkige periode van haar leven: de jaren 1920, toen ze net was getrouwd met haar tweede echtgenoot, de kunsthistoricus Adriaan Pit. Wat de jeugdherinneringen in "Avontuurtjes" boven het anekdotische uittilt, is Van Bruggens intelligentie en haar interesse voor de tweespalt tussen individu en samenleving. Het orthodoxe milieu waarin ze opgroeide was zowel warm als verstikkend. Van Bruggen ziet de mens als een wezen dat versmelting met anderen zoekt, maar altijd weer alleen komt te staan: een spanning die ook deze schetsen de tijd doet trotseren.Carry van Bruggen (schrijversnaam van de Joods-Nederlandse Carolina Lea de Haan, 1881-1932) was de zus van Jacob Israël de Haan, schrijver van "Pijpelijntjes", een van de eerste Nederlandse romans waarin homoseksualiteit openlijk werd beschreven. Net als haar broer ging Van Bruggen geen controversieel thema uit de weg. In haar romans en pamfletten ging ze elk dogmatisme te lijf. Ze was de enige vrouwelijke auteur uit haar tijd die door collega’s en critici au sérieux werd genomen. Ze woonde een tijdlang in Nederlands-Indië met haar eerste man. Haar bekendste romans zijn "Eva" en "Een coquette vrouw". Ze schreef ook non-fictie, met als bekendste titels "Prometheus" en "Hedendaagsch fetischisme". Haar werk raakte in de vergetelheid, maar werd in de jaren 1970 herontdekt door de feministische beweging.

  • af Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
    77,99 kr.

    Espousing the importance of freedom, ‘Philosophy of Mind’ is the last volume in Hegel’s ‘Encyclopaedia of Philosophical Sciences.’ He takes the reader on an existential journey, carefully analysing the roles of the spirit, mind, subjectivity, and objectivity in the pursuit of total psychological freedom. Being Hegel, there’s an insightful dip into the history of the time, making this an essential read for philosophy fans or those who want to dip their toes into these fascinating waters.Georg Wilhelm Frederich Hegel (1770 – 1831) was a German philosopher and considered to be one of the pioneers of Western philosophy. A dedicated Idealist, Hegel developed a method of dialectic thought, which examined a variety of subjects, including history, nature, divinity, and human nature, from every possible perspective. While a devout Christian, Hegel railed against the notion of orthodoxy, instead approaching his faith from a logical and rationalistic point of view. Hegel’s influence on the world of philosophy cannot be understated and he remains one of the great thinkers of the 18th and 19th centuries.

  • af Ignacio Javier Biggi Herrero
    96,99 kr.

    Una intriga histórica, aventurera y trepidante, a la altura del mejor Dan Brown. A principios del S. XVI, los templarios ocultan en el Pirineo uno de sus más poderosos símbolos. Siglos más tarde, mientras el rey Alfonso XIII desarrolla la línea de ferrocarril que habrá de unir Aragón con Francia, el secreto mejor guardado de la orden templaria está a punto de salir a la luz, con funestas consecuencias para todo el mundo...Ignacio Biggi es un autor nacido en Guipúzcoa en 1965. Psicólogo de formación, compagina su labor profesional con su pasión por la historia y la literatura. Ha publicado thrillers de intriga histórica que le han valido numerosos elogios por parte de público y crítica.

  • af Emanuel Swedenborg
    99,00 kr.

    Den svenske mystiker og filosof Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) fortæller om sine åbenbaringer om det guddommelige forsyn og Guds kærlighed. Han beskriver sammenhængen mellem Herrens guddommelige kærlighed og den guddommelige visdom, som han selv oplevede det under de samtaler, han mente at have haft med Guds engle. Bogen giver et spændende indblik i den kristne gren, der er blevet kaldt ’swedenborgianisme’ efter Emanuel Swedenborg.Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) var en svensk videnskabsmand, filosof, mystiker, forfatter og kristen reformator. Hans tanker om, at engle i virkeligheden var døde mennesker, som han selv havde haft samtaler med, vakte stor interesse særligt efter hans død og gav navn til ’swedenborgianismen’, som er baseret på hans åbenbaringer. Emanuel Swedenborg skrev en lang række artikler og bøger om sine åbenbaringer og sit syn på kristendommen, sjælen, skabelsen og mange andre religiøse emner.

  • af Axel Malmstrøm
    149,00 kr.

    Missionsarbejde har helt fra begyndelsen været et vigtigt element i den kristne tro. Under besættelsen 1940-45 tog den danske teolog og biskop Axel Malmstrøm fat på udarbejdelsen af det omfattende missionshistoriske samleværk "Evangeliet til alverden" om den nyere missions baggrund og historie, der udkom i tre bind.I tredje bind går han i dybden med den kristne mission i Afrika, Grønland og Amerika. Bind 3 udkom første gang i 1950.Axel Malmstrøm (1888-1951) var teolog og biskop i Viborg fra 1936 og frem til sin død. Han nærede stor interesse for verdensmission og økumeni og foretog flere studierejser til blandt andet Jerusalem, USA, Indien og Canada. Axel Malmstrøm skrev en lang række bøger om kristendom og missionshistorie.

  • af Víctor Conde
    88,99 kr.

    Primer volumen de la apabullante saga de fantasía oscura juvenil del maestro absoluto del género en español, Victor Conde. En el inicio de la historia asistimos a la batalla final entre Cielo e Infierno, una matanza de ángeles y demonios que terminará salpicando a la Tierra y, en concreto a nuestros tres protagonistas: la sagaz Tanya, el aguerrido Erik y el inadaptado Mauro. Una misteriosa chica se cruzará en el camino de los tres para advertirles de un gran peligro. Sin embargo, lo que los acecha es algo mucho más terrorífico de lo que jamás podrían haber imaginado.Acción a raudales, aventuras, romance, magia y muchas emociones nos aguardan en el inicio de esta aclamada trilogía de fantasía.Víctor Conde es un escritor español nacido en Santa Cruz de Tenerife en 1973. Se le considera uno de los renovadores del género fantástico en España, junto a autores como Rodolfo Martínez o Rafael Marín. Su obra, que toca tanto la fantasía como la ciencia ficción y el terror, le ha valido premios como el Minotauro, el Ignotus o el Kelvin.

  • af Daniel Defoe
    38,99 kr.

    ‘The Lay-Man's Sermon Upon the Late Storm’ is a thought-provoking political pamphlet written by Daniel Defoe. In this essay, Defoe discusses the Church of England’s reaction to the great storm of 1703 that killed over a thousand people in England. The Church claimed that those who died deserved it for their sins and Defoe smartly and satirically disputes this line of thought. In an original and witty manner, Defoe claims that 18th Century England would put moderates to death as extreme views were the norm. Defoe’s writings on religion and politics were controversial at the time and led to him being imprisoned but they also influenced many other politicians. This book remains relevant as it preaches centrism and peace in a fractured society. ‘The Lay-Man’s Sermon Upon the Late Storm’ should be read by anyone interested in politics and religion as it provides great insight into an interesting time in history.Daniel Defoe (1660 – 1731) is one of the most important authors in the English language. Defoe was one of the original English novelists and greatly helped to popularise the form. Defoe was highly prolific and is believed to have written over 300 works ranging from novels to political pamphlets. He was highly celebrated but also controversial as his writings influenced politicians but also led to Defoe being imprisoned. Defoe’s novels have been translated into many languages and are still read across the globe to this day. Some of his most famous books include ‘Moll Flanders’ and ‘Robinson Crusoe’ which was adapted into a movie starring Pierce Brosnan and Damian Lewis in 1997. Defoe’s influence on English novels cannot be understated and his legacy lives on to this day.

  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    42,99 kr.

    Published in 1917, ‘The New Revelation’ by author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is a collection of his thoughts about religion, spiritualism, and the afterlife. An advocate of spiritualism throughout his later life (for which he received much ridicule and criticism) Doyle reasons throughout ‘The New Revelation’ for its existence and validity, citing his own personal experiences. A fascinating insight into the beliefs and interests of the world-famous author.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British author, best known as the creator of the world-famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Born in Edinburgh, he was educated in England and Austria before studying medicine at the University of Edinburgh. It was during his time at university that Doyle began writing short stories, submitting them to magazines and journals. His first Sherlock Holmes novel, ‘A Study in Scarlet’ was written in just three weeks and published in 1887 to favourable reviews, and more Sherlock adventures followed. By 1893, Doyle was growing tired of Sherlock and attempted to kill him off in the story ‘The Final Problem’, but public outcry caused him to resurrect the famous detective. He featured in a total of 56 short stories and four novels along with his trusty sidekick Dr Watson and made Doyle one of the best-paid authors of the time. The stories have been adapted multiple times; most recently in the successful BBC series ‘Sherlock’ starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Later literary works included the Professor Challenger series which began with ‘The Lost World’, in which Challenger sets out to find evidence of prehistoric life. The book inspired numerous adaptations, including the films ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘The Lost World’. In later life Doyle became captivated by the world of spiritualism and the occult and published non-fiction works about his beliefs including ‘The Coming of the Fairies’. Arthur Conan Doyle died at home in 1930.

  • af Alfred Tennyson
    102,99 kr.

    Dive into Poet Laureate Alfred Tennyson’s ‘The Early Poems’ collection with this fantastic anthology. Featuring his Chancellor’s Gold Medal awarded ‘Timbuktu’ and the sentimental ‘Mariana’ poems, the collection spans medievalism and powerful visual imagery, ideal for poetry, history and English language fanatics looking to uncover the source of many famous quotes. Perfect for lovers of Radio 4’s ‘Great Lives’ podcast.Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892) was a widely celebrated English poet, awarded the Poet Laureate following the death of William Wordsworth during Queen Victoria’s reign. His work spans the famous ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’, ‘Maud and Idylls of the King’ and ‘In Memoriam A.H.H’, the origin to the iconic English language quote ‘tis better to have loved and lost / than never to have loved at all’. References to his work today appear in countless songs, books and films, such as Sandra Bullock’s ‘The Blind Side’. Tennyson remains today one of the most popular British poets.