Filosofi: metafysik og ontologi
78,99 kr. Bogen begynder med en redegørelse for Løgstrups teori om sansningen og dens samspil med forståelse, stemthed og følelser. Den fortsætter med spørgsmål om sprogets funktion og betydning i vores tilværelse, om universets orden og Guds eksistens, om etikken og dens begrundelse, om kunsten og dens nære forhold til etik og religion og om forholdet mellem natur og historie. Bogen giver en grundig indføring i Løgstrups filosofi, tager den op til diskussion og skitserer alternativer, hvor Løgstrup synes at komme til kort. Bogen er således også et opgør med Løgstrup.Bogen udkom første gang i 1992.Niels Thomassen (f. 1940) er uddannet i filosofi ved Aarhus Universitet og var lektor i filosofi og religion ved Syddansk Universitet fra 1967-2008. Han er forfatter til en lang række bøger og artikler om filosofiske emner.
- E-bog
- 78,99 kr.
68,99 kr. I Heidegger og teknikkens tidsalder, som udkom første gang i 1990, dykker Kirsten Hyldgaard ned i Martin Heideggers (1889-1976) forfatterskab ud fra den tese, at der er sammenhæng mellem det tidlige værk, Væren og tids transformation af bevidsthedsfilosofi til fundamentalontologi og de senere værkers transformation af historiefilosofi til værenshistorie; Heideggers Nietzschefortolkninger er her den primære anledning.Da bogen fremstiller en sammenhæng i Heideggers værker, kan den samtidigt fungere som en introduktion til et forfatterskab, der uberettiget er blevet beskyldt for at være esoterisk, hermetisk lukket om sig selv.Kirsten Hyldgaard (f. 1960) er ph.d. i filosofi og lektor ved DPU, Danmarks institut for Pædagogik og Uddannelse, Aarhus Universitet. Den teoretiske baggrund for hendes forskning ligger i feltet mellem det tyvende århundredes filosofi og psykoanalyse (Freud og Lacan) - i tilgift med en særlig forkærlighed for fænomenologi (Heidegger og Sartre). Hendes forskning er koncentreret omkring pædagogisk filosofi, videnskabsteori, kønsforskning og seksualundervisning.
- E-bog
- 68,99 kr.
48,99 kr. ”Grundlaget, hvorpå den menneskelige erkendelses bygning hviler, er en historisk dannelse, udgående fra umiddelbare forskelsopfattelser og uvilkårlig oplevelseserindring, der samler sig til et umiddelbart tilværelsesbillede. De forskellige grundtræk af ulighed og forandring, tilværelsesbilledet rummer, kan ikke bevises, f.eks. at lærketriller udviser en toneskiften, og at lydbilledet sondrer sig fra synet af blå himmel eller grønne marker.”Hvordan opfatter vi omverdenen, og hvordan vurderer vi, om det vi ser, hører eller på anden måde sanser, er vurderet og opfattet korrekt? De spørgsmål stiller filosof Christian Lambek i sin bog ”Om vurderingsproblemet” fra 1921. Bogen tager udgangspunkt i de to store idealistiske filosoffer Immanuel Kant og Platon og deres tilgang til disse evigtgyldige filosofiske spørgsmål.Christian Lambek (1870-1947) var en dansk filosof fra Sønder Lem. Lambeks forfatterskab spænder fra de tidlige års lyrik og litteraturkritik til de senere års mere betydningsfulde værker om psykologi og politisk filosofi. Efter en årrække som skolebestyrer kunne han dedikere sin tid udelukkende til forfatterskabet og Det Retsdemokratiske Selskab, der dannede grundlag for partiet Danmarks Retsforbund efter første verdenskrig. I alt udgav Lambek mere end 40 værker på dansk, engelsk og svensk.
- E-bog
- 48,99 kr.
148,99 kr. ¿Dónde se encuentra el valor de la vida humana? ¿En su trascendencia, en una voluntad superior? Para Martin Hägglund la vida no es el medio, sino el fin. Su valor procede de su finitud. Ser conscientes de nuestra fragilidad y nuestra mortalidad es lo que nos permite valorar la vida. Esta es la base de lo que Hägglund llama fe secular: la creencia y la esperanza de obtener en vida todo lo que uno necesita.Ahora bien, no podemos disfrutar de nuestra vida en un sistema social donde nuestro tiempo está subyugado por la productividad. Solo cuando alcancemos la libertad espiritual, el poder para disponer de nuestro tiempo, acabaremos con la explotación, las desigualdades y enfrentaremos los grandes desafíos de la humanidad.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Martin Hägglund (1976) es un filósofo, teórico literario y académico sueco especialista en literatura modernista. Es profesor de Literatura Comparada y Humanidades en la Universidad de Yale. Algunos de sus ensayos más revolucionarios son «Radical Atheism», «Dying for Time» o «This Life».
- Lydbog
- 148,99 kr.
48,99 kr. Przeszłość jest jak otchłań: w jej ciemności łatwo się zatracić. Zwłaszcza, kiedy trzeba ją zgłębić, by poznać tajemnicę własnej klęski, dojść skrytego w mroku źródła katastrofy...Jeden mężczyzna, niepotrafiący pogodzić się ze śmiercią dziecka. Drugi, próbujący rozwikłać zagadkę samobójstwa brata i zniknięcia ojca. Obydwaj będą musieli wejść w przeszłość i zmierzyć się z tym, co się w niej kryje: z traumą utraty sensu i absurdem przyrodzonego człowiekowi zła. Z odpowiedziami, które powodują jedynie większe cierpienie. Będą musieli poznać nawet najgłębsze odcienie tego mroku. Odwiedzić zalane wiecznym deszczem miasta i opustoszałe domy. Spotkać umarłych, którzy wracają pomiędzy żywych i żyjących, którzy umarli za życia...Wojciech Gunia – urodził się w 1983 r. w Nowym Sączu. Ukończył wydział polonistyki na UJ. Zadebiutował opowiadaniem "Wojna" w antologii "Po drugiej stronie — weird fiction po polsku". Publikował także w magazynie "Trans/wizje". Jest autorem bloga "Labirynt z liści", który porusza tematykę melancholii, filozofii oraz psychologii.
- Lydbog
- 48,99 kr.
102,99 kr. Immanuel Kant’s ‘Critique of Pure Reason’ (1781/1787) is the German philosopher’s best-known work. A controversial book of it’s time, Kant sought to determine the limits of metaphysics.In this ground-breaking work, Kant redefines our understanding of epistemology by combining two opposing philosophical theories: rationalism and empiricism.For anyone who was inspired by the character Chidi's love of Kant in Netflix's 'The Good Place', ‘Critique of Pure Reason’ is as innovative as it is interesting and a must-read for all philosophy enthusiasts.Immanuel Kant (1724 – 1804) was a German philosopher and a key Enlightenment theorist who continues to be a prominent influence in Western philosophy. Raised in a pious household with devout parents, Kant quickly became known for his work in ethics and metaphysics. He is best known for his works ‘Critique of Pure Reason’ (1781/1787) and ‘Critique of Judgement’ (1790). Kant’s legacy has had far reaching impacts, influencing notable figures such as Carl Jung, Noam Chomsky and Albert Einstein. Kant’s final days were portrayed in the slapstick comedy ‘The Last Days of Immanuel Kant’ (1996) starring Buster Keaton and Jacques Tati.
- E-bog
- 102,99 kr.
58,99 kr. È una Ferrara d’altri tempi quella che fa da sfondo a questa storia noir, una vicenda che ha inizio nell’inverno del 1917 e che finisce nel 1947. Forse.Distinguere il vero dal falso, in questa storia, non è così facile.Due fratelli gemelli, una ragazza, e un esperimento metafisico. La vicenda si intreccia, si complica, e sfuma in un’atmosfera cupa e crepuscolare, dove prendono forma gli amori, i delitti e gli inganni. Agli ascoltatori, in un intrigante gioco narrativo, sarà affidato il compito di decidere cosa sta succedendo veramente e cosa, invece, è solo immaginato.©2018 Todaro Editore Srls (P)2021 Saga EgmontDavide Pappalardo (1976) è uno scrittore italiano. Nato in Sicilia ma trapiantato a Bologna, molti dei suoi romanzi sono ambientati a Milano.
- Lydbog
- 58,99 kr.
69,00 kr. I dette filosofihistoriske værk behandler Harald Høffding tankegodset fra en række af 1800-tallets største tænkere, heriblandt Søren Kierkegaard og Friedrich Nietzsche.Høffdings værk handler om moderne filosofi, men rummer også filosofihistoriske tilbageblik, der uddyber og eksemplificerer hans egne og andre samtidige filosofiske tænkeres standpunkter. Ved at forene og sammenligne tendenser fra forskellige perioder og videnskabelige strømninger, bliver han i stand til at skabe helhedsanskuelser.Harald Høffding (1843-1931) var teolog og filosof og virkede gennem 30 år som professor ved Københavns Universitet. I løbet af sin karriere opnåede han en central position i det danske videns- og kulturliv og nød stor anerkendelse både i og udenfor Danmark. Høffding var yderst virksom hele sit liv, og tankegodset i hans bøger er stadig relevant i dag. Udover værkerne om etik, filosofihistorie og psykologi kendes han for monografier om Søren Kierkegaard, Jean-Jacques Rousseau og Baruch Spinoza.
- E-bog
- 69,00 kr.
Fra 42,99 kr. Berkeley uses the Socratic mode of inquiry in "Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous" to question fundamental beliefs about knowledge and reality. These dialogues are between Hylas (whose name is derived from the ancient Greek word for matter) and Philonous, whose name means "lover of mind." The new physical sciences developed in the seventeenth century supported the materialism proposed by Thomas Hobbes and several other philosophers. This worldview proclaimed that all of reality consists of nothing but matter in motion, thus promoting atheism and ethical skepticism. The implications for politics, ethics, and religion caused concern among leading intellectuals in the eighteenth century. Whatever the value of the positive claims presented in this work, Berkeley foreshadows the philosophical impact of twentieth century physics, which challenges the foundations of such materialism and calls for a better understanding of both the physical and the mental aspects of reality.Berkeley was born in Ireland where he served as Bishop of Cloyne (Dublin). He published works in philosophy, mathematics, science, and religion. His other works include the "Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge" and "An Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision". He is one of the central figures in the tradition known as Empiricism.
Fra 42,99 kr. René Descartes is often described as the first modern philosopher, but much of the content of his "Meditations on First Philosophy" can be found in the medieval period that had already existed for more than a thousand years. Does God exist? If so, what is his nature? Is the human soul immortal? How does it differ from the body? What role do sense experience and pure reason play in knowing? Descartes stands out from his predecessors because of the method he developed to treat these and other fundamental questions. Drawing on his study of mathematics, he searches for a way to establish absolutely certain conclusions based on indubitable premises. His importance in modern philosophy lies in the challenge he offers to every subsequent thinker in philosophy and science.The French philosopher Descartes is often called the "Father" of modern philosophy in the West. His Discourse on Method presents the reason why: his method of inquiry. He was the quintessential "rationalist," subjecting all sense experience as doubtful and untrustworthy. Rather than relying on external authority (whether from other people or from God), Descartes demands nothing less than absolute certainty that begins with the self and proceeds step by step with the rigor of logical and mathematical precision. Even though he claims that he has proved the existence of God and explained God’s nature, even that core tenet must be established through rigorous logical argument. No subsequent philosopher is able to ignore this bold and challenging foundation for all thinking. Those who become his disciples as well as those who reject his way of thinking are all under his spell. Many think they have broken that spell only to find that he has shaped them in ways that are not easy to escape.
Fra 42,99 kr. Whitehead presented these three lectures at Princeton University in 1929. Although 85 years have passed, his central thesis and his analysis remain remarkably current. The scientific materialism that Whitehead opposed with such vigor continues to dominate in academic circles, and even now those who question that worldview are often accused of being anti-scientific. This is especially true in discussions of the nature of the human mind and its relation to the body (particularly the brain). It is hard to find a contemporary thinker with a better perspective on the nature and role of natural science than Whitehead who, with Bertrand Russell, published the "Principia Mathematica" in 1910; who taught logic and mathematics at Trinity College of Cambridge University; who taught philosophy of science at University College London; and who was professor of philosophy at Harvard University beginning in 1924. Whitehead’s cosmology is far from anti-scientific, but he does explain why scientific method and technological practice alone are not able to provide a comprehensive understanding of the full range of human thought and experience. This work explains what we must do to achieve such a comprehensive understanding.Whitehead, with Bertrand Russell, published the "Principia Mathematica" in 1910; he taught logic and mathematics at Trinity College of Cambridge University; he taught philosophy of science at University College London — with special emphasis on the conceptual impact of contemporary physics; and he was professor of philosophy at Harvard University, beginning in 1924, where he taught metaphysics. Whitehead’s cosmology is far from anti-scientific, but he does explain why scientific method and technological practice alone are not able to provide a comprehensive understanding of the full range of human thought and experience.
Fra 42,99 kr. Socrates is in prison, sentenced to die when the sun sets. In this final conversation, he asks what will become of him once he drinks the poison prescribed for his execution. Socrates and his friends examine several arguments designed to prove that the soul is immortal. This quest leads him to the broader topic of the nature of mind and its connection not only to human existence but also to the cosmos itself. What could be a better way to pass the time between now and the sunset?Plato lived in Athens, Greece. He wrote approximately two-dozen dialogues that explore core topics that are essential to all human beings. Although the historical Socrates was a strong influence on Plato, the character by that name that appears in many of his dialogues is a product of Plato’s fertile imagination. All of Plato’s dialogues are written in a poetic form that his student Aristotle called "Socratic dialogue." In the twentieth century, the British philosopher and logician Alfred North Whitehead characterized the entire European philosophical tradition as "a series of footnotes to Plato." Philosophy for Plato was not a set of doctrines but a goal — not the possession of wisdom but the love of wisdom. Agora Publications offers these performances based on the assumption that Plato wrote these works to be performed by actors in order to stimulate additional dialogue among those who listen to them.
Fra 38,99 kr. In Euthyphro, Socrates is on his way to the court where he must defend himself against serious charges brought by religious and political authorities. On the way, he meets Euthyphro, an expert on religious matters, who has come to prosecute his own father. Socrates questions Euthyphro’s claim that religion serves as the basis for ethics. Plato lived in Athens, Greece. He wrote approximately two-dozen dialogues that explore core topics that are essential to all human beings. Although the historical Socrates was a strong influence on Plato, the character by that name that appears in many of his dialogues is a product of Plato’s fertile imagination. All of Plato’s dialogues are written in a poetic form that his student Aristotle called "Socratic dialogue." In the twentieth century, the British philosopher and logician Alfred North Whitehead characterized the entire European philosophical tradition as "a series of footnotes to Plato." Philosophy for Plato was not a set of doctrines but a goal — not the possession of wisdom but the love of wisdom. Agora Publications offers these performances based on the assumption that Plato wrote these works to be performed by actors in order to stimulate additional dialogue among those who listen to them.
69,00 kr. En analyse af metafysikken, specielt fra antikken og renæssancen, hvor der skelnes mellem den bastante metafysik, hvor sandheden lader sig udsige entydigt og klart, og den sofistikerede metafysik, hvor verden, livet og mennesket forbliver et mysterium.
- E-bog
- 69,00 kr.