42,99 kr. The current spiritual leader of the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism, the 14th Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso, is a passionate supporter of Buddhism and the rights of the Tibetan people, becoming a symbol of Tibetan nationhood for Tibetans everywhere.He is also famous for his words of wisdom which include "Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.", "Silence is sometimes the best answer." and "Choose to be optimistic, it feels better."This collection contains 100 of the Dalai Lama’s most celebrated quotes and is perfect for those interested in Buddhism.Dalai Lama is a title given by the people of Tibet to the spiritual leader of the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism, which is the most dominant of the four major schools of Tibetan Buddhism. The current Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso (born 1935), is the 14th and most celebrated.His wisdom is sought by many famous celebrities and world leaders, but he describes himself as "a simple Buddhist monk". The Dalai Lama has worked to overcome religious divisions in the exiled Tibetan community.
- Lydbog
- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character."A superb orator, Martin Luther King Jr. spearheaded a peaceful march on Washington D.C., where he delivered his famous speech, "l Have a Dream", to 250,000 people.The historic speech is one of many successful attempts at voicing his frustration towards oppression and discrimination without resorting to violence thus proving his skills as a public speaker.This compilation contains 100 of Martin Luther King Jr’s most celebrated quotes and is ideal for those who need an extra bit of motivation throughout their day.Martin Luther King, Jr., (1929-1968) was an American Baptist minister, activist, and humanitarian, but is best known for his leading role in the African-American civil rights movement.Dr King was awarded five honorary degrees, named Man of the Year by Time magazine in 1963, and became the youngest man to ever receive the Nobel Peace Prize at only thirty-five years of age. He donated his prize money to the Civil Rights Movement.
- Lydbog
- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Dedicated to a life of selflessness, Mother Teresa is remembered all over the world for her care of those less fortunate, whether sick or poor. Her famous wisdom included "Do ordinary things with extraordinary love." and "We fear the future because we are wasting the today."This compilation contains 100 of Mother Teresa’s most celebrated quotes and is ideal for those needing a bit more inspiration in their everyday life.Mother Teresa, born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, (1910-1997) was one of the 20th century's greatest-ever humanitarians, and her selfless work has been recognised all over the world.She took her first vows as a nun in India in 1931 and went on to become the founder of the Order of the Missionaries of Charity, dedicated to helping the poor and the sick.She received the Pope John XXIII Peace Prize in 1971, the Nehru Prize for promoting international peace and understanding in 1972, and in 1979 she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her humanitarian work. She was canonised in 2016 by Pope Francis.
- Lydbog
- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. ‘100 Quotes by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’ is a collection of reflections and thoughts from the renowned German novelist, scientist, and philosopher.Goethe's work has had a wide-ranging influence on Western literature as well as political and philosophical thought, and this collection offers a cherry-picked selection of some of his most famous quotes.This collection is perfect for fans of Plato, Emanuel Swedenborg, Montaigne, Napoleon, and Shakespeare all of whom were selected alongside Goethe as one of six ‘representative men’ by American philosopher and essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson.Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1835) was a German poet, novelist, scientist, and critic. He is widely regarded as the greatest and most influential writer in the German language, and his work includes plays, poetry, literature, as well as discourse on botany and anatomy. What’s more, many of his poems were set to music by composers such as Mozart, Beethoven, and Liszt.
- Lydbog
- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. ‘100 Quotes by Gaston Bachelard’ is a collection of thoughts from the French philosopher whose work influenced many other philosophers including; Michel Foucault, Louis Althusser, Dominique Lecourt and Jacques Derrida.The quotes featured open a door into his monumental work with a selection of his most significant thoughts and ideas from witticisms to deeper reflections.‘100 Quotes by Gaston Bachelard’ will delight those interested in Western philosophy.Gaston Bachelard (1884-1962) was a French philosopher who made contributions to the fields of poetics – a theory of literary discourse – and also to the philosophy of science, introducing the concepts of epistemological obstacle and epistemological break.
- Lydbog
- 42,99 kr.
60,99 kr. ‘300 Quotes from Idealistic Philosophers’ is an incredible collection of quotes from the world's finest Idealistic Philosophers, including German philosophers Immanuel Kant and Arthur Schopenhauer and Ancient Greek philosopher Plato.Idealistic philosophy or idealism identifies and describes metaphysical perspectives and argues that reality is identical to human understanding and perception, rejecting the notion of material existence.This compilation features some of their most notable and most famous quotes and is ideal for those interested in idealism.Immanuel Kant (1724 – 1804) was a German philosopher and one of the most influential figures in modern Western philosophy. He famously wrote the ‘Critique of Pure Reason’.Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 –1860) was a German philosopher best known for his work ‘The World as Will and Representation’ which built on the transcendental idealism of Immanuel Kant.Plato was an ancient Greek philosopher who founded the Platonist school of thought. He is considered a key figure in the history of Ancient Greek and Western philosophy. Plato is also considered the founder of Western political philosophy.
- Lydbog
- 60,99 kr.
77,99 kr. "1100 Quotations from the Great French Writers of the 19th Century" is a wonderful collection of wit and wisdom from some of the greatest French writers ever.From Guy de Maupassant and Honoré de Balzac to Victor Hugo and Alexandre Dumas, this carefully crafted collection is guaranteed to inspire and entertain.Ideal for those needing a dose of encouragement.These French literary giants are responsible for some of the worlds most famous works, including "The Three Musketeers", "Les Misérables", "Madame Bovary" and "The Hunchback of Notre-Dame."
- Lydbog
- 77,99 kr.
59,99 kr. Embark on a captivating journey through the depths of global wisdom with "400 Proverbs from Around the World."Whether seeking inspiration, expanding cultural knowledge, or simply savoring the beauty of language, this anthology will captivate and enlighten readers of all backgrounds.This enchanting collection brings together timeless sayings and profound insights from diverse cultures, spanning continents and generations.
- Lydbog
- 59,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Embark on a captivating journey through the wonders of science with this collection of 100 enlightening quotes.Whether you're a seasoned scientist, a curious learner, or simply fascinated by the wonders of the universe, "100 Quotes About Science" will ignite your curiosity!Discover the awe-inspiring words of renowned scientists, philosophers, and thinkers who have unlocked the mysteries of the cosmos, delved into the intricacies of nature, and revealed the beauty of the scientific method.
- Lydbog
- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Dive into the world of joy, positivity, and bliss with "100 Quotes About Happiness", and immerse yourself in an abundance of radiant words and phrases.Whether you're seeking motivation, a dose of positivity, or a fresh perspective on life, "100 Quotes About Happiness" is your beacon of light.This uplifting collection gathers the most inspiring and heartwarming quotes from thinkers, artists, and visionaries who have captured the essence of true happiness.
- Lydbog
- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Fuel your entrepreneurial spirit, unleash your full potential, and step into the world of ambition with this collection of carefully selected quotes.Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner, each quote will serve as a powerful catalyst, igniting your inner drive, resilience, and creativity and spark your entrepreneurial spirit.This dynamic collection brings together inspiring words from visionary leaders, innovators, and trailblazers, empowering you to embark on your own business journey.
- Lydbog
- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Embark on a transformative journey of profound ideas and insightful musings with "200 Quotes of Idealist Philosophers: Kant & Schopenhauer."From Kant's categorical imperative to Schopenhauer's philosophy of the will, these quotes offer a glimpse into the profound wisdom that shaped the foundations of idealism.Born in Königsberg, Immanuel Kant (1724 – 1804) was one of Germany’s most important philosophers and a leading figure in the ‘Age of Enlightenment’ movement.Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) was a renowned German philosopher known for his profound insights into the nature of human existence and the meaning of life
- Lydbog
- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Embark on a spiritual odyssey with this mystical collection of quotes which unveils the profound teachings and mystical insights of Sufi masters throughout the ages.Whether you're seeking guidance or simply need some empowerment on your journey of spiritual awakening, this collection is your your trusted companion for daily inspiration and motivationFrom Rumi to Hafiz, these luminaries offer glimpses into the transformative power of love, the beauty of surrender, and the pursuit of divine truth
- Lydbog
- 42,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Humorvoll, wortgewandt und bisweilen satirisch - so kennen Leser den Stil des Dichters Christian Morgenstern (1871-1914). Doch der Lyriker hat auch eine philosophische und nachdenkliche Seite, zu der dieses posthum veroffentlichte Buch Zugang gewahrt. Morgenstern lasst uns teilhaben an seinen Uberlegungen und Ansichten zu verschiedensten Themen, unter anderem Kunst und Sprache, aber auch Natur und Psychologie. Seine Lebensweisheiten halt er fest in treffenden Aphorismen und kurzen Texten, die auch nach der Lekture im Gedachtnis bleiben. -
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
69,00 kr. - E-bog
- 69,00 kr.
149,00 kr. "Hvis din tid ikke er inde, kan selv ikke en læge slå dig ihjel." – Amerikansk ordsprog"En kritiker er en mand, der kender vejen, men som ikke kan styre bilen." – Kenneth Tynan"Alle ønsker at leve længe, men ingen ønsker at blive gammel." – OrdsprogVerden er fuld af kedelig snak og tørre fraser. Det er der til gengæld ikke noget af i Harry Motors samling af rammende citater og sjove ordsprog med titlen "Gode og sjove ord". Bogen er delt op i emner som for eksempel biler, bøger, Danmark, erfaringer, frihed og humor.Harry "Motor" Jensen (1921-2001) var en dansk erhvervsmand, journalist og forfatter, som særligt er kendt for sit arbejde inden for bilsektoren. Han var i en årrække direktør for Volvo Danmark og sidenhen i Australien. I årene 1957-1988 stod han for "Teknisk brevkasse" i FDM‘s medlemsblad "Motor", og i dag kender de fleste ham ved navnet Harry Motor.
- E-bog
- 149,00 kr.
69,00 kr. Børn er fantasiske. Og det er ofte fra dem, vi skal hører sandheden. De siger en masse sjove, mærkelige, overraskende og også kloge ting om alt mellem himmel og jord.Dette er Martin Nedergaard Andersens anden bog, med underholdende citater om, hvordan verden ser ud fra børnehøjde.Bastian, 3 1/2 år: "Far, kan du ikke læse en historie for mig?"Far: "Nej, jeg vil ikke læse højt lige nu."Bastian: "Kan du måske så læse den lavt?"Christian, 4 år: "Farfar, når min mor og far bliver gamle og skal på plejehjem, må jeg så flytte hjem til dig?"Gurli, 7 år: "Lærerne i skolen drikker meget kaffe i frikvartererne, så de kan holde sig vågne i timerne."Alberte, 8 år: "Mor, du har en rigtig parisernumse."Mor: "Tak, det var sødt sagt."Alberte: "Nå – men ved du godt, at Paris er en stor by?"Mikala, 5 år: "Mor, har du været en dreng, da du var lille?"Mor: "Nej, jeg er ret sikker på, at jeg var en pige, hvorfor?"Mikala: "Jo, for du er så god til at bøvse."Martin Nedergaard Andersen (1965) står bag en rækker bøger, der alle på hver deres måde belyser, hvordan børn oplever og forstår livet og hverdagen. Ved siden af sit forfatterskab, arbejder han fuldtid som bræt- og kortspilsudvikler og underviser på MBA-studiet.
- E-bog
- 69,00 kr.
69,00 kr. Børn er fantasiske. Og det er ofte fra dem, vi skal hører sandheden. De siger en masse sjove, mærkelige, overraskende og også kloge ting om alt mellem himmel og jord.Dette er Martin Nedergaard Andersens første bog, med underholdende citater om, hvordan verden ser ud fra børnehøjde. Senere er udgivet Nej, hvor er din numse stor, mor!Far: "Hvad synes du din lillebror skal hedde?"Rune, 3 år: "Solvej eller Buzz Lightyear."Alberte, 3 år: "Jeg vil godt ha‘ en lillebror mere, som skal hedde lillesøster."Far: "Hvad for et dyr skal jeg nu tegne?"Line, 4 år: "En kanelsnegl."Jasmin, 5 år: "Når jeg bliver stor, skal jeg også ha‘ en mand – hvis der altså er nogen tilbage…"Balder på 4 år kommer hjem fra børnehave, hvor de har sunget Tornerose, og vil gerne synge den for mor og far.Balder: "Så kom den onde Per derind, Per derind, Per derind…"Martin Nedergaard Andersen (1965) står bag en rækker bøger der alle på hver deres måde belyser, hvordan børn oplever og forstår livet og hverdagen. Ved siden af sit forfatterskab, arbejder han fuldtid som bræt- og kortspilsudvikler og underviser på MBA-studiet.
- E-bog
- 69,00 kr.
45,00 kr. Haben Sie auch schon mal geglaubt, dass Sie der der Affe laust? Wurden Sie auch schon mal vom Hafer gestochen? Überall begegnen uns tierische Sprichwörter und blumige Redewendungen. Für alle, die sich keinen Bären aufbinden und öfter mal die Katze aus dem Sack lassen wollen, haben Bruno P. Kremer und Klaus Richarz mehr als dreihundert geläufige und nicht selten erstaunliche Redensarten gesammelt. Doch welcher Wolf steckt wirklich im Schafspelz und wo liegt der Hase im Pfeffer? Auf unterhaltsame Weise erzählen die Autoren die manchmal rätselhaften und oft kuriosen Geschichten hinter den Redewendungen und Sprichwörtern, und zeigen, wie selbstverständlich diese in unseren täglichen Sprachgebrauch Eingang gefunden haben. Es gibt also weder Grund, die Flinte ins Korn zu werfen, noch in den sauren Apfel zu beißen, denn nach dem Anhören können Sie zu allem Ihren Senf geben und jeden Stier bei den Hörnern packen.
- Lydbog
- 45,00 kr.
44,99 kr. "Den Kopf halt kühl, die Füße warm!" Wer kennt sie nicht, diese wohl populärste deutsche Gesundheitsregel? Doch wie ist sie eigentlich entstanden? Und was hat es mit all den anderen, uns heute oft sonderbar erscheinenden Ratschlägen der Volksmedizin auf sich? Warum hilft Pfeffer dem Mann aufs Pferd, der Frau aber unter die Erd? Welche Wunder tut Holunder? Der Schlaf bei wieviel Stund’ ist Jung und Alt gesund? Der Sprichwortexperte Helmut A. Seidl erklärt, was hinter den Aussagen der Volksmedizin über den Körper und seine Teile, Speis und Trank, Gemüt und Glaube, Wetter und Jahreszeit, Tiere und Pflanzen, Ärzte und Krankheiten steckt. Die Zusammenschau von Medizin, Kulturgeschichte und Sprichwortkunde fördert aufschlussreiche Ergebnisse zu Tage. Seidls Funde sind stets lehrreich, amüsant und launig. Das ideale Geschenkhörbuch, nicht nur für Gesundheitsapostel oder Hypochonder!
- Lydbog
- 44,99 kr.
44,99 kr. Da brat mir einer einen Storch! Dem Mittelalter begegnet man überall, in Zeitungsartikeln, Bestseller-Romanen und E-Mails. Die Welt der Ritter, Minnesänger, Kaiser und Könige ist auch in unserer Zeit noch lebendig. Denn wer würde sich nicht lieber aus dem Staub machen, als Scherereien zu bekommen, oder ist mit seinem Latein am Ende, weil der Computer über die Wupper gegangen ist? Gerhard Wagner, Burgvogt der Marksburg am Rhein, hat 250 solcher heute noch gebräuchlichen Redewendungen gesammelt und erläutert in diesem reich illustrierten Buch so kompetent wie unterhaltsam deren Herkunft. Der Leser kann über das Register gezielt nachschlagen oder sich beim Schmökern auf die Bauernhöfe, Burgen und Turnierplatze des Mittelalters entführen lassen. Der Autor kennt das Mittelalter aus dem Effeff und erstaunt mit den überraschenden Zusammenhängen, die er aus dem Hut zieht. Seine Erklärungen haben Hand und Fuß, sodass die Welt der Redewendungen dem Leser nicht mehr spanisch vorkommt.
- Lydbog
- 44,99 kr.
129,00 kr. Smukke, sjove, underfundige, rammende citater fra hele verden om livet • døden • mennesket • kvinden • manden • kærlighed • sex • ægteskabet • barndommen • menneskets aldre • udseende, tøj, mode • lykke, ulykke, nydelse og lidelse • godt og ondt • jeget, karakteren og skæbnen • menneskelige svagheder sandhed og løgn • venner, fjender, had og vrede • klogskab og dumhed • mod og fejhed • håb • hæder, ære, misundelse, smiger og sladder • ensomhed • selskabslivet • tro og tvivl • succes og fiasko frihed og tvang • helbred og sygdom • optimisme og pessimisme • hverdagen • tiden penge • handling arbejde og forretninger • dovenskab og flid • talent og geni • bøger, aviser og læsning • skaben og kreativitet • filosofi og tanker • debatter og diskussioner • videnskab og kundskab • historien • krig og fred • politik samfund, bureaukrati og love • spøg og alvor • råd og everegler • blandet • visdom • Danmark og danskerne Med navneregister og biografier over de citerede.
- E-bog
- 129,00 kr.