Narrative temaer: Sociale forhold
73,99 kr. Een bundel teksten van Theo Thijssen kan natuurlijk niet zonder verhalen over schoolkinderen. "Armenschool" is een wrang, realistisch verhaal, terwijl "Meneer zelf komt een uurtje" eerder de komische toer op gaat. De rest van de bundel bevat reisverslagen van de zeven congressen van de internationale Onderwijzers Federatie die Thijssen bijwoonde tussen 1926 en 1933. Minder bekend werk van de auteur van "Kees de jongen" dat vooral de fans zal bekoren.Theo Thijssen (Theodorus Johannes Thijssen, 1879-1943) was een Nederlands schrijver, onderwijzer en socialistisch politicus. Hij is onsterfelijk geworden door zijn creatie Kees de jongen, uit de gelijknamige roman. Het onderwijs was ontzettend belangrijk in zijn leven en dat merk je op elk van de 2.500 bladzijden die hij bij elkaar pende. Hij respecteert het kind als individu en weet de kinderlijke ervaring van de grotemensenwereld weer te geven in bitterzoet proza. Licht en humoristisch toont hij ons de wereld van de Amsterdamse jeugd, onderwijzers en vele anderen uit de vroege 20ste eeuw.
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Het vervolg op 'De gelukkige klas'.'Schoolland' vormt een tweeluik, samen met 'De gelukkige klas'. Beide boeken zijn geschreven in de vorm van een dagboek. Meester Staal vertelt over de kinderen in zijn klas en hoe hij hen, met pijn en moeite, voorbereidt op het leven. Soms lopen de ouders hem voor de voeten. Soms worden er heroïsche discussies gevoerd over wie mag overgaan, wie "verhoogd" mag worden, en wie niet. "Schoolland" blijft overeind omwille van de betrokkenheid van de auteur én als tijdsbeeld. We zien een vroeger Nederland, niet als in een zoete fantasie, maar de realiteit van moeizaam bevochten welvaart.Theo Thijssen (Theodorus Johannes Thijssen, 1879-1943) was een Nederlands schrijver, onderwijzer en socialistisch politicus. Hij is onsterfelijk geworden door zijn creatie Kees de jongen, uit de gelijknamige roman. Het onderwijs was ontzettend belangrijk in zijn leven en dat merk je op elk van de 2.500 bladzijden die hij bij elkaar pende. Hij respecteert het kind als individu en weet de kinderlijke ervaring van de grotemensenwereld weer te geven in bitterzoet proza. Licht en humoristisch toont hij ons de wereld van de Amsterdamse jeugd, onderwijzers en vele anderen uit de vroege 20ste eeuw.
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
Fra 73,99 kr. Vankilasta vapautunut Reetta muuttaa isänsä luo ja yrittää päästä jälleen jaloilleen. Niskassa painaa kuitenkin sietämätön syyllisyys: hän on tappanut oman lapsensa. Reetta on vähällä erakoitua, mutta läheinen Imatrankoski koituu hänen pelastuksekseen, sillä se alkaa vetää häntä voimakkaasti puoleensa. Hän alkaa penkoa paikan historiaa, johon hänen oma isoisänsäkin liittyy. Mikä merkitys vanhoilla tarinoilla on ehdonalaista suorittavalle Reetalle? Veden viiltämä on riipaiseva psykologinen romaani syyllisyyden tuskasta ja sen raukeamisesta. Imatralaissyntyinen Outi Alm sai teoksesta Kaarlen palkinnon vuonna 2005.
96,99 kr. Jimi on lappilainen mies, jonka elämässä ei ole kaikki mennyt putkeen. Töitä ei löydy, eikä kumppania rinnalle. Sen sijaan aika kuluu kavereita nähden, ja välillä alkoholikin maistuu. Työvoimatoimistossa pitää ainakin muodon vuoksi käydä silloin tällöin ilmoittautumassa. Mutta miten Jimin elämästä oikein tuli tällaista? Taustalla painavat isän dementoituminen ja veljen varhainen tapaturmainen kuolema. Mutta selittävätkö nekään kaikkea? Onko tästä suunta vain ylöspäin vai voiko Jimin elämä mennä entistäkin pahemmin solmuun?Jimi on Janne Huilajan koskettava romaani yksinäisistä ihmisistä Lapissa.Janne Huilaja (s. 1961) on lappilainen kirjailija. Hänen esikoisteoksensa Kolmijalkainen kettu oli Helsingin Sanomien esikoiskirjapalkinnon ehdokkaana. Huilajan teokset sijoittuvat yleensä Lappiin.
- E-bog
- 96,99 kr.
56,99 kr. W burzliwym czasie sporów politycznych i ideologicznych wywodzący się z nizin społecznych Barnaby Rudge i jego matka stają się ofiarami prześladowania. Zmieniają miejsca zamieszania i wchodzą w rozmaite układy, by odzyskać spokój. Wielowątkowy utwór historyczny umieszcza perypetie bohaterów na tle prawdziwych wydarzeń, a akcja trwa od 1775 r. aż do 1780 r., kiedy to w Londynie doszło do rozruchów, w wyniku których mieszkańcy stolicy spalili więzienie Newgate. Powieść była publikowana w odcinkach, jest ilustrowana rysunkami Freda Barnarda oraz reprodukcjami XIX-wiecznych rycin. Może zainteresować miłośników powieści historycznej w wykonaniu Henryka Sienkiewicza czy Aleksandra Dumasa.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) - dziewiętnastowieczny angielski powieściopisarz, najwybitniejszy wówczas przedstawiciel powieści społeczno-obyczajowej. Czuły na niesprawiedliwość społeczną, precyzyjnie opisywał życie uboższych sfer i portretował ekscentryków w konwencji groteski i karykatury. Wywodził się z rodziny, która popadła w nędzę, bardzo wcześnie podjął pracę zarobkową w fabryce pasty do butów, uznanie w środowisku literackim zapewniła mu powieść "Klub Pickwicka".
- E-bog
- 56,99 kr.
96,99 kr. Pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1933, questo romanzo storico dai toni fortemente lirici racconta la drammatica parabola di una giovane ragazza senza nome. Nata schiava, come sua madre prima di lei, sembra destinata a una vita di servitù e di sottomissione prima nei confronti del padre, poi del marito e, infine, del suo stesso figlio.Ramón María Tenreiro Rodríguez (1879 - 1939) è stato uno scrittore e politico spagnolo. Fratello dell'architetto Antonio Tenreiro Rodríguez, studiò all'Istituto Eusebio da Guarda a La Coruña e poi a Parigi, dove fu compagno di Picasso. Politico e deputato della provincia di La Coruña, allo scoppio della guerra civile spagnola venne nominato segretario dell'ambasciata spagnola a Berna. Morì a Bine nel 1939.
- E-bog
- 96,99 kr.
40,99 kr. Pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1884, "Alla conquista del pane" è il secondo dei romanzi di impianto naturalistico in cui Paolo Valera denuncia con violenza le ingiustizie sociali e le sofferenze del proletariato e del sottoproletariato urbano dell'Italia del suo tempo: il degrado sociale, la miseria e la disperazione si mescolano, autoalimentandosi come una fiamma che non si spegne mai, nei luoghi del vizio e nelle periferie dove la classe sottoproletaria è abbandonata a se stessa.Paolo Valera (1850 – 1926) è stato un giornalista e scrittore italiano esponente della corrente verista. Scrittore impegnato e contro corrente, fondò e diresse i periodici La plebe e La folla. Unendo alcuni dei suoi reportage più significativi, nel 1879 pubblicò l'opera dal titolo 'Milano sconosciuta', che per la cruda analisi sociale fu presto sottoposta a un processo per diffamazione. L'opera sarà solo la prima di una produzione vastissima ed eclettica, testimonianza di un indomito impegno sociale.
- E-bog
- 40,99 kr.
96,99 kr. Raccontare la vita di una delle figure più controverse dell’immaginario occidentale e farlo rovesciando le aspettative sono due ingredienti per scrivere un libro di cui si parlerà per molto. È il caso di "Memorie di Giuda", dove Giuda Iscariota non è solo il protagonista e la voce narrante, ma anche un eroe, un semi-rivoluzionario che combatte per eradicare l’occupazione Romana in Palestina. Proiettando ideali "proto-carbonari" nel suo protagonista, Petruccelli della Gattina compone un’opera critica nei confronti dell’operato papale destinata, sin dalla sua ideazione, a creare sgomento.Ferdinando Petruccelli della Gattina (1815-1890) è stato uno scrittore italiano. Figura strettamente legata al Risorgimento Italiano, è stato anche pensatore, giornalista e politico. D’estrazione nobile, il suo nome è spesso associato alla Sinistra Storica.
- E-bog
- 96,99 kr.
125,99 kr. In Düsseldorf vindt een drugsdealer de dood, op ongewoon gruwelijke wijze. Zijn onderzoek leidt inspecteur Benedikt Engel naar een striptent waar zijn collega Rolf Nowak ooit betrokken raakte bij een schietincident. Niemand lijkt dat incident echter tot op de bodem te willen uitzoeken, zelfs niet de jonge inspecteur Karl Thann, die corruptie bij de politie moet blootleggen. De banden tussen politie en onderwereld worden steeds duidelijker en geen enkele van de anti-helden is voorbereid op de manipulatieve spelletjes die met hen gespeeld zullen worden.
- Lydbog
- 125,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Il conte Leonardo di Montegù, alla morte del padre, al posto delle tanto decantate ricchezze ha ereditato soltanto una montagna di debiti. Per prima cosa ha dovuto cedere una villa e uno stabile al barone Franco Rovera di Padova, uomo di origini borghesi che ha comprato la propria nobiltà; e adesso che si è innamorato della bellissima Bianca, giovane di ricca famiglia, il suo ragioniere gli comunica che le sue finanze sono ufficialmente prosciugate. Abituato a condurre un'esistenza agiata, e combattuto tra l'amore per Bianca e l'odio viscerale nei confronti di Franco Rovera, il conte Leonardo di Montegù si troverà a dover ristabilire l'onore di un nome, quello della sua famiglia, che sembra destinato a scomparire dietro l'avanzata della nuova nobiltà borghese.Gerolamo Rovetta (1851 – 1910) è stato uno scrittore e drammaturgo italiano, autore prolifico di racconti, romanzi e testi per il teatro. Raggiunse il successo commerciale grazie al dramma "Romanticismo", ma venne apprezzato dai suoi contemporanei anche per gli altri romanzi, tra cui "La baraonda", "La Signorina" e "Mater dolorosa".
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
Fra 22,99 kr. „Хоро" е роман, описващ и осъждащ разпада на обществото, на традициите, обичаите и морала, критикува разделението на хората и упадъка на ценностите им. „Хоро" започва със сватбата на Мичето, обикновено момиче от богат род, и Сотир, алчният околийски началник, който иска да се добере до наследството на Мичето. Горката девойка е загубила семейството и любимия си. Единствена нейна утеха остава баба ѝ Карабелица. За ужас на Мичето Карабелица умира в деня на сватбата, а това води до хаос, безпоредици и жестоки убийства. Парадоксално хорото се извива, а под стъпките на хората остава моралът и ценностите, принизени и потъпкани. Антон Страшимиров е деен български писател, драматург и политик, живял в периода 1872 – 1937 година. Работи като учител, редактор, занимава се с просветна дейност. Участва в македонското освободително движение и в Балканската война. Военен кореспондент е по време на Първата и Втората световна война. Деен, буден и просветен Антон Страшимиров се занимава с писане под една или друга форма през целия си живот. Публикува първото си стихотворение през 1889 год., а първият му разказ излиза през 1892 год. Ранното му творчество описва селския живот, проблеми, битовизми. В последствие описва града от икономическа и психологическа гледна точка. Използва произведенията си, за да даде гласност на неправдата и да осъди разпада на обществото в следвоенно време. Едни от най-известните му творби са романът „Хоро", „Есенни дни", „Роби" и комедията „Свекърва".
Fra 58,99 kr. De meeste romans en verhalen van Hendrik Conscience spelen zich af in België, maar in "Het goudland" verplaatst hij de handeling radicaal naar Amerika. Drie Vlaamse goudzoekers trekken in 1849 naar Californië. De lezer volgt de verrassende en komische verwikkelingen die hen telkens in de buurt van het fortuin brengen... maar nooit echt dichtbij. Avontuur en kluchtige humor wisselen elkaar af in deze uiterst toegankelijke roman. Hugo Claus bewerkte de roman tot een gelijknamig toneelstuk in 1966. Na de vorming van het koninkrijk België in 1830 was Hendrik Concience (1812-1883) de eerste Belgische schrijver die besloot zijn romans in het Nederlands te schrijven. Hij werd een echte volksschrijver, immens populair, maar kreeg ook internationaal veel respect. Bij zijn overlijden werd hij in de internationale pers vergeleken met groten als de Rus Ivan Toergenjev. Hij schreef tientallen boeken. Bekende titels van zijn hand zijn "De Leeuw van Vlaenderen", "De loteling" en het late meesterwerk "De schat van Felix Roobeek". In 2021 verscheen voor het eerst een biografie over Conscience: "Voor moedertaal en vaderland" (Johan Vanhecke, uitgeverij Vrijdag).
51,99 kr. 'Een Hollands drama' is het verhaal over Gerbrand, een rechtvaardige kruidenier, en zijn zwager Floris in het 19e eeuwse Haarlem. Beide raken verwikkeld in een strijd vanwege Floris' lichtzinnige en criminele gedrag, waarin Gerbrand zijn overleden broer herkent. In de koppige confrontatie met elkaar en de orthodoxie van het negentiende-eeuwse calvinisme gaan beide hun dood echter tegemoet.'Een Hollands drama' is geschreven in Van Schendel's 'Hollandse periode.' Naast boeken als 'Het fregatschip Johanna Maria' en 'de Waterman' wordt het tot één van Van Schendel's bekendste romans gerekend.De Nederlander Arthur François Emile van Schendel (1874 – 1946) was een schrijver die bekendheid verwierf met avonturenromans zoals 'Een zwerver verliefd' (1904). Zijn vroege romans zoals zijn avonturenromans hebben een sterk symbolistisch, neoromantisch karakter, wat opvallend is omdat het literaire klimaat in de negentiende eeuw het naturalisme aanhield. Later in zijn schrijverschap sluit hij hier enigszins bij aan door in een concretere en realistischer stijl te handhaven; 'Een Hollands drama' (1935) is hiervan een voorbeeld. Nooit deed hij overigens afstand van de thema’s die hem van meet af aan interesseerden: vrije wil en vrijheid, geluk en eenzaamheid, noodlot en toeval. Hoewel van Schendel overleden is in 1946, ontving hij voor 'Het oude huis' een jaar later postuum de (eerste) P.C. Hooft-prijs.
- E-bog
- 51,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Pubblicato nel 1885, sotto l’influsso di Émile Zola, "La canaglia felice" rappresenta l’approdo di Carlo Righetti al romanzo sociale. In una Milano sordida, abitata da popolani miserabili e piccoli criminali di ogni sorta, la prostituta Bigietta, di stanza nel quartiere di Porta Ticinese, si ritrova contesa fra lo scaltro Tito Marogna e il conte Massimiano Sparvieri. La sua vita, però, verrà sconvolta dal subentrare di un altro personaggio, molto diverso dagli individui con cui solitamente Bigietta si trova ad avere a che fare. Carlo Rey, infatti, è un ricco ereditiere torinese, calatosi nei panni di operaio squattrinato e in cerca dell’amore. Che cosa accadrà, lo si scoprirà soltanto leggendo...Carlo Righetti (1828-1906) nasce a Milano in un ambiente colto e cosmopolita. Considerato fra i maggiori esponenti della Scapigliatura, egli partecipa alle Cinque Giornate di Milano (1848) e poi alle successive guerre d’indipendenza italiane. Laureatosi in legge, nel 1856 dà vita alla rivista L’uomo di pietra, in cui fa uso di quello che in seguito resterà sempre il suo pseudonimo letterario: l’anagramma Cletto Arrighi. Nel corso della sua carriera pubblica vari romanzi, come ad esempio "La Scapigliatura e il 6 febbraio" o "Il diavolo rosso", ma anche saggi e ben trentanove commedie in dialetto meneghino. Dopo essere stato eletto deputato (1867) accetta un posto come impiegato presso l’Archivio di Stato di Milano e, negli ultimi anni di vita, cura la redazione del "Dizionario milanese-italiano". Impoveritosi col gioco d’azzardo, muore in miseria, dopo aver rinnegato quanto di anticristiano aveva scritto in gioventù.
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
40,99 kr. Nel 1555 il papa Paolo IV revocò tutti i diritti concessi agli ebrei romani e ordinò l’istituzione del ghetto chiamato "serraglio degli ebrei", da cui prende il nome questa brevissima opera di analisi storico-sociale - di sole quarantasette pagine - del paroliere e scrittore italiano Carlo Tuzzi.Carlo Tuzzi (1863 – 1912) fu un paroliere e scrittore italiano, ricordato per essere l'autore del testo della tradizionale canzone "Bandiera rossa". Oltre a contribuire significativamente alla riscoperta della canzone popolare italiana, pubblicò alcuni libri sulle tradizioni popolari romane.
- E-bog
- 40,99 kr.
69,99 kr. Ógróin jörð er smásagnasafn sem var jafnframt fyrsta bók höfundar. Hún orsakaði töluverðar deilur á sínum tíma og skrifaði Halldór Laxness meðal annars umdeildan ritdóm um hana, þá aðeins átján ára að aldri. Sögurnar endurspegla stjórnmálaskoðanir höfundar og er efni þeirra mikið til úr samtíma hans. Sögurnar eru: Þórólfur, Leikföngin, Forboðnir ávextir, Hún kemur seinna, Guðsdýrkun, Sól og stjarna og síðasta sagan ber nafnið Söknuður.Jón Friðrik Björnsson fæddist árið 1891 á Upsaströnd í Eyjafirði. Hann flutti seinna til Dalvíkur og kenndi sig gjarnan við bæinn. Árið 1918 fór hann til Reykjavíkur, þar sem hann hafði fengið vinnu sem blaðamaður. Hann starfaði svo við blaðamennsku og ritstjórn alla sína tíð, en fékkst einnig við skáldskap og eftir hann liggja bæði smásögur, skáldsögur, ljóð og leikrit. Hann var mikill hugsjónamaður, eins og sést vel í skáldskap hans. Jón lést fyrir aldur fram árið 1930 eftir skurðaðgerð.
- E-bog
- 69,99 kr.
73,99 kr. 'Il mio principe' è la parabola di Domina Marsaglia – giovane orfana di entrambi i genitori – da modesta ceramista a donna borghese e moglie, abitante in un bell’attico del centro storico. Siamo nella Genova degli anni Trenta, e la figura di Domina, donna autonoma e indipendente, sembra andare contro tutti i cliché dell’epoca. Recatasi a Murano per studiarne i celebri vetri, la protagonista incapperà in due personaggi che la metteranno di fronte all’urgenza di scegliere: da un lato un arguto botanico, dall’altro, invece, un principe in esilio...Camilla Bisi (1893-1947) nasce a Roma in una famiglia di artisti e letterati milanesi. Attivissima fin da giovane nel circuito socialista, a Genova collabora con la rivista Il Lavoro. Fonda poi la casa editrice Ragazze e il periodico Lo Specchio, attraverso cui cerca di diffondere una visione moderna e riformatrice del ruolo della donna in società. Oltre alle sue opere più note – come 'Essere donna' e 'Poetesse d’Italia' – ha firmato libri già all’epoca molto apprezzati, fra cui 'Il romanzo del liceo' e 'Il mio principe'.
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
58,99 kr. In questa raccolta, composta di quattordici novelle, Camilla Bisi riversa molto del proprio universo tematico e narrativo. Protagoniste dei racconti sono le donne, impegnate spesso in professioni tradizionalmente riservate agli uomini o colte nelle vesti di studentesse universitarie (in un’epoca in cui gli studi sono loro per lo più preclusi). Sullo sfondo di una Genova anni Trenta – di cui viene colta ogni sfumatura con estrema sensibilità – le storie sembrano dapprima svilupparsi spontaneamente, per poi evolversi in fretta fino ad appassire, come quelle sette rose che un compagno di studi dona all’autrice, prima di partire per il fronte, in uno struggente episodio autobiografico...Camilla Bisi (1893-1947) nasce a Roma in una famiglia di artisti e letterati milanesi. Attivissima fin da giovane nel circuito socialista, a Genova collabora con la rivista Il Lavoro. Fonda poi la casa editrice Ragazze e il periodico Lo Specchio, attraverso cui cerca di diffondere una visione moderna e riformatrice del ruolo della donna in società. Oltre alle sue opere più note – come 'Essere donna' e 'Poetesse d’Italia' – ha firmato libri già all’epoca molto apprezzati, fra cui 'Il romanzo del liceo' e 'Il mio principe'.
- E-bog
- 58,99 kr.
73,99 kr. On vuosi 1934 ja Suomi totuttelee elämään sodan jälkeen. Kaukopää Imatralla on luonnonkaunis paikka, jonka puusto kuitenkin kaadetaan kokonaan. Syy on painava: Kaukopäähän ryhdytään rakentamaan selluloosatehdasta, joka tullaan paljon myöhemmin tuntemaan Stora Enson tehtaana. Valtavan tehtaan rakentaminen on hidasta ja siihen tarvitaan monen alan ammattilaisia. Mitä tehtaan rakentamisesta ajattelee diplomi-insinööri Paavo Velle? Entä insinööri Eino Uotila?Kaukopää on Erkki Ilmarin tunnettu teollisuusromaani.Kirjailija Erkki Ilmari (1902–1945) työskenteli myös toimittajana ja kuvittajana. Hän kirjoitti kaunokirjallisuutta sekä lapsille että aikuisille.
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
Fra 58,99 kr. Kun kokenut näyttelijä on pakotettu jättämään tutun teatterin, hän putoaa pian kaikkien turvaverkkojen ulkopuolelle. Työvoimatoimisto, Kela, terveydenhuolto ja sosiaalitoimisto pettävät miehen, ja tunne vääjäämättä lähestyvästä tuhosta alkaa kalvaa häntä. Kaikkein kiperimmissäkin tilanteissa itää kuitenkin muutoksen toivo, joka kannattelee silloin, kun kaikki muu pettää.Teatterialan moniosaaja Raija-Sinikka Rantala on käyttänyt pienoisromaanin aineksina omia kokemuksiaan mutta myös runsaasti fiktiota. Teos kuvaa päätoimisen työttömän painajaismaista kokemusmaailmaa, byrokratian liian raskaita rattaita ja nyky-Suomea, jossa tehokkuus revitään työntekijän selkänahasta.
148,99 kr. Nel momento in cui si conoscono, Gabriel Oak e Bathsheba Everdene sono due persone antitetiche: fattore benestante, dai modi un po’ frugali, il primo; bellissima e nullatenente, ospite di una zia, la seconda. Nonostante l’invidiabile posizione sociale del signor Oak, Bathsheba rifiuta la sua appassionata corte. Dopo una terribile tempesta, tuttavia, i ruoli si invertono: Bathsheba ha ora ereditato la florida azienda agricola dello zio, mentre Gabriel, caduto in miseria, è costretto a farsi assumere proprio da lei come pastore. Per lungo tempo, ancora, Gabriel dovrà contendersi con altri uomini l’amore di Bathsheba, in particolare col vicino di casa William Boldwood e col sergente Francis Troy. Posto dal prestigioso "The Guardian" al decimo posto fra le storie d’amore più belle mai raccontate, "Via dalla pazza folla" è un romanzo struggente, in cui la sorte dà o toglie senza pietà, e in cui la spinta vitale data dall’amore sembra essere l’unica via di scampo...Quella di Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) è stata senz’altro un’esistenza consacrata alla letteratura. Pochi eventi, infatti, concorrono ad arricchire la sua ben scarna biografia: nato a Higher Bockhampton, nel Dorset, studia architettura e si trasferisce a Londra, dove esercita per breve tempo la professione. Nel 1874 sposa Emma Lavinia Gifford, con cui vivrà in una quieta casa di campagna fino al 1912, quando, rimasto vedovo, sposerà Florence Emily Dugdale. Nel corso dei lunghi anni trascorsi al cottage di Max Gate, scrive innumerevoli opere, fra romanzi e poesie. Al momento della sua morte, nel 1928, Thomas Hardy è considerato un pilastro della narrativa vittoriana, avendo prodotto alcuni capolavori indiscussi come "Tess dei D’Urbervilles", "Estremi rimedi" e "Jude l’oscuro".
- Lydbog
- 148,99 kr.
129,99 kr. As the white daughter of a sugar plantation owner, Winnie Cox had everything: money, privilege, comfort. But in British Guyana in 1912, Winnie chose love over luxury.Winnie married George Quint, the love of her life - a poor black postman from the slums.While she lived in poverty with her husband, Winnie's sister Johanna ran the plantation and harboured deep resentment towards Winnie, always her mother’s favourite daughter.When Winnie's son becomes ill and she travels to find a cure, Johanna falls for George. But he is only interested in Winnie and Johanna's resentment turns to burning hatred and a determination to exact devastating revenge.'The Sugar Planter's Daughter' is a gripping and moving story of secrets, lies, love and betrayal that will appeal to fans of Dinah Jefferies and Kate Furnivall.What readers are saying about 'The Sugar Planter's Daughter':'The writing is stunningly evocative and sensual ...I just felt immersed in the story and setting from the start.' The Book Trail'A page-turning story, full of humanity, crossing cultures and continents, reminiscent of Andrea Levy.’ Katie Fforde‘Rich in detail and emotion and has the most beautiful and real description of loss I have ever read.’ Shaz’s Book BlogSharon Maas has sold almost 300,000 books since she started publishing with Bookouture.Sharon Maas was born into a prominent political family in Georgetown, Guyana, in 1951. She was educated in England, Guyana, and, later, Germany. After leaving school, she worked as a trainee reporter with the Guyana Graphic in Georgetown and later wrote feature articles for the Sunday Chronicle as a staff journalist. Sharon has always had a great sense of adventure and curiosity about the world we live in, and Guyana could not hold her for long. In 1971 she set off on a year-long backpacking trip around South America, followed by an overland trek to South India, where she spent two years in an ashram. She is the author of The Violin Maker’s Daughter, The Soldier’s Girl, Her Darkest Hour and many other novels.
- Lydbog
- 129,99 kr.
59,99 kr. ‘Pearl-Fishing – First Series’ by Charles Dickens is a collection of short stories which were first published in ‘Household Words’. Featuring titles such as ‘Loaded Dice’, ‘My Wonderful Adventures in Skitzland,’ ‘The Old Churchyard Tree’, ‘Father and Son', and 'The Ghost of the Late Mr. James Barber’ amongst others. These tales were very popular amongst readers of the magazine when they were first published and are still classic reads to be enjoyed by any modern-day fan of Charles Dickens. When you’ve read them all, re-live them all over again or read even more of the author's short stories in ‘Pearl-Fishing – Second Series’.Regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens is best known for creating some of the world’s best known fictional characters who feature in his most popular novels, including The Artful Dodger in 'Oliver Twist’, Ebenezer Scrooge in ‘A Christmas Carol’, and Miss Havisham in ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens’ timeless novels and short stories are still widely read today and many have been adapted into countless TV programmes and films including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’, and 'A Christmas Carol' which well known worldwide and is a huge favourite movie for families to watch together at Christmas time.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
59,99 kr. ´The Crux´, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, is a fictional novel about an entrepreneurial group of women in North America. First published as part of a series in the feminist journal ´The Forerunner´ in 1910, ´The Crux´ tells the story of Vivian Lane and her female associates, who move away to start a boarding house for men in Denver, Colorado.Often cited as an important early feminist work, the novel metaphorically and directly examines social issues relating to gender, the role of women, politics, marriage, and stereotypes. The fictional leading character, Vivian Lane, meets and falls in love with Morton Elder who carries the diseases gonorrhoea and syphilis – which becomes a barrier to marriage and having a family more due to the utopian notion that it would harm the ‘national stock’, rather than the concern of being a risk to Lane’s health.The book was originally written, in Gilman’s words, as a "story for young women to read in order that they may protect themselves and their children to come."Charlotte Perkins Gilman, also known as Charlotte Perkins Stetson, was born on 3rd July 1860 in Connecticut, USA. Her early family life was troubled, with her father abandoning his wife and family; a move which strongly influenced her feminist political leanings and advocator of women’s rights.After working as a tutor and painter, Perkins – a self-declared humanist and tomboy – began to work as a writer of short stories, novels, non-fiction pieces and poetry. Her best-known work is her semi-autobiographical short story, inspired by her post-natal depression, entitled ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’, which was published in 1892 and made into a film in 2011.Charlotte Perkins Gilman was a member of the American National Women's Hall of Fame and strongly believed that "the domestic environment oppressed women through the patriarchal beliefs upheld by society". A believer in euthanasia, she was diagnosed with incurable breast cancer in January 1932 and subsequently took her own life in August 1935, writing in her suicide note that she "chose chloroform over cancer".
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
77,99 kr. Therese, a socialite tired of her loveless marriage, strikes up an affair with a man who cherishes her. Still discontent, she begins another affair, slipping further into depression and jealousy as all her loves come to see their undoing.Through this simple yet riveting plot, Anatole France paints vivid portraits of Paris and Venice, two of his most treasured cities. A love letter to city life and cynicism, ‘The Red Lily’ (1894) represents France at his best.Fans of Anatole France’s work will be delighted with ‘The Red Lily’, but it also will appeal to wider readers of literary fiction for its bold writing and simple, meaningful plot.Anyone who enjoys effective love stories tinged with cynicism like Joseph Gordon Levitt’s ‘500 Days of Summer’ will also find something to love in this beautifully crafted story.François-Anatole Thibault (1844 – 1924), better known as Anatole France, was a French journalist, poet, novelist, and Nobel laureate for literature. Spending much of his early life in his father’s bookshop, France quickly rose to prominence as a respected author of over 25 works.A French Classicist writer with a style reminiscent of Voltaire and Fénélon, France’s work has a strong preoccupation with scepticism and hedonism. He is best remembered for his classic French novels ‘La Rôtisserie de la Reine Pédauque’ (1893) and ‘Le Crime de Sylvestre Bonnard’ (1881). France’s works have had a historic legacy, and he is recognised today as one of France’s most prominent authors.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
59,99 kr. Charles Dickens is renowned as one of the best writers of the Victorian era, and his after-dinner speeches were very much in demand during his lifetime. Dickens spoke on public occasions as a literature representative, and in sympathy with humanitarian movements. He even delivered a speech at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane, London on Wednesday, 27th June 1855. On one occasion, Dickens became critical of the administrative costs of running a charity and certainly didn't hold back in saying so. "I say openly, and plainly, that this fund is pompously and unnaturally administered at great expense, instead of being quietly administered at small expense."Can you imagine enjoying a meal in the 19th century and suddenly Charles Dickens stands up to deliver a speech? This collection of speeches from Charles Dickens allows readers to experience that moment for themselves.Regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens is best known for creating some of the world’s best known fictional characters who feature in his most popular novels, including The Artful Dodger in 'Oliver Twist’, Ebenezer Scrooge in ‘A Christmas Carol’, and Miss Havisham in ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens’ timeless novels and short stories are still widely read today and many have been adapted into countless TV programmes and films including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’, and 'A Christmas Carol' which well known worldwide and is a huge favourite movie for families to watch together at Christmas time.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
59,99 kr. ‘Pearl-Fishing – Second Series’ is a second collection of short stories written by the renowned author of ‘Great Expectations’, Charles Dickens. First published in ‘Household Words’, Pearl-Fishing – Second Series’ follows Dickens’ first anthology of short stories ‘Pearl-Fishing – First Series’. Featuring titles such as ‘The Young Advocate’, ‘The Last of a Long Line’, ‘Evil is Wrought by Want of Thought’ and ‘The Home of Woodruffe the Gardener’, amongst others. These tales were very popular amongst readers of the magazine when they were first published and are still classic reads to be enjoyed by any modern-day fan of Charles Dickens.Regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens is best known for creating some of the world’s best known fictional characters who feature in his most popular novels, including The Artful Dodger in 'Oliver Twist’, Ebenezer Scrooge in ‘A Christmas Carol’, and Miss Havisham in ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens’ timeless novels and short stories are still widely read today and many have been adapted into countless TV programmes and films including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’, and 'A Christmas Carol' which well known worldwide and is a huge favourite movie for families to watch together at Christmas time.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
118,99 kr. Berlin, 1858. Das Hausmädchen Sophie wird unehrenhaft entlassen und steht vor dem Nichts. Der Sohn der Familie hat sich in Sophie verliebt, doch die Schuld gibt man ihr. Sophie bleibt nur, es ihrer Kindheitsfreundin Bertha gleichzutun und das Geld zum Überleben auf der Straße zu verdienen. Als Bertha und Sophie sich eine der grassierenden Geschlechtskrankheiten einfangen, bringt man sie in die Charité. Statt dort Hilfe zu bekommen, werden die beiden Frauen jedoch unwissentlich Teil eines grausamen Experiments. Bertha erkrankt schwer, und Sophie sorgt aufopferungsvoll für ihre Freundin. Das bleibt auch der Oberschwester nicht verborgen, und Sophie bekommt die Chance, als Pflegerin an der Charité anzufangen. Doch die Angst von ihrer Vergangenheit eingeholt zu werden, liegt wie ein Schatten über Sophie. Vor allem als sie sich in einen jungen Offizier verliebt.Starke Frauenfiguren an Deutschlands berühmtester Klinik im 19. und frühen 20. JahrhundertUlrike Schweikert ist seit ihrem Bestseller „Die Tochter des Salzsieders" eine der beliebtesten deutschen Autorinnen historischer Romane. Petra Grill wurde mit Ihrem historischen Roman „Oktoberfest 1900" bekannt.
- Lydbog
- 118,99 kr.
77,99 kr. A wide-ranging collection from classics of fiction tales to humorous sketches to romances, these short stories, with their interesting and diverse characters, have something for everyone.‘Desiree’s Baby’ deals with mixed-race children, with a surprise ending that subtly questions the feelings of racial superiority.‘La Belle Zoraide’ is about the cruelty of slaveholders in trying to arrange a marriage between a creole beauty and a mulatto she doesn’t love.‘A Lady of Bayou St. John’ tells the tale of a young married woman in a lonely marriage who is attracted to another man and believes she will go "anywhere, anywhere" with him.You may well find yourself curled up on your sofa one evening reading all these great stories in one sitting!Kate Chopin (1850-1904), born Katherine O’Flaherty, was an American writer of novels and short stories mostly set in the 19th-century American South. Her works deal with themes of the female psyche and women's limited life opportunities in the Victorian era, often in a naturalist style. She was considered controversial in her time, but is now praised as a pioneer of 20th-century feminist American literature.Her most famous works include the novel ‘The Awakening’ (1899), which explores themes of rebellion against femininity and motherhood at the turn of the 20th century. Adaptations of this title include Grand Isle (1991) starring Kelly McGillis and Adrian Pasdar, and The End of August (1981).
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
42,99 kr. 'The carpenter's daughter has won a name for herself, and deserved to win it.'"Contributions to 'All the Year Round'" by Charles Dickens is a collection of short stories originally published in 'All the Year Round' - a weekly British literary journal which was founded and owned by Charles Dickens himself.Featuring titles such as 'The Poor Man and his Beer', 'Five New Points of Criminal Law', 'Leigh Hunt: A Remonstrance', 'The Young Man from the Country' and 'The Late Mr Stanfield' among others.These tales were very popular amongst readers of the magazine and will be with any classics and Charles Dickens fan too.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was a widely popular English author and social critic. Among his most famous novels are ‘Oliver Twist’, ‘A Christmas Carol’, and ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens is best known for his depictions of poor Victorian living conditions and his unforgettable characters, some compassionate and others grotesquely malicious.Dickens’ timeless tales are still as celebrated today as when they were written, and his literary style is so influential that the term Dickensian was coined to describe the literature he inspired.Many of Dickens’ novels have been adapted for movies and television, including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’. 'A Christmas Carol' is well known worldwide and is a huge favourite movie for families to watch together at Christmas time. The most famous movie was from Disney in 2009 starring Jim Carrey, Gary Oldman and Colin Firth.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.