Narrative temaer: politik
73,99 kr. In questo romanzo autobiografico, l'autore Giuseppe Cesare Abba racconta gli episodi più caratteristici della sua vita, dalla giovinezza trascorsa in Liguria passando per l'arruolamento nella spedizione dei Mille di Garibaldi, fino agli anni più maturi nel Nord Italia, tra scrittura, insegnamenti e patriottismo.Giuseppe Cesare Abba (1838 – 1910) è stato uno scrittore italiano, noto patriota e fervente sostenitore della nascita d'Italia nella seconda metà dell'Ottocento. Dopo essersi unito ai volontari di Giuseppe Garibaldi per la spedizione dei Mille nel Regno delle Due Sicilie, proseguì i propri studi a Pisa per poi trasferirsi a Brescia, dove insegnò presso l'Università per 26 anni.
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
111,99 kr. Eletään 1700-luvun alkua Unkarissa. Vuoristokylä sijaitsee lähellä Unkarin ja Puolan rajaa. Yöllä kyläläiset heräävät huutoihin; Unkarin poliittiset levottomuudet ovat levinneet tänne asti. Työläiset kapinoivat Habsburgien aatelissukua vastaan. Huhujen mukaan kapina on ruhtinas Rákóczin aikaansaannos. Mutta kuka on muukalainen, joka istuu hereillä majapaikkansa pedissä, kynttilä vieressään? Miksi hän on niin jännittynyt? Kyläläiset eivät arvaa, että muukalainen liittyy kapinaan ja ruhtinas Rákócziin kohtalokkaalla tavalla...Sydenpolttajat on jännittävä historiallinen romaani 1700-luvun alun Unkarista.Arvi Järventaus (1883–1939) oli suomalainen kirjailija ja pappi. Järventauksen romaaneista tunnetaan parhaiten hänen esikoisteoksensa Risti ja noitarumpu.
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- 111,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Eletään 1920-lukua. Rakennusmestari Juho Salminen on noussut ryysyistä rikkauksiin rakennusbisneksen avulla. Erityisen paljon apua Salminen on saanut liikemies Esalta, jonka kanssa hän on hankkinut tontteja hyvään hintaan. Miehet ovat hyötyneet Helsingin kasvamisesta ja rakennusbuumista, eivätkä epäile tuhlata rahojaan luksusautoihin ja makeaan elämään. Vaan kuinka pitkälle moinen elämä voikaan kantaa? Ja onko Esa lopulta mies, johon kannattaa luottaa?Kirjailija Eino Palola (1885–1951) työskenteli myös toimittajana ja kääntäjänä. Palola käänsi muun muassa Henrik Ibsenin Nukkekodin sekä Charles Dickensin Pickwick-kerhon jälkeenjääneet paperit. Hän oli aktiivinen myös Kirjailijaliitossa.
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Questo grande classico della letteratura risorgimentale italiana offre uno sguardo autentico e approfondito sulla spedizione dei Mille, una delle imprese storiche più significative della storia d'Italia, vissuta attraverso uno dei suoi protagonisti: l'autore Giuseppe Cesare Abba, arruolatosi come soldato all'alba della spedizione. Attraverso le pagine del suo taccuino di appunti, usato a tratti come diario di viaggio, a tratti come quaderno per veloci annotazioni, l'autore offre una straordinaria testimonianza diretta, conservando intatte le freschezza e la vivacità che derivano dalla descrizione di scene di vita vissuta e di quei personaggi, grandi e piccoli, celebri e oscuri, che hanno fatto la storia.Giuseppe Cesare Abba (1838 – 1910) è stato uno scrittore italiano, noto patriota e fervente sostenitore della nascita d'Italia nella seconda metà dell'Ottocento. Dopo essersi unito ai volontari di Giuseppe Garibaldi per la spedizione dei Mille nel Regno delle Due Sicilie, proseguì i propri studi a Pisa per poi trasferirsi a Brescia, dove insegnò per 26 anni presso l'istituto tecnico Nicolò Tartaglia.
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
Fra 76,99 kr. 6 dní, 13 hodin a 37 minut – tolik času zbývá agentovi FBI Marku Andrewsovi, aby zabránil vraždě první americké prezidentky...Florentýna Kaneová si po desetiletích bojů, obětí a životních tragédií konečně plní svůj sen a stává se první ženou v čele Spojených států amerických. Ovšem už v okamžiku, kdy pronáší svůj inaugurační projev, plánují její protivníci jak ji umlčet jedou provždy.Jednoho večera se v 19:30 FBI dozvídá o spiknutí, jehož cílem je novou prezidentku zabít. Ve 20:30 zná tyto skutečnosti pět lidí. Ve 21:30 jsou čtyři z nich mrtví...Zbývá jediný člověk, který ví, kdy atentátníci udeří – agent Mark Andrews. Ani on však netuší kde a jak se to má stát, ani kdo za tím vším stojí. Má pouhých šest dní na to, aby odhalil jejich totožnost a zabránil nejhoršímu. V ohrožení je nejen lidský život, ale i stabilita celé země.Užijte si toto fenomenální završení oblíbené trilogie Kane a Abel plné napětí, intrik, životních ztrát a splněných snů.Jeffrey Archer je britský bestsellerový autor a bývalý politik. Vystudoval univerzitu v Oxfordu a stal se poslancem Parlamentu, členem Sněmovny lordů a také zástupcem předsedy Konzervativní strany. Jeho politická kariéra skončila skandálem a od té doby se Archer naplno věnuje psaní – po celém světě se dosud prodalo více než 275 milionů výtisků jeho knih.Jeho nejslavnějším dílem je zřejmě sedmidílná „Cliftonova kronika" a proslulý román „Kane a Abel", který obsadil první příčku v žebříčku bestsellerů listu New York Times a podle něhož byla natočena populární minisérie s Peterem Straussem a Samem Neillem v hlavních rolích.Po uvěznění za křivé svědectví v roce 2001 napsal Jeffrey Archer vysoce oceňovanou třídílnou knižní sérii nazvanou „Vězeňský deník" („Peklo", „Očistec" a „Ráj") inspirovanou vlastními zážitky a volně strukturovanou podle Dantovy Božské komedie.
73,99 kr. Una novela que muestra al lector una África menos conocida. Jacques Breuil, de origen francés, tiene la vida soñada: es un joven periodista seductor y aventurero. Por eso el trabajo para el que ha sido contratado no puede ser más perfecto: hacer un reportaje sobre la situación política de la República Centroafricana. Lo que empieza siendo como una faena fácil y entretenida se convertirá, pronto, en una tarea mucho más compleja de lo que Jacques esperaba.Maria Carme Roca (Barcelona, 1955) es licenciada en Historia y Filologia catalana. Desde los años noventa ha escrito más de cuarenta obras, la mayor parte juveniles o infantiles, pero también ha trabajado en novelas adultas y ha colaborado en la elaboración de varios guiones. Ha recibido premios literarios como el Néstor Luján de novela histórica o el Premi Barcanova de literatura infantil y juvenil.Montse Ballarín Andreu (Barcelona) es bioquímica y escritora. Ha dedicado su vida laboral a las biociencias, trabajando en lugares como Neurotec Pharma, el Institut d’Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge o la Escola Virolai. Además de su trabajo como científica, ha escrito dos libros a cuatro manos con Maria Carme Roca.
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
24,99 kr. II połowa XIX wieku, fikcyjne państwo Costaguana leżące w Ameryce Środkowej po okresie politycznego chaosu zaczyna się coraz lepiej rozwijać. Szczególny wzrost notuje portowe miasto Sulaco. Na skutek przewrotu wojskowego nowy prezydent zostaje usunięty ze stanowiska, a w mieście wybuchają zamieszki. Tytułowy Nostromo wraz z kompanem próbuje wywieźć w bezpieczne miejsce srebro należące do wpływowego zwolennika prezydenta. Na wodzie dochodzi jednak do wypadku. Nostromo usiłuje dołączyć do wojsk wspierających Sulaco. Ostatecznie miasto uzyskuje niepodległość, jednak pod płaszczykiem stabilizacji wciąż tlą się społeczne konflikty.Joseph Conrad, właśc. Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski (1857-1924) - angielski pisarz, polskiego pochodzenia. Tworzył w języku angielskim. Jego powieści i opowiadania są oparte na osobistych doświadczeniach. Dominuje w nich problematyka moralno-psychologiczna. Conrad koncentruje się wokół ludzi morza, zmagających się z potęgą żywiołów. Według autora, człowiek nawet w na pozór beznadziejnej sytuacji powinien podejmować próbę walki z losem. Najważniejsze dzieła Conrada to: "Lord Jim", "Jądro ciemności", "Tajfun", "Zwierciadło morza", "Smuga cienia", "Złota strzała".
- E-bog
- 24,99 kr.
40,99 kr. Wiosna 1917 roku. Młode małżeństwo rozmawia przy stole o trwającej rewolucji. Hela jest przestraszona gwałtownością zmian, podczas gdy Wojciech popiera taką formę przewrotu. Woli jednak oglądać rozwój sytuacji z bezpiecznej odległości - przebywając w Kijowie z młodą żoną, cieszy się urokami małżeństwa, delektuje wizją wspólnej przyszłości, rodzicielstwa... Żona ma jednak poczucie, że to chwilowa ucieczka. Zna swojego męża i wie, że to mężczyzna sprawczy i zaangażowany w politykę. Jak długo potrwa sielanka tych dwojga?Jerzy Bandrowski (1883-1940) – polski pisarz, dziennikarz, tłumacz języka angielskiego. Absolwent filozofii na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim i slawistyki w Pradze. Zadebiutował nowelami w warszawskim „Kurierze Porannym". Współpracował z „Kurierem Świątecznym", lwowskim „Słowem Polskim" i „Kurierem Poznańskim". Był autorem powieści obyczajowych, sensacyjnych oraz książek dla dzieci. W 1951 roku jego utwory znalazły się na liście pozycji objętych cenzurą i wycofano je z polskich bibliotek. Prywatnie był bratem pisarza Juliusza Kadena Bandrowskiego.
- E-bog
- 40,99 kr.
96,99 kr. 1969. Europa is in de ban van studentenprotesten. Onder de studenten bevindt zich een jonge vrouw, Gabriele, die besluit dat harde actie nodig is. Samen met andere extremisten vormt ze de Kristalfactie, een terreurgroep die financiële middelen ontvangt vanuit Rusland. Als de groep een aanslag pleegt, komt Scotland Yard in actie en probeert een infiltrant onder te brengen in de groep. Door slimme perspectiefwisselingen laat Clare Francis zien hoe extremisme ontstaat en mensen verandert in iets wat ze zelf niet meer herkennen. Tegelijk is "Bloedrood kristal" een spannende, slim opgebouwde spionageroman, badend in de sfeer van de Koude Oorlog. Aanrader!Clare Francis (1946) zeilde twee keer de Atlantische Oceaan over in een zeilboot. Ze was de eerste vrouw die de "Whitbread Around the World"-zeilrace won. Toen ze haar ervaringen aan boord begon op te schrijven, merkte ze voor het eerst dat ze schrijftalent had. Tussen 1983 en 2008 publiceerde ze 12 romans, waaronder verschillende bestsellers. Enkele van haar boeken zijn ook verfilmd.
- E-bog
- 96,99 kr.
Fra 149,00 kr. Store dele af Sverige står i flammer og må evakueres en sommer, hvor klimakatastrofen er eskaleret voldsomt og intetanende feriegæster ender som klimaflygtninge. Men på trods af dette inferno fortsætter hverdagen med ægteskabsproblemer, identitetskriser og forældreoprør, selv om det hele er ved at falde fra hinanden."Ikke en klassisk dystopi, mere en typisk realistisk roman, der tilfældigvis udspiller sig i en dystopisk tid: vores egen. Man kan vist godt antage, at Liljestrand har villet skrive den store svenske roman om klimaets kollaps på Jonathan Franzen-måden." - Svenska DagbladetJens Liljestrand formår på fremragende og velskrevet vis at blande temaer som miljø, global opvarmning og klimaforandringer med relationer, drama og moralske dilemmaer, så det både er skræmmende aktuelt, relaterbart og spændende som en thriller. Han spidder vores samtid på godt og ondt og beskriver almindelige menneskers liv og kampe, der fortsætter, selv om verden, som vi kender den, er ved at forsvinde.
77,99 kr. ‘Those Folk of Bulboro’ is a fascinating entry in Wallace’s long list of fictional works as it is neither a thriller nor a mystery novel as you may expect from Wallace. This novel is instead, a drama which takes place in a small town in Northern England following the life of a young doctor who has returned from the Congo to take over his uncle's practice. Likely informed by Wallace’s own time in the Congo reporting on the brutality and violence of Belgian colonialism, this novel follows the young doctor as he fights the intolerance and ignorance of his local townsfolk. It is a passionate and sympathetic read, with a brilliantly drafted cast of characters and truly compelling dialogue. It is a book that remains relevant to this day and is an excellent read for anyone who enjoys detective novels.Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was an English writer, poet and journalist. He was such a prolific writer that his publisher claimed his work could account for a quarter of all books sold in England. He wrote countless books, screenplays, poems and historical non-fiction, spawning over one hundred and sixty films based on his work. He unfortunately passed away suddenly before he could see his most famous creation ‘King Kong’ come to life. It has been adapted several times over the years, notably by Peter Jackson of Lord of the Rings fame, and more recently in ‘Godzilla vs Kong’ starring Millie Bobby Brown.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Ivan Matveich was thinking it was a bad idea to see a live crocodile on the street as it swallowed him whole! Why couldn't it have eaten his wife Elena instead?What follows is an immensely humorous and satirical account of Ivan's new life from inside the crocodile, unable to get out because the owner refuses to kill the beast.A precursor to Kafka’s 'Metamorphosis', Dostoevsky’s short story is a farcical depiction and social criticism of Russian society at the time. The situation becomes a scene from the theatre of the absurd, making the tale a poignant finger wagging at the problems of humanity.Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881) was a famous Russian writer of novels, short stories, and essays. A connoisseur of the troubled human psyche and the relationships between the individuals, Dostoevsky’s oeuvre covers a large area of subjects: politics, religion, social issues, philosophy, and the uncharted realms of the psychological.There have been at least 30 film and TV adaptations of Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s 1866 novel 'Crime and Punishment' with probably the most popular being the British BBC TV series starring John Simm as Raskolnikov and Ian McDiarmid as Porfiry Petrovich.'The Idiot' has also been adapted for films and TV, as has 'Demons' and 'The Brothers Karamazov'.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
59,99 kr. ‘The Prophet’ is a collection of prose poetry offering spiritual insights into a range of subjects. Through 26 fables, Gibran explores everything from love, marriage, and children to the nature of good and evil, friendship and death. An extraordinary work, it lyrically suggests that we should welcome being present on the Earth and, only after we die will we understand the greater meaning behind our personal highs and lows. An eminently quotable book for those who want to delve into the idea of spiritual enrichment.The book was adapted into a film by the Mexican actor and producer Salma Hayek. The voices of Liam Neeson and Frank Langella were also used in the animated film.Born in Lebanon, but to move to the USA, Kahlil Gibran (1883 – 1931) was an important figure in the Romantic movement of the early 20th Century. Although he regarded himself more as a painter than an author, his writing challenged the established rigidity of traditional Arabic literature. In his works, he explored the theory of the loss of natural beauty in the modern world, alienation, and personal discord. Influenced by the Romantic writings of 19th Century European authors, Gibran is widely recognised as one of the most intellectually-sensitive writers of his time.
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- 59,99 kr.
Fra 94,99 kr. Shasa Courtney är arvtagare till släkten Courtneys stora förmögenhet, men vad han önskar sig mer än allt annat är ett enat Sydafrika. Nationalistpartiets framgångar är på väg att driva landets befolkning in i ett fullskaligt inbördeskrig. Anledningen stavas Apartheid. Vem är egentligen för - och vem är emot? Efter att länge ha engagerat sig i oppositionen övertalas en motvillig Shasa att gå med i det regerande nationalistiska partiet. Bakom bevekandet står hans egen halvbror, Manfred de la Rey. Men medan Shasa försöker bringa ordning i fiendens läger har hans fru Tara andra planer. Samtidigt sitter Manfred på dödliga hemligheter som kan komma att stå honom dyrt. När hela Sydafrikas framtid står på spel riskerar familjen Courtney att en gång för alla slitas i stycken. Är de beredda att betala det pris som fosterlandet kräver? Vredens land är den sjätte delen i Wilbur Smiths storslagna krönika om släkten Courtney. I den episka berättelsen om släkten Courtney får vi följa äventyrslystna män och modiga kvinnor. Krönikan utspelar sig i Sydafrika sträcker sig från 1600-talet och kolonialismen till 1900-talet och apartheid. Medlemmarna i släkten Courtney får uppleva både äventyr och krig på sin jakt efter ära, makt och kärlek.Wilbur Smith (1933-2021) var en sydafrikansk författare som skapat succéer som När lejonet äter och släktkrönikan om familjen Courtney. Smiths romaner skildrar ofta den afrikanska kontinentens historia och innehåller både äventyr och romantik.
96,99 kr. Koko maailmanjärjestys järkkyy, kun terroristit iskevät floridalaiselle vesilaitokselle. Pian samanlaisia hyökkäyksiä tapahtuu ympäri maailmaa, ja ihmiset sairastuvat pahoin likaantuneesta vedestä. Puhtaasta juomavedestä on yhtäkkiä puute – ja Suomi joutuu keskelle maailmanlaajuista konfliktia. Kenelle Suomen puhtaat järvet kuuluvat? Mitä terroristit oikein haluavat? Mitä tapahtuu, kun maailmasta loppuu yhtäkkiä puhdas juomavesi? Suojelupoliisin Vesa Kaitele on jälleen keskellä hurjaa tapahtumaketjua.Tämä on romaanin Elinehto ensimmäinen osa.Kun maailmalla tapahtuu Suomeen liittyvä kansainvälinen konflikti, paikalle saapuu suurella todennäköisyydellä Supon ylikomisario Vesa Kaitele. Kaiteleelta ei rohkeutta puutu – tämä mies on poliittisten rikosten keskellä kuin kala vedessä.Kirjailija Paulus Maasalo (s. 1978) on julkaissut kaksi poliittista trilleriä: Elinehto ja Roudan alla. Hän on koulutukseltaan valtiotieteiden maisteri.
- Lydbog
- 96,99 kr.
96,99 kr. Kun venäläinen öljypohatta Aleksei Ganin joutuu pommi-iskun kohteeksi Tallinnassa, tilanne muuttuu hetkessä tulenaraksi. Vaikein tilanne on suomalaiselle Kiira Lindholmille, nuorelle väitöskirjatutkijalle, joka vain hetkeä ennen räjäytystä ojensi ulkoministeriön lahjan Ganinille. Lindholm itse tietää olevansa syytön, mutta miten sen voi todistaa maailmalle, saatika Venäjälle? Pian Lindholm saa apua suojelupoliisin Vesa Kaiteleelta. Mutta riittääkö Kaiteleen apu? Saadaanko syyllistä ikinä kiinni?Roudan alla on huikea poliittinen trilleri, josta ei puutu jännitystä eikä käänteitä.Kun maailmalla tapahtuu Suomeen liittyvä kansainvälinen konflikti, paikalle saapuu suurella todennäköisyydellä Supon ylikomisario Vesa Kaitele. Kaiteleelta ei rohkeutta puutu – tämä mies on poliittisten rikosten keskellä kuin kala vedessä.Kirjailija Paulus Maasalo (s. 1978) on julkaissut kaksi poliittista trilleriä: Elinehto ja Roudan alla. Hän on koulutukseltaan valtiotieteiden maisteri.
- Lydbog
- 96,99 kr.
96,99 kr. Maailma on ajautunut kaaokseen. Terroristit ovat tuhonneet eri maiden puhtaat juomavesivarannot, ja ihmiset sairastuvat ympäri maailmaa. Suomea kohtaan on voimakasta poliittista painetta – kenelle Suomen puhtaat järvivedet kuuluvat? Suojelupoliisin Vesa Kaitele on joutunut keskelle kansainvälistä selkkausta. Mutta terroristien jahtaaminen ei ole Kaiteleelle niin yksinkertaista kuin ennen. Miten hänen veljensä oikein liittyy karmiviin, koko maailmaa järkyttäneisiin tapahtumiin?Tämä on romaanin Elinehto päätösosa.Kun maailmalla tapahtuu Suomeen liittyvä kansainvälinen konflikti, paikalle saapuu suurella todennäköisyydellä Supon ylikomisario Vesa Kaitele. Kaiteleelta ei rohkeutta puutu – tämä mies on poliittisten rikosten keskellä kuin kala vedessä.Kirjailija Paulus Maasalo (s. 1978) on julkaissut kaksi poliittista trilleriä: Elinehto ja Roudan alla. Hän on koulutukseltaan valtiotieteiden maisteri.
- Lydbog
- 96,99 kr.
59,99 kr. There's an imposter amongst us...‘The Fortunes of Perkin Warbeck’ (1857), is 'Frankenstein' author Mary Shelley’s fictionalised account of Perkin Warbeck, the 15th century pretender to the English throne. Backed by a band of loyal Yorkists, Warbeck rose up against King Henry VII, claiming to be Richard, Duke of York and rightful heir to the English crown.The novel follows Warbeck’s adventures across Europe and England as he attempts to take back what is rightfully his. The character of Perkin is thought to be based on Shelley’s husband, the poet, Percy Bysshe Shelley.Mary Shelley (1797–1851) earned her place in the pantheon of British novelists with her ground-breaking Gothic novel ‘Frankenstein’ (1818). Considered one of the first true works of science-fiction, the book became an instant bestseller. But she was far from a one-hit-wonder, producing a host of other novels, including 'Valperga', 'Perkin Warbeck' and 'The Last Man'. Most were not well received in her lifetime, though, only being fully appreciated from the 1960s.She moved in a circle of famed 19th-century writers and philosophers. She was married to the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley and spent time with Lord Byron. Her mother was the philosopher and feminist activist Mary Wollstonecraft and her father was the political philosopher William Godwin.Mary Shelley’s work has been adapted for TV, stage and film on many occasions, with Boris Karloff famously playing Frankenstein’s monster on screen in 1933. Other adaptations include ‘Mary Shelley's Frankenstein’ (1994) starring Kenneth Branagh and Robert De Niro and ‘Viktor Frankenstein’ (2015) starring Daniel Radcliffe and James McAvoy. Most recently, Elle Fanning portrayed Mary in Haifaa Al-Mansour’s film ‘Mary Shelley’ from 2017.
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- 59,99 kr.
69,99 kr. Rolando, el narrador protagonista de esta historia, es un músico proveniente de la provincia de La Rioja que viaja en el Cristóforo Colombo, desde el puerto de Buenos Aires rumbo a Barcelona, junto con otros setecientos pasajeros, todos oriundos del Cono Sur. Con el destierro como alternativa a la cárcel o la muerte, estos ex presos políticos, familiares de desaparecidos y opositores al gobierno militar conviven largamente en ese no-lugar desde donde reflexionan sobre el significado del exilio.Escrito en Madrid pero publicado en Buenos Aires, «Libro de navíos y borrascas» es otra joya de la literatura contemporánea en la que Daniel Moyano ficciona su propia experiencia.Daniel Moyano (1930-1992) fue un escritor argentino. Nacido en Buenos Aires y criado en Córdoba, se radicó más tarde en La Rioja donde trabajó como profesor de música, periodista y concibió gran parte de su obra. Detenido y encarcelado durante la dictadura militar de 1976-1983, tras ser liberado se exilió en España y allí residió hasta su muerte.
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- 69,99 kr.
55,99 kr. Una novela sobre la última etapa de la vida de Agustín Tosco, el dirigente sindical combativo más respetado de la historia argentina, pero no siempre tan conocido en su humanidad. Tosco tuvo que refugiarse en la vida clandestina a mediados de la década de 1970, cercado por las amenazas de la Alianza Anticomunista Argentina que preparaban el Terrorismo de Estado. En esas circunstancias empezó a cursar una enfermedad para la cual prácticamente no pudo recibir tratamiento. Con esta ficción bien documentada, Roberto Avalle –cordobés como el "Gringo"– reconstruye en primera persona sus compañías, lecturas, convicciones, preguntas y pensamientos durante ese crudo invierno.Roberto C. Avalle (Córdoba, Argentina, 1976) es un escritor y abogado argentino. Egresó de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba e hizo un posgrado en Derecho Comercial, área en la que se especializa en su trabajo habitual, más allá de otras inquietudes.Su debut literario lo marca la novela Tosco clandestino (2019), recibida con mucho interés por la figura de la que trata y por la manera en que abordó su escritura.
102,99 kr. ‘Count Robert of Paris’ is Walter Scott’s penultimate novel from his celebrated ‘Waverley’ series. It is a historical novel set in Constantinople during the First Crusade. The story revolves around the titular Count Robert who is captured by the Byzantine emperor and challenged to a duel to the death. Count Robert and his friend Hereward must escape their treacherous captors and reunite with their true loves, but they face many dangerous challenges along the way. This novel is a gripping read, brimming with romance, power struggles, political intrigue, and fanaticism that threatens to destroy the very foundations of civilization. Scott’s incredible romantic prose is on display in this tale as he elegantly describes Byzantine Constantinople. The historical aspect of the story focuses on the clash between cultures as Scott poetically displays the precarious relationship between the crusaders and the Byzantine emperor. This novel is a thrilling adventure through the streets of exotic Constantinople and should be read by fans of historical fiction.Walter Scott (1771 – 1832) was a Scottish writer, poet, and historian. Fascinated by traditional storytelling, during the 1790s Scott dedicated himself to researching and collecting ballads and published the epic collection ‘Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border’ in 1802. A prominent poet, Scott also wrote and published a range of poems, including the popular ‘The Lady of the Lake.’ His first historical novel ‘Waverley’ was published in 1814, whereupon it was an immediate success, receiving critical acclaim and selling out many printings. His best-known work ‘Ivanhoe’ followed in 1820. Scott died in 1832 at the age of 61. He was commemorated after his death with monuments in Edinburgh, Glasgow, and New York due to his impact on western literature. His literary works influenced and inspired many other great authors such as Virginia Woolf. Internationally renowned, Scott’s literary legacy continues to be felt all over the world to this day.
- E-bog
- 102,99 kr.
77,99 kr. ‘St. Ronan’s Well’ is a tragicomic tale of two brothers in love with the same woman. Walter Scott’s trademark dramatic tension is palpable in this novel, but it is unique in the fact that it is his only novel set during the 19th century. The story revolves around a spa in a small Scottish town that is home to a large cast of highly comedic and compelling characters. Scott expertly builds suspense over the course of the novel as each character has something to hide in this satirical village. Throughout the story, dark secrets are revealed and blackmail escalates to violent confrontation as both brothers battle for the love of Clara. ‘St. Ronan’s Well’ features some of Scott’s best characters and beautifully vivid descriptions of the Scottish countryside and its satirical style is an interesting departure from his typical historical fiction. This novel should be read by fans of Scott’s work but its luxurious setting and fusion of irony and high drama make it the perfect book for fans of ‘The White Lotus’ or ‘Nine Perfect Strangers’.Walter Scott (1771 – 1832) was a Scottish writer, poet, and historian. Fascinated by traditional storytelling, during the 1790s Scott dedicated himself to researching and collecting ballads and published the epic collection ‘Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border’ in 1802. A prominent poet, Scott also wrote and published a range of poems, including the popular ‘The Lady of the Lake.’ His first historical novel ‘Waverley’ was published in 1814, whereupon it was an immediate success, receiving critical acclaim and selling out many printings. His best-known work ‘Ivanhoe’ followed in 1820. Scott died in 1832 at the age of 61. He was commemorated after his death with monuments in Edinburgh, Glasgow, and New York due to his impact on western literature. His literary works influenced and inspired many other great authors such as Virginia Woolf. Internationally renowned, Scott’s literary legacy continues to be felt all over the world to this day.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
42,99 kr. ‘The power to destroy, was continually increasing. There was no increase whatever in the ability to escape’. H.G. Wells creates a hauntingly prophetic narrative of the upcoming atomic era in his acclaimed science-fiction novel ‘The World Set Free’. In this nightmarish book, global leaders must create an atomic bomb that can annihilate society to save the world. In a highly prescient and unique manner, Wells wonders if peace can only be achieved by first having the ability to bring about total destruction. ‘The World Set Free’ is a novel as thrilling as it is terrifying as global warfare threatens to end civilisation completely. A highly influential novel that remains relevant in modern times, ‘The World Set Free’ is one of Wells’ best and should be read by anyone interested in warfare.H. G. Wells (1866-1946) was a celebrated English writer, remembered mostly for his science fiction works. Often described as a futurist, H. G. Wells’ influence cannot be overstated for his works foresaw many technological innovations such as space travel, the atomic bomb, and the Internet. A four-time Nobel Prize in Literature nominee, Wells explored a wide array of themes in his works, from religion to social criticism and beyond. Some of his best works include the time-travel novel ‘The Time Machine’, the sci-fi adventure novel ‘The Island of Dr. Moreau’, and the mankind-versus-aliens novel ‘The War of the Worlds’. Wells occupies one of the central seats in the canon of science-fiction literature and his writing inspired other celebrated authors such as Ray Bradbury and Philip K. Dick. Wells’ stories are still widely read to this day and have had numerous cinematic adaptations including ‘The Invisible Man’ starring Elisabeth Moss.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
77,99 kr. ‘The Monastery’ is a novel by Walter Scott that tells the story of the Monastery of Kennaquhair and its mysterious occupants and supernatural situations. The monastery is on the brink of destruction as not only are Protestant soldiers marching on it but its inhabitants are plagued by betrayal and infighting. The tale revolves around Halbert and Edward, two troublesome brothers who are both in love with the same woman, Mary. Tensions are already high in the abbey due to sightings of a celestial spectre before Piercie Shafton, an Englishman on the run for treason, arrives to seek solitude. Piercie is one of Scott’s funniest characters as he pompously pursues Mary, much to the chagrin of Halbert, who challenges Piercie to a duel that will determine the fate of the monastery and all its occupants. ‘The Monastery’ is written in the gothic tradition as the haunting White Lady plagues the characters. Scott’s romantic style is still present as the White Lady is an incredibly poetic character and he uses lyrical prose to portray an abbey on the verge of ruin. ‘The Monastery’ is a highly dramatic story, laced with political intrigue, social satire, and haunting imagery that will stick with readers long after they have finished it. This thrilling novel will have readers on the edge of their seats awaiting the fate of the monastery and its citizens and is recommended for fans of gothic literature.Walter Scott (1771 – 1832) was a Scottish writer, poet, and historian. Fascinated by traditional storytelling, during the 1790s Scott dedicated himself to researching and collecting ballads and published the epic collection ‘Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border’ in 1802. A prominent poet, Scott also wrote and published a range of poems, including the popular ‘The Lady of the Lake.’ His first historical novel ‘Waverley’ was published in 1814, whereupon it was an immediate success, receiving critical acclaim and selling out many printings. His best-known work ‘Ivanhoe’ followed in 1820. Scott died in 1832 at the age of 61. He was commemorated after his death with monuments in Edinburgh, Glasgow, and New York due to his impact on western literature. His literary works influenced and inspired many other great authors such as Virginia Woolf. Internationally renowned, Scott’s literary legacy continues to be felt all over the world to this day.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
77,99 kr. ‘Anne of Geierstein’ is a gothic romance and adventure novel by Walter Scott. For this tale, Scott abandons his typical Scottish setting as the story follows two knights on a secret mission in Switzerland in the 1470s. This is one of Scott’s most critically acclaimed novels as it opens on a dramatic cliff edge scene and the suspense continues to escalate throughout. One of the knights, Arthur, meets the titular Anne and falls in love with her but quickly learns that she may have mystical powers. Danger is ever-present throughout their journey as the heroes encounter spectral beings, are kidnapped by secret organisations, and battle in a brutal war. ‘Anne of Geierstein’ is celebrated widely for Scott’s romantic depictions of the Swiss landscape from forests to mountains and crumbling castles. This thrilling novel is the definition of a page-turner, and its gothic aspects make it the perfect read for fans of Walter Scott or ‘Frankenstein’.Walter Scott (1771 – 1832) was a Scottish writer, poet, and historian. Fascinated by traditional storytelling, during the 1790s Scott dedicated himself to researching and collecting ballads and published the epic collection ‘Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border’ in 1802. A prominent poet, Scott also wrote and published a range of poems, including the popular ‘The Lady of the Lake.’ His first historical novel ‘Waverley’ was published in 1814, whereupon it was an immediate success, receiving critical acclaim and selling out many printings. His best-known work ‘Ivanhoe’ followed in 1820. Scott died in 1832 at the age of 61. He was commemorated after his death with monuments in Edinburgh, Glasgow, and New York due to his impact on western literature. His literary works influenced and inspired many other great authors such as Virginia Woolf. Internationally renowned, Scott’s literary legacy continues to be felt all over the world to this day.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
96,99 kr. Questa raccolta di storie brevi può essere considerata come l’esordio letterario di Edmondo De Amicis. I "bozzetti" narrativi, così chiamati dall’autore stesso, principalmente a tema militare, contengono interessanti scorci nella formazione artistica e nella coscienza di un De Amicis appena più che ventenne. All’interno si potrà esplorare una visione singolare della società italiana e dei suoi salotti: tra storie d’amore, storie d’impegno politico e storie di carattere quasi sociologico, l’esordiente De Amicis lascia intravedere tutto il talento che lo contraddistingue.Edmondo De Amicis (1846-1908) è stato uno scrittore italiano, tra i più importanti nel panorama nazionale e internazionale. La sua opera "Cuore" è uno dei libri per ragazzi più letti e influenti della storia della letteratura, che lo ha reso una figura importantissima per lo sviluppo di una coscienza letteraria nazionale.
- E-bog
- 96,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Alberto è di Torino e fa l’insegnante. Ha moglie e figli, una famiglia alle spalle che lo sostiene, e un posto stabile nella società. Una volta aperti gli occhi sulla condizione del proletariato, Alberto inizia ad avvicinarsi sempre più alla causa socialista. Per questa sua aperta inclinazione, però, tutto ciò che di stabile aveva nella sua vita comincerà a rivoltarglisi contro. La famiglia allargata lo ripudia, gli amici lo emarginano, e la scuola presso cui insegna lo licenzia. Ma Alberto risponde sposando con ancora più passione gli ideali socialisti, tanto da prender parte alla manifestazione in piazza del Primo Maggio...Edmondo De Amicis (1846-1908) è stato uno scrittore italiano, tra i più importanti nel panorama nazionale e internazionale. La sua opera "Cuore" è uno dei libri per ragazzi più letti e influenti della storia della letteratura, che lo ha reso una figura importantissima per lo sviluppo di una coscienza letteraria nazionale.
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
96,99 kr. Loris è un ragazzo dall’animo nichilista, membro dei movimenti rivoluzionari che si battono contro il regime autocratico dello zar. La sua storia è un crescendo di disprezzo, profondamente radicato sia nella sua personalità di ribelle, sia nella sua sfera privata e nei rapporti interpersonali. Nella cornice di una Mosca tumultuosa, feroci passioni e complicati intrecci convergono in un violento spaccato della società russa di fine Ottocento.Alfredo Oriani (1852 – 1909) è stato uno scrittore e poeta italiano. Dopo aver trascorso gli anni della giovinezza in solitudine ed essersi laureato in giurisprudenza, Alfredo Oriani inizia a dedicarsi alla scrittura. Già nel suo romanzo d’esordio, "Memorie inutili", traspare la sua ideologia che vede convivere pacificamente e in modo indivisibile la figura dell’artista con quella del pensatore e del sociologo. L'opera completa di Oriani venne fatta ristampare da Benito Mussolini in persona in seguito alla Prima guerra mondiale, sebbene il suo pensiero fosse apprezzato e in parte condiviso anche da Antonio Gramsci. Tra gli altri scritti di Alfredo Oriani ricordiamo "Oro, incenso e mirra", "La rivolta ideale", "Il nemico" e "Gelosia".
- E-bog
- 96,99 kr.
58,99 kr. Una novela corta en la que Valdés muestra la ciudad de Madrid y el ambiente literario que conocía en primera persona. Con un tono casi autobiográfico, el narrador, que podría ser el mismo Armando Palacio Valdés, explica su encuentro con Samper, un autor de teatro fracasado. Durante toda la novela, la conversación de ambos muestra la vida de Samper, sus dos matrimonios y su experiencia como escritor en Madrid. Un libro autoreferencial y lleno de reflexiones que muestra la habilidad de Valdés en el costumbrismo.Armando Palacio Valdés (1853-1938) fue escritor y crítico literario. Creció en el ambiente rural de Asturias, hasta que se trasladó a Oviedo con doce años. En 1870 se instaló en Madrid para estudiar derecho y ahí entró en el mundo literario de la capital, participando en revistas y formando parte del Ateneo. Empezó a escribir ensayo y críticas literarias, pero a partir de su primera novela, de éxito inmediato, se decantó hacia la narrativa. Escribió más de treinta libros, entre novelas y ensayos. Murió en Madrid durante la guerra civil, a la edad de 84 años.
- E-bog
- 58,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Segundo tomo de La espuma, una novela que dibuja y analiza las clases altas en el siglo XIX. La historia sigue a Salabert, un hombre que se ha enriquecido mediante métodos poco honestos y Clementina, su hija. A través de ellos, Valdés presenta personajes deshonestos, sin ética ni moral y hace un retrato satírico de la sociedad del Madrid decimonónico. Una obra ácida que muestra el cinismo y la hipocresía de este grupo social en contraposición a la imagen del obrero como personaje colectivo y sacrificado. En este segundo volumen se pueden leer los últimos nueve capítulos del libro.Armando Palacio Valdés (1853-1938) fue escritor y crítico literario. Creció en el ambiente rural de Asturias, hasta que se trasladó a Oviedo con doce años. En 1870 se instaló en Madrid para estudiar derecho y ahí entró en el mundo literario de la capital, participando en revistas y formando parte del Ateneo. Empezó a escribir ensayo y críticas literarias, pero a partir de su primera novela, de éxito inmediato, se decantó hacia la narrativa. Escribió más de treinta libros, entre novelas y ensayos. Murió en Madrid durante la guerra civil, a la edad de 84 años.
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.