Australasiatisk historie og Stillehavshistorie
77,99 kr. ‘A Footnote to History’ is an account of Colonial abuse in Samoa, the scramble by the US, Germany and Britain so swallow up land with little regard for the native Samoans. Stevenson became deeply ingrained in the local culture, siding squarely with the Samoans against the duplicitous colonials, so much so that he even fought alongside the Samoans to help keep their king in power.It is frontline journalism, Stevenson is in the midst of this conflict and gives incredible account of both the foreign and native discord. His account brings century old events to life and makes for incredible reading. Despite its age, the lessons in this book stand the test of time and deserve to be learned by all.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894), was an author with a formidable legacy. You will be hard pressed to find anyone alive today who has not come across his work in one form or another. The brilliant mind behind ‘Treasure Island’ and the ‘Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’, has had a profound impact on every aspect of entertainment to this day with his brilliant creations. Despite dealing with ill health all his life he was a prolific traveller, spending his later years in Samoa where he fought vigorously for the rights of the natives, earning their love and respect. R.L Stevenson was a character in his own right, passionate and adventurous, his spirit shines through in his work, from his novels to his travel guides. You simply owe it to yourself to experience his creations, he was a true titan of literature on whose shoulders we all stand.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
40,99 kr. Tutkimusmatkailija James Cook purjehti 1700-luvulla sellaisille Tyynenmeren alueille, joilla eurooppalaiset eivat olleet viela koskaan kayneet. Antti Fredrik Hasselin kirjoittamassa tietokirjassa kerrotaan, miten Cook laivoineen saapui esimerkiksi Tahitille. Tutkimusmatkailijoiden ja paikallisten asukkaiden kohtaamiset olivat usein hieman jannitteisia. Cook teki tarkkoja havaintoja niin paikallisista asukkaista, elaimista kuin myos Tyynenmeren saarien upeasta luonnosta.-
- E-bog
- 40,99 kr.
Fra 69,00 kr. Aage Krarup Nielsen tager på en sydhavsfærd til de vidunderlige stillehavsøer. Seks dage efter skibet har forladt San Fransisco spejder de øen Oahus mørke, takkede bjergtoppe i horisonten. Senere når ekspeditionen blandt andet til Tahiti, besøger kannibaler og beundrer vidunderlige koralrev. Undervejs fortæller Aage Krarup Nielsen om egnenes skikke og historie, om polynesiernes imponerende kanoer, der for tusindvis af år siden fik dem hele vejen til Hawaii.Titlen er udgivet som et historisk dokument med datidens sprogbrug.Aage Krarup Nielsen (1891-1972) var en dansk skibslæge og forfatter, der er kendt for sine spændende rejseskildringer. Han udgav over 20 bøger om rejser til lande som Burma, Rusland og Karriol, hvor han mødte alt fra kannibaler til paradisfugle. Gennem sit liv blev Aage Krarup Nielsen tildelt en lang række arbejdslegater, blandt andet Gyldendals Boglegat, Kaptajn H.C. Lundgreens Legat og Statens Kunstfonds prestigiøse livsvarige ydelse.