Narrative temaer: politik

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  • af Fjodor M Dostojewski
    36,99 kr.

    Was ist interessanter? Eine Weihnachtsfeier oder eine Hochzeit? Das beantwortet der Erzahler in Dostojewskis Kurzgeschichte. Dieser war gerade auf einer Hochzeit, erzahlt aber lieber von einer Weihnachtsfeier, auf der er vor Jahren mal war und die hauptsachlich reichen Eltern diente, um dort Geschafte zu schlieen. Der reichste Gast war Julian Mastakovich, der sich nach der Geschenkubergabe einem kleinen Madchen nahert, dessen Mitgift bereits im Kinderalter bei 300.00 Rubel liegt. Wenn sie 16 Jahre alt ist, wird ihr Mitgift bei 500.00 Rubel liegen. Nun will er ihr ein Liebesgestandnis entlocken ...-

  • af Karen Engelmann
    Fra 51,99 kr.

    Ein außergewöhnlicher Historienroman mit jeder Menge Spannung und einem Hauch Mystik! Europa im 18. Jahrhundert: der Kontinent befindet sich im Umbruch, blutige Revolutionen sind im Gange. In Schweden fürchtet König Gustav III. um seinen Thron, da er sogar am eigenen Hof von Feinden umgeben ist. Die ungewisse Zukunft des Königreiches beschäftigt auch die einflussreiche Wahrsagerin Sofia Sparv und ihren Freund Emil Larsson. Als Sofia Emil die Karten legt, offenbaren diese, dass sein Schicksal mit dem von acht weiteren Personen verknüpft ist. Diese geheimnisvolle Verbindung kann weitreichende Folgen für ganz Schweden haben...Karen Engelmann wurde in den USA geboren. Nach ihrem Studium im Fach Grafikdesign zog sie für mehrere Jahre nach Schweden, um dort unter anderem als Illustratorin und Grafikerin zu arbeiten. 2013 erschien sie mit dem historischen Roman „Das Stockholm Oktavo" ihr bisher erfolgreichstes Werk. Gemeinsam mit ihrer Familie lebt Karen Engelmann heute nahe New York City.

  • af Anne-Cathrine Riebnitzsky
    Fra 149,00 kr.

    Ibrahim Banu Said er ramt af en stor personlig sorg, men forsøger at være en nådig og klog borgherre for befolkningen i den berømte fæstning Al-Qalat i Andalusien. Og en god mand for sine tre meget forskellige hustruer, som han alle elsker, hver på sin måde.? I begyndelsen af 1300-tallet er den muslimske verden førende inden for lægevidenskab, matematik, astronomi og filosofi. I Al-Qalat trives handel med både muslimer, kristne og jøder, og stedet er søgt af dygtige videnskabsmænd. Men da en kristen invasion nærmer sig fra nord, er spørgsmålet, om Ibrahim Banu Said kan redde sit folk, og om borgen er så uindtagelig som sit ry.??

  • af Taru Väyrynen
    58,99 kr.

    Sone on nuori orpalainen mies, joka menetti molemmat vanhempansa nuorena. Kahdeksanvuotiaana pikkupoikana han paatti kuitenkin verikostaa isansa kuoleman - onnistuneesti. Siita lahtien han on kantanut mukanaan tunteettoman tappajan mainetta.Kun Sone jattaa Vuorimaan taakseen ja saapuu Motun valtioon, hanella on edessaan uudenlainen elama. Valkoliljan suvun Temir on kehittanyt Motun valtiota entista tasa-arvoisemmaksi paikaksi elaa. Kaikki eivat kuitenkaan ole tyytyvaisia Temiriiin - ja hanen lapsensa Amir halutaan tappaa. Onnistuuko Sone suojelemaan Amiria heilta, jotka haluavat hanet hengilta?"e;Valkoliljan aika"e; on Taru ja Tarmo Vayrysen jannittava fantasiaromaani. Se on toinen osa "e;Valkolilja"e;-sarjassa."e;Valkolilja"e; on lumoava fantasiasarja taynna unohtumattomia henkilohahmoja. Poliittisten juonittelujen ja taisteluiden lisaksi mukana on myos aimo annos filosofiaa.

  • af Taru Väyrynen
    73,99 kr.

    Valkoliljan ylimyssukuun kuuluva Temir on vaikeassa tilanteessa. Vain hetkea aikaisemmin han kuului Motun valtion arvostettuun aatelistoon, mutta nyt han on maanpaossa. Ruokana on itse metsastettya janista, suojana vain ymparoiva metsa. Onko han onnistunut eksyttamaan hanta seuraavat takaa-ajajat? Onko aatelismiehella ylipaataan mahdollisuuksia selvita metsassa ja tavallisen kansan parissa?Kun aikaa kuluu, Temirin on palattava Motuun. Kotimaa on matkalla kohti sekasortoa - ja jonkun on haastettava Motun hirmuhallitsija."e;Valkoliljan poika"e; on Taru ja Tarmo Vayrysen jannittava fantasiaromaani, joka aloittaa "e;Valkolilja"e;-sarjan."e;Valkolilja"e; on lumoava fantasiasarja taynna unohtumattomia henkilohahmoja. Poliittisten juonittelujen ja taisteluiden lisaksi mukana on myos aimo annos filosofiaa.

  • af Taru Väyrynen
    73,99 kr.

    Amir on Valkolijan ylimyssukuun kuuluva poika. Hanen isansa Temir teki merkittavia muutoksia Motun valtion yhteiskuntajarjestelmassa, mutta nyt perhe on asunut jo hyvan aikaa maanpaossa. Amir tuntee sisallaan alati kasvavaa rauhattomuutta. Hanesta tuntuu, ettei han ole pystynyt lunastamaan niita oletuksia, joita Motun kansalla oli hanen suhteensa. Han paattaa, etta hanen on aika lahtea etsimaan omaa tietaan - han haluaa tulla mahdollisimman viisaaksi. Vaan tuoko viisauskaan rauhaa Amirille? "e;Jaljet hiekassa"e; on Taru ja Tarmo Vayrysen filosofinen fantasiaromaani. Se on kolmas osa "e;Valkolilja"e;-sarjassa."e;Valkolilja"e; on lumoava fantasiasarja taynna unohtumattomia henkilohahmoja. Poliittisten juonittelujen ja taisteluiden lisaksi mukana on myos aimo annos filosofiaa.

  • af Edward Phillips Oppenheimer
    92,99 kr.

    Middle-aged politician Andrew Tallente has found his career cut short due to jealousy within his own party and a strong opposition. Having lost his seat, he retires to Devon, only to discover his wife has been having an affair with his personal secretary. Betrayed and alone, Tallente finds himself drawn into the world of socialism by the charismatic Lady Jane Partington and Dartrey - a leading socialist. A fascinating novel covering politics, intrigue and morals from author E. Phillips Oppenheim. -

  • af Edward Phillips Oppenheimer
    102,99 kr.

    Originally published under the pseudonym ‘Anthony Partridge’, this is one of E. Phillips Oppenheim’s earlier novels. In it, we follow the exploits of Crown Prince John Peters, nephew of the corrupt King of Bergeland. The Prince finds himself torn between his aristocratic roots and the need to reform his nation.E. Phillips Oppenheim (1866-1946) was a hugely prolific and highly popular British author of novels and short stories. Born in Tottenham, London, Oppenheim left school as a teenager and worked for his leather-merchant father for 20 years prior to launching his literary career. Oppenheim published five novels under the pseudonym ‘Anthony Partridge’ before establishing his reputation as a writer under his own name. An internationally successful author, Oppenheim’s stories revolved mainly around glamourous characters, luxurious settings, and themes of espionage, suspense, and crime. He is widely regarded as one of the earliest pioneers of the thriller and spy-fiction genre as it is recognised today. Oppenheim’s incredible literary success meant that his own life soon began to mirror that of his opulent characters. He held lavish, Gatsby-style parties at his French Villa and was rumoured to have had frequent love affairs aboard his luxury yacht. Oppenheim’s success earned him the cover of Time magazine in 1927. Some of his most well-known novels include ‘The Great Impersonation’, ‘The Long Arm of Mannister’ and ‘The Moving Finger’.

  • af Edward Phillips Oppenheimer
    102,99 kr.

    A short story from prolific author E. Phillips Oppenheim, ‘The Governors’ tells the story of Phineas Duge. The leader of a group of American millionaires, Duge becomes suspicious of his fellow millionaires and manages to trick them all into signing a document which will give him ultimate control over them. When the document is stolen however, a desperate search ensues to recover it first.E. Phillips Oppenheim (1866-1946) was a hugely prolific and highly popular British author of novels and short stories. Born in Tottenham, London, Oppenheim left school as a teenager and worked for his leather-merchant father for 20 years prior to launching his literary career. Oppenheim published five novels under the pseudonym ‘Anthony Partridge’ before establishing his reputation as a writer under his own name. An internationally successful author, Oppenheim’s stories revolved mainly around glamourous characters, luxurious settings, and themes of espionage, suspense, and crime. He is widely regarded as one of the earliest pioneers of the thriller and spy-fiction genre as it is recognised today. Oppenheim’s incredible literary success meant that his own life soon began to mirror that of his opulent characters. He held lavish, Gatsby-style parties at his French Villa and was rumoured to have had frequent love affairs aboard his luxury yacht. Oppenheim’s success earned him the cover of Time magazine in 1927. Some of his most well-known novels include ‘The Great Impersonation’, ‘The Long Arm of Mannister’ and ‘The Moving Finger’.

  • af Narcís Oller
    36,99 kr.

    L'Escanyapobres és la novel·la més coneguda de Narcís Oller. L'autor mostra l'avarícia i les seves conseqüències amb tres personatges centrals: l'Oleguer, la Donya Tuies i en don Magí Xirinac, el notari de la vila. Els tres personatges menyspreen tot allò que no estigui relacionat amb els diners i la riquesa i, a poc a poc, van allunyant-se de la realitat i del món que els rodeja, un món que està evolucionant: Oller mostra la industrialització de Catalunya i els canvis socials que comporta. L'arribada del ferrocarril al poble de l'Oleguer i la Donya Tuies provoca unes alteracions en l'estructura econòmica que sacsegen i arruïnen a la parella.Narcís Oller (Valls,1846 – Barcelona, 1930) va ser advocat i escriptor català, un dels màxims exponents en el realisme i naturalisme de finals de segle. Orfe de pare, va viure amb la família materna, on va cultivar una educació elevada. Va estudiar dret a Barcelona, professió a la qual es va dedicar fins a la seva mort. De jove va començar a escriure en castellà, però inspirat pels Jocs Florals, va decidir canviar de llengua. Amb una producció de més de quinze obres, la majoria de narrativa, Narcís Oller va ser un dels principals escriptors del segle XIX. Les seves obres van ser traduïdes a diversos idiomes, entre ells el francès, el castellà o el rus.

  • af Jeffrey Archer
    Fra 96,99 kr.

    Florentyna Rosnovski on nuori nainen, jonka juuret ovat Puolassa. Rosnovskilta ei puutu tarmoa eikä tahtoa – hän on päättänyt pyrkiä Yhdysvaltain presidentiksi. Apuna hänellä on hänen isänsä Abel. Vaan kuinka Florentyna Rosnovskin tavoitteen mahtaa käydä? Onko Yhdysvallat valmis ensimmäiseen naispuoliseen presidenttiin? Rosnovskin täytyy valmistautua myös siihen, että kaikki eivät ole valmiita naisen valtaan – ja että vastustajat ovat valmiita tekemään mitä tahansa estääkseen Rosnovskin suunnitelmat. Elämää sekoittaa myös rakkaus, jota suvun on vaikeaa hyväksyä."Tuhlaajatytär" on Jeffrey Archerin jännittävä menestysromaani, joka on jatkoa teokselle Kane ja Abel.Wladek Koskiewicz ja William Kane vihaavat toisiaan enemmän kuin mitään muuta. Kohtalo sitoo suvut kuitenkin yhteen yllättävällä tavalla Jeffrey Archerin jännittävässä kirjasarjassa. Jeffrey Archer (s.1940) on englantilainen kirjailija ja poliitikko. Hänet tunnetaan erityisesti "Clifton-kronikka" -kirjasarjasta, johon kuuluu seitsemän osaa. Archer on julkaissut kymmenittäin romaaneja sekä novellikokoelmia. Hän julkaisi esikoisteoksensa "Miljoonan dollarin petos" vuonna 1976.

  • af Vicente Blasco Ibañez
    42,99 kr.

    First published in 1909, ‘Luna Benamor’ is a collection of short stories by the renowned Spanish author Vicente Blasco Ibáñez. The titular tale tells of an impossible love story between a young Jewish woman and a Spanish consul in Gibraltar. The collection also includes ‘The Toad’, ‘Compassion’, ‘The Windfall’ and ‘The Last Lion’. Musings on society, politics, and the human condition are common themes throughout this classic collection.Vicente Blasco Ibáñez (1867-1928) was a Spanish journalist, novelist, and politician. Born in Valencia, Ibáñez was a militant Republican in his youth and made many enemies – on one occasion being shot at and almost killed. He was the founder of the republican newspaper El Pueblo and spent time in prison during 1896. Author of over 30 works, Ibáñez’s writing caught the attention of Hollywood and many of his novels went on to become celebrated films, including ‘Sangre y Arena’ (Blood and Sand), ‘Los Cuatro Jinetes del Apocalipsis’ (The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse) and spy story ‘Mare Nostrum’. Ibáñez died in France in 1928 and is buried in Valencia.

  • af Harriet Beecher-Stowe
    67,99 kr.

    The constant issue of society is: how can we make it better? Join Stowe’s characters as they explore and discuss almost every topic you could dream of.Through their conversations, critical social issues are revealed as they uncover religion, education, women’s suffrage, fashion, and beauty all still relevant today.Not only touching upon important and current discussions but doing so in an entertaining way, this book is great for anyone who wants to learn more about how society has both changed and stayed the same throughout history.The daughter of a Calvinist preacher, Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896) was an American author and ardent abolitionist, whose most famous novel "Uncle Tom’s Cabin" became the fiercest attack on slavery at the time. Stowe’s influence reached much farther than literature, and marked politics and society, opening the world’s eyes to the horrors of slavery. Stowe also wrote travel memoirs, numerous articles, letters, and short stories.

  • af Harriet Beecher-Stowe
    92,99 kr.

    Pilgrims, colonialism, slavery, politics, romance - this book is packed with tales depicting the history of America spanning over 400 years.Starting with the settlement of the pilgrims aboard the most important ship in US history, "The Mayflower" all the way to their descendants in the early 20th century. Exploring the remarkable and exciting history of the United States, Harriet Beecher Stowe describes serious events through the course of American history with a sense of humor that makes you want to keep reading.The daughter of a Calvinist preacher, Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896) was an American author and ardent abolitionist, whose most famous novel "Uncle Tom’s Cabin" became the fiercest attack on slavery at the time. Stowe’s influence reached much farther than literature, and marked politics and society, opening the world’s eyes to the horrors of slavery. Stowe also wrote travel memoirs, numerous articles, letters, and short stories.

  • af O. Henry
    38,99 kr.

    General Falcon casts his ship's anchor at Pier No. 55, close to the Spanish-Amerian colony in Columbia. He disembarks and heads towards a shady hotel with the intention of engaging in an elusive rendezvous. Mysterious meetings, hidden messages, and revolutionary ideas follow -alongside an impossible to predict plot twist. O Henry puts his idea of morality on full display in this compelling story, perfect for fans of Oscar Wilde's flamboyancy.William Sidney Porter (1862-1919), known simply as O. Henry, was a prolific American author of humorous literary pieces. His fame came exceptionally quickly and he became a bestselling author of short story collections. The most notable of which being "Cabbages and Kings", "The Voice of the City", and "Strictly Business." In fact, his legacy was so great that the ‘O. Henry Award’ was established to celebrate the best short stories. His vivid storytelling is perfect for fans of Roald Dahl.

  • af Роберт Льюис Стивенсон
    9,95 kr.

    Роман Стивенсона «Принц Отто» нельзя назвать типичным для него. В этом романе рассказывается о принце Отто, которого не сильно заботят государственные дела и проблемы, а всё время он посвящает охоте и прочим развлечениям. Однажды во время охоты он натыкается на простых крестьян, которые его не узнали и согласились предоставить ему кров на ночь. Принц пытается выведать у них, что они думают о своём правителе. Не услышав ничего хорошего, решил измениться и взяться-таки за государственные дела. Но против принца давно уже готовится заговор, главными действующими лицами которого являются его жена и её друг барон.Роман Стивенсона «Отто» нельзя назвать типичным для него. В этом романе рассказывается о принце Отто, которого не сильно заботят государственные дела и проблемы, а всё время он посвящает охоте и прочим развлечениям. Однажды во время охоты он натыкается на простых крестьян, которые его не узнали и согласились предоставить ему кров на ночь. Принц пытается выведать у них, что они думают о своём правителе. Не услышав ничего хорошего, решил измениться и взяться-таки за государственные дела. Но против принца давно уже готовится заговор, главными действующими лицами которого являются его жена и её друг барон.

  • af Jukka Pakkanen
    58,99 kr.

    Kun suomalainen valokuvaaja matkustaa Italian Spalenzaan, hänellä on vain yksi työtehtävä. Hänen pitää kuvata kaupungin kaunis kellotorni. Yksinkertaiselta kuulostava työtehtävä saa kuitenkin erikoisen suunnan, kun valokuvaaja kohtaa idyllisessä kaupungissa viehättävän Carla-nimisen naisen. Carla on terroristi – ja aikeissa tuhota samaisen kellotornin, jota valokuvaaja on saapunut kuvaamaan."Hotelli Destino" on Jukka Pakkasen tunnelmallinen psykologinen romaani. Kirjailija Jukka Pakkanen (s. 1942) on kirjoittanut pitkän uransa aikana mittavan määrän romaaneja ja novellikokoelmia. Hän voitti J.H. Erkon esikoiskirjapalkinnon teoksellaan "Koko maailman meno" vuonna 1972.

  • af Hannele Pokka
    96,99 kr.

    Piritta, nuori saamelaistytto varttuu 1990-luvun Enontekiossa. Han tyoskentelee sukulaisnaisen omistamassa hotellissa, mutta laman runtelema Lappi ei ole otollinen paikka bisneksen pyorittamiseen. Paikkakunnan ilmapiiria kiristaa myos kiista Yla-Lapista, silla saamelaiset ja ei-saamelaiset ovat eri mielta siita, kenelle maa kuuluu. Piritta joutuu etsimaan itseaan ja rakkautta voimakkaiden, yhteiskunnallisten ristiriitojen keskella. Onko eheaa aikuisuutta mahdollista saavuttaa?Piritta on itsenainen jatko-osa tunnelmalliselle ja aistivoimaiselle Marja ja Niila -romaanille.-

  • af Nils Parling
    50,99 kr.

    När Joel närmar sig fabriksområdet och arbetsplatsen på AB Söderås sprängmedelfabrik mår han fysiskt illa. Tanken på den livsfara han utsätter sig för varje dag i hanteringen av dynamit får det att vända sig i magen på honom. Och än värre är de existentiella kval han genomlider: hur ska han som pacifist kunna leva med att tillverka föremål som tar människoliv? Men det är inte lätt att vara principfast när ekonomin knappt räcker till för hyra och mat för dagen.Nils Parling (1914-2002) var en svensk arbetarförfattare från Ludvika. Han romandebuterade 1950 och försörjde sig dessförinnan som skogs- och fabriksarbetare. Under sina levnadsår utkom han med ett femtiotal böcker

  • af Víctor Pérez Petit
    69,99 kr.

    «Entre los pastos» (1920) es una novela gauchesca de Víctor Pérez Petit. En el rancho no hay trabajadores que se soporten menos que Juan de Dios y Baudilia. Un día, los desprecios y las bromas llegan demasiado lejos y la culpa revela a Juan de Dios que en realidad no odia a su enemiga. Sin embargo, sus recién descubiertos sentimientos no evitarán la tragedia.Víctor Pérez Petit (1871-1947) fue un abogado, escritor, poeta y dramaturgo uruguayo. Fundó la «Revista Nacional de Literatura y Ciencias Sociales» junto a otros reconocidos escritores de la época y fue editor de «El Orden». Asimismo, fue presidente de la Sociedad de Autores de Uruguay y miembro de varios ateneos culturales.

  • af Franz Grillparzer
    40,99 kr.

    Ein spannendes Trauerspiel, das kurz vor dem Beginn des Dreiigjahrigen Krieges spielt und den Leser in eine vergangene Zeit versetzt.Rudolf II., Kaiser des Heiligen Romischen Reichs, ist nicht besonders beliebt bei seinem Volk. Er will jeglichen Krieg vermeiden, um die heilige Ordnung nicht zu zerstoren und gilt daher als unfahig. Er steht in Konflikt mit seinem Bruder und Erzherzog Mathias, der alles andere als zuruckhaltend ist. Als Mathias sich auch noch mit den Protestanten verbundet, droht die Fehde zwischen den beiden ungleichen Brudern zu eskalieren.-

  • af Alphonse Allais
    73,99 kr.

    En maitre inconteste de la litterature humoristique, Alphonse Allais erige la un monument destine a rire son contenu. Recueil de plus de soixante articles tous aussi hilarants que piquants, il annonce deja toute la lignee d'auteurs absurdes et surrealistes qui fleuriront au XXe siecle. Mais Alphonse Allais est aussi un journaliste a la vision nette, averti sur la societe de son temps et de ses faiblesses, et qui sait a la perfection ridiculiser ceux qui le meritent.-

  • af Alexandre Dumas
    148,99 kr.

    En voyage a Paris, le jeune orphelin Ange Pitou et son pere adoptif Billot, un fermier de Villers-Cotterets, s'appretent a plonger dans les evenements violents de la Revolution francaise.Gilbert, l'ami de Billot, qui est considere comme dangereux par la monarchie apres avoir mis ses talents de medecin et de philosophe au service de la Revolution americaine, a ete emprisonne a la Bastille sans proces.Billot, Ange Pitou et le peuple de Paris n'ecoutent que leur cA ur. Ils echafaudent un plan pour attaquer la Bastille et, ensemble, liberer le docteur, dejouer les injustices et renverser le pouvoir en place - au peril de leur vie.Troisieme tome des "e; Memoires d'un medecin "e;, ce roman relate en fiction la Prise de la Bastille, l'un des evenements inauguraux et emblematiques de la Revolution francaise.-

  • af Jane Davis
    163,99 kr.

    London 1949. The lives of three very different women are about to collide.Like most working-class daughters, Caroline Wilby is expected to help support her family. Alone in a strange city, she must grab any opportunity that comes her way. Even if that means putting herself in danger.Star of the silver screen, Ursula Delancy, has just been abandoned by the man she left her husband for. Already hounded by the press, it won’t be long before she’s making headlines for all the wrong reasons.Patrice Hawtree was once the most photographed debutante of her generation. Now childless and trapped in a loveless marriage, her plans to secure the future of her ancient family home are about to be jeopardised by her husband's gambling addiction.Each believes she has already lost in life, not knowing how far she still has to fall.Six years later, one cause will reunite them: when a young woman commits a crime of passion and is condemned to hang, remaining silent isn’t an option.Hailed by The Bookseller as 'One to Watch', Jane Davis writes thought-provoking literary page turners with a strong commercial edge. Her first novel "Half-Truths and White Lies", won a national award established with the aim of finding 'the next Joanne Harris'. Further recognition followed in 2016 with "An Unknown Woman" being named Self-Published Book of the Year by Writing Magazine/the David St John Thomas Charitable Trust, as well as being shortlisted in the IAN Awards, and in 2019 with "Smash all the Windows" winning the inaugural Selfies Book Award. Her latest novel "At the Stroke of Nine O'Clock", July 2020, has been featured in The Lady Magazine as one of their favourite books set in the 1950s, selected as a Historical Novel Society Editor's Choice, and shortlisted for the Selfies Book Awards 2021. Jane Davis lives in Carshalton, Surrey.

  • af Ivan Turgenev
    73,99 kr.

    Conclusi gli studi universitari a San Pietroburgo, due amici partono per un viaggio attraverso diverse città e villaggi della Russia di metà Ottocento. I due amici sono molto diversi: Arkadij è pacato e composto mentre Bazarov è impetuoso e nichilista. Le idee e l'intemperanza di Bazarov trasformeranno il viaggio in un teatro di scontri ideologici e discussioni filosofiche, duelli verbali ma anche fisici, tormentate passioni amorose e momenti di maturazione e cambiamento personali. Sullo sfondo, una Russia inquieta e affascinante dove conservatorismo e i primi albori dello spirito rivoluzionario creano un'atmosfera spesso elettrizzante.A distanza di 150 anni dalla sua pubblicazione, 'Padri e figli' rimane uno dei vertici della letteratura russa, un romanzo stratificato e profondo, un fiume in piena di emozioni, analisi-storici sociali e sublimi descrizioni psicologiche.Ivan Sergeevič Turgenev (1818 – 1883) è stato uno scrittore e drammaturgo russo. Divenne celebre nel proprio paese grazie a 'Memorie di un cacciatore' (1852), con cui esordì all'età di 34 anni, e raggiunse la fama a livello internazionale con il romanzo 'Padri e Figli' (1862), considerato uno dei capolavori della narrativa del XIX secolo per il modo in cui racconta e analizza la struttura familiare russa della sua epoca e il tipo di rapporti affettivi che si sviluppano al suo interno.

  • af Anthony Trollope
    120,99 kr.

    First published in 1858, ‘The Three Clerks’ by Anthony Trollope has been described as his most autobiographical. Drawing on his own experiences working as a Junior Clerk in the Post Office, we follow the lives of three Civil Servants; Henry Norman, Alaric Tudor and Charley Tudor in their personal and professional pursuits. Politics, family dramas, romance and crime all follow in this early Trollope novel.Anthony Trollope (1815 – 1882) was a Victorian writer and author of 47 novels. He also wrote an autobiography, short stories and plays, travel articles, reviews and lectures. A prolific writer, he made no secret of the fact that money was his motivation for writing – an admission which raised eyebrows among his literary contemporaries at the time. The amount of works Trollope authored are testament to his belief in hard work. His first successful novel was The Warden followed by its sequel, Barchester Towers. The Chronicles of Barsetshire are perhaps his most well-known series of novels, though many of his works have been adapted for TV and radio, starring many familiar faces such as Alan Rickman, David Tennant, Bill Nighy and Tom Hollander. Alongside his literary career, Trollope also worked for some time for the Post Office and is credited with the introduction of the iconic post box to Britain. A memorial to Anthony Trollope was unveiled in Poets’ Corner in Westminster Abbey in 1993.

  • af Alexandre Dumas
    148,99 kr.

    Un soir, dans une ruelle sombre de la Bastille, Bussy d'Amboise tombe dans une embuscade organisee par Henri III. Il degaine son epee et lutte tant bien que mal, mais seul contre cinq, ses chances de survie son minces. Il devra sa vie sauve a l'intervention d'une jeune femme qu'il saura etre Diane de Meridor.Soignee par ses mains aussi douces que blanches, il tombe sous les charmes irresistibles de sa bienfaitrice. Helas, Diane est destinee au Comte de Monsoreau, un homme au service du Duc d'Anjou. Afin de voir leur amour epanoui, Diane et Bussy devront dejouer en meme temps les plans machiaveliques de Monsoreau, dont la jalousie est feroce, du duc d'Anjou et d'Henri III.Histoire d'amour flamboyante et recit historique, ce roman s'adresse a tous les amateurs d'intrigues de cour, tels que "e; The Crown "e; ou la serie "e; Dans l'ombre des Tudors "e;.-

  • af Michel Zévaco
    148,99 kr.

    Le roi de France va etre assassine pour que le duc de Guise monte sur le trone. Tel est le plan de Fausta.Pour parvenir a ses fins, elle a envoye la Sainte-Ligue a Chartres ou s'est refugie Henri III. Le moine Jacques Clement, obnubile par les guerres de religion, donnera le coup final.Seulement le chevalier Pardaillan a un coup d'avance sur l'ennemi. Il degaine sa rapiere et bondit aussi vite que l'eclair pour sauver son roi d'une mort certaine. Fausta est vaincue.Mais elle n'est jamais n'est jamais bien loin. Elle sort de l'ombre et devoile son visage traverse par la haine. Enfin, elle fait face a celui qu'elle hait autant qu'elle aime...L'histoire trepidante des Pardaillan se poursuit dans ce quatrieme tome. Jean, toujours plus intrepide, devoile toutes les facettes de son cA ur. A travers un recit ponctue d'action, de drame de cour et d'histoire, Michel Zevaco renouvelle ce chef-d'A uvre du roman de cape et d'epee de la trempe de Games of Thrones.Combattant hors-pair, inflexible et intelligent, Pardaillan est un hero d'exception. Il n'abandonne jamais face au danger, sait user de son epee quand il le faut, et defend toujours les bonnes causes. Tel est le personnage principal d'une serie intemporelle ; un hero dont chaque generation eprouve le besoin.En digne successeur d'Alexandre Dumas, Michel Zevaco offre dix tomes remarquables, partages en cinq cycles. Romans de cape et d'epee riches en peripeties, mais aussi coulisses de l'Histoire et fresques des convictions libertaires de son auteur, la serie est encore aujourd'hui une epopee a ne pas manquer.

  • af Michel Zévaco
    111,99 kr.

    Le royaume d'Espagne est sur le point de rentrer en guerre : Fausta cherche un nouveau roi a couronner et epouser. Cette fois, elle a jete son devolu sur d'El Torero, le fils secret de Philippe II, et menace d'eliminer Giralda, la fiancee d'El Torero.Mais c'est sans compter sur le chevalier Pardaillan, muni d'une rapiere et d'un courage a toute epreuve. Jamais de son vivant il ne laissera l'ambitieuse Italienne mettre a feu et a sang le pays de Cervantes et Don Quichotte !Jamais il n'echouera, ainsi seconde dans cette lutte par le devouement absolu d'un nain malheureux en amour, le malicieux Chico.Ce sixieme tome des aventures des "e; Pardaillan "e; offre une serie de duels a couper le souffle. Fausta contre Pardaillan. Orgueil contre justice. Chico contre les chagrins du cA ur. A travers des drames de cour qui rappellent la serie HBO 'Games of Thrones', Michel Zevaco laisse paraitre ses convictions libertaires et sa propre definition de la justice. La suite dans "e; Le Fils de Pardaillan "e;.Combattant hors-pair, inflexible et intelligent, Pardaillan est un hero d'exception. Il n'abandonne jamais face au danger, sait user de son epee quand il le faut, et defend toujours les bonnes causes. Tel est le personnage principal d'une serie intemporelle ; un hero dont chaque generation eprouve le besoin.En digne successeur d'Alexandre Dumas, Michel Zevaco offre dix tomes remarquables, partages en cinq cycles. Romans de cape et d'epee riches en peripeties, mais aussi coulisses de l'Histoire et fresques des convictions libertaires de son auteur, la serie est encore aujourd'hui une epopee a ne pas manquer.

  • af Michel Zévaco
    111,99 kr.

    A Paris, on dit qu'un certain Concini convoite le trone d'Henri IV. On parle aussi du jeune Jehan le Brave, un truand capable de pourfendre ses adversaires d'un tour de rapiere, et de sa relation avec Bertille de Saugis, l'heritiere legitime du trone. Mais on dit surtout que Jehan pourrait etre le fils perdu du chevalier de Pardaillan, ne du ventre meme de Fausta, et qu'il combat en secret quiconque souhaite la mort de Bertille...Le style picaresque et epique de Michel Zevaco traverse chaque page de ce roman de cape et d'epee. Les combats a l'epee equivalent aux drames politiques, et les haines sont a la hauteur des amours brulants. La suite dans "e; Le Tresor de Fausta "e;.Combattant hors-pair, inflexible et intelligent, Pardaillan est un hero d'exception. Il n'abandonne jamais face au danger, sait user de son epee quand il le faut, et defend toujours les bonnes causes. Tel est le personnage principal d'une serie intemporelle ; un hero dont chaque generation eprouve le besoin.En digne successeur d'Alexandre Dumas, Michel Zevaco offre dix tomes remarquables, partages en cinq cycles. Romans de cape et d'epee riches en peripeties, mais aussi coulisses de l'Histoire et fresques des convictions libertaires de son auteur, la serie est encore aujourd'hui une epopee a ne pas manquer.