Narrative temaer: politik

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  • af Armando Palacio Valdés
    73,99 kr.

    Primer tomo de La espuma, una novela que dibuja y analiza las clases altas en el siglo XIX. La historia sigue a Salabert, un hombre que se ha enriquecido mediante métodos poco honestos y Clementina, su hija. A través de ellos, Valdés presenta personajes deshonestos, sin ética ni moral y hace un retrato satírico de la sociedad del Madrid decimonónico. Una obra ácida que muestra el cinismo y la hipocresía de este grupo social en contraposición a la imagen del obrero como personaje colectivo y sacrificado. En este primer volumen se pueden leer los primeros siete capítulos del libro.Armando Palacio Valdés (1853-1938) fue escritor y crítico literario. Creció en el ambiente rural de Asturias, hasta que se trasladó a Oviedo con doce años. En 1870 se instaló en Madrid para estudiar derecho y ahí entró en el mundo literario de la capital, participando en revistas y formando parte del Ateneo. Empezó a escribir ensayo y críticas literarias, pero a partir de su primera novela, de éxito inmediato, se decantó hacia la narrativa. Escribió más de treinta libros, entre novelas y ensayos. Murió en Madrid durante la guerra civil, a la edad de 84 años.

  • af Mayra Sánchez
    Fra 69,99 kr.

    "Lenguas filosas" vuelca como novela la historia de un grupo de mujeres que dicen en lenguaje "guarro cordobés" lo que piensan, sienten y les pasa con el aborto, el trabajo, la maternidad, el mismo lenguaje, el amor y el desamor, la sexualidad. El libro bucea así, desde la literatura, en algunas de las vivencias más directas de los cambios que los feminismos vienen generando en Argentina y otros países durante los últimos años.Tomando vuelo a partir de fragmentos y detalles que pueden aparecer en el margen de una conversación, Lenguas filosas aporta miradas atípicas sobre lo ambiguo, lo adverso y lo alegre que recorre la trama íntima de estas transformaciones.

  • af Ayad Akhtar
    111,99 kr.

    Una novela profundamente personal sobre la identidad y la pertenencia a una nación que se desmorona por completo, y que combina hechos reales y ficción para contar una historia épica de pertenencia y desposesión en el mundo que se creó tras el 11 de septiembre. En parte drama familiar, en parte sátira, en parte picaresca, esta es la historia de un padre y un hijo, y el país al que llaman hogar.Desde las ciudades del corazón de Estados Unidos hasta las suites palaciegas de Davos y los vigías de la guerrilla en las montañas de Afganistán, Akhtar forja una voz narrativa tan original como exuberantemente poderosa. Este es un mundo en el que la deuda ha arruinado innumerables vidas y donde los dioses de las finanzas gobiernan, donde los inmigrantes viven con miedo y las heridas sin curar del 11 de septiembre continúan causando estragos. Elegías a la patria es una novela escrita con amor e ira, que no perdona a nadie, y menos al propio autor.Ayad Akhtar es novelista y dramaturgo. Su trabajo ha sido traducido a más de 24 idiomas. Es ganador del Premio Pulitzer de Drama y un Premio de Literatura de la Academia Estadounidense de Artes y Letras. Entre otros honores, Akhtar ha recibido el premio Steinberg Drawrighting, el premio Nestroy, el premio Erwin Piscator, así como becas de la Academia Americana en Roma, MacDowell, el Instituto Sundance y Yaddo. Además, Ayad es miembro de la junta directiva de PEN / America y New York Theatre Workshop. Vive en Nueva York.

  • af Edward Phillips Oppenheimer
    59,99 kr.

    The imaginary Eastern European Kingdom of Theos is under threat from Russia and Turkey, who are both plotting its takeover. Theos must call on its exiled former King, Ughtred of Tyrnaus to return to the Kingdom’s aid. He faces opposition however from the cunning Baron Domiloff, who is plotting to prevent Ughtred’s return. A tale of loyalty, love, jealousy, and betrayal from popular author E. Phillips Oppenheim.E. Phillips Oppenheim (1866-1946) was a hugely prolific and highly popular British author of novels and short stories. Born in Tottenham, London, Oppenheim left school as a teenager and worked for his leather-merchant father for 20 years prior to launching his literary career. Oppenheim published five novels under the pseudonym ‘Anthony Partridge’ before establishing his reputation as a writer under his own name. An internationally successful author, Oppenheim’s stories revolved mainly around glamourous characters, luxurious settings, and themes of espionage, suspense, and crime. He is widely regarded as one of the earliest pioneers of the thriller and spy-fiction genre as it is recognised today. Oppenheim’s incredible literary success meant that his own life soon began to mirror that of his opulent characters. He held lavish, Gatsby-style parties at his French Villa and was rumoured to have had frequent love affairs aboard his luxury yacht. Oppenheim’s success earned him the cover of Time magazine in 1927. Some of his most well-known novels include ‘The Great Impersonation’, ‘The Long Arm of Mannister’ and ‘The Moving Finger’.

  • af José R. Montejano
    73,99 kr.

    Interesante colección de relatos cortos basados en la obra de Isaac Asimov. Cuentos cortos que expanden, exploran o profundizan en los confines del universo creado por Isaac Asimov, en las profundidades del espacio y los planetas por los que se extiende su Imperio Galáctico. Relatos políticos, aventureros, especulativos y, siempre, fascinantes.Apache Libros y Tinta Púrpura Ediciones reúnen en este volumen homenaje al maestro Isaac Asimov a lo más granado de la ficción especulativa contemporánea en español. Expertos en los campos que siempre trató el maestro en su particular universo, desde divulgadores hasta doctores en física, pasando por comunicadores, escritores y editores especializados en género, tanto a este lado como al otro del Atlántico, nos regalan doce incursiones en los mundos aasimovianos.

  • af O. Henry
    38,99 kr.

    In 'The Girl and the Graft' O. Henry challenges the traditionally held expectations of a woman's role in society. With his hallmark matter-of-fact wit, O. Henry questions the chasm between women's and men's socio-economic conditions in the newfound era of women's activism. The unfairness that the protagonist addresses is that men are the sole proprietors of "all the money in world." A must read for fans of satirical short stories and feminists alike.American short story master O. Henry is best known for his pithy, witty scores and surprise endings. In doing so he made commonplace experiences extraordinary and memorable. His work has been immortalised in the popular 1952 film 'O. Henry's Full House' starring Fred Allen, Anne Baxter, Marilyn Monroe and Jeanne Crain.William Sidney Porter (1862-1919), known simply as O. Henry, was a prolific American author of humorous literary pieces. His fame came exceptionally quickly and he became a bestselling author of short story collections. Perhaps the most famous of these are, 'Cabbages and Kings,' 'The Voice of the City' and 'Strictly Business.' The immensity of O. Henry's impact on the American short story genre for time to come is evidenced by the fact an annual award in his name is given out each year in the United States. O. Henry's work is a must read for fans of Hemingway, Guy de Maupassant and Anton Chekhov.

  • af Petteri Paksuniemi
    58,99 kr.

    Mitä tapahtuu, kun ihminen putoaa välitilaan? Entinen iskelmänikkari ei tiedä, mikä hän on maailman silmissä. Hän ei kuulu samaan koriin kuin pitkäaikaistyöttömät, mutta samalla hän on kaukana yhteiskunnan yritteliäästä ihanneihmisestä. Tuntuu, ettei yhteiskunta näe hänen köyhyyttään aitona köyhyytenä. Mitäs ryhdyit taiteilijaksi? Iskelmänikkari kulkee pitkin kaupungin joutomaita, joille kaupunki ei ole osannut antaa sellaista arvoa kuin ne ansaitsisivat. Miten asioiden – tai ihmisten – arvo oikein määritellään?Välitila on Petteri Paksuniemen kehuttu yhteiskunnallinen novellikokoelma.Kirjailija Petteri Paksuniemi (s. 1965) on julkaissut kaunokirjallisuutta sekä lapsille että aikuisille. Hän työskentelee myös muusikkona ja toimittajana.

  • af Aleksander Minkowski
    32,99 kr.

    Młody Hugo jest łącznikiem partyzanckim, działającym w dobie okupacji. Oficjalnie zatrudniony w warsztacie samochodowym godzi się przyjąć zadanie polegające na dostarczeniu tajnego meldunku. Zdaje się pokpiwać ze swojej misji, choć poprzedni łącznik stracił w trakcie działań życie. Przerażona jest natomiast Elżbieta – dziewczyna, z którą spotyka się Hugo. Powieść dedykowana czytelnikom zainteresowanym historią II wojny światowej i partyzantką, o której pisał nie tylko Jan Józef Szczepański w „Butach i innych opowiadaniach". Aleksander Minkowski – pisarz, scenarzysta, autor reportaży. Od 1969 do 1972 roku pracował w USA jako wykładowca na Uniwersytecie Columbia oraz w Hunter Collage. W latach 70. XX wieku był wiceprezesem Związku Literatów Polskich (oddział w Warszawie), a od 1978 do 1994 prezesem polskiej sekcji IBBY. Laureat licznych nagród literackich ( Orlego Pióra i Nagrody Prezesa Rady Ministrów). Wiele jego utworów doczekało przeniesienia na sceny filmowe oraz telewizyjne, a także na deski teatrów.

  • af Aleksander Minkowski
    Fra 32,99 kr.

    Milicyjny kryminał, który stał się pierwowzorem pierwszego odcinka serialu „07 zgłoś się".Tomasz Bura opuszcza więzienie, gdzie spędził ostatnie trzy lata. Nadrzędny cel mężczyzny stanowi znalezienie pracy, jednak przedstawiane Burze oferty nie wzbudzają jego zainteresowania. Wreszcie spotyka człowieka, który przedstawia się jako Kreczet. Nieznajomy oferuje Tomaszowi zatrudnienie. Wkrótce okazuje się, że chodzi o firmę prowadzącą nielegalny import towarów. Kieruje nią gang, który usiłuje unieszkodliwić porucznik Bolesław Drwień.

  • af Maria Carme Roca i Costa
    51,99 kr.

    Una novel·la plena d'aventures, amistat i noblesa on el Guillem lluitarà per Catalunya com a almogàver. Corre el segle XIV i en Guillem, fill de pagesos, no té esperances cap al futur. Ambiciós de mena, vol anar més enllà que el seu pare, viatjar a llocs llunyans. Aconsegueix una oportunitat per realitzar el seu somni quan el seu pare el porta a Barcelona, on coneix al seu oncle Grau. Ajudant-lo, partirà amb ell i la companyia catalana d'almogàvers, cap a Orient, on l'esperen aventures, amor i amistat, però també traïcions i cobdicia.Maria Carme Roca (Barcelona, 21 de novembre de 1955) és llicenciada en Història i Filologia Catalana. Des dels anys noranta ha escrit més de quaranta obres, la major part juvenils o infantils, però també ha treballat en novelles adultes i ha col·laborat en l'elaboració de diversos guions. Ha rebut premis literaris com el Néstor Luján de novela historica o el Premi Barcanova de literatura infantil i juvenil.

  • af Lluis Prats Martinez
    51,99 kr.

    «Tap, tap, tap!» Això és l’únic que escolta l’Elvira, una mossa d’esquadra que ha atès una trucada telefònica d’emergència. Al principi es pensa que és una broma de mal gust, però aviat aconseguirà comunicar-se amb la nena que hi ha a l’altra banda de la línia telefònica. D’aquesta manera, l’Elvira començarà a investigar aquest rapte que acabarà destapant una trama molt més gran.Lluís Prats (Terrassa, 1966) és escriptor i professor català. És un autor versàtil que ha tocat molts gèneres i estils: de narrativa per adults a assaig, passant per novel·la infantil, juvenil i llibres educatius. Va estudiar Història de l’Art i ha dedicat part de la seva carrera literària a divulgar-ne. Ha guanyat diversos premis com el Premi Josep Maria Folch i Torres o el premio Strega. La seva obra s’ha traduït a altres llengües com el polonès, l’italià, el vietnamita, el rus, el japonès o el turc, entre d’altres.

  • af José María Vargas Vilas
    69,99 kr.

    «Los parias» (1920) es una novela de José María Vargas Vila. Claudio Franco es un líder que entrega su vida a sus ideales políticos y a la defensa de la libertad y que se enfrena a la tiranía de su tío Nepomuceno Vidal, un poderoso hacendado criollo que impone su voluntad al resto de la familia.José María Vargas Vila (1860-1933) fue un escritor y periodista colombiano. Tuvo una formación autodidacta, llegó a ejercer como profesor, ministro plenipotenciario en Roma y diplomático. Fundó varias revistas como «Eco Andino», «Los Refractarios» o «Némesis». Liberal radical, participó en la guerra civil colombiana de 1884 como soldado y dedicó su vida a denunciar los abusos del clero y el imperialismo.

  • af Gabriel Miró
    96,99 kr.

    Obras completas del autor español Gabriel Miró. En ellas el autor muestra una habilidad especial para diseccionar la sociedad de su época mientras denuncia la intolerancia y el oscurantismo religioso que lo rodeaba. Destacan estas historias por su cuidada prosa, su variado léxico y su sensibilidad exacerbada. Este volumen recoge el título «Años y leguas».Gabriel Miró es un autor español nacido en Alicante en 1879 y fallecido en Madrid en 1930. Uno de los exponentes más destacados de la Generación del 14 o novecentista, su obra destaca tanto por la prosa cuidada hasta el extremo como por la denuncia descarnada de la intolerancia y el oscurantismo religioso de su época.

  • af Alexandre Dumas
    67,99 kr.

    A sequel to "The Conspirators; or the Chevalier d’Harmental", "The Regent’s Daughter" is the second entry on the regency of the young King Louis XV. Much of the story focuses on Gaston de Chanley, a young man torn between his love and his dedication to the murder of the regent Duke of Orleans. It is a fascinating read because of how Dumas’ brings these historical figures to life, powerful and threatening dukes are in essence paper tigers who without their cabal of support would crumble. It is a political tinder box built on smoke and mirrors that threatens to go up at any minute. Reminiscent of Walter Scott’s work, it is a powerful plot, threaded with intrigue, romance, love and blood. It is a novel that brings pre-revolutionary France to life in a way many readers will not have experienced and is perfect for anyone who loved the intrigue of Netflix’s ‘The Crown’.Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870) remains one of the most important figures in French and world literature to this day. His historical and romantic adventure pieces were largely inspired by his many travels and extraordinary lifestyle. His most famous novels include ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’, ‘The Three Musketeers’ and ‘Twenty Years After’. His works totalling more than one hundred thousand pages have been adapted in to more than two-hundred films.

  • af Elizabeth Gaskell
    77,99 kr.

    "North and South" is perhaps Elizabeth Gaskell’s most famous novel which poignantly deals with the issues of industrialisation from the working class perspective. When young Margaret is made to leave her South Hampshire home and move to the fictional industrial town of Milton in the North, she is at first repulsed by the ugliness of the urban city. Here she experiences first-hand the violent clashes between employers and workers in regular strikes. She admires the workers and their courage, becoming close to them and their cause, bringing her in to clashes with the handsome cotton-mill owner John Thornton regularly. It is a novel focused on the human cost in an increasingly industrialised world, brimming with realism, emotion and a stunning ensemble of characters. If you loved the BBC’s 2004 adaptation of ‘North and South’ starring Richard Armitage, you will love the source material.Elizabeth Gaskell (1810-1865) was an English novelist and short story writer. She is most famous for her earnest and detailed descriptions of the various Victorian social strata. Among her most famous work is her biography of the renowned author Charlotte Brontë of ‘Jane Eyre’ fame. Gaskell often focused her work on the poorest and most vulnerable people of society, as well as the human cost of industrialisation. Her most prominent novels include "North and South", "Cranford", and "Mary Barton".

  • af Alexandre Dumas
    77,99 kr.

    Part of a duology about the life of King Louis XV, "The Conspirators; or the Chevalier d’Harmental" follows the conspiracy against Phillip II, Duke of Orleans, regent of the infant King. Of his work on the period, it is considered among Dumas’ best by critics and fans alike.It is a thrilling novel, threaded through with romance, political conspiracy, and the epic clash between the Church and the Crown, for the support of the people. From the brilliant mind behind ‘The Three Musketeers’, it is another brilliant gem in his already epic body of work, perfect for anyone who loves historical fiction or the intrigue of Netflix's ‘The King’.Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870) was one of the most important French historical adventure writers, and one of the most widely read French novelists. His experience was also based on his many travels and exuberant lifestyle. His novels include "The Count of Monte Cristo", "The Three Musketeers", and "Twenty Years After". His works have been adapted into more than 200 movies.

  • af Baroness Orczy
    77,99 kr.

    Who is the Scarlett Pimpernel? Will his identity finally be revealed? Will the elusive hero succeed in liberating Marguerite and escaping his pursuers yet again?Find out in 'The Triumph of the Scarlet Pimpernel' by Baroness Orczy.In 1794, the reign of terror is still raging in Paris, while people are imprisoned and executed indiscriminately in the name of the revolution. The Scarlett Pimpernel, much to the chagrin of his enemies, is still at large, but Agent Chauvelin refuses to give up. He captures the Pimpernel's beloved Marguerite in the hope of luring out his enemy.The Scarlett Pimpernel has been adapted for movies and TV over the years with the most well known being from 1982 starring Jane Seymour and Ian McKellen.Baroness Orczy was a British author, born in Hungary, who lived in the period 1865 – 1947. Her literary legacy consists of a series of novels and playwrights. She gained wide popularity in 1905 with the publication of "The Scarlet Pimpernel", a play which she wrote together with her husband.The interest that followed after the first publication led to several sequels. Baroness Orczy was also an important figure during World War I as she established an organization that was women-orientated and aimed to encourage them to seek active service in the armed forces.

  • af D.H. Lawrence
    42,99 kr.

    It is possible to love someone so fiercely and yet destroy them at the same time? Paul Morel certainly seems very capable of doing just that! Will he ever mature and think for himself instead of continuing to live under his mother’s influence?As an adult, Paul is so attached to his mother, he cannot commit to and form a loving relationship, though he falls in love with two women; Miriam who is younger than him and loves him dearly, and Clara the older woman who is similar to his mother and married.D. H. Lawrence’s semi-autobiographic classic novel 'Sons and Lovers' is set in late 19th century England. He tells his tale with detailed insight into each character’s thinking and behaviour. We see the people in the story behaving with simultaneous love and hatred of others, having a strong desire for someone while not really wanting them at all.'Sons and Lovers' was adapted into a 1960 British drama directed by Jack Cardiff and starring Trevor Howard, Donald Pleasence and Wendy Hiller. The film was nominated for seven Academy Awards and entered in the 1960 Cannes Film Festival.David Herbert Lawrence (1885-1930) was an English writer of novels, short stories, poems, essays, and literary criticism. Among his central themes are the problems of emotional health, sexuality, and the human condition. He faced severe criticism and censorship after the publication of one of his most famous and explicit novels, 'Lady Chatterley’s Lover'. Other prominent works of his are 'Women in Love', 'The Rainbow', 'Sons and Lovers', and 'The Plumed Serpent'.

  • af H. G. Wells
    42,99 kr.

    ‘Certain Personal Matters’ is an intriguing and entertaining collection of essays by H.G. Wells that range from satirical political sketches to scientific speculations. Wells’ shorts shed unparalleled light on the author’s life such as a harrowing and intimate recollection of his battle with tuberculosis. Many essays discuss topics that remain relevant like social inequalities although Wells uses his humour and wit to ensure these articles remain engaging. Some of the essays contain science fiction material, providing an incredible insight into the author’s later ventures into the genre. Among the most interesting essays are ‘The Book of Curses’ about a man doomed to be unpopular as he collects swear words from people he encounters and ‘The Amateur Nature-Lover’ that comically ponders where abandoned boots come from. ‘Certain Personal Matters’ will satisfy Wells readers with its scientific discussions while also providing a different perspective on the celebrated author by portraying his humour. This collection is a must-read for fans of Wells and ‘The Twilight Zone’.H. G. Wells (1866-1946) was a celebrated English writer, remembered mostly for his science fiction works. Often described as a futurist, H. G. Wells’ influence cannot be overstated for his works foresaw many technological innovations such as space travel, the atomic bomb, and the Internet. A four-time Nobel Prize in Literature nominee, Wells explored a wide array of themes in his works, from religion to social criticism and beyond. Some of his best works include the time-travel novel ‘The Time Machine’, the sci-fi adventure novel ‘The Island of Dr. Moreau’, and the mankind-versus-aliens novel ‘The War of the Worlds’. Wells occupies one of the central seats in the canon of science-fiction literature and his writing inspired other celebrated authors such as Ray Bradbury and Philip K. Dick. Wells’ stories are still widely read to this day and have had numerous cinematic adaptations including ‘The Invisible Man’ starring Elisabeth Moss.

  • af Harriet Beecher Stowe
    38,99 kr.

    "The night is far spent; the day is at hand." "They shall see the son of man coming in a cloud, with power and great glory."This is a short booklet by Harriet Beecher Stowe about the Coming of Jesus Christ that even the humblest reader will be captured by. Stowe, herself, was very religious from early childhood and throughout her life. She has written many books with religious stories, studies and poems, though her most well known work is Uncle Tom's Cabin.A thorn in the angry eyes of American slave owners, Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896) was an American author and ardent abolitionist. Her novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) became one of the most famous literary attacks on slavery at the time. The novel was also turned into a play and adapted to the movie screen more than once.The latest version from 1987 features Samuel L. Jackson, one of the most popular actors of his generation. Stowe also wrote numerous travel memoirs, letters, articles, and short stories – all crucial to the depiction of the injustice of African Americans we still hear about today.

  • af Christian von Ditfurth
    148,99 kr.

    Als der Taxifahrer Matti eine DVD eines unbekannten Fahrgasts, der zu wenig Trinkgeld gegeben hat, aus Rache mitnimmt, rechnet keiner der drei WGler damit, dass sich ihr Leben schlagartig ändert. Denn in den letzten Jahren ist Ruhe in der WG der Alt-70er eingekehrt, auch wenn Matti, Twiggy und Dornröschen immer noch an ihre wilden Jahre zurückdenken. Als dann jedoch ein Freund der Altlinken ermordet wird, nachdem dieser sich die DVD etwas genauer angesehen hat, beginnen die Freunde zu ermitteln. Dabei können sie sich getrost auf ihre Kontakte aus der Szene verlassen und lassen auch jedes Polizeiverhör problemlos über sich ergehen. Doch was ist am Tag des DVD-Funds passiert und inwiefern ist Mattis alte Liebe Lily involviert? Und wem sehen sich die Mitbewohner gegenüber?Christian v. Ditfurth wurde 1953 in Würzburg geboren und ist der Bruder der Politikerin Jutta Ditfuhrt. Ihre Familie gehört einem alten deutschen Adelsgeschlecht an. Christian v. Ditfurth ist studierter Historiker und arbeitet seit mehreren Jahrzehnten als Verlags- und freier Lektor. Seine Haupttätigkeit ist jedoch das Schreiben. Der Autor ist nicht nur durch seine zahlreichen Veröffentlichungen im "Der Spiegel"-Magazin bekannt, sondern schrieb viele populäre Romane in den Bereichen "Alternate History" und Krimi. Damit stellt er nicht nur sein unglaubliches Talent für Sprache unter Beweis, sondern auch, dass er sich auf elegante Ermittlungen versteht.

  • af Edgar Wallace
    42,99 kr.

    Edgar Wallace was well-known for his passion for war fiction, no doubt inspired by his time as a journalist covering the Second Boer War. Wallace took his obsession with alternate realities to task in creating this stunning novel which imagines the world ten years after the First World War, where Germany is intent on breaking an uneasy peace. Rather prophetic. In this reality the Allies do not wait to be struck first and instead concoct a plan to draw the German army out, leaving their homeland completely defenceless. It is an incredibly fascinating read perfect for anyone who enjoyed ‘The Man in the High Castle’ or the YouTube series on ‘Alternate History Hub’.Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was an English writer, poet and journalist. He was such a prolific writer that his publisher claimed his work could account for a quarter of all books sold in England. He wrote countless books, screenplays, poems and historical non-fiction, spawning over one hundred and sixty films based on his work. He unfortunately passed away suddenly before he could see his most famous creation ‘King Kong’ come to life. It has been adapted several times over the years, notably by Peter Jackson of Lord of the Rings fame, and more recently in ‘Godzilla vs Kong’ starring Millie Bobby Brown.

  • af Walter Scott
    77,99 kr.

    ‘The Abbot’ is a historical fiction novel about Mary Queen of Scots’ thrilling escape from prison and is considered by many to be one of Walter Scott’s finest works. The gripping novel continues the story of Halbert and Mary Glendinning from ‘The Monastery’ but can easily be read on its own. The protagonist is a poor orphan boy, Roland who is adopted by Halbert and Mary. Many years later, Roland is sent to spy on Mary Queen of Scots while she is imprisoned, but he falls in love with her attendant Catherine, and they plot to help her escape. ‘The Abbot’ features some of Scott’s finest dramatic writing as true identities are revealed, brutal battles ensue, and forbidden romances blossom over the course of the novel. Scott depicts the Scottish countryside beautifully with his poetic prose while providing a humanist perspective on religion and romance. Celebrated widely at the time of its release, ‘The Abbot’ remains entertaining to this day and should be read by fans of Scott and romantic adventures.Walter Scott (1771 – 1832) was a Scottish writer, poet, and historian. Fascinated by traditional storytelling, during the 1790s Scott dedicated himself to researching and collecting ballads and published the epic collection ‘Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border’ in 1802. A prominent poet, Scott also wrote and published a range of poems, including the popular ‘The Lady of the Lake.’ His first historical novel ‘Waverley’ was published in 1814, whereupon it was an immediate success, receiving critical acclaim and selling out many printings. His best-known work ‘Ivanhoe’ followed in 1820. Scott died in 1832 at the age of 61. He was commemorated after his death with monuments in Edinburgh, Glasgow, and New York due to his impact on western literature. His literary works influenced and inspired many other great authors such as Virginia Woolf. Internationally renowned, Scott’s literary legacy continues to be felt all over the world to this day.

  • af Harriet Beecher Stowe
    59,99 kr.

    There is a village ne'er-do-well in every small town. This one is the kind-hearted and unreliable Sam Lawson, who was such a fine storyteller it made him popular enough to have this book named after him.Harriet Beecher Stowe, the author of 'Uncle Tom's Cabin', turned her husband’s (and her own) memories of growing up in New England into tales of eccentric relations and wonderful small-town characters leading to this interesting collection of short stories that needed to be told.Included inside 'Sam Lawson’s Oldtown Fireside Stories', are many literacy treasures such as; 'The Ghost in the Mill', 'The Widow's Bandbox', 'The Bull Fight' and 'How to fight the Devil'. I am sure after reading these you will not be able to decide on a favourite as they are all extremely entertaining.A thorn in the angry eyes of American slave owners, Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896) was an American author and ardent abolitionist. Her novel 'Uncle Tom’s Cabin' (1852) became one of the most famous literary attacks on slavery at the time. The novel was also turned into a play and made into movies more than once. The latest version from 1987 features Samuel L. Jackson, one of the most popular actors of his generation.Stowe also wrote numerous travel memoirs, letters, articles, and short stories – all crucial to the depiction of the injustice of African Americans we still hear about today.

  • af Petteri Paksuniemi
    Fra 58,99 kr.

    Kolmikymppinen Holm on mies, joka on tottunut elämään asunnottomien asuntolassa. Pienessä vaneriseinin eristetyssä kopissa Holmilla on kaikki, mitä hän elämäänsä tarvitsee. Tai niin hän luuli jonkun aikaa. Nyt Holm on huomannut, että hän kaipaa sisimmässään muutosta. Mutta mitä elämä voi tarjota psykoosin sairastaneelle opiskelijalle? Kun Holmin ystävyys antikvaaria pitävän Sotkan kanssa syvenee, Holmin elämä muuttuu. Kalevalaan ja isänmaallisuuteen hurahtanut Sotka käy nimittäin sotaa ulkomaalaisia vastaan – ja Holm on oleva osa hänen sodankäyntiään.Maailman napa käsittelee ksenofobiaa ja nationalismia.Kirjailija Petteri Paksuniemi (s. 1965) on julkaissut kaunokirjallisuutta sekä lapsille että aikuisille. Hän työskentelee myös muusikkona ja toimittajana.

  • af Emile Zola
    67,99 kr.

    ‘The Fortune of the Rougons' is the first novel in Zola's monumental 'Les Rougon-Macquart' series. The novel is partly an origin story with an enormous cast of characters, many of whom go on to become the main characters of later novels in the series. It is also a testament to the December 1851 coup d'état that gave rise to the Second French Empire, from the perspective of a large provincial town in southern France.As the title suggests. the protagonists Pierre and Felicité Rougon chase fortune in all its symbolic and tangible meanings in one grand, captivating and hilarious adventure. The title also pays homage to the fortunes of many different family members introduced in the novel, whose lives take on an integral importance throughout later books. An unquestionably successful foundation for the ensuing masterpieces of the series - 'The Fortune of the Rougons' is sure to be savoured by fans of 'Germinal' as an exciting and engrossing read.Nominated twice in the first two instances of the Nobel Prize in Literature, Zola is cited as a major literary influence on authors of the new journalism style of writing, namely Tom Wolfe, Truman Capote, and Gay Talese.Émile Zola (1840-1902) was a French novelist, journalist, and playwright, and one of the most important representatives of French naturalism. His literary topics address violence and its repercussions, alcoholism and issues within the family unit.

  • af Gertrude Atherton
    77,99 kr.

    'The Conqueror' is a biographical account of Alexander Hamilton's life, the very same Hamilton who achieved fame as one of the American Founding Fathers, and whose life and times inspired the award-winning Broadway musical 'Hamilton'.For lovers of American history and aspiring Alexander Hamilton buffs, 'The Conqueror' is the perfect addition to your bookshelf, shedding light on this important and one-of-a-kind historical figure. By intertwining fascinating biographical details with exciting and sensational historical fiction, the novel constantly engages the reader with the plot line for an overall page-turning experience.Gertrude Atherton was an American author who lived in the period 1857-1948. She wrote novels, short stories, essays and articles, and her work often dealt with feminism and politics. Her personal life inspired her to write about women and their rights as she felt genuine disappointment in her own marriage, because her husband was not willing to let her be a writer. After his death, Atherton opened up to the world and started developing her career as a novelist. She is best known for the novel "Black Oxen" which was published in 1923. The work was so well accepted by the public, that it was made into a silent film the same year. In 1946 she published the autobiography "My San Francisco: A Wayward Biography".

  • af Emile Zola
    67,99 kr.

    'The Rush for the Spoil' is the second novel in Zola’s 'Les Rougon-Macquart' series. It is set in Paris during the reign of Napoleon III and focuses on the modernization and evisceration of the ancient city.Aristide Rougon leaves the countryside for the city in order to climb the social hierarchy and improve his financial conditions - but what lengths is he wiiling to go? It is in this artificial world at the turn of the 20th century where Aristide’s wife Renne steps in, a diametric opposite personality to her husband.Depicting the greed of its main characters combined with their cynical attitudes, this is a dark, disturbing yet highly engaging read with an ironic and chilling finale.It's an example of Zola at his best: prose that is strong and compelling yet poetic and atmospheric, as well as psychologically complex characters - Zola's hallmark social critique and a heavy dose of sensationalism. Acclaimed writers that cite Zola among their main influences include Tom Wolfe, Truman Capote, and Gay Talese.Émile Zola (1840-1902) was a French novelist, journalist, and playwright, and one of the most important representative of French naturalism. His literary topics include violence and its repercussions, alcoholism, and the problems within the family unit. Zola was nominated twice in the first two instances of the Nobel Prize in Literature.

  • af Emile Zola
    77,99 kr.

    ‘His Excellency’ is the sixth entry in the ‘Les Rougon-Marquart’, set in the Imperial court it chronicles the absolute power and corruption of the upper echelons of French society. Our protagonist, Eugene Rougon is the vice-emperor, one of the most powerful men in the empire but his position is never an assurance of safety. We are thrown in to a world of political intrigue, of rivalries and schemes, blackmail, bribery and manipulation in this political thriller. It is a thriller that rises above pure political drama to become an important discourse on the manipulation of legislation for personal power. It is a brilliant read exposing the fragility of the powerful and is perfect for anyone who loved ‘House of Cards’.Émile Zola (1840-1902) was a French novelist, journalist, playwright, two time Nobel Prize nominee and one of the most important representatives of French naturalism. He was a very influential figure in France’s liberalisation, as well as in the exoneration of the falsely accused French officer Alfred Dreyfus. More than half of his published work was dedicated to the ‘Les Rougon-Macquart’ cycle, detailing the growth of a single family under the second French Empire and the repercussions of alcoholism and violence on subsequent generations. Zola influenced many writers from the "new journalism" wave of writing, including Tom Wolfe, Truman Capote, and Gay Talese. Some of his best known works include "Germinal", "Nana", and "Work".

  • af O. Henry
    38,99 kr.

    In ‘A Newspaper Story,’ O.Henry proffers a glimpse into a world where a newspaper is more useful as an inanimate object than for the articles it contains. O. Henry does a splendid job in providing readers with the news of the day and characterizing the newspaper to give it a life all of its own. The stories of the individuals we encounter as we go along with the newspaper in the booming big city are all harmoniously interlinked into one another this spectacular piece.American short story master O. Henry is best known for his pithy, witty scores and surprise endings. In doing so he made commonplace experiences extraordinary and memorable. His work has been immortalised in the popular 1952 film 'O. Henry's Full House' starring Fred Allen, Anne Baxter, Marilyn Monroe and Jeanne Crain.William Sidney Porter (1862-1919), known simply as O. Henry, was a prolific American author of humorous literary pieces. His fame came exceptionally quickly and he became a bestselling author of short story collections. Perhaps the most famous of these are, 'Cabbages and Kings,' 'The Voice of the City' and 'Strictly Business.' The immensity of O. Henry's impact on the American short story genre for time to come is evidenced by the fact an annual award in his name is given out each year in the United States. O. Henry's work is a must read for fans of Hemingway, Guy de Maupassant and Anton Chekhov.