Psykoterapi: børn og unge

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  • af Søren Hertz
    129,00 kr.

    Denne bog handler om uanede muligheder for udvikling. Der kan være mange grunde til, at børn og unge havner i fastlåste situationer, hvor de kan have brug for støtte til at finde en vej videre i deres liv. Men det som umiddelbart forekommer problemfyldt, adfærdsvanskeligt eller sygt, er faktisk en invitation til at forstå det umiddelbart uforståelige og til at handle på måder, der kan gøre en forskel, og som er med til at skabe udvikling. På den baggrund introducerer bogen nye perspektiver på undersøgelses- og behandlingsarbejde og på (special)pædagogik og alternativer til det støtte- og hjælpesystem, som i disse år er under stort pres.Bogen tager afsæt i moderne hjerneforskning, udviklings-psykologi og forskning i børns modstandskraft, som kombineres med forfatterens egne erfaringer fra mange års arbejde med behandling af børn og unge. De samfundsmæssige afsnit præsenterer alternativer til det støtte- og hjælpesystem, som i disse år er under stort pres.Søren Hertz er børne- og ungdomspsykiater og driver PsykCentrum i Hillerød i samarbejde med tre psykologer. Han er en efterspurgt supervisor og foredragsholder både i Danmark og det øvrige Skandinavien.

  • af H. G. Wells
    38,99 kr.

    ‘Floor Games’ is a delightful book by H.G. Wells about the fun children can have with some simple toys and a lot of imagination. The author’s humorous tone in this book makes it an entertaining read for parents, but Wells also provides deeply personal anecdotes about playing with his children. Wells’ celebrated creativity is clear to see as the games he describes are about inventing worlds out of one’s imagination, constructing cities and empires from a few wooden blocks. ‘Floor Games’ is an influential book that is used by psychotherapists to assist children’s development by learning through play. A perfect read for parents who are weary of the internet age and anyone who wishes to reminisce about their childhood.H. G. Wells (1866-1946) was a celebrated English writer, remembered mostly for his science fiction works. Often described as a futurist, H. G. Wells’ influence cannot be overstated for his works foresaw many technological innovations such as space travel, the atomic bomb, and the Internet. A four-time Nobel Prize in Literature nominee, Wells explored a wide array of themes in his works, from religion to social criticism and beyond. Some of his best works include the time-travel novel ‘The Time Machine’, the sci-fi adventure novel ‘The Island of Dr. Moreau’, and the mankind-versus-aliens novel ‘The War of the Worlds’. Wells occupies one of the central seats in the canon of science-fiction literature and his writing inspired other celebrated authors such as Ray Bradbury and Philip K. Dick. Wells’ stories are still widely read to this day and have had numerous cinematic adaptations including ‘The Invisible Man’ starring Elisabeth Moss.