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  • af Karin Henriksson
    50,99 kr.

    Vad är ett primärval? Hur stiftas lagar i kongressen? Vad har presidenten för befogenheter? Vad är ett ’caucus’? Varför har republikanerna en elefant som symbol och demokraterna en åsna? Vad är Högsta domstolens roll? Dessa frågor, och många fler, får du svar på i Karin Henrikssons uppslagsbok ”USA-politiken från A till Z”.Karin Henriksson är bosatt i Washington, DC. Hon har rapporterat från USA i över 35 år, bland annat som Svenska Dagbladets korrespondent. Hon är författare till många böcker om USA, till exempel biografier över Ronald Reagan och Donald Trump samt två omfattande verk om samtliga presidenter och deras First ladies.

  • af Erik Abrahamsen
    48,99 kr.

    Den danske professor i musikvidenskab Erik Abrahamsen gennemgår fra A til X en række musikalske udtryk. Bogen er tænkt som en hjælp til radiolytterne, så de bliver bedre i stand til at forstå den tonekunst, der aften efter aften strømmer fra radioen og ud i de danske hjem.”Radiolytterens musikfører” udkom første gang i 1928.Erik Abrahamsen (1893-1949) var en dansk musikhistoriker og den første professor i faget i Danmark. Abrahamsen var uddannet fra Københavns musikkonservatorium og havde en doktorgrad fra Fribourg i Schweiz. Derudover var han organist og assistent ved Det Kongelige Bibliotek, før han blev Danmarks første lektor i musikvidenskab.

  • af Evald Gaardsted-Jørgensen
    129,00 kr.

    Biskop Johannes Johansen (1925-2012) bidrog med hundredvis af elskede salmer til den danske sangskat. Hans produktion var så omfattende og overvældende, at den kan være svær at finde hoved og hale i, men Evald Gaardsted-Jørgensen har formået at overskueliggøre hele den eminente salmedigters samling. Bogen indeholder desuden en litteraturliste til de læsere, der skulle have fået lyst til at dykke endnu længere ned i biskop Johannes Johansens liv og virke.Evald Gaardsted-Jørgensen (1922-2008) var en dansk præst og forfatter. Han udgav flere historiske romaner om livet blandt almuen i Danmark i 1800-tallet og 1900-tallet. Nogle af historierne er baseret på hans eget liv og erindringer.

  • af Nicolai Bøgh
    69,00 kr.

    "Et folk uden religion er ikke til at regere, og hvis det ingen havde, måtte staten skabe den."- Napoleon I"Der gives ingen anden naturlig grænse for en nation end sproget."- A. Oehlenschläger"Folkeånden lever i sproget."- Rasmus NielsenNicolai Bøgh har samlet citater fra alverdens forfattere om emner, der vedrører ethvert folk og ethvert menneske. Bogen er inddelt i kapitler med citater om specifikke emner såsom fædrelandet, religion, kærlighed, børn og ægteskab, og vi hører fra både forfattere som William Shakespeare og Søren Kierkegaard og store statsmænd som Napoleon I af Frankrig.Bogen udkom første gang i 1882.Nicolai Bøgh (1843-1905) var dansk digter, lærer og personalhistorisk forfatter. Han har skrevet en lang række bøger om store danske kulturpersonligheder heriblandt Elisabeth Jerichau-Baumann, Kamma Rahbek og Christian Winther. Bøgh blev udnævnt til både titulær professor og Ridder af Dannebrog som anerkendelse for sit litterære arbejde.

  • af A. Mentz & C.H. Ostenfeld
    99,00 kr.

    Prydplanter, krydderurter, frugttræer, lægeplanter, brændselsplanter, vedbend, græsarter, ja, planteverdenen forekommer nærmest uendeligt mangeartet. Med denne bog har forfatterne frembragt en udførlig guide til plantelivet i både Norden og fremmede egne. Udover et udførligt navneregister, rummer bogen fem kapitler, der beskriver forholdene omkring næringsplanter, læge- og giftplanter, nydelsesplanter, tekniske planter og prydplanter. Bogen blev oprindeligt udgivet i 1906.Carl Emil Hansen Ostenfeld (1873-1931) var en dansk botaniker og forfatter, der var kendt for sin udforskning af flora og plankton i de danske farvande. Han arbejdede blandt andet som kurator ved Botanisk Museum og inspektør ved Københavns Universitets Botaniske Museum. Senere blev C.H. Ostenfeld professor ved Den Kongelige Veterinær- og Landboskole. Han skrev en lang række bøger om flora i dansk natur og farvande og var endvidere Ridder af Dannebrog, Dannebrogsmand og medlem af Videnskabernes Selskab.August Mentz (1867-1944) var en dansk forfatter og professor i botanik var Landbohøjskolen. A. Mentz var i mange år ansat af Det Danske Hedeselskab og spillede en stor rolle inden for naturfredning i Danmark. Han skrev en lang række bøger om botanik, natur og naturfredning og blev i 1928 Ridder af Dannebrog og i 1938 Dannebrogsmand.

  • af Margota Kott
    56,99 kr.

    Marzysz o napisaniu kryminału, ale nie wiesz, jak się do tego zabrać? Boisz się błędów logicznych, ciągle myli ci się patomorfolog z patologiem i zastanawiasz się, czy zabójstwo i morderstwo oznaczają to samo? Kompendium wiedzy dla autorów kryminałów rozwieje wszystkie twoje wątpliwości, wskaże najważniejsze elementy policyjnego śledztwa, także te, o których nigdy wcześniej nie słyszałeś, a ponadto podpowie, jak skonstruować fabułę, by czytelnik nie mógł się oderwać od lektury. Znajdziesz tu także ciekawostki dotyczące powieści – zarówno światowych bestsellerów, jak i tych bardziej niszowych tytułów – a także ich autorów i historii gatunku, które zaciekawią każdego fana opowieści z dreszczykiem.

  • af Lars Henriksen & Anders Larson
    68,99 kr.

    Børn bander, og det er helt okay. Faktisk er det sundt at sætte trumf på følelserne indimellem, men det lyder forfærdeligt. Især i ørerne på de voksne, så hvad kan man gøre? Vilters Leksikon over børnebandeord viser en ny og sjov måde at bande på, hvor ingen bliver sure.I denne bog finder man 50 børnebandeord, der føles lige så gode at sige som voksenbandeord, men som lyder meget pænere. Man får samtidig de usandsynligt sjove historier om, hvordan hvert udtryk er opstået. Vidste du frikkesempel, at børnebandeordet ‘ostefisme’ stammer fra en ostepopsfabrik, hvor chefen går rundt og ostefiser dagen lang? Eller at udtrykket ‘søster løgsovs’ kommer fra grinebiderøen?Lyt med derhjemme, i børnehaven, på skolen og alle andre steder, hvor der er plads til grineflip.Lars Henriksen er uddannet journalist og forfatter til flere bøger, og Anders Larson er professionel musiker. Sammen har de siden 2018 drevet og siden 2021 også appen Vilters godnathistorier, hvor barnet har hovedrollen i de mere end 80 fantasifulde eventyr sammen med drømmepiloten Vilter Ørngot.

  • af Khalil Gibran
    42,99 kr.

    Kahlil Gibran (1883-1991) was a Lebanese artist, poet and writer best known in the western world for his book ‘The Prophet’ (1923). Regarded as a literary and political rebel, his romantic style was part of a renaissance in modern Arabic literature, breaking away from the classical school.Gibran is famed for his inspiring and enlightening writings and sayings which include, "You talk when you cease to be at peace with your thoughts." and "If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. If they don't, they never were."This collection contains 100 of Khalil Gibran’s most celebrated quotes.Kahlil Gibran (1883-1991) was a Lebanese artist, poet and writer best known in the western world for his book ‘The Prophet’ (1923). Regarded as a literary and political rebel, his romantic style was part of a renaissance in modern Arabic literature, breaking away from the classical school.He is the third best-selling poet of all time, behind only Shakespeare and Lao-Tzu, and despite emigrating to America, he is still celebrated as a literary hero in Lebanon.

  • af Bruce Lee
    42,99 kr.

    While Lee is best known as a peerless martial artist, ‘100 Quotes by Bruce Lee’ demonstrates an extraordinary intelligence behind the flying fists.With a deep interest in philosophy and drama, this book contains thoughts and observations that are profound, thoughtful, and often funny.A superb read for those who want a peek into the mind of the ‘Little Dragon,’ this book is a must for Lee fans of all ages.Li Jun Fan (1940 – 1973) is better known as Bruce Lee. Born in San Francisco, but raised in Hong Kong, he was the son of an actor and opera singer. As a result of his father’s jobs, the young Lee found himself a regular on film sets.After being sent to America, Lee graduated in drama from the University of Washington and, shortly after, set up his own martial arts school. After a karate display in Los Angeles, he was offered the role of Kato in the TV series, ‘The Green Hornet.’After finding success on the small screen, Lee went on to write, direct, choreograph, and star in a number of movies, including ‘Fists of Fury,’ ‘Enter the Dragon,’ and ‘Game of Death.’ He is credited with launching the careers of other martial art movie stars, including Chuck Norris and Jackie Chan.

  • af Adam Smith
    42,99 kr.

    ‘100 Quotes by Adam Smith’ is a selection of thoughts and observations from one of the finest philosophical minds of the 18th century.Smith’s views on religion, morality, and human nature are presented front and centre. However, he wasn’t short of a few witticisms, and there are plenty of one-liners worth committing to memory.A superb book for leisurely browsing, this is a welcome addition to any book collection.Born in Kirkcaldy, Adam Smith (1723 – 1790) became known as one of the most important philosophers and political economists of the 18th century. The son of a solicitor, he was educated at the Burgh School of Kirkaldy, before enrolling at the University of Glasgow to study moral philosophy. Subsequently, he became a student at Oxford.After leaving, he embarked on a teaching career, eventually becoming a lecturer at Glasgow University. During this time, he published his first work, ‘The Theory of Moral Sentiments.’ As part of his job, Smith toured Europe with his stepson, Scott. These travels laid the foundations for what is considered to be his most important venture, ‘The Wealth of Nations.’ This work was adapted for television, starring Gordon Jackson of ‘The Professionals’ fame.

  • af Montesquieu, Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, mfl.
    77,99 kr.

    Take a tour through nine of the finest minds of all time, with ‘900 Quotations from Modern Philosophy.’With words of wisdom, reflections, and observations on everything from life and love to death and hatred, and everything in between, this is a superb book for those looking for inspiring and self-questioning thoughts to gain a new perspective on our existence.A superb read for fans of modern philosophy and those who simply want something fascinating to dip in and out of.Michel de Montaigne (1533 – 1592) was a French philosopher, who pioneered the use of essays as a literary device. Montesquieu (1689 – 1755) was also French, whose writing had a huge influence on political systems. Voltaire (1694 – 1778), also from France, was one of the founders of the French Enlightenment movement. Niccolò Machiavelli (1469 – 1527) was an Italian diplomat who excused the use of unscrupulous means in politics.Born in Geneva, Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712 – 1778) was a spearhead in the European Enlightenment movement. Born in Germany, Immanuel Kant (1724 – 1804) was another central figure of Enlightenment philosophy, as was Dutchman, Baruch Spinoza (1632 – 1677). Born in France, Blaise Pascal (1623 – 1662) was a fideistic philosopher, while Francis Bacon (1909 – 1992) is best known as an existential artist.

  • af Ambrose Bierce
    42,99 kr.

    ‘100 Quotes by Ambrose Bierce’ is a selection of thoughts, observations, and sayings by one of the most inventive minds of the 19th century.Bierce’s obsession with the preposterousness of death takes centre stage, shot through with pithy humour, and comments on human nature.A superb read for fans of horror and historical fiction alike, this book is an excellent addition to any library.Born in Ohio, Ambrose Bierce (1842 – 1914) became one of the most influential writers in American literary history. After fighting in the American Civil War, where he got severely wounded, Bierce moved to San Francisco.A writer for ‘Hearst Magazines’ until 1909, Bierce carved out a formidable reputation as a journalist, with his experiences in the Civil War laying the foundations for many of his literary works. His style highlighted the futility of war and questioned the importance of dying for beliefs, rather than knowledge.In addition to writing about the gritty absurdities of war, Bierce became a respected writer of horror, his stories acting as inspiration for various TV shows and films, including ‘The Twilight Zone,’ and ‘Old Gringo,’ starring Jane Fonda and Gregory Peck.

  • af Alexis de Tocqueville
    42,99 kr.

    A French political philosopher and politician, Alexis de Tocqueville's works are now considered early examples of sociology and political science.They include many of his famous insights, such as "Nothing is more wonderful than the art of being free, but nothing is harder to learn how to use than freedom." and "There are two things which a democratic people will always find very difficult - to begin a war and to end it."A carefully selected collection that contains 100 of Tocqueville’s most celebrated quotes, this book will delight those interested in the musings of one of the most notable French political philosophers.Alexis de Tocqueville, (1805 - 1859) was a French political philosopher, historian, and politician, best known for writing ‘Democracy in America’ (1835–40) and ‘The Old Regime and the Revolution’ (1856). Both works explored the effects of improving social conditions on the individual and the state in western society, and are now considered early examples of sociology and political science.Tocqueville was named Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur (Knight of the Legion of Honour) in 1837, and in 1838 was elected to the Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques. In 1841, he was elected to the Académie Française.

  • af Winston Churchill, Sun Tzu, Confucius, mfl.
    68,99 kr.

    William Shakespeare, Plato, Buddha, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, and Napoleon Bonaparte are just some of the famous names that make up this collection of 500 famous quotes.With ancient sages, politicians, military leaders, philosophers, and physicists imparting their wisdom, this carefully crafted compilation will not only develop your cultural knowledge but entertain, amuse, and inspire you too.´Develop your General Culture in 500 Quotes´ will delight those who would like a boost of cultural literacy.William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was one of the greatest English poets, playwrights, and actors. Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 – 1900) is regarded as one of the 19th-century philosophers to have had a lasting effect on contemporary philosophy. Sun Tzu (544 BC-496 BC) was a Chinese philosopher and military general who influenced Western and East Asian philosophy with his work ´The Art of War´. Plato was an ancient Greek philosopher who founded the Platonist school of thought. He is considered a key figure in the history of Ancient Greek and Western philosophy.Lao Zi (1368 – 1644) is credited as the founding father of Taoism. Thought to have lived at the same time as Confucius, he wrote the Tao Te Ching. Gautama Buddha (480 BCE – 400 BCE) was an aristocrat who eschewed materialism, in favour of spiritual reflection. He is the founder of Buddhism. Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955) was a theoretical physicist, who is best remembered for developing the Theory of Relativity.Born in England, Winston Churchill (1874-1965) served as the British Prime Minister during WWII. Confucius (551 BCE–479 BCE) was born in China. His profound teachings established Confucianism, which promotes personal and societal morality. Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) was a French military leader during the French Revolution.

  • af Friedrich Nietzsche, – Plato, Lao Zi, mfl.
    77,99 kr.

    William Shakespeare, Plato, Buddha, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, and Napoleon Bonaparte are just some of the famous names that make up this collection of 500 famous quotes.With ancient sages, politicians, military leaders, philosophers, and physicists imparting their wisdom, this carefully crafted compilation will not only develop your cultural knowledge but entertain, amuse, and inspire you too.´Develop your General Culture in 1000 Quotes´ will delight those who would like a boost of cultural literacy.William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was one of the greatest English poets, playwrights, and actors. Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 – 1900) is regarded as one of the 19th-century philosophers to have had a lasting effect on contemporary philosophy. Sun Tzu (544 BC-496 BC) was a Chinese philosopher and military general who influenced Western and East Asian philosophy with his work ´The Art of War´. Plato was an ancient Greek philosopher who founded the Platonist school of thought. He is considered a key figure in the history of Ancient Greek and Western philosophy.Lao Zi (1368 – 1644) is credited as the founding father of Taoism. Thought to have lived at the same time as Confucius, he wrote the Tao Te Ching. Gautama Buddha (480 BCE – 400 BCE) was an aristocrat who eschewed materialism, in favour of spiritual reflection. He is the founder of Buddhism. Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955) was a theoretical physicist, who is best remembered for developing the Theory of Relativity.Born in England, Winston Churchill (1874-1965) served as the British Prime Minister during WWII. Confucius (551 BCE–479 BCE) was born in China. His profound teachings established Confucianism, which promotes personal and societal morality. Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) was a French military leader during the French Revolution.

  • af Winston Churchill, Stefan Zweig, Oscar Wilde, mfl.
    68,99 kr.

    ‘600 Quotations from the Great Writers of the 20th Century’ features the wit and wisdom of some of the 20th Century’s greatest writers and minds.A cherry-picked selection, the collection includes quotes from the likes of famous Irish poet and playwright, Oscar Wilde, American-Lebanese writer and poet Khalil Gibran, Winston Churchill, Britain’s celebrated prime minister, and many more.An entertaining and inspiring compilation of their best quotes, ‘600 Quotations from the Great Writers of the 20th Century’ is ideal for those interested in an extra boost of inspiration throughout their day.Young Jewish refugee Anne Frank (1929-1945) is famous for her diaries that detailed her attempts to hide from the Nazi’s in German-occupied Amsterdam. Winston Churchill (1874-1965) is the charismatic and oft-quoted, British Prime Minister that led the country to victory over Nazi Germany in the second World War. Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) is one of the most celebrated writers in history and is best known for his novel ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’.The Austrian novelist and biographer Stefan Zweig (1881-1942) was one of the most famous authors throughout the 1920s and 1930s. Born in France, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944) was a writer and journalist, best known for his novella ´The Little Prince´. Khalil Gibran (1883-1931) was a Lebanese-American author and philosopher, best remembered for his prose poetry fable ´The Prophet´.

  • af Beaumarchais, Jean de La Bruyère, William Shakespeare, mfl.
    68,99 kr.

    ‘600 Quotations from the Great Writers of the 17th Century’ features the wit and wisdom of some of the 17th century’s greatest-ever writers, including Miguel de Cervantes, novelist and scientist Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, French playwright Jean Racine, and English playwright William Shakespeare, one of the most quoted people in the world.This carefully curated compilation is motivating, insightful, and entertaining and will delight those who are looking for an extra dose of inspiration.Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616) is renowned for his best-selling novel ‘Don Quixote’, which has been adapted for TV and film on many occasions. German poet and playwright, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), is the author of the acclaimed ‘Metamorphosis of Plants’ and ‘Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship’.French playwright Jean Racine (1639-1699) is one of the greatest playwrights of the 17th century and the author of ‘Phèdre’, ‘Andromaque’, and ‘Athalie’. William Shakespeare (1564-1616) is considered one of the most famous English playwrights and the author of ‘Hamlet’, ‘Macbeth’, ‘Romeo & Juliet. His works continue to entertain and inspire to this day.

  • af Alphonse de Lamartine, Alfred de Musset & Charles Baudelaire
    42,99 kr.

    ‘300 Quotes from Poets’ is a brilliant collection of quotes from some of the most celebrated French poets, including Charles Baudelaire, Alfred de Musset, and Alphonse de Lamartine.These great minds are responsible for some of the most celebrated works in French history, as well as quotes like "The beautiful is always bizarre" and "Music is the literature of the heart; it commences where speech ends."‘300 Quotes from Poets’ is the ideal read for anyone with an inquiring mind.Charles Pierre Baudelaire (1821 –1867) was a French poet whose original style influenced a whole generation. His most famous work is ‘Les Fleurs du mal’ (The Flowers of Evil).Alfred de Musset (1810 – 1857) was a French dramatist, poet, and novelist, who famously wrote the autobiographical novel ‘La Confession d'un enfant du siècle’ (The Confession of a Child of the Century).Alphonse de Lamartine (1790 – 1869) was a French author, poet, and statesman, who was hugely influential in the foundation of the Second Republic and wrote the epic poem ‘La Chute d'un Ange’ (The Fall of an Angel).

  • af Francois-Rene de Chateaubriand
    42,99 kr.

    Uncover one of the most influential figures in French literature with ‘100 Quotes by François-René de Chateaubriand’.French writer, politician, diplomat and historian, Chateaubriand was a royalist by political disposition and a defender of the Catholic faith. During a time when society turned against the Church, he produced the defensive ‘Génie du Christianisme’.Following his autobiography ‘Mémoirs from Beyond the Grave’, this impressive collection of his most notable musings and thoughts invites readers to peek behind the scenes of one of the most dominating figures of the 17th-century French literary scene.François-René de Chateaubriand (1768-1848) was a French writer, politican, diplomat and historian. Seeing himself as one of the greatest writers and philosophers of the age, his autobiography ‘Mémoirs from Beyond the Grave’ was published after his death in 1849.During a time when French society was undergoing turbulent changes with the abolishment of the monarchy at the dawn of the French Revolution, Chateaubriand remains today a widely influential figure in 19th-century literature.

  • af Alexandre Dumas
    42,99 kr.

    Full of French wit and wisdom, this superb collection is not to be missed.This book is a celebration of Alexandre Dumas' talent and contains 100 of his most celebrated quotes, including 'Nothing succeeds like success', 'All generalisations are dangerous, even this one' and All human wisdom is contained in these two words - Wait and Hope'.´100 Quotes by Alexandre Dumas´ is the ideal read for anyone with an inquiring mind about the musings of one of the most renowned French authors.Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870) was a French playwright and author, best known for his historical adventure novels, including 'The Three Musketeers' (1844), 'The Count of Monte Cristo’ (1844), and ‘The Man in the Iron Mask’ (1847).He is one of the best-known and most widely-read French writers worldwide, with his works translated into over one hundred languages. Dumas’s novels have been adapted and made into over 200 films and TV series, including ‘The Man in the Iron Mask’ (1998) starring Leonardo Di Caprio, ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’ (2002) starring Guy Pearce and ‘The Three Musketeers’ (1993) starring Kiefer Sutherland and Charlie Sheen.

  • af Denis Diderot
    42,99 kr.

    Featuring some of the most brilliant and notable sayings from a man living on the cusp of a revolutionising world, ‘100 Quotes by Denis Diderot’ uncovers one of the most influential – yet almost forgotten – figures of the Age of Enlightenment.French writer, philosopher, and art critic Diderot is most famous for being the co-creator and editor of the ‘Encyclopédie’, which featured many contributors and is now regarded as one of the precursors of the French Revolution.This impressive collection captures his best musings and thoughts, ideal for those looking to explore one of the greatest thinkers of the age.Denis Diderot (1713-1784) was a French writer, philosopher, art critic, and co-founder and editor of the ‘Encyclopédie’. Having been passed over by the Académie Française and received little recognition for his work, it wasn’t until Empress Catherine the Great appointed Diderot as her librarian in 1766 that his reputation – and finances - improved.He remains today one of the most prominent figures during the Age of the Enlightenment, and a strong influence on the beginnings of the French Revolution.

  • af François de La Rochefoucauld
    42,99 kr.

    Uncover the wisdom from one of the most notable figures of Classicism, and the master of ‘maxims’ himself, François de La Rochefoucauld, in this collection of some of his most notable quotes.French moralist and author, Rochefoucauld is most famous for his ´Memoirs´ and the ´Maxims´, focusing on the cynical nature of love, loyalty, and friendship.An accomplished 17th-century nobleman, he lived during a time when the royal court was deciding between both aiding the nobility and threatening it.‘100 Quotes by François de La Rochefoucauld’ now allows readers to peek behind the scenes at one of France’s most notable figures to date.François de La Rochefoucauld (1613-1680) was a French moralist, author and leading figure in the literary movement of Classicism. Master of Memoirs and Maxims, his work focused on the cynical nature of love, loyalty and friendship.An accomplished 17th-century nobleman, he lived during a time when the royal court was deciding between both aiding the nobility and threatening it.

  • af William Shakespeare
    42,99 kr.

    This superb collection contains 100 of William Shakespeare’s most celebrated quotes, including 'Is this a dagger I see before me', 'If music be the food of love, play on', and 'Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown'.The world-famous English poet and playwright, widely regarded as one of the greatest ever writers, left a formidable body of work that continues to be performed, celebrated and quoted to this day.Guaranteed to educate, amuse and surprise, this wonderful collection is perfect for all ages, and for anyone looking to impress their friends.William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was an English poet and playwright. He is widely regarded as the greatest-ever English language writer and the world's pre-eminent dramatist.His plays have been translated into every major language, while his work continues to be studied, adapted, and performed to adoring audiences worldwide. His best-known works include ‘MacBeth’, ‘The Tempest’, ‘As You Like It’, 'Much Ado About Nothing’, and perhaps his most famous play, ‘Romeo and Juliet’.Shakespeare continues to inspire writers and filmmakers to this day, and his works have been adapted to film on numerous occasions, including ‘Romeo + Juliet’ (1996) starring Claire Danes and Leonardo DiCaprio, and the Apple TV film, ‘The Tragedy of MacBeth’ (2021) starring Denzell Washington and Frances McDormand.

  • af Charles de Gaulle
    42,99 kr.

    Renowned for his political ideology, 'Gaullism', Charles André Joseph Marie de Gaulle (1890-1970) had a major influence on French politics.Amongst the Frenchman's most famous quotes are, "The cemetery is filled with indispensable men." and "I cannot prevent the French from being French." A carefully crafted collection, ´100 quotes by Charles de Gaulle´ contains 100 of his most celebrated quotes.This collection is ideal for anyone looking for a bit of philosophical guidance.Charles André Joseph Marie de Gaulle (1890-1970) was a French general and statesman, who led the Free French during World War Two and went on to become the architect of the Fifth Republic.A decorated officer of the First World War, De Gaulle went on to chair the Provisional Government of the French Republic from 1944-1946. Retiring in the early 1950s, he wrote his ‘War Memoirs’, and in 1958, was re-appointed Prime Minister of France and founded the Fifth Republic.De Gaulle was elected President of France later that year and remained President until his resignation in 1969.

  • af Anne Frank, Jane Austen, Marcel Proust, mfl.
    102,99 kr.

    ‘2000 Final Quotations’ is an insightful and humorous collection of quotes from some of the world’s greatest thinkers, writers, artists, and statesmen.It contains contributions from Shakespeare, Gandhi and Carl Jung to Friedrich Nietzsche, Confucius and Leonardo da Vinci - and lots more!Stretching from Ancient Greece to 20th-century Germany, this wonderful compilation is guaranteed to inspire and entertain those who want a bit of extra philosophical guidance throughout their day.Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Jane Austen, William Shakespeare, Marcel Proust, Anton Chekhov, Arthur Schopenhauer, Friedrich Nietzsche, Laozi, Immanuel Kant, Mahatma Gandhi, Buddha, Albert Einstein, Anne Frank, Leonardo da Vinci, Confucius, Baruch Spinoza, Marcus Aurelius, Carl Jung, Cicero, Emil Cioran.

  • af Charles de Gaulle, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, mfl.
    68,99 kr.

    Dive into the wits and wisdom of famous world statesmen in this intriguing collection of quotes!From World War giants and Ancient Roman Emperors to French Generals and American Presidents, this carefully crafted collection of quotes is guaranteed to entertain, amuse, and inspire.‘600 Quotes from Major Leaders’ is ideal for those needing a bit of extra philosophical guidance and inspiration throughout their day.Winston Churchill (1874-1965) was the leader of Britain, and Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970) was the leader of France during the Second World War.Marcus Aurelius (121–180) was a famous Emperor of Ancient Rome, while French General Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 -1821) conquered vast swathes of Europe.Inspirational American President Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865) abolished slavery and won the American Civil War, while Indian pacifist and civil rights activist Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) famously led India to independence from the British.

  • af Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Marcus Aurelius, mfl.
    68,99 kr.

    While wisdom is something to be accrued through experience and knowledge, ‘500 Quotes of Great Wisdom’ offers a shortcut.Dipping into the minds of some of the most revered thinkers of all time, this book is packed with insights, reflections, and observations sure to inspire and stimulate thought.A superb gift for anyone with an inquiring mind.Mahatma Gandhi (1931 – 1948) was an Indian lawyer, who became a pioneer of non-violent resistance to civil oppression. Gautama Buddha (480 BCE – 400 BCE) was an aristocrat who eschewed materialism in favour of spiritual reflection. He is the founder of Buddhism.Martin Luther King (1929 – 1969) was a Baptist minister who became the most important figure in the American Civil Rights movement. Mother Teresa (1910 – 1997) was an Albanian-Indian Catholic nun who was canonised for her missionary work. One of the pioneers of Stoicism, Marcus Aurelius (121 – 180) was a Roman emperor and a revered philosopher.

  • af Mother Teresa, Dalai Lama, Buddha, mfl.
    68,99 kr.

    Those who struggle to engender peace often have the greatest insights.‘500 Quotes from Peacemakers’ is a collection of thoughts, reflections, and observations from some of the most important, peace-seeking figures in history.Thoughtful and incisive, they are sure to provoke some stimulating conversation.A superb read for those with an interest in getting a peek inside the minds of some of the world’s greatest minds.Mahatma Gandhi (1931 – 1948) was an Indian lawyer, who became a pioneer of non-violent resistance to civil oppression. Gautama Buddha (480 BCE – 400 BCE) was an aristocrat who eschewed materialism, in favour of spiritual reflection. He is the founder of Buddhism.Born in Tibet, the first Dalai Lama (1391 – 1474) started life as a shepherd before studying as a monk and receiving a vision during meditation. Martin Luther King (1929 – 1969) was a Baptist minister who became the most important figure in the American Civil Rights movement. Mother Teresa (1910 – 1997) was an Albanian-Indian Catholic nun, who was canonised for her missionary work.

  • af Ralph Waldo Emerson, Søren Kierkegaard, Friedrich Nietzsche, mfl.
    68,99 kr.

    While we tend to think of the great thinkers as hailing from Ancient Greece, the 19th century has had more than its fair share of sharp minds.‘500 Quotations from the Great Philosophers of the 19th Century’ is a collection of reflections, insights, and observations from some of the best brains of that era.A superb book for dipping in and out of, this makes a great gift for anyone with an interest in history or philosophy.Søren Kierkegaard (1813 – 1855) was born in Copenhagen. He is considered to be one of the founders of existential philosophy and wrote many books on religion, ethics, morality, and philosophy. Born in Poland, Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 – 1860) was one of the first philosophers to combine elements of Indian philosophy and Western philosophy in his pursuit of transcendental idealism.Another transcendentalist, Henry David Thoreau (1817 – 1862) also predicted the importance of environmentalism in the future. Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 – 1900) is regarded as one of the 19th-century German philosophers to have had a lasting effect on contemporary philosophy. Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 – 1882) was an American philosopher and poet who led the American transcendentalist movement during the 1800s.

  • af Carl Jung, Charles Baudelaire, Dalai Lama, mfl.
    68,99 kr.

    Take a tour of some of the most extraordinary thinkers in history with ‘500 Quotes from Great Minds´.Packed with cherry-picked thoughts, reflections, and observations, it offers inspiring insights into almost every aspect of life, from love and death to art and politics.A superb addition to any coffee table, ‘500 Quotes from Great Minds´ is ideal for those who need a bit of extra motivation.Born in Paris, Charles Baudelaire (1821 – 1867) was one of the most highly-regarded poets of the 19th century. His works focused on the destruction of nature in the shadow of industrialisation. Lao Zi (1368 – 1644) is credited as the founding father of Taoism. Thought to have lived at the same time as Confucius, he wrote the Tao Te Ching.Born in Tibet, the first Dalai Lama (1391 – 1474) started life as a shepherd before studying as a monk and receiving a vision during meditation. Martin Luther King (1929 – 1969) was a Baptist minister who became the most important figure in the American Civil Rights movement. One of the founders of analytical psychology, Carl Jung (1875 – 1961) was a Swiss psychoanalyst and psychologist, who had a huge impact on psychology as a science.